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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2048767 [Reply] [Original]

>in class
>teacher gives us all pieces from a book to analyze
>one piece mentions the character "July" doing something
>entire class refers to July as a male
>one girl speaks up, saying how it's "sexist" for everyone to assume that

now i see why feminists are so bad jeez louise

>> No.2048769

Now the next step is to be introspective and see how bad you are for everyone and stop doing it.

>> No.2048771

That makes no sense, July sounds like a girl's name

>> No.2048772

lol what a horrible thread, but that really is stupid, since July is named after Julius motherfucking Caesar.

>> No.2048774

This is just as good a thread as any quentin thread

>> No.2048776

"i can judge all feminists on the basis of one girl in a high school english class" - a shithead

>> No.2048777

No, that's Julie or Julia

>> No.2048786

who's gonna stop me?

>> No.2048787

The twist ending is that the book is an oral history of the making of Me and You and Everyone We Know

>> No.2048788

You literally just got trolled by quentin. I hope you're happy.

>> No.2048791
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You will self-destruct eventually.
You will stop yourself.
You are your own worst enemy.
But others are trying to take that position from you.

>> No.2048794

i remember when i wrote that
i was so upset at life

>> No.2048796


im blase

>> No.2048800
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ETA to this again?
You would really know when to cut your losses.

>> No.2048864

If you wrote that, then surely you could replicate the tripcode.

inb4 "oh I've forgotten it"

>> No.2048955

Haha oh what a clever ban reason. As if simply being a particular person is somehow punishable. Very witty, mods.

>> No.2048964

>As if simply being a particular person is somehow punishable.

uhhhh pretty much is, duder. unironically ban all quentins.

>> No.2048982
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>> No.2050632

dumb people shouldn't be in my AP classes

>> No.2050642


Why not? They let you in, you thick cunt.

>> No.2050647

i'm not dumb

>> No.2050649


But you don't deny being a cunt.

>> No.2050651
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>> No.2050652

if you don't like me you don't have to post in my thread :)

>> No.2050660
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>E=mc2 is a sexed equation because it privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are vitally necessary to us.

This is what feminists actually believe

>> No.2050669


It's not your thread, dickweed. You just started it.

>> No.2050673

it is my thread

>> No.2050677 [DELETED] 

If it was your thread it would have as many responses. Because it would be a small dick. And nobody would touch it or you. It would be a literal thread.

>> No.2050682


You report me? Oh the ironing.

>> No.2050689

Oh you and your silliness.

Quite an active impersonator aren't you?

>> No.2050710

Quentin is actually funnier and more interesting than you are, honestly.

>> No.2050761


>> No.2050763

No problem.

>> No.2050777
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>> No.2050786

And yet you keep contributing to the decline of this board. Why don't you make useful posts, Quentin? Why aren't you a good poster? Why do you think your troll isn't obvious at all?

Your trolling techniques are shit. And when you do bait people, instead of replying something amusing, you reply with the most stupid, vapid, and dull comment, when you could make so much out of it.

You are the image of what's wrong with pseudo intellectuals. Please, Quentin. Please. Either leave or make better posts. I'm not asking much. Do it for yourself, and your self respect.

>> No.2050799
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>> No.2050811

At least you didn't replied with a stupid comment. But with a vapid image that implies your emotions, but avoids my initial my argument. Seriously, Quentin. Consider being good and not ass. Please.
Polite sage.

>> No.2050818
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I wanted to hang out with ol Quent, but he lives a few hours away.

>> No.2050822

i don't live in san bernadino
that was a proxy IP address

>> No.2050829

Where are you? Draw a circle in the general area on a google map.

>> No.2050833

ventura county

>> No.2050838

Near Moorpark?

>> No.2050844

i live maybe half an hour or so from there

>> No.2050848

Southwest of it?

>> No.2050857
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>> No.2050871

How far are you from Malibu Canyon?

>> No.2050879

farther than i am from moorpark

>> No.2050884 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 351x368, 1296071644995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw richard rorty uses 'she' instead of 'he' to describe the ironist

>> No.2050890
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PSTriple's good enough I guess

>> No.2051073 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I get to the fourth Harry Potter book and realise that Snape is a man.

>> No.2051115

I remember being in college and having "she" pop up as the normative pronoun. In other words, if ever you were unsure of the gender, or if it were an object and not a person, they'd go to the pronoun "she" instead of "it".

I asked why, and was told that using "he" as a default pronoun is sexist because it ignores women. When I asked how it was any less wrong to ignore men by using "she" as the default pronoun, I was called a misogynist.

And that was the day that I lost respect for academia.

>> No.2051126

hiya :)

wow you play with him on it? don't you freeze up when the match starts just knowing your playing with the guy that invented those memes and stuff???

>> No.2051131

How fucking long ago were you in school? The academic standard has been to write "he or she" for almost 30 years.

>> No.2051141

this was only about 5 years ago

>> No.2051152
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>> No.2051155

What absolute shithole college did you go to that this was not the standard.
I don't even believe you because it's so unbelievable, he or she has been the standard academic diction for decades.

>> No.2051156

...You do not read carefully, do you? How could you miss the male pronouns? ...I have no more words for you... but my heart goes out...

>> No.2051158

Your self-sacrifice is not noble.
You suicide bomber.

>> No.2051163

is someone posting this on /lit/ all the time now or only when i post here :/


>> No.2051164

I've seen it a few times. No one hates you.

>> No.2051168

You are a liar. We all hate Ty.

>> No.2051170

ssh not while he's here.

>> No.2051171

Why is it not "she or he," sexist!