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20498146 No.20498146 [Reply] [Original]

The Writing General

Pige Edition

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

Previous thread: >>20493091
For General Writing
>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Traditional Publishing
>you get to focus mostly on writing
>you must write a proposal to the publishers and sell your story to them
>you make 10-15% profit max, but they also eat all the risk and the costs
>self publishing is basically like running your own company
>you only need to do some simple marketing and reach out to readers

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To
>risky, but much more profitable
>you must pay for everything yourself
>if you do, you will spend more time on running a business than writing, but can be worth it

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)
>A higher form of Literary Fiction

For advertising

AI-generated book covers

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin

Other forums

>> No.20498253

You need to make the thread faster if you want to beat out the other fag

>> No.20498280

Easy on the nose there pige

>> No.20498445

Ignore the pseuds. They don't even write.

>> No.20499448

Newfags don't even know pige

>> No.20499668

>326k words
>almost to first and second book matching plot lines
>have a page of plot holes and inconsistencies
fucking editing.

>> No.20500160
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I'm just starting to get back to reading fantasy. Starting with reading some really basic stuff that i breezed through in my teens (Dragon Lance and Drizzt) and some "new" stories that i have been meaning to read for like forever (Howard's Conan, Bernard Cornwell, Lotr, GoT)

I've also started to put some serious effort into my writing too. Writing and also studying the books i have read. Trying to take them apart and understanding them better so i could then try emulating them. Really basic stuff.

Mainly what i'm wondering is if i'm doing this right, and if there are ways i could do this "smarter" ? Right now i'm
>Reading a book
>Writing stuff down that i think "flow nicely"
>Writing down short description of what is happening in each chapter
>Writing down parts where characters and places are described in a good way, since that's what i'm focusing right now (and just writing more)

Sorry for my possibly bad grammar, english is not my mother language, even if i'm planning on reading actual full books with it too.

>> No.20500608
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I wrote a poetry book and would appreciate some feedback on it, I formatted/edited everything myself so I don't know if it's garbage because no one read it. It's a free download on this page:


>> No.20500665

I'm planning on writing a book about a dirt poor photographer who falls in love with an proceeds to stalk a famous singer/model. I want his delusions and actions to continously spiral out of control, but i'm worried about making the progression of his lunacy rushed and slipshod. I want it to end either with him making some desperate, ill-planned attempt to nab her and for him to get caught almost immeadiatly and for him to die in a car/foot chase with police. I was also considering it ending with him actually succeeding in the plan, but for him to die some petty, pointless death caused by something entirley unrelated to the rest of the plot, and for her to be trapped in some hiding place he made and never found.


>> No.20500690

I dont understand poetry :(

>> No.20500692

Has /wg/ stopped the threadly writing prompts?

>> No.20500694

seems so

>> No.20500720

The idea of a photographer stalking a model doesn't work for me.

I don't buy the premise. Photographers don't fall in love with models, because they know what they really are. They're the ones who create the image, the illusion.

Why did you choose a photographer? What does it have to do with your plot?

>> No.20500752

I want him to have a dark room where he processes his negatives in, and each time he enters, he leaves mentally worse off.

>photographers don't fall in love with models, because they know what they really are
Good point, Im still on the fence about if the girl should be a model or something else like a singer or niche celebrity

>> No.20500763

I don't enjoy writing anymore.

>> No.20500768

abuse stimulants

>> No.20500771

Not that anon, but I think the idea works just fine. It really isn't too far-fetched to imagine a photographer falling in love with a model, though the point of "seeing her for what she actually is" is a valid one. She would have to be quite special for it to be convincing. It could absolutely work, though. Personally, I think the idea of a painter falling in love with a subject would be even more believable, but then the whole stalker angle doesn't work as well.

>> No.20500775

>I want him to have a dark room where he processes his negatives in, and each time he enters, he leaves mentally worse off.
Missed this, but I love it

>> No.20500830
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So. Will I continue my tirade, an easily stoppable force against an ever moving target? Or will I relent for the sake of my myopic future? For if this is our only chance, should we not grab it with a soft fist of love or pound it to dust with our knuckles of bone and blood?

What if all I've known is wrong, and all they've told me right;

A dead dying star blinking in the cold dark

>> No.20500872

Give us a sample of your plot holes. Let's see how bad you fucked up.

>> No.20500876

what is it about? how big/noticable are the plot holes

>> No.20500977

retard here, can i just take one of these and then come up with some characters to get a basic plot? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thirty-Six_Dramatic_Situations
i need a story for the videogame i am making

>> No.20501052

I'm not giving you my email. Upload it to Google Docs.

>> No.20501056

Ideas are a dime a dozen. Yawn. Come back once you have actual execution to show us.

>> No.20501061

Fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.20501065

Bumping my question.
So there is old zine in my country that publishes short genre fiction stories of amateur writers.
They say they give feedback even if they decide to not publish.
I wonder if its better idea to send my story there before i publish it to reddit.
I really would hate if some talentless reddit faggot stole my story and published it in some zine like that under his own name.
For the first time in long time or ever i feel i wrote something good and pretty unique.
Its first chapter of novel i am writing but you can totally use it as self-contained ambigous short story.
Its 6000 words long, and i can publish fragment for sure, but i think it would not make much sense and not be so powerful, and also i think late part of story is best, at the beginning there is some characters introduction etc. So i would have problem with further fragmenting it.

>> No.20501071

i hate that you got digits. also hate you. zoom tf away
i dont care for mr george but he was right about an eternal zummer, this shit sucks.

>> No.20501083

If you want feedback, post it here. There's a 99% chance that they won't even read more than three sentences of your work.

>> No.20501084

What's your native language?

>> No.20501093

Give us a sample of the writing you have for your video game. I don't have high hopes, especially considering that your grand idea is stealing footnotes from a wikipedia article, but I'll give you a chance.

>> No.20501124

I think he is taking the new novel rebirth of video games stories.

game-play first story later, I really think (to be a devil advocate).

I think they just want to find a simple premise to justify the game mecninics and not worry about the story. I.E see Megaman X which is a simple retelling of cain and albe, and other biblical references.

>> No.20501128
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What makes things disgusting to a reader? How do I get inside people's minds and make their skin crawl?

>> No.20501133

Stop reddit spacing.

>> No.20501138

Be the change you want to see.

>> No.20501140

find the base/pillars of where there perception of reality of what they use to justify thier opinions/actions, and shake/destroy that and walk away.

leaving them to sit in the rumble to dwell on the future.

get bent nigger. It's easier to read, and literally has zero impact other then you autism.

dilate and take your meds schizo

>> No.20501183

insecureaboutbeingawriteranon here. just continuing the discussion from the previous thread.

2 things stuck out to me.

>being a writer implies having something to say.
i feel like everyone has something to say though. why write a book when you can just say something out loud? also, why do you need a novel structure to say something? what would require an entire novel to say and why does a novel serve that purpose better than just writing a diary entry? also, regarding whatever i want to "say" -- i might feel very strongly about something one day, and feel the opposite way the next. i feel like any judgments i have about anyone around me or society are all just based in my own faulty reasoning, perception, and uninformed projections. who am i to make weird theorize about other people? who am i to say something? what's there to say besides we're all gonna die some day and good things feel good and bad things feel bad? who am i to think i know better than other people about how they should live their lives? I just don't get it.
>You have to have something you urgently, desperately want to write to invoke that passion.
i don't know if i'm misunderstanding the definition of passion, but does anyone really feel the need to write a book more than they want to have sex or masturbate or look at porn or play a video game or something? like is seeing a beautiful woman's naked body ever less interesting than writing something? i just don't think i've ever felt that way about creating anything besides when i was a child / prepubescent. i guess i just don't understand what people say when they "need" to write something. like the more i read about novel writing the more it seems so structured, with plotting, pacing, outlining, etc. -- none of which seem based on passion or born out of a "need" to say something. Like what does passion actually mean? am i just overthinking shit?

>> No.20501188
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somewhat descriptive body horror, excessive attrention to gruesome parts of gore/violence, harm done to children, other generally troubling stuff. If you go too deep into detail it will kill the gross out factor, but skimping on details makes whatever the reader should be picturing much less troubling and their thoughts on it won't linger as long

>> No.20501196

read Pessoa

>> No.20501199

Did everyone migrate because the last thread was that awful?

>> No.20501225

Yes. Unfortunately the awful followed us here.

>> No.20501233

Some are about abilities characters have, some are about the geopolitic, some are about lack of senses being described.
I have ideas for plugging some, but doing it in the right chapter and paragraph is going to be a bitch.
I even have to change a main characters name because its the same as another popular work in the genre

>> No.20501253

i don't have a lot right now mainly been focusing on making game mechanics.
it's a post apocalyptic setting where the world has started rebuilding after a catastrophe that killed most of the population.
my basic idea was that in the beginning an evil bastard curses you and steals your memories so you wake up in the wilderness without knowledge of who you are.
you then meet an hermit who helps you orient yourself a bit more an tells you of a village with an oracle that might be able to help you understand what happened to you and how to solve it. the hermit was exiled from this village because his wife birthed a cursed child after being raped by a gang of demons and he hid the child instead of allowing them to kill it while they burnt her wife at a stake. (he doesn't say this but you might discover it later).

At the village you are met by a guardian of the village who refuses to let you enter since bandits disguised as outsiders have attacked previously and a shapeshifter has been seen in the woods. (This shapeshifter is the child of the hermit).
This is the first dilemma with a bunch of different solutions depending on what you want to do.
After getting past this you find the oracle who will help you understand what has happened and that you must seek out the one who stole your memories. He is protected by something and the oracle cannot tell exactly where he is. She tells you there is a crashed but functional airship nearby (that an old forest spirit has made into it's home and is guarding) that will take you across the ocean and to a larger city where someone might be able to help you.

After going there you meet a scientist that used to work for the one that stole your memories and his scrap mechanic buddy. He tells you he can help you find his location if you go out and get something for him in return the scrap mechanic retard gives you a sweet hoverbike to get there faster and you ride out. this is as far as i've gotten today

>> No.20501268

Nobody cares about your ideas. They are a dime a dozen. Post execution of GTFO.

>> No.20501271

What are your themes?

>> No.20501273

what does that even mean it's supposed to be a game like i said this is just the general sequence of events. i haven't written dialogue yet. though i do have a dialogue and reply system working as well as a bunch of other things

>> No.20501274

can the MC be like non chosen one, or is this My OC dont steal im actually goku?

like more indie sim or more story focus? whats the end game? is it a forever game or one that ends.

>> No.20501275

you gonna keep saying nothing mr b8poste?

>> No.20501282

ingore him, he been busy spreging, just report and hide him.

how often is he shit posting here, i've been reporting ever post he makes. unless he actually puts effort.

>> No.20501289
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Hello i am getting close to finishing my first chapter. I am doing the narrative about the boy who killed a bovinbo (fictional ox/bison). any critiques are welcome and i hope you find the story engaging. Ive never been able to share my google docs so please if anything let me know if the link works

>> No.20501293
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>it's supposed to be a game like i said this is just the general sequence of events
>games aren't supposed to have good stories because uhhh... just because okay???

>> No.20501298


I don't know where to find prompts.

>> No.20501305

>Read 19th/early 20th century horror novels
>Always telling instead of showing
>Still leaves a feeling of absolute dread in stomach after reading

How did they do it?

>> No.20501306

dog shit stance, does pong,chess, or any other simple game need a story? sure you can make stories OUT of them.

but not every game needs a story, sometime pure reaction can be fun.

>> No.20501321

We're past the point of gameplay only games.
Look at shit like Binding of Issac or Overwatch. Neither game needs a story. It's added because it enriches the experience.
The only games coming out now that even attempt to forgo the story are mobile games directed at children under the age of 8.

>> No.20501340

i don't want it to be too OC, what i really want to do is give at least a few options for changing the story and changing other characters disposition towards you based on how you act and what factions you decide to side with that will radically change how the game plays out.

frontier western in the sense that the world is largely untamed wilderness. gothic/classic horror monsters as well as some fantasy but with more body horror and mutation elements.
on the story itself then religion is a big inspiration, the evil guy is essentially a gnostic archon that stole your and many other people in the worlds ability to die and you need to get it back from him. He is ontop of a huge mountain which is supposed to be visible from everywhere you are on a map that represents your struggle and making the difficult climb up the mountain and defeating him is what i envision as the final part of the game, after which you finally die.

>> No.20501348

whoops the first one was meant for >>20501274

>> No.20501355

that isn't reddit spacing you literal retard

having gaps

is not what reddit spacing


you fag.

>> No.20501357

Yes it is.

>> No.20501362

no it

is not.

retard you have outed yourself as a newfag.


>> No.20501367

Can you faggots read my story instead

>> No.20501376

not if it appears unless you make it appear in his tiktok live feed

>> No.20501400

Not bad. Add commas though, some of the sentences definitely need them. Dialouge is nice, and I like the attrention to details about him moving the animal, that is a nice touch and you don't drag it out too long. Interested to see more

>> No.20501402

Doesn’t have to be anything hardcore either, coffee and nicotine do the trick for me

>> No.20501418

writing horror is the most artful of all the genres
you need to use your descriptions to convey the horror
for example, scrambled eggs are pleasing and tastey. However, if you concentrate on the egg's sliminess, and the fact that it might contain a half-developed chick, and other disgusting egg related things, you're writing horror.
all this relies on talent

>> No.20501463

Here's a list of novel I actually have in some stage of development:
>"Cyberpunk Peter Pan" - A mirrorshades infused retelling of Peter Pan, except Peter is now a female Russian street kid and Captain Hook is the madame of a brothel.
>"Dino World Jungle Harem" - Dude crashes lands on a dino world with a bevy of beauties and fucks them while avoiding getting eaten.
>Professor Terror's Guide to Total World Domination: After his minions quit en masse in protest of his terrible management policies, Professor Terror decides to create his own team of super loyal sexy supervillainesses and kidnaps three co-eds and gives them superpowers only to find himself getting drawn into their personal drama and actually caring about their lives.
>Emily and the Entity of Infinite Evil: A girl is bound to a hentai monster and can unleash it to fight crime, but at the cost of letting it tentacle rape her.
>Lords of the Galaxy: MOTU pastiche/fixfic written as a 1960's pulp barbarian fantasy in the style of Gardner F. Fox, Lin Carter or L. Sprague DeCamp.
>Nazi Frankenstein: Victor is born in 1909 and creates his monster in 1930s Germany. Very underdeveloped at the moment, the idea is "dieselpunk Hammer horror with Nazis."
>Off Road Warrior: Post-apocalyptic harem adventure about a generic PA hero who finds himself responsible for a trio of oversexed teenage girls kidnapped from an underground city.
>Planet of the Ultravixens - "What if Russ Meyers directed Mission to the Moon?" A sex comedy about feminism and the patriarchy with a Venus Needs Men plot.
>Suck It Up, Succubus - A self-righteous feminist bitch ends up in Hell, assigned to work as talent in the disturbing sex fantasies Hell uses to corrupt the innocent. Her quest to improve her lot in unlife leads to a journey of self-discovery, authenticity, and graphic sex scenes.
>Xanthari's Rogue: Grimdark Star Wars pastiche about a thief recruited by the Xanthari ("Imperial Jedi") to steal data from his former cartel who ends up banging a series of force-empowered hotties along the way.
>Witches of Whitehaven: Lesbian murder mystery/occult conspiracy story about witches in modern Oregon.
>Summer Camp Slaughterama: Friday the 13th fixfic with the serial numbers filed off that gives Jason ("Nathan") a coherent backstory and sets up a series I want to write about a psychic girl who teams up with a slasher killer to fight Cthulhu.
>Darkest Dungeon: A group of teens decides to try out a long out of print RPG and get sucked into the game, then discover the DM -- who was supposed to pull them out -- has made a DMPC and is trapped in the game with them.
>Your RPG Sucks: When his regular group cancels at the last minute, a gamer accepts an invitation to play a guy's homebrew system, which results in him being trapped in a shitty World of Darkness knockoff.
>Orion Belt Blues: An irresponsible playboy gets into trouble when he tries to live out his fantasies of being a space hero.
Too bad I never finish anything.

>> No.20501472

you have interpersonal relationship issue, don't you?

just pick one, ride it out, trust me youll feel better. even if it is shit.

>> No.20501479

If you made half of these Light Novels people would eat that shit up

>> No.20501483

>you have interpersonal relationship issue, don't you?
Doesn't everybody?

I know!

>> No.20501487

Thanks more will come. i think I've got myself set up for a straight forward story. My problem in my last half dozen attempts is over ambition and too many perspectives for my level

>> No.20501491

Suck it Up, Succubus has real potential.

>> No.20501498

If you know, then why not? Just adjust to the style of LNs and pitch an idea or two and you should be able to make some nice money

>> No.20501511

A mix of perfectionism, fear of success, and ooh shiny!

yeah, to get me canceled forever. lol

>> No.20501526
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Is this funny enough?

>> No.20501554

The pacing is too fast. It needs to slow down so we get to know the Numbers better.

>> No.20501565

Will do

>> No.20501640

No. The concept is solid, but you belabor all the jokes and they drag on too long. It needs to be pithier. Like the joke where all the conspirators wish Number 8 a happy birthday is funny, when they all have gifts it becomes absurd (but still works, it's like a Mel Brooks gag), but when Number 2 makes a big deal out of Number 1 not having a gift, you're in SNL we-don't-know-how-to-end-this-skit territory.

Also, your prose is...not terrible, but it lacks something. You're focusing on the wrong details when setting the scene, and your descriptions are a bit blah. Very meh. For example, in your first paragraph I feel like we don't need the wind and rattling shutters (this scene feels like it should be underground, in a windowless room), but we're missing "The door swung open to reveal Number One silhouetted by the light from the hall beyond. His hand reached out. The lights turned on."

Also "A candle flickered in the middle of the room" is better than "The candlelight flickered..." It's better to assert object (candle) and imply phenomenon (candlelight) than to assert phenomenon and imply object. It grounds the reader in a more concrete reality.

>> No.20501681

>like is seeing a beautiful woman's naked body ever less interesting than writing something?
Yes. I remember the first time I ever got genuinely angry at a woman I was dating it was because I was writing and she wanted my attention, I wouldn't give it to her, and so she changed into this sheer bra and panty set I'd bought her and slid up next to me and tried to get frisky. I was legit like "Begone thot, my mind is a cauldron of creation and I will not be tempted away by your creamy white thighs!" It's pretty rare that I find a sexy woman throwing herself at me annoying, but if my head is caught up in the creative process, then I generally find women an irritating distraction. Like when you have to use the bathroom but are really caught up in the movie.

>> No.20501700

What do I do if I have no talent?

>> No.20501709

Hire someone who does.

>> No.20501719

Thank you. I'll delete this and give up on this project.

>> No.20501737
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is there a tool that does this, but accurately?

>> No.20501747
File: 29 KB, 398x355, HMPFH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be disgusted liek you wanna make em. how you do that is up to you, i was exposed to harry potter at a young age so thats my cross errrrr lightening bolt to bear.

>> No.20501748

Just look up the Flesch-Kincade readability level

>> No.20501752

So...are we using this thread instead?

>> No.20501753

Yikes, don't do that. It just needs some editing.

>> No.20501762

Yes. Get fucked meerkater.

>> No.20501769

Why would I get fucked? He literally used my header down to the
>Anime Writing (^・o・^)
>A higher form of Literary Fiction
I only post the threads to make sure the links don't get fucked

>> No.20501772

oh, that's what that description is based on
Fleisch Kincaid is based on syllables per word and this is a first-person narrative
Guess I'm just fucked then

>> No.20501787

Would it be better for their names to just use the Arabic numerals instead of Number #?

Seems kind of annoying by having them be called Number #.
>It's 8's birthday! Happy birthday 8!" yelled out 3

Seems easier on the tongue

>> No.20501840
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made the n.y. times bestseller list
self published
is based on anime, shonen jump

>> No.20501860

I have a question, how long should each chapter be for a comedy? It's only about 700 words, and I don't think I can push it to 2000+. The jokes will run out. Better to have a lot of short chapters?

I plan to have 14 chapters with each chapter be with a pair, and the last 2 chapters will be the twelve taking on the main villain. But it'll be even shorter than a novella at 10k words tops

>> No.20501872

I would suggest removing chapters entirely. You don't need chapters in a short story/novella. Many full novels have chapters longer than your entire story.

>> No.20501885

>harm done to children
what makes crotch goblins so special

>> No.20501902


>> No.20501937

when crap gets pubbed it makes me bitter but also ganbaranakya ikanai
i do wonder who buys so many shitty novels though

>> No.20501952

How do you guys feel about a romance between a college dude and his literature professor?

>> No.20501955

I'm always in for gay romance.

>> No.20501959
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It sounds okay.

>> No.20501960

It depends on how you structure your chapters. If each chapter is just one scene, and each scene is about 700 words, then you're looking at about 9800 words, which is a short story. Which is fine for comedy, but probably shouldn't be in "chapters." Maybe do sections, where you number them but don't include page breaks. Or just double paragraph for each new section.

>> No.20501967

No you faggot it's a woman in her mid to late 20's

>> No.20501971

Nobody cares about that. I'm sorry.

>> No.20501972

No one wants to read romances with young guys and older women?

>> No.20501974

You really think a 18 yo college student and a woman in her twenties is a "kinky age difference"?
Just stop. Make it gay or drop it because nobody cares.

>> No.20501976

what about a story about a dude with chronic oneitis to his dead gf?

>> No.20501985

Fine you twink, you're right. She's not old enough. She can be 32. He can be 19.

>> No.20501988


>> No.20502002

More like filtered.

>> No.20502009

Mmm. Suddenly remembering Literature & Composition 101, taught by an assistant professor named Jewel. She was 24 and wore loose white peasant blouses but didn't wear a bra. Or shave her armpits. She made us read Maus and some book about the "black experience." Instead of writing the essay on the book I was supposed to write, I wrote an essay called "The Myth of Multiculturalism" in which I argued that culture was a spook, multiculturalism doubly so, and cultural affinity was a self-delusion used to protect the ego from realizing our frightening aloneness. She gave me a A+ on the paper and fuck me eyes, but I was too in my head at 18 to recognize when women wanted to fuck me.

>> No.20502015

did you not go to college

>> No.20502060

I let my friend read it and he said I could add in more scenes and slow it down. There's too many jokes and not enough time to "breathe" I need more serious sections and a Motivation for the Dogs.

He also said each Number sounds too much like one another. I need to give them unique personalities.

Beside Number 1 being an angry short temper man and Number 12 being cool and collected, the others can be swapped around.

>> No.20502061

Yes, and I've had female english professors that were early 30s, married to guy who had a kid from a previous marriage.

>> No.20502066

All it is is 'okay' and that, barely. That writing is functional but I would have hoped publishing standards to be a notch higher, but, hey, we're entering into the age of ADHD twitter-addict MMORPG-raised zoomzooms so maybe I just have to anticipate a future of steadily declining standards.

>> No.20502067

i don't think 26 is early 30s

>> No.20502070

Tee bee aych a good adult gay romance is 100% more romantic to me than a straight romance done a million times over. Maybe I'm just tired of women and all their faggy shit. Maybe that's why I can't fucking stand yuri since it's all women and no dudes.

>> No.20502075

Yeah, 26 is too young I know. You can be a professor with just a masters, but it wouldn't taboo enough.

>> No.20502174

There's 3 /wg/ threads

>> No.20502182

Microsoft World will calculate your readability.
So, "The Graduate", made into a movie starring Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft?

>> No.20502199

And yet the jannies won't do anything about it.
It's clear which are the low-quality threads...why they allow vandalized OPs is beyond me.
Just keep reporting them.

>> No.20502219

i'm not buying a branded earth

>> No.20502270

You're never going to get 12 guys in hoods feel like 12 unique people. Even 12 Angry Men, which is one of the best written one-room character studies ever, only has six distinct characters.

Try focusing on and developing four or five of them, and leaving the rest as relative ciphers, with maybe a single distinguishing characteristic and little dialogue.

>I let my friend read it and he said I could add in more scenes and slow it down. There's too many jokes and not enough time to "breathe" I need more serious sections and a Motivation for the Dogs.
That's going to be very dependent on what your end goal is. A comedic short story? Or a genre novel with comedy?

>> No.20502275
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Cringe or funny?

>> No.20502293

Is this your attempt to write the "Diamond Dozen" story?
I think it would need to be really condensed, and not sprawled out into prose the way you're doing.
But feel free to post it anyway. I won't make the perfect the enemy of the good.

>> No.20502315

yes it is my attempt. I don't think I really want a short story. I want to try a genre novel with comedy first. I can always chop things down.

>12 Angry Men
That's a great book I can read. It's not comedy, but I think it's a super short story that'll be somewhat inline with what I'm brainstorming.

>> No.20502318

I had a dream last night that I wrote a story that everyone thought was amazing. It was about a man fleeing from an authoritarian country. He immigrates to another country, and during his stay his homeland is "freed" so to speak from the authoritarian government. The story is about whether or not the man returns to his country or not. In the end, he chooses to stay in this new country.

>> No.20502326

Sounds like a Vietnam War story.

>> No.20502332

Because the F gardner faggot is a mod. He keeps his faggotty threads up despite the reports. Last time I reported one of his threads I got a warning.

>> No.20502342

who the fuck is that literal who Gartner shit anyway

>> No.20502346

I'm referring to the larper who also hates anime, not the real F gardner who loves anime

>> No.20502384

Well, I guess I'll just have to keep doing this... >>20502132
What choice do I have, really.

>> No.20502422

Does anyone really believe that this:
>“Don't make me hurt you,” he snarled as his hand closed tight, choking off her supply of air. “You think the captain will care if I snap your neck?”
Is inferior to this:
>“Don't make me hurt you,” he said as his hand closed tight, choking off her supply of air. “You think the captain will care if I snap your neck?”
Said just feels like such a weak, weightless word in that context. You don't "say" things when you're choking someone in a rage. You rant, you rave, you snarl and growl. I get why they warn against dialogue tags, but man, it just really feels wrong sometimes.

>> No.20502592
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Is it true that crippling a character makes them 'less relatable?'

>> No.20502624

devilslettucefarmer here

philosophical thought to flesh out for next paper: Does the advent of laws always cause the suppression of the induvial for the sake of the community. Does the invention of law, always ultimately suppress those who don’t want to be a part of it (society), forced HOA of life basically?

Thoughts and/or books? I have written down some points, and circling around making define map of what it all could entail.

I already, stop the second draft, and I think im on the third draft now?
how do you guys determine the draft you are on?

or even when its the same thing.

The only thing I have down writing wise, as far as "rules" go.

1. Make it as long as it needs to be

2. whos the read / WTF (Whats the focus)

3. [This is from an author I can not remember for the life of me] "write it once, then rewrite it saying the same thing with half as many words, then do that again, and you have a first draft

Idk, I had a very loose English teacher who encouraged style but proper usage/rules. I wish I listened better.

>> No.20502683
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I'm kind of into the dialogue, much more so than your descriptive prose.
The dialogue sort of sounds like Max Payne dialogue, which I like.

>> No.20502714

I know this isn't a Writing prompt, but a professional Email.

Its a company that make carbon fiber engine parts, I'm trying to inquire and provide reason of why i'm inquiry.

IS this email going to make me look like a fucking idiot?

this is my first time doing this, reaching out to a company in this form. (on my own, ive done it with businesses I worked for but it feels different)

>> No.20502828

Advice like that is supposed to be a general rule, but people turn it into an unbreakable taboo. It's dumb. If some other dialog tag works, then it works. Just don't overuse them.

>> No.20502919
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>> No.20502963

There is no word that completes this analogy:
That's very annoying. Is it still a step if you're crawling on your knees? Like:
>Bob crawled through the narrow pipe, every shuffling step sending fresh shocks of pain through his bruised and swollen knee.
A step is "a movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position," but when you crawl you're using your knees as feet and you lift them and set them down again while your feet are dragged along. But then you are using your knees as feet, so maybe it works?

>> No.20503011
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I guess you don't have that vivid of an imagination then, huh?

>> No.20503051

While you're right, you could use a measurement of distance.
>Bob crawled through the narrow pipe, every shuffling inch sending fresh shocks of pain through his bruised and swollen knee.

>> No.20503099

Man, that is a really elegant solution except everything in the book so far has been in metric and "every shuffling centimeter" just doesn't have the same ring. Fucking metric system, no wonder it hasn't caught on.

>> No.20503109

Hah, maybe
>Bob crawled through the narrow pipe, each shuffle sending fresh shocks...

>> No.20503112

Where did you get that from it? I probably should have restated my question as: What advantage did their writing style have on the effects of horror in their literature?

>> No.20503148

I like that. I've ended up going with:
>Her arms ached and every little shuffle brought fresh shocks of pain to her injured knee, though the pain barely registered through the numbing cold.

>> No.20503153

Fuck, that doesn't work. I've got pain twice in the same sentence.

>> No.20503168

Royalroad or Webnovel?

>> No.20503173

Webnovel is a scam.

>> No.20503314

How do I cope with the knowledge that I'm just not a very good writer?

>> No.20503321

Get better

>> No.20503352

Enjoy being shit and then write more. I wrote 1k words of garbage today, knowing that I'll be better because of it. Use the knowledge that you're not a good writer to free yourself. All that it means is that you can write whatever you want, guilt free, because it's all practice and learning. If you were very good then people might expect you to write things that are actually good, and that's a lot of pressure. Write shit, write a lot of shit, and enjoy it.

>> No.20503424

Slave Girls On A Death Moon, Chapter 3.
I'm sort of uncertain about this chapter. Would really like feedback on this, even if it's just "It's works."

>> No.20503487

you either go litrpg or manifest your inner chink cultivator, huh. ogey.

>> No.20503509

Why is fantasy more popular among amateur writers than literature fiction? I have never been interested in genre fiction at all.

>> No.20503532

Way too much description of people's physical movements, gestures, and slap fighting.
Too many participle phrases. "He verbed, verbing adverbly." Unless the timing of two actions is important, just chop things up into short sentences.

>> No.20503546

Not really the sort of critique I'm looking for, unless you've got something specific in mind.

>> No.20503557

yup, I'm avoiding Webnovel altogether. RoyalRoad seemed to have less stories of a sub-genre I am planning to write (isekai) but at least readers can read everything since what is the point of writing if readers are forced to pay to read my admittedly bad writing.

>> No.20503561

Holy shit what happened here again? The post count went from 280 to 150

>> No.20503609

I haven't written a word since the 23rd of May because I can't connect where I stopped to the climax of the novel. The protagonist is an egoist with strong convictions. His enhanced vision of himself, and his desire for admiration and purpose, makes him believe he will be successful politically or academically. I need to weave together a few things:
1. The protagonist picking political ambition over love and neglecting his girlfriend.
2. The protagonist's girlfriend breaking up with him, making him heartbroken and unsteady.
3. The protagonist failing in his political ambition due machiavellian schemes, unsettling him further.
4. The protagonist losing hope in the 'Ponzi scheme' of academia
5. The collapse of the protagonist's ideological edifice, beliefs and self-belief
6.The protagonist's fall into decadence (in the literary sense) now that he is alone, has failed and has become demoralised.

This is all part of the protagonist's change from being a self-confident and opinionated egotist searching for admiration and purpose to a purposeless drifter who no longer believes in his old convictions.

Any advice?

>> No.20503619

>Finish my novel
>Get cracking on researching writing query letters
>Lit. Agents want comps no more than 2-3 years old (I don't read contemporary fiction)
>Research agents
>All of them are looking for feminist voices, LGBT voices, BIPOC voices
Is literature, unironically, over?

>> No.20503651

Probably. It's why self publishing on RR or wherever is growing. Some of publishers, like Kadokawa, now search through Japan's self publishing site to buy, edit and release.

>> No.20503654

Just lie lol
Claiming trans is probably the best way to go because it would cause so much fuss to call you out as lying they probably won't even bother

>> No.20503659

What are your specific pitfalls? Just having trouble tying everything together at once? It seems a straightforward enough plot that only needs a focused hand to keep things from drifting.

>> No.20503665

If my writing has nothing to do with being latinx then can I use my heritage to promote my work?

>> No.20503675

Stupid if you don't

>> No.20503726

>just be LGBT
no thanks. I'd rather not write.

>> No.20503742
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You will write.

>> No.20503749

>Just be LGBT
Just FAKE being LGBT. One is cringe, one is based

>> No.20503806

Try either switching characters for a sec or adding another main character.

Or change the character or an event in a little way, so those goals "click" easier.

>> No.20503808

Figure out in what way you're a historically oppressed minority. Like Chris Chan did, he's published.

>> No.20503809
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>> No.20503832

dont sleep on the hairy armpit girls they are dangerously based most of the time

>> No.20503902

Forget my post brah. My retard brain read what you wrote completely backwards.

T:>>20503011 comfy dog poster

>> No.20503913

The paramount pitfall is my struggle to identify truly important events and to settle them in the greater plot. Right now, the protagonist's ambition has been placated by a new wave of love that has engulfed him and his girlfriend after a harsh fight. I might move the story forward by having the protagonist's mentor die, which frightens him into action because he fears dying in unfulfillment, like his mentor. I fear I might kill his mentor too early. But it seems like a direct way to get to the climax.

I thought about doing that, but the story is focused on this character's growth to maturity and struggle with identity. I have written segments where the main character is not present while the other characters discuss him, but I fear doing this too much in case I take away from the focus on the protagonist.

By the way, should I add a bisexual affair for the lady readers? I have it on good authority that they love reading about two good looking guys falling in love.

>> No.20503917

Why bother nobody is reading what I wrote

>> No.20503954

I'm going to do it. I'm going to write a litrpg and see if it's such a ticket to success. Of course, I have every intention to make it not terrible, if possible. I haven't been able to read any for research because they're all beyond awful, but I guess the common issues are
>the system is just an excuse to asspull handy powerups when needed
>game mechanics don't play any real role in the plot beyond above
>player classes are unbalanced and unrealistic
>MC gets too OP too fast
>any character who's not the hero is underdeveloped and retarded
Anything else I should skirt around?

>> No.20503990

so my first chapter is about 1800 words. I feel like the chapter is solid but some might say an opening chapter should be longer. I feel if I add anymore to the chapter it will be meandering

>> No.20504026

Not all agents ask for that bullshit, and I think most would accept literature from a straight white male so long as it were good, which it should be, right anon?

I've only seen a handful who demand comps. They may ask but most do not absolutely require it, and even then, why specify 2-3 years? that's absurdly tight even for mainstream literature.

i'll rant about blue haired agents all day but they're mostly the entry level trash fresh out of college and never gain success because they put ideology before professionalism.

>> No.20504056

cant anyone publish on amazon. there was that one anon who wrote the fuck gays book or whatever

>> No.20504078

If anything they call always tell you to use a pen name. Hell I think most novels today are written by teams of writers complained under a ghost name.

>> No.20504082

Would you recommend a new writer to write an interactive story?

>> No.20504087

No. I recommend you write a story.

>> No.20504137

>identify truly important events and to settle them in the greater plot.
You might try the "so" brainstorming method. You write an action and end it with a comma, then follow it with so and track where the ideas lead you. It's an easy way to let your unconscious mind brainstorm a plot for you. From there you can rip it apart or sit on it. Like this.
>Jim Hawkins and his mom own an inn, so...
>They see seahands all the time, so...
>A man comes in with a chest he won't talk about, so...
>Jim gets curious about the chest, so...
>The man tells him about the chest, so...
>When Jim is asked about the man by a suspicious figure on the street, he knows what the chest leads to, so...
And so on. It even helps for mid-plot planning.

>> No.20504152

Thank you anon! This is very helpful. Much obliged.

>> No.20504169

>the goddess is much more evil than the demon lord
>the asshole classmate who turns into a psychotic murderer after getting summoned
>the bland childhood friend who got cucked by the hero's harem
>hero makes a terrorist group

>> No.20504187
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Latest essay:


>> No.20504202

good premise, just feel ocean wide, inch deep.

Think again, I am writing why its morallyand mathematical right to enable roko basilisks to do as it pleases.

>> No.20504207

then again*

>> No.20504219

Complete shlock. You write too much jargon. And also Marxism is not a classless society, it's an oligarchy.

Even Marx himself, to each their own and to each to their ability in of itself is class based.

>> No.20504226

Thoughts on the visual novel, Full Metal Daemon Muramasa as literature? How did you guys feel about the message of violence and nonviolence? Of revenge and forgiveness? Of crime and punishment?

>> No.20504241

just watched Tommorow's War and got an idea going brb

>> No.20504284
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Good job, you have correctly assumed the gender of a person developing a video game to be male, which is 99% accuracy. In doing so you have avoided the modern ubiquitous error of "singular they".
And then you ruined it. Back to the drawing board!

>> No.20504291

That would not be art then, or literature. Art exists to capture beauty of the world, not disgust.

>> No.20504336

trannies with the singular they are ruining the english language. now people are becoming accustomed to hearing our grammar be raped and it doesnt register as incorrect to them. 41% isn't enough.

>> No.20504341

But I'm nonbinary?

>> No.20504365
File: 284 KB, 1089x1280, 286460757_1340419509700158_6979981954674008153_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butthurt much?


here's a new one just written


>> No.20504385

>in the year of our Lord, 2022 A.D
god dude, you had promise, nothing more I hate then a closed minded christian.

in the trash it goes. go molested a child.

>> No.20504399

dude go be a gaytheist somewhere else.

>> No.20504400

Agree regarding tranny language rape but isn't "they" still acceptable in cases where there is legitimate ambiguity such as "An anonymous customer just texted me, they want to order one box shipped to their house."

>> No.20504401

>in word, desirable.
Shouldn’t that be “in a word”?
>Always stay one step ahead of bourgeoisie "society"
Bourgeois society, you mean. Bourgeoisie is a plural noun.
Overall, the message is good but it would be good to critique our conception of individualism and freedom under capitalism, which you should clearly differentiate from the seizure of man’s potential here. The ideology of freedom wasn’t only a criticism of Marx and Engels, but also the wider left Hegelians, including Stirner to a degree.

>> No.20504414

>not a christ fag which is just paganism plus and a cult of magic mushrooms that the jew stole your culture.

>thinks its christian vs athiest only

must be nice living in such a small minded world. you stone any faggots today?

>> No.20504428

You're right I don't like queers. bourgeoisie lifestyle. Anyways, I'm a mix of some Lutheran concepts, traces of Gnosticism, and Vendanta cosmology. So yeah I'm not typical

>> No.20504429

>Critique your easy
>Butthurt much?!
>Huurrr Chad picture
Yeah another dumbass that doesn't know shit.

>> No.20504431

It feels like we’re stuck in the perpetuity of middle school politigram essays and their comments sections.

>> No.20504438

The entire goal is to live outside of capitalism, engage in voluntary exchange, and generally become an association of people with specializations

>> No.20504440

Not like other girls

>> No.20504441

You are living the bourgeoisie lifestyle you dumbass champagne liberal

>> No.20504452

Marx critiqued Proudhon for that kind of mutualism. Wider economic conditions can’t simply be ignored. Even the Zapatistas ended up functioning like proper companies and trading with corporations and nation states because they fall into the trappings of capitalism.

>> No.20504454

Uh, I live in a two bedroom apartment with food stamps and don't have a job...I'm not rich at all.

>> No.20504467

A lot of what Marx said was incompatible with human nature

>> No.20504474

I'm a dude, so...

>> No.20504477

>>20504474 (you)
Not like other girls

>> No.20504492

Exactly a champagne liberal. A dumbass that sits in his house all day reliant on other people spewing their rhetoric and ideology claiming he is correct. Funny how you criticize Marx but live exactly like him

>> No.20504499

Human nature is tricky because it is mediated by our self conception and our self conception isn’t always right when we are forced into ideology by the System. The proletarian, rather than being deluded by high ideals about the world, faces the harshest conditions that alienate them—and they awaken in the horror of true reality. That is the dismal seed of working class consciousness. Marx believed in the radical ability to take seizure of our lives and change not only our economic conditions but also to change the way we think of ourselves and technology—not always an oppressive industrial machine, nor an extension of ourselves, but a tool to create the Promethean spark.
In a way, I think human nature has been self serving and tribalistic for a long time—but we also have projected that into the past and we are not always objective about it. Human nature changes with us. Our scope is what we set.

>> No.20504503

Uh champagne liberals are rich people? Sorry I don't follow. I live on SSI because I'm disabled you insensitive prick..

>> No.20504512

and my views on gays and minorities would definitely place me outside liberalism

>> No.20504515

i wish you faggots focused on people's stories not shit up the board with your faggotry or not faggotry

>> No.20504523

>you stone any faggots today?
Not today, but certainly a Muslim somewhere has.

>> No.20504529

I'm fine with that, just tell schmolo up there to keep his mouth shut.

>> No.20504537

>a leech on the system is a liberal
imagine my shock. also, a 2 bd apartment for yourself is practically a castle. there are entire families where both parents work fulltime who are forced to live in a 1 bd. you're a bougie poofter.

>> No.20504550

eh I pay enough taxes to bomb brown people, plus im smoking cannabis, sucking tranny dick, and have my own house on a mountian, with multiple firearms.

sure the goat farmer fucks and kills maybe 10 a year, but you know how many str8 dude I get to turn to trannies.

Im just saying im outpacing the christ and muslin fags as long as you cant kill me in the USA.

we will win :0, were coming for your childern

>> No.20504565

Get a job you worthless piece of shit. Go scrub toilets for all I care. And let me guess your disabilities are in anxiety and depression.

>> No.20504577

I knew an aspie on disability. He ended up raping me in my sleep. What a cunt. I didn’t believe he was a parasitical psychopath until then.

>> No.20504579

We have report, ignore, and hide all comment chains for a reason.

>> No.20504581

>Uh champagne liberals are rich people? Sorry I don't follow. I live on SSI because I'm disabled you insensitive prick..

HAHAHAH T. euthinize yourself


I make $4k a month or more depending on my pot harvest...

I literally pay for you to be a sack of Christ fag shit.

how does that make you feel that a faggot you hate is financially paying taxes to support dumb fucks like you?

>> No.20504649

Tried to do something different. Maybe someone here will care. It's on Amazon for the time being. It's called Empty Trees. Author is Avery Pyre.

>> No.20504663

whats the thing you did.

>> No.20504669
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>> No.20504680

go back to r/greentexts redditor

>> No.20504734


>> No.20504757

Yes it is

>> No.20504759

Wow you are mad. Get help.

>> No.20504766

I'm autistic and have bipolar. God, some people are so insensitive. Makes sense I'd get this place all butthurt

>> No.20504769

Holy moly the sheer asshurt in this thread. Even fucking gardnerposting was preferable to this weird tranny and redditoid infestation

>> No.20504786

Just say you're bisexual bro that's what I plan to do

>> No.20504799
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Anyone use highland 2 for writing? Pretty good for me so far.

>> No.20504835

Make your protagonist bisexual, but don't have kiss any guys

>> No.20504840


>> No.20504874

Report and ignore. I know why board tourists come here to shit up the threads but it still pisses me off that they're shitting up the threads.
On topic, I'm finishing my short story tonight and I'll be shopping it around to some trad publishing outlets. Anyone have recommendations on where to send it? QueryTracker is good for full books; what about Submittable?

>> No.20504896

Tried to meld Young Adult with Literary Fiction to create a story interesting enough on the surface for casual readers to enjoy but with enough depth to satisfy readers who like to be challenged.

>> No.20504912

>Anyone have recommendations on where to send it?
What genre/style is it? I use submittable but read a bit of the journals before I send it out.

>> No.20504916

I'm sure Ser Tariq will sponsor me after he gets to the buck breaking scene in my hyper gore sort of but not really litrpg.

>> No.20504920

I'm a straight dude. And white. Fuck reddit, also.

>> No.20504999

It's a contemporaryish piece about a girl growing up on a farm. It follows her as she gets older and eventually has to decide between abandoning her family to go to college, dooming her parents to sell the family land, or staying and giving up her future which her parents have also been working towards all their lives. I think it needs a little straightening out but I have confidence in the piece.

>> No.20505080

Okay check out places like Split Lip, Reservoir Literary Review, or Vast Literary Press. If you don’t like the look of them, go submit to places you find when searching “fiction” “no fee” on discover of submittable.

>> No.20505190

Post an excerpt, it's about time we had some decent writing here

>> No.20505218

If he’s already sending it out, it would be smarter for him to just send us a link of the writing when it’s published.

>> No.20505220

the only answer is for the bitch not to be dumb, find a good man, make babies, and go into a stem field and make sandwiches with homemade flour bread.

no reason the bitch cant go to college for free cause MUH WOMANINESS , trick a man to be her bitch, and work the farm and make a business.

Oh wait women are retarded nvm.

>> No.20505404

Why exactingly is this SEAnigger shitting up the thread?

>> No.20505434

Just report him for low quality garbage and ignore him.

>> No.20505456
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>> No.20505609
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I posted this short introduction to a story here before but people were so apalled by my narration in first person in colloquial language that they refused to read it, so I rewrote the entire thing with a the bit of feedback I had gotten.
Hope you can give me some feedback on the characters, world, setting, pace and so forth.

>> No.20505721

Thanks for the list of people to send to. I'll go give them a run once I have the piece properly massaged. I think it leans too heavily on dialogue right now and is also a little long at 6k words complete. I was originally aiming for each little section to be a glimpse into a year of her life, but since I like dialogue and it fills word count and space without always getting good narrative themes across, it may be detrimental.

>> No.20505755

>essayfag is a unionist
Colour me surprised

>> No.20505820
File: 274 KB, 1600x1056, Great-Wall-of-China-Beijing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a story featured a really long wall (great wall style not colossal in height) that the civilized people have build to keep the barbarians away, would you instantly think that it's a GoT ripoff?

Asking for a friend...

>> No.20505849

No, plenty such walls have existed in real life. Though it depends on everything else in your story not being derivative of GoT

>> No.20505904

>GoT ripoff?
this is your brain on twitter

>> No.20505919

Joke's on you, I've never enjoyed writing.

>> No.20505949

No, I'd think it were a China ripoff

>> No.20505973

Well. Right now it just kinda is. Hoping i can make it work in a realistic way and make it feel like it is it's own thing.

Don't ask what i mean by "realistic". It's just a really abstract thing atm

>> No.20506088

Is writer's block real?

>> No.20506099
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I write mostly Erotica but now i plan on writing a book about a pig asking me to write a book.

>> No.20506116
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can i get feedback on my first page?

>> No.20506157

unfortunately yes

>> No.20506200
File: 294 KB, 719x727, Screenshot_20220116-113202_Messenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It better be going somewhere.

>> No.20506254

Nearing 200 sales for my book this month. LETS GOOOO

>> No.20506306


>> No.20506348

0 for me. What did you do?

>> No.20506404

Possibly because you can use arbitrary magic to solve plot problems.
Wow, just like "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" by They Might Be Giants, except boring.
Marxism is always one assassination away from utopia.

>> No.20506413

describe the stipulations of "literature" fiction retard (its literary)

>> No.20506414
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Any tips on editing your first draft?

Notes I should jot down before editing?

>> No.20506417

RoyalRoad for fantasy/LitRPGs.
Scribblehub for anime-adjacent.
WattPad for teen-lit.
That seems to be how their audiences have coalesced.
Writer's block just means you don't have enough good ideas to actually write anything.
So come up with more good ideas!

>> No.20506422

Oh? I thought I was just doing what everyone else was doing.
I just followed that anon who said to make a twitter maybe 4 months ago or so. I have about 1,300 followers before releasing my book. I got only 22 sales day 1 but that made a huge difference.
14 the second day, 8 the third. Now almost done with the first month and at 198

>> No.20506433

Generally speaking, describing the scenery or terrain isn't really captivating.

Although the descriptions are pretty good, using too many modifiers and adjectives weakens the sentences. "Narrow ghostly ribbon." Pick one. "raw, dry, pale brown surface" Way overloaded. It's fucking dirt, man.

Some jingles and weird alliteration. Intended? "earLiest Light Lay aLong the tops of Low hiLLs" Reading aloud can help catch these things.

>Perhaps fragment (Long ass parenthetical) Second perhaps fragment.
You need a whole new sentence after such a huge gap. The original subject will be forgotten.

>> No.20506435
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What's the point of this hobby anyways? I will never be this guy
and sell 200 books TOTAL, my abilities as a writer diminishes with time, nobody gives enough of a shit to even look at what I wrote, and nothing I do will ever amount to even a iota of success. Just look at my edits after the first chapter of my story. It's still complete utter garbage that nobody likes. The prose is crap, the word choice is crap, and the premise is crap.

>> No.20506440
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trying out neon noir, appreciate any feedback

>> No.20506448

I made a twitter about 4 months ago and only have 30 followers. Nobody wants to follow me. Did you put your real picture?

>> No.20506453

>appreciate any feedback
quit making my eyes bleed

>> No.20506454

Post your twitter.

>> No.20506459

Why would vices be dangerous when things are being traded in tea-shops, and seems like the protagonist is dealing drugs. So there has to be people loving the setting

>> No.20506462

No, God no. I’d never put my face on the internet. I even used an author pseudonym.

>> No.20506472

stop using sans serif

>> No.20506475

Why? Even the professional editor anon from last thread said he preferred it.

>> No.20506477

I read the sample available on Amazon.
I'm not sure what to say; I'm not a teen-lit reader.
At least you have two good reviews.

>> No.20506485

okay okay let me change it to Garamond

>> No.20506487

...do you think you'll be submitting to agents with that color scheme?

>> No.20506490

You didn't consider the "Diamond Dozen" story to be a SERIOUS work, did you...?

>> No.20506494

because its soulless and it makes anyone who isnt soulless immediately repulsed. if you arent repulsed by it, its a sign that perhaps art isnt for you.

>> No.20506504

You mean the one LARPing as a professional editor?
Believe nothing you read here.
This place is like a middle school in the dark.

>> No.20506508

I'm changing my font to sans serif just to spite you now.

>> No.20506510

oh yeah makes sense. Probably would make more sense to address it down the line

it helps with writing though

>> No.20506529
File: 1.79 MB, 1227x3849, Diamondozen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's serious. Read Chapter 2

>> No.20506531

i dont read anything in sans serif or with a typeface larger than 12px and most readers worth attracting will feel the same. but sure, spite your face. cut off your nose.

>> No.20506553

I'd believe them if they posted an excerpt of their own work with it. A proof by prose.

>> No.20506685

>story is about 60k words long
>average for genre is 80k
Oh fuck what the hell am I doing wrong? Do I need to add a subplot with romance?

>> No.20506712

Yes. Two. With hot monster boys.

>> No.20506731
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You will never get somewhere... If you give up.
Stop making excuses to not try.
Get in there and write.
You will improve every day, even if it hurts.
You will check your ego at the door and ask for criticism.
You will struggle and you will hurt, but it will be worth it.
You will be a writer.
You will make it.

>> No.20506741
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You will never get anywhere... ever.
Stop making excuses.
We already know why you're a failure.
You will never improve, even if it hurts.
You will check your ego at the door.
You will struggle and you will hurt and it won't get better.
You will not be a writer.
You will not make it.

>> No.20506744
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"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan 'Press On!' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."

-Calvin Coolidge

>> No.20506746

Pseud alert.

>> No.20506750

>You will check your ego at the door and ask for criticism.
One problem

I'll never make it

>> No.20506751

I'm sorry, but this is necessary. You will never succeed if you can't overcome the demotivational posts

>> No.20506755
File: 592 KB, 700x525, defaced-billboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself, seething schizo pseud.

>> No.20506758

Anybody else hit the point with a project where they start to hate their writing?


>> No.20506790

Historians seem to gve him a middling grade, but I think they're all just jealous.

>> No.20506794

Not at all! I love everything I write.
Even the stuff I know is deliberately silly and frivolous.

>> No.20506804

Point out where you told us about it, and I'll go take a look.
But really...you need to grow a thicker skin if you want to be a writer.
There will be no end of people shitting on your work, or worse yet, ignoring it completely.
f you don't learn to roll with it, you may as well put on a tie and go get a day job or something.

>> No.20506809

I remember these.
These were purpose-placed ads, not defaced.

>> No.20506813
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>The story is told that the famous wit, Dorothy Parker, was once seated by President Calvin Coolidge at a dinner party. Miss Parker said to the president that she had bet a friend that during the course of the meal she could make him say more than five words.
>“You lose,” the president said.

>> No.20506824

Really? I thought it was culture jamming, like so...

>> No.20506827

I have a day job and wear a tie everyday. I am waiting for anyone to shit on it. Just shit on it, print it out, wipe your ass with it, and tell me it's crap. JUST READ IT!!!!

>> No.20506839

Yes, Euroawk is an outdoor advertising company

>> No.20506850

Next thread
...for when this one is filled up.
Just trying to get ahead of the 14yo summerfag shitposters.

>> No.20506852

New Thread: Romance Edition

>> No.20506877

Post it at the start of the new thread.

>> No.20506878

Er...link to it?

>> No.20506882

Ah, so you're the faggot shitting on people posting rough drafts for having grammar mistakes and you've advertised that fact

>> No.20506883

LOL...3 seconds apart...but not a pseud thread, so I guess we'll share, take turns, whatever...

>> No.20506889

Er, no...the opposite.
I was talking about the ones posting gibberish in the OP.
You've really jumped to conclusions there.

>> No.20506891

This. I have fought on for so long, not just in writing, and now that its paying off I almost feel like an imposter.

>> No.20506892

I'll just go with this one.

>> No.20506906

The solution is to think less of other people, especially the ones that merely rolled over and played dead on command.

>> No.20506929


>> No.20507376

I'm not a Marxist but some kind of market/guild socialist.

>> No.20507462

I remember when unions would train their workers, making a solid value proposition for the companies that hired them.
Nowadays, it seems like unions exist solely to make it impossible to fire incompetent workers.
inb4: I used to be a union carpenter's apprentice.