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File: 733 KB, 2033x1200, A Church Sleeping In The Depths of The Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20476506 No.20476506 [Reply] [Original]

A Church Sleeping in The Depths of The Earth Edition

Previous Thread:>>20466745

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20476538

Fiction is supposed to be a puzzle.

>> No.20476540

All literature is mystery.

>> No.20476542

For me? It's R Scott Bakker.

>> No.20476552
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>> No.20476631

Grimdark sword and sorcery?

>> No.20476639


>> No.20476690

I'm only buying books with good looking covers. Any recommendations?

>> No.20476712
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>> No.20476722

Read all the Howard stuff. Anything else?

>> No.20476736

Just had a week off at a cabin in the woods and did a bunch of reading. Tell me how shit my taste is.

A Wizard of Earthsea - Pretty cool
The Tombs of Atuan - Very good, best Earthsea book.
The Farthest Shore - Okay I guess
Tehanu - Preachy garbage
Legends & Lattes - it's fucking comfy, probably the best book I've read this year, fight me.
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld - The fuck did I read, this was bad. Shitty old lady relationship drama
Silver in the Wood / Drowned Country - It was okay I guess, not much substance
Under the Whispering Door - Absolutely fucking botched ending that makes the entire book pointless.

>> No.20476801
File: 28 KB, 220x361, Babysitter_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Babysitter series scared the shit out of me as a kid.

>> No.20476811

>good looking covers

>> No.20476862
File: 56 KB, 491x699, cute grumpy penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there were more comfy fantasy stories

>> No.20476881
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It has begun, the first chapter of Volume 9 has been released. Bros, we are going home, to the Wandering Inn.

>> No.20476902 [DELETED] 

That's him officer, that's the fag lover. Kill him!

>> No.20476916

What does that even MEAN, faggot? What makes something COMFY? Comfy is a physical feeling, not a subgenre shut the fuck up about "muh comfy"

>> No.20476925

Subgenre can be anything you want retard, it's just a way to catergorise books.

>> No.20476929
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>Comfy is a physical feeling
uh, excuse me?

>> No.20476964

I didn't see my Sunday starting by adding something called "Legends & Lattes" to my "to check out" list

>> No.20476972

Just imagine the REEEE that this moron goes through when they discover the subgenres of heavy metal.


>> No.20476978

The name is kind of cringe but it's genuinely charming as hell.

>> No.20476979
File: 149 KB, 1200x1406, metal subgenres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal subgenres of all things aren't exactly a good argument here, though. At the super specific subgenre level it's on a band-to-band basis.

>> No.20477032

just from the premise it sounds like a japanese webnovel.

>> No.20477039

Yeah but unlike a Japanese web novel it's actually good.

>> No.20477090

Japanese webnovels can't really be like that because they have to make up ever-increasing stakes to justify their endless length.

>> No.20477107

kane by karl wagner
elric of melnibone

>> No.20477125

Mystery has cozies.

>> No.20477390

Just finished Soldiers Live. Most of all I'm surprised how satisfying it was as an ending, he further I got into it the more I thought there wouldn't been enough time to wrap everything up. I still have The Silver Spike and Port of Shadows to go, but I'm going to take some time to let that end sink in first. Initial thoughts are the it was perfectly bittersweet in a way that couldn't fit the series better. I also know that I wouldn't mind at all if Cook decided to continue where he left off.

>> No.20477412
File: 2.09 MB, 1194x1800, Age of Ash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age of Ash, Kithamar #1 - Daniel Abraham (2022)

In terms of Abraham's series this has more in common with The Long Price than The Dagger and the Coin, though it's not that similar. As stated by the author, this trilogy is about the city it takes place in, Kithamar, over the course of a single year. He calls it a standalone trilogy because although the stories take place in the same city at the same time, they won't have much overlap or the need to remember details from the prior books. The current schedule is for one book to release per year.

This isn't a story about chosen ones, heroics, adventure, or even about doing the right thing. It's slow-paced, low action, and character focused. There's magic, though none of it is explained in any way. That's fine for this story because it existed more for plot reasons than for having magic in of itself. Nothing takes place outside of the city, and I wouldn't expect that to be the case for the following books in the trilogy either.

More than anything else, I felt the narrative was about being blinded. Whether that was because of grief, revenge, love, greed, power, or whatever else, it left them unable to see anything else. Several of the characters had some level of dissociation from themselves. Often it's easier to choose not to see, but it may cost dearly later. However, having your eyes wide open taking in everything doesn't mean that there will be better outcome. It may just mean that the suffering is understood, but nothing can be done about it.

There are two primary viewpoint characters and a few other secondary viewpoints. Alys, the one the most time is spent with, isn't meant to be a likeable character. Relatable, maybe, but not likeable, which is intentional and serves a purpose. Whether that's acceptable is something that each reader will have to decide. The other, Sammish, seems to be a counterbalance and foil to Alys. She has her own issues as well, but who doesn't? The other viewpoints allow for a wider view of events.

For Alys, the plot, both literally and figuratively, is something that she charges into blindly. Right and wrong are of minimal consideration, until they aren't. If anything it's the story of someone trying to fake it until they make it and not really understanding what they're involved with, or even necessarily doing any of it of their own volition. Most of what Sammish is and does is the opposite, which provides for a nice contrast. I especially liked the stories of what she has to do to get through her day to day life, even while involved in the events of the narrative. That may be a downer for some as it does intrude on the escapism, but I didn't mind.

What I enjoyed most was the imagery, descriptions, and the sense of time, place, and being. Apart from anything else it brought the story to life. I liked the details and mundane events more than the overall plot. I'm conflicted about the rating, but I'll leave it as is for now.

Rating: 4/5

>> No.20477414

I thought this was an x-ray of someone's jaw/teeth at first.

>> No.20477484

>muscle girl orc on the cover

>> No.20477509

She's a lesbian if that puts you off.

>> No.20477557

you mean I won't get to fuck her ????

>> No.20477564

You wouldn't get to fuck her even if she wasn't a lesbian.

>> No.20477570

yes she would crush my puny pink neck between her adamantine thighs wouldn't she.

>> No.20477585

No, anon, she's fictional.

>> No.20477596

you mean I won't get to fuck her ???

>> No.20477612

No anon, remember she's a lesbian.

>> No.20477687


Thoughts ?

>> No.20477702

odious nonsense

>> No.20477707

>Li Changsheng raised his hand and hit two Divine Lightnings. Lightning flashed in his left and right hands, and not far away were the century-old trees
>All were blown to smithereens.

Spare the trees asshole

>> No.20477709
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Recommendations for girls and/or women tortured in detail?

Books about kidnappings, torture porn, non-con bdsm relationships, enslaved to machine, give me the fucked up shit.

If it's fade to black or off-screen pain I don't want it

>> No.20477718

unironically Malazan

>> No.20477719

Any recs for books on fantasy world design/world-building? There are so many, but unfortunately my experience with writing books is that you either get the 1% that is the only one you need, or the 99% which are cashgrabs with copypasted google results on the topic.

>> No.20477726

You're better off reading actual fantasy novels and taking notes on how they present the world.

>> No.20477757

Truth that has been sensationalized to fit into a culture war narrative for self-promotion. The case is overstated in terms of influence and the guy later does damage control in the thread to mitigate collateral damage. So, rather standard really. People do what they believe they have to get the retweets and shares elsewhere.

>> No.20477800

You are better off having an actual imagination, studying wide variety of subjects which interest you and writing a good story, instead of wasting even a moment deliberately "worldbuilding".

>> No.20477807

Not a book rec. I'm already doing that.

>> No.20477815

I've already written the story. The world is flat compared to other things I've read.

>> No.20477822

Examine other things you've read more in-depth, why do their worlds feel alive compared to yours? Is it actually alive, or is it basically a convincing cardboard cutout? Sometimes that's all you need, and that you're seeing behind the curtain just means you're seeing it as a cutout, when the reader will almost never do so.

>> No.20477830

You might just be a shape rotator instead of a shape creator

>> No.20477842

I don't know what that means

I see, that is interesting, thank you

>> No.20477853

You might just have an inherently weaker imagination than others, and might thus need to actively cannibalize other works for inspiration rather than subconsciously remixing your influences

>> No.20477883

Sounds like projection. I have a bunch of emotions and plot twists on the page, which are my interest as a writer, and the bare bones of the world/geography needed for story purposes. The world design is OK. I feel like somebody should have written a book on world design after surveying fantasy literature by now. Surely somebody has read Harry Potter/Tolkein/etc. and distilled the world-design concepts down by now.

>> No.20477906

What a very mechanistic worldview you have.

>> No.20477921


>> No.20477932

Tolkien literally did "having an actual imagination, studying wide variety of subjects which interest you and writing a good story" routine, and also wrote the only work on worldbuilding worth a damn (On Fairy-Stories).

There won't be any proper book about worldbuilding, because once you think you need to do it, you have failed as an author and a human being.

>> No.20477950
File: 458 KB, 496x918, CRADLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cradle bros.... 1 month.....

>> No.20477961 [DELETED] 

hot sun beaming down upon jolenta's booba while also being cooled by the river breeze

>> No.20478178

Unironic schizo ramblings

>> No.20478313

Holy shit Kellhus is a cunt

>> No.20478344
File: 20 KB, 297x475, tap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some week or two ago I asked for some good recommendations for fantasy smut and erotica. One helpful Anon give me a few recommendations, among which were T.A.P:Origins. Now, after reading it, I am confident in saying that's the worst smut book I've read. I hated basically everything. The protagonist is horrible and ulikable, especially the way he speaks. And oh boy, the voices of the characters were the most grating shit possible. Trying to do accents in writing is risky on a good day, and this author fucking sucks.

You know guys, I don't expect much from smut and erotica. I expect at least servicable plot, barebones world and an excuse for the protagonist to have women to be even a little believable, among the basic things. Then I'd expect proper, titilating descriptions of the girls. You are a good smut writer if you are able to make the women to be more attractive than just by describing their bodies, to actually be capable of writing charming personality. I've seen it done, I know how good it can be. And, of course, sex scenes, even though some erotica/smut/harem books play coy at give only 1-2 such scenes per book, but then they should at least make up for it in quality.

This fucking book? It fucking sucks. Only one girl has passable personality, the women descriptions start and end by describing big tits or shapely ass, or how much the protagonshit drools for them. There is not a single sex scene, iamgine the audacity to write smut and not include even the smallest sex scene. It's literally fade to black, and at the end. The plot sucks, characters suck, the world is your classic america-but-with-superheroes, but there's not a one interesting power, only the protagonist's power is servicable at best. Jesus, how much of an umaginative, talentless hack you gotta be to not come with at least one cool power? Guess what is the second most used power in the story? It's the ability to makelight into liquid and then pouring it on yourself to become invisible. And it's described as the most annoying thing to use, ever.

In short, feel ashamed, Anon who recommended me this. The worst smut/erotica I have read, and will go at the bottom of the chart once I make one. I feel dowright scammed after reading this, despite it being short. Fuck, I am angry. Don't read T.A.P:Origins Anons, it's shit.

>> No.20478388

So the sjw are not getting traction on current shit, so they are trying to get rid of the old shit?

The Bible is degenerate, why didn't he mention the rape, incest and diddling found in that?
Conan fags really are the worse. Not only are they homoerotic faggots, but they have shit tastes too. I beat that author he plugged was either himself or a friend.

He just mad that the traditional pub faggots didn't take his submission.

>> No.20478411


>> No.20478437
File: 33 KB, 313x500, 51qIe4iKxDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never read T.A.P, but I did like The Celestine Chronicles by the same author. It's a monster girl smut isekai with a surprising engaging plot. If you're willing to give the author a second chance I'd recommend it.

>> No.20478473

>Never read T.A.P, but I did like The Celestine Chronicles by the same author. It's a monster girl smut isekai with a surprising engaging plot. If you're willing to give the author a second chance I'd recommend it.
Yeah, I've heard some good about the other series written by the author, but now I'm weary. Well, I'm on to Herald of Shalia now. Maybe I'll return to Cebelius at some point.

>> No.20478489

what do you niggas have against jolenta's breasts?

>> No.20478603

as a rule of thumb, always disregard people that use "degeneracy" unironically

>> No.20478608 [DELETED] 

Fact check: True.

>> No.20478776

Looking for scifi recommendations. I've got 18 hours of travel coming up tomorrow

>> No.20478821 [DELETED] 
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kek, they're so close to getting it

>> No.20478854

The Flying Sorcerers by David Gerrold and Larry Niven. One of the very few humorous, genuinely funny scifi books ever written.

>> No.20478972

>"having an actual imagination, studying wide variety of subjects which interest you and writing a good story"
Sounds like he read books about worlds that existed and drew principles from them about how culture, language etc work.

What I'm looking for is something similar, but reduced: books about worlds as they relate to fiction. Somewhat of a shortcut, and one I'm surprised hasn't been done already.

You don't even understand what I'm asking for.

>> No.20478988

No. I believe the mechanics are always there underneath, like a skeleton, in every art. You can find the 80/20 rule in everything. Just learning a few things can give a tremendous amount of leverage. For instance, in learning to draw, learning to place circles in perspective (ellipses) unlocks many other feats of draftsmanship, such as rotating cylinders (critical to things like figure construction, object construction). The same concept exists in literature. It is not mechanistic, it simply common sense.

>> No.20479068
File: 156 KB, 600x1008, xwing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of the old Star Wars books worth reading? Stuff like X-Wing and the other series focusing on non-movie characters and shit?

>> No.20479087

i jedi
courtship of princess leia
people don't like KJA cause of dune but i read a lot of his EU stuff as a kid

>> No.20479224

Finished with Long Sun. Going to read some "lowbrow" popcorn fiction as breather before I start on Short Sun. There's only so much peak fiction I can spoil myself with. Otherwise I will no longer enjoy 90% of all sff simply because it can't compare to Wolfe. Recommend me some light reading if you please. Maybe a cultivation story or similar action/adventure progression fantasy stories. Mostly I'm looking for fun character moments and dynamic action scenes. Something even 70% as good as Cradle or on par with Mother of Learning.

>> No.20479238

Dungeon Crawler Carl, maybe?

>> No.20479266
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Based or cringe?

>> No.20479273

Baldree is a faggot who simps for Cradle on reddit.

>> No.20479280

He narrates the audiobook it'd be weird if he didn't promote it.

>> No.20479289
File: 43 KB, 400x600, 7eedf86b-5587-4d6f-b2a6-8aada1bdaa27_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will shill this every chance I get until someone ITT actually reads this.

>> No.20479300

I'll put it on my list but I'm reading Gideon the Ninth and then Sabriel so I'm probably gonna veer away from stuff with so much death-theming after that.

>> No.20479312

Baldree's soulless narration and piss poor female characters have talked me out of pursuing progression fantasy in audiobook format.

>> No.20479324

I never listen to audiobooks, personally. I prefer to come up with how characters sound on my own, and I have a tendency to tune out people talking to begin with.

>> No.20479352

I agree but actively seeking out people who did not enjoy the book and telling them that they are not allowed to dislike said book is insanity.

>> No.20479359

Source on that? Sounds like a crackpot

>> No.20479375
File: 215 KB, 340x512, LG-cardart-Brotherhood_Assassin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any new /sffg/ info graphics or flowcharts? The mega sucks cock and balls

>> No.20479406
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I know it's dead simple to self-publish and order author copies, but it still feels nice to actually hold something I wrote. Bonus cat because cat.

>> No.20479407

Jeff Hays, Nick Podehl and Neil Hellegers are good litrpg narrators.

>> No.20479410

As is appropriate for the month.

>> No.20479419 [DELETED] 

>Neil Hellegers
He is the worst. It's like he has a lisp. He is also a stats faggot.

>> No.20479421

What do you dislike about it and how could it be improved?

>> No.20479426 [DELETED] 

Based asexual scizo and shilling pulp writer

>> No.20479453

I always enjoy him. He makes The Good / Bad Guys series much more engaging than they would be on their own.

>> No.20479476

>The Good / Bad Guys series
You actually listened to that shit?
I heard so many people say the protag is a fucking idiot. Gets an all powerful sword then throws it away / forgets about it. Then one time he is this competent person, next time he is a fucking idiot.
Never touched it.

>> No.20479513

Yeah, it's not bad. I don't know why you'd fixate on the sword thing. It's a throwaway gag from chapter 1 of the first book. He's a struggling everyman out of his depth, so sometimes what he does works out, sometimes it doesn't.

The biggest flaw in the series is the same as a lot of these serials where the author wants to push towards something, but also wants to have lots of volumes, so you get that Xeno's paradox style plot. Also too much vore.

>> No.20479531

I really sould do this one of these days.

>> No.20479538

Lord of Mysteries

>> No.20479565

Any progression fantasy protagonists that aren’t beta pushovers, genocidal murderhobos, or gritty failures?

>> No.20479736
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what does it taste like?

>> No.20479764
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Only one month left Cradlebros

>> No.20479825

Celestine Chronicles has a lot more interesting stuff but also a lot more cringe, and you're dealing with him figuring out the bare basics of writing for the first 3 books. TAP is just sort of mindless entertainment.

I like how Cebelius writes women though. Very Glen Cook. Lots of deeply flawed characters you have to learn to love.

>> No.20479828

>paying for patreon

>> No.20479849

What about Mountain King and the big booba giantess?
I think he improved over the years. The spider girl porn book was actually good, for smut.

>> No.20480026

>tfw you go from not being able to muster any interest to read anything for several months to reading two books in less than a week

>> No.20480045

The "modern sci-fi" recommendations suck in all the lists and they're all outdated too
What kind of cat is that man

>> No.20480080

Pretty sure it's a maine coo, mine were that big as kittens and they're fucking yuge now

>> No.20480200

Confirming she's a Maine coon. Only 6 months old!

>> No.20480206

Fuck man I really want to know what happens to Aegon
I know people like to whine about how adding all these new characters to the books ruins the existing storyline and they only care to know what happens to cersei, jon, dany, etc but I really want to know how their invasion will pan out

>> No.20480249

Make your own and upload it to the mega. Anyone can do so That's what most do and it's the only way they're satisfied. As for outdated, it's not meant to be the newest only, or even curated really. The charts probably aren't that useful overall, but anons like them.

>> No.20480250

These are the books I remember reading or still have in my library that were enjoyable to read:
>The Han Solo Adventures trilogy (Han Solo At Star's End, Han Solo's Revenge, Han Solo and the Lost Legacy)
>The Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy (The Mandalorian Armor, Slave Ship, Hard Merchandise)
>The Thrawn trilogy (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, His Last Command)
>the New Thrawn trilogy (Thrawn, Thrawn: Alliances, Thrawn: Treason)
>The Courtship of Princess Leia
>Shadows of the Empire
>Jedi Prince, yes really
>the film novelizations
>Journey to the Force Awakens trilogy (Smuggler's Run, The Weapon of a Jedi, Moving Target)

These are the books I've read and remember that fucking sucked and should not be read if you can at all avoid it
>The Adventures of Lando Calrissian trilogy (Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu, Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon, Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka)
>Heir to the Jedi
>Splinter of the Mind's Eye

>> No.20480271
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>> No.20480411

I just barely started Mountain King last night.
>I think he improved over the years.
Yeah, just in the last 2 years he's gotten way more polished. Still needs a good editor, but as furry gamelit smut writers go he's got his shit together pretty well.

>> No.20480633

It's very difficult to.talk about post-2010 Nebula / Hugo winners without using that word though.

>> No.20480717

What's it actually about, from the perspective of us jaded /sffg/entlefolk?

>> No.20480792
File: 61 KB, 300x400, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20480797


>> No.20480834

Because he's a degenerate.

>> No.20480875

The Kane collection with Frazeta’s covers.

>> No.20480882

Tolkien’s Hobbit stories and some of his expanded Middle Earth stuff.

>> No.20480888

Seconding Shadow of the Empire. Though, that does have a lot of movie characters in it.

>> No.20480951

Is the Wizard as good as the Knight? I wanna read them back to back but curious to hear the consensus.

>> No.20481126

they're two halves of the same book, you can't really have one without the other, like how Fellowship, Two Towers, and Return aren't really individual books but only parts of The Lord of the Rings

>> No.20481183

How do you upload to the Mega?

>> No.20481195

So A Thousand Li 7 is out?
And out on *mazon next month.

>> No.20481198

You can find the link by looking at the text document in the mega, but I'll just link it here as well:
Upload link: https://mega.nz/megadrop/mcId0tMu0xM

>> No.20481202

Tried to read Bastion (Immortal Great Souls) and if you like novels with never ending description and with no rhyme or reason given to care about the main character then this is the novel for you. The most interesting part were the titles that mc is given for being a bad boy since it really made you curious on what he had to do to be called "Quencher of Hope and Unmaker of Joy".

>> No.20481208

>art of the adept 5
>reviews claim it's absolute shit on the bottom of a descending rollercoaster
>even worse as a series end
wew lads

>> No.20481221

The file you just uploaded is already there, but under the name Isekai Web Novels. It's in Unsorted/2022-5 May. That's what it says on the chart itself. It's not entirely accurate, but it's closer than the filename you used. I have stuff there so people can see what's been recently uploaded easily and because sorting is a hassle, so I don't do it that often.

>> No.20481233

huh someone must have uploaded it for me, thanks for the help

>> No.20481241

I can't be bothered at the moment to search the image hashes to see which is newer. I guess you made it? Both seem to be same except for the name, so whichever you prefer. No, I think that's one I saved from the thread and out there myself, which is the case for most of them. I haven't been doing that much lately though. There's a lot of uploads, which I think may be from one guy, but most of them are dupes, but that's entirely fine, since there's new stuff. I'll sort the stuff out relatively soon.

I would use the charts tripcode, but I don't have it on this device. I guess I'll have to see about that as well.

>> No.20481547

90% of the time they're culture war obsessed schizos whining about muh cultural marxism or some shit like that or deus vult xd weirdos

>> No.20481556


>> No.20481636

They also tend to be this:

>> No.20481961
File: 28 KB, 480x363, 1633791972984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rec me a recent fantasy book.
I don't think I've read anything that came out after 2010

>> No.20481980
File: 214 KB, 1948x1885, best authors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Second Apocalypse books by R. Scott Bakker. While the series begins in 2003 it ends in 2016, so part of the series is more recent.

>> No.20481984
File: 142 KB, 700x700, comfy lil hedgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother of Learning is comfy!

>> No.20482007

no thanks i have standards

>> No.20482061

Bakker bro I see you’re reading prince of nothing in parallel with me, albeit slightly ahead. Don’t you DARE spoil it!!!

>> No.20482088

I'm reading it for the third time.

>> No.20482112

This you, heathen?

>> No.20482116

Alright, thanks.

>> No.20482120
File: 760 KB, 1700x2245, 91p1G0+SjEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imaro, it's very dark

>> No.20482139

You were supposed to identify yourself with him, not hate him.
>The study is so deep, father.

>> No.20482145
File: 101 KB, 1536x2048, 1600174153561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Quest for Cush
i'm on that right now

>> No.20482190

I'm on book two (first read) and I don't identify with Kellhus, really -- only to the extent he's sort of introverted. I identify with Cnaiur for his no-bullshit attitude more.

>> No.20482199

Kellhus is above the notions of introverted and extroverted. He can be anything as long as it is the means for the Shortest Path.

>> No.20482202 [DELETED] 

coonan the basketballian

>> No.20482235

>Reads fantasy
>I have standards
Sorry brother, but these two are mutually exclusive

>> No.20482265

Preferring a 1usd hotdog over a log of shit is still having standards

>> No.20482278
File: 36 KB, 500x500, trashman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it isn't
Who are you trying to impress?
Are they gonna be sitting there with you for all those hours, reading the book with you?
Just read books you enjoy
You enjoy Fantasy, so you enjoy trash
Embrace the trash
Let out your inner Trashman

>> No.20482293

I enjoy higher standards of trash. Not just any scrap of paper will do. For me, its traditionally published trash.

>> No.20482296

You seriously understate just how bad shit can get
I unironically enjoy seasonal isekai anime BECAUSE they're trashy, but that doesn't mean I'll gobble up machine translated xianxia

>> No.20482302

Wow, so writing good books wasn't just vomiting words on a paper? I have a bone to pick with RR.

>> No.20482308

What does ' a church sleeping in the depths of the earth ' mean, wheres it come from sounds cool

>> No.20482310

If you enjoy higher trash standards, you wouldn't be putting modern day traditionally published stuff anywhere near that

>You seriously understate just how bad shit can get
Yeah then don't read it because you don't enjoy it, not because its part of a genre or group that you look down upon
I bet most people that shit on webnovels in these thread haven't even tried reading one, its just one of those things they accept because they've been told such

>> No.20482341

Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of professionally edited pages.

>> No.20482371

I don't have the energy to read another book series right now but I plan to read it eventually

Reading a book on a computer isn't really comfy anon

>> No.20482415

Yeah, I get the whole Dunyain schtick. Just don't relate to it. <spoiler>Other than Pragma's lesson about the Logos. As a practitioner of transcendental meditation, it reminded me of manta-based meditation.</spoiler>

>> No.20482433

>Reading a book on a computer isn't really comfy anon
Maybe it's time to live in the current year and own some kind of e-book reader?

>> No.20482436

The Bikura's cruciform worshipping site in Hyperion, maybe?

>> No.20482673 [DELETED] 


>> No.20482859
File: 11 KB, 225x225, gene wolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20482957

Where did you get her at? Are they expensive?
Also books.

>> No.20482974 [DELETED] 

Baker is King.

Simple as.

Baker, the King of /sffg/.

Based King.

Simple as.

Long live the Bakker.

>> No.20483091

Not scifi or fantasy but Hogg has what you're looking for if you can get past all the homosexual pedophile scat stuff. Plenty of woman rapin' and beatin' to be had.

>> No.20483114


>> No.20483121

fucking kek

>> No.20483223
File: 572 KB, 917x738, 1648504656740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished pracical guide to evil, and now i feel empty again.
i'm generally satisfied with the ending, even though i wished we'd get even more epilogue chapters.

does anyone know where i can follow the author for further updates? also are there any plans to continue a story in this universe in the future?

>> No.20483327
File: 330 KB, 1600x898, Tim Curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried Sabriel, because one of you guys mentioned it a few threads back.
It was cute. I liked it. It was focused and didn't drag. A much appreciated thing, after reading 4 of Sanderson's massive tombs in a row. There was easy setups that had nice payoffs later. The book didn't bog you down with unnecessary information. It had no problem with just skipping boring parts and getting to the interesting stuff. Again, I appreciate the book not wasting my time, because so much fantasy spends time explaining concepts that it can never adequately pay off later. The structure felt like classic storytelling that you get back in the 80s or 90s. Both good and bad. The bad being the obligatory romance they just had to stuff in there. The romance happened far too swiftly. That much felt super forced.

The magic in the world felt different than anything else I've read so far. So that really helped me overlook a lot of the other cliches the book relied on. New ideas with likeable characters and good pacing can make me overlook a lot of things.

The Audiobook is read by Tim Curry. Who I was never very familiar with. He's always been just some old celebrity in my eyes. And kind of a meme one. But his performance is actually A tier. The guy really gets into character and gives dialogue emotion. They honestly couldn't have had a better man read the dialogue of a snarky cat familiar. It fit so well.
In comparison, the last book I read, The Shadow of the Gods, is narrated by Colin Mace. Who isn't bad really. But he has a very limited range. He can do a cold stern voice, and a whispery voice, but that's it. He completely fucks up the jovial banter, because he whispers over it. He always starts a passage stern, and ends it whispery, no matter the context. So I have to work harder to adjust the tone of the dialogue in my head.
But Tim Curry has the full range. You hear a smile in his voice when characters are happy. You hear anguish in his voice when characters are sad. You hear fear and strength, mania and solemnity, and all things.

So while the book isn't going to blow you away with its depth and complexity. It does have qualities that other fantasy authors can certainly learn a thing or two from. Structure and presentation go a loooong way.

>> No.20483471

I'm gonna give it a read after I read Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth, Gideon is currently... Well, you can tell a Homestuck fan wrote it with how its written. That doesn't necessarily make it bad, it just makes it difficult to parse sometimes.

>> No.20483486

I've always avoided Homestuck because it seemed stupid, but I loved Gideon. Should I check out Homestuck?

>> No.20483502

Homestuck is honestly perfectly fine until Act 5/6 I'd say. Hussie stopped being interested in telling a story and just became interested in introducing convoluted concepts and way too many characters. It's also not really easy to read right now because with the death of Flash a lot of pages are fucked up and they're not really all fixed yet. It has a lot of problems even in the good parts, but it's a very entertaining story until it bogs itself down too much. I wouldn't say Gideon and Homestuck have too much in common, style-wise, just that they both do a lot of density of information that's easy to get lost in without necessarily telling it in a comprehensible way.

>> No.20483508 [DELETED] 

So, literally no one here ready or what?

>> No.20483511

No one ever warns you that you have to get through a few hundred pages of random gags before Homestuck eventually becomes that thing people love.

>> No.20483520

I mean, the point people love is one very specific part, which is a decent chunk but nowhere near the bulk of the comic. Because immediately after that part is a lot of nonsense that folds in on itself in an annoying way.

>> No.20483589

>a lot of density of information that's easy to get lost in without necessarily telling it in a comprehensible way.
I actually got the opposite feeling from Gideon. To me it felt more influenced by the classic sci-fi/fantasy method of giving just enough information to set the stage for the reader so they can put together the details of the world on their own instead of the more hard worldbuilding that most fantasy has nowadays.

>> No.20483676

Ready for what?

>> No.20483685


>> No.20483693

Several posts talk about people are reading. I've paused what I'm reading to respond.

>> No.20483701

I didn't quite mean information overload, just the writing style. It uses a lot of out-there words and has rather grandiose descriptions for things that often don't matter because it's largely character-focused as a story.

>> No.20483796

What are some good, modern, dark fantasy/gridmark books that aren't YA tier, that are actually written for adults?

No Malazan or Black Company.

>> No.20483803

The Second Apocalypse Series, unironically.

>Black Company
>“Grim Dark“

>> No.20483807

What this >>20483803 anon said.

Also, using Grimdark as an adjective for books is pure cringe. Only YA shit uses that word to describe books.

>> No.20483813

This answer may be controversial and may surprise the rest of anons in this thread, but i'm gonna go with: The Second Apocalypse, by R. Scott Bakker

>> No.20483832 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 501x585, BX8WN6ACIAECG2w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is behind these posts

>> No.20483841 [DELETED] 

>No argument

>> No.20483847
File: 90 KB, 526x701, 1643365879344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you ever wonder why authors don't follow up their epilogue with slice of life chapters or entire books? it often seems like a waste to leave a well built world behind to be forever forgotten.
so after the hero wins, why not have a more elaborate 'happily ever after'? it doesn't even have to be about the MC, just the consequences of their actions is enough. be it the next generation or whatever. i know i always crave one deeply after finishing something. am i alone in this?
of course it'll overstay its welcome eventually, but still.

>> No.20483864

Because that's not what most people read the stories for. They read for the adventure and the drama. The downtime is fun and cozy, sometimes, but it's not really something you can write entire books about. Some sequels will have the old protagonists living good lives while the new ones are caught up in bullshit, though. That's what I'm sort of planning with a two-book series I'm trying to make.

>> No.20483865

I still want to see a fantasy epic series that goes through the ages from medieval fantasy, to early renaissance fantasy, modernity fantasy, to sci-fi fantasy, following descendants of the first hero

>> No.20483873

Well, not quite that last bit, but Mistborn is sort of going that route. First era is a thousand year-old empire deliberately kept into medieval stasis (though canned food was invented against all efforts), next era is Victorian-esque, the one after that will be 80s-ish, then I think sci-fi will be the last one.

>> No.20483876 [DELETED] 


>> No.20483883 [DELETED] 


>> No.20483891
File: 36 KB, 297x475, 1640817307576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because that's not what most people read the stories for.
i wonder if this is true nowadays. i brought it up because i just finished a series and had that craving (PGTE), but also because people were rating pic related very highly (i haven't read it).
if people are willing to read a book with that kind of premise and love it, imagine the same, except the "premise" is an entire series on its own where you went through all the highs and lows with the cast together.

you could argue that feelgood stories are indulgent, but it looks like fiction is heading in that direction anyway. maybe it's just the influence of japanese media making slice of life seem more appealing.

>> No.20483898

Oh sure, there's a market for comfy slice of life stories like that, but you don't really get too many people wanting a story that's a low-stakes slice of life sequel to a big dramatic adventure.

>> No.20483900

I mean, it's an answer, and the only one that seems to be doing that right now.

>> No.20483909

I mean it's a fair answer
it's just that... Mistborn is more capeshit than what I would consider "fantasy". The magic system drives me up the fucking wall, it's like it's perfectly built to annoy me.

>> No.20483919
File: 65 KB, 702x396, 1644301890918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i'm telling you i want that. because look at the alternatives:
>the story ends and it's all over and done, waiting to be forgotten.
>the author FORCES a new story with new stakes and enemies
so what if instead, you just tie up loose ends, show the consequences of the heroes actions and the future they built, using a story with only a quarter of the stakes and dramatics of the main story?

you could call it a "victory lap". there's not enough of those imo.

>> No.20483923

I think it's pretty blah for the first era after the first book, but I think he does a lot better in the second era, because characters besides the protagonists are interesting too. That said, Wayne is probably his best character ever.

>> No.20483935

True enough. Some epilogues do have that, but you don't get enough time, it's just a few glances here and there at the state of things post-ending. It's just hard to justify sometimes, because the audiences aren't as mingled as you might expect. The route people do go is what I've said before, retire the old cast, have a new cast be involved in drama while the old cast is just living their best lives.

>> No.20483956

>True enough. Some epilogues do have that, but you don't get enough time, it's just a few glances here and there at the state of things post-ending.
exactly, it's never enough. it always leaves me wanting more. it's a shame authors don't realize that people actually want to spend more time with their characters and world (when they're well written).

>> No.20483961

>The thousand times that he had proved it meant nothing. Now he was proving it again. Each time was a new time and he never thought about the past when he was doing it.

reminder that you should read things outside sff sometimes

>> No.20483966

Tolkien is king. This is indisputable.

>> No.20483979 [DELETED] 

I wasn‘t asking.

>> No.20484041
File: 305 KB, 241x775, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying to decide on which one of these to read next, any comments?

>> No.20484047

Have you read other Ishiguro? Wouldn't start with this, it's not as good as most of his other stuff.

>> No.20484077

read Lord Dunsany

>> No.20484130

Buried Giant is comfy but it is quite contemporary. It is more about the setting, the journey of a man and his wife and their relationship.

>> No.20484184

any story that have a mentor-apprentice thing going? especially if the apprentice starts young.

>> No.20484479

I think about this all the time, but with video games. Like, why after saving Princess Zelda from the clutches of Ganon, can't I settle down and start a farm and help rebuild the kingdom back to glory? Can you imagine a Zelda themed farming sim? That would be amazing.

>> No.20484525

Worse, you were stating. And arguing with dubs.

>> No.20484529 [DELETED] 

Does it trouble you?

>> No.20484549 [DELETED] 

That Bakker is the irrefutable king?
Not really, no.

>> No.20484565

Black Company and Dread Empire are pretty grim.

>> No.20484571
File: 396 KB, 1237x2067, 81hKxl70aLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for fun sci-fi/fantasy stuff. Vance, Howard, Leiber. Contemporary stuff is fine too.

>> No.20484590

Japanese do this in their LNs.

>> No.20484599

i don't feel like it's the same with games. they don't tend to have stories fleshed out enough to make me not want to leave after the ending.

>> No.20484621
File: 1.18 MB, 1275x1650, 1629469119177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was he a sigma male?

>> No.20484632

no he was a Christ allegory

>> No.20484636

Was Jesus Christ a sigma male?

>> No.20484654

t. hasn't played a game since 1995

>> No.20484696


>> No.20484725

Doc Smith

>> No.20484728

I'd say an Alpha and Omega male.

>> No.20484856

Only the darth bane books and plagueis are worth reading. Everything else is literal shit.

>> No.20484928

looks more appealing than the RPG books that get spammed here

>> No.20485020

Schuyler Hernstrom

>> No.20485080

Bridge of Birds

>> No.20485117

the proper term is dark fantasy not redditdark

>> No.20485190

Fuck off. If you knew what he meant let him say it.

>> No.20485225

T. basedhammer zoomer

>> No.20485555
File: 868 KB, 3000x2800, __alice_original_drawn_by_bb_baalbuddy__b58ee5718457cb79e856f59ba6595d0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a lich/necromancer kick. Favorite necromancer novels or LITRPGs?

>> No.20485606
File: 864 KB, 1079x1513, 1654566729912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started pic related. Hive mind intelligent wolfpacks are cool. Am I in for a wild ride?

>> No.20485609

Gideon the Ninth and its sequel were both good.

>> No.20485615

Avoid Menocht Loop if it gets recommended

>> No.20485623

couldnt get into the 2nd novel because of how it was written unfortunately, loved the first one though

>> No.20485675

I remember a book fromn the 80s or 90s that had a similar cover to the goosebumps book. I only remember the cover, it had a white diner plate with blood on it.

>> No.20485739

Really, what's it to you what people call it? What made Dark Fantasy the hill you want to die on? Just curious.

>> No.20485758

The wolfpacks are the least of it. What's cool are the zones. The rest you are in or out. If out, just forget you tried to read him.

>> No.20485876

because they're telling a story not making filler episodes for weirdos who are overly attached to shallow fictional worlds that fall apart when you sit still

>> No.20486009

is thre an audiobook?

>> No.20486017
File: 472 KB, 1280x800, twin-peaks-wallpapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the Twin Peaks of SFFG?

>> No.20486019


>> No.20486027
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>> No.20486145

Got any really erotic fantasy novels with really degenerate world building and exotic erotic situations that are only possible in fantasy genre?

>> No.20486162


>> No.20486166

>someone does a sci-fi story with interesting premise
>patreon locked

>> No.20486173

If you had to make a reading list — or just had to recommend a single book — to a summerfag new to the genre of fantasy or sci fi, what would you tell them?

>> No.20486189

Wait, is patreon the only way to make content for an esoteric elite?

>> No.20486196

holy shit. Gor. I remember hanging out on freeform RP channels on IRC and meeting multiple "Goreans". every last one was fucking insane.

>> No.20486312

Idk anon, sounds comfy.
>Reader I married him
Kek, good one anon.

>> No.20486597
File: 39 KB, 314x475, 68429._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>city under siege by 2 armies
>thousands of people constantly entering and exiting the city
>enemy general waltzes in for a surprise meeting
what is going on

>> No.20486607

YA writing

>> No.20486673

Just Sanderson Things.

If you‘re into comedy, you should check the politics of the Stormlight Archive.

>> No.20486735
File: 202 KB, 838x1267, gapbook1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'The Real Story' by Stephen Rapelord Donaldson

>> No.20486914

and it's not like i want this from every book i read. if it's shallow then i'll move on obviously.

>> No.20486985

Thanks for the Gideon the Ninth rec, I'm lovin' it™.

>> No.20486995
File: 2 KB, 41x25, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most unfortunately named fantasy characters and/or locations?

>> No.20487038

Any character named by Steven Erikson

>> No.20487040

Read "the bridge on Drina" by Andric.

>> No.20487070

No, I'll rather read Bakker. Thank you, I take back my request and want some good grimdark instead.

>> No.20487089 [DELETED] 

if bakker is so great, why can't his books even reach an average rating of 4 on goodreads? explain yourselves, bakker """chads""""?

>> No.20487099
File: 466 KB, 973x1979, BakkerReview_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His books are polarizing. There are many who pick up his books and dislike the style of it and give bad reviews, pic related. Then there are books in goodreads that no one knows of except some devoted fanbase so the books are close to five stars.

>> No.20487115

all 3 mistborn books are around 4.5 stars on goodreads so no one should really put much stock in those ratings

>> No.20487117

Books are rated by those who read them. More often than not, most classics are at about 4 stars or even a little below 4 stars, and that is because more people have read the book. People who don't like fantasy or YA won't even go near Mistborn.

>> No.20487140 [DELETED] 

But fantasy is trash! Not even real literature!
>Meanwhile most read books of all time:
>1. The Holy Bible.
>2. The Holy Quran.
>3. The Harry Potter Series: J.K. Rowling.
>4. The Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse Tung.
>5. The Lord of the Rings.

>> No.20487150

About to start the Lyonesse trilogy lads. What am I in for?

>> No.20487155
File: 3.03 MB, 1740x1667, the chart version 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RAFO, it is recommended.

>> No.20487156

3 books

>> No.20487165

This comment made me read Prince of Nothing

>> No.20487170

Very sick of this meme chart and the people who post it.

>> No.20487184 [DELETED] 

No one asked.

>> No.20487252

And nobody asked for you to spam it every single thread, fuckhead.

>> No.20487256 [DELETED] 

Didn't ask.

>> No.20487271

The Hobbit sucks ass

>> No.20487327
File: 45 KB, 400x557, cute happy cat with cute cat cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hobbit is a comfy kid's story

>> No.20487335 [DELETED] 

it's kinda mid no cap

>> No.20487384 [DELETED] 

Ah - the brainlet thread. How are we this evening, brainlets?

>> No.20487396 [DELETED] 

Ah, you are just in time for your coronation.

>> No.20487400

Going to go to to bed and read The Iron Circlet

>> No.20487401

I've heard good things about Never Die Twice.

>> No.20487403

I have heard bad things about it, much more than good.

>> No.20487407 [DELETED] 

You tell us.

>> No.20487414

i personally didn't like it much. read up to the half point iirc.
but then again i don't like villainous MCs in general, at least if they aren't anti-heroes, so your mileage may vary.

>> No.20487428

Any good western-insoired fantasy novels?

>> No.20487469

I just finished The Unholy Cunnysolt
Is that it? I can't find anything online about whats coming next. I had assumed from getting the book titles from wikipedia before I started that this was the last book..

>> No.20487475

there's apparently another story in the works to wrap things up, but no word on it at all. so for now that's it

>> No.20487476

The second apocalypse is what I would consider reddit.

Malazan and The Black Company were leagues better, bakker is obsessed with cuckoldry.

>> No.20487498

This is historically accurate. Most cities are too big to completely siege off.

>> No.20487516

who is the enemy general that comes in for a surprise meeting?
didnt the guy that wasnt elend's dad come in with only a handful of guys in disguise as refugees?

>> No.20487537

no it isn't
>refugees entering a besieged city
>"come on in, the enemy couldn't possibly use this to enter the city and usurp the gates!"

>> No.20487541
File: 53 KB, 621x680, 1645162983975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've stopped reading Hyperion after the first book

>> No.20487547

Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

>> No.20487553
File: 157 KB, 640x798, 1646981172203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20487558

Why is Vance's fantasy work so amazing, while his science-fiction so dull? Lyonesse and Dying Earth are two of my absolute favourite fantasy series, but I struggle to think of any of his sci-fi that is anything but mediocre

>> No.20487581

I can understand your Malazan comparison, but where are you getting Black Company from? Two totally different series, anon.

>> No.20487583

Should i start with The Silmarillion or LoTR for a batter experience?

>> No.20487585

Fun fact of the day: Malazan was inspired by BC.

>> No.20487588

I have been reading Lord of the Rings for 20 years and I've never once wanted to read any other books other LOTR and the hobbit. Silmarillion is way too boring.

>> No.20487590

>and I've never once wanted to read any other books other LOTR and the hobbit
I can understand if it is taking you 20 years to get through one series.

>> No.20487613
File: 44 KB, 540x303, 1651024721108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most disgusting posts I have ever had the displeasure of reading in this general.

>> No.20487632

I read the series usually once every year or two
explain? Fellowship is one of my favorite books of all time. I like narrative structure. Not fantasy that reads like history. I love ASOIAF but i'll never touch fire and blood. I prefer to read Lord Sumption The Hundred Years' war or something. Real history. Not made up history.

>> No.20487674

Fire & Blood is a novel not a history book you brain-dead spastic.

>> No.20487695

Cmon guys everyone does the fuck he wants but please answer to my question

>> No.20487703

>I have been reading Lord of the Rings for 20 years
Lol what?

>> No.20487716

hobbit, then lotr, then silmarillion

>> No.20487817

It reads like a history book. Don't forget to prep the Dragon for HBO fag.

>> No.20487890
File: 121 KB, 907x1360, between22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only buy books with good looking covers

Im based

>> No.20488055

The only people I ever see who hate The Name of the Wind are brainlets who don't understand what an unreliable narrator is. So there is no way whoever made this chart actually read and understood Book of the New Sun.

>> No.20488059

I'm fairly sure it's just a chart of "how much /sffg/ talks about them in a positive way".

>> No.20488081

name of the wind sucks because it has shitty writing and is tedious to read

>> No.20488088
File: 129 KB, 768x1024, cuckkiller chronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you discussing that series with? Because it sure as hell isn't this general considering this is your first day.

>> No.20488093 [DELETED] 

an unreliable narrator is not an excuse to be reading cuckold redditor fanfiction

>> No.20488533

"muh unreliable narrator" is not an excuse for a shit plot and characters.

>> No.20488537

Not really making sense here, ESLbro

>> No.20488543

Can I get a QRD on this book? Have seen it posted many many times but never really checked it out. Good or simply a meme?

>> No.20488677

I don't know why but I've had this overwhelming compulsion to read Malazan, despite never really reading a big series

>> No.20488685

>despite never really reading a big series
How are you even here?

>> No.20488690

I mean like a 3+ series (except for ASOIAF)

>> No.20488699 [DELETED] 

Bakker is King

Simple as.

>> No.20488710

You’ve never read LotR?

Tolkien is king. We’ve already had this discussion

>> No.20488721

Truth Shines.

>> No.20488726 [DELETED] 

thats debatable...

however what is a a fact, a universal truth carved in stone is that jannies are urban youth ...on hrt

>> No.20488729

LotR is three books ya ningnong

>> No.20488770

You said you don’t read 3+ series. That means greater or equal to 3, silly.

>> No.20488781

Thats another anon, I never said I don't just haven't.

>> No.20488784

How do you avoid reading 3+ book series in fantasy? What have you read?

>> No.20488801
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again I'm not "avoiding" it, just don't feel particularly drawn into massive epics. Ive read ASOIAF, LOTR, Harry Potter (when I was young) Hobbit.

I mostly stick with sci-fi, and have read series in that genre, but really never anything more than trilogies

>> No.20488810

Read BotNS, pronto.

>> No.20488821

Reddit cuckold fantasies

>> No.20488849

Bridgeburners (genbakiis) vs black company (post charm pre juniper)

Who would win?

>> No.20488886 [DELETED] 

Truth Shines.

>> No.20488893

I asked

>> No.20488901 [DELETED] 
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holy based

>> No.20488907

You do understand that it's not enough to have an unreliable narrator, right? The author has to do something interesting with the unreliable narrator, and so far Rothfuss hasn't.

>> No.20488936
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Has anyone read this series?

I'm on book 2 and I'm not sure if I should continue, it is pretty slow paced and not much is happening. I can see where the story is going but does the series get better as it goes along?

It's a 6 book series so I can understand if the first few books are slow paced but it picks up later. I don't want to waste my time if it doesn't improve though.

>> No.20488940

Always wondered why their faces are like that. Is it for protection?

>> No.20488942

Are you above the age of 25?

>> No.20488943

did you read the riyria books?

>> No.20488948

What does that have do with anything?
No, this is set 300 years or so before those books.

>> No.20488953

It's awful. Worse than the Riyria books, which is quite an accomplishment.

>> No.20488958

>No, this is set 300 years or so before those books.
then you're still going to miss some connections that otherwise would have made the books more interesting for you

>> No.20488969

I've always seen good praise for the Riyria books, that is why I thought I'd give this series a try.

I would say this series is YA but it isn't far off. The writting isn't anything special.

>> No.20488980

He wrote these books as a prequal to any of the the other books without need to have any knowledge of them.

>> No.20488985

The author shilled his books hard on reddit for years. That's the only reason the Riyria books got any sort of following.

>> No.20488989

bridgeburners and no, I have not read the black company

>> No.20489075

>Riyria books
The six original Riyria books were okay. The first empire shit was horrible. The author turned into a SJW shiller to get the cookie points. That girl genius protag was awful, and I hated the fucking retarded cripple who had a hard stiffy for her.

>> No.20489078

yes, as a new jumping on point, but as with any other media that works as a prequel, if you dont read the books written beforehand you are going to miss connections to the other series

>> No.20489089

The difference in relative power levels ensures it's not even close to a fair fight. Bridgeburners easily win by virtue of mage support alone.

>> No.20489119

After looking at some goodreads reviews (not the raving fan boy or shill ones), they seem to confirm my suspicions.

The books are mostly filler, with the last few pages of each book getting interesting, then ending on cliffhanger to get you interested in getting the next book to find out what happens.

Think I'll drop it to be honest, I have much more interesting books I want to read.

>> No.20489149

Gideon was so awful that I can't imagine the sequel being any good. It's pretty fucking weird that it gets such universal praise.

>> No.20489184

Digits of the Warrior-Prophet.

>> No.20489225

maybe you're the weird one for not liking it

>> No.20489229

He probably got filtered.

>> No.20489238

Different guy here, and while I don't dislike it, I'm definitely not loving it so far. It's good enough so far (about halfway in) but for some reason something about the way it's written isn't sitting well with me. I don't know what exactly it is, but it's a book where it feels like a lot can seem to happen without a lot actually happening.

>> No.20489313

>but it's a book where it feels like a lot can seem to happen without a lot actually happening.
What does this even mean?

>> No.20489318

I've read the first two and on average I'd say they're worse than Riyria Revelations. The second book felt like mostly filler. Book 1 was okay, but the only think remarkable about it was the cover art.

>> No.20489336

I mean it feels like it's describing a lot of things happening and yet very little events actually occur. Maybe that's not quite it, but it's what it feels like to me.

>> No.20489338

Nah, it's everyone else. What did you think was good about it?

I had decent expectations after the initial chunk that happened on their home world, but everything else that happened was just a slog. Witty one-liners can't hold a book together on their own and the rest was pretty damn boring. I was surprised I got through the whole thing.

>> No.20489349

That's a decent description of it. It's an annoyingly common fault of fantasy and sci-fi, especially in some older works (not that it doesn't happen in new ones like this one).

There's a lot of unearned relationships too and a lot of the more major plot elements occur solely because of those and them and everything else just wind up falling flat.

>> No.20489351

Lol, the ultimate brainlet cope. How is the MC in that even that much of an unreliable narrator? Aside from everyone he likes become one-dimensionally good and everyone he hates being one-dimensionally bad, there's nothing to it. The unreliability of the narrator doesn't factor into the story in any real sense. It's just what idiots like to repeat because they think it make them sound smart.

>> No.20489360

Yeah, its a dike garbage, surely I must be weird for not liking it

>> No.20489366

My bad for saying "not" That's what I get for not paying attention for what I wrote.

You're right it's garbage..

>> No.20489372

I don't think the relationships are unearned as such, I do generally like the characters, Gideon just being a brute force character is fun, but... Like... The book has this pretty engrossing thing to start, then Gideon and Harrow go to the First House to do a thing, they're told "Oh we have no idea HOW you do this thing, figure it out", then Harrow immediately abandons Gideon and Gideon spends a good chunk of the book not actually doing much besides getting character introductions until she doesn't. It's... The flow of it, I think. It feels like it's just "event -> downtime -> event", with very minimal easing to either extreme. Maybe that's intentional, but it does feel a bit off-kilter to read.

>> No.20489414

Read few pages so far. Mixed feelings but opinions are mostly positive.

>> No.20489453

Amazing insight, thanks so much!

>> No.20489456
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Reading Hyperion- like it a lot so far. Any other books that are similar?

>> No.20489483

Well, what'd you like about it?

>> No.20489487

sounds like you guys have personality disorders, maybe try therapy? or go volunteer at a homeless shelter. do something good for your community

>> No.20489514

idk, having a hard time articulating what about it grips me the way that it does.
really like the vague worldbuilding that fills in the more you read and the pseudo-philosophical themes.
Really liked the stuff about the Cruciform, Shrike, AI, the future of religion, etc.

>> No.20489516

Try Tolkien.

>> No.20489546

epic meme, any real recs?

>> No.20489576

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep for the AI stuff
Rendezvous with Rama for the vague worldbuilding aspect
>t. an honest pleb who has read Hyperion but not enough other stuff to give goods recs

>> No.20489577

The children of Hurin

>> No.20489580
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>> No.20489590

>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Should I still read it if I have watched Bladerunner

>> No.20489607

>Should I still read it if I have watched Bladerunner
Yes, why wouldn't you?

>> No.20489609

Worth the candle is bad
One of those meta novels that thinks being a meta novel is enough on its own

>> No.20489614

Any rational fic is terrible.

>> No.20489617


>> No.20489627

it's short too

>> No.20489632

Yeah, I didn't realise that's what it was when someone here started going on about it.
Thing it most reminded me of is those wuxia/xianxia stories where they protagonist is ridiculously overpowered but the author forgets to put enough jokes in to make it worth reading.

Different subgenres but same case of forgetting why the reader's there in the first place

>> No.20489641

Same also applies to >>20488055 Name of the Wind and the unreliable narrator there.
Cool you've got an unreliable narrator that's nice. It's now been 2000 pages and you've done nothing interesting with it.

>> No.20489648

>Got any really erotic fantasy novels with really degenerate world building and exotic erotic situations that are only possible in fantasy genre?
Kushiel's Dart is about a woman whose magical power makes her really good at masochistic sex.
It's genuinely incredible, one of the best courtly intrigue fantasies ever.

>> No.20489668

. It's impossible to give a helpful opinion. For me it sounds promising and judging by the reviews I will like it a lot.

It all depends on what you're looking for.

English is my 2nd language and i noticed that there are a lot of archaic words that I don't know. That throws me off.

>> No.20489691

>Thing it most reminded me of is those wuxia/xianxia stories where they protagonist is ridiculously overpowered but the author forgets to put enough jokes in to make it worth reading.
>Different subgenres but same case of forgetting why the reader's there in the first place
Rational fics are often just the person trying to rewrite an entire series how they see fit. Like that one harry potter rational fic.

>> No.20489759

I actually remember reading some twilight rational fic and I was just confused by it.

>> No.20489819

>twilight rational fic
Are you talking about Luminosity? Couldn't get past the first chapter.

>> No.20489831

That’s the one. Holy shit, it was such a train wreck for me. I stop after the first book.

>> No.20489903

Pozzed jewish garbage.

>> No.20489907

Never understood why all rational fics had cold detach narrations.

>> No.20489915

The beginning of Suldrun's Garden is giving me weird, pedo vibes. No wonder you faggots like it so much.

>> No.20490028

New thread

>> No.20490093

Does the Black Company have preptime?