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20513557 No.20513557 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: I'm a proud pseudo

>> No.20513591
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>> No.20513615
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Holy fuck
I've read about half of the Campaigns of Napoleon, I've read Guenon, I recently bought Ian Kershaw's two part Hitler biography, looked up Shosana Zuboff's book recently and watched some interviews of her and I've read 7 of Mishima's books
I'm a proud pseudo frog posting dilettante except I don't like Rei all that much and prefer Asuka because I'm immature and emotionally fragile

>> No.20513628

Oh no, someone who has a psychological need to justify their funko pop collection and tv binging called me
A pseud for thinking that ISAIF was a mistake.
Oh no!
You forget that this kind of socialised tactic only works on YOU. Anyone who has taken the step to go back to feature phones and read about perennialism is already thinking years, centuries even, ahead of you.

>> No.20513676

>The Campaigns of Napoleon
Worth the read? Also stop watching anime. It's made for losers.

>> No.20513696
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I'm not like the other pseuds

>> No.20513703

nta but I'm in the same pseud-boat (ended up fully buddhist though). My issue is the phone.

>> No.20513709

Nothing wrong with anime even though I haven't watched it in 9 years
It depends on what you're interested in desu
It's basically the most detailed overview of the Napoleonic wars out there from the French perspective, it also provides geographical information about Napoleon's life
You can get more detailed books like Thunder on the Danube but as far as an overview is concerned this is it
The problems with it is that English and French sources are the most important, German and Italian next while Russian and Polish sources are very neglected and so it's not the most definitive and up to date book out there
I started reading this book as someone who was new to this kind of military history and I found it hard remembering all the names and my knowledge of European geography is very poor so I was constantly looking over maps
It's even worse since the names that Chandler chooses to use for towns/cities/regions make it very difficult to google some of them so following battles and getting an understanding of where all the units are and the implication of when Chandler tells you some and so general marched his army to so and so town can be lost on you if you don't have a good grasp on the geography
There were so many times when I searched an Italian place and found like 8 different ones and it was impossible to tell which one he meant
I'd suggest getting Napoleon The Great by Andrew Roberts and also The Art of Warfare in the Age of Napoleon by Gunther E. Rothenberg if you're looking for a Napoleon intro though
The Campaigns of Napoleon might be a bit too heavy unless you have experience reading military history

>> No.20513737

Oh fuck
Biographical information about Napoleon's life not geographical lmao

>> No.20513791

A good and informative post on /lit/? Thanks a lot

>> No.20513810

Well you could have just called me an autist but I hope you got something out of it

>> No.20513866
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Very true, Asuka is the choice for the discerning intellectual

>> No.20513926

The only way Mishima could ever be "pseudo" is if you're thinking of those /pol/tard conservatives wallowing in their own semen that was spilled to the thought of a vain sort of ultranationalist Japan made out of nothing but wooden-house dwellers.
In case that's not the primary thought and Mishima, as he should be, is associated with his humane and beautiful prose chasing ever more beautiful experiences that embrace the ember within each of us then it can safely be said nothing about that is in anyway shape or form "pseudo". It's truly a tragedy that Mishima's whole persona has been dragged through the mud by these role-playing retards, for it has nothing to do with his writing and everything to do with their own insecurity. There is a massive filter attached to Mishima and you either end up on the reactionary side, totally misunderstanding his intent and proceed to masturbate to your own illusions or you ascend and appreciate his writing and the warmth in it for what it truly is. And yeah, despite that being another aspect that is clearly misunderstood by a totally different crowd, that's a wholesale homo-erotic point I'm making.

>> No.20514496

unironically though. She is 10x a better character than Rei

>> No.20514508

Thanks for the info.

>> No.20514711

>totally misunderstanding his intent
Mishima's works are inseparable from his culturalism and nationalism.
Are you saying that he didn't spend a great deal of his life writing for what he believed in? Many of his works, including his magnum opus, are irrefutably propagandistic. Alone and freed from his ideals, they still contain "beautiful prose chasing ever more beautiful experiences" but they are ultimately hollow and devoid of meaning.
You are demonstrating a classic symptom of pseudo-intellectualism- that we should divorce the writer from his intent- that the works of each artist be placed in neat, culturally, politically, and ideologically sterile boxes free from any inconvenient narratives. Art for art's sake.

>> No.20514720

What's wrong with Tarkovsky movies?

>> No.20514763

>You are demonstrating a classic symptom of pseudo-intellectualism- that we should divorce the writer from his intent-
No, I actually literally did not say that. In fact, implying that a misunderstanding took place should clearly tell you that your claim here is absolute nonsense.

>> No.20514794

Nokia brick user reporting in, holy shit the 225 is a garbage model. They're trying to annoy me into getting a proper leash, think I'm just going to throw it away and go phoneless.

Misato > Asuka > Rei

>> No.20514795

Anti-capitalism is for pseuds

>> No.20514816

I mean to say you have an ulterior motive when you claim /pol/tards misunderstand Mishima. I assume this ulterior motive is "art for art's sake," and you are led to this by pseudointellectualism.
Or you can come clean and say your real issue was with /pol/.

>> No.20514848

Parajanov would work better here.

>> No.20514925

Looks about right.

>> No.20514944

But Mirror is his 'most difficult' movie. So it's the classic pseud pick even though imo Andrei Rublev is by far his best film

>> No.20514971

All kinds of people that read his work do apparently misunderstand him because they don't read and comprehend what Mishima tells but they see what they want to see and then claim he's this or that and stands for that and this instead of listening to Mishima. All in order to justify some aspect of their bullshit and find their own agenda within his writing. I'm not directly comparing the two people as if they're similar in character or historical importance, absolutely not, but the polarity of Mishima's reception and use of his written text strongly reminds me of Friedrich II. Hardly a man around was used so much in order to justify so different a political and ideological opinion. Surely all major schools of thought have claimed him for themselves before. Not to mention, there is the homosexuality connection between the two.
Friedrich II. was a skirt chaser in his youth, defying his father and dorking about and later in life he did not shy away from writing about his women and he did so explicitly.

Look at people like Schrader, he made a movie about Mishima and has had access to text, thoughts and information of and on Mishima that the general public does not. His thoughts? He set up his own final stage play in form of his own life; finalized through his death on the grand stage. What load of horse shit.
Really, depending no whom you may ask he was: a cocksucker, a playwright, a crazy reactionary, a bodybuilder, a facist, actually a communist sympathizer, the lover of the emperor and or a Samurai larper. But what he never was, is a human being with complex humane thoughts. The only thing anyone ever talks about is what MIshima to THEM is and within that realm he is literally just a figure; a symbol to use in order to justify their own buffoonery. If that ain't pseud shit to the max then I don't know what is.
I honest to God think "Mishima Yukio vs University of Tokyo Zenkyoto members" is a required watch if you want to talk about Mishima and it's so sad that it only recently came out for it could have prevented a lot of bullshit blubber from spawning. Personally, I find the guy fascinating but I would not claw into his text and claim its meaning to be raw confirmation for my own mental gymnastics being absolutely true. If the OP implies Mishima is an easy target for people to latch onto and act as superficial as possible, yeah it's true and pseudo for it doesn't dig any deeper towards understanding but if Mishima himself is supposed to be pseudo then that's just a straight up lie.

>> No.20514975

I love Guenon

>> No.20515067

You made your case and clarified your original post. I agree with you on all points and have no objections. I autismed out on a vague part of your post and assumed the worst.