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/lit/ - Literature

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20512041 No.20512041 [Reply] [Original]

>favorite book
>current read
>how you're holding up

>> No.20512044 [DELETED] 

Call of the Crocodile
The Greeks

>> No.20512543

Pretty old
O livro do 4chan

>> No.20512766

Oldest here
About ready to walk
The next one
Rousseau’s Reveries of the Solitarily Walker
Better than most you kids

>> No.20513043 [DELETED] 

Bump for interest

>> No.20513082

American Psycho
Crime and Punishment
Not bad

>> No.20513088

>commercial real estate analyst
>heart of darkness
>master and margarita
>dry spell timer is like 16 months, getting on dating apps soon

>> No.20513179

Commercial airline
Goin' Up and Lookin' Down
A Court of Silver Flames

>> No.20513387

The Silmarillion
Don Quixote
Doing better than usual

>> No.20513444

At the Existentialist Café

>> No.20513489

Memoirs of Hadrian
Last Exit to Brooklyn

>> No.20513505

>Unemployed (travelling)
>The sailor who fell from grace with the sea
>Blood Meridian
>Feeling fantastic

>> No.20513511
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grad student
white noise

>> No.20513516
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Co-owner of a [xxxx] manufacturing company
Blood Meridian - McCarthy
The Plague - Camus

>> No.20513521

>Liquor Consultant
>Ulysses by James Joyce
>The Sweetshop Owner by Graham Swift
>Sick as a dog with covid

>> No.20513525

>The Master and Margarita
>The Rape of the Mind (Meerloo)
>shoot me

>> No.20513539

White noise
An essay collection by lester bangs
Best I've been for over a year. Not suicidal at all.

>> No.20513559

Random wagie job that pays 17/hr
Don Quixote
In The Buddha’s Words and Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
Waiting to hear if I pass an FBI background check for a job I’ve been offered, hoping that I don’t get denied my best shot at fixing my life because of some dumb online jokes

>> No.20513598

>War and Peace
>Full of resentfulness

>> No.20513602
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>student at Uni
>James Joyce - Ulysses
>Hamsun - Pan; Salinger - Catcher In The Rye (re-read)
>I genuinely can't tell. There's something with me, but I can't understand how I wanna change, which direction to take, which path I should follow. I'm thinking of changing things around me, my surroundings: it is only natural to grow out of relationships and contexts, even when they you've found yourself in them for so long, they feel like they're part of your very identity, at this point; but that's exactly the problem: you think they are so pivital, so important, so essential to you, you are afraid of leaving them behind, putting an end to them, move on. And that's the predicament I find myself in. It is only natural for you to change and alienate people around you, for you've changed and they won't be able to recognize you. But what if I'm chaning for the worse? Or maybe, by trying to stay true to my "former self" in order to preserve those thing and people so important to me, I will stagnate and, eventually, change for the worse anyway. I don't want to think about it too much, too.

>> No.20513609
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Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins. I've also been reading a lot of secondary lit and I think I now have a much better understanding of inscape & instress

>> No.20513614
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fuck, this shit is full of typos.

>> No.20513644

Concept of the political
Menace of the Herd
Decent, roommate's mom died and the house is a mess but decent. Also its my birthday.

>> No.20513645

The Recognitions
Triumph of the Egg and Other Stories
1 Year Sober Today !

>> No.20513654
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student (near future neet)
too hard to pick desu
pic related

>> No.20513658
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congratulations, anon!

>> No.20513663
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happy birthday anon, sorry for your loss

>> No.20513681

>at a museum
>Der Teppich des Lebens und die Lieder von Traum und Tod
>I have found hope, made plans, and need conviction.

>> No.20513812
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Thanks, Fren

>> No.20513817

NEET, but starting work next week again after forced hospitalisation
crime and punishment
currently reading the bell jar after putting it off for a long time, really frustrating piece of work
getting better

>> No.20513857

How old. I'm 40..

>> No.20514029
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Civil Servant
>current read
The Western Esoteric Traditions by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
>how you're holding up
better than u

>the bell jar
Great book. Not sure I see how it's frustrating at all desu.

>> No.20514040

Quit my “successful” but boring and stupid job at Forbes last week; currently unemployed
The Discomfort of Evening
I’m doing well, uncommonly for me

>> No.20514125

Happy birthday bro

>> No.20514128

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Recently continued The Draco Tavern and started A Wizard of Earthsea
I'd probably be better off dead. Nothing good ever happens to me... things are blatantly obvious to me that things will never truly improve in my life ever again.

>> No.20514220

Do you do it for free?

>> No.20514233

No. Not a "moderator" an actual, irl cleaner of shit and fuck no I don't do it for free.

>> No.20514247

There was no internet when I was in high school.
I am unemployed but I have resources.
The Hunter, Richard Stark
Slave Girls On A Death Moon (as I write it)
I'm completely hung up on this small element of my novel and can't figure out where and how to work it in, and it's slowly driving me crazy.

>> No.20514258

I repair welding equipment.
The Third Policeman
Mere Christianity
Getting married in October, so I'm glad about that.

>> No.20514268

imagine working
Amusing Ourselves to Death
the end draws nearer

>> No.20514282
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Telecomms student, next semester and next year's laboral practice are my last, then I get my technical degree, thinking of doing 2 more years to become a full engineer.

One hundred years of solitude.

Nicomachean Ethics

I'm doing fine so far but feel on the verge of a psychotic episode. For years I've ignored feelings of dread thinking they'd just go away at some point but now it's pretty much a usual thing. The good part is this doesn't distract me from my regular life, I usually dedicate one day to indulging in my emotions and then they're flattened out for a week or so and go back to my normal life. Lifting, working, studying.

>> No.20514297

Happy birthday boomy. Hope you live many more.

>> No.20514301


>> No.20514451

>unemployed (trying to join military)
>Heart of Darkness (changes a lot)
>A Wild Sheep Chase, Contentment and Suffering
>Generally anxious but okay

>> No.20514560

The Iliad
Feeling pretty whitepilled overall, my future is looking not as barren anymore.

>> No.20514600

30 year old boomer
It's a toss up between Madame Bovary, and Brat'ya Karamazovy
Stonewall Jackson: The Man, The Solider, The Legend
Filled with unfathomable nihilism/doomerism and cynical self-satisfaction about how right I am about the world as all my biggest predictions come to fruition

>> No.20514622

>I hate working, so I try everything in my power to avoid it and just live off any inheritance I come across
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Warlock by Oakley Hall

>> No.20514623

>house hubby
>The Fuck-Up
>this gay ass thread

>> No.20514654

Underwater welder
Garfield comics
My great-grandson just had his bar mitzvah

>> No.20514657

>tomorrow's the last exam for my psychology degree, gonna get a master's after that
>Might is Right
>I've been pretty lonely recently since college is over and I have nothing to do

>> No.20514680

>>my psychology degree, gonna get a master's after that
>I earned a degree in Embarrassing Pseudoscience from the University of Thinking, nice to meet you
May as well be chasing a potions degree from Hogwarts. Congratulations on your accomplishments.

>> No.20514695

>uni student
>farewell to arms
>runaway horses by Mishima
>been better, been worse

>> No.20514703

look man the target demographic for therapists is always rich young whores and I wanna rip off and push them towards suicide, as many as I can. Also its literally free money, you just pretend to listen, do an inkblot test here and there and then send them to a psychiatrist for ssris.

>> No.20514712

Wfh data admin
>favorite book
Ham on Rye
>current read
The Stranger
>how you're holding up
Eh I'm okay. Sort of conflicted about whether to stop being such a recluse and go out more but I'm too comfy how I am.

>> No.20514714

>is going for it because it's bullshit, to exploit that fact
Fuck. My face is lousy with egg. I'm scrambled and poached, both. Apologies. I'll stfu now.

>> No.20514729
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>and I wanna rip off and push them towards suicide

>> No.20514731

Hhaha lmaaaoooooooo the chuds won't like this one!

>> No.20514908

Stunning lack of self-awareness

>> No.20514968

Call of the Crocodile
The Greeks

>> No.20515091

Phd student
The Man without qualities
Group portrait with lady
I feel blessed

>> No.20515192 [DELETED] 

Call of the Crocodile
The Greeks

>> No.20515277

don’t know why this spoke to me so much but I really enjoyed reading your post anon. Change and uncertainty are essential parts of life. Especially if you’re 20. Go live, wrong choices and regrets are just as necessary and useful in life as ‘right’ choices.

>> No.20515315

I work in a lingerie shop
Our Lady in Darkness
you tell me

>> No.20515330

Oh and
Getting my law degree
Great Expectations
Just finished Brideshead Revisited, will be starting Ring of Bright Water
Doing pretty good actually

>> No.20515339

American Affairs

>> No.20515353 [DELETED] 

Thomas the Tank Engine
Go the F*ck to Sleep

>> No.20515375

Law schools grad studying for the bar but realizing now that I don’t want to practice law
>favorite book
Man without Qualities
>current read
Bar prep materials and a collection of James Merrill poems
>how you're holding up
Fine, not sure if I should abandon the bar exam since I graduated debt free.

>> No.20515442


>> No.20515450

NEET/SBO, but past codemonkey and future one if the business downturn continues
I don’t know. Maybe The Master and Margarita.
The Witcher (audio)books.
Better than yesterday, not as well as tomorrow.
RIP, happy birthday.

>> No.20515967 [DELETED] 

17 and a few months
nurse school
the setting sun
the hobbit (unironically)

>> No.20515975


>> No.20515979

b8 or retard?

>> No.20516167
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CAD Draftsman
Introduction to the studies of Hinduism
Revolt against the modern world

>> No.20516209
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>21 (about to be 22 this week)
>college student/library inventory
>Very hard question, so here's my top 4 in no order: Vergil's Aeneid, Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell, St. Augustine's Confrssions, and Shestov's All Things Are Possible
>Plato's Timaeus and Gogol's Dead Souls
>I'm doing well, just a bit bored
>The Greeks
Who in particular?
Based Iliad reader

>> No.20516476

Electrical engineer
The Bible
On the shortness of life, and a couple of others that I haven't touched in a few weeks
I'm very busy recently but that's a good thing. Ive recently found a spurt of energy to fix things in our lives that I don't like, so I've been organizing, repairing our cars, etc.

>> No.20517046


>> No.20517052

Civil servant
Notes from the Underground
You know

>> No.20517076

happy birthday :)

>> No.20517119
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I work but i'm not saying what it is
>favorite book
Joy Ride
>current read
>how you're holding up

>> No.20517401

>Disabled Liberal Arts Student
>Beware of Pity
>Guns of August
>Content but not happy

>> No.20517424

Nondescript office job (remote, which is nice). Actually this thread has me pondering the extent to which my job defines me– I’m leaning towards not very much since I do it for money, but maybe I ought to pursue something I have real passion for?
Shadow of the Torturer/Book of the New Sun
The Warrior Prophet

>> No.20517497


Currently on medschool

I do not have a favorite book, but I, in a sentimental way, it may be either The Death Of Ivan Ilyich or, specially, Stoner, which is the only book who ever made me cry (I am not even sure if I really cried, but, if not, it was close).

The Idiot

I was never as disciplined with my daily routine as I am being this year and it feels like it is a change that will last more than just these past few months. For that, I am grateful and proud. Nevertheless, I am sad and frustrated due to my relationship with my girlfriend. I am complicated/a bit fucked up when it comes to emotions... I am weak, afraid of commitment, afraid of hurting her, afraid of, as of now, not loving her anymore... afraid to leave her, a good woman... The worst is that I've left and hurt her in the past due to pretty much the same things... we reconciled and I do not have the nerve to do it again.

>> No.20517528

lab tech
I hate this stupid question
Commentaries on the Gallic War (between novels atm, this is an old standby)

>> No.20517536
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"Senior Production Assistant" for a small company (mainly my job is to do busy work and help my boss put out fires)
>favorite book
>current read
The Pale King by David Foster Wallace
>how you're holding up
Not fantastic. I feel like I'm in a very transitory period of my life and while I'm not as viscerally depressed as I used to be I'm still not content. I started taking antidepressants again, which at least helps me to be a little more functional during the day.
>inb4 (((antidepressants)))

>> No.20517554

If it's your own neuroticism getting to you then maybe work on fixing that, see a therapist or something, but if you really don't love your girlfriend, remember that you're getting further from the dock every day you don't cut the line. It's not sustainable.

>> No.20517564

>maybe I ought to pursue something I have real passion for?
Depends on how content you are with your current job. Some people can compartmentalize a shit or mediocre job from the rest of their life, and some will feel unfulfilled unless they're doing something they enjoy (or at least don't hate). I get the vibe that you're in the former camp but maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.20517626

I'm routing for you, anon. I think any rut like that isn't truly material. Solace can be found if you make an honest effort to audit yourself (which almost always takes the help of others) to find the problems you need to mitigate and the blisses you need to follow.

I know it isn't the cool redpilled thing to do, but a psychiatrist could be a very helpful step if you can afford it.

>> No.20517629

if you have a spare 5-10k open a brokerage account and buy PLTR and hold it until 2030. Best of luck to you. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is excellent you have great taste btw

>> No.20517632

>soulless tech job
>redburn - melville
>Hate my empty hollow life. I barely have the willpower to get up in the AM. Oh and also tfw no gf

>> No.20517657

It's been a while since I've seen one of these threads. I'll update my Excel sheet.

>> No.20517733
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>buy PLTR

a true retard

>> No.20517743
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Gospel of John
Thomas Mann's Joseph And His Brothers
I am very concerned about whether I ought to get out and go to school or if the impending economic downturn has made another contract worth it.

>> No.20517779 [DELETED] 

Call of the Crocodile
The Greeks

>> No.20518330

As is the rest of /litl.

>> No.20518363

I run an alternative schoo
Re-reading Red Pine's translation of the Heart Sutra
Once I month I go through a mini breakdown. I'm looking for a change of pace/another job so I can finally have some peace.

>> No.20518419

Language teacher
Notes from Underground
Permutation City
bretty gud :DDD

>> No.20518492

Are you that anon who turned 40 recently?

>> No.20518499

more data plz

>> No.20518515

can i make 30 posts pretending to be different people?

>> No.20518517

finished high school
Empirisme et subjectivité
i don't think i'm ever going to make it

>> No.20518523

Of course you can, I'll never know.
These threads are still the best way to have an idea of the demographics of /lit/ posters.
Fake/meme posts are sometimes easy to tell though. Like all those 25 years old NEET enjoyers of Call of the Crocodile.