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20500878 No.20500878 [Reply] [Original]

This was surprisingly good and, dare I say, funny. Anyone else read it?

>> No.20500887

I'm not a tranny I'm afraid

>> No.20500895

Oh nonononoo

>> No.20500910

I know this is a deliberate attempt to try everyone's patience but I will still invite you to commit seppuku with a rusty butter knife then collect your intestines and use them as a rope to hang yourself.

>> No.20500919



also ywnbarw fuck off and kill yourself on the way back to reddt or pol or whatever shitheap you crawled out you dumb nigger faggot OP

>> No.20500922

...and then one day,

>> No.20500926

haha because it means black

>> No.20500928

Allah willing in this incoming economic collapse these guys are forced into a career hard labor

>> No.20500930

...for absolutely no reason whatsoever,

>> No.20500954


>> No.20500986
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Why is there a masonic symbol on the cover of the book on the cover of the book?

>> No.20501107

omfg 愛 so obv.
yall morb fanbois are lit zombies.

>> No.20501125

Shut it down

>> No.20501159
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Schwartz and Katzenberg

>> No.20501301

So many people ITT judge a book by its cover. You literally learn in first grade not to do this.

>> No.20501507

I blame the Instagram green text posters for ruining this board

>> No.20501680

i blame the people who take the bait

>> No.20501708

I believe they are judging it by the author's last name.

>> No.20501738
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>> No.20501743

>all those jews
lol not today, Satan.

>> No.20501770

>not only tranimefags but also antisemitic
Grow up losers

>> No.20501773

Sounds like a good read because the only writers that matters are white males.

>> No.20501816

I will not buy anything that mentions race, even if it's mentioned ironically. I deal with enough of that bullshit on the internet.

>> No.20501830
File: 46 KB, 630x1200, MV5BMTI3MDc4NzUyMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTQyMTc5MQ@@._V1_UY1200_CR162,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shan't be reading that! I shan't be reading it, and furthermore, I'm antisemitic!

>> No.20501831

He doesn't know...might as well stop browsing /lit/ if you don't know.

>> No.20501856


>> No.20501862

He's a cuck you know?

>> No.20501900
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>white man

>> No.20501907

We should counter-publish The Black Man's Guide to Female Writers of the Mudhut Canon

>> No.20501910

I'm starting to realize that the world is exactly as black-and-white as /pol/ says

>> No.20501917

It honestly didn't need to have that title. It wasn't anything special as far as reading guides go but it wasn't terrible (and the title is misleading--I don't recall any SJW bullshit in it).

>> No.20502006
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>I'm starting to realize that the world is exactly as black-and-white as /pol/ says
It really do be like that.

>> No.20502018
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>> No.20502246

I'm not to brag, but I have zero tolerance to progressist activist hacks in fashion with the demoralized populace

>> No.20502290

>fellow whites

>> No.20502361


>> No.20502403

Well, a few hundred thousand of them die under Hitler’s watch (mostly from typhus) and it’s been non-stop war on white people ever since.

>> No.20502404
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>> No.20502407
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>> No.20502449

Forced into an oven more like but this time forreal.

>> No.20502451

Typical Tricks, Shlomo!

>> No.20502454

Typical Tricks, Shlomo!

>> No.20502524
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They control that shit for the sake of marketing retard. What conclusions are you supposed to draw from:
>the WHITE MAN'S guide
>to WHITE MALE writers
>of the WESTERN canon

>> No.20502545
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>> No.20502565

Typical Tricks, Schlomo!

>> No.20502601

Typical Tricks, Shlomo!

>> No.20503128

I know this is a shitpost, but qrd on what the book actually says? Is it anything more than you'd expect?

>> No.20503213

Typical Tricks, Schlomo!

>> No.20503224



Why would I read a White man's guide that's written by non-Whites?

>> No.20503234

I learnt from Neech that there is no difference between a book and its cover.

>> No.20503276

Ashkenazim are literally a Caucasian ethnic group.

>> No.20503324
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>So many people ITT judge a book by its cover.
Of course I judge books by their covers.

>> No.20503342

It’s pretty mild ribbing of the guys in Schwartz’s class who had no interest in reading women writers. Or in dating her.
The only problem is that the only people who will get most of the jokes are the people she is making fun of and a few other bitter roastie MFA students.

>> No.20504674
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That nose...

>> No.20504711

Get off /pol/.

>> No.20504773

>There are five stories that you’re supposed to read before workshop tomorrow. You’ll go over them with a blue pen you dig from the bottom of your backpack with comments like “great line here!” and “maybe add more detail?”
>The first story is about a man who thinks his wife might be having an affair but isn’t sure. The man is considering boarding a plane but can’t remember if his ticket is refundable. “Maybe add more detail?” you write in the empty space after the final paragraph. “Like, so the main character feels like a human being?”
>The second story is about a man who sleeps with the girl who works at the local coffee shop and then decides he doesn’t want to sleep with her anymore.
>The third is about a man leaving his wife and then sleeping with the girl who works at the local record store.
>You realize all three stories are by boys in your class, the type who come in black T-shirts with holes at the collar and take notes in Moleskine notebooks and roll their eyes if a girl compares something to Jane Austen. They’re that boy you’ve seen smoking outside the Rock—the main library at Brown. (There’s a story they tell about it on tours for prospective students and their eager parents, how John D. Rockefeller was upset that students were calling his namesake library “the Rock”—until they started calling it “the John” instead.) Those boys are always on the stairs of the Rock, reclining back with one foot kicked up behind him so his body is straight and at as a board, forming the hypotenuse of a right triangle between the ground and the building.
>The stories were pretentious, but their worst crime, you realized, was that they were boring. You don’t care about the lonely white man who rides a train and wonders what more the country owes him. You don’t care about these men who have sex with women and feel sorry for themselves because the girls (the women become girls after they’ve been fucked) don’t understand how complicated they are. Terrible writing so often bejewels itself in the trappings of J. D. Salinger and Hemingway and Updike and Cheever and shouts, “Me, too!” as it glides into any room. There is nothing profound about not deciding to name a main character. “It’s meant to represent every man,” you can imagine one of the boys explaining tomorrow, rolling his eyes behind his Warby Parkers and massaging the bridge of his nose as if he’s so much better than all of this because he’s convinced himself he understood Ulysses. No, you think, you just wrote a bad story and hid it behind a cardboard cutout of what you think a good story would look like.

>> No.20504960

>antiwhite halfwit tries telling actual white people what white is

You are so fucking stupid.

>> No.20504976

>Schwartz grew up in Highland Park, Illinois and was raised in a Jewish household
Trust your instincts, noble Aryans. Concede nothing.

>> No.20504985

>thinking people still use /pol/
People with functioning brains on 4chan realised a long time ago /pol/ is correct and have since moved on. You're just on the wrong side of the bell curve.

>> No.20504991

"My Struggle in the MFA Program: The White Man's Roadmap to Bookskrieg" by Levi Weinberg

>> No.20505003

You just know the author got fucked by 15 dudes that looks like this and still wants to fuck them. Probably feels guilty at betraying the tribe and wants to lash out though

>> No.20505005

Honestly wouldn't matter. Essence trumps substance. Its why all the /pol/ types insisting on redeeming Japs as white are so fucking ridiculous.
If the spirit of your society and culture is completely dedicated to the destruction of Western cultures, or otherwise completely alien to it, you cannot be said to be from a white culture.

>> No.20505006

Whoever wrote this seems bitter, and I can't stand the type of people they're describing.

>> No.20505033

me no like jew. jew bad. they bad. me no like jew

>> No.20505042

It's clear it really touches a nerve around here. Hell, I probably would have forgotten its existence a while ago if people here weren't so stuck on it.

>> No.20505056

My right to not give a rats arse about Jane Austen is sacred

>> No.20505090
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Literally me. And everyone hates me.

>> No.20505115
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>> No.20505123

Newfag conspiratard, go back to your containment board

>> No.20505256

Literally every time.

>> No.20505276

I think it’s a question of punching up or punching down
When Jews are so privileged in our society any kind of ‘mild ribbing’ is a case of punching down.

>> No.20505432

Most of the canon is comprised of Anglo authors, that's the true bias. Anglo women like the Bronte sisters, Mary Shelley or Jane Austen have been praised countless times.

>> No.20505503

jew bad. they bad. me not like jew.

>> No.20505514

Good eye (no pun)

>> No.20505739

Typical Tricks, Schlomo!

>> No.20505756

>no argument

you literally learn to do this when you actually read books, unlike yourself

>> No.20506108

Good eye jimmy two times

>> No.20506138

A white boy that won't know how much he lost after refusing a Jewish Woman

>> No.20506218

What was it about?

>> No.20506258

this kek

>> No.20506265

Did they put themselves in there lmao you'll never be white no matter how much propaganda your tribe puts out

>> No.20506272

Jewish people are pretty awesome famalam

>> No.20506311

If by awesome you mean the most selfish and wicked race to exist, you would be correct.

>> No.20506324

Shit-tier troll

Honestly based

>> No.20506468 [DELETED] 
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>jew writes anti-white tweet
>someone mentions that he's jewish
Who would've thought the dynamic would get here so fast? Jews can freely call for whites to be replaced and if you call them out then you're the guilty one, yet no one bats an eye at the anti-white racism.
>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.20506737

Got you to reply goofball.

>> No.20506841


>> No.20507053

Trolled hard again

>> No.20507056
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I do that to more than just books.

>> No.20507074

schwartz is a pretty typical german lastname guys. in this case, it doesn't really indicate her jewishness, but I like that you have the reflex. Remember the ol'wikipedia test hardly never fails.

>> No.20507285
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>> No.20507287

>projecting this hard

>> No.20507316

Wow really weird the english canon is dominated by the english

>> No.20508010
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>noooo! you're only allowed to think illiterates from bongoland are good!

>> No.20508650

One day they'll remove this stuff from wiki, so you must train yourself for that moment.

>> No.20508703
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>> No.20508722

As someone who actually read the book, yes, it's pretty humorous and not at all what the cover suggests.
But of course, lit doesn't read.

>> No.20509145

I'm not complaining tho?

>> No.20509204

>Woman writes book of lazy jokes about lit students

>> No.20510165

based jew hating bro hope you have a great day

>> No.20510271

It’s not as mean spirited as /lit/ suspects it to be.
But it’s not all that funny either.

>> No.20510293

>millions of books exist
>Hey! Are you filtering books you read based title and author? Stop it! Thats not fair!

>> No.20510295
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Jews are pretty open about wanting to destroy the white race, and we don't need little dike goblins writing angry petty books to prove it.

>> No.20510463

>Though James traveled extensively and enjoyed friendship with a wide coterie, including Zola, Daudet, and Goncourt, he never married. A lifelong bachelor, James never wanted to settle down, to be tied to a single woman who couldn’t possibly understand his emotional range and depth. Bear that in mind next time a girl asks, “What are we?” What are we? We are nothing but decaying flesh, attaching momentarily and aimlessly until our hearts cease to beat. That, and I’m also sleeping with your roommate.

that's booker prize worthy

>> No.20510603

Pseuds like described here are pretty insufferable though not gonna lie. Needs a better term than just "white dude" though, I'd rather call them Moleskine-core.

>> No.20510605
