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20513640 No.20513640 [Reply] [Original]

I am done reading the Greeks and am looking to resume with the Christians. Please point me in the appropriate direction.

>> No.20513652

Anselm, Augustine, Aquinas, in that order

>> No.20513655

That is unless you want to go the Orthodox route and read Gregory Of Nyssa

>> No.20513659

Meant to say Gregory Palamas

>> No.20513660

What's the big difference between Western and Orthodox?

>> No.20513678
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It's a bit like the story of Satan. The original, Orthodox church if you will, was compromised of five pentarchies, called the pentarchy. Basically the scholarly and powerful cities of antiquitiy and the early middle ages which served as centres of the Christian faith and divided the Greco-Roman world into different areas. But at one point the Roman patriarch, which we today refer to as the pope, thought of himself as more important and authorative than the rest of the Christian world, which we call papal primacy, and started professing himself as God's sole representative on Earth whilst handing out special rights to certain people and rulers. The Catholic world also translated and appropriated Greek philosophies, rites and texts.

>> No.20513689

>was compromised of five pentarchies
patriarchates sorry

>> No.20513749
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St Isaac of Nineveh. Your welcome

>> No.20513756

The word on the street is that eastern christianity is spiritual based, whereas western is legal, and the reformers now are scholarly.

>> No.20513770

Thank you
How do I start with the protestants, then? They sound like what I'm looking for.

>> No.20513790

The demystified scholastic stuff? But what are you protesting? Papacy? Than why not return to orthodoxy, the early Church? Because the protestants are protesting for a specific reason, that you might not like. So I can only recommend to start from the begging, the Apostolic Fathers, and take it from thereand see where it branches off, for you.

Because who are they? Ignatius (a protestant favorite) is said to be the child whom Jesus sat in front of the disciples telling them that if they can’t be like the child Ignatius, they can’t enter the kingdom of heaven, and when Ignatius was martyred and torn up by lions in the arena, the impius pagan wretches found only his heart in tact, they cut it open and found Jesus Christ name engraved in gold on it.

>> No.20513800

Luther, Calvin, Knox, Boehme.

>> No.20513890

I mean if you start with the Protestants, you’re skipping a ton of Christian history
The beginning of Christian thought is the New Testament, so start there. After the New Testament, read what’s called the Apostolic Fathers, Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, etc. that stuff is pretty influential on Christian belief as a whole. Also Eusebius’s Church History, even though secular historians tend to say it’s not reliable, it still gives you an account of how early Christians viewed themselves in the world.
Read then the Church Fathers, St Augustine is a big one.
Here’s something to keep in mind regarding East vs West stuff, a lot of those early Fathers are accepted by both, even if their influence differs. Augustine of Hippo is still a canonized saint and a theologian in the Eastern Orthodox churches, his influence is just significantly greater in the west. St John Chrysostom is a canonized saint and theologian in the Roman Catholic Church, but his influence is greater in the east.
Anyway, your order should go
1) New Testament
2) Apostolic Fathers (all the Apostolic Fathers can fit in one short volume)
3) Church Fathers (honestly you can poke around a lot, look for recs, read stuff that sounds interesting)
4. Medieval Christian writings (again, poke around, you don’t need to read everything)
5. Protestants (the OG Protestants, Luther, Calvin, etc.)
6. From there desu you can read pretty much anything

>> No.20513896

That’s a guy

>> No.20513905

thats the joke

>> No.20514256

With women being the turbo whore egocentric bitches they are, trans are looking better and better.

>> No.20514533

And he's a total cutie pie! <3

>> No.20514583

That only happened after they had *all* been corrupted with paganism and begun praying to Ishtar in the guise of Mary and to the many "gods" of this and that behind the outer shell of "saints". Not to mention there originally having been multiple elders per congregation, but having developed into each having one claimed mediating representative for God. So, that alone set up a mechanism that could only lead to that very condition of arriving at an ultimate one representative.

Paul and Peter explicitly warned that there would be wolves corrupting the ekklesia. Who could have guessed that they actually meant it and were not just enjoying hearing themselves talk in dramatics?

>> No.20514885

>to resume with the Christians
so you delighted yourself in a feast and now you want to eat from the trash can? why?

>> No.20514918

Get out coomer

>> No.20514934


>> No.20515008

Anselm, Augustine, Aquinas, in that order

>> No.20515071

Omg, that boy is so feminine and womanish.
He’s so obviously gay, he’ll live the gay lifestyle, be used and abused by old faggots promising him love (and money!), contract aids, develop a drug addiction and die in a gutter before his 30th birthday.
Oh, how tragically poetic!
These beautiful boys, who grow like the lotus in the mud of this uncaring and unsympathetic society, blossom into gorgeous flowers that display their beauty for all the world to see but only for a moment, like all flowers they soon wilt and perish.
Oh how tragically short the lives of these boys are, but how irresistible those sweet mouths! And that peach, Lord!
It looks succulent enough to bite into!

>> No.20515166

I'm not gay, I love women and have no desire to be with a male. But I do get an erection daydreaming about holding on to his cute little butt after making love passionately by a fire.

>> No.20515387

Get off /pol/.

>> No.20515415

>These beautiful boys
He looks like a fat lesbian.
>Oh how tragically short the lives of these boys are, but how irresistible those sweet mouths! And that peach, Lord!
You fucking nerd lmao

>> No.20515485

>women gaining too much confidence is bad!

Hi tranny.

>> No.20515836

Well lads, looks like it's time for another wank.

>> No.20516629

OP is Jake Wareen, an underaged crossdresser on Instagram.
If you fap to him your a pedo fag

>> No.20516635

*Jake Warden*

>> No.20516646

Augustine, Anselm, Eurigena, Abelard

>> No.20516792


>> No.20516861

Hes twenty years old

>> No.20518232

Fucking coomer.

>> No.20518697

Would you fuck him in the ass, anon?

>> No.20518709
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>> No.20518722

Feel free to let me know what important writers I'm missing

# 1st century
- Dionysius the Areopagite

# 2nd century
- Polycarp
- Clement
- Iraneus
- Justin Martyr

# 3th century
- Origen
- Tertullian
- Eusebius

# 4th century
- Athanasius
- Gregory of Nissa
- Chrysostom
- Jerome
- Bassil
- Augustine

# 6th century
- Pseudo-Dionysius
- Boethius

# 7th century
- Maximus

# 9th century
- John Scotus

# 11th century
- Anselm of Canterbury

# 12th century
- Abelard

# 13th century
- Bonaventure
- Aquinas

# 14th century
- Meister Eckhar
- Ockham

>> No.20519016

One is a tool of globalism, the other is the True Church founded by Jesus Christ.

>> No.20519087


>> No.20519189

This is him
Y’all are fucking fags