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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 530 KB, 1920x1079, Tavern Of Heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20497794 No.20497794 [Reply] [Original]

Tavern of Heroes Edition

Previous Thread:>>20490025

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20497813


>> No.20497815
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>> No.20497818
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>> No.20497819

I will wrote the greatest lit-rpg the world may never know!
Until such time that is not yet, recommend me the best in such genre?

>> No.20497826
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Read some xianxia not advertised as xianxia.

>> No.20497830

Le Fantasy Tavern trope must be the most rancid and braindead product of modern fantasy ever

>> No.20497836

Got a beautiful omnibus edition of Gormenghast at a local book festival, lads.

>> No.20497846
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Patrician taste: achieved
Status: Based and peakepilled

>> No.20497848
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Very based, I'm reading it as well at the moment. His prose is incredible lads, I didn't think a story set entirely within a castle would be this comfy to read.

>> No.20497849

very nice. i have an illustrated edition in the mail

>> No.20497875


>> No.20497892
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Anyone read Perdido Street Station? Any good? Synopsis has me interested

>> No.20497916
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Based and Bakker-Peake pilled

>> No.20497921
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Ah! The holy alliance.

>> No.20497928

started TWI, and after a few chapters i have to say the MC isn't exactly the brightest bulb.

>> No.20497931


>> No.20497951

I found the prose difficult to read. For some that's a plus but I wasn't enjoying it.

>> No.20497952

Don't ever dare to compare Master Peake to that redditor retard and his degenerate D&D fanfics
Also samefag

>> No.20497966

You don't speak for the rest of us. Everyone who enjoys Bakker enjoys Peake and vice-a-versa. It is an unbreakable alliance against bad prose and web novels.

>> No.20497972

Can Wolfe and Tolkien-bros join you?

>> No.20497975
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You are most welcome.

>> No.20497989

Any fantasy book where the main hero is a strong man, nit some little teenage boy? Do they even write power fantasy for adults? All I can think of is Conan, but I've already read those.

>> No.20497994
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>Everyone who enjoys Bakker enjoys Peake and vice-a-versa
>It is an unbreakable alliance against blah blah blah
You are not based. You do not know what literature is. You are a basement dweller schizo (or worse, Bakker himself) who spams the shitty pulp garbage of a failed and thankfully irrelevant author 24/7 on a siberian fishing imageboard.
Do us a favor and kill yourself. And make sure to take all your Bakker books with you when you drop yourself off a bridge, mononeuronal imbecile

>> No.20498005
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I accept your defeat.

>> No.20498008

man i hate those covers for bakker's books. for the prince of nothing i managed to get those pleasant covers with the medieval tapestry art, but for aspect emperor i was forced to get the mugshot versions. oh well

>> No.20498009

were they self-published?

>> No.20498010

I have the good covers only for the first and the third book. Unlucky

>> No.20498014
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The good covers were by Overlook publishing and the mugshot covers are from Orbit publishing. No one really reads self-published books.

>> No.20498021

Any good sci fi poetry?

>> No.20498027
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No, but you might like some of these books.

>> No.20498031

>look mom I posted it again

>> No.20498033

I’ve seen the chart before. Sent it to the bros who thought it was too much. Charts have to be simplified, according to them. Even just a list would be more useful, apparently.

>> No.20498036

Why are so many people crying over a simple chart?

>> No.20498038

That's a shame. I usually listen to audiobooks while doing repetitive tasks at work. Sometimes it's hard to get a story with complex prose when you're listening. I might give it a try anyway. Thanks

>> No.20498048

Hyperion is sci-fi with a poetry related plotline.

>> No.20498055

Only A tier hmm, I better finish all the S tier books first.

>> No.20498057

Yeah I knew about that. I’ll look into it. But I’m interesting in a narrative poem set in space. I’ve seen some individual poems in magazines, but an epic or narrative would be good.

>> No.20498058

4chan is a contrarian place. Anything positive/assertive, regardless of how (in)valid will face knee jerk criticism.

>> No.20498061

anyone got any good books about aliens or first contact setting?

>> No.20498070

the based chartmaker is a bro and his work will live forever, the chart is perfect vehicle of the overall opinion of the general and thus it is infallible. dogs shall bark but the caravan will continue, the chart has been so far full of perfect recommendations

>> No.20498179

Probably Dungeon Crawler Carl.

>> No.20498189



>> No.20498192

Replace Wolfe with (fantasy) Vance and that'd be perfect.

>> No.20498193

>Can't have people discussing books in the book discussion thread!

>> No.20498200
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If only they were.

>> No.20498223

The first and second halves are almost from different books. I liked the first but dropped it in the second, while a lot of people with utter shit taste claim it only gets good half way through. I haven't picked anything from the author, but consider this was an early work, I eventually might.

>> No.20498224

How many more months/years will we have to endure the bakker spamfag posting before they finally just shut the fuck up?

>> No.20498232

yes there's literally thousands

>> No.20498237

The measure is endless.

>> No.20498286

I have a feeling Peakechads may make a run at the title this time round

>> No.20498333
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ESL anons do you have good books in your language that were never translated in english ?

>> No.20498358

Gagner la guerre has had a translation "in preparation" for years now :(

>> No.20498411

Until The Prince of Nothing becomes a movie or television show and its not cool to like it anymore.

>> No.20498425
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Holy based. Also, liking Dune (First half of the first book) is not cool anymore.

>> No.20498440

When will we get a 2022 /sffg/'s favourite books list?

>> No.20498457
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At the end of the year, obviously.

>> No.20498477

Where's the 2021 chart at?

>> No.20498495

Unironically I am so glad fantasy and scifi has so many strong, smart, and handsome male characters for me to immediately identify with, bros.

Representation matters.

>> No.20498497
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In Hell.

>> No.20498501

No worries. They are never going to adapt God-Emperor, so that will remain cool to like, especially how it filters high- and lowwits.

>> No.20498513
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Reading it right now

>mfw la fin du premier chapitre

>> No.20498521
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So they will never adapt the best parts of the series (books 4-6). Both lucky and unlucky.

>> No.20498536

>first contact
sprawl trilogy

>> No.20498551
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>First contact with Non-men and the Inchoroi...

>> No.20498589


Just call them elves you fucking tryhard homo bitch, like holy shit.. LMFAO

>> No.20498597
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>> No.20498654

I love the wandering inn so much bros
I wish I could write like that bastard

>> No.20498683
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Still not reading it.
>Who asked?
I asked.
>Not my problem.
I accept your defeat.

>> No.20498687

But only trannies and gays can be represented. Bonus points if they're black. That's true representation. I'll let it slide this time but please check your cis privilege or I will have to report you to the woke police which could result in a possible social cancelling.

>> No.20498714
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Still best selling fantasy most often has male pov and a male author.

>> No.20498719

elves don't have fused teeth

>> No.20498720

>Sarah J. Maas

>> No.20498728
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>> No.20498739

Uhhh... Elves are imaginary.. so technically... they could.


>> No.20498741
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its good tho

>> No.20498748

>>>/a/ is for you

>> No.20498757
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>> No.20498758

>Open Thread
>Bakker everywhere

Holy based.

>> No.20498788
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Truth shines!

>> No.20498805

This thread's getting like the rest of lit now, absolutely dominated by people who don't read

>> No.20498814
File: 88 KB, 248x248, the king-of-tribes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you reading then you womanish ingrate?

>> No.20498871

Simple as.

>> No.20498889

You got to report the bakkerspammer and his avatarfagging spamming ways.

>> No.20498914

I thought The Scar did a lot of the stuff perdido was trying to do in its second half much better. I wouldn't say it's amazing but it's really well-paced and fun. The city and the city is his best tho, but it's not super sf/fantasy, more of a "speculative" detective story

>> No.20498918

Until Bakker finishes the books.

>> No.20498935

Been that way for years. That's any hobby board.

>> No.20498979
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>> No.20498985
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>he shills Bakker for free

>> No.20499004

Nonmen are just what humans call them. Probably because that was the best way to describe them in their unga bunga tongue at the time.

>> No.20499050
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I'm having a really hard time enjoying simple fantasy and sci-fi novels lately. I'm reading Darth Plagueis right now and even though it's one of the better Star Wars novels I've read I can't shake the feeling that I'm doing the reading equivalent of watching television. I'm sorry for the short blog post.

>> No.20499187

Your problem is that you have an overdeveloped sense of shame and guilt. Why else would you be apologizing to anonymous strangers?

>> No.20499201

i will NOT read bakker.
i WILL read litrpgs.
i am not sorry.

>> No.20499274

That hits a little too close to home anon. I'd prefer if you guys could gangstalk somebody a little less paranoid.

>> No.20499444

Until the designated autist who has been falseflagging and hateposting for 2 years now gives up.

>> No.20499476

jolenta's nipples getting hard from the brisk water splashing on her booba
don't worry though, severian is there

>> No.20499527
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Why is "Weird Tales" held in such high esteem when the majority of stories were shit?

>> No.20499649
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>> No.20499694

based and neopulppilled

>> No.20499725

The origination is almost held in high esteem. It's called The Golden Age after all. As to why that's the case is more than I feel like typing right now.

>> No.20499729

>I'm doing the reading equivalent of watching television
Do you have to always maximise your time to be the best or are you allowed to relax a bit? Even very “literary” writers like David Foster Wallace watched television way too much and read very schlocky thrillers (you can check his personal library at a university collection, I think). I think also that very intelligent people have guilty pleasures like this where most other people wouldn’t really think twice about it. Don’t be afraid to have some trash once in a while. I also felt bad about reading fantasy and sci fi until I read The Star Fox and The Broken Sword.

>> No.20499808

So? Nothing wrong with it.
I write a story with some pretty heavy political intrigue, but I also watch trashy isekai anime to clear my head. It's just junk food.

>> No.20499865

if you aren't enjoying yourself, don't read it. at this point media consumption is such a retarded battlefield of ideologies and anxieties that you will be shamed for reading star wars crap, for not reading star wars crap, for reading serious literature, for not reading serious literature and generally for absolutely anything you do, so you're just going to have to figure out what you like on your own with nobody to tell you what you're "supposed to" be doing with your time.

>> No.20499955

Ether Dragons, by Raphael Dracon.
Fantastic YA, pun intended.

>> No.20499962

You’re probably acquiring a better taste over time. You should start reading more fiction. Most fantasy and sci-fi are shit anyway. Only a handful of writers here are worth your time.

>> No.20499977
File: 537 KB, 3000x1500, d80a6bm-faaa5dc3-fc44-4df4-8214-cc351e863a1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any fantasy novels that center around the construction of a monument or large architectural structure? Maybe something like Pillars of the Earth, but in a fantasy setting?

>> No.20500030

I could write an essay on this but I find it weird that people have an assumption that Tolkien set out to *write* Fantasy-genre fiction or make a magnum opus to be “the one and only” Fantasy novel. Do they realise how little of that kind of that stuff—the tropes of orcs and the Tolkienesque elves, as prime examples—existed in the early 50s? His ideas about writing were more concerned with the mythopoetic and epic, rather than any newfangled genre. I have a hunch that early fantastical fiction was all rather hodgepodge and ill-defined. From personal reading, all I know of, in the same year as Fellowship of the Ring, is The Broken Sword, which has vicious Viking elves in great contrast to Tolkien’s. I’ve also read a bit of Worm Ouroboros, which is supposed to precede and even influence parts of LotR. Both of these were very different and they were not copied, like LotR, to the point of creating cliches and genericity. Further, his stories were rather bound up with his training as a philologist and scholar of Old English, among his interests in Norse mythology, epics, and sagas.

>> No.20500145
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I'm just starting to get back to reading fantasy. Starting with reading some really basic stuff that i breezed through in my teens (Dragon Lance and Drizzt) and some "new" stories that i have been meaning to read for like forever (Howard's Conan, Bernard Cornwell, Lotr, GoT)

I've also started to put some serious effort into my writing too. Writing and also studying the books i have read. Trying to take them apart and understanding them better so i could then try emulating them. Really basic stuff.

Mainly what i'm wondering is if i'm doing this right, and if there are ways i could do this "smarter" ? Right now i'm
>Reading a book
>Writing stuff down that i think "flow nicely"
>Writing down short description of what is happening in each chapter
>Writing down parts where characters and places are described in a good way, since that's what i'm focusing right now (and just writing more)

Sorry for my possibly bad grammar, english is not my mother language, even if i'm planning on reading actual full books with it too.

>> No.20500150

I can only think of the Tower of Babylon short story by Ted Chiang, which maybe isn't what you are looking for but i think it's fantastic

>> No.20500157

The realization that my time is running out has definitely put some pressure on me to "min max" my use of time.
That said, I probably need to lighten up a little though.
I'm halfway through and it would never stop bothering me if I dropped it. I don't care what other people think about what I read. That's kind of a weird idea to me. Though I definitely feel like time has been better spent on other books.
>You’re probably acquiring a better taste over time.
That or my brain is fried and I need more information density to keep my attention.

>> No.20500220

I recommend reading Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain. That and keep on doing what you're doing.

>> No.20500229

>The realization that my time is running out has definitely put some pressure on me to "min max" my use of time.
Toward what goal though? One could argue that reading any fiction is a waste of time, let alone being in this thread.

>> No.20500348

Sounds pretty cool, thanks!

>> No.20500353

I read 9.00. While I liked it, The <Quest> rewards make no sense. I like the concept but how the rewards are awarded feels like it's made just so that Erin can have a massive advantage. If that was the intention then it should have been something awarded only to her, not every single [Innkeeper] on the planet.

Also, only [Innkeepers] have Quests? That doesn't sound like a sustainable situation. I can see either the class getting regulated by those already in power or [Innkeepers] becoming pseudo nobles.

>> No.20500375

It's the rule of cool.

>> No.20500450

You are trying to use logic. Stop that. You just have completely suspend your disbelief and eject your brain. It's not a serious work so no thought should be put into it. All you will accomplish is ruining your enjoyment. You're in too deep now to question anything.

>> No.20500477

When you say you are writing down stuff, do you mean like taking notes about the book, or are you actually typing in passages word for word. If not, you should be typing in passages. It's the single most useful exercise a writer can do. Especially openings--book opening, chapter openings, etc.

>> No.20500485

That's what I read it as at first

>> No.20500519

any author recs if i liked borrowed man by gene wolfe?
or like a chart that expands similar authors

>> No.20500531

Not that anon
That sounds like magical thinking of skill osmosis. What other writing superstitions do you believe?

>> No.20500556

I'll get that. Thanks.

>do you mean like taking notes about the book, or are you actually typing in passages word for word

Yeah, both.

>> No.20500580

>skill osmosis

What do you mean?

>> No.20500618
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So edgy it was nuked from Jewmazon.

>> No.20500625

It sounds like you're saying that by writing out high quality passages that some of it will rub off on the writer simply by doing so.

>> No.20500629
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I've only listened to him narrate two (and a half) audiobooks and yet I revile Travis Baldree. There's something to him that reminds me a lot of Patrick Rothfuss personality-wise, this odd wafting of phoniness. Need to read Legends and Lattes, seems like he's sampled heavily from concepts in books he's worked on. I genuinely think he ruins the audio presentations of the shit he works on and that man is EVERYWHERE in progression fantasy.

>> No.20500743

I'm sorry for not giving you enough information and you think i'm a complete imbecile. This is understandable and a fault of mine not yours.

I really look at the words used. What information they transmit. Like the first time a character is introduced. Trying to describe my characters in somewhat similar way, even playing with the idea how the writer i'm reading would write my characters. Stuff like that. I really think of the passages. Spend time on them. I don't just write them down and think that it in itself makes me a better writer in any way.

>> No.20500846

I didn't care for it. Too random. I did like The City and The City, though.

>> No.20500956

Oh, ok. Continue on as you were then.

>> No.20501101


>> No.20501141
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I don't like audiobooks but if I did this guy would make me dislike them.

>> No.20501198

I made the mistake of posting on progfant how I felt about Uncrowned when it released, being half a book, and he told me I wasn't allowed to dislike Cradle (paraphrasing.) Fuck that faggot.

>> No.20501231

ProgFant is one of the most pozzed spaces in any fantasy community. Their taste is shit at best and abysmal at worst, with the entire section of the site looking like a Hugo Awards runner-up list. Can't believe the best spot to discuss these books is on a mongolian basket weaving forum, for fuck's sake. And that's after sifting through Bakker shilling.

He's got the vocal range of a wet fart and can't seem to put a personality into his voice. Stopped the last book I was listening to because I couldn't determine what female was speaking anymore. Don't recommend it.

>> No.20501312

Any erotic futa orc books that will make me cum without touching?

>> No.20501409

Are (you)s really that addicting?

>> No.20501412
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I finally got around to reading a book I was bought for my 14th birthday. It was pretty bad, although now I want to write about pirates finding a crashed UFO.

>> No.20501515
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any books like this?

>> No.20501547

Reunion in Cephalune

>> No.20501646
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>> No.20501654

Surely your 14th birthday was less than four years ago. Videogame novelizations , ha ha. Good game though.

>> No.20501780

This is not the original anon you replied to

>> No.20501882
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>> No.20501911
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I have officially and indubitably completed the first book of Gideon the Ninth and am prepared to talk about it with anyone free of charge. 8.5. No review, as it'll probably poison future readers with an errant spoiler or turn-off. I will say that it's definitely not "lesbian necromancers in space" and is instead more like an Agatha Christie novel with a Warhammer 40k aesthetic. It's no surprise to me how it did so well considering how much it pastiches.

>> No.20501926

When Bakker rules
He rules in might
When sandi drools
It's an ugly sight

>> No.20501936

I enjoyed the first half but I struggled to finish. Will you continue the series?

>> No.20501980

I enjoyed the mysterious beginning on the Ninth, felt a lull as about 15 characters were introduced in a span of 50 pages, then worked through it at a speedy pace by the time they hit the lab (with ups and downs from there). Finished in four evenings, which is a very quick read for me. I don't feel an urgency to continue but may check out Harrowhark when I'm ready, since I've got other things on my plate. I assume if the setting becomes grander with each book, though, that it will also become more focused on what seem to be Tamsyn Muir's weaknesses. The cracks in worldbuilding and the magic system were revealed over time, and I think Harrowhark involves "magic schooling" type stuff which I don't care much about.

>> No.20501984

Eh, I like him. He's good in Cradle. That's all I've heard from him. Cradle, and those other Will Wight books. the assassin/pirate series. He's alright to me.

>> No.20502049

Not the one you're replying to but I liked Legends and Lattes, I don't listen to him narrate but his new book is nice, I hope he writes more.

>> No.20502127

black company is full of strong men (and women)

>> No.20502145
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Oh you won an award? and you want a congratulation? FUCK YOU! it means you're pozzed and blue pilled, a based red pilled person would never won an award, he would get banned if he was actually good and worth reading, you should be ashamed of your award.

>> No.20502158

Of bakker there is nothing but phallus
Cucks and homos books full of buggery
Kelsier a true chad whos arc is callus
Kellus a nerd self insert whose speech is just blubbery

>> No.20502175

Oh, it didn't even register in my brain that he wrote the Latte book. I was so confused for a minute. On that note: I'll never read the book, because it looks like some millenial soi boi shit. Nothing I want to read less than some millenials spouting D&D tropes while going on about how much they love their coffee, brews, and cutesy little queer romance.

>> No.20502180

this but unironically
mainstream approval via awards was once a badge of honor, but hasn't been for a while

>> No.20502197

The sandi poet spits his mockery
Trying to match the poet supreme
His poem is a comedic tragedy
Like a clown he rage and scream

>> No.20502215

"literary awards are shit now, they pick because of x instead of y"
-guy who's read approximately one book from any of the past decades nominations

>> No.20502245


Whats up with these K names? I'm sure there are more

>> No.20502252

As per usual I’m late, but what are you reading and what are you planning to read?

>> No.20502256

K names rule supreme, simple as.

>> No.20502260

That’s really none of your concern.

>> No.20502301

why would i read pozzed, woke trash?

>> No.20502316

This is the misery of the award reader, they read piles of garbage and trash just because it won a pozzed award by a woke establishment.

>> No.20502334

Awards are a badge of shame
Those who have it, ever so lame
The award haver lives in disgrace
A pathetic frown always on his face

>> No.20502489

I've got one chapter left in the second volume of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, which I'll finish tomorrow after work. I'm enjoying it very much, definitely prefer Yang chapters to Reinhard ones. Never watched the anime. It'll likely be a week or two before volume 3 arrives, but I'm not sure what to read next. Maybe The Silver Spike even though I wanted to hold off a little longer after finishing Soldiers Live.

>> No.20502616

>look at what we're reading
is this a joke group

>> No.20502639

reading about trannys and fags ishygddt

>> No.20502650

I don't understand what differentiates "adult fantasy" from YA. What's the line between them?

>> No.20502656

I liked Dark Elf Trilodgy, like 4 books of WoT before I got kinda tired of it, GoT is good but will never be done. What do I read now? ShouldbIbget into disc world?

>> No.20502669

One is allowed to say the fuck word.

>> No.20502679

sex and swearing

>> No.20502694

Very nice anon. I know a lot of people dismiss them, but I think light novels sound extremely comfy.

>> No.20502695

>What's the line between them?
Sex and swearing sure, but specifically YA is tailored to meet the approval of School Librarians and Parent Teacher Associations, while the other is aimed at teens who have enough money buy their own books.

Regardless, both end up being consumed primarily by middle aged twitter addicts.

>> No.20502701
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 51jJAhVpocS._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this
It was really good, I think it's the first of a new trilogy but honestly, on its own the book was great.
All the marines were great
No standout annoying characters that you just wanted their PoVs to end.
Was slow going at first but mostly because I spend a good amount of time in the first few chapters going to the wiki to refresh myself on events from the previous series.

This takes place around 10years after the events of the crippled god, the only character (so far) that you get a pov from that was in the original series is Spindle, the mage that controls animals.

Not too much ascendant mumbo jumbo either. Just enough, to show things from a larger perspective and to what I guess is helping set stuff up for the future.

>> No.20502702

Huh, well just looked it up and apparently Legend of the Galactic Heroes is actually just a sci-fi series and they aren’t light novels.
Gettaload of this guy.

>> No.20502718

I've read them all. The translation is somewhat rough at times, but I still enjoyed them. I liked the OVA series much more though. The ongoing tv series remake is also enjoyable.

There's a few other actual Japanese sff novels that have been adapted as well. It's understandable that it would be thought of as a light novel though, as the number of standard novels is lacking.

>> No.20502746

Yeah, its a "legitimate" novel series. I do think that the term "light novel" is pretty arbitrary once its translated and you aren't talking about the difficulty of the kanji. It's just become a catchall for any Japanese genre fiction.
Yeah, I've caught a couple obvious flubs in the translation already, but maybe I'm inoculated against it from the trashy fan translated stuff I read in college because they don't bother me much. Goddamn, that was almost ten years ago and I feel old. Anyway, one thing I'm enjoying is when it gets into the technical descriptions. Depending on my mood I can either intently absorb it or glaze over until it moves on. I've never read like that before, instead always focusing intently on the text and stopping to do something else if my mind kept wondering. It's probably more a personal matter than something to do with the series, but it's relaxing. I don't feel the pressure I usually do to block out the rest of the world and the troubles of life just to be able to read, and as a result I'm able to escape into the book more easily.

>> No.20502753

The #1 difference is marketing.

>> No.20502790

You may not have noticed that the group is categorized as Just for Fun -> Totally Pointless, but that's for a different reason than being a joke. For a more detailed response, read this post:

>> No.20502793

Zelazny's Amber books

>> No.20502812

It is so hard wading through all of royalroad just to find one decent litrpg! I just can’t keep spending my days like this anymore. How can I better find what I want fellow anons?

>> No.20502854

By looking at aggregated scores or someone who likes similar litrpg to you or some kind of curation in general. Other than that you may just have to accept that you don't really like it and you're just hurting yourself.

>> No.20502912

>caught up to my first rr litrpg
The suffering of weekly releases.

>> No.20502936

As compared to yearly or less releases?

>> No.20502939

It's just my first literature 'regular chapter update' but I've been following One Piece since 2007 so I'm more than used to this by now.

>> No.20502944

15 years is a long time, but at least it's regular. I've followed some for longer that and they were less regular.

>> No.20502949
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Write your own. Come up with a half baked idea. Write about fifty chapters worth. Give up and leave all your followers hanging.

>> No.20503005

Will they still pay into my Patreon?

>> No.20503012

Ruthlessy abandoning fans? Ah yes, they are merely emulating some of the most popular fantasy authors.

>> No.20503057
File: 81 KB, 554x844, Undertaker2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna start reading pic related tomorrow. I finished the first book today and it was kino.

>> No.20503062

I don't need to eat a turd sandwich to know it tastes bad.

>> No.20503080
File: 874 KB, 1925x1301, mtgnovels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here read any of the MtG novelizations?

>> No.20503108

Yes, I read 50+ of them in my teenage years. Even Brandon Sanderson wrote one. That was after my time though.

>> No.20503114

As a note, they aren't novelizations, and your image is of some of the earliest ones before the reboot.

>> No.20503132

Out of the last 12 years worth of Hugos, I read
>A Desolation Called Peace (2022 Best Novel finalist, and probably will score the Best novel)
>A Memory Called Empire (2021 Best Novel)
>The Stone Sky (2018 Best Novel)
>The Three Body Problem (2015 Best Novel)
>Ancillary Justice (2014 Best Novel)
>The Windup Girl (2010 Best Novel)

The Stone Sky and Ancillary Justice also got Nebulas, IIRC. Sequels to Ancillary Justice also grabbed Locus, and so did one of the later The Expanse books.

NONE of them were any good. I'm done following those awards.

>> No.20503180

Are you just saying that because none of them are straight white men?

>> No.20503185

To the best of my abilities I boycott woke companies.

>> No.20503198

Good luck with that.

>> No.20503200

>I read 9.00. While I liked it, The <Quest> rewards make no sense. I like the concept but how the rewards are awarded feels like it's made just so that Erin can have a massive advantage. If that was the intention then it should have been something awarded only to her, not every single [Innkeeper] on the planet.
>Also, only [Innkeepers] have Quests? That doesn't sound like a sustainable situation. I can see either the class getting regulated by those already in power or [Innkeepers] becoming pseudo nobles.

It was mentioned Inkeepers and adjacent classes are also able to issue quests. I believe it's a set-up for smart people realizing they can do so as well, and try to brute-force the quests for other classes, mostly ruling ones. As for the rewards, I don't the problem, they are huge. Access to the Armory of Stars is probably worth a mountain of gold. What I can't wait for is when other people start issuing problematic quests, i.e. inkeepers from Roshal issue quests for catching run-away slaves etc.

>> No.20503203 [DELETED] 

Turd sandwiches rule supreme
Subway's sandwiches rage and scream

>> No.20503210

The Harper Prism ones are kino

>> No.20503223 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 800x600, 400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL read The Wandering Inn
You WILL go through 70 thousand pages
You WILL discuss every volume on /sffg/
You WILL like every lizard and goblin in the book
You WILL level up your dish washing skills

>> No.20503229
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I'm bored.

>> No.20503241

>Are you just saying that because none of them are straight white men?
None of whom? None of the novels are straight white men? I don't know any novels that are straight white men, or any novels that are queer asian women either - they are novels. Books, with pages and shit, not people with skin color and genitals.

If you mean protagonists - The Stone Sky, Ancillary series, The Expanse and The Windup Girl have straight white men among protagonists.

If you mean authors - Paolo Bacigalupi who wrote the The Windup Girl is a straight white man, same as Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck who wrote The Expanse.

>> No.20503246
File: 506 KB, 945x1500, witch Anazurhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You WILL read The Wandering Inn
>You WILL go through 70 thousand pages
>You WILL discuss every volume on /sffg/
>You WILL like every lizard and goblin in the book
>You WILL level up your dish washing skills
Cope harder, TWI is the light of my life

>> No.20503259

Why are you mentioning The Expanse? How peculiar and damaging.

>> No.20503266
File: 36 KB, 479x487, coltaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to read all of the main malazan books first

>> No.20503268

>Why are you mentioning The Expanse?
Because I mentioned it in my first response here >>20503132 ?

>> No.20503273

Other awards exist. There are many.

>> No.20503278

Name one award worth paying attention to

>> No.20503280

Then I welcome you to quit bitching about anons refusing to read winners of THE largest, most known and popular literary awards in sci-fi (as you acknowledge that they indeed suck), and shill those hidden gem awards instead.

>> No.20503291

None. Only one's own personal opinion matters.

There are no hidden gems.

>> No.20503296

>None. Only one's own personal opinion matters.
>There are no hidden gems.
So we can safely ignore them awards.

Thank you for pretending to be retarded for out sake.

>> No.20503388

it's good for world building, themes and prose, not so much for plot and character. read it for the interesting ideas.

>> No.20503392

yeah i loved this

>> No.20503432

Is there any popular litrpg or progression fantasy that isn't a webnovel, and published in book form? I take it the format isn't suited as well to the traditional novel.

>> No.20503436

Do you mean besides Cradle?

>> No.20503438

I dunno, I recognize that title from these threads but I don't know anything about the genre so it's a morass to me. But you answered my question, thank you.

>> No.20503462

pretty much anything western in the progression genre is done in book format with a couple of royalroad exceptions.
Soulhome and Cradle are the only two I'd say are much good though.

>> No.20503467
File: 53 KB, 539x452, cute happy lil tacodemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a sequel to Iron Prince or Bastion more than anything

>> No.20503498

TWI at least at the start is quite meandering in its writing, and pretty small scale so far. You can tell the author is relatively new at this.
These are my impressions so far.

>> No.20503555

I just finished it myself and though I liked it overall, but I do have some problems (pacing, Gideon basically being completely pointless for the majority of the book, Harrow's characterisation in general feeling very forced by the hand of the author, etc.). I'll probably read Harrow later, but it seems the sort of thing I have to be in the mindset for and I am just not.

>> No.20503558

K names aren't too common in English (there's, like, Kevin and Kyle and you don't see many of those), K is sort of the default 'exotic' letter in some cases (see magick vs magic) and I guess it's just what people use for fantasy names a lot.

>> No.20503564

Well, Dungeon Crawler Carl started as a webnovel but has since moved to being written just as books.

>> No.20503566

Bastion, sure.
Iron Prince, why? It was just... Bland. 800 pages of nothing really interesting happening.

>> No.20503571
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>> No.20503602

That's why he put your picture there.

>> No.20503612

Back in the day when it was the norm for novels to be released as serials, were they written as serials or were they all pre-written and just released that way?

>> No.20503623

>Trying to find something new to read
>Get inundated with Litrpg shit no matter how I search
This is fucking ridiculous. It's spam at this point. What the fuck? How am I ever supposed to find anything to read when everything just gets buried under mountains of this shit?

>> No.20503626


>> No.20503638

>Is there any popular litrpg or progression fantasy that isn't a webnovel, and published in book form? I take it the format isn't suited as well to the traditional novel.

The author of Mother of Learning is working on official publishing, in paper form. Dungeon Crawler Carl, one of the best and famous LitRPGs is already being sold in paper form, and I assume some other authors managed to do so as well. Supposedly Pirateaba (The Wandering Inn's author) tries for publishing their spin-off series Gravesong in print as well.

>TWI at least at the start is quite meandering in its writing, and pretty small scale so far. You can tell the author is relatively new at this.
>These are my impressions so far.
Getting into TWI might not be the smoothest experience if you don't get hooked right off the bat, but know that its quality increases wildly in next volumes, Volumes 1-4 are basically just the prologue. Me myself considered dropping it multiple times before Volume 4, and I'm glad I hadn't as now it's my most favourite webnovel, and the best fantasy story I've read for years. Yes, it can be felt that Pirateaba was just starting when writing TWI, it was only their third(?) story. Since then the author has grown extremely, now being one of the most experienced writers on the planet.

>> No.20503750

Yeah this is fair. Iron Prince is like set up into set up into set up into oh the book's over and he's basically done one cool thing and otherwise just been beaten up a lot.

>> No.20503753

fuck off neurolosers you don't know nothing about cyberpunk

>> No.20503755

If you don't read self-pub you can avoid it.
If you do use goodreads for finding stuff I heavily recommend either not logging self-pub or making a shelf without any self-pub on it which you use for recommendations.
Otherwise either new releases or vaguely googling a theme helps find things.
A couple of authors I like actually use goodreads so their reviews or currently reading helps me find new things too.

>> No.20503770

I don't use goodreads at all.

>> No.20503779

dunno how you're unable to avoid litrpg then

>> No.20504150

Bought the series. Thanks for the recommmendation.

>> No.20504193
File: 155 KB, 1080x765, Screenshot_20220610-104658_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the longest you have ever procrastinated?

>> No.20504212

6 months after I moved. Never again.

>> No.20504237


>> No.20504242

If the Quests evolve and other classes also gain access to it too then I would be ok with it.

I think what soured me on it was how so far in the story, the system has been shaped by the culture of that world but in this case, it seems to be happening in the opposite direction.

>> No.20504270

going on 10 years

>> No.20504536

Two years and going with my final thesis
I fucking hate my life

>> No.20504554

Nice, dropped a dislike for faggot Preston.

>> No.20504633
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>> No.20504642

any fantasy rec's that have an environmentalist theme? Already read Tolkien

>> No.20504651

Actually, you don't. For real. Me checking the wiki wasn't out of necessity, it was me remembering things as I read and wanted to remember stuff

Reading it first would spoil some things, I suppose, it can't not, but you can def enjoy the book on its own and I really do think it's one of the better Malazan books.

>> No.20504677 [DELETED] 

zoomer scum

>> No.20504684

>NONE of them were any good. I'm done following those awards.
why did you dislike all of them?

>> No.20504695

I wonder if it's a good or a bad sign reviewanon hasn't posted since he started reading LotM.

>> No.20504712

that doesn't sound like a series

>> No.20504715

i've been wondering about this too. but he might've just left due to the anons railing him for MoL. not that i followed the arguments too closely.

>> No.20504717

Hmmmmm. There is so much to read! I can’t even decide. It’s either Irish folktales, The Wizard Knight, Journey to the West, or Conan/Solomon Kane tonight. Help me!

>> No.20504783

The Wizard Knight if only because I am planning on reading it.

>> No.20504825
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>> No.20504844

Just started Between Two Fires. Did I make a good choice?

>> No.20504940

On a LOTM note I'm reading one of the author's earlier works and it's pretty fun.

Basically turns cultivation into a sports story but the amusing part is how he writes the romance. The nice author is trying his absolute fucking hardest to explain to his autistic readers how to date a girl.

>> No.20505008

I read this fantasy novella a few years ago that I really want to read again. The only part I remember was a part where the main character gave an Orc a blowjob, and the book vividly described how sweaty and veiny the Orcs cock was

Any ideas what this book was ?

>> No.20505182

The same goal my dog has when he spits out a piece of celery. That doesn't make my dog a nihilist.

>> No.20505194


>> No.20505410

Lucky bastard I wish I could wipe my memory and read it all over again.

>> No.20505448

Not that anon
Saying that about erasing memories is so dumb.

>> No.20505535
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... a book of a certain A(nthony) Burch, perhaps?

>> No.20505799

I read Foundation trilogy and F's Edge. I thought it wouldn't be so connected with F and Earth but it's direct sequel so I want to read it asap.
What is the bare minimum of Robot books to read so that I enjoy Foundation and Earth a lot?

>> No.20505990

all of them

>> No.20506075

Duuuude sone of them aren't even translated to my language. Please just tell me the most important ones

>> No.20506092

do you not speak english?

>> No.20506126
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>> No.20506140

Let me guess. You are American and you've never read a book in any language other than English, correct?

>> No.20506178

i'm mexican and speak english, spanish and french

>> No.20506185

Also Kvothe
>Whats up with these K names?
Unironically designed to appeal to the redditor mind

>> No.20506191

ESL here
Only turd burglars dont read books in their original language if given the chance

>> No.20506216

anglo here, if it's worth reading it'll be in english

>> No.20506225

i agree desu. anglos make the best sci-fi and fantasy by far. are other people even trying?

>> No.20506257 [DELETED] 

No. The writer is a pozzed faggot.

>> No.20506260

Caves of Steel and Naked Sun. Robots of Dawn fits in there someplace, but it could be after foundation. I don't recall. It was written much later than the other two.

>> No.20506280
File: 24 KB, 311x500, B08B4CGJCM.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's looking through the best sellers on Jewmazon for 'Men's Adventure Fiction' and seeing pic related at number 13.

>> No.20506287

Please explain

>> No.20506292


>> No.20506456

What's the first example of magic systems in fiction?

>> No.20506464

I agree about the pacing being off, where it's more a pageturner and less crafted, with hamfisted attempts to justify the plot at times so as to keep things moving ("We're forbidden from sending signals off-planet!"). I also agree that Gideon jerks around often, but don't think this is a bad thing - she's the cavalier, Harrow is the necromancer, and so she's more important for her narrative tone than for being central to the plot. I could even argue she's the incidental deuteragonist where Harrow is the actual protagonist. The Harrow critique I understand - I think anyone can see how their relationship develops over time, and have issues with how it happened (the fucking pool scene). I'm in the camp of forgiving missteps like that as long as the novel can sustain my interest and affection, which it did.

>> No.20506476

>The nice author is trying his absolute fucking hardest to explain to his autistic readers how to date a girl.
Post an example so I can learn how to date.

>> No.20506478

Take the chink pill.

>> No.20506502

yes but only read Journey to the West

>> No.20506639

>Basically turns cultivation into a sports story but the amusing part is how he writes the romance. The nice author is trying his absolute fucking hardest to explain to his autistic readers how to date a girl.
I might actually read that, kek, Its Martial Arts Master, right?

>> No.20506686

I wonder if anyone would be interested in reading Kamen Rider-esque SSF

>> No.20506776

If you deal away with the faggier elements I'd read about a guy in power armor fighting shit. I've even entertained the idea of writing such a thing myself.

>> No.20506793

My impetus is: What if Kamen Rider Kabuto hadn't turned into Ramen Rider Kabuto?

>> No.20506862

i will learn mandarin so i can read the three body problem and the great four classical novels in chinese (and what imperial dramas)

>> No.20506867

Yeah, fight scenes are very into describing every minor movement but it's got an okay pace

>> No.20506890

Thanks for your contribution.

>> No.20506907

You're very welcome.

>> No.20506910

I'm around here and there, I just don't name up since I'm not actively reviewing anything. Took a breather and listened to Eisenhorn (loved it) so I am legitimately just starting LOTM. I wish I had read this title earlier, I'm enjoying it so far. I think it handles transmigration as a concept the best I've seen so far. I also ended up re-reading Beware of Chicken's original Royal Road version, so I need to re-review that at some point.

>> No.20507080

Depends exactly what you mean by "systematic" magic has often had rules in myth, legend, folklore stretching way back, even if its just simple stuff like "say their true name to break the curse", or "X must happen on day Y because reasons".

As far as modern day commercial fiction goes I think Vancian magic is probably one of the earliest examples.

>> No.20507198
File: 28 KB, 630x165, goodreads_poor_people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20507205

What's wrong with meritocracy?

>> No.20507206

>300 chapters in and dbam, harem out of nowhere

>> No.20507208

That isn‘t the question you should be asking. I‘m more interested in knowing what type of mental illness that person has.

>> No.20507210

It's sexist, racist, and antisemitic

>> No.20507212

Which book ?

>> No.20507228

Bakker, ofc

>> No.20507231

I like character depth

>> No.20507234

I was gonna say that, but I‘m calling bait right now. That can literally be any 19th century Classic.

>> No.20507307

Doc Savage

>> No.20507320

If you want a serious answer the word was invented by someone who was criticizing the concept
The problem with it is that all you do is shuffle the problems of the existing class system around to different people, you don't actually solve any of the problems with a stratified society.

>> No.20507427

It doesn't result in equity

>> No.20507475

Robin Hobb's Soldier's Son books

>> No.20507502

I just don't get how you get anything about meritocracy the Darkness That Comes Before
let alone a positive endorsement

The rulers in this book are kings, lords and emperors, hereditary titles

>> No.20507549

Being poor in a medieval society is depicted as.. not very nice
therefore you must hate poor people

>> No.20507565

Are there any webnovels that are gods and demons fiction aka shenmo xiaoshuo?

>> No.20507595
File: 614 KB, 284x250, cool guitar frog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started reading I Shall Seal The Heavens

>> No.20507667

Equity is a meme.

>> No.20507680

I like being deep in characters.

>> No.20507736

It doesn't matter whether anyone be interested, you do you.

>> No.20507753

The pool scene is almost certainly from the pool scene in Life is Strange.

>> No.20507764

How unfortunate.

>> No.20507781

A few hours ago I started reading Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep and I've just finished it. That's never happened to me before, damn nigga. The movies are good but they REALLY don't do the book justice. I wasn't expecting it to be so good.

>> No.20507824

We need a similar test for posters in this thread.

>> No.20507965

>I Shall Seal The Heavens
Is it good?

>> No.20507970
File: 398 KB, 164x200, 1654629876066.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read much sci-fi/fantasy but what little I have read (LoTR, book of the new sun series) has really impressed me. The thing that puts me off of the genre is the possibility that similarly to manga, the medium as a whole is vindicated by only a small handful of quality works whilst the rest is just garbage low quality shit inundated with orc rape

I'd like to delve deeper, but I'm afraid it might be quite limited. Please tell me the best of what this genre has to offer

>> No.20507983

>I'd like to delve deeper, but I'm afraid it might be quite limited. Please tell me the best of what this genre has to offer
Try reading Dunsany, Wolfe, MacDonald, Tolkien, Smith, Peake, Le Guin, Vance, Howard, and Moorcock. For a more contemporary taste, there’s Guy Gavriel Kay, Tad Williams and George R.R Martin.

>> No.20507995

i finished book 8 some days ago and stil need to start book 9, up to book 8 was good okay

>> No.20508041

I can respect while pooh-poohing the hackery.

>> No.20508052

Is there many instances of Jack Vance actually discussing his magic system, or has the whole concept of 'vancian magic' just come about as a result of Dungeons & Dragons?

>> No.20508076

It only comes up two or three times in the whole Dying Earth setting, and it's basically just there to explain that wizards can't cast unlimited spells. In the stories a very powerful wizard can cast four spells in a day and a normie who tries very hard might be able to cast one without it failing. That's the entire "system".

In D&D a powerful wizard can cast like 30 a day, there's 9 different tiers of spells and a bunch of different "schools" of magic and there's also arcane, sorcerous, divine, druidic magic. So far more autistic.

>> No.20508079
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Oof. Lirael left me wanting more, but not in a good way. It felt like the third act was cut out, just so they can force a sequel. The book ends on a giant "too be continued".

Unlike Sabriel, the pacing is a little slower. There's more time spent developing two characters, rather than only one. However, I feel like they spent too much time emphasizing how much emotional turmoil Lirael was in. We get it, she doesn't feel like she belongs. You don't have to remind us ever 2 seconds.

And Sameth goes through a very strange arc. First they introduce him as this rugby playing chad who scores the winning goals. Then later, they re-introduce him as this recluse inventor who's always tinkering in his tower and being anti social.
I guess he can be both things. But I don't know... it didn't seem to meld well to me. It felt like two different characters.

It takes them all book before they finally meet up. Only leaving about the final 5-10% actually interacting with each other. Then the book is fucking over. Nothing is resolved, except I guess they come to terms with who they are. But you'd expect some pay off after that. But No, there is no payoff. They have their revelations, and then "see you next book, idiots."

Also, it's advertised as a kid's book. Nothing makes you feel more like a bitch than hearing a kid gleefully call out "audible kids!" at the start of the book.

>> No.20508081

Shit, I didn't mean to reply to that anon. I was thinking about it, but then figured it was better not to get involved in that. Forgot to delete the numbers.

>> No.20508086

In OD&D wizards could only cast 1 spell per day at level 1

>> No.20508087

What is Sabriel like?

>> No.20508100

She's a hot twattin' bitch like all women.

>> No.20508103

That's a broad question. What do you want to know about it? Sabriel's a good book. A pretty simple story of a girl taking up her destined calling, after her father's disappearance. She's inexperienced, but also hyper competent, so she adapts quickly and survives.

>> No.20508105

I mean, even in 5e a 1st-level wizard gets 2 spells a day.

>> No.20508107

they get unlimited laserfingers

>> No.20508235

This is true, but that is because it being a simple proto-system doesn't require painful elaboration. It isn't magic-as-circuitry, sure, but then nothing really more than 15 years old is but that is just indicative of the modern shift toward a more materialist or horizontal conception of magic as a fundamental force, like gravity or magnetism or electricity, that can be manipulated and controlled like a natural resource.

Maybe you could find some early Wuxia novels where Warriors use Qigong/Neigong to run across water and shit, the Taoists pretty much invented 'hard magic' 2000 years ago.

>> No.20508265

Yeah actual classic daoist magic stuff is: control weight, control breathing, control perception, see ghosts, etc. It's all personal buffs.

>> No.20508329

>a kid gleefully call out "audible kids!" at the start of the book.

>> No.20508397

Read the Tang Dynasty poets too! And maybe the Records of the Three Kingdoms (not Romance, which you said you’d read anyway).

>> No.20508454

New thread

>> No.20508659

go away

>> No.20508676

get fucked righty