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20514248 No.20514248 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20514267

It's always milquetoast shit like To Kill a Mockingbird and never treatises on Holocaust Denial or bombmaking manuals.

>> No.20514273

>leftists now put their liberal trash next to LOTR to make them seem valid

>> No.20514278

I remember how back in the limewire days they would always list obscure looney tunes cartoons with BANNED. Even if they weren't racist.
Ahh marketing.

>> No.20514288

calves + feet

>> No.20514298

All these crap should be banned.

>> No.20514302


In what universe? Sandniggerland?

>> No.20514324

yeah, two Lolitas

>> No.20514335

Yes, a marketing scam

>> No.20514545

>no Turner Diaries

>> No.20514554


>> No.20514573


>> No.20514581

What country is this?

>> No.20514588

I guess the concept for this is that any of those books were banned at one time at one place in the world?

>> No.20514603


>> No.20514620

Go back chud

>> No.20514626

Most of them were banned by like a middle school for a couple of years because parents were worried about their kids reading the word nigger or sodomy in class. Or Boston banned it.

>> No.20514660

Stay here chad

>> No.20514723


>liberal trash

Leftists hate liberals more than they hate fascists you dumb chud

>> No.20514738

>my specific brand of leftist nazbol retards from a discord with 13 members(including 4 auto-admins)

>> No.20514740

That Judy Bloom cover is the gayest thing on that shelf

>> No.20514758

>captain underpants on the list
Guess it was too based for the censors

>> No.20514760

>The Circle
Was that really banned? It was an awful book that hoped you wouldn't notice the same tired tropes of silicon valley that have been talked to death for years.

>> No.20514773


I'm not a leftist or a liberal, I'm just good at not flattening entire political groups into broad stereotypes because I can't into nuance.

>> No.20514778

>clearly on display for purchase at a commercial book store

>> No.20514779

Being boring

>> No.20514785

Yeah right

>> No.20514786

It's the #resistance DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND??

>> No.20514802

I see huck finn there but I'd bet it's an edition with the gamer word removed.

>> No.20514808

new mexico

the hobbit was banned in nazi germany

>> No.20514849

I know most of that is way more inoffensive but seeing Vonnegut in a banned book shelf is always weird to me.

>> No.20514866

when/where the hell is that shitty margaret atwood novel banned?
And why isn't there actual stuff like Protocols of the Elders of Zion or Anarchist's Cookbook?

>> No.20514869
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>> No.20514872

Banned typically means from school classrooms/libraries.

>> No.20514881

Where’s the Bible.

>> No.20514935

Fuck off retard stores have been doing this before your beloved iphone was invented.

>> No.20514937

>typically means
Lmao keep moving the goalposts, shitlib

>> No.20514989

Does anyone have the woman many tickboxes vs a man with one tickbox but the women is all the brands of leftism and the man's single box says liberal and I think the man has a chad face on him meme, so that I can use it in situations like this.

>> No.20515033

Yeah, “banned books” is twisted for political reasons to include being told that you can’t teach 8 year old schoolchildren about anal sex and cutting their genitals off or that White people are evil

>> No.20515040


>I can only express myself through memes

>> No.20515048

I'm not. This is exactly where they are getting these lists of banned/challenged books. They do not mean banned in the sense of "you are not allowed to own this book in this country" but that the books are being taken out of schools.

>> No.20515051

in the trash where it belongs

>> No.20515074
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there is no such thing as banned books. What a book was not on the curriculum in some high school in the 1960s? Just lies to sell more so called banned books. People are so retarded

>> No.20515081

Memes express things that aren't appropriate to say. For example why say "haha you made a comment about me simplifying the already reductionist concept of leftism into a single thing: liberalism, when in fact leftism encompasses many different ideologies, some of which can actually be violently opposed to each other. Well friend, I understand your comment perfectly well and in spite of that i still maintain that you are a pathetic weakling and I am still going to refer to you all as "liberals". I think this is going to upset you a great deal. U mad? Also, I am very muscular and supremely attractive; the epitome of masculinity. This means that even if what I am saying is objectively wrong, I am still right because I look like chad and have a big penis. You on the other hand? You're a seething ugly pasty little worm, crying at your utter inferiority to myself." When you can just post a haha wojak maymay

>> No.20515080

>harry potter
surprised that's included with how much the left hates rowling

>> No.20515085

Their practically the same thing and pursue the same goals, the destruction of the west and hatred of whiteness.

>> No.20515099

Yeah, I never knew Gatsby was banned. Kind of weird.

>> No.20515146


What in the blue fuck are you talking about? Liberals exist explicitly to maintain the status quo. Don't tell me you actually believe Nancy fucking Pelosi is trying to destroy the systems that made her richer than God. I refuse to insult your intelligence by suggesting you actually believe that.

>> No.20515151
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Really putting the shit in shitposting Anon

>> No.20515231

This is your brain on high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.20515237

Don't mind the atheist r*ddit replies, stay being based King. We'll deal with them one day.

>> No.20515240

that's also where it doesn't matter

>> No.20515247

and for some reason your guys worship democracy and bodily autonomy. you're either a liberal or your worldview doesn't make sense.

>> No.20515294

>fag books and pure anti white propaganda pieces that have won awards and #1 and are everywhere are put into the "banned" section
>mein kampf who you can barely get anywhere an original edition which is not half the nr of pages with annotations and explanations of why its the worst is not present
>throw in some well known titles like gatsby lotr 1984 and hp to make it seem more legit
>the differences between why when and by who these books were banned in comparison to the former ones are like night and day but who the fuck cares

>> No.20515309

Where’s the Necronomicon?

>> No.20515351

yeah, two Lolitas

>> No.20515549

>they don't have loompanics survival books at barnes and noble
I am speaking to the manager to demand they stock the poor mans james bond immediately

>> No.20515783

yeah, it's containment
>ESL arguing lotr should be banned
you need to go back

>> No.20515919


>hunger games


>> No.20516765
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This is unironically why I hate most bookstores now. Seriously, a good chunk of them have been taken over by woke-ass retarded faggots. They don't have anything truly interesting on their shelves, it's basically a ploy to get rich white basic bitch liberal women and reddit-cockguzzzling onions faggots to spend 30 USD on a book that they could have gotten for 5 USD used, as if the new book was inherently any better. Or they sell books that cater to certain groups. Example: Books on "manliness" which is basically how to grill/camp/etc, or YA diversity fests.

Seriously. The most popular bookstore in my town has the same dumb shit. You ask the little twinky faggot with painted nails and a rainbow enamel pin for anything that could be questionable, or not mainstream, you get asked why you want to read that in a condescending matter. Then again, Hell will freeze over before those books get sold in print at a bookstore, lest they be shut down or attacked by the liberals.

Meanwhile, the used bookstore a few miles down the road is 1/10th the price and is run by an old boomer who sells anything from sci-fi paperbacks with sexy 80's babes on the cover, to multiple WWII history books, to anything else one could think to read, and he doesn't care. Got most of my books there for decent prices. I buy from flea markets and library/estate sales as well.

>> No.20516793

Boomers are cringe but also based

>> No.20516800 [DELETED] 

Yeah. No Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20516804 [DELETED] 

can't tell if that's a tiny adult or a kid
the feet looks kinda big

>> No.20516818

Shouldn't this contain books that are more universally banned like mein kampf?

>> No.20517051

>notice anything
yeah, the covers are all messed up from humidity. The manager of this store must not care very much about their job

>> No.20517101

Banned=Ibram X. Kendi getting a national book award for drivel.

>> No.20517108


>> No.20517110

Where is Culture of Critique???????

>> No.20517142

They are the same motherfucking thing you piece of cunt trash shitlib fuck. I don't give a fuck what your reasoning is. You both vote blue and you both believe in and spew the same flavored dog shit and you both eventually kill the host nation from the inside out. FUCK I HATE THE LEFT SO GOD DAMN MUCH IT'S DEMONIC

>> No.20517187
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>Banned books
>no Turner Diaries
>no Mein Kampf
>no Improvised Munitions Handbook
>no Irreversible Damage
>just a bunch of copies of Maus, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and some faggot books
might as well just call it the YA section.

>> No.20518235

Are you implying the OP tried?

>> No.20518242


>> No.20518278

>Leftists hate liberals
True in principle. But we're no longer in the 19th century and liberals proper don't functionally exist anymore. Leftists and today's "liberals" vote for the same people and have the same enemies

>> No.20518305 [DELETED] 

imagine believing this when they have the same exact fucking social beliefs and agree with every consequence that liberal societies have facilitated

>> No.20518313

This is the problem with you fucking morons. When leftists say they hate liberals, what they really mean is that they hate a tiny class of elite Democrats. The average person in the West is liberal. They agree with liberalism. So do most leftists. They have no issue with the basic premises of individual liberty, hedonism, secularity, etc

>> No.20518315


>> No.20518319
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I think it's this one?

>> No.20518333

Every time I see a Banned Books section in a bookstore, I want to set up a bookshelf in the store, label it "Books This Store Bans" and then load it up with anarchist works, loompanics stuff, and the complete works of John Norman.

>> No.20518339

A leftist is just an even more intolerable liberal.

>> No.20518368

Women can't into nuance lel

>> No.20518390

now ITT: post real banned books

>> No.20518597 [DELETED] 

it’s simple faggot. take the $30 hit to your wallet, buy a few copies of something like Turner Diaries, and go to some book store and put them on the “banned book” shelf. if you really want to be cheeky do it and then a few days later come back and take photos and bring it to a media source and complain about heckin right wingers, and then watch them do a whole media circlejerk about how it’s dangerous to have such a horrible book sold in a store like that. this is all satire btw lmao I would never egg someone on to do something that would result in you owing damages to a book retailer.

>> No.20518632

I love how Whig still makes an appearance. All these years later and Whigchads makin niggas seethe all the same.

>> No.20518645


>> No.20518653

Turner Diaries isn't banned
Holocaust denial and bombmaking books aren't banned anywhere

>> No.20518654

Fucking take me back holy shit

>> No.20518660

Mein Kampf and Irreversible Damage aren't banned in any jurisdiction
this is so fucking lame, pls kill yourselves

>> No.20518664

Banned in germany

>> No.20518670

Implying this isn't just marketing to sell more books.

>> No.20518674

>holocaust denial isn't banned
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.20518865
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The anarchist's cookbook sucks

>> No.20518889


Even the Neo-Nazis who're required to own the damn thing and black out the annotations don't actually want to read Mein Kampf. Probably the only people who've actually read it in the last eighty years have been Hitler's biographers.

>> No.20518966

Why do they black out the annotations? I have the Murphy translation and there's barely annotations. There's only so few of them and the most unforgettable one is the translator's note for weltanschauung.

>> No.20519023

i have one of those on the right I found at a flea market but its about chems

>> No.20519029

Sorry bud, that was true years ago when liberal meant something different.

>> No.20519071

There are only 5 good books here
Germany during WW2, since Germany was at war with the UK, British books were banned
It wasn't banned because of the content, in an alternate universe where Edward joined the Axis LOTR would have been praised by the NSDAP as true aryan literature
All of these "banned books" sections are incredibly misleading

>> No.20519080

>Mein Kampf and Irreversible Damage aren't banned in any jurisdiction
this is so fucking lame, pls kill yourselves
Mein Kampf was banned in Germany till 2016, and the unedited version is still banned

>Chase Strangio, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), tweeted that "stopping the circulation of this book and these ideas is 100% a hill I will die on." Strangio later deleted the tweet, saying he was not calling for a government ban but "to create the information climate for the market to be more supportive of trans self-determination".[36]

>> No.20519093

I think the sale of Animal Farm is still banned in Vietnam but everyone can read it.

>> No.20519111

Nearly all of these books were banned in schools because they included sodomy or obscene sex acts. To the leftist, this means these books are "dangerous" in some way and to be praised. There are no complex political messages, there is no speech to hide, there is no expression of dissent against the government- just cooming.
And these leftists believe they're being banned for political reasons- no, it's just disgusting.

>> No.20519114

only in the Arkham university bookstore

>> No.20519128

>his colleagues behind him

>> No.20519202 [DELETED] 

The top is reaching for Adolf Kittler.
Salvation is her desire.

>> No.20519209

Fewer than ten of them are sodomy books. Get better glasses.

>> No.20519309

LotR was published in the 1950s anon

>> No.20519512

>wahhh everybody needs to read books about white fragility, nigger nigger nigger pls remove my guilt

>> No.20519516

national socialists aren't necessarily hitlerists

>> No.20519688

>Turner Diaries isn't banned
Amazon has bragged about it and I believe ebay has too as well as in canada its illegal to import it.

>> No.20519912
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>Banned books

>> No.20520040

The Great Gatsby has never been banned wtf

>> No.20520062

Most of that deserves to be banned. Only exceptions are Tolkien and Twain.

>> No.20520068

Lol as if. Modern leftshits have no actual critique of liberalism, they just call it racist and fascist.

>> No.20520074

>Some county in Alabama with 200 people removed a book from the library, that means it’s banned!!

>> No.20520082

>banned books
>I can still buy them

Hmmmmm moment

>> No.20520087

I’m considering opening a /lit/ bookstore. I’d also sell cafe stuff so it wouldn’t be super unprofitable since I wouldn’t sell YA or gay shit.

>> No.20520092
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>nothing remotely controversial
pathetic liberal signalling. yawn. btw what happened to the beatniks?

... ffs if there wasn't even a james joyce on that rack I would push it over irl

>> No.20520096

Those are all libs though

>> No.20520098

develop funny bone now

>> No.20520105

many such cases

>> No.20520116


where are the super nintendo games

>> No.20520118

Soon inshallah

>> No.20520160

Only a stupid head of cattle would purchase a book from a book shop.

>> No.20520236

leftists want to be victims so badly, but every corporation in the country caters to them nonstop with gimmes and feelscummies
>banned books
>for sale
anyone browsing that rack is an imbecile who would be put against a wall

>> No.20520248
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I like to buy physical books and read them in the sauna and sweat all over them and write all over them. Many times the binding and covers warp and my sweat makes all the pages ruffled.

>> No.20520250

Wait until you find about about ESG scores and *who* is behind them.

>> No.20520345

He means the Hobbit obviously, think with that little brain of yours my nigga

>> No.20521011

Maybe if you put more effort into learning how to express your message clearly and concisely in the written form you wouldn’t need to dumb yourself down with retarded memes. This is a literature board after all.

>> No.20521021

>in agreement on every outward issue

>> No.20521153

The only 'leftists' I've seen that weren't are fucking stalinists and maoists and dogshit like that. Anyway liberals don't exist either. Fact of the matter is you all support the status quo and defend it against genuinely outsider movements or criticism more often than not. So anyone calling themselves a leftist is what you call liberal trash too. If things were based on specific knowledge and desires, rather than identity and aesthetic, this may not be the case but it was always the case. Because it is based on those things, the groupings themselves are just a means of grifting. And grifters work with what we already have i.e. the status quo.

>> No.20521361
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>banned books
can buy them in a mainstream bookstore