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20485914 No.20485914 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20485919

The Bible, Das Kapital, A Theory of Justice, and Mein Kampf are all books suitable for the lazy and unproductive elements of society.

>> No.20485943

mirin' his level of not giving a shit desu

>> No.20485980
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"The Right To Be Lazy" by Some Socialist Negro who fucked Marx's daughter before they both did the world a favour and killed themselves in their middle-age.

>> No.20485982
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>unproductive elements of society.
You mean our saviors. Anyone who turns away from the fevered tasks to consume the life out of the earth and feed it into the furnace of technology, is doing us a favor

>> No.20486096

That's crazy. I sit at home in my jammies doing wfh tech making 6 figs. Life ain't fair fr fr

>> No.20486160

What's going on here?

>> No.20486175

Nah they're shitting their pants and screaming on the bus

>> No.20486218

This dude has obviously never lived around members of this group.

>> No.20486225
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Bartleby, the Scrivener by Melville

>> No.20486243

Homeless leave a much smaller carbon footprint. Everyone else on the bus is there to get to work, dum dum

He has. He’s a sociologist and spent time in Madagascar and New York amongst anarchists and hippie sorts

>> No.20486249

>le carbon footprint!

>> No.20486250

dull memelord

>> No.20486253
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I would prefer not to

>> No.20486290

Bullshit Jobs

>> No.20486629


The manifesto I'm currently writing.
Work is equiprimordial with an endless circular problem where useless, poor, unactialised people are brought into the world to be just that, and nothing but that.
Most mistake this as a top-down relationship alone, when in actuality the poor (working classes) are equally tyrannical slave drivers, valourising their own suffering and that of others - the unemployed are resented, and this resentment creates the impetus to work at whatever cost, without any criticality. This is the unifying tenet of both Marxism-socialism and market capitalism.
Suffering is implicit within this constant will to produce, the necessity in having enough people to carry out mundane tasks - tasks we only require precisely because we are so bloated with people in the first place. We only do this because the majority of people are totally invested in this single mode of being, which is also a part of the productive enterprise. Education, politics etc. is all directed toward productivity. Even art is solely concerned with productivity now (e.g "accessibility" - essentially arts descent into total ordinariness, the most marketable zone) The answer to this problem is ,of course, omnicide, unless any of you fags have any different ideas because at ~ 120000 words in I'm stumped.

>> No.20486710

Just get a job

>> No.20487068

I'm sure there are some good arguments to be made against work, but the problem is that usually the people advocating that sort of thing are useless pieces of shit lacking both the knowledge and the intellectual rigor to make one.

>> No.20487084

Read stuff by the Autonomous Marxists

>> No.20487094

Ok but neets get 0 pussy so...

>> No.20487134

My novel desu

>> No.20487179

Will you publish this manifesto? Or could you recommend me a manifesto/book that has similar points of view?

>> No.20487228
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This shitpost i made a few years back (no actual manifesto exists).

>> No.20487241


>> No.20487409

Evola makes a lot of good points about how soulless and unfulfilling modern work culture is compared to what he views as traditional, spiritually virile action and duty.

>> No.20487459
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>> No.20487578

you’re going to trigger the chuds, be careful

>> No.20487731
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>NEET history

>> No.20487764

leisure - josf pieper
Tools for Conviviality - Ivan Illich
post office - bukowski

>> No.20487790

And this is why we must separate Mr Shekelberg from his money

>> No.20487840

work is good, alienated labour is bad

>> No.20487911

Working in a factory or like a septic cleaner sounds fucking gay even if you own le means

>> No.20487918

Thank you.

>> No.20487921

The Accurshed Share

>> No.20487929

it's not even the roaches that trigger my autism here, it's the fact that he's just breathing in all that insecticide

>> No.20487963

He enjoys doing that. To each their own.

>> No.20488005

Whatever job this guy is doing is probably necessary though. This is a horrible way to start an anti-work discussion because someone will always have to do this as long as people shit and want plumbing. Ridiculous narcissism to assume that no one needs to work because “everything just works bro” and you always have food on the table. The sad proles like this will just become slaves for the anti-work caste that will see itself as culturally and morally superior for not working

>> No.20488024

dropped and scrolled past

>> No.20488030

do you think the roaches ever climb into his asshole

>> No.20488044


Thank you for proving my point.


Not a NEET, and I have relationships in multitudinous modes, with different people. There are other ways to live other than working or living off parents or neetbux, however you have to be a little creative.


Thank you for asking anon - I plan to publish it, but I'm still finding more and more to go into it. Less of a manifesto, more of a philosophical/polemical pamphlet, but I said manifesto 1) to be glib as part of the joke in my original post and 2) because it's more succinct.
It's not a treatise in the conventional sense - I use the art of essay writing, naturally - but also epigrams, aphorisms etc. I'm writing it alongside a novella length prose poem too.
In terms of recommendations, I haven't actually read any manifestos apart from the obvious ones (Ted, Zerzan, Marx), but they don't interest me too much. I enjoy the irony that Deleuze and Cioran are my ultimate authorities on life. Spinoza too, but less so now. I don't have many recommendations for you I'm afraid, since I believe work on the subject (at least in the truly radical perspective I hope to see it from) is totally lacking; oftentimes, it's some vague plea from a liberal or socialist type to reform how we live, without saying too many naughty things about the working class itself. Marketable Pop-phil-answers to the problem are like reaching a series of false summits. To give an answer though: there's much value in those thinkers I've already mentioned, as well as Ellul, Baudrillard, Badieu. Don't forget about the power of poetry and prose either - for this, I can't think of anyone who understood this whole problem better than Kafka (for instance, The Castle is the ultimate treatise on bureaucracy - not in the sense that K is trapped in a top-down system, but that he is a participant/executor of a system without identity or exact origin). But I'm becoming garrulous already, so I hope those recs help in some way. The best thing I can tell you to do is to write it yourself if you don't find it

>> No.20488113

haha gleichursprünglich

>> No.20488195

Woah...mobile browsing now had webm playback capability...thanks 4channel

>> No.20489416

He's the guy from men in black

>> No.20489608
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>the people who inject industrial solvents into their blood, shake down passerby's for food and change, and shit, piss, and litter wherever they happen to be at the moment
Ah yes, definitely "improving the world"

>> No.20489741

Welcome to the modern world ikiddie.

>> No.20489798

that is because you fail to understand the implications of owing the means of production

>> No.20489835


>> No.20489842

Based. This’ll trigger the lolbert chuds.

>> No.20489854

Thank you for demonstrating that communism is a religion.

>> No.20489908

>You don't understand I HAVE TO dump my barely digested goyslop into the mouth of a porcelain demon I CANNOT shit in dirt like we did for millions of years

>> No.20489910


>> No.20489919

The environment lost. Anarchists lost. Technology won. Corporations won. Hail our people.

>> No.20489923


>> No.20489932
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, 5792813_122719-kgo-sf-homeless-img_Image_16-35-29,03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true

>> No.20489943

Yep, there is work indeed. In fact, I have an entry level position available! I just need 5-10 years of experience!

>> No.20489946

Do use plumbing/electricity/medicine? You talk a big game

>> No.20489984

piss jug
i stole this phone

>> No.20490064

Tyveck suit, full face mask, and proper light are badly needed.

>> No.20490101


>> No.20490107

That is probably just water, looks like they are inspecting the brick work, high pressure water to remove the filth/loose mortar so they can get a good view of what needs to be done.

>> No.20490146

>a nigger telling anyone to get a job
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.20490304

The Abolition of Work by Bob Black

>> No.20490336

Off the top of my head:
The Abolition of Work - Black
Bullshit Jobs - Graeber
Empire - Negri
The Right to Be Lazy - Lafargue
An Essay on Liberation - Marcuse
One-Dimensional Man - Marcuse
Free Time - Adorno
The German Ideology - Marx
Capital vol. II - Marx
Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 - Marx
The Desire for Work as an Adaptive Preference - Cholbi
The Duty to Work - Cholbi
The Problem with Work - Weeks
The Mirror of Production - Baudrillard
Visions of Excess - Bataille
An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital - Heinrich
Why Surfers Should Be Fed - Van Parijs
Real Freedom for All - Van Parjis
Undoing Work, Rethinking Community - Chamberlain
Grundrisse - Marx
The Gay Science - Nietzsche
In Praise of Idleness - Russell
For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign - Baudrillard
When Bataille Attacked the Metaphysical Principle of Economy - Baudrillard
Historical Objections to the Centrality of Work - Deranty
The Refusal of Work - Frayne
Minima Moralia - Adorno
The Society of the Spectacle - Debord
On the Genealogy of Morality - Nietzsche
Automation and Utopia - Danaher
Two Marxian Themes - Brudney

>> No.20490342

I'd also maybe add The Conquest of Bread - Kropotkin.

>> No.20490476

I’m the guy you’re replying to, I respectfully consneed. About to go take a fat shit in the woods

>> No.20490546

lafargue had a good point, though. what was the point of establishing a workers' state if the workers were just going to manage themselves like the bourgeoisie did?

>> No.20490558

Never get your confined spaces cert. Doing this tmr.

>> No.20490561

those are are just junkies and the insane, most homeless are normal people and you'd never know they were there if you don't know where to look. there's an entire nomadic population in the united states right now that just moves from campground to campground. real tramps don't want the hassle

>> No.20490581

It always had that you fucking faggot apple victim

>> No.20490604

Even if you're right, think of all the bacteria carried by the roaches. I bet the guy didn't shit solids for 2 months at least after that. Hell, a single scratch and you're looking at a really bad infection.

>> No.20490818

The vast majority of them are either junkies or mentally ill. They're not some hidden population bro what fucking decade do you even live in. Go walk around any major city East Coast, West Coast, Midwest whatever you'll pass by hundreds of them in a single day walking around whether you're in New York, LA, or wherever in between.

>> No.20490847

Another niche historical figure destroyed

>> No.20490946

>communism is a cult
FTFY. Communism is too morally bankrupt to be a religion.

>> No.20491326

People are far less fragile that you seem to believe.

>> No.20491394

>noo not bugs! not being hot
you guys are pussys

>> No.20491411
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You have a very teeny tiny conception of the world

>> No.20491430

Leninism is famously a cult, but then ALL statism is.
To say “Communism” is like saying “Utopia” okay? They have communist political parties who merely want to direct capitalism in a more orderly fashion that benefits the most people. China’s figured out how to do that. They still call themselves communist, though they say they’re practicing socialism with their state-capitalist. It’s not even state centralized capitalism!


>> No.20491486

Prove it to me. Down into the roach pit you go.

>> No.20491498

>They have communist political parties who merely want to direct capitalism in a more orderly fashion that benefits the most people
Theory drivel. All this achieve is to enrich the politburo and impoverish the people, effectively making the people government's cattle.

>China’s figured out how to do that
Opression and slavery

>> No.20491529

Yeah faggot my conception of the world doesn't immediately focus on people on the other side of it when I deal with the people he's referencing nearly everyday harassing me for change and shitting everywhere. Anybody who looks at the lumpenproles with anything other than disdain is either in the business of duping you or an idiot getting duped. In Graeber's case I believe he was the latter. Just another moron holding up the stupidest, laziest, most slovenly and detestable dregs of society as admirable in a perversion of actual Marxism.

>> No.20491538
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>> No.20491553

>Theory drivel.
Okay. Chinese feel different about it though.
Not saying I’m a fan
>oppression and slavery
Ummm. You’re cover in a really thick coating of propaganda, anon. Might want to have that looked at.

>> No.20491555

Just go visit any poverty stricken area, they would not be alive if people were that fragile.

>> No.20491567

have you ever had a job, a gf/bf, or even attended a University? You should fucking try it instead of writing "manifestos" on fucking 4chan. Get some friends dude

>> No.20491644

>Chinese feel different about it though
State-educated chinese feel whatever the party wants them to feel

> You’re cover in a really thick coating of propaganda, anon
>believes that the ostensive control of the populace is the better option
Stop projecting

>> No.20491645

Get a job Mr. Lebowski. Get a job sir.

>> No.20491655

I’m not projecting. I already said I don’t endorse Chinese methodology, but you’re straight up ignorant and eating a ton of anti-China propaganda

>> No.20491665

>you're straight up ignorant
I'm being told by an activist demagogue that I'm ignorant, thanks for the support

>> No.20491669

I’m a bookworm and have been studying this very topic for years.

>> No.20491746

r/antiwork, of course

>> No.20491759

>He has. He’s a sociologist and spent time in Madagascar and New York amongst anarchists and hippie sorts
you are an absolute idiot

>> No.20491763

Let me guess: you're an expert on "world conception"

>> No.20491777

Went to an employment agency recently. Told them I would like 20-30hrs per week so I can finish school. The gal who interviewed me said that unfortunately for me I am not eligible for 85% of their jobs as they have MINIMUM 50hr/wk schedules and most are 60 hours a week. She said her own employment agency requires ALL employees to work a MINIMUM of 55 hrs/wk. I absolutely guarantee the senior execs of her company are just like the companies requiring crazy work hours: they work 20-30 hours a week and force their employees to work double or triple that. How else are those executives gonna make their multi-million salaries AND go on vacation 20x a year.

>> No.20491780
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You have to go back.

>> No.20491824

Employment agencies deal with mostly temp work which is often long hours, but the job only lasts a few weeks and you make good money, the trade off for it not being steady. For a few years I lived off temp work, would work for 3 months and coast the rest of the year, but I did little else than work for those three months. For the most part all the steady jobs which come into an employment agency goes to a regular, not the fella who just walked in off the street.

>> No.20491861

I think you are kinda right.

>> No.20492032

You'd be better off digging ditches. Intellectuals are scum, they effectively know jack shit of what they talk about and I blame everything bad happen to society on them.

>> No.20492143


>> No.20492749

And i thought getting your forklift license was a curse...

>> No.20492784

The discussion really ends here, as shown by the fact that the only replies you got were shitposts.

>> No.20492836

doesn't even make sense as a response, your brain is microscopic

>> No.20492942


>Just work! Get creative, there's always something if you put yourself out there!
>Become dumbass streamer and make bank sitting at a computer; become sex worker; play music on the street, etc.
>"noooooooo not like that, that's not real work!"

When it really comes down to it, those who profess that they want people to work and not be a drain on society actually mean that they want people to suffer the same misery, boredom and lack of freedom that they do. It's a negative, not affirmative stance to take. Ordinary people seethe with total contempt and jealousy at the notion of alternative, fringe sorts of income. They can't understand the will required to vampirise the system of capital, and to live more comfortably doing less necessary labour. Parasites are one of the most noble animals since they figured this out eons ago.

When you really get down to it

>> No.20492954


Oof, I replied to the wrong post. I kill self in shame. Point still stands though.

>> No.20492993

Why, you don't think you'd be liquidated or imprisoned as a social parasite? That's the historical reality of revolution, comrade.

>> No.20493500

post video to twitter in order to end feminism

>> No.20493588

He's fat, balding and doing a disgusting job. What keeps him going? His family? His love for Norf FC? The weekly Saturday pub quiz with the lads?

>> No.20493614

Well, I was intrigued by this man so I decided to dig deeper and found his tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jad3sad29?lang=en

I was right, it seems to be his family and dogs. Also he has shitloads of followers and likes because that tiktok went viral apparently

>> No.20493651

It's easy to idolise chronically unemployed when you never spend time around them or live in environment where they are the majority. Guess what: they are not fun, easy going happy go lucky lovable fools, at best they are boring retards, at worst degenerate criminals, and not the smart kind.

>> No.20493734

I am a nazi and I agree.

>> No.20493785

Life shouldn't be wasted in mindless work.

>> No.20493794

>Woah... like, how do people make themselves live without porn and anime??? I don't understand bro wtf!!

>> No.20493927

this is the manliest thing i have ever seen

i say that disparagingly btw. crazy how men exist to be ugly and unwanted and have a built in servile switch which is activated by labor during their coming of age. and they live to work and to serve and be gross and sweaty and fat and bald and hairy. and to go around and stick their heads in shit and move furniture and inhale poisonous fumes. and just have to be ok with that because thats their role in the species

im almost surprised castration didnt become a universal widespread human practice, like wearing clothes and language.
i would probably be happier castrated.

>> No.20493953

Your brain on theory, no wonder most of the guys I fuck are lefties

>> No.20494011

Only lefties have that uncontrollable urge to stick it to pigs.

>> No.20494048

>le cult
We refuted this word the other month in /lit/. Cult means a successful religion where people practice what the preach. People don't like it so they seethe.

>> No.20494082

I destroyed you in a single post and this is all you can muster up? Yeah, you don't deserve my knowledge. We're done here.

>> No.20494093

>imblying lefties top

>> No.20494366

Why not kill the cockroaches? There aren't that many of them

>> No.20494393

Sounds a bit like Bataille to me with the anti-prosuctive sentiments

>> No.20494842

>There aren't that many of them
The time you spend swatting them will just allow more to crawl on you
t. have slept in a cockroach-infested room before.

>> No.20494897

>hey guys did you know that i'm gay? I'M GAY! HEEEEY I'M GAY
Fuck off attention-whoring retard, not a single person cares.

>> No.20495220
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anti-work people are unironically the least well read people i have ever met

>> No.20495465

>the progressist civic cult I devote myself isn't a cult, we refoooted it!
Pathetic backwards rationalization

>> No.20496159

I think Bourdiue and Foucault already wrote this

>> No.20496574

i mean, with all the artificially created goyslop modern society consumes it would probably poison and fuck up the earth

>> No.20496609

is more like educational system propagnada mostly

>> No.20496711

You desperately need an editor, but I agree with all of that.

>> No.20496836

lang math

>> No.20497000

That never happen at all.

>> No.20497035

Do you really have nothing else in your life? I could fill my entire existence with all the things I like and am interested in and I still wouldn't have enough time on this planet to go through it all. Do you really define your character and entire existence through employment so that you can't possibly imagine someone else might be a little different?

>> No.20497314

add Josef Pieper and his concept of leisure

>> No.20497342

Josef Pieper says:
>"We work so we can have leisure", would therefore, as a preliminary approach, declare this: we work in order to do—to enable us to do—something other than work. What is this "something other"? Recreation, entertainment, amusement, play—all this is not meant here. Wouldn't it be quite nonsensical to think of work as drawing its justification from play? No, this "something other" indicates an activity meaningful in itself.

>This too, I hope, has become clear: it is an insidiously dangerous and consequential undertaking to deny that work is characterized by its "usefulness-for- something-else", even—yes!—by its "servile" dimension. It is a fiction to declare work, the production of useful things, to be meaningful in itself. Such fiction leads to the exact opposite of what it seems to accomplish. It brings about the exact opposite of "liberation", "elevation", or "rehabilitation" for the worker. It brings about precisely that inhuman dimension so typical of the world of absolute work: it accomplishes the final bondage of man within the process of work, it explicitly makes everybody a proletarian. This is happening openly and explicitly in those totalitarian "Workers' States", but it is also infecting all other parts of the world, at least as a danger and temptation. It shows, for instance, in the difficulty we experience in answering this question: of what, then, might such activity "meaningful in itself", such "liberal" activity, consist? How should we conceive of such an activity that does not need something other for its justification, that is not defined as producing useful goods and objective results? An activity that does not bring forth the means for our existence but is existential realization itself, an activity in which man's true and proper good, his genuine richness, fullest life, and most perfect happiness is attained?

He gives a sacred character to "leisure" – it is not recreation, entertainment etc, but religious festivity.

>> No.20497360

>it should be wasted in mindless entertainment instead!

>> No.20497373

It isn't even that bad in USA. Almost no VAT (or none at all in some states), low PIT. Here the country steals at least half of regular worker's salary (and actually a lot less if you are rich, go figure).
I can't imagine feudal serfs would survive if half their food got stolen.

>> No.20497381

>improving the world
what exactly are they improving?

>> No.20497421

You're the same guy, right>>20493794

>> No.20497430


>> No.20497438

If not in person you certainly are as brain damaged.