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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 260 KB, 500x369, D5ABDD0A-3D06-414F-97AD-2D6D8DC70720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20498122 No.20498122 [Reply] [Original]

Chris-Chan edition

For General Writing
>Writing Made Up Shit: Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>Anatomy of Story because you can’t write original works, Truby
>How Fiction Works because you can’t imagine things or rotate shapes, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing

For advertising

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Gardner’s Modern English In Call of the Crocodile, Gardner
>What Editors Claim They Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Scamming, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Traditional Publishing
>you make 10-15% profit max
>self publishing you make 70%+
>they’ll still require you to do all the leg work of a self published author anyways

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry

>> No.20498135

You can feel his pain from the expression on his face. Is CWC secretly good?

>> No.20498138
File: 240 KB, 828x642, 947F44C9-6070-42CB-A8A4-2E44DED91A0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my fantasy anons, this app is useful for keeping track of everything

>> No.20498145

It's called opening a new file on Google docs. Do people need a new app for every little task?

>> No.20498147
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It's over

>> No.20498151
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>> No.20498152
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>> No.20498155

>write a fantasy story
>Post it here
>Immediately called as irredeemable trash
>Edit it with suggestions made
>OMG stop spamming your shit story

>> No.20498158

It’s better than a file, and it’s backed up to dropbox
Basically it’s your own personal wiki site

>> No.20498162
File: 145 KB, 1080x1080, B10566EC-C592-428E-AFAB-9D36E33213C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 3,500 words into my 45,000-50,000 word work.
It’s just beginning bros.

>> No.20498164
File: 20 KB, 250x187, 250px-Gundam[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm creatively bankrupt but is the only way to fight giant monsters with either giant heroes or mechs?
Think of a monster the size of a city, tanks and jets are going to feel like ants and bees to them if the weapons can even pierce their hide.
Anything small scale is just too small to work.
So the only solutions are either heroes that can grow in size like Antman or giant mechs.
I don't mind the idea of mech vs monster but Japan has done it to death wouldn't that be pretty weak writing? No matter how original the story is, it's going to feel like copy/paste from manga, just because mechs.

>> No.20498169

You could make heroes that are obscenely powerful for their size. I'm a fan of 5'11" dudes being able to tackle and launch a building sized creature into orbit.

>> No.20498176

Don't let people tell you what you can and can't do here.

>> No.20498180

Why would you write about giant monsters the size of a city?
Why would you write capeshit?
Go write the next Lord of the Rings.

>> No.20498182

*Elden Ring
get on with the times, gramps.

>> No.20498186

Do we have anyone here that has posted something longer than 30k words?

Not claiming they wrote that much but actual solid proof?

>> No.20498187

What about the giant monster having a weak spot that a smaller character can exploit?
Or a smaller character that has some kind of advanced tech?
Or some more creative way to fight that doesn't revolve around strength, such as luring the giant monster into an area where it is incapacitated in some way?

You should literally make a list of every single way you can think of, like I have above. Even shit ideas. You'll exercise your creativity that way and maybe come up with a direction you like.

>> No.20498190

Why do you need proof of how much other people have written? Does it really matter?

>> No.20498195

It does. So i know other people aren't just spewing nonsense. If this is a writing community, it'll be good to trade and help, not just assholes that come in here and write a page then disappear.

>> No.20498199
File: 144 KB, 1200x1184, 1DFBB18E-0A7A-4F0D-8B62-47D85A9E92D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird metric. Ask yourself this, if Amazon hates it when you release more than 10% of your self published book elsewhere online for free and some online autist tells you to prove it by posting an entire pdf of your book online for free, do you do it?
Anyone putting their book on here to convince 2 fags from /wg/ has serious mental problems

>> No.20498203

Posted or published?

>> No.20498212

If you're going to write a kaiju story and want it to have any sort of plausibility, you need to explain why they can't just guide a bunker-busting smart bomb into its ear. If your goal is to avoid the standard kaiju tropes for dealing with kaiju, then just have a jet hit it with said bunker-busting bomb and watch it's head blow off.

Though honestly, why would you write a kaiju story if not for the kaiju audience? And if writing for the kaiju audience, why would you avoid the genre defining tropes? Your audience wants giant mechs, giant heroes or other kaiju to fight. The advantage of writing such a story is you can go much more in-depth on justifying the tropes and give them more reality. Otherwise, why write it?

>> No.20498214

whats better: youcanprint or amazon kdp? or something else?

>> No.20498218

>writing on phone

>> No.20498220

Then why bother having a writing community? Nobody posts their shit and just jacks themselves off claiming they wrote 100k words. How do I know if it's real?

There's also temporary hosting sites. And Amazon doesn't give a shit. If they did they'll sue to shut down project Gutenberg immediately.

>> No.20498225

This post was written by a 5'11&3/4" anon.

>> No.20498230

AmazonKDP, it’s not even close.
You know their market share of e books?

>> No.20498231

this isn't a community

>> No.20498236

that's the problem: they are too big.
wont everyone end up lose their book among other millions?

>> No.20498239

>And Amazon doesn't give a shit.
Lol, wrong, they’ll just demonetize your book immediately and won’t transfer the money to you later.

>> No.20498240

Posted. I have read writing samples here but there's never any continuation of a later chapter. You don't need to post every chapter, but it'll be nice to see someone post chapter 1 then a few weeks later post chapter 8. So there's some sense of progress.

I haven't seen anything like that. Everyone seems to be stuck on chapter one save a royal road Patreon writer.

>> No.20498243

Literally just learn to advertise.
Why would I bother with a smaller market?

>> No.20498244

Explain mother of learning. It's on Amazon and royal road.

>> No.20498245

i started writing 2.5 months ago on wattpad. i got 40 views, 10 votes and 1 follower.
i wrote 20k words.
i wont post proof.

>> No.20498246

Oh, a couple of years ago I posted several chapters on /a/, then went to RR. I think I posted some here too, hence why I'm in the wg writers list.

>> No.20498247

I'm hesitant just posting a single chapter, why would I post the majority of my book on 4chan for free?

>> No.20498251

Then why post in here if you're not willing to share?

>> No.20498252

Not sure if I would post it here though, I've been aiming to rewrite it for quite a while, add to early chapters, focus some of the later ones.

>> No.20498255

Thank you, I’m reporting it to Amazon now.
If it’s exclusive it’ll be demonetized and eventually removed.
If it’s wide (35% royalty instead of exclusive 70%) it’ll be fine.

>> No.20498262

i dont even post my works in here, anon.
i post questions and answers.
its a writing general, not some hugbox.
unless you write a YA or a fantasy noone will buy your book just by looking at your cover, even if you know how to advertise.
especially if you are a friendless guy, like me.

>> No.20498265

I help others and offer advice. I'm a published author and I have shown snippets of my work before, but I think it's pretty obvious why no one posts more than a chapter or two of their stuff.

>> No.20498273

I get that for a traditional publisher which needs to make money and nobody actually wants to be associated with 4chan, but I just want to know if anyone else is making some progress instead of just fellating themselves claiming they wrote 20k words in a week. It's like the old pics or didn't happen meme.

>> No.20498293

i get this is 4chan and you probably have autism, but do you have autism?

>> No.20498299

Probably I haven't been diagnosed. But I do know you're an actual retard zoomer that loves to use random words they don't know the definition to.

>> No.20498307

Wrote 3k words today bros. I'm going to make it.

>> No.20498311
File: 2.77 MB, 2146x1646, Cover Mock-Up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's chapter two of Slave Girls On A Death Moon, with commenting enabled:

And chapter one, now with commenting enabled:

>> No.20498312
File: 220 KB, 1920x1040, Scrivener_B65RiGURlL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, a traditionally published debut novel. The manuscript count is at the bottom, the colors of the folders each are a different PoV. There is nothing more I can do to try and prove this to you without doxing myself.

>> No.20498329

That's really cool anon. Congratulations on getting a deal.

>> No.20498345

That looks like a nice program. I've just been writing in Notepad because I want portability. I used to use Wordpad a decade ago but every time I got a new pc it'd break all my documents.

Any suggestions for a good FREE writing app that'd let you categorize chapters like that? That won't go defunct in like 10 years leaving me no way to access old notes?

>> No.20498365

I used wordpad for a long time. Then when my novels started getting more complicated, I moved to yWriter. Then when I actually wanted to submit to publishers, I switched to Scrivener because the compile function is an absolute godsend.

>> No.20498377

Also, I should note that my old ywriter stories still open. And I've been using an old pirated version of Scrivener for almost a decade. If you pirate the new version (3), it will probably last you a long time. yWriter is not a bad option either.

>> No.20498392

Take the Emacs pill. Org mode lets you do anything and is an open format. Not that it matters much, because Emacs will outlive all of us.

>> No.20498400
File: 106 KB, 1100x332, Thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the beginning of a thing I'm writing. Is it any good?

>> No.20498402

Worth buying? It's only $50 and I like how it has ease of fonts and formatting options to make my book look prettier

>> No.20498412

Do you believe lurking or posting in this general has improved your writing?

>> No.20498417

One guy once gave me genuinely good and helpful advice. Other than that one time, no.

>> No.20498419

no, but it does help me get in a writing mood

>> No.20498421

If you think it will enhance your writing, or you plan on exporting manuscripts for querying, probably. I would pay for it, whenever my pirated copy stops working.

>> No.20498427

Me too, I'm about to write a story about slave girls and gundams in scrivener right now!

>> No.20498435

Only when an editard tells you what is wrong

>> No.20498443

How to create a fictional city/town?

>> No.20498444

Not really. The grammar needs work and there's too many sentences starting with "I imagine". There's weak imagery without any feeling or emotions. I would add a metaphor in there somewhere

>> No.20498447

one marketing strategy is to write a series of 3 or more books then release them every month or so.
you price the first book as free so people will be more tempted to read it
then they buy the rest of the books in the series

>> No.20498453

I have, but I'm boycotting this crappy thread.
Go to >>20498146 and have some self-respect.

>> No.20498456

Yes actually. Mostly on the writing part, though.

>> No.20498463

so your gay/black/trans/female/jewish/mormon, then?

>> No.20498474

you don't need a lot of details
put yourself in the viewpoint of what one of your character's see. they won't see all that much

Jon looked around. He was in the middle of a crowd of people on a busy corner. Massive high-rises made him feel small and at the bottom of a deep canyon. The sounds of the traffic were overwhelming, and the faint smell of tar and the sea was carried in on the breeze.
The light turned green and the crowd he was standing in carried him across the street.

only write it better

>> No.20498480

None of the above. I ignored the agents who were specifically seeking diversity crap. There are tons, go to querytracker instead of doomposting.

>> No.20498481

>Go to >>20498146 and have some self-respect.
Linking to reddit in the op LOL

>> No.20498487

>Be minority
>Writing a story not really told
Hmmm.. I need to seek out these diversity writers

>> No.20498496

I have 280k finished words across 3 completed manuscripts.
>get published
>someone googles stuff from my book
>results pop up on /wg/
>normiesphere knows i browse 4chan
>career ruined

a few anons have posted their mannies. eggplant guy gave me his finished ms but i still havent read it yet

>> No.20498502

>be me talking with someone in my day job
>writing comes up
>oh anon my neighbor is screenwriter also Im going to NY tomorrow
I normally say dont tell people you write but if they look like they have connections then by all means tell someone.

>> No.20498516

Nice to know. I'll be sending to an agent I like within a few weeks. Pretty nervous.

personally i hate when agents have a twitter full of 30+ posts a day of all their unprofessional bullshit and personal politics. that behavior isn't accepted in any other profession and makes them look cheap, immature, and lazy. if they're on twitter all day, are they even doing work? twitter derangement is real. such as chuck wendig and patrick tomlinson (two trashy SF writers who sperg on twitter all day and ruined their careers with it.)

>> No.20498523
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>> No.20498540

>that behavior isn't accepted in any other profession
It is, unfortunately. It's seemingly the norm for many people, it's just that the most actively pro-change people are often naturally drawn to professions which they feel will help create that change.

>> No.20498543

I found 8 male agents recently that dealt in themes I could be shelved under. I will try them first and then see about women which there are so many to sort through.

>> No.20498558

No. You people are idiots.

>> No.20498561

overwritten, brow-beating. stop inserting philosophical truisms, it's cringe, especially when you use the wrong 'it's'. read writing well by hall. you turn fucking nothing into 10 paragraphs of tedium when the concept could be better executed by, say, having it as a recurring theme instead of blandly stating the tree was so fucking important and they kept going back to it. picture something like dead poets society, they dont sit there and tell you the fucking tree fort is important, they show the kids repeatedly going there. your grammar for damn sure doesn't support an arrogant writing style.
props that it isn't anime writing

>> No.20498566


>> No.20498568

>first sentence is awkward and arguably improper

>> No.20498569

ngl haven't even looked at editing this but ty for feedback, i'll go back and have a look/edit it now

>> No.20498571
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Paying to write
>Trad pub
Writing to get paid

>> No.20498575
File: 2.09 MB, 5400x5400, Steel Raven v5 final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mecha is kino. Simple as. Fuck all these "muh square cube law" whinging pussies.
I'm partial to semi-organic machine gods in the vein of Gunbuster or Five Star Stories.

>> No.20498585

O! Verdant gardens of arcadian youth
The maple, towering, our babylon!
And we experienced God at its peak.

Here's your first paragraph bro

>> No.20498612
File: 959 KB, 856x1080, manywishes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter eight is out. It'll take until chapter 14 for the first 'arc' to be done, but there's plenty here to get a gist of whether or not the story is worth your time.

Had some really nice reviews too. Currently at 9 followers. So averaging +1 follower a chapter, which isn't too bad. If I get to 100 followers one day the follower count will start to jump because people like to follow popular things.

Not that 100 is 'popular', but it definitely better than 9.

If you don't want to read and would rather listen, I've got the first eight chapters done as an audiobook (for the foreseeable future all chapters I release will have an audio version too).


Chapter One - Amaryllis - https://voca.ro/1dFNbU4vbMZ6
Chapter Two - Amaryllis - https://voca.ro/140a0c1kYB1U
Chapter Three - Chicory - https://vocaroo.com/14VXkZMZPunA
Chapter Four - Chicory - https://vocaroo.com/17kdFr8OdTmN
Chapter Five - Chicory - https://voca.ro/12O1SdHY5JCF
Chapter Six - Amaryllis - https://vocaroo.com/1bSD4yMtUkmk
Chapter Seven - Chicory - https://voca.ro/1eDiiNbQXu4j

>> No.20498619

software for writing?

>> No.20498627

Word processor.

>> No.20498628

MS Word

>> No.20498632
File: 98 KB, 926x352, moot-4chan-is-gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot would support that.

>> No.20498637

software sperging is just procrastination

>> No.20498639


>> No.20498641

Fuck... How do I get my writing abilities to be as good as yours

>> No.20498650

Ch. 1 looks pretty good. Want to swap reviews?

>> No.20498657
File: 2.52 MB, 3600x5400, ARC 3 COVER KURBANISTRIKA SMALLER TEXT test smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fucking mongoloid, forgot the cover

>> No.20498661

this lowkey trash bro

>> No.20498666

this anon's gmi

>> No.20498673

Use your own hometown as the "bones" of it. That'll make it easier to visualize and keep consistent, as well as making it feel genuine to readers.

>> No.20498693

Sure, I do like martial arts stuff. Also nice to see a fellow 4chan bro. Let me read yours first and, if I like it, I'll drop a review. I do review swaps but only if there's something I like about what I'm reading. I wouldn't put myself through 10k of something not for me. So yeah, I'll gives yours a look at least. Power scaling / progression narratives aren't my cup of tea, just being upfront about that. Very cool artwork by the way.

>> No.20498697

>to death
Mecha is a genre that is as enduring as tales about knights donning their armor for love/road/glory/war/justice/revenge.

>> No.20498710

Sounds good. Just send me a message over on RR once you decide whether or not to do a swap.

>> No.20498712

Hi I wrote a first draft of something.

how do I post it here, I have it in five jpgs.

Its 2341 words.

its a hunter S thompson SOC

>> No.20498722

My feelings were conveyed properly then.

>> No.20498723

so you're saying if I wrote a mecha academy story where promising cadets are paired up and trained to pilot giant mechs to fight giant godzillas that for some reason randomly come out of the sea to attack cities and the reason they're paired up is because a single pilot alone couldn't operate the mech due to the way they must be interfaced through a neural dive.
You're saying that story wouldn't be derivative as hell and it'd be the same as writing a western or a heist? Because mecha stories now are a whole genre akin to space operas?

>> No.20498726

i'll add google docs
it's free
i think word 365 is free too though i haven't tried it

>> No.20498730

Use pastebin or link a google document of it

>> No.20498733

A mecha western where you need to pilot each mech. One has to be a cowboy and the other a Native American.

>> No.20498735

I hope there's only one boy and the rest of the pilots are girls. Then they can fight over him with comedic results. But the boy is dense and only has eyes for his older sister that he admires.

>> No.20498736

im not OP lol but at least write better than the thing you're trying to critique

>> No.20498753

google doc has hidden TOS that the have to right to claim your work if you use it.

libre office or open office or fresh office, all open source and free.

>> No.20498755

>write better as a 30 second joke than anon's earnest attempt
fuck off you autist

>> No.20498764

Wow! An ad hom to hide the fact that you're no better (or, perhaps, worse) at writing that OP. Sad! You're ngmi.

>> No.20498771

I think you misunderstood me. In the knight errant stories, the medieval armor, the horse, the sword and sorcery might be cliche, although many still write about that, but the knight donning the symbol of their belief for the adventure isn't.

I think Pacific Rim didn't understand that mecha is not about cool visuals but about humans in time of crisis bonding around knights of the space age. It's basically the same mistake as Godzilla movies, it's not about throwing explosions against a giant monster it's about scientists/generals/etc taking the stick out of their bottom and working together with hero as spearhead.

>> No.20498772

>saying it was clearly a joke not a "critique" is an ad hominem
what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.20498781

Meant for.

>> No.20498787

God, it's like talking to a brick wall with the personality of a block of ice with zero comprehension for what they write.

>> No.20498795

>To howl like a cat
>The banshee I call my wife shrieked and caterwauled tunelessly
Now to put that into my story.

>> No.20498801

>can't tell a post is a joke
>call out "ad hom" improperly
>stop responding to points altogether and just insult
Okay, anon, this is my last response to you, so you can now hit me with the final (you) to feel superior.

>> No.20498808

>can't even realize that the same point has been discussed
>Okay, anon, this is my last response to you, so you can now hit me with the final (you) to feel superior.
no one is implying superiority but yourself editing OP's work, very cringe!

>> No.20498844

Personally, I feel LitRPG is on the level of literary fiction

>> No.20498877

I too. Especially when the LitRPG has the character wake up in the morning and goes on a quest because they're bored.

Why reinvent the wheel on what works?

>> No.20498882



Look, keep in mind, I am functionally illiterate.

Some of the grammar choices, are an attempt to have a stylized speech.

Please, this is my first effort in actually trying, I consider myself a philosopher(Im 14 and this deep, Ikr)

yes I am american, and Use "U"s in labour/colour.
idk why dont ask.


My closet friends, have been telling to at least try public speaking, or to at least write down for the prosperity of the future.

legacy.. is a concept that is on my mind quite often...

(yes, I do have damage to my left front lobe of my brain, yes it probably is dead as I had to have skull reconstruction under the age of 5)

I think this helped with the high functioning nature/ synesthesia / acquired savant syndrome I have with certain things.

no you're not going make me cry, but I would prefer you dull the blade, not the jab in your critique as this is literally my first public draft of anything beside technical paper from my electronic engineering college days.

>> No.20498920
File: 131 KB, 735x1086, 1644000021349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man the music on my computer is too loud
>try to turn down the volume on my phone
I am going to write this feeling into my story.

>> No.20498926

skipping rocks on the lake
while eating sandwich
bite rock
throw sandwich
people saw

>> No.20498929

like.. spotify does this, I use the web player to skip tracks and ads while chromecasting.

You cant chromecast with firefox with the web player normally.

so start it with an android app, then switch to the web player on the same network...

idk maybe im just weird.

>> No.20498953

what are some good """formulas""". (i'm not a writer)

for example i like the:

how *thing* the *thing* of *thing*.

how stupid the will of william.

how fake the fluids of adultery

>> No.20498959

>cut slice of bread
>put empty glass in fridge
>take plate with bread next to water dispenser
>no one saw it but me

>> No.20498976

I'm going to look on linkedIn for female editors to court so I can get free edits on my own works. I'm beautiful so it shouldn't be too difficult, right bros?

>> No.20498998

Tried googling "sentence structure examples"

>> No.20499016

Women don't do things for free. Pay up because it becomes a shittest

>> No.20499018

you mean like sentences that have commas?

We bought apples, peaches, and bananas today.

Steven Strom, whose show you like, will host a party next week.

After the test but before lunch, I went jogging.


>> No.20499024

is the 110 rules for a comma bullshit or true?

>> No.20499049

Been there, done that. Like the other anon said the moment she feels like she is working for free (which she is) she'll challenge you on it. It's a great way to bring friction (not the good kind) into a relationship. In reality you're guaranteeing that you won't have her edit your work on principle, and you can't pay her because she's your GF.

>> No.20499059

honestly, i don't know
there's a lot of rules, i know that much

>> No.20499077

nah, just formulas you know? to quickly create fairly interesting sentences.
commas are not really the point.... unless they are and you know something about commas that i a pleb don't?

>> No.20499100

not >>20499018

im >>20498882
but I find walking at 1:30am in the morning, working out, and writing till 5am makes the juices flow.

just write something, re write it half as much but same context, and then do that again ( forgot what author said that? henry thoreau ?

>> No.20499114

I guess that's really the trick to it. Countless authors have taken elves and goblins and made original things. I guess I could do the same with mecha. I hate it's not completely original, but in terms of science fiction it's the logical step in dealing with giant monsters, making giant piloted craft to fight them.
I was thinking along the lines of NOT using FTL travel for a space journey, but then what is there? Fighting against science fiction ideas is fighting against science itself. These ideas have been established because they're backed by science, trying to reinvent a wheel isn't going to make my story better.

>> No.20499115

>And Amazon doesn't give a shit. If they did they'll sue to shut down project Gutenberg immediately.
Gutenberg is free domain stuff without copyright; they wouldn’t be able to sue them for it since they don’t own the rights nor can anyone. The stuff you self publish with Amazon is different:
>When you choose to enroll your book in Amazon’s KDP Select on the 70% royalty plan, you are also making the digital format of that book available exclusively through KDP. Under your copyright, you give Amazon–and only Amazon–the right to sell your book.
>In KDP Select, you can’t distribute the digital book anywhere else, not even on your own website, unless you cancel the contract by written notice.

>> No.20499121

that's what commas do
there are lots of interesting and complex sentences that use commas

introductory word + comma + independent clause

Yes, the package should arrive tomorrow morning.

>> No.20499122

no i don't mean the creative stuff i mean literal hack formulas for when you can't be fucked you know?

i've found:
how *thing* the *thing* of *thing*.

to be useful when i can't be assed to think, i just go:

hm the how do i relate the last 2 of those *thinks* together and then relate that to the first "think*.

yeah... so i'm not a writer just to remind you. expect retardation.

i want formulas like that where i don't have to think so much i can just fit shit into it.

>> No.20499125

There are countless mecha that don't follow this formula, so I don't really see the point you're trying to make here

>> No.20499129

That's fine. So don't post the final draft anywhere else. Or go with the 35%

>> No.20499133

Are we being raided by middle schoolers?

>> No.20499140

there is screaming inside me that no one else hears. i am screaming on the inside.

>> No.20499145
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>> No.20499147
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Make this character not suck. No iron, no in-jokes, just make him a compelling character.

>> No.20499151

>i want formulas like that where i don't have to think so much i can just fit shit into it.

Like, I have to ask, this isn't to shit on you. But why?

why even bother to write then...

I understand..... I also have no mouth and I must scream. (check out my paste, i think you might enjoy it)

>> No.20499154

He's already compelling, you just haven't delved deep enough into his lore.

>> No.20499155

yeah so... what don't you get? repeat in your reply what you failed to get bruh.

>> No.20499157

Just switch out Chris Chan for Liquid Chris. All it takes.

>> No.20499164

>i'm not a writer just to remind you
Then leave this writer general and go watch some pajeet "how to write english" tutorials on YouTube.

And the rest of you, stop indulging this toddler level handholding.

>> No.20499170

I'm fairly certain he's responding to himself, the writing styles match up.

>> No.20499177

IDK, I just came her to get feedback on my first draft of an SOC pdocast...

i'm not him, Im just a retard /g/entooman here.

>> No.20499182

hey i said i'm not a writer lol, i just want to enhance my sentances every now and then to break up the monotony.

i've found it a succsesful approach to think more in terms of sentence formulas.

i have about 3 formulas that i keep using but they got tired and i feel that its pathetic to only have 3 so i decided to see if there is a way to create more, or if it is a thing with serious writers to occasionally fall back on """formulas""""

>> No.20499191

whose saying every mecha follows that formula, the point was, it WAS a formula, like you thought of several copycat stories just from reading it
which means to me, my own story would feel like a copycat, the whole question was how to be original with a unoriginal idea
I don't want new readers to see my story and think "oh that's just a shitty gundam"

>> No.20499195

Is Patreon the only way to make my writing purposefully esoteric and more elite?

>> No.20499196

I get retards whinging at me about adverbs and comma splices every once in a while
I can't bring myself to ever take them seriously because my writing style is modeled after actual published books

>> No.20499197

I don't see anything remarkable about your "formulas".
They are basic sentences.

>> No.20499205

I get what you’re saying but published books shouldn’t be your end goal nor modus operandi. Do what you want though, anon. If you have the inner voice that tells you it just feels right to execute the feeling, scene, moment, then I say follow it.

>> No.20499208

Cormac McCarthy does a lot of strange grammar stuff in his books, but he's a world class author.

>> No.20499213

No. I don't know any other options, but I'm sure there's like 50 if you look. Probably tradpublishing if you want.

>> No.20499219

I do publish via lit mags but it’s kinda boring. Too many of them are obsessed with politics and accessibility now, though I avoid those ones.

>> No.20499221

Ignore them, theyre pseuds who dont read anything but college essays.

>> No.20499224

My point isn't that my writing style is impeccable, but it comes across as farcical when an anon latches onto my use of adverbs as the crux of his reasoning for why my work is trash because he can't find anything substantial

>> No.20499232


no seriously though please try it.
formula might be overblown.

just try it:

how *thing* the *thing* of *thing*

how stupendous the surrender of size
how black the rain in chicago
how realised the mirror of reflection

man...its pseudo-maxxxed.

am i wrong? am i cartoonishly deluded right now? snap some sense into me if i am.

>> No.20499234

Well… hate to break it to you but 4chan is known mainly for facetiousness and “crabbing” (either from anonymity, bitterness, or just trolling), even on the other boards like /ic/. My most harsh critiques have been from here but sometimes it’s refreshing to hear someone who isn’t just going to say, “I liked it,” which doesn’t help—and which constitutes most of the feedback from normies, in my experience.

>> No.20499240

>am i wrong?
Yes. That is just a short sentence. You are replacing the words in the sentence. You can do that with nearly any sentence, it is not a formula, it is grammar.

>> No.20499243

I recently updated my dress and haircut to be more professional looking when I go talk to agents and publishers. I went to work today and had a sales person introduce himself out of the blue, a girl normally just says good morning actually stutter and double take, a girl from another division slowly walk closer to me and ask me questions and more people smiling saying hi than usual. Man I thought I was ugly before but with a little work its like people just walk straight to you. I guess that's how you get any business done is to look attractive?

>> No.20499244

Oh no, I'm well aware of that. I've been on here long enough to know to filter out the retards. Just a bit funny to me that adverbs and composite sentences are what these crabs latch onto.

>> No.20499247

ok so i am genuinely retarded then.

can you provide examples to strengthen your case? i still don't feel convinced.

>> No.20499253

Is a cliche with good execution, still bad?

>> No.20499254

so who's dick do I have to suck to get told why and how im shitty?

I would love any feedback, I'm not a normal write, I went to school for eletrical engineering.

im use to publicly showing my electronic design, having them critiqued, however that follow a set of guidelines and laws of physics to make the product better, where writing does have that type of self enforced feedback.

like, for real if anyone feel kind enough to donate time for feedback, I would be grateful.

its 2344 words.


>> No.20499257

No it's good.

>> No.20499261

I don't know what I'm explaining.
I don't know what I'm elaborating.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't know the why of this.
I don't know the shit of you.
I don't get the stupid of you
I don't get the dumb of you.

>> No.20499262
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A year or so ago, an anon listed a certain specific American literary magazine as an example of a dream publication. Yesterday, a short story of mine was accepted there for publication.

how's it going, fellow writers?

>> No.20499263

Well yeah, of course.
Not to sound like an edge lord, but we as people are pretty shallow, if not for good reason.
I'm not going to engage with someone new if it looks like they don't put much effort into their appearance.
But if someone comes in looking nice, well groomed and taken care of, confident, I'm going to be drawn to them.

>> No.20499267

a cliche is a cliche you can't mask it.
if you execute it well?

doesn't matter.


have you ever read a paragraph and said to yourself. "this paragraph can be summed up with the word ANGER". or the word "SAD" or the word "HAPPY"...

the general feel and appeal matters more than how you bend the cliche. avoid cliche's.

>> No.20499270

Hell yeah, good for you bud.
Hopefully this is just a taste of more to come for you.

>> No.20499276

nah that's not a good example.

i meant creative sentences.

>> No.20499278

that's good news!

>> No.20499284

First off, you didn't even bother proofreading your shit. Before you have anyone read your crap; proofread. You shouldn't have any capitalization errors at the beginning of sentences. I can understand not capitalizing the T in The Lord, but you're just lazy. Secondly your barrage of rhetorical questions are an eyesore. If you're writing an essay do it. I do not need to get to your third paragraph to read your thesis, which there isn't really one. You sound like another YouTuber that finally opened a Dummies book and began spewing nonsense anyone with half a brain already knows. If you're trying to cater to a bunch of braindead zoomers that never cracked a book ope in their lives you're better off making videos on tick tock.

>> No.20499293


Thanks! Wasn't expecting sincere, kind responsed. It's one of a handful of pretty big ones coming out. I'm infiltrating their institutions.

>> No.20499316

You're against learning and against conforming. You literally admitted you're underage and yet there are no mods on this board to respond. You're waiting for someone to blindly praise your bundle of words and deep thinking when it deserves nothing but laughter.

>> No.20499325

Well done! I’ve only been published in magazines that don’t pay—and which are only well regarded by libraries, rather than readers. I wish I had your resolve to try get into a “dream publication.” I won’t ask where or what the story is, but I will ask if you polished it for ages… I’m usually too hasty to send out stories. I’d like to know if you sit on them for a while before they hatch into fully formed ones.
>how’s things
Well, I could be writing more—I was under the pump for a week or so, but managed to only write haikus today. At least I found out where my old copy of Dante’s Inferno is—with someone I lended it to many years ago. They just messaged me to tell me; they were nice enough to commend me for my poetical abilities—which is always heartwarming from people I care about.

>> No.20499331

You know besides being witty here, there isnt much to go off on.

I did state of couple things in my first post.

I did read it aloud multiple times, correcting sentences, that did sound off. I mean, maybe my proofreading needs more practice.

I am a technical writer, want me to write a wiki page on how to use this piece of hardware/software? I got you.

this is new for me. I get it I prob shit.

As far as the mistakes, I did make note of that in the first post.

I am not sure of the format, I wanted to use this as base to delve into philosophical convos and debates.

bro Im not >>20499276
like FFS, im just a random dude, who stayed up on a whim trying something new


>> No.20499343

I'm not dude you just misunderstood the assignment. i'm not talking about some incidental thomas sentence i'm talking about specific formulas that sound good...

and then you jerry rig shit into their in like 10 seconds and BOOM you have a nice active sentence that keeps things varied.

the examples you provided made me laugh because its the literal opposite of what i'm asking.

>> No.20499347

Then write it academically then. Philosophy writing follows technical writing. If you're not telling a story there is no reason to use storytelling elements.

Write about Decartes "Give her the dick." Then provide the argument.

>> No.20499350


YOU STUPID "gimmick" shit is retarded you fucking nigger.

FUCK, i just wanted feedback without issue so I could try and improve but I got god damn mouth breathers like you confusing people.

>> No.20499358

Real Rajput hours. If you an engineer, smash that mfn reply button.

>> No.20499359

I wrote it in mid 2020, probably started sending it out that fall, got rejected around 35 times at top magazines, and found a fantastic taker this week.

That story came together pretty smoothly. I did a revision recently, but funny enough, they accepted the previous version.

My advice is: make sure you have the story to the absolute best you can get it and then send it out persistently. Both sides of that process are important because, yeah, you can be too hasty. I have one coming out I wish I had done another revision on... maybe the editor will want some changes before publication anyway.

But on the other side of that, if you're confident in it and it's really as strong as you can make it, it really sometimes is just a matter of "right editor, right moment" because around 30 rejections before a great home is not uncommon I think. It's a bitch of an industry.

>> No.20499367

>Then write it academically then. Philosophy writing follows technical writing. If you're not telling a story there is no reason to use storytelling elements.
>Write about Decartes "Give her the dick." Then provide the argument.

Okay, thats a good view point. I read a ton of neitszche, camuel, and others who try to blend technical with stories/poems/art

that is what I was trying to aim for, and guess failed.

>> No.20499374

>got rejected around 35 times at top magazines
>around 30 rejections before a great home is not uncommon I think. It's a bitch of an industry.
Okay, I don’t usually send it out persistently to magazines unless they state they do simultaneous submissions, so I’m not sure how good or bad my story ideas really are. But I will say the latest feedback in a rejection slip, issued by a magazine I usually love hearing from, was the weirdest critique I’d heard, even if they softened it first with some praise. I even showed my friends the email, who had read the story, and they didn’t make any sense of it either. Sometimes they must reject people out of concerns for space rather than mere quality.

>> No.20499381

rajput is like some made up name.

>> No.20499385

Yeah like every Indian name

>> No.20499387

stop having an episode right now or i will masturbate.

tell me your ways. tell me. tell me or i will do something dramatic.

>> No.20499391
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Holy shit this is killing me. Way better than the usual Gardnerposting.

>> No.20499399

Assume simultaneous submissions are ok unless they're one of the very few (I know of 10 or fewer) who insist on exclusive consideration. (This is different in the genre world, like fantasy and sci-fi stuff. I'm assuming literary fiction here.) And then send to like 5-10 places of a similar rank (whatever your sense of that is) at a time.

Was the feedback from a pretty credible journal? If it's not some dinky place, hearing anything other than a form rejection is a good sign, and you should follow up when they're open again and remind them that they liked your previous one.

>> No.20499404

i can write:

how blasphemous the prayers of prey

>> No.20499413

FTL can be done in so many more ways than hyperspace or warping speed.

>> No.20499422

i can write:

long ago he took a piss and a shit and it built a wonderful mound in the toilet which he then molded with his hands like the most adept firgure sculpturer on earth and his piss and shit became the revlatation for the most important of all anatomical discoveries which are yet to be shared.

>> No.20499429

I wrote like 4000 words which form beginning of my novel, i edited it into acceptable state (i think).
Honestly now i am not sure what to do with it. I need some advice, and i thought about posting it to subreddit about my language, lot of people there, so i bet at least someone knows his shit.
Should i post entire 4000 word work tho on sonmething like pastebin and set it to expire after day? I mean do i risk something by showing it to lot of people, like can someone steal it from me?
Honestly i trust you guys more than reddit but i would need to translate it before posting here.
Is Google Translate translates to good english now? I mean surely there will be errors i will have to translate some idioms myself etc, but will this translation be like mostly correct?

>> No.20499435 [DELETED] 

how i can write for exam? love from delhi.
make loves to womans and fuclk nigger xx.

>> No.20499441

Sadly we're all English writers. If you have something in another language find a group in your country. If you need something translated, you just have to hire someone. I've read enough machine translated hentai games to know machines are nowhere close to fluency

>> No.20499447

Yeah, I mainly do “literary” stuff—whatever that may be—but it would be nice to move into other markets like fantasy if it were like the fantasy I like to read (Borges, Howard, Tolkien, Anderson). And thanks for the advice, I’ll try to send more stuff out then, especially more stories. I only have one short out and the rest is poetry—in terms of fiction. Sometimes I try to write for the magazine from what I know of them, and this has been my main way of accruing acceptances—mainly because I like what they publish. I think most journals ask that you become acquainted with what kind of stuff they publish. But obviously I have sent some to journals just for the sake of it and it was obviously not going to get accepted that way. One I really wanted to get accepted was some Uni magazine but they said they didn’t have space, despite liking my passion and craft.
>Was the feedback from a pretty credible journal?
They have their own Wikipedia and frequently turn up in discourse about online magazines, as well as having ties to an non profit press. I think they’ve won a prize before, too.
I hope to see your book out one day!

>> No.20499462

Sounds like you're on your way, too. Cheers, anon, and best of luck to you, too.

>> No.20499467

writing more like taking a nigger dick up the asshole

>> No.20499477


>> No.20499480

>story always deviates from my original plan
What do?

>> No.20499482

The link to /wg/ got leaked to other dogshit boards and now everyone who wrote a story for their DND group or wrote a manifesto or made poetry because they listened to the Swans once wants a piece of the action.

>> No.20499490

whatever, i write better than you because i write from the perspective of something that matters 1488

>> No.20499497

get up, walk away from the page and think. then come back after 5 minutes and test and repeat this process.

>> No.20499503

White flour!!!!

>> No.20499508

well, better than them swiping on tokgram i guess. maybe while they're here they can pick up taste for real literature and we can improve the world a tiny bit.

>> No.20499518
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Your persistent optimism is charming, dear anon, given the state of this thread, and has encouraged me to look on the sunny side. Much appreciation.

>> No.20499528
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fuck goin' on in this thread homeboys?

>> No.20499543

using too many exclamation marks because you don't have any real skills and you are still mentally a child!!!!!!

>> No.20499551

I was joking on both counts but you seem mad. How new?

>> No.20499556

>I was joking
Not this again. Stop making jokes in a thread filled with autists who take everything literally.

>> No.20499558

This nigga retarded

>> No.20499571

> i'm oversensitive so that means everyone is mad and attacking me
sorry if you need a safe space liberal ... mad? at what?

>> No.20499584

you picked the wrong one my nigga.

kek, fuck outta here pleb. you're black or a wigger.

>> No.20499586

Strictly speaking, given the contemporary literary culture, this would indeed be a wise career move.

>> No.20499587

Hale hortler…

>> No.20499588
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Why are discord writing servers run by absolute faggots?

I got kicked out of a writing server because I showed them some openings to a noir novel I was writing and asked which one was better. The server owner showed up, told me they were both terrible, and it was cliche as hell. I said sure, but then he told me pulp fiction sucks.. So I posted an excerpt from Raymond Chandler and the dumbass thought it was mine and told me it was terrible. So I told him he was an insufferable prick and he couldn't recognize good writing if it was in front of his face.

>> No.20499591

NTA but /lit/ is the most serious board on 4chan. Real jokes here are extremely rare and usually packaged behind irony. Usually that's a first indicator for me that someone >>20499551 is a board tourist.
God I can't wait for this thread to end.

>> No.20499594

Either one or two retards are spamming the shit out of it with nonsense. Probably salt from getting roasted for their garbage writing samples in previous threads (guild or goblin anons, is that either of you?)

>> No.20499605

guild goblin anon here, no it wasn't me, I moved on to writing a different genre, but I might keep the characters and rewrite it into a comedy when I feel like doing something lighthearted.

>> No.20499608

Discord servers are made by people who don't want to discuss advancement in writing, but who want to share and lord their opinion as the truth over other inferior writers. The only way to really handle things is to do what you did and tell them they're a shit writer if they can't recognize strong craftsmanship. I'd take it on the chin myself if I fucked up and didn't know say, the opening of a great novel.

>> No.20499609

>NTA but /lit/ is the most serious board on 4chan
Do you not remember the joke about Finnegans wake being a piece of cake or the conspiracy that DFW faked his suicide to ghostwrite Pynchon’s novel about the Japanese taxman? You must be pretty thick if you think what passes for “discussion” here is at all considered serious anywhere.

>> No.20499612

Here's the excerpt from The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler that he called shit

> It was about eleven o’clock in the morning, mid October, with the sun not
shining and a look of hard wet rain in the clearness of the foothills. I was
wearing my powder-blue suit, with dark blue shirt, tie and display
handkerchief, black brogues, black wool socks with dark blue clocks on
them. I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn’t care who knew it. I
was everything the well-dressed private detective ought to be. I was calling
on four million dollars.

>> No.20499616

>copy pasting defintions
cringe 12yo

>> No.20499622

you think I'm typing all that out?

>> No.20499633
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>> No.20499636

the one directly /lit/ related server i'm in is full of gay retarded muslims for some reason

>> No.20499646

Reminder we have an old thread that can be recycled after this one >>20498146

>> No.20499653

No, because it says the previous thread is the one before this one. I can make the new thread

>> No.20499662

This thread is better left forgotten.

>> No.20499669

God it’s so funny that you people can’t even coordinate a general. Even /sffg/ knows how to do it.

>> No.20499670

This sounds like the conversation this thread is having.
You have to go back

>> No.20499673

You can't escape the psueds

>> No.20499676
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I'd use him (and the rest of the sonichu crew) as a vehicle for exploring the lived experience of mental illness, with him being a combination of two different characters being an allegory for how neurodivergents can feel that they look like people but don't belong among them because there is something wrong with them that isn't immediately visible but becomes apparent upon closer inspection. His world that is a strange amalgamation of different franchises would be used to express the disconnect from reality that develops from how a mentally ill person thinks their life should be going based off of what other people tell them versus how it is actually going.
Basically, the story Chris could write if he woke up one morning with an IQ above 90 and a work ethic beyond jacking off, and snapped out of the troll brainwashing.

>> No.20499681

No we just have faggots that can't stand tourists. Can I come into ssfg and post my story there?

>> No.20499687

They said it was fine when I’ve been there. Expect someone to maybe meme you for not posting it in the “designated writing thread,” but nearly all of them will give better feedback than here—especially for fantasy and sci fi. They’re probably the beta readers I’d trust with that.

>> No.20499688

I feel like people who demand to see the first sentence only want it so they can tear it apart and pretend they "beat" you. Imagine giving someone Stately plump Buck Mulligan for a first sentence and getting 9 messages back saying it doesn't hook them, says nothing, does nothing, etc. It's just nonsensical. Again, these people don't actually care about writing. They just want to be right.
Reading Pullum's passive voice essay opened my eyes to a simple fact: sometimes there is nothing wrong with a sentence and there's no reason to change the voice, structure, style, tense, or syntax. And I think if these kind of Discord mods went into reading with that in mind, they wouldn't be such assmad retards when they read something they don't like. They don't have the ability to ask, well, why don't I like it? IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG with it at all?
That excerpt, for example, is perfectly serviceable. There's nothing wrong with it at all. But I'll bet he had his anus ruptured because it wasn't X, Y, or Z.

>> No.20499712

Here were the excerpts I posted. I have two story ideas in mind. They both begin with a similarly written note written by the protagonist after a night out, but they have opposite premises. Which sounds more interesting?

> December 1st, 2023. The snow has already begun to fall, bringing sadness and grief to the city below. The city lights never seem to go out. The denizens of this white hellscape fill the streets, carrying a sea of emotions. My nocturnal eyes see it all. Amongst the faceless strangers, I’ve been wandering these city nights for the past five years tracking down missing persons, hoping she’s among them. These disappearances go unnoticed and the city keeps shining in the night. When dawn break and morning comes, I write it all down, because all these nights seem to blur together.

> December 1st, 2023. The snow has already begun to fall, bringing sadness and grief to the city below. When the sun goes down, the city lights cover the horizon. The denizens of this white hellscape fill the streets, carrying a sea of emotions. My nocturnal eyes see it all. Amongst the faceless strangers, I’ve been stalking these city nights for the past five years, all of it a blur. I am the hidden knife lurking in the darkness, the criminal element. Their emotions are as visible to me as the city lights from the dark alleys. From among the crowds I choose my prey. These empty kills change nothing in this city. Missing persons go unnoticed and the city keeps shining in the night.

>> No.20499750

I like the first one more. But I would get rid of the snowfall when he describes himself wandering around. Or a new paragraph

>> No.20499751
File: 375 KB, 768x432, ancient-aliens-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not break boundaries and tell both stories, from opposite directions? The detective's side starts from beginning the investigation, while the villain's story starts from getting killed. One chapter of detective, one chapter of villain, with the end of the book being the middle of the story, where the villain is caught red handed and is forced on the run.

>> No.20499761

Fucking brilliant

>> No.20499802

The part about telling both stories from opposite perspectives, the chronological shit sounds wack

>> No.20499810


You're brain is all fucked up. It's difficult to give advice to someone who thinks so differently from a normal writer.

I would say you have one issue that's two issues. One is rambling sentences. You might need an editor for that. The second is a rambling story. It's too disorganized to follow. Maybe do an outline first. A schematic. Maybe think of specific points like threads; you introduce an idea and then weave it back into the narrative as you go. Start your story with something interesting, like the Devil's Farmer thing, not a bunch of questions.

The subject matter is interesting, because human brains are interesting, so it's worth talking about. Temple Grandin wrote a book called Thinking in Pictures, for example.

>> No.20499820

Cliche is damn near a buzzword at this point.
the "lazily executed" aspect of what makes a cliche a cliche is so subjective that it's almost meaningless.

>> No.20499846

Well I thought about that, but telling them in parallel eliminates a lot of the mystery, so by having the two stories move in different directions chronologically allows for the existence of a lot of missing information. But it would require an extreme amount of forethought and carefully placed context clues to guide the reader.

>> No.20499849

Sounds like twice as much work as a regular thriller

>> No.20499856

Breaking boundaries was never easy
>Why are you writing a whole world with unique languages, Tolkien? That sounds like four times as much work as just using a generic fantasy setting with unnamed locations.

>> No.20499872

Eh, our idea about capital-F Fantasy as a genre is completely retrospective and Tolkien is projected into its origin, for good or ill. He sadly did make the staples of fantasy into tropes, cliches, and now generic settings. Examples of “fantasy novels” from the same year as TFotR aren’t very generic, for instance, but they just weren’t copied.

>> No.20499880

dude 100% deadass

thank you.

the reason its called hell's harvest, its my current profession is a profession cannabis farmer, and I live on a mountian with star link.

i'm literally a mountain hermit

>The subject matter is interesting, because human brains are interesting, so it's worth talking about. Temple Grandin wrote a book called Thinking in Pictures, for example.

bro, you fucking get it!

for real, thank you. I am working on the second draft now.

will you be around?

>> No.20499889

True. Another idea I had was introduce both of them and reveal the presence of a second killer, who both protagonists hunt for different reasons.

>> No.20499894

isn't it obvious? stop making plans

>> No.20499924

this. Write a vague idea for the beginning and a vague idea for the end and then fly by the seat of your pants. If you're writing a series this method won't though.

>> No.20499925

Maybe. I don't know how much I can help. It's going to take you a lot of work to translate your ideas into stuff normal people can understand.

>> No.20499947

I plan to work at it for a long time, idk even with all the feedback(most being negative), i still feel the urge to keep trying, its important to me...

Ive been think for over 25 years, its time to attempt practice.

the first, step in being decent is sucking ass right?

thats the point, its aim for normies who dont get it, but for those who wanna try to understand, and for those who already do.

its A mix of a SOC, cause idk fucking hunter S thompson has influenced me soooo much if you couldnt tell.

The main issue, is I dont see the thoughts, images, patterns, shapes, etc etc in my head as English or any langauge..

so im translating into a translation for a translation if that makes since.

inb4 stop doing drug, its been like like this before I ever tripped, and I never tripped till I was 25. *shrug*

>> No.20499969

I’ve been reading the works of horror writers who have been considered masters of horror, and if there’s one thing I’ve noticed, it’s that they often tell rather than show. Somehow, they still manage to make telling pretty spooky when you think about it. The only exception to this, or so I’ve found, is Algernon Blackwood who often shows more than he tells, at least in The Willows. What is it about horror that often leads to telling rather than showing?

>> No.20499974

Stream of conscious might be okay for getting the raw materials on the page, but you'll have to chop it up and edit it. The thing is, SOC works (sort of) because the reader recognizes that mode of thought. You don't necessarily have that advantage.

>> No.20499981

I think a stream of consciousness is interesting when the character who's stream of consciousness we're hearing has a unique voice or perspective that we aren't used to. No one wants to hear any old fucks stream of bullshit

>> No.20499994

I feel like if i try to be too "normal" to filter it, it loses the... essence?

I am going to try of think of important like what I call "PILLAR QUESTIONS" , where it a single obilisk of maybe one or two, maybe three in a paper.

go into each one, and THEN BAM in your face, different latteral/vertical connection

I agree, I think >>20499974 does too.

i think we could all argee my biggest hurdle, is learning to format it in my own unique style without losing what I am trying to express in writing.

Im trying to build an image of how I see when you have no refernce and thats hard as fuck, and even i am at lost how to fix that.

>> No.20500097

holy shit this is the literal 12yo general. holy fuck learn to write

>> No.20500099

You are not being intelligent, anon. You can't even form proper sentences, use punctuation or spell correctly. These are not things which are hindering your point or capturing the "essence" of something you're trying to convey, they are basics of grammar that you actively do not understand. You are trying to create Finnegans Wake when you couldn't even write a single story from Portraits.

>> No.20500103

He said he was 14, anon, don't offend him. Mods don't care, apparently.

>> No.20500116

How do I develop a unique style of writing.

>> No.20500117


>> No.20500126

Read, for one. Read first person literary fiction to see what a unique voice is.

>> No.20500131

It unironically used to be better. A little over a month ago we had dudes quoting Aristotle, discussing the finer points of Putnum on passives, and posting honest to God good writing on occasion.

This "season" of /wg/ is absolutely shit however and this thread is the absolute armpit of it all.

>> No.20500137

Has it not occurred to you? The highschoolers are on summer vacation now

>> No.20500143

I blame Emilyanon. Ever since we helped him with his book, which by all means decent, a bunch of other people started coming in. We now get this general filled in half a day when it took 3 before.

>> No.20500152

People post their writing and it gets largely ignored or very little response. The sad truth is that people respond more to trolling and bait than earnest attempts to share their work.

>> No.20500162

It's Gardner. He blew up through memes and more people came in here to check it out. CoC got a lot of reviews recently

>> No.20500174

Chinaman anon here. Finally done with my 3rd arc involving the Tongs and Prostitutes of San Francisco. One more arc to go! Time for some Irish man lynching

>> No.20500254

What's with the literary trope of making protagonists exceedingly average at everything? It feels like there was blowback against Mary Sues and then all of a sudden there was a ton of everyman drywall protagonists that "aren't special in any way" yet somehow are.

>> No.20500258

if you try to be unique the first time you write you're going to sound obnoxious. The most common motif linking all the bullshit you see posted in /crit/ threads is inexperienced amateurs thinking they can skip over putting in the basic work of being a writer and jump straight to being an artist.
Start by trying to just write a good, straightforward story. You will develop a "voice" over time as your personal stylistic signature in how you communicate your story to your reader.

>> No.20500285

Strong and sexy people are now unrealistic/offensive, realism is the new seller. "Wow this person has no flaws and is an ideal" is bad, "Wow this person is literally me" is good.

>> No.20500291

We can sell insert easier. I'm honestly not seeing that though. I see a lot of people having some stupid ability and pull something out of their ass to win though

>> No.20500320

the answer is simple:

the more flawed the character, the more setbacks he encounters, the more enjoyable it is for the audience.

its a simple equation.

>> No.20500326

>single story from Portraits.
Did you mean Dubliners? Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is fairly holistic and even a linear story.

>> No.20500387

He didn't mean anything. He has to shit on everything and name drop authors to make himself feel superior. Just ignore him.

>> No.20500422

Yes I did.
If you read his pastebin and his subsequent comments, you'd know I'm not doing that.

>> No.20500433

i can write:

perhaps one would recoil at such a magnanimous backdrop to such preposterous and elegantly insipid escapades.

>> No.20500449

i can write:


>> No.20500456

I did, (not >>20500326)

at not point did I said I was intelligent or smart, or even decent, if you read the pastebin. (like actually read it)

I dont mind feedback, in fact that was the point.

Also my dude, you literally missed the first part, of my first post....

I quite clearly tried to explain and present my work.

others who saw the effort attempted, (wither good or bad) , gave feedback that was more critical and helpful then any of your statements.

T. Posters working on the second draft, Plus its a script/voiceover/essay for a podcast you dumbass.

Look, I am not going respond to you anymore, if you have valid feedback without ad homs, go ahead. I welcome it.

until then, sit n spin nigger.

>> No.20500481



>> No.20500546

shut up literal chud

>> No.20500941

you gotta watch sly's fukkin tiktok its gold.

>> No.20500947

you culd just increase the scale by like 10^100

>> No.20500964

>Just finished my first draft for an erotica short.
>Gonna just shotgun out like 15 of these and try to sell them to the erotica crowd.

I figured it couldn't hurt to try, even a few extra bucks is a few extra bucks. Anyone got any tips for self pubbing erotica?

>> No.20501021
File: 225 KB, 2023x847, itsatapr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope yall got good apezzzzzz

>> No.20501028

what happens when your dist gets hacked an all your money account numeros gets leaked to china and russia?

>> No.20501063

I fly to those countries and go full jihad. Fuck the Chinese.

>> No.20501079
File: 34 KB, 527x419, masterblaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dude

>> No.20501189

insecureaboutbeingawriteranon here. just continuing the discussion from the previous thread. i'm posting this in both /wg/ because i don't know which one is the "real" one

2 things stuck out to me.

>being a writer implies having something to say.
i feel like everyone has something to say though. why write a book when you can just say something out loud? also, why do you need a novel structure to say something? what would require an entire novel to say and why does a novel serve that purpose better than just writing a diary entry? also, regarding whatever i want to "say" -- i might feel very strongly about something one day, and feel the opposite way the next. i feel like any judgments i have about anyone around me or society are all just based in my own faulty reasoning, perception, and uninformed projections. who am i to make weird theorize about other people? who am i to say something? what's there to say besides we're all gonna die some day and good things feel good and bad things feel bad? who am i to think i know better than other people about how they should live their lives? I just don't get it.
>You have to have something you urgently, desperately want to write to invoke that passion.
i don't know if i'm misunderstanding the definition of passion, but does anyone really feel the need to write a book more than they want to have sex or masturbate or look at porn or play a video game or something? like is seeing a beautiful woman's naked body ever less interesting than writing something? i just don't think i've ever felt that way about creating anything besides when i was a child / prepubescent. i guess i just don't understand what people say when they "need" to write something. like the more i read about novel writing the more it seems so structured, with plotting, pacing, outlining, etc. -- none of which seem based on passion or born out of a "need" to say something. Like what does passion actually mean? am i just overthinking shit?

>> No.20501220


>> No.20501425

New thread >>20501424

>> No.20501671

This thread hasn't even reached the bump limit, you faggot.

>> No.20501689
File: 6 KB, 175x181, Beees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a beta cuck and i didnt finish reading your sad beta cuck bullshit. i have written 3 books and publish none intentionally. i have to get paid before work because thats how my agents want. ;)

>> No.20501733

>write story
>send it to "friend"
>told I cant write and will never be a writer on his quaint little college radio show
>make no rebuttal but continue writing
>shitty friend still hasn't finished anything beyond Chapter 1 in multiple false starts after a decade
>I have finished multiple projects and have a tiny following
Should I even feel good about this?

>> No.20502020

>conformist tattletale
Wow, you suck.
Imagine taking a big corporation's cock up the ass THAT deeply.

>> No.20502038

>self-publishing = paying to write
how, exactly? amazon doesn't charge to add a book.
are you talking about the oh-so-onerous $65 copyright fee?

>> No.20502089

It started with the garbage OP and all its juvenile attempts to be edgy, and went downhill from there.
You live by the pseud, you die by the pseud.

>> No.20502098

I write when I'm supposed to be at work.

>> No.20502121

Ugh...another vandalized thread.
Are you so easily amused by mindless fuckery?
Go use the real /wg/ instead. >>20498146

>> No.20503605

>how stupendous the surrender of size
>how black the rain in chicago
>how realised the mirror of reflection
This is pseudoprofundity. Phrases that sound meaningful and deep but which, on examination, prove to mean nothing at all.

There may be some genuinely profound (or at least meaningful) statements that follow this pattern, but the pattern itself doesn't make things true, meaningful or profound.
>how sweet the sound of music
>how purple the candlelight of rapeseed oil

>> No.20504546


>> No.20504756

Watch Shin Godzilla.

>> No.20504779

Vim and LaTeX

>> No.20505714

Plain text editors are for writing code, not prose. There's literally no reason not to have formatting on-screen as you write.