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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 77 KB, 677x1023, MK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20494783 No.20494783 [Reply] [Original]

Jews are... LE BAD!
Did people even read this shit?

>> No.20494886

>Jews are... LE BAD!

>> No.20494947

Why was he such an autist about who was a Jew and who wasnt. Couldnt he just ban and prohibit people from practicing judaism, circumcision, usury and basically force Jews to convert and abandon their religion or leave Germany? Would have literally solved all of their problem...His entourage was already filled with Jews, his doctor was a jew, his driver was a jew...

>> No.20494959

Well... That has happened many times. It never really worked. If you read the literature of the day they explain this, that's kind of why there's a "final" included with the "solution."

>> No.20495015

>Well... That has happened many times. It never really worked
interesting, where can I read more about this?

>> No.20495127

what do you think the Spanish Inquisition was?
if you ban Judaism, they just pretend to be another religion. For this reason, contending jewish power must be done on racial and political grounds rather than religious grounds, which Hitler understood.

>> No.20495131

I started to, but then he started simping for the Mother Goddess and I put it down. Facism is just another feminized ideology like Communism and Capitalism.

>> No.20495139

he wanted to resettle them in Madagasscar. but uhhh changed plans

>> No.20495148
File: 29 KB, 645x767, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you ban Judaism, they just pretend to be another religion. For this reason, contending jewish power must be done on racial and political grounds rather than religious grounds, which Hitler understood.

>> No.20495154

yes, as far as anti-semitic literature and rhetoric goes, it's fucking embarrassing that THIS guy, of all the chuds out there, is worshipped the most.
t. jew

>> No.20495158

Here's something I got.
I don't really want to open up Mein Kampf but old Hitlerboy alludes to the Jews basically being unconvertible. Just to have at least a single source you can go to p72 of the STALAG edition.

>> No.20496384

gee i wonder why he didn't just leave a group of revolutionaries laying in wait to repeat 1918-1919 again should and when stalin and the ussr come into conflict with germany. nah we'll leave these proven sleeper cells here when we go to war just like last time, whats the worst that could happen!

>> No.20496606

If you've read it then you'd know why they're bad. I'm guessing you're not White, are you?

>> No.20496610

I was unconvinced by Herr Hitler's arguments and I am indeed whiter than you Pedro.

>> No.20496633

>Couldnt he just ban and prohibit people from practicing...
It wouldn't matter. They're only loyal to themselves. The Talmud says that they can lie to goyim.

>"final" included with the "solution."
It meant deportation, not killing. There are zero documents pertaining to the extermination of jews.

>Facism is just another feminized ideology like Communism and Capitalism.
Mutt hands typed this post.

>I am indeed whiter than you Pedro.
Sure you are, Moshe.

>> No.20496637

Yes, and you've obviously never read it because Jews are just a small part of the book and he very clearly and strongly argues why he thinks they are bad. Refute his points if you disagree.

>> No.20496652

OK you're a retard but one thing I haven't seen before is your bizarre instance that white should be capitalized. Color names like white or black are not capitalized but other terms like "European" or "Arab" are.

>> No.20496659

Hitler lost and killed himself. You should too; follow your leader!

>> No.20496705

>Hitler lost and killed himself.
Surely there should be a picture somewhere of the dead body of the most evil man on Earth. Kind of like Bin Laden, huh?

>> No.20496714

He instructed the people in his cuckbunker to burn his body after he shot himself. This has been confirmed by surviving Nazis who were there unless you don't believe Hitler's own inner circle and instead think that he somehow escaped and never did anything again (without anyone ever finding out).

>> No.20496738
File: 26 KB, 812x314, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one thing I haven't seen before is your bizarre instance that white should be capitalized
Go look at any news article. It's all anti-White garbage. See picrel

>This has been confirmed by surviving Nazis
Oh, you mean the Nazis who were repeatedly kicked in the testicles and tortured at the Nuremberg trials? Those testimonies?

>> No.20496762

Yeah news articles shouldn't capitalize either white or black. Traudl Junge (who was never "tortured" and allowed to live out her life in freedom in West Germany), Hitler's personal secretary in the cuckbunker, attested that he intended to commit suicide, which is what someone as mentally retarded as you should do as well.

>> No.20496771

>Oh, you mean the Nazis who were repeatedly kicked in the testicles and tortured at the Nuremberg trials? Those testimonies?
no source

>> No.20496777


>> No.20496793
File: 104 KB, 490x586, Chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20496863

>Bernard Clarke shows no remorse. On the contrary, he exhibits a certain pride in having tortured a "Nazi." Rupert Butler, likewise, finds nothing to criticize in that. Neither of them understands the importance of their revelations. They say that Höss was arrested on 11 March, 1946, and that it took three days of torture to obtain "a coherent statement." -Rupert Butler, "The Legions of Death"

One of many examples.

>Traudl Junge (who was never "tortured" and allowed to live out her life in freedom in West Germany)
>Hey Traudl, say Hitler killed himself and we'll let you live

Wow, what a concept! Hitler killing himself instead of easily hopping on a plane is much more believable, right? I mean, why would he just leave when he could kill himself and give the allies a nice clean victory to show all of the goyim that preferring your own race is bad? Do you think the US really killed Bin Laden? You believe all testimonies, don't you?

>> No.20496866

no bitches

>> No.20496867

It didn't actually sell as many copies as you would think while originally released but once Hitler gained power sales obviously increased dramatically

>> No.20496888

>Do you think the US really killed Bin Laden?
when did lit turn into x

>> No.20496895

You are so unbelievably retarded. You're literally undermining whatever beliefs you have by associating them with SIEG HEIL I HECKIN' LOVE HITLER. Where do you think Hitler went on this magic plane you have invented? The Jews played no role in Allied decision making. If you watch the post-war US propaganda film "Hitler Lives," they don't emphasize Jews or genocide but just talk about warlike Germans are. The US definitely killed Bin Laden faggot. Do you think the moon landing was faked too? You think of yourself as some kind of brave critical thinker when you've just absorbed a bunch of /pol/ nonsense. How do you even function in the real world like this?

>> No.20496941
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1636020649037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You look like this.

>> No.20496963
File: 39 KB, 721x720, Hitlersimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20496965


>> No.20496979

>kvetching this hard
>jews don't control things, look away!
>you invented planes!
>no, i don't need a picture of our enemy's dead leader! i believe my government!
>and here's a moon landing strawman for good measure!

>> No.20496996

Ethnic group

>> No.20497005
File: 76 KB, 680x680, Gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your imbecility is giving me no choice but to become a fanatically pro-Jewish Zionist. I hope Israel expands from the Nile to the Euphrates. Hail the Jewish people, hail victory!

>> No.20497025
File: 86 KB, 1280x521, 1534912054031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20497029
File: 61 KB, 960x700, 1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look where that kind of thinking got him!

>> No.20497118

This describes my experience arguing with holocaust deniers and other assorted schizos on pol

>> No.20497122

He barely talks about the jews in this book.

>> No.20497229

So you can't refute any of his arguments and instead resort to violence? I thought that's what evil Nazis did.

>> No.20497236

Jews are winning. Nazis lost. Cope and seethe.

>> No.20497254 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 242x255, 1651920490226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you can't refute any of his arguments and instead resort to violence? I thought that's what evil Nazis did.

>> No.20497323
File: 89 KB, 1200x721, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wierd how this picture is always used to 'own the chuds' yet all the tranny commies I've met or seen pictures of look exactly like this.

>> No.20497336

Hi Jew, what's your most worship-able recommendation of anti-semitic literature?

>> No.20497411

i don't think that's the case. How many jews died according to your asessment?

>> No.20497417

the general estimate i see historians talk about is 5.7 million

>> No.20497458

>The Talmud says that they can lie to goyim.
One guy in the talmud says this. Do you know what the Talmud is? It's not dogma, it is an ongoing discussion between rabbis who say all kinds of stuff.

>> No.20497500

You know, this kind of makes me understand why people "become antisemitic" after reading this and think it's a great book. This is the political equivalent of a horoscope. It is such a generic description of a rather common human behaviour, but people will read this, see this behaviour in jews and go "Yeah that's just like them." Just like people will read their horoscope and go "Yeah I'm totally a cancer." - when it's written in the most universally generic style, to make idle readers succumb to confirmation bias.

>> No.20497842

where's the evidence to support that figure?

>> No.20497852

Ofcourse. My great grandad got a copy as a wedding present

>> No.20497872

I made it up to spite you personally.

>> No.20497912

I'm more and more starting to think that the anti-jew thing is mostly a hundred year long psy-op.
Protect the jews, hate the jews. Create a false dialectic, and those who really pull the string must be laughing in the shadows.

>> No.20498734
File: 57 KB, 803x767, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any of you even read the book?
We could have had an interesting discussion on his predictions on global population growth and why that fueled his desire for land, but instead I don't think a single person on this thread has actually read it — what is this, /his/? You are all the cancer killing 4chan, fuck you

>> No.20498778
File: 1.77 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_20220609_105928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just one guy

>> No.20498804

That is from a book by this guy. look at the trial section. lmao.

>> No.20498937

Anon, why do you have to reply with shitty contextless bait images rather than adressing my point about the role of Talmud in Jewish theology?

>> No.20499037

>One guy in the talmud says this
>omg that pic is from The Talmud Unmasked!
>reading comprehension, how does that work?
Are you retarded, anon?

>> No.20499048

Jaden smith ass nigga.

>> No.20499058
File: 205 KB, 1080x926, Screenshot_20220609-120047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.20499117

Is this your desired level of debate? Do you just regurgitate buzzwords off of /pol/ and pick the sample text of a google search if you are even remotely preasured?
The content of the Talmud is not dogmatic, and the very point of it - as is a typical aspect of Jewish theology - is to be debated about. You are supposed to read this, think about, talk to your rabbi, read other sections of the Talmud, talk to fellow jews about it, etc. The Talmud does not contain commandments, but the opinions of important rabbis.

>> No.20499275

>let me just move these goalposts, goyim

>> No.20499521

According to jewish religious book Jews came from dust and will return from dust. They do not have a spirit and the sheol (=Nothingness) awaits them after their earthly life. Therefore Jews are 100% matter and therefore Jews are 100% evil. Refute this

Pro-tip : You can't.

>> No.20500338

>jew disregarding anti-semite
yea yea youre sore we get it kike

>> No.20500377

>Hitler is... LE BAD!

>> No.20500656

yes, everyone thinks this except /pol/chimps.

>> No.20500874

what's bad about him?

>> No.20500907

>ruined europe with pointless war
>ruined the public image of command economies and fascism
>genocided millions
>enabled ussr to genocide millions more
>forever besmirched the name Adolf
>was vegetarian
>faggot moustache
The list goes on

>> No.20500988
File: 141 KB, 1080x1350, Christians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A insular, bitter people that hold themselves to different ethics, cultural and political laws living in the heart of our great nation is dangerous. Let us not forget they hate us too.

Fast forward to modern day America.

>> No.20501018

>ruined Europe with pointless war
it takes two to tango. You can just as easily blame all the other countries that fought against him.
>genocided millions
no proof.
>enabled USSR to genocide millions more
and yet the "public image" of communism is still intact, AMAZING!!!
>was vegetarian
and didn't force it on others. And what a stupid thing to be pissed off at, are you that desperate for someone to be mad at?
and yet you sound like the bigger faggot.

So basically, you don't have a single relevant point against him. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.20501042
File: 6 KB, 274x184, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>ruined europe with pointless war
War in defense of your people is never pointless.

>>ruined the public image of command economies and fascism
Would be true if they were not experienced record popularity, requiring every single tv, teacher, professor and lawyer to condemn it

>>genocided millions
Are you presenting this as a negative?

>>enabled ussr to genocide millions more
The entire West allowed that.

>>forever besmirched the name Adolf

>>was vegetarian
Was interested in building a healthy, stronger, more intelligent people. Eugenics.

>>faggot moustache
Would be wild to see if return.

>> No.20501139

>Look mom, I replied to them all!

>> No.20501249

Man this guy is making the long nose tribe seethe. Keep it up based /lit/ bro

>> No.20501556

>ruined europe with pointless war
Being financially raped at Versailles and needing to acquire land due to a rapidly growing population is couldn't be a better reason to go to war.
>ruined the public image of command economies and fascism
No, jews did that through media
>genocided millions
You wish. 200k max due to typhus outbreaks and the allies bombing the supply lines to the camps at the end of the war
>enabled ussr to genocide millions more
Hitler is responsible for what Stalin does?
>forever besmirched the name Adolf
>was vegetarian
>faggot moustache
(You) are gay.

>> No.20501564

>200k max
how can people believe this? Sure, you can say that 6 million is the highest estimate which is unlikely but 200k max, really?

>> No.20501587

>>ruined europe with pointless war
The war was absolutely necessary
>>ruined the public image of command economies and fascism
That's like saying the Byzantines in 1453 "ruined the public image" of defending yourself against Turks because during the chaos of the siege a few Byzantines killed Turkish POWs
>>genocided millions
Himmler did that during the later phases of the war, Hitler was autistic and allowed himself to be surrounded by semi-effective loyalist weirdos like Himmler and that is a legitimate criticism
>>enabled ussr to genocide millions more
They would have enslaved all of Europe if Germany hadn't stopped them
>>forever besmirched the name Adolf
Not true, my name is Adolf
>>was vegetarian
Perfectly fine
>>faggot moustache
Not true, I have this moustache

>> No.20501667
File: 54 KB, 640x428, CtnRt1QWEAAMF6U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>forever besmirched the name Adolf
>Not true, my name is Adolf

>> No.20501775
File: 508 KB, 1407x1668, 6faad4e79e8d83d2ff93a8a1cfce2a41c7c1b0e11e40f9ef3b09eb762964aa32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200k max
>how can people believe this?
Gee, I don't know. I guess it has something to do with the fact that we live in an information age and it's easier than ever to research (often fabricated) historical events. History is written by the winners. What are you, 12? Where are the mass graves? The math doesn't add up, and burying your head in the sand will never make it true.

>> No.20501804

He is in occultation like the 12th imam and will come again to lead all his loyal basement dwelling schizo and neo nazi skinhead followers to victory over dah jooos soon.

>> No.20501810

Testicle kicking meme came from the malmedy trials and it has been refuted. Do you even care if the things you post have the slightest resemblance to reality?

>> No.20501817

Hitler talked about suicide a number of times throughout his life. He was of that temperament.

>> No.20501828

Adolf is still acceptable in Latin America. Also I know I Swiss millennial who is named Adolf.

>> No.20502187
File: 368 KB, 942x750, 1556544442501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been refuted because, uh.. because i said so, ok?!

>"At the Malmedy trial, which took place at Dachau in 1946, American investigators submitted the accused to every sort of physical and mental torture to force them to sign false confessions, as the commission of inquiry presided over by Judges van Roden and Simpson established." - Freda Utley, "The High Cost of Vengeance"

>"The following allegations were made by defendant Hendel: "… on 4 April 1946 1 was led from my cell under a black hood, was put into a cell facing the door and was then beaten in the abdomen and face until I fell to the ground. When a moment later the hood was taken off, Lieutenant Perl and Mr. Thon stood before me. During the subsequent interrogation, I was also beaten several times. No notice was taken of my request to have the interrogation postponed since I was not in condition for it at that time. The facts described happened before my interrogation. During the interrogation, promises were made to me but since I did not know anything and today still do not know anything of an order, all sorts of threats were made to me and since things were immaterial to me and I wanted to avoid further beatings, etc., I wrote down everything that was dictated to me." Many additional allegations were made by defendants, all in the same vein. Later, the Senate investigation would show that at least some of these allegations of physical brutality, denied by the interrogators at the trial, were founded in evidence." - Ray Merriam, "The Malmedy Massacre and Trial"

Your lies have no power here, Shlomo.

>> No.20502193

no, it sold very poorly before the nazis made it mandatory to have

>> No.20502204
File: 76 KB, 800x419, disab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank u hitler very christian

>> No.20502208 [DELETED] 

I've seen the gas chambers in Dachau myself.

>> No.20502209
File: 2.45 MB, 2528x1744, Einsatzgruppen_murder_Jews_in_Ivanhorod,_Ukraine,_1942 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pol has atrophied your brain

>> No.20502213
File: 119 KB, 800x450, boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in current year Jews exterminated so much denazified the world and the internet so much they use self portraits mocking their own physiognomy to superimpose on nazi ideology to insult nazis with their own physical ugliness thus effectively advancing the nazi ideology themselves on themselves

>> No.20502216

the problem is... who cares about filthy disgusting jews? the holocaust happened, and thats a good thing!

>> No.20502218

woah can you say that on 4channel?

>> No.20502230

Pressing them to convert is more dangerous. They will pretend for generations and worm their way into power and then seek revenge when they have the means.

>> No.20502238

Yup. Just look at the marranos in Spain and all the kike worshipping libs in France. The Dreyfuss affair should have never been a thing.

>> No.20502243
File: 94 KB, 1024x388, holohoax zyklon used properly mexican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You saw a disinfecting chamber for typhus and other diseases presented to you by jews.

>> No.20502250
File: 71 KB, 583x781, e9fc4d4149ef5e3e9a5f7ffaa525c19f94fbe0f6617fc3e437c919643c52e4ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.20502263

lmao wtf is this

>> No.20502267

jews just wanna have fun. that's all they really want. is this a crime? eh?


>> No.20502271

Chuds needs to be banned

>> No.20502276
File: 797 KB, 756x940, download2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong? Is your narrative falling apart?

>> No.20502298 [DELETED] 

Why do the civilians happen to be cowering in front of freshly dug graves?

>> No.20502321
File: 242 KB, 970x710, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freshly dug graves?
Are you just making stuff up now? Are you talking about the shadow on the left? Please keep replying so I can post more images.

>> No.20502379 [DELETED] 

No, look on the right. You can clearly see a grave with a shovel stuck out of it and 2 more shovels lying across it.

>> No.20502421
File: 886 KB, 2000x1481, 1597217297180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao it's a pile of rocks, a curved stick, and a stick laying on the rocks. You're only clinging onto this picture because you're afraid to address any of my other points. You posted a lie so I corrected it.. a curved shovel lmao. For the sake of argument, lets say that it was Hitler himself shooting a poor old jewish lady. It ultimately wouldn't matter. Of course war crimes happened, and I'm sure some were committed by Germans, but there was never any plan to exterminate jews, nor were 6 million jews killed. I've proven it. You're coping.

>> No.20502426

Your image was debunked

>> No.20502429

It's hard staying on top, and we all know what happens when you slip up. Prepare for 110.

>> No.20502432
File: 669 KB, 806x4054, auschwitz-chem-tiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! How about this one, rabbi?

>> No.20502446
File: 151 KB, 685x767, 1643708820401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing a leftist meme to be creative, interesting, or snappy

>> No.20502453

>Yeah news articles shouldn't capitalize either white or black
the (((AP))) Style Guide says "Black" should be capitalized but "white" should not be, as of 2020

>> No.20502581

Oh look it's "it's not real but nazi were based and it needs to happen again!"

>> No.20502628
File: 661 KB, 1021x729, holohoax anal air pump execution lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh look it's "it's not real but nazi were based and it needs to happen again!"
>it's not real
Correct. I've proved it multiple times itt.
>but nazi were based and it needs to happen again!
When did I say that? More jewish lies. You sound like you need a good pumping.

>> No.20502956

Then how come we have the names of millions of people who died during the holocaust?

>> No.20502976

It has nothing to do with Judaism. The Jews doing this stuff aren't even Jews, they are secular Askhenazis descended from Turks called Khazars in Russia, who then got expelled from Russia and flooded all other Jewish communities.

The thing those "Jews" hate the most is being told to practice Judaism. Actual practicing Jews are hilarious, literally all they want to do is read Torah. If you told them they could do that for another thousand years to make mashiach get a little bit closer, and all they had to give up was secular influence of any kind, they would do it in a heartbeat. It's only the secular ones who would complain that they want dual citizenship and to practice usury.

The solution to the Jewish problem is unironically just telling Jews to be Jewish. The loud minority of New Yorker banker "Jews" who don't even respect their own traditions will be the only ones complaining, and the other real Jews will just tell them to shut the fuck up. Once that's done, you can nationalize the assets of the secular ones and send them to some ethnic enclave where they have no influence. The only thing you have to be careful about is all the "culturally Jewish" "patrilineal Jews" and their nepotism networks. You can't be naive about asking them to "assimilate." There have to be real tests and thresholds for assimilation. But once you nationalize the assets of the wealthy and influential secular ones, and ban "cultural Jews" from positions of influence (on the logic that if you want to be Jewish, be fucking Jewish), a lot of them will get the memo and within one generation will complete their already half-finished forgetting that they are half-Jewish on their father's side.

It's only the rich ones that still hold the nepotism networks together. Nationalize their assets, tell religious Jews to be Jews and be proud of it but surrender all temporal influence, and you have solved 95% of the Jewish question without bloodshed.

>> No.20502979
File: 1.44 MB, 1594x707, 362f26efa87de33b0e520d457df5533ffb5b44e5eeeb2eb15358f667a6ea5427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathematically impossible to gas and cremate 6 million bodies
>b-but we have names!
Yeah? Where? A searchable database where you have to enter in the name of an actual person in order to see the result? Produce a list of 6 million "victim" names. You can't because it doesn't exist.

>> No.20502987

>mathematically impossible to gas and cremate 6 million bodies
If you're going to debunk something at least try to be familiar with what the narrative actually is. Only about half the Jews killed in the Holocaust died in camps, and only a very small percentage of those Jews from gassing. Regarding cremation, you're probably assuming that it takes one to two hours to cremate a single human body, based on funerary cremation practices. But modern crematoriums are trying to create fine, consistent ashes with no visible human parts, for the relatives to take home and keep. If you don't care about that, it's easy to stack another body on top at a certain level of disintegration. They're not trying to make the dead Jewish remains look pretty. Also, obviously, not all Jews were cremated. Many were buried in mass graves.

>> No.20503043
File: 623 KB, 2220x868, Treblinka, no bodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're going to debunk something at least try to be familiar with what the narrative actually is.
Your narrative constantly changes.

>Only about half the Jews killed in the Holocaust died in camps
That's a new one. Where did the other 3 million go?

>Regarding cremation, you're probably assuming that it takes one to two hours to cremate a single human body, based on funerary cremation practices.
It takes modern, high end crematoriums 2-3 hours to cremate a body. Please convince me how crematoriums from 80 years ago can cremate bodies in 15 minutes.

>But modern crematoriums are trying to create fine, consistent ashes with no visible human parts, for the relatives to take home and keep.
So you admit that there would be bones left. Interesting.

>Also, obviously, not all Jews were cremated. Many were buried in mass graves.
You've gotten yourself into quite the pickle now. Where did those crematorium bones go? And where are all of these mass graves? People have been searching for years using high tech equipment. I'm not talking about the graves of the prisoners that died from starvation and typhus at the end of the war. Show me a mass grave with millions of bodies. No? How about hundreds of thousands of bodies. Still can't find one? How about ten thousand bodies. Surely, with 6 million people killed they'd be swimming in bodies. Where would they find the room to bury everyone? Do you know how easy it would be to find these supposed mass graves if it were true? You're grasping at straws now, Chaim. People itt are reading the evidence. You have to try harder!

>> No.20503064

>>Only about half the Jews killed in the Holocaust died in camps
>That's a new one. Where did the other 3 million go?
It's not "new", it's what the Holocaust narrative is and has been since the end of the Second World War. Embarrassing. You didn't even do something as basic as skim the Wikipedia article for the Holocaust before deciding you didn't believe in it.
>It takes modern, high end crematoriums 2-3 hours to cremate a body. Please convince me how crematoriums from 80 years ago can cremate bodies in 15 minutes.
I already told you that modern crematoriums are trying to create pleasant-looking ashes with no identifiable remains left.
>You've gotten yourself into quite the pickle now. Where did those crematorium bones go?
I am not a historian. Probably there is someone who would be able to answer your question, but it isn't me. That doesn't mean it's unreasonable for me to hold this belief. If you said, "An estimated 20 million soldiers died in WWII" and I said, "I won't believe that until you can show me 20 million skeletons -- in fact, I will actively accuse you of lying about this figure" you would (correctly) reject this as a ridiculous standard of evidence.
> And where are all of these mass graves?
Here are some lists of mass grave locations and articles about the discovery of new ones (oh, but I suppose they are actually forged):

>> No.20503073

No we also have names because the nazis were fucking ocd, they literally made it easy for the world to gather evidence against their crimes against humanity

>> No.20503083

Nigga every fucking holocaust museum has a database, some of them accessible online. We have the documents of the camp leaders. The holocaust is extremely well documented because nazis were Germans, thus they had German tier documentation autism.

>> No.20503097
File: 130 KB, 1074x798, 1633117125368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You didn't even do something as basic as skim the Wikipedia article for the Holocaust before deciding you didn't believe in it.
>he gets his information from wikipedia

>I already told you that modern crematoriums are trying to create pleasant-looking ashes with no identifiable remains left.
And I already told you that in order for your argument to work you'd need to cremate a body down to the bones in 15 minutes. Is that possible on 80 year old equipment or are you going to dodge the question?

>I am not a historian. Probably there is someone who would be able to answer your question, but it isn't me. That doesn't mean it's unreasonable for me to hold this belief.
>i have no idea what i'm talking about but i was taught this in school and i dare not question the narrative or people will think i'm bad so i'm going to stick to my beliefs even though i'm being hammered over the head with irrefutable evidence

>Here are some lists of mass grave locations and articles about the discovery of new ones (oh, but I suppose they are actually forged)

>446 names out of 6 million

>ignores previous image where treblinka mass graves are debunked

This is embarrassing. Did you google 'mass graves holocaust' and scramble to copy/paste the first results? I almost feel bad for how brainwashed you are. Maybe you'll reflect on this later but I doubt it.

>No we also have names because the nazis were fucking ocd, they literally made it easy for the world to gather evidence against their crimes against humanity
Very interesting. Then there would definitely be a paper trail for orders of the extermination of jews, right? And there would be documentation for how they did it, you know, because they were OCD and kept amazing records. Please produce those. Oh, and produce the 6 million names.

>> No.20503106

What's the point of that image?

>> No.20503125
File: 113 KB, 1024x802, holohoax nuremberg numbers redacted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the point of that image?
Gee, I wonder.

It's almost 4am. I'm going to bed. I only scratched the surface with the evidence I've saved over the years. I have folders full. Your lies will never defeat the truth. I know how much you jews hate God (you can't even type it), so I just want to say that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior and he loves you. Repent.

>> No.20503130

>hates Jews
>worships a Jew

>> No.20503137

>>he gets his information from wikipedia
I didn't say I get my information from Wikipedia, I'm saying that if you did something as basic as look at Wikipedia, you'd know what the "pozzed, Jewish, hoax" narrative you're trying to deboonk actually is. How can we expect to take your arguments against the Holocaust seriously when you don't even know what it is that historians actually claim? This is like if I was claiming I could debunk the existence of Jesus Christ without even having read a Cliffnotes of the Gospels.
>for your argument to work you'd need to cremate a body down to the bones in 15 minutes.
Isn't this number contingent on faulty assumptions like "six million Jews were cremated"?
>i have no idea what i'm talking about but i was taught this in school and i dare not question the narrative or people will think i'm bad so i'm going to stick to my beliefs even though i'm being hammered over the head with irrefutable evidence
Where are the 20 million soldier bones? Can you answer me? I am a World War II denier.
>ignores previous image where treblinka mass graves are debunked
Lets look at your little image. The (uncited, sourceless) text says "an Australian team headed by Richard Krege, a qualified electronics engineer". When I google Richard Krege's name, the first thing that pops up is a Wikipedia article about a Holocaust denial conference in Iran, with attendees like David Duke. His results are not published in any peer reviewed scientific paper. There is almost no information about them on the web. They contradict a report both from 1946 and radiographic investigation from the 2010s, as well as witness testimony. I do not see how this "debunks" anything
>I almost feel bad for how brainwashed you are. Maybe you'll reflect on this later but I doubt it.
I used to be a Holocaust denier from looking at sourceless infographs made by mongoloids until I actually read books on the subject. Why don't Holocaust deniers actually read and critique standard historical books like "The Destruction of the European Jews" or "Ordinary Men" instead of posting the same "Holocaust " from fake memoirs that were immediately discredited by historians and Jewish organisations? I bet you don't even know about the intentionalist-functionalist distinction.

>> No.20503144

>is Christian
>defends a regime which executed thousands of Christians and wanted to obliterate Christianity

>> No.20503146

isolating anglos from the rest of the world would solve the jewish problem

>> No.20503186

>interesting discussion

You give yourself too much credit

>> No.20503191

>>What's the point of that image?
>Gee, I wonder.
I mean, you could aswell google why they changed that sign. It's silly.

>I have a folder full of evidence!
I would rather have a reading list than folders worth of these /pol/ memes. Which historians have you read?

>> No.20503194

What's 200 000 people anyway, in any case!

>> No.20503437

National socialist are mostly people who have read only HItler.
>His entourage was already filled with Jews, his doctor was a jew, his driver was a jew...
He was a jew? Maria Schicklgruber never told who the father of Alois Hitler was. She was working in the Rothschild manor in Vienna when the IMPREGNATION of Alois happened.

>> No.20503475


He was literally autistic. If he born in a later time, there's no way he wouldn't've been diagnosed.

I do wonder if Dr. Hans himself suspected anything.

>> No.20503503


If he were serious about doing this, he would've let the Jews flee to the Dominican Republic when they offered asylum. The goal had been murderous genocide for some time.

Not that he was alone. Racism among Germans was absolutely everywhere when Hitler was growing up. It was an even worse version of the Jim Crow-era South, combined with a fanatical militarism that suffered the worst case of blueballs in the history of warfare when the Triple Alliance successfully stole half of Eastern Europe from a crooked peace treaty with the Bolshies, only to squabder the whole thing by continuing to wage war on England and France rather than consolidating their gains.

Hitler appealed to the vast sense of national cuckoldry that the German people felt. Their precious colonies had been Tyrone-and-Jamal'd by the last-minute Entente victory. Not only did he promise to make it all better, but he very nearly succeded. Every stupid, preposterous gamble he took -- Anschluss, the Sudetenland, the Invasion of France -- succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Unlike dictators such as Lenin, Hitler was legitimately popular for his actions, right up until he brought the country to utter ruin in revenge for the people's failure to attain final victory.

>> No.20503526

I dont need to read a book to know that.

>> No.20504206

We need a final solution to mass repliers.

>> No.20504300

there was a related thread discussion over here. Had some interesting tidbits (and of course the usual trolling by some disgruntled non-whites)


>> No.20504872
File: 76 KB, 505x692, proofs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know they burned a shitload of bodies in open air fire pits, right? The capacity of the fire pits far exceeded the capacity of furnaces.

And a lot of people died on their way to the camps. On some occasions when the train arrived to Auschwitz, around 70% of the passengers were already dead from starvation, thirst and disease.

>> No.20504894

Spoken like a dumb fuck that's never bbqd a kike over an open air pit. That shit is super inefficient.

>> No.20504902

If Hitler was so insane and evil as he's portrayed, and hated Jews so much, how did SO MANY Jews survive these supposed "death camps"?
More Aryan whites descended in the war than Jews in these supposed "death camps".

>> No.20504949

>posts a picture of a 1912 train crash in Dresden, Ohio that was exposed on an episode of Ghost Adventures and tries to pass it off as holocaust bbq pit
The eternal jew, everyone.

>> No.20504983

>1912 train crash in Dresden, Ohio
more than likely this. Even just going off the picture itself, you can tell no one is dressed like Nazis, nor like Jewish prisoners.

>> No.20505011

What do you mean? Near Auschwitz there were factories and mines where they needed workers. Thats why they didn't kill everybody straight away.

Not that many people survived these camps. Few escaped, some survived the death marches (when the Soviets were getting closer, Nazis force marched prisoners who could walk out of Auschwitz towards west) and some survived till the camps "liberation" by soviets. If I remember right the whole of Auschwitz could hold 110 000 people and when the Soviets came there were only 15 000 left.

And you have?

>> No.20505027


I have no idea how you can tell from that photo if they are wearing their uniforms. And even if there weren't any visible uniforms, you think those were glued on them? Especially near open fire pits where its really hot.

>> No.20505070

The issue was with the genetic rationalization of why Jews were bad.
Jews have been expulsed hundreds of times from European countries or territories, they have been put into general slavery as late as the 11th century in France and were actually pretty darn happy about it.
If it was just the cultural character that he wanted to erase, he could have simply done the same thing that had been done hundreds of times. But by using the theme of genetic degeneration and infiltration of nobler bloodlines, he tied their evil to their very being, reduced them to pests.
Of note, Husserl converted to Protestantism in his early 20s, and apparently forced his wife to do the same.

>> No.20505075

nah I'm siding with the funny moustache man on this one

>> No.20505171

oh so they were work camps then, not death camps. Hitler wasn't so insane as portrayed, he just thought they were addicted to usury instead of actual physical labor, and thought he'd teach them a lesson for it.
And the rest of the world started a war save the usurers. Got it. Still drastic, I'll give you that, but not "insane evil incarnate" levels of drastic.

>> No.20505203
File: 49 KB, 657x527, a84a78ed19e62ae2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.20505502 [DELETED] 

So either the holocaust was fake, or the Germans were set to lead the world into a new age of technological progress when the war was over.
Either way, considering that the Jews been pushing "White replacement" as a good thing lately: Turns out they're fucking hypocrites.

>> No.20505521

So either the holocaust was fake, or the Germans were set to lead the world into a new age of technological progress when the war was over. The same people who tell me I should selflessly go extinct refused to selflessly go extinct when the opportunity presented itself to improve the future.
So it logically follows that Jewish people are either liars of hypocrites.

>> No.20505524

it's just as ridiculous to think Jews are behind every bad thing in the world as it is that there are insanely evil people that would just randomly accuse millions of people of being evil and then forcing them to work before genociding them.
People are basically good. There was no holocaust, there's no plot to kill all the jews, theres no plot of the jews to kill off the whites. Stop being so paranoid and take your meds.

>> No.20505528

>Hitler lost a war that was started because he was critical of the Zionist international central banking cartel, against that same Zionist international central banking cartel
>therefore, Hitler was wrong about the Zionist international banking cartel and their predisposition to destroying Europeans
how do you people even breathe
true colours revealed

>once again the left post a literal john oliver and say "dis luks liek u xdddd"

>m-m-muh pol boogeyman

>> No.20505597

>war over the heart, soul and future of Europe and the white race is "pointless"
>is entirely responsible for the rise of national socialism and the only reason why fascism is even remembered by proxy, yet somehow "ruined" it
>m-m-muh genocide
>it's his fault the USSR were able to kill people, there's no way they were doing this before the war!!!
>Jews disgrace his legacy, omg he besmirched the name Adolf!!11
>vegetarian myth that's based on propaganda and falsehood
>mutt tier ad hom about physical looks

I'm not sure where to start with midwittery of this tier. if it's not midwittery it's spiteful mutterism or general non-whitism, but anyways
the war was firstly, absolutely necessary and any statement otherwise is you playing at being a hatchling, or too low IQ and unread to know what you're talking about. when the rest of the world is conspiring against you and rabid jews are begging for your destruction the very day after Hitler is elected chancellor, you either strike first or be struck. in addition to that, the war was started by the UK and France against Germany, not the other way around, and figures such as Churchill were agitating for it for years, and there's little evidence to suggest Hitler would've even invaded any of western Europe had they not declared war on him. plans for the invasion of France were only drawn up after Poland.

complaining Hitler ruined the idea and public image of fascism is bizarre. he's the only reason fascism is remembered, do you honestly think that Mussolini and Franco would be remembered if it wasn't for their relations to Hitler? they would be as relevant and popular today as Stuart or Bourbon restorationists were in the 1870s. Hitler IS the public image

>genocided millions
could not care less, it didn't happen

>enabled USSR to genocide millions more
yes, because they absolutely did not intend to do that anyway. they did not begin the Holodomor before Hitler was elected, they did not begin the purges or terror before the war began, they did not invade Finland and the Baltic states before the war began, they did not take Bessarabia from Romania, they did not kill millions in the 1920s alone let alone pre-1939.

you ran out of points even worth reading after this one. you're likely just a shitskin who hates Hitler out of spite

>> No.20505606
File: 52 KB, 225x534, Wheel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with the international Zionist rabbino-banking high council. We're in control. Nothing you say can stop us. We WILL make the Middle East white and there is NOTHING you terrorists can do to stop us.

>> No.20505608

>le amerimutt Q-tier schizo "Hitler was a Rothschild" larp conspiracy, despite the fact Hitler captured an actual Rothschild and ransomed him for his entire fortune and caused all Jews in the world to kvetch at him through their puppets the UK, USA, USSR and France
even IF Hitler had any Jewish ancestry at all, it doesn't make him incorrect you brainlet

>> No.20505611

>le facetious /lit/ midwit leftist xd

>> No.20506141

what did you expect out of 4CHANNEL?

His book is like every red pill thread rolled into one.

And the subsequent 75 years have only proven him more right than he could have ever done in print.

>> No.20506646

I love the Jewish people so goddamn much it's fucking unreal. I will dedicate my life to fighting the enemies of God's people, Israel.