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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 640x959, untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20484979 No.20484979 [Reply] [Original]

Refreshments Edition

Old >>20481673

>> No.20484989

This site is retarded and worthless, and I'm tired of pretending that it's not.

>> No.20484995

Hard part's over!

>> No.20485011

Realized my hopes are hopeless.

>> No.20485033

Ugly disgusting OP picture.

>> No.20485037

Ugly disgusting poster.

>> No.20485039

Probably yes you're right. A healthy happy person could never post such ugly pictures.

>> No.20485044

Regret taking this new project, but its money I need and only a week long. Desu I just wanted to spend the next week before the summer semester starts laying around, watching tv, masturbating, anand drinking

>> No.20485065

whats the new project?

>> No.20485082

This is not a drill.

Howdy! I’m Pressing, D. Pressing, and I’m your clinically obligated doctor for this week! On today’s show... *drumroll*

We have an enchilada! Please Paul, plaus for a prause. I promise, Pri thee, perfunctory phrase pertains poignantly. No arbitrary Mario kart, Mario offal, or Mario puffer here. No sir! We have exactly what you want, served on a silver platter, straight from the newly born hog’s mouth.

> A crying baby pig is wheeled into the room, dressed as Julius Caesar.

Brutus was supposed to accompany him, as a duo kind of thing. Y’know. But unfortunately he was violently ill on the omnibus here. Let’s turn to page four of your mattresses, for the hymn.

> You are a cellist. The Royal Albert Hall Has Booked You-.. er, has booked you to perform a solo of the queen’s favourite porno: Wookie Hole. Use the farce, Luke.

Open wide.

> You are flying out the hospital window at Mach 3. This is not a drill, I repeat.

>> No.20485087

Not Bill Murray... is that you?

>> No.20485090




>> No.20485125

In all my time on 4chan, I have never saved a single pepe nor wojak picture, even though I have hundreds, probably thousands of pictures saved. Actually the only one I have is that original comic with "feels good man", saved at the time it was released.
Now for this reason I am better than all of you, and if you are a female (female), feel free to send me pictures of your mammaries, thank you.

>> No.20485126

Construction job. I'm the white guy working on the Mexican crew

>> No.20485127

What's your favorite saved image?

>> No.20485130

Butterfly is a dyke bro. She's not interested

>> No.20485209

I already have a picture where we can easily imagine the size of her tiddies through her shirt so I'm fine with this.

A picture of Butterfly where we can easily imagine the size of her tiddies through her shirt.

>> No.20485250

holy shit does that tranny still post here?

>> No.20485273

I am truly one of the influential shitposters of our time

>> No.20485324

I'm a Fraud.

>> No.20485327

please post please please please. ill draw her naked.

>> No.20485333

yeah not a fan of this OP picture, I will not be posting further in this thread

>> No.20485339
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>last 3 books you ordered online
>last 3 items you purchased on amazon
About to buy pic related. Its amazing that I can buy books for $3+ shipping, sometimes $5 with free shipping. I hate what all these trillion dollar companies represent but goddan is it convenient buying from Amazon.

>> No.20485340
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>> No.20485348

I'm not Christian but I've been reading the Bible. One incredibly refreshing thing about the Bible is that there's an actual discussion around it. Actual analysis, critique, interpretations, etc. In my faith it goes like this:
>This is the word of God
>Have questions? Pray more
>Don't understand it? Pray more
>You want to discuss the text? Fuck off
It's so nice to be allowed to think.

>> No.20485365

I'm reading that right now, it's very engrossing (to use a blurbism). Hitler wasn't such a bad dude until he got f'd in the a by traitors on the home front. That really chapped his ass.

>> No.20485372


>> No.20485374

i understand the NSDAP was a fucking mess and there were no easy solutions and the SA was probably going to revolt and go more radical, but I still can't forgive Hitler for purging so many good Nazis in the Night of the Long Knives

>> No.20485375

My own appearance repulses me.

>> No.20485389

Sikh. Our sacred text is considered a living person so it is somewhat unacceptable to analyze it.

>> No.20485391
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>> No.20485395

No offense but you brown religious types should all be exterminated in minecraft so the Earth can be cleansed from your retardation and enter into the next stage.

>> No.20485399

That's a "based retard" position if I ever heard one. I should use that when critics descend upon my novel.

>> No.20485416

>Actually the only one I have is that original comic with "feels good man", saved at the time it was released.
That's gotta be worth a few internet bucks somewhere.

>> No.20485427

Personifying shit is the best mythology

>> No.20485430

I want to know,
What you're thinking.

Is there something on your mind,

I want to know,
What you're thinking,

Tell me, lemon rind.

>> No.20485431

your son is becoming a degenerate transgender mate
mind figuring out that first

>> No.20485435
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>> No.20485440
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>> No.20485448

I feel that I did not deserve such wrath from you

>> No.20485452
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I have a writing assignment and its making me so fucking depressed
How do you guys even manage?

>> No.20485506

I've always secretly believed that Agatha Christie aged 16 was super-hot.

>> No.20485513
File: 223 KB, 1200x1200, attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20485514

his proper pronouns are 'piss-pants' and 'prolapse', if yu'll be su kind

>> No.20485519

Richard Dawson invented the Meme.

>> No.20485520

>Boris Johnson
This man is literally me: an actual retard whose career keeps on getting better and better due to dumb luck.

>> No.20485531

Sadly, it's not an NFT.

>> No.20485532

Nah, they used the same mold as Stephen Fry and my grandmother.

>> No.20485545


>> No.20485564

The language I want to learn is in danger of dying out :|

>> No.20485567

you're both being set up to take the blame for a lot of very bad things by the people who put you there.

Actually I met Boris once at Heathrow, he was being tailed by a slovenly man wielding a machinegun, I pointed it out to him and he claimed it was a police escort.

>> No.20485571

i don't. might unironically drop out because i'm unable to complete assignments

>> No.20485573

>you're both being set up to take the blame for a lot of very bad things by the people who put you there.
Luckily for me I am switching jobs soon

>> No.20485610


>> No.20485611


>> No.20485617

When a movie is good we say it's a kino, what do we say about a good book?

>> No.20485622

French, German, Swedish, Irish, and proper English

>> No.20485625

Attention: Your brain has been balkanized

>> No.20485626

It's literature

>> No.20485632

when a word is overused your purpose is to overuse it some more

>> No.20485636


>> No.20485641

imageboard users think they've got it all figured out, sitting in their dimly lit room in a quarter acre ticky-tacky with a basement full of flooded sewer water in a blighted suburb that civilization mostly forgot about in the late 20th century, stuck in a constant feedback loop via the internet with exact others in the same situation

>> No.20485644


>> No.20485648


>> No.20485661

Food turns to dust in my mouth. I have all that I need to be content, but I am not. Greed? I continue to reach for more, regardless. Emptiness. Stay away, lest I consume you, too.

>> No.20485665


>> No.20485668

West. End. Girls.

>> No.20485671

I fucking hate people who aren't autistic. Here's an example of how they are inferior. I'm farting. I said to my girlfriend, I'm farting, and I have to be in a confined space with people soon so I can't be farting. She says, take a fart pill. I say, what does it do? She says, it makes your farts go away. I said well how does it do that? She said I don't know, it just says on the box, farts be gone. Fucking turns out "farts be gone" means it's a chemical that causes all your farts to concentrate into gigantic farts so you fart it all out. Why does my superior INTJ autistic brain immediately start thinking of the actual chemistry and physics of what the fart pill actually does and all she can think is, the box says farts be gone. Should take 10 of these badboys and lock her in the bathroom with me.

>> No.20485674

I keep self-sabotaging my own job hunt

>> No.20485682

How? When? Why? What?

>> No.20485683
File: 749 KB, 1124x1331, 40A138C2-1326-4C6D-8534-B358D84F6377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody likes me
That’s whatI tell myself
I live alone
In my own hell
I want to be
The person you want me to be
That I know
That I’ll never be

>> No.20485688

do you also tour hot dog factories to see the pig assholes being turned into hot dogs?

>> No.20485692

No but if a doctor were going to inject pig's assholes into my veins because "it makes you good again" I would ask what the fuck that means and what the mechanism is.

>> No.20485699

/Lit/ would be wayyy better if we meet up in person everyday and I could slap some of you around a little.

>> No.20485704

Look at this internet toughguy, lol

>> No.20485706

lmao 1v1 me.

>> No.20485708

I'm a girl you bozo =_=

>> No.20485709

pro wrestling isnt fake

>> No.20485712

Can I bring my ball gag?

>> No.20485715

If you cuddled me afterwards I could be fine with it

Honestly I'm thankful I'm a man and not a woman, I would have ended up with an abusive bf by now if I was a girl

>> No.20485721

Wow thats hot. Lets meet

>> No.20485722
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>> No.20485723

Why can’t people see how delusional they are? Why do they persist in what deep down they don’t even believe? I always try to tell people that everything their brain projects on to the world is just that, a mere projection, but they don’t listen and continue to believe that what they feel about the world is real. I just don’t understand why these people wake up every day believing the same nonsense and they don’t question it and when they do have doubt they search for reasons to ignore it so they don’t have to accept that there are no ethics, no morals, no science, no truths, no nothing. They think that truth is something more than truth and that their puny brains has knowledge about what is behind the way things are. Truth exists, but it just doesn’t mean anything, it’s not anything more than it is. Knowledge exists but there is nothing that makes knowledge anything more than just something in your head…

>> No.20485725

The Matt Walsh Doc was kino
srsly die sad

>> No.20485755

My brother has an abusive bf. But he has the personality of a histrionic teenage girl

>> No.20485764

can some female hands type out for me what exactly 'attention' means to them and why it's so valuable? Also how does this differ from 'validation'?

>> No.20485773

Take your sexual lust for a woman and all the desperation and ineffability of how badly you want to do whatever dumb shit it is you want to do to them, then take that exact level of intensity at your most horny and wrap it around so that it's directed inward at you being "confirmed" as beautiful and special instead of being directed outward at something else that is independently beautiful and special, and you can understand 1/10th of how much a woman craves being validated

>> No.20485779
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>> No.20485785

I'm serious, I know I would fuck up all of you pussies if we met up in person. I GUARENTEE IT! I'm laughing over here at how easily it would be to humiliate you, because I'm more well read and I could make you lick my boots.
Ladies, don't worry. After I'm done working up a sweat teaching the boys about the reality of violence I'll still have plenty of energy for you ;)

>> No.20485794

>Ladies, don't worry. After I'm done working up a sweat teaching the boys about the reality of violence I'll still have plenty of energy for you ;)
Can I watch :3

>> No.20485797

Everyone would be required to watch.

>> No.20485800

you’re just a nigger. You don’t exist. Your post is now your entire existence within my mind. Your entire being, to me, is just a retarded NPC post, you’re just a neuronal blip in my mind. All I can possibly perceive from this post is the pure zombielike emptiness behind your social programming. As a person, you don’t even exist, you aren’t even a human being to me, you are just a robotic and formulaic 4chan post, made by something that clearly can’t see anything beyond the surface level and can’t perceive what doesn’t fit into his meme categories of ideology and belief

>> No.20485811

No wonder they're all insane

>> No.20485815

You joke but I bet German, Swedish and Irish will go extinct in our lifetimes.

Also I should elaborate. Chinese might not die out in China but it will die out in places a Westerner can use it, like Singapore or Malaysia. It's not like one can chat with Chinese people online,

>> No.20485824

im out of alcohol

>> No.20485829
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Nice to see a fellow Jack respector

>> No.20485895

Bros I desperately need a gf

>> No.20485915
File: 195 KB, 1500x1500, mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should not have gotten the blue bag of dumplings :(
anyways its time to smoke weed now. whos in?

>> No.20485920

i do not enjoy smoking marijuana

>> No.20485922
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>> No.20485923
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This. The thing is most females are vaxxed and I'm paranoid about this shit

>> No.20485937

There were times, during missions, as we walked a quiet 10k to the target that I fantasied about losing my leg. The platoon was flying to somewhere in the Nangarhar province from BAF on two chinooks. During the hour long flight I listened to RATM and tried to fall asleep with my forehead resting on my buttstock and my NODs kept low but pulled wide. You’d be shocked at how easy it is to fall asleep on the way to a mission, only to be awoken by the TEN MINUTES call that gets yelled throughout the bird. I'm the alpha team leader at the very front of the platoon wedge formation as we are moving to the target compound. A platoon consists of three line squads, a weapons squad, and a headquarters squad, plus a squad of Afghans. My squad is leading out because we are setting up security around the compound while the other two squads handle the business inside. I’m the alpha team leader so I’m up front with the EOD and Dog guys. I was never worried about getting smoked by an IED, but every time we passed one of those yellow gas cans that were scattered all over the country, I couldn’t help but imagine it exploding and ripping my leg off. Of course, in my fantasies the wound is always below the knee, I wouldn’t want to be actually disabled! this is about aesthetics. I want a tragic story. I want attention. I want to be an old crippled veteran with a war story that he never tells, because no one would Get It. I want to jog around the lake like a stallion with my gleaming chrome custom made prosthetic, drawing stares, awestruck at my shining muscles and Nietzschean ability to overcome. What the fuck am I even saying? I’ve lost the plot. This didn’t start as a shitpost but here I am. Note to self, I think there is something here with the mission prep stuff, especially the flights. Entire mission prep, from wake up, the scramble and rush of planning, pushed right for weather, ect.

>> No.20485938

Same I crave intimacy, the kind that can't be achieved through friendship

>> No.20485946
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>> No.20485960

>vaccinate 90% of the western world with a new genetic technology that might integrate into the human genome
>fertility is already plummeting due to microplastics
What could go wrong.

>> No.20485965

I will leave my girlfriend soon because I don't think we can stay together for long. Our principles don't align. I might die when I dump her because she's a crazy daddy issues riddled woman with extreme fear of being left alone but that's alright, Zeno didn't run away from danger and his inner fears and I won't either.
I'm glad I could read all of those qua/lit/y postings anyhow if I die.
Planning to leave her in about two days. I talk about being killed because I know she's got a gun stashed somewhere and she's absolutely convinced we're soulmates on top of everything. I don't know what she might do.
Be well anons.

>> No.20485971

post update if you don't die

>> No.20485972

*in squeakey sexual voyce*

>> No.20485993

Alright I'll think about it. I'll probably be talking about being finally freed and give details about how it went.

>> No.20486000

FPBP but I don't get any attention elsewhere, I'm so bored of it that becoming a normal human being and making a persona online might be worth it just to try it. I'll become a normalfag and make friends and get a gf except I'm gonna try to be based while doing it and get along with other weirdos.

banning myself from posting on this site for the rest of the year. I'll only make threads on /fit/ when I need help because experience had taught me the ¨blackpill¨ is true. ily anons.
>inb4 see you tomorrow

>> No.20486002

my girlfriend and I never have sex anymore, should I do the same? she’s the one that started it and I complained lots of times, now when she wants to I don’t feel like it. shit’s fucked, yo

>> No.20486020

Every time I some post about problems with friends or the lack thereof, or family or lack thereof, or gf or lackthereof, I just think, you idiot. The common denominator here is your desire for social interaction and relationships. Get rid of that desire and there is no problem. Loneliness isn’t even real, it’s just a withdrawal symptom. Only normies who actually managed to get social interaction in the first place feel loneliness. After a few years of true isolation you just don’t care and you are able to feel normal without a constant fix of socialization. I just feel like everyone is stupid because literally all their problems are caused by their need to exist in a society, just fucking stop caring about other people and there would be immediate world peace and happiness for everyone. Instead all of humanity is hooked on social interaction. It’s worse than any drug

>> No.20486030
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>> No.20486055

i'm really sick and i wish my ex would come over here and hold me and let me suck on her boobs and call me a very good boy and then make me soup even though i can't actually eat it
but instead i have you for company

>> No.20486152

Got any really erotic fantasy novels with really degenerate world building and exotic erotic situations that are only possible in fantasy genre?

>> No.20486154

I feel tired and overworked all the time and I know the little glass piece in my hands and at the tips of my fingers is not responsible, I am.

>> No.20486191

Soul Taker by Bryan Smith

>> No.20486227

Watching it now. Kino

>> No.20486232

Where the fuck is the "brother/sister incest with a happy ending" genre, and why are Christfags hiding it?

>> No.20486259

be the change you want to see in the world

>> No.20486307

>take pill to cope with debilitating illness
>side effects are equally debilitating
nothin's ever easy, is it?

>> No.20486329

That's the human condition. No matter what your ideology is, be it Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Buddhist whatever
It's a condition of dualism and ego

>> No.20486330

The bear beared the blare of the bare bears bare bair.

Critique my sentence.

>> No.20486335

you misspelt "bared"


>> No.20486337

James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher

>> No.20486338

This is a blue board. Stop writing nsfw content.

>> No.20486345
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The bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear

>> No.20486349

I'm already writing something else which'll be just as embarrassing to be the author of but for entirely different reasons. I've been considering it though.

>> No.20486352
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The old man the boat

>> No.20486389

Alright bros, I'm going to bed so I can wake up early and fuck up at work again tomorrow. I'll be so happy when this week is over

>> No.20486391

a gun with no bullets is still a gun

>> No.20486424

how is she?. why she think you two are soulmate?. why you want to quit, there is something apart from the clingyness?.

>> No.20486425
File: 1.68 MB, 1680x2241, Aristoteles_Louvre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain Aristotle's model of the faculties of affirmation and negation?
You have Nous which can be translated as 'intuition', it is based on first principles.
You have Techne which is practical knowledge and associated with 'poesis' - which literally means "making" or "putting together" and as such most arts and crafts come under this heading.
You have Episteme which is reasoned knowledge and comes from Example (I assume that includes analogy) and Syllogism (which has a broader meaning in Aristotle than it does today) dialectic would come under this heading.
You have Phronesis which counter to Nous and is sometimes translated as 'practical wisdom' but is perhaps better translated as "rational knowledge" because it is acting within your own self-interest (and therefore implicitly acting in a "ethical" manner towards Eudomania) and it is associated with Praxis, health, running a household, investing would come under this.
Finally you have the most important of all Sophia which is also called wisdom, which merges the reasoning of Episteme with the Intuition of the Nous.
Does this sound right? Also did once again the Greeks invent Personal Knowledge Management before all those Taylorist engineers did in the 20th century?

>> No.20486483

An English woman once wrote in anonymously:

“Everyone writes stories like this and swears they’re true, but they’re always incredible in some small way and I can tell. I read them from time to time to relate I suppose. Because my story is true. I and my brother did this when we were growing up.
“We lived in a semi rural environment and had lots of quiet to ourselves. Maybe making us both a little socially awkward. Quiet sorts, the whole family. I wouldn’t say meek, but yea, at times. Me and my brother were rough and tumble a few times around ten and eleven, but he went away to a boarding school soon enough and I didn’t see him much. I was rather missing his company, more than I ever realized I think. For one year over the holidays when he came back I was so overjoyed I practically leapt into his arms. Our parents had just moved into a new and smaller place and my brother had to bunk in my room. He went out with school friends for some drinking. He swore he would dance with this one lovely girl he knew was going to be there. I felt a thrill for him and wished him luck.
“He staggered in after we had all gone to bed. Woke me, but I didn’t stir. He sat on his bed looking at me across the way from his daybed by the window. Too dark for him to see me looking straight at him. He stood up and I closed my eyes and stifled a smile at this deception. Now close enough to see my straining expression I reopened my eyes with a smile. But the expression on his face made me ask about the girl he was going to dance with. He sat on my bed and told me all about it. I drank too much after that and sulked in a corner trying to avoid being seen sulking , he said. I kissed him, aiming for the cheek, nearly hitting the mouth, but a second of lingering there we both made it a full on the mouth kiss. He groped me through my nightgown and leaned me back, and I swear we would have done more, but he seemed to sense my fright or was frightened himself. He pulled away and went to the lavatory.
“The next day we obviously kept quiet about this, but I kept trying to catch his eye, and he kept trying to avert his. By the afternoon I asked him to go with me on a walk. We talked about it, found a secluded spot and resumed our passionate four-play. Well, not then but later still, we made the most of our brief alone times and made love several times that break, and several others since …”

There’s more (I am transcribing this from memory and making some minor embellishments) but I’m hungry atm.

>> No.20486511

You're doing a damn fine job working from memory. Wouldn't have guessed. Thanks for sharing; I love it. inb4 bated into sad/disappointing ending or bipedal dinosaurs

>> No.20486543

I was walking my dog across the bridge, and I got attacked by a lady coming the other way. Unfortunately,

>> No.20486566

I quit doing drugs and drinking, stopped eating fast food, and drastically changed my diet. I started exercising every day, lost 25 pounds of fat, built muscle, and I'm almost skinny like I want to be.

None of this makes me feel any sense of accomplishment or progress, I feel like getting over drugs is not a proud accomplishment, and it's not something I want to share with many people, even those closest to me, those who knew. Sharing it is an admission that I severely fucked up and derailed myself. Is it growth as a person to admit to what I've done and what I'm working on?

So despite the progress I've made, I feel like I haven't done anything and I'm not moving forward. I don't commit to what I'm interested in: improving with my art, picking up piano or guitar, going back to school, getting back in to programming which I could have made a career of. I'm still stuck with a barrier between myself and everyone else, which is why I consciously let every potential opportunity slip through my fingers. I've never been comfortable with people, able to connect, able to be in the world without immense inner turmoil. The drugs took that away temporarily, it was the only time in my life I wanted to talk, I wanted to go out, I made plans, followed through, made friends, and did it repeatedly without hesitation.

I don't know where I'm going. Lately I click and scroll all day while I let things I want and need to do pile up. Even simple things like working through a stack of unread books or watching films I'm interested in. I get my exercise in, I read for an hour or two, and the rest of the day may as well not exist.

>> No.20486600

Nous is "directed at both the first terms and the ultimate particulars", it is "both a beginning and an end, since the demonstrations that are derived from these particulars are also about these. And of these one must have a perception, and this perception is nous." from Nicomachean Ethics 1143a-b

Translating phronesis as rational knowledge is misleading because episteme is something you can forget and is not needed to be good nor does it itself make one good, while phronesis is "directed at an ultimate particular" i. e. an action, (1142a), and "demonstrative reasoning about things to be done has as a starting point 'since such-and-such is the end and the best thing', whatsoever it maybe...and this does not show itself except to a good person; for vice warps someone and makes one be wrong about the sources that govern action. So it is clear that it is impossible to be possessed of phronesis without being good." 1144a-b

>> No.20486610
File: 272 KB, 891x913, yui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love politics and history, but I have been wrong on virtually every political prediction I have made in the past two years or so
>Thought Trump would get impeached over Ukraine
>Thought Bernie would be the Democratic nominee in 2020
>Thought coronavirus would be like the Black Death
>Thought the US would have a Tiananmen Square moment during the BLM riots
>Thought the US would breakup in summer of 2020
>Thought Trump would win the 2020 election
>Thought Russia would never invade Ukraine
>Thought Russia, upon invading, would conquer Ukraine in a week

My current predictions are:
>communist revolution (failed or successful) in the USA in the next 5 years
>global economy collapses in the next year
>famine across the world this winter

>> No.20486618

Mars will be terraformed and human population will be greater outside Earth by 2035.

>> No.20486641

I bought some expensive organic dry beans, packed locally, but the small print says grown in china. I think I wouldn't have bought them if I'd read that beforehand

>> No.20486645

I really need to meet new women. If only I could deal with my approach anxiety.

>> No.20486654

1. He was impeached, it was just based on an obvious charade with no evidence behind it.
2. No reason for them to allow him to get that far, and he was never really interested in winning or doing anything in the first place.
3. Very little reliable information in the beginning, a generally new situation which was somewhat unpredictable, but we all should have been more skeptical sooner. They tipped their hand big time on this one.
4. BLM would be a pretty undesirable target for a Tiananmen Sq moment. Jan 6 is what they want(ed) to be one
5. Come on
6. Fair enough, hard to predict and election fraud is completely normalized
7. Fair, many anti-establishment people thought they wouldn't because establishment said they would (for many months, but still).
8. Apparently they've made genuine fuck ups but that doesn't seem like it was ever in the cards.

1. No chance. Communists are tools of the relatively slow but accelerating incroachment that uses mass violence and jan 6 etc. as motivation
2. It's so complicated it's impossible to predict i think
3. Not sure why it would be worldwide that soon, there are large countries that are agriculturally self-sufficient

>> No.20486669

>"directed at both the first terms and the ultimate particulars", it is "both a beginning and an end, since the demonstrations that are derived from these particulars are also about these. And of these one must have a perception, and this perception is nous."
What did I get wrong? I have to admit I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Can you get me the original Greek of that quote, that will help me more.
> as rational knowledge is misleading because episteme is something you can forget and is not needed to be good nor does it itself make one good,
What does that have to do with Phronesis?
>while phronesis is "directed at an ultimate particular" i. e. an action, (1142a), and "demonstrative reasoning about things to be done has as a starting point 'since such-and-such is the end and the best thing'
So how is phronesis different from Techne? I was under the impression that Techne would include things like sculpting, husbandry etc. while phronesis was more about general and concerned with deliberations: i.e. rationally (in the modern Decision Theory sense) which course of action is best for the induvidual. What is the difference between the two?

>> No.20486670
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I need to watch a kino with soul.

>> No.20486676

Aguirre, Wrath of the God

>> No.20486690

Paris, Texas
I am not a witch
Sound of Metal
12 Monkeys
Broken Flowers
Cinema Paradiso

>> No.20486759
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Ten years ago to the day my sweet gf, who I had known since childhood, abruptly turned into a monster. She probably had BPD but I never got over the trauma and ever since I haven't been able to trust females. In the past decade I haven't dated anyone and have been extremely catious not to be alone with my female friends. When my best friend tried to hook me up with a "trad" girl I excused myself to the bathroom and left the restaurant. I feel like I know too much.

>> No.20486771

I'm deeply and utterly ashamed by the person I grew up to be. I had so may dreams yet made so many compromises. Now I can't even bother to try anymore

>> No.20486780

Well I told the most of it already. And the fact she didn’t go into lurid details convinced me she was recalling it with fondness. At the beginning of it she mentions how she thinks of incest as a sometimes healthy thing, when it’s not by a manipulative elder making it pedophilia.

“we made the most of our brief alone times and made love several times that break, and several others since. Years later confessing that we really ought to start seeing other people, though funnily enough in intimate embrace, he was ready for university quite far off. I drove him to the train platform, oddly silent. Embracing one last time as we heard the train approach. I told him him I would be fine with whatever road he chooses. Take your time in deciding. After your studies we could go anywhere in the world and no one would know us as anything but a normal couple. I’d like that. But it’s alright too, if you find a new sweetheart, marry and stay by mum and dad. Our secret I’ll keep.”

Something like that

>> No.20486784

You know nothing except your fear, which you project onto every female out there like a form of ptsd. Work on it step by step, be the one in control.

>> No.20486786

You’re a wreck

>> No.20486791

I'm just here to be a messenger
I'm like Q without trips

>> No.20486806

Nothing wrong there, just trying to clarify about nous. καὶ γὰρ τῶν πρώτων ὅρων καὶ τῶν ἐσχάτων νοῦς ἐστὶ καὶ οὐ λόγος, καὶ ὁ μὲν κατὰ τὰς ἀποδείξεις τῶν ἀκινήτων ὅρων καὶ πρώτων, ὁ δ᾽ ἐν ταῖς πρακτικαῖς τοῦ ἐσχάτου καὶ ἐνδεχομένου καὶ τῆς ἑτέρας προτάσεως: ἀρχαὶ γὰρ τοῦ οὗ ἕνεκα αὗται: ἐκ τῶν καθ᾽ ἕκαστα γὰρ τὰ καθόλου: τούτων οὖν ἔχειν δεῖ αἴσθησιν, αὕτη δ᾽ ἐστὶ νοῦς. [...] διὸ καὶ ἀρχὴ καὶ τέλος νοῦς: ἐκ τούτων γὰρ αἱ ἀποδείξεις καὶ περὶ τούτων. Apparently that last sentence doesn't make sense where it comes in the manuscripts, Joe Sachs puts it with the earlier paragraph so τούτων goes with ἐσχάτου καὶ ἐνδεχομένου. Fuck it, here's Heidegger: https://www.beyng.com/pages/en/PlatosSophist/PlatosSophist.109.html

Phronesis first of all is concerned with action, doing, and not making. This is why having phronesis itself makes one good, because the good is an energeia not separate from acting or looking to a product. "Phronesis is a truth-disclosing active condition involving reason that governs action, concerned with what is good and bad for a human being. For the end of making is different from itself, but the end of action could not be, since acting well is itself the end." 1140b

"So if deliberating well belongs to people with phronesis, skilled deliberation would be rightness in accord with what is advantageous in relation to the end, and phronesis is a true conception of this." 1142b

Phronesis allows one to perceive what is good and deliberate well about what is useful in relation to it. There is the difference from acting rationally in the decision theory sense. Phronesis means you have both the perception of what is good and deliberate well about what is advantageous thereto.

>> No.20486810

Open ending is probably the second best ending it could have had. Thanks for posting the rest, anon.

>> No.20486816

Sigh. I have to read superhero comics.

>> No.20486822

Taking an especially good pop right now

>> No.20486825

Why would you do such a thing?
A girl you want to put your dick in reads them too?

>> No.20486826


>> No.20486833

>You have Nous which can be translated as 'intuition', it is based on first principles.
>Nous is "directed at both the first terms and the ultimate particulars", it is "both a beginning and an end, since the demonstrations that are derived from these particulars are also about these. And of these one must have a perception, and this perception is nous." from Nicomachean Ethics 1143a-b

This is something I noticed a long time ago; 'nous' isn't intellect, it's raw perception which is indistinguishable from preconceptions and prejudices; i.e. confirmation biases,

it's more interesting that this reads literally phonetically as 'News' and this is literally how the news operates as reinforcing the worst possible cycles of human miseries and worst low-brain expectations.

e.g. "both a beginning and an end,"
but it need not at any point in time conssit of a 'true report' upon what is actually occuring in the thing that you have a perception about; it is almost "opinion",

he says,
"one must have a perception,"

Although we recall that a large precept of philosophy involves the intentional avoidance of having an opinion (for various reasons, e.g. s as to void judgment before gathering all possible information of causes).

Nous, then, both ironically as Nous in philosophy 'and' as News in society is the worst trigger response prior to the human faculty of reason kicking in to make sense of things as to true causes and true effects; Nous being precisely "what we wish were true or what (others) wish for (others) to believe were true"

>> No.20486834

When I was younger I had internalized the idea that human relationships just weren't meant for me so I never pursued any friendships or other relationships. I was actively avoiding them. Now I'm starting to realize that those relationships are actually important for a human being to function properly and I really fucked up.

>> No.20486837

I'm studying contemporary mythologies.

>> No.20486849

That link to Heidegger was really interesting, exactly what I like: breaks down the vocabulary line by line.
>Phronesis allows one to perceive what is good and deliberate well about what is useful in relation to it. There is the difference from acting rationally in the decision theory sense. Phronesis means you have both the perception of what is good and deliberate well about what is advantageous thereto.
Hmm okay I think I answered my own question by looking at my notes: apparently earlier on Aristotle writes orthography doesn't involve deliberation, but business, medicine, and navigation there is. Which to me seems to suggest orthography is a techne, but to do well in business requires the faculty of phronesis.

>> No.20486851

it depends if your local society is shit or not lol - i haven't really had any serious relationship for nearly 5 years and i've felt strange lately as a friend of mine is getting ready to get married, but it doesn't take much to remember how truly terrible a relationship can be and to remind myself that i'm really quite fine without needing to force another relationship to happen, with some fruit-stealing albino monkey female, based on this feeling.

>> No.20486852

Wouldn't urban legends be a better source? Superhero comics are pure entertainment written in professional environment, the only thing mythological about them is that they leech off of old gods for instant recognition.

>> No.20486856

I was typing a rather long post but I just gave up halfway through and deleted everything.

>> No.20486858

Me but only with romantic relationships.

>> No.20486862

Yi Yi, considered a very "novelistic" film

>> No.20486870

rading Henry Miller's Sexus right now and enjoying it quite a bit actually

>> No.20486876

>This is something I noticed a long time ago; 'nous' isn't intellect, it's raw perception which is indistinguishable from preconceptions and prejudices; i.e. confirmation biases,
I didn't get that at all, I thought it meant more pure sensory experiences but also things like 'up' and 'down', temperature, rough and soft.

>> No.20486886

ugh my god she said she's NOT INTERESTED

why don't you UNDERSTAND

look at me when im talking HELLO?

>> No.20486887

you think that rebelling against your biological desire for social contact is easier than just making friends? Try the later first

>> No.20486904

June 6th,
The “Nine Days” Begins; Countdown to the Full Moon,
The Temple Birthday of “Semo Sancus Dius Fidius”,
remembering the lesson of Faunus and his Rabbit-Hunting Stick
honoring Quirinus and Faunus

Quirinus, sets out, as it were, from his House of Law as a Hunter with his Spear (see: Curites) and he journeys into the woods, represented by the Grove of Faunus on the Tiber Island, whereupon he becomes Faunus. The connection is easily missed by the later and contemporary reader but a connection between Quirinus as the Hunter and Faunus also as the Hunter does in fact exist verbatim in that Faunus is virtually always depicted ‘as’ a Hunter with his rabbit-hunting stick; called Lagobolon, which he uses to smash the brains out of lions and tigers as if they were, to him, like rabbits – as he is 15 or 20 feet tall and the rabbit-hunting stick is therefore much larger than an ordinary rabbit-hunting stick. Now, I think this merging of Quirinus into Faunus when Quirinus “leaves the city” is intended to represent both the fearful Lawlessness ‘of’ the broader world of bandits and pirates; i.e. barbarian peoples, but with the Roman becoming ‘as like’ Faunus in the process it also represents triumph over such peoples; as demonstrated by that statue of Faunus braining the lion or tiger, “as if (such seemingly fearsome peoples) were as rabbits”, and I think ultimately this conveys every intended aspect of Mars as triumphator over the Lawless and the Viceful.

>> No.20486908

Nice schizopost. But you're kind of begging the question. It's not intellect in the sense of reasoning or dianoia, nor raw (dumb, untutored, uncultivated) perception, but intellectual perception or intuition. If there is no intellectual perception but only the one or the other we have no access to "true causes and true effects". That's not to say we don't possess nous very imperfectly and incompletely, but there are things that are much more divine in their nature than a human being as Aristotle says. To have a little nous is to see there is more of it, even though we don't have it currently, it is not "ours" in a simple sense.

>> No.20486921

Is it possible to make chemistry between people or is it something innate that cannot be influenced to a large degree.

>> No.20486922

>also things like 'up' and 'down'
I think it does, as those perceptions inform your actions or your responses to things, my point was that 'nous' constitutes more of the trigger response; the unconscious as experienced via pure 'sense' which has not been sifted through any logical faculty so as to discern whether the 'sense' or 'first feeling (about a thing)' has any real validity to it - whether doing it is a good idea or not.

>> No.20486923

Do you want to "increase" it or make it happen? Sometimes it doesnt happen for whatever reason.

>> No.20486924

chemistry is innate but can be suppressed by autism so you want to be as unautistic as possible

>> No.20486938

You can make people get so accustomed to each other over time that they create a bond, but the kind of chemistry you're thinking about either happens or not. Maybe some day mechanisms of human biochemistry will be explored enough that there will be a way, but judging by treatment of mental illnesses right now it's all trial and error with devastating results if you get it wrong.

>> No.20486941

Last few dates in a row there has been no chemistry but I havent changed my approach and used to have no problem with this. So I guess im curious how I was able to do it and now I'm not. Did I lose something or is it just a bad match up with these people?

Makes sense. I can usually hide my autism well enough until like the 4-5 date.

>> No.20486943

>Nice schizopost.
unbelievably offensive and insulting for a person who reads aristotle.

> It's not intellect in the sense of reasoning or dianoia, nor raw (dumb, untutored, uncultivated) perception,
>but intellectual perception or intuition.

that's exactly what i said, you cumbrained american.

>This is something I noticed a long time ago; 'nous' isn't intellect,
>, it's raw perception which is indistinguishable from preconceptions and prejudices; i.e. confirmation biases,

It is the 'first impression' of a partially learned person of their preheld biases,
e.g. you called me a schizophrenic because i am writing in english properly and in your society that is your first response to a person capable of writing english properly.

>To have a little nous is to see there is more of it, even though we don't have it currently, it is not "ours" in a simple sense.

your response when you said that was not you yourself really, it was what your local society has inculcated in you 'as' the prejudice or preheld error in perception of one thing to think it something else with total confidence.

>> No.20486945

>If there is no intellectual perception but only the one or the other we have no access to "true causes and true effects".
thiss not true at all, and it's not the same thing as perception or 'sense' or 'first impression',

Chrysippus of Soli can teach you about the discipline of Cause and Proof to discern a thing in reality.

>> No.20486954
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Nous is discernment, which is why it can be likened to sense perception or aisthesis as sense perception is a kind of discerning.

Ok, since you're having a manic episode I apologize.

*dies of laughter*

>> No.20486955

you know i just realized 'sense' does not mean intelligence at all, but 'impression or feeling', so 'common sense' is a non-sequitur unless it refers to baseline prejudices or common opinion.


>> No.20486962

>kind of chemistry you're thinking about either happens or not

Yeah that's how I figured. It really sucks. Do you think normies just keep going on dates with people constantly until they find someone they "spark" with or does their social circle just provide enough people that they can bond overtime and pair bond? I have dated over 30 different people this year (not bragging) and it sucks that this many attempts and all of them think I am lovely but just not right for them.

>> No.20486969

>Nous is discernment, which is why it can be likened to sense perception or aisthesis as sense perception is a kind of discerning.
i really don't think you're understanding what's being said.

nous as prejudice; first instincts; first impressions before rational inquiry has taken place;

i.e. a 'perception' from the 'base senses' 'not yet' informed by rational inquiry.

>insults chrysippus

so because of this, we can deduce that: you don't understand the difference between an idea of a thing after undertaking full rational inquiry and before undertaking full rational inquiry.

that is nous; the 'before impression'.

> I apologize.
no no it's fine, it's very rude but it provided a good example for me to use to explain the point.

>> No.20486975

>Makes sense. I can usually hide my autism well enough until like the 4-5 date.
lol which will be your last date.

I'm curious, what do you guys mean today by 'autism' - i dont think youre referring to the proper definition whereby, for instance, a girl sits on her phone despondent to reality, incapable of fluid connected speech, in a solipsistic bubble of her own invention, are you?

>> No.20486983

not being smoothtalking, flirty and dominant guy

>> No.20486986

Outta smokes again and no money

>> No.20486987

whoops i missed this bit,
>Nous is discernment
ah but how can discernment take place withou that 'full rational inquiry'? How can you discern a thing without employing any intelligence? If you 'do' - if that is it is being suggested that this is the step of nous - then again we find ourselves dealing with uninformed misconceptions when we're considering nous as a stage in comprehension (or even cause of miscomprehesion).

I don't think this point is particularly complicated.

>> No.20486989

>not being smoothtalking, flirty and dominant guy
oh, when i do that i'm told by white girls that i'm intimidating. it's a lose/lose.

you know what, date latinas, blacks and asians. these problems don't occur at all.

>> No.20486992

I understand what you're saying, it's just wrong and has no relation to what either I or Aristotle are saying. Endoxa/doxa are what you are referring to in Aristotle's terms. He literally wrote hundreds of pages about the process you're describing. As did Plato. They both started with how ordinary people speak and think and act in order to show, not just assert, how it was lacking.

>> No.20487000

Dating scene has changed. When I look at my parents and grandparents, in their time there was greater pressure to marry as soon as possible and start standard life of an adult, so people seemed to have lower expectations. And they also met people mostly thanks to their circle of relatives and friends, so potential candidates were already on the similar level of interest.
These days singles are more accepted, dating is done through apps and occasional friend referral, and no one is in a hurry to have a family. Plus, everyone is entertained from all directions, so human interaction, sex included, is not really that interesting. This means that dating is something a lot of people do just because, like with a lot of tradition, rather than actually investing their feelings into it and the future.

>> No.20487002

According to Aristotle we start with endoxa/doxa and we have to work our way *to* first principles or "sources", then if we reason validly from those principles we would have knowledge. That's the difference between the dialectical method and rationalist method of someone like Spinoza.

>> No.20487009

Not that anon but maybe that explains my disdain towards dating in general. It feels fake like a fast food activity.

>> No.20487012

I rarely use the term in the correct sense. I mostly mean that I am a little awkward and my interests are a bit esoteric. I have a friend with asperges and I know I dont have any of the traits. If anything I am just introverted and a bit shy sometimes.

>> No.20487018

hm, i'll have to reread that then although 'endoxa', as it would be here, would be the process 'of' undertaking rational inquiry, verbatim; as ones 'first impression' would not consist of that, if we're thinking in stages.

> it's just wrong

Are you sure?

refresh my memory then, where does Aristotle elsewhere actually verbatim describe the 'first impression prior to rational inquiry'?

>They both started with how ordinary people speak and think and act in order to show, not just assert, how it was lacking.
this is not the same subject of cognitive processes (which is what i am suggesting nous means in this context) but refers to broader social (i mean, interpersonal) politics.

bearing in mind that endoxa, verbatim, does not translate to 'not being informed' but to the process 'of' becoming formed, of which there is, then, a missing step prior to endoxa.

it has been about 7 years since i read nichomachean ethics - i prefer Aristophanes to Aristotle, you know what i mean?

>> No.20487021

Maybe I should try going out to read in a park.

>> No.20487027

Nice trips.

Yeah I think it may be a bit of that but I also hate to blame it on things I cant control. I have no doubt that the contemporary culture is impacting the dating market and I am competing with a lot but I also know my normie friends aren't going out with double digit amount of girls before finding a gf. At this rate I will be in the triple digits this year and more than likely emotionally exhausted.

Maybe I am not well adjusted for the current market because I dont watch porn or have social media so most of my stimulation comes from in person and relatively chill things. Although I dont know what its like for others so I dont want to get too in my head about this. Mostly I am just wondering why there is no chemistry anymore and even I am feeling it less and less with each subsequent attempt. When I started using dating apps every date was exciting and I really went for it. Now I still try but ultimately I care less about the girl because I know there is another date scheduled soon.

>> No.20487029

>According to Aristotle we start with endoxa/doxa
i'll have to reread.

>and we have to work our way *to* first principles or "sources", then if we reason validly from those principles we would have knowledge.
exactly, no disagreement,

"if this, then this,"

but I was talking about errors in perception ans the idea of 'nous' as constituting that particualr state whereby one is informed first of all by ignorance or fist impressions prior to thinking to engage in inquiry.

As I said to the other guy, 'endoxa' does not describe that particular stage 'prior to' inquiry, but describes the process of engaging in the inquiry itself. So there is a stage missing, and it could well be nous; as it seems to read moreso in this way than any other.

>> No.20487030


What is the alternative? What would you see as the nurturing option?

>> No.20487041

also that assertion could be even more wrong than I already suggested, if we use dox in its most literal meaning; as no ape starts out with fully informed dox of anything whatsoever.

And, it has been 7 years, but I do not think Aristotle made such a claim (because it would render his work pointless if he asserts humans know everything) or that 'dox' meant something radically different to earlier, (his own) contemporary and later usage of that word.

>> No.20487046

you're just hanging around with people who have shit cultural habits.

Date other people from other countries. The ones here are toxic waste dumps of self-doubt and constant invention of drama; egoism with no positive qualities to make up for it.

And they'll steal your fruit and jump to another tree before you even know it, taking your chimpanzee sons with them.

>> No.20487047

>as those perceptions inform your actions or your responses to things
>my point was that 'nous' constitutes more of the trigger response
I think the example of 'confirmation biases' was inappropriate then. Confirmation Bias is often a product of logical faculties and includes concepts which we might very well find under the Aristotelian faculties of Episteme and Techne. However trying to find fit modern argot into Ancient Greek technical terminology is rarely a frictionless process.
>Nous is discernment, which is why it can be likened to sense perception or aisthesis as sense perception is a kind of discerning.
This is how I understood it to mean too.

>> No.20487055

I think the biggest problem is that a lot of us were shown on sitcoms that the playful bickering between our parents or grandparents meant they hated each other; SHE'S TRAPPED IN A BAD MARRIDGE GAW BLESS ER, and we didn't understand that what we were seeing was mutually reciprocal flirtation.

Or, at any rate, our parents themselves didnt see it and were fags themselves.

>> No.20487069
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>> No.20487071

>Date other people from other countries

Expensive. This issue is pervasive across the west in general too. I doubt we live in the same country and it's here too. Two generations ago my country was so religious there was a serious problem with families abandoning their daughter if she got pregnant before marriage and sending her away to hide the shame. Now as a zoomer people are shocked that I dont like to have casual sex with strangers. Unless you are saying to move to some estern european country and date there I think it's unlikely the location will do much but change the phenotypes of the women.

>> No.20487076

>I think the example of 'confirmation biases' was inappropriate then.
I realize I am stretching the phrase but not by much; a confirmation bias; a prejudice; is more or less the same thing and operates essentially like and as a trigger response from the unconscious, that is: occurring without thought and is liable, then, to be in error. Or, as he says "partial" thought in that it exists 'as' a thought, obviously, but that the thought in that context is a thought that has not yet been sifted through the metrics of strong proofs.

>>Nous is discernment,
Nous 'is' still discernment, except it's faulty discernment because it's discerning a thing 'prior to' full inquiry of the thing.

>However trying to find fit modern argot into Ancient Greek technical terminology is rarely a frictionless process.
yeah this is true, but it would be so nice to be able to publish something identifying 'modern news media' as akin to 'promulgating trigger-response prejudices' towards things.

Personally I just don't think people have really considered today 'nous' to be a bad thing; as they don't consider today 'pathos' (suffering; emotional reactivism) to be a bad thing.

eh still whatever, nice chat. good subject.

i'l check back later.

>> No.20487082

South American women? Indian women? Muslim women (argh yeah baggage of religion)? These are pretty fit. In a mental and ethical sense.

>> No.20487083
File: 192 KB, 314x464, Desire_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to therapy a few times and I've noticed that the standard for mental health is basically feminine as fuck. Every more masculine or aggressive instinct was considered a problem to be deconstructed, a defect in itself
instead of a natural part of yourself that should just be channeled towards a more constructive purpose. When and why did women become the standard for mental health?

>> No.20487086

i don't know but i really love tiddies

>> No.20487093

>Every more masculine or aggressive instinct was considered a problem to be deconstructed
give an example of such deconstruction

>> No.20487103

>but not by much;
I think too much. Also I think that it's self-defeating to say that nous is prior to "full inquiry" and yet is faulty. It can't both be discernment which is free from bias, from judgement, from prior experience and be biased, projecting judgements and conclusions which are 'faulty' onto it.

>> No.20487107

I strongly dislike the fact CBT has become the standard. It's funny because of how easy its principles are - everyone believes they're a psychologist or they're able to diagnose people now. Going along with that, people also self-diagnose much more than they used to. They're also more likely to believe they're mentally ill or something is inherently wrong with them because of this therapy image

CBT is also weirdly circular in its logic. If you get an intrusive thought, you're just told not to trust yourself or your thoughts - I can only imagine what kind of damage that does to some people

>> No.20487112

Yeah that's not going to happen. I am not very racist but I am enough to know that if my children aren't white it may have an impact and I dont ever want to fuck up someone's childhood. I'd date european and some south american but indian, asian, middle eastern and african are not going to happen. I have blue eyes, fair skin, and would rather my children bear some resemblance to me and their ancestors.

>> No.20487113

>When and why did women become the standard for mental health?
i think the notion is that, like female police, they're less likely to be assaulted and act as an impasse to otherwise inevitable escalation.

Psychiatry has had its hands tied for a long time anyway, if a patient comes to you and their problem is wit another person who is doing awful things to them you are not given permission under law to have that other person dragged into the therapy session and forced to take part to fix the issue; so a lot of it becomes about picking up the pieces of damage caused by psychopaths and there is nothing that makes you want to blow your brains out moreso than encountering this on a daily basis.


>> No.20487118

>It can't both be discernment which is free from bias, from judgement, from prior experience and be biased, projecting judgements and conclusions which are 'faulty' onto it.
oh that's actually a really good point,

I was starting from the point of view that baseline opinion was inherently rooted in error rather than experience; although the experience would still be impartial as to knowing the full circumstance; it could, then, be the learned trigger reaction, rather than the completely ignorant trigger reaction - just as easily it could be either.

>> No.20487130

I think this everyday honestly, as I get older and rot and realize that I may be pretty racist after all.

>> No.20487138
File: 113 KB, 1122x1072, 1645920669957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you play in the street at night
You blow like a broken kite
My girl, you're giving up the fight
Are you gonna let these Americans
Put another dent in your life?

>> No.20487145

That's pretty sikh my dude

>> No.20487148

>In my faith it goes like this:
>>This is the word of God
>>Have questions? Pray more
>>Don't understand it? Pray more
>>You want to discuss the text? Fuck off
That's also the discussion of most media :( for me

>> No.20487152

Okay, you can slap me then, I allow.

>> No.20487162

I feel like an actual psychoanalysis requires high IQ and knowledge for a person and CBT is more approachable to an average user.

>> No.20487164
File: 46 KB, 600x839, foreshadowing-warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no ethics, no morals, no science, no truths, no nothing
For you there aren't, because you're an animal. Sadly we're all humans in here.
Maybe you should get killed in the night and chopped up and eaten, if you enjoy being an animal so much and you don't conceice that humans are something else,

>> No.20487173

politics makes me so angry. I tried to learn about it a few years ago and all the conclusions I came to were so reprehensible. But I don't know if I should count everything out because all I have to look at is the most fucked up world possible. I came to the conclusion then that anything above a group size of about 80 or so is fucked, it's just about powerdynamics and violence. Maybe that doesn't have to be the whole truth if you believe in God. It's a classical atheists mistake to assume that you've thought things through, that you get it and are now in command in it when in fact it is in command of you.

>> No.20487176

all good things are moderate.

>> No.20487187

>I was starting from the point of view that baseline opinion was inherently rooted in error rather than experience;
Aristotle calls specially groups out away from the faculties "Supposition" and "Opinion" but also now you're basically getting into the whole 'objective reality' argument over whether objects do have a 'true' form in external reality or if meaning and reality is only a product of subjective human experience. I'm just here to discuss the different faculties of affirmation and negation that Aristotle suggests. Primarily because I've long been frustrated by the blurry boundaries between "Shannon information" "Semantic Information" "data" "wisdom" and "knowledge", yes in Knowledge Management you have the DIKW Pyramid, you also have the SECI model of how knowledge crosses between the tacit and explicit in an organization (tacit knowledge btw. is associated with procedural memory in Cognitive Science, explicit with declarative memory).
However Aristotle's faculties seem like a more elegant description if I understand it correctly, you have Nous which is discernment, Episteme which is based on syllogistic reasoning and example, Techne which refers to knowledge that doesn't require deliberation, Phronesis which is counter to Nous and refers to the capacity to Deliberate (that is consider the best means towards a end [telos]) and as the other anon pointed out Aristotle says that a necessary component of it is being a 'good person' because vice warps their judgement of the "sources that govern action", and finally the most important Sofia which is etymologically the root of 'philosophy' and is the merging of Episteme with Nous.
Poesis, which incidentally is one of the 12 categories, is seen to correspond with Techne.
Praxis to phronesis.
Theoria to Sofia.
Nous to the Archai
Episteme to apodeitike

>> No.20487195

I'm not denying it nor am I ashamed of it. Id rather not have children that have ones that will be black. Id end up hating them and being a shit father further causing problems.

I tried fixing it but honestly I dont think there is a way to come back from being racist once you spend enough time with people. I dated a black girl for years as a teenager and meeting her friends all the time made me hate them.

>> No.20487201

>I dont think there is a way to come back
God rewards you for the intention, not the result.

>> No.20487210
File: 24 KB, 360x480, 2008.06.09._Michel_Houellebecq_Fot_Mariusz_Kubik_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When a country — a society, a civilisation — gets to the point of legalising euthanasia, it loses in my eyes all right to respect. It becomes henceforth not only legitimate, but desirable, to destroy it; so that something else — another country, another society, another civilisation — might have a chance to arise.

>> No.20487218

I haven't really thought about it before, but legalizing euthanasia borders on encouraging suicide. "it's normal, after all". why should the government be the judge of who gets to die if dieing as an out is not bad? talk about demoralization.

>> No.20487219

Not that anon, but I've been wondering what analyzing urban legends, sensationalist news articles, and patterns and tropes on dating profiles might reveal about the unspoken values and fears of our society that aren't already patently obvious.
>t because all I have to look at is the most fucked up world possible.
Oh come on, have some imagination my man, it sucks - there's no denying this world sucks but that doesn't mean it couldn't be incomprehensibly worse

>> No.20487224

>suffer in pain or I'll really give you faggots something to cry about

>> No.20487300

she cute

>> No.20487302
File: 587 KB, 513x625, 2cbd30ad87bba3059d3ed9dd833f86af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a good argument. Of course you should weed out the people who may potentially be making a mistake, by the way of rigorous testing and what not

But it shouldn't be illegal. Not at all. Forcing someone to live despite existential pain or terminal disease is inhumane

>> No.20487308

And also, just an extra point, people would probably be much less likely to commit suicide if it was a longer process legal by euthanasia

>> No.20487309

Thing is that the pain argument is just to get a footing the door.
I’m from the Netherlands and the boundaries are changing from what it used tob be. Soon you’ll be able to kys if you’re old and feel lonely. Or lately there was a girl, early 30s or so who got to legally kill herself because she was schizo

>> No.20487326

Do you know what psychotic episodes consist of?

This is where lines get blurred a bit. You can argue some people are even incapable of functioning because of their disorder and medication rarely solves their issue. I mean look at how SSRIs and anti-psychotic medication can fail completely, or look at how manic-depressive/bipolar patients struggle with finding stability. I'm not saying this people should automatically be able to kill themselves; but they're also more likely to die younger on average or commit suicide statistically, so that should be considered too

>> No.20487350

It’s the idea that as a society you basically say to someone like that: go ahead and kys, your problem isn’t fixable anyway.
Just seems very unhealthy to give up on people like that. Same thing with old people who end up lonely. They also get to hear that they could just kill themselves if they dislike it that much.

>> No.20487375

I’m at a wake right now doing coke question do I offer my mourning relatives a bump or no

>> No.20487386

Making something legal isn't an endorsement. Culture defines what's right, laws define what's wrong.

>> No.20487421

>say to someone
Not necessarily to just anyone. These would be very specific cases, it probably be more likely they get the help they needed rather than being egged on to kill themselves.

Imagine you were in the same position and you received nothing from the people around you. So you sign up for euthanasia; finally you either get a proper diagnosis, proper therapy, proper treatment or you come to terms with being able to end your life and all it entails. It's a very existential process when you consider this. I don't think terminal patients should be able to do it outright either, I definitely think existential or humanistic therapy may be of use there. You have to remember how the statistics come into play though

All things said, I dislike Houellebecq's argument. Even find it a little bit contemptible he doesn't consider something like cancer patients or those who are severely disabled. It doesn't seem like he's put much thought into this, doubt he's ever wanted to truly kill himself either

>> No.20487422


>> No.20487426

>doubt he's ever wanted to truly kill himself either
Somehow I doubt that. He seems like a guy who'd put his head into the noose atleast once.

>> No.20487438

Sure ?

>> No.20487440

At least once sure. Then it disappeared from him and didn't seem to matter anymore

>> No.20487442

If only I were a different person, no one this would've happened.

>> No.20487444

Yes, very.

>> No.20487494

Watching a documentary on the 1984 McDonald's massacre. I vaguely remember this happening but don't remember when I acquired this knowledge of this awful incident and it's bothering me.

>> No.20487536


>> No.20487542

Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew

>> No.20487550

I wish I could have a lobotomy

>> No.20487551

the culinary genius of GRRM himself

>> No.20487562

I dunno, I was two years old when it happen (I'm gonna be 40 in 5 days) and I guess its a minute thing but I wish I knew.

>> No.20487569

holy shit you are old

>> No.20487570
File: 46 KB, 1024x800, 1024px-As_seen_on_TV.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of awkwardly trying to promote myself as a creative and hearing nothing but the cavernous echo of my own voice as it reverberates through the abyss for the umpteenth time, I'm going to finally set about writing the ultimate book. It will combind all I've learned from all the great thinkers, Aristotle, Plato, Wittgenstein and even the not so great thinkers that pretentious French cunt... you know the one, it will be a complete and cohesive book, it will be the
>You'll never frustratingly wonder why art you like is obscure but vapid conceptual art and pop music makes millions again! Oh yes anon, with this book you will finally unlock my 7 secret strategies to sustainable creative fulfillment. Through writing this treatise you will come to finally accept the deficiencies in ego and entitlement that have hampered your creative aspirations for 10 years and replace this with evolutionary strategies that will allow you to finally grasp the financial security that you have so desperately longed for. Don't delay write it today!
>Just listen to this unpaid testimonial from our only customer, the future version of you: "This book changed my fucking life, I finally have the resources and the network I need to realize my art to the fullest. I've made the fashion-advertising-art-world my bitch! If I have a vision, I don't need to worry about 'budget' or 'permits' - I do it! Or rather my P.A. does... I can afford a P.A. now. Write this book asshole"
>I'm not done yet, if you write this book, not only will I give you my seven secret strategies to creative fulfillment, I'll even throw in some psycopathic bullshit that if shamelessly applied will help you acquire a "high status girlfriend" that will make your ride into the upper echelons of the creative community easier. Need to convince people that your anachronistic, obscure, and deeply idiosyncratic works are not half-baked crap? Having a hot gamine with an aquiline nose and Stevie Nicks hair wrapped around you will make everyone think: "he must be legit, he's fucking her". This offer isn't available in stores, in fact it probably isn't available ever unless you write now.
>Why are you still mining this cliché Time-Life informational parody? Start writing the Ultimate Theory of Everything Self-Promotional now, and you'll not only learn my 7 secret strategies to sustainable creative fulfillment, creampieing a hot gamine who is more of a ploy to help your credibility, you'll also be rich enough to buy this set of steak knives at its RRP of $1700 because you'll be that ballin'!
>Start writing in the next 10 minutes and we'll also throw in the sense of influence and control you've been missing in your life for free! Our keyboard is just waiting for your words to start pouring forth, so get writing now!

>> No.20487572

Am i banned for morbious shitposts?

>> No.20487589

>if they had to choose between marriage to boring beta and casual fling with aggressive alpha who beats the shit out of women, 95% would choose the latter.
It doesn't even have to be a wimp on the other side, just anyone who treats them with nonzero respect.
They are literally geared to pick the worst of the worst. They're as if the entire male gender went for danger hair whore schizos.

>> No.20487641
File: 861 KB, 600x900, 1642053433220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some kind of post-modern fiction?

>> No.20487642

yeah no shit

>> No.20487650

I’ve been feeling the need to coom on thots. Dunno if it’s because my relationship has crumbled down or just some hormonal reaction to finally feeling better after months of depression.
Tbh, there are so many hot and slutty thots nowadays that I don’t know how any young man can resist their sirens call.

>> No.20487671

Why do people always assume everything I do is so much deeper than it is? It's literally just what's on my mind... and it just so happens that my internal monologue turned into a Time-Life infomercial announcer while I thought of it.

>> No.20487702

>three female interns in my office
>occasionally chat about school
>girl a is writing her thesis about “how professional women are unfairly judged”
>girl b is “learning” about how the justice system is racist (her text book is very poorly written and jumps all over subjects to make a point)
>girl c asks what my favorite movie is
>I say I usually like older movies
>”oh so like those racist movies?”
>she corrects a coworker for saying “Native American” in the same conversation
What is happening?

>> No.20487713

the longhouse returns

>> No.20487723
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1653451901276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AbeBooks responded to my email...
>"I’ve looked into this and I can confirm that your item was sent out without any problems at our end. It looks like it might be lost in the post! Luckily, we do have another copy in stock. If you’d like one, please let me know and I’ll get that sent out to you within 24 hours. Let me know if you’d like me to arrange this."
this isnt fair

>> No.20487730
File: 243 KB, 441x573, unknown (44).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don Quixote was not a madman. He was the only sane man in the world of madmen.
Golden Age will return.

>> No.20487743

west was a mistake

>> No.20487782

I'm sure this has been written about in the thousands of books on gender but has anyone noticed this difference in the way men/women experience music. if say 80% of music (and art for that matter) is produced by men with the subject of a large majority of these works being related to or directly about women, its not hard to see that the experience of the music takes on a different form for each gender. men will by in largely identify with the singer while women with the being sung about.

For some reason this is blowing my mind. I've for the last 2 years fully exited this retarded belief that women could be even faintly understood by men and this subtle shift in the way music is understood has driven home the point of how truly different our landscapes of reality are.

>> No.20487806

Nothing much, there's always been people that somehow get good opportunities in life while being blissfully stupid. One or more of these three will probably cull themselves out of workforce as soon as she finds a male horny enough to marry her.

>> No.20487813

I never thought of it like that, but seems pretty consistent with how most hetrosexual relationships dynamics work. How many fucking times did my dad paint a room, or build a shelf for my mom?

>> No.20487828

30-40 would be the ideal age for this board. people grown out of edgelordery, but not yet cranks

>> No.20487833
File: 31 KB, 225x225, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they refusing to provide me a tracking number. i just dont get it...

>> No.20487839

>a guy sings about his experience with women
>each gender identifies with their gender
Sounds like basic learning process to group yourself with "your people".
Did they research switched roles, when female singer sings about men? Cause I have a nagging feeling this time the women would identify with the singer, while men with being sung about.

>> No.20487841

>They are literally geared to pick the worst of the worst
meet better women

>> No.20487852

Yeah, I think making it fiction (or part fiction) might be funnier. Just for the extra layer

>> No.20487862

I am seriously considering this suggestion, I just need to figure out how to frame it...

>> No.20487863

As phallo-centric domination recedes into the background (where it belongs, frankly) the gynocracy that has been developing over the last couple of centuries is being birthed from the womb of the enlightenment and rationalist belief systems of the West. The end of men is over. It's Herstory now.

>> No.20487871

Where have you managed to do that?

>> No.20487887

i just had the most unsettling dream i've had in years

>> No.20487897

I never had sex in all my life (30 years). I dont really feel the need to have it. I'll die as a pure person.

>> No.20487899

what was it about?

>> No.20487933

i was transported back in time to the period before my mother remarried after my father's suicide, 3 years ago. it was a different timeline in which she married a different man. the sadness of my step family being reduced to a memory of a nonexistent timeline was too much. it doesn't sound that bad but in the dream it was terrible

>> No.20487948

Why the FUCK do I have so much anxiety?

>> No.20487954

How much pussy do you get?

>> No.20487957

i get it. dreams can sit heavy even when it sounds basic. after my dad died i dreamt i followed him down a path to a foggy bridge, then he jumped off the side and vanished. really simple but it stayed with me

>> No.20487979

how the fuck is it possible for your dopamine receptors not to be constantly fried, even if you successfully detox it's so incredibly easy to fall back into the allure of the omnipresent dopamine succubus. I'll have to cut screens out entirely if I ever want to achieve anything meaningful with my life, I'm a slave to this shit

>> No.20487984
File: 239 KB, 1240x1748, 34535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20487987

The Queen doesn't deserve a Jubilee celebration. Dr. Fauci however, that guy has been the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases for 38 years, under 7 different Presidents. He managed to hold onto that job even after fucking up with Covid-19. If you're going to have a celebration for "congratulations, you managed not to get yourself fired" I think Fauci is richly more deserving than the fucking Queen. Because as far as I can tell, that's all the Jubilee celebration is, sure maybe what it really is is the British people patting themselves on the back because every nation likes that, but I don't understand why the stated purpose is a big deal. Such a big in fact that the person who actually heads the country, the Prime Minister, they delayed as a matter of political expedience a no-confidence vote, a vote that would determine if the highest ranked member of Government would continue to do his job until after this little party that the Queen was too doped up on painkillers to attend most of. It was clearly determined that the Public would readily accept that the Queen, not doing anything to piss off enough people that she was forced to abdicate was enough of an achievement that the actual business of running the country could be put on hold for a few days. It's piss easy to not get fired when the only other candidate for the job is your own son, you have no official performance reviews, you don't have to stand for reelection. There is literally no mechanism to remove you from office unless you really fuck up. Why does that deserve a celebration? Dr. Fauci staying as Director of the NIAID for 32 years, now that's an accomplishment. President Xi successfully overriding the informal tradition of Presidents retiring after a certain age, now that's something Queen Elizabeth didn't have to do. Putin had to at least rig some elections. The Queen doesn't have to do jack shit. Netanyahu is Israel's longest serving President, he has lead his party successfully to 5 terms in government. The Queen hasn't had to do that once.
In fact, the shitter you are at your job, the more you deserve a celebration of your longevity - not less - if you don't fuck up, you can keep your job. It's when you fuck up, and they still want you: then you've accomplished something. The Queen however by virtue of being a ceremonial figurehead is legally obligated to do jackshit.

>> No.20487995


>> No.20487999

zero in the last ten years
maybe longer
can't remember
never get divorced

>> No.20488012

I’m really frustrated.

>> No.20488015

Well, you can't expect to have balanced brain chemicals without regular access to pussy. Mating is the second most powerful instinct right after survival.

>> No.20488022

I’ve just gotten 70% of the base coding done for my stock alarm project
My planner project is just form building

I’ve got a lifeguide I’m writing that’s relevant to here, I’ve basically suffered through hell and have some perspective for what it means to live.

All of life is just an illusion to achieve free will and dictate fifth dimensionally the development to itself like in the movie interstellar.
Consider the lack of free will in this universe yet room for conscious backward manipulation exists.
Deterministic and post determined. You had no choice in this universe except to read this and understand how insignificant your observing essence is in the grand scheme of a universal consciousness.

An objectivity exists in this world and it’s why certain things are the way they are, through taste and fate.
The aesthetic is a universal experience of experience. You become enlightened once you are exposed.
All of this is evolution toward free will and evolution of will once we’re there. Because we will always be constrained by the eventually collapse of the universal consciousness once it has passed its experiential event horizon.

Our life and death mimics the universe. Wait and see. You’ll just wake up from this illusion after death and live in heaven or hell until the next cycle.
Our experiences now came from nothing and will come from nothing again. One born from chance. The other ripped from the void.

A universe silently experiencing progress toward absolution and then nothing again.

What kind of perspectives would you like to see in a modern guide to life and understanding the framework of life and the universe
What are your theories as to ‘God’

>> No.20488035

>catchphrase poster can't recognize bait
back to your containment board

>> No.20488066
File: 42 KB, 746x746, 1652822815704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is, when you get a girlfriend you'll realise that they require a lot of your most precious commodity, time. Unless you manage to get the rare unconquerable girl that's able to consistently keep you excited over the course of many years, it's not usually worth it. The sad truth is that you will discover everything there is to know about most girls within a couple of years and you'll get bored of them no matter how cute they are, and your relationship will inevitably devolve into mindlessly watching shitty Netflix films in bed together, which will constitute how a large chunk of your time is spent. The appeal of women is man's Faustian drive to conquer the unknown, and that all dies once you actually get the girl

>> No.20488095
File: 53 KB, 750x744, 1651660464455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a loving gf take care of you when you're ill has to be the best of feelings

>> No.20488097

one husband to a thousand harem girls is the far more sensible idea.

whoever came up with the notion of monogamy ought be dug up assaulted.

>> No.20488104

This 100%.

Source: had a 4 year long relationship, never again.

>> No.20488123

Women are gonna woman.

That's why I avoid dating

My last dream was funny in an observational way

>> No.20488128
File: 31 KB, 720x748, 6d7c32e2e03ae994627fcdf6a27a2037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I hate it, is it only going to get worse?"
>"What should I do then, how do I move on? Do I really deserve this? I feel like I have tried my best, but I guess I just gave up at some point.”
>"Does it mean you have lost all hope?"
>"I guess you could say that. I’m just so jealous of others getting to live a normal life.”
>"What do you think a normal life is?"
>"I don’t know…I guess being able to enjoy everyday life without any burdens.”
>”If thats the case, then there is no such thing as a normal life.”
>”What do you mean?”
>”When was the last time you remember being happy, or more precisely, when was the last time you felt your life was normal?”
>”I don’t think I have ever been happy.”
>”Well… If you could travel back in time by a year, would you do it? Was your life more ‘normal’ back then?”
>”Of course it was more normal, there were less burdens back then.”
>”But you weren’t happy back then, were you”?
>”I wasn’t, but it was better than it is now”
>”So then, one year from now, it will be worse than it is right now. Don’t you think you should cherish your current life knowing that it will only get worse?”
>”Do you think I should be happy right now because it will only get worse? This is meaningless. I have already accepted that things won’t get better. I gave up, I lost all hope, it is pointless to fight, I have tried. There is no reason for me to be happy.”
>”If you have accepted this, then there is no reason for you to be unhappy”
>”Accepting this fucking stagnation is making me even more unhappy.”
>”Shouldn’t you continue trying then and fight against it? You just admitted that accepting this stagnation is making you even more unhappy.”
>”But I have tried my best, I really have. I just want a normal life.”
>”Like I said, there is no such thing. Everyone has their own burdens and problems. Some keep themselves busy by fighting so they have no time to be sad, others accept it and try to move on, hoping it will get better. To some, there is meaning in hardships, and try to justify it by thinking that there is a reason for it. But you have accepted stagnation by giving up.”
>”I tried my best.”
>”Only you know what you can do. However, If you look back to this moment after a year, I hope you have made a decision which you will not regret.”

>> No.20488130

there was a wave of gym harassment going on and then a Swedish guy came forth and apologized and then I heard a bunch of guys go "boo! save enough pussy for the rest of us!" in a sarcastic tone. then the dream ended

>> No.20488133

I would probably travel back to 2014 honestly, 2012-2014 was a good period

>> No.20488142

Was she on birth control? It fucks them up. I've witnessed two virgin gfs go from sweet things to unstable demons after getting on birth control, it's nefarious. I'm also not over it

>> No.20488146

One may hope that the impending economic collapse will wipe these types and the diversity-industrial complex which produced them off the face of the Earth.

>> No.20488153

dream on, incel

>> No.20488158

>but also now you're basically getting into the whole 'objective reality' argument over whether objects do have a 'true' form in external reality or if meaning and reality is only a product of subjective human experience
I'm really not, I consider that one of the silliest non-issues that otherwise sober Men and Women concern/ed themselves with;

impractical and unactionable.

Nous seems more like Techne, then, as you can't possess 'valid' discernment without reasoning (w/o episteme or sophia);
> finally the most important Sofia which is etymologically the root of 'philosophy' and is the merging of Episteme with Nous.

So what is nous without intellect but the faculty or learned habit of discerning a thing without intelligence and therefore coming to an error in the action of the discernment.

>Phronesis which is counter to Nous and refers to the capacity to Deliberate
exactly, as: nous by itself without the processes by which to discern and reach a conclusion is at odds with proper-thinking (proper-judgment; being right in what you say and do).

>and as the other anon pointed out Aristotle says that a necessary component of it is being a 'good person' because vice warps their judgement of the "sources that govern action",
that was my conflation then, which i sill think is valid, to suppose 'nous' without intelligence is the warping of judgment and that nous, then, without intelligence, is the mode of discerning a thing in error and arriving, in one way or another, in some viceful idiocy as consequence of nous minus proper inquiry.

>However Aristotle's faculties seem like a more elegant description
it's overly complicated imo, Chrysippus, by luck that so little of his work survives, presents all of this far simpler in a few lines,

"if this, then that,"

>> No.20488162

This kind of talk is what causes mass shootings.

Just suck the kid in a trenchcoats dick for your own good and safety

>> No.20488173

>This kind of talk is what causes mass shootings.
no, the spooks in your head are what cause mass shootings. get help while you can

>> No.20488175

>Was she on birth control?
do modern girls even know that birth control drugs or condoms are unnessecary because there's only a four day window in each month when they can get pregnant?

do their mothers not tell them this or what, are they clever enough to memorize lists of carbs in their food but can't figure out a fixed double digit cycle?

>> No.20488181

Yeah but women literally can't stop fucking

>> No.20488186


>> No.20488191

they can't stop for four days?? their reproductive tube must be numbed out from overuse, like an overfapped cockhead.

>> No.20488197

>no, the spooks in your head are what cause mass shootings.
this and grievous malpractice by every teacher.

>> No.20488208

>four day window in each month when they can get pregnant
That's how you end up with surprise pregnancies. Those days are when they are MOST fertile, they are important for couples that have problem conceiving, but women can still end up pregnant on other days. Calculating fertile days is for combining with other birth controls, because none is 100% effective on their own.

>> No.20488213

in my experience this is a very racist and extremely conservative girl trying way too hard to fit in with what she perceives to be society;

I would love to put people under lie detectors and settle this theory once and for all.

>> No.20488229

You're giving women far too much credit, they're social drones parroting the current narratives without critical thinking. That being said, they're very malleable and they'll invert all their beliefs if a right-wing chad gives them proper dicking.

>> No.20488232

>. Those days are when they are MOST fertile,
no, after the egg has bled it takes time to recover, a good 20 or so days; it's physically impossible to conceive in that window after menstruation as there's nothing there to be impregnated.

But.. yeah, the four or so days is the peak time for actual conception, but we're talking about avoiding conception; that's more important for a girl to be fully aware of, if she does insist on screwing everybody.

>Calculating fertile days is for combining with other birth controls, because none is 100% effective on their own.
nah, this is just a pharma sales pitch.

>> No.20488251

idk, generally speaking ose who are guilty of something in a major way tend to be the most constant accuser; to preempt their own accusation, so the extreme racist might be found going to black events and blending in, to avoid discovery.

i dont see any reasoning why this wouldn't apply here.

>> No.20488265

>it's overly complicated imo,
How the hell am I supposed to use "if this, then that"?

>> No.20488275

oh geez i'm sorry anon, i'd love to tell you but this thread dun gun close!!


>> No.20488454

She has the looks of her mental health. She's a bit tall for a woman (1,75m) and she's got colored hair and a pierced nose. About normal physically.

She thinks we're soulmates because she's never been truly loved by anyone before. I want to quit because she has prevented me from achieving two very important objectives that I had (that I would have achieved otherwise for sure because I already did before) in the span of a few months by being clingy and didn't respect my wishes to be alone for a few days when I needed it the most. The opportunity to achieve one of these objectives won't show up ever again in my life, it was a one-time thing related to work.
She showed up at my dorm door multiple times when I said not to, etc. I'm pretty sure it's only the beginning. I had normal relationships before where personal freedom was established and enforced and I just want that freedom back. Even being a celibate is better than having someone actively trying to drag me down.

I wouldn't know. Would that be better for the two of you? Do you have kids? Have you tried counseling if you do? I can't say, anon. I hope you'll soon find the answers that you want.

>> No.20488679

>cock and ball torture

>> No.20488694

If you're a solipsist then why didn't you say so?

>> No.20488728


>> No.20488877
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