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20484112 No.20484112 [Reply] [Original]

Best books about addiction?

>> No.20484120

The Learned Disguise

>> No.20484158

Alcoholics anonymous. It's not a great read though but in my experience (sober addict) it hits the nail on the head. Otherwise buddhist and stoic literature has many similar insights that can help you understand addiction. The only stoic I have read is Seneca though and he was a fucking sophist hack so try to avoid him lol. Also lord of the rings. Gollum was a hardcore junkie.

>> No.20484267

Do you go to meetings? I've been thinking about going to an NA meeting but they might be pissed because I'm just a hardcore kratom addict but not a real junkie.

>> No.20484270

/lit/ is full of addicts from what I've seen so far. why are smart people so fucked mentally

>> No.20484275

living around normies is lonely and frustrating

>> No.20484304

Young men are alienated in a historically unique way. Everything is ugly and painful but the right substance will make everything alright.

>> No.20484482

L'Assomoir from Émile Zola. Its about alcohol and you should find it in Ebook format on Project Gutemberg

>> No.20484563

imagine getting addicted to kratom lol

>> No.20484608

Unironically Infinite Jest
Got me to stop hitting dabs every night and come off my SSRIs

>> No.20484649

Morphine by Bulgakov

>> No.20484651

shuddup bitch
In 2016 when it blew up things were different.
This looks good. Never read a Zola.
Can't relate. I fucking hate weed but the book is good.

>> No.20484680

honestly, that's fair. I started taking it in 2017 but by then the peers I found out about it from and the internet were warning about its ability to be habit forming. I just keep my doses low, try not to take it too often, and do tolerance breaks. but I can see how it'd be a struggle, so godspeed anon. have you tried tapering? I've heard that's the best way

>> No.20484710

Yeah people told me that it was as addictive as Tea lol. I'm going cold turkey rn. Its going alright but I'm pretty anxious and abandoning the only substance I've ever loved is painful.

>> No.20484797

I feel for you, I really like kratom. congrats on making so far on a cold turkey quit though

>> No.20484857

the author himself take psychological drugs like it was candy so i dont think that take was in her work.

>> No.20484920

I used to take like 300g of kratom a day, shits a bitch to quit. Do not envy you guys rn lol

>> No.20484930

what the fuck nigger? how does this happen? how do you even consume this much raw plant material daily? makes it really hard to feel sympathy

>> No.20484937

how the fuck do you faggots get hooked on kratom? every now and then, I'll take 1-2g every few days until I run out of a tiny bag of it. then I won't buy it for months at a time. still nice for relaxed energy or just to subtly lift my mood.
how do you even get that much in your body?!?! wouldn't you choke to death in the process?

>> No.20484944


>> No.20484951

Whoa whoa not sure all you fags on here are smart. You just repeat the same bs over and over. There's a difference

>> No.20485507

Yeah, you sound like me a few years ago.
goddamn I'm impressed that you could quit that
Thanks anon I appreciate it.

>> No.20485883

wolf of wall street
book is hilarious

>> No.20485983

I’m in law school and have been using kratom as a crutch to get through research, writing, presentations, etc all day every day. how fucked am i?

>> No.20486004

How long have you been using it? How much are you doing per day? It could completely derail your ambitions.

>> No.20486032

a few years but with breaks here and there, I generally use about 8g per day. that’s been consistent from the beginning, too

I’m graduating with honors soon and have gotten decent fellowships/jobs, so it seems like a net positive. but maybe it’s making me dumber and/or lazier

>> No.20486065

Do you get brainfog or lack of motivation? If not then you might as well keep using if it helps but keep taking breaks.

>> No.20486098

Infinite Jest

>> No.20486105

Confessions of an opium eater
Under the volcano(haven't read though)

>> No.20486114
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>> No.20486165

It’s because we’re the heroes this world needs. But not every one has the balls to answer the call and face reality. So we get high and live in our own reality.

>> No.20486377

When you go down to the gentrified slums in your city where everyone is wearing overalls and pretending to be an asshole so hard they’re actually an asshole, do you ask why they’re all a bunch of low life scum with tattoos and nothing on their mind but theories and ex’s, or do you just accept them as being a certain group of people who are annoying assholes? Keep that in mind online. You’re talking to assholes who you’d hate in real life

>> No.20486748

How does kratom feels? I do weed booze and coke. Looking for a new member for my crew.

>> No.20486838

It just gives you mild euphoria. If you like coke then you probably wouldn't like kratom.

>> No.20486915

K thanks anon

>> No.20486948

12&12 - AA/Bill

>> No.20487487

sometimes, yeah. but I feel like I was worse before. should probably take a long break to see.

>> No.20487509

Kratom extracts are hella addicting, trying to taper off now.

Kratom is great for getting off harder opioids, but the withdrawl is a bitch and a half because Kratom contains alkaloids with a variety of pharmacological properties beyond mu opoid agonism of most opoids e.g. ssri/snri properties of some of the mitragyina alkaloids.

It's still better than dope/fent and it's great if you have like cancer levels of pain, but otherwise it's a horribly addicting drug for a pretty garbage high.

Anyone trying to quit the /r/quittingkratom subreddit is unironically a great resourse and really supportive.

>> No.20487531

The Bible.

>> No.20487532

why is it always the people who get hooked on extracts and/or huge amounts everyday who tell everyone how bad kratom is? what’s exactly the problem with occasional very small amounts?

>> No.20487546
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I genuinely love kratom and settled for it as my only drug (not counting caffeine and nicotine salts) after a decade and half of trying out every known high there is, except heroin.

Its effect is precisely what I've always looked for - anxiety relief, euphoria - without ruining my life like booze does, without turning me into lazy paronoid retard like weed does, without killing my personality and emotion like antidepressants do. Kratom is perfectly suitable for daily usage as well.

As already mentioned several times in this thread, tolerance breaks are crucial, otherwise you'll end up consuming ridiculous amounts just for slight effect. Always taper off into tolerance breaks, don't quit cold turkey... but even then, the worst case withdrawal scenatrio is just a week or so of insomnia, anhedonia and slight panic. Sexual drive comes back with vengeance too, I end up cooming like a chimp on meth when coming off kratom.

>> No.20487564

I feel approximately the same way

>> No.20487576

Yeah. Obviously I'd prefer to function soberly, but kratom is the most efficient compromise between being high and maitaining healthy cognitive function.

>> No.20487694

Infinite Jest and Junkie spring to mind.

After being clean from opioids for exactly six years, in the same day I got my career dreams and love life crushed, it happened that, and I shit you not, I was OFFERED, unprovoked and out of the blue, to buy oxycontin, authentic and still in the blister and for cheap, by a drug dealer who literally zeroed in on me from his car, rolled down the window, and asked me if I wanted to buy some.

I said no, but god fucking damn it if it isn't like higher powers descended from the heavens just to fuck with me for fun.

>> No.20487859

Malle me feel so good

>> No.20487883


>> No.20487892

Learn English before you post here again.

>> No.20488061

Like drinking heavily on coke.

>> No.20488071

Nothing, it’s used the way coffee is in the countries it grows in. People can get addicted to anything.

>> No.20488077

Sounds more like the dealer has EXCELLENT face reading skills

>> No.20488279

Bro I love kratom so much. I'm on it right now.

>> No.20488303

based, me too

>> No.20488405

Relax buddy, most everyone in NA doesn't give a fuck what drugs you've used. In fact in my experience many of them were simple weed junkies, and yes there is such a thing.
t. been going to NA and AA for about 5 years and been 3 years sober

>> No.20489121

wtf is kratom?

>> No.20489140

>started taking phenibut for job interviews
how fucked am I

>> No.20489976

It's like crack but for hipster librarians

>> No.20490204

Online, but easypeasymethod.org. Best book explaining porn and porn addiction.

>> No.20490208

should I give phenibut a try? just as a once in a while thing, I know the withdrawals are terrible

>> No.20490722

Where do you buy it?

>> No.20490788


>> No.20490890

Same here. I see little to no down sides.

>> No.20490934

You can find it at literally any smoke shop.

>> No.20490939

AA is a pedarist cult don’t get sucked into it. Those people aren’t your friends they’re only there for you as long as you’re a part of their cult. It also creates a dangerous dichotomy where a glass of wine on a date is the same as shooting heroin in an alleyway. If you get involved in that you will embrace that same perspective and it’s destructive.

I spent 3 years in AA around halfway houses in Florida. Moved away and decided to stop being sober, i drink occasionally and I don’t have the urge to get wasted and smoke crack like I did when I was surrounded by AA people going to 5 meeting a week.

>> No.20491094

Infinite Jest is the best book about addiction.
Alcoholics Anonymous, too.

>> No.20491167

was coming to see if anyone felt the same. Infinite Jest for sure

>> No.20491174

If I’m interested in addiction etc, why a should I read infinite jest? the first 100 pages were annoying “look how smart I am” nonsense

>> No.20491257

De-fucking-pends, nerd. Like on your genes, personality and behaviour. It's not like X drug will take Y time to ruin Z amount of your life.
I fucking hate how AA, your mom and who the fuck else claim, there is some mythical concept behind this. You are the problem, no drugs needed. Take them or don't, but stop being a pussy about it.

>> No.20491283

Junkie by Borroughs
Diary of a Drug Fiend by Crowley

>> No.20492038

Rational Recovery

>> No.20493053

8g is a significant amount, especially if taken everyday. In theory, your tolerance should have built up quickly but you didn't specify how long you have been taking it.

You feel very energetic and motivated on low dosages but very relaxed on high dosages. It affects your opioid receptors so it's similar to any other opioid if you have taken any.

>> No.20493595
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talmbout kratom, b?

>> No.20493700

What is considered a low dose?

>> No.20493757
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>> No.20493758


>> No.20494855

That book is a time capsule of World War II drug culture. A fascinating read.

>> No.20495182

8g isn’t my dose, I do half of that twice a day typically. My tolerance never went up because I never increased the dosage amount or rate, plus I take regular breaks

>> No.20495187

forgot to mention it’s been about four and a half years, on and off

>> No.20495393

Peter Hitchens The War We Never Fought

>> No.20496121

The Lost Weekend

>> No.20496152
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Unironically Stephen King's "The Dark Tower."
Especially how it leaves off saying "It'll totally be different this time."

>> No.20496166

William Burrough’s works
Junkie is the obvious entrypoint.
Used to be addicted to cocaine and its amazing how little has honestly changed about the drug scene.

>> No.20496184

Kratom is fucking dogshit that pussies who cant get a heroin or oxy hookup buy because they can get it at headshops. its not worth your time unless you’re 15.
had this autistic dipshit constantly pestering me to order him some because he was overly paranoid about getting pinched for buying it online. When I’ve grown mushrooms from spore kits ive bought lab direct with no issue.
The same kid would also buy “hallucinogenic” cactuses from fucking lowes.

>> No.20496225

I was promised I'd be able to get a job with my knack for literary analysis. That was a lie, so I do heroin. It works quite well

>> No.20496236

damn bro, you’re tough as shit

>> No.20496249

confessions of an English opium eater is ok. Fitzgerald's writings on alcohol are pretty solid. but all in all the majority of literature on drugs that isn't just journalistic in nature like Confessions, at least so far as I've read, is all trash. Horribly bad takes written by people who either had retarded views of drugs they used or just didn't use them at all. It's atrocious how bad most drug literature is.

>> No.20496256

You can actually find peyote strains occasionally at places like that. It's not like they have a fucking dea agent keeping track of the fucking gardening section.

>> No.20496301

I've gone to NA meetings for kratom. It's not like they stop you at the door and say, "What's your poison?" Everyone there is usually nice as fuck.

>> No.20496332

Alright cool. I'll probably go to one then.

>> No.20496654

Second Infinite Jest. Anyone who says “weed isn’t addictive,” should read the second chapter.

>> No.20496735

I can smell the kool-aid on your lips from here. Come back to me when you can handle a mere gram of coke instead of trying to flex about raiding your daddy’s rum and coke.
I’m well aware but the effects are negligible unless you get lucky or synthesize a pallet of them, or happen to be a lightweight. Theres a reason the injuns use the older specimens.

>> No.20496770

Three heaping tablespoons upon waking up. Three before I left the house for work. Three on the ferry. Three after I clocked in. Three at first break time. Three at lunch. You can clearly see the pattern established here. Each tablespoon weighed like three grams, but I was going through a kilo a week. I was so pissed at myself when I decided to quit and slashed my usage by half with no ill effects.

>> No.20496797

Had literally heard nothing about it beforehand. My brother offered to let me try it, didn't mention that it was addictive. I assumed it was totally safe because it was all natural and I had just quit smoking so any sort of instant stress relief was welcome. Plus I had never really been addicted to anything, so I didn't recognize the signs. Or I guess I kinda did but decided to ignore them because it felt great. I would say the honeymoon period lasted about two months, two golden glorious months, and I think after a while I started to confuse symptoms of "eating a shitload of ground plant matter" with withdrawals and would therefore take more and more until before I knew what was happening, I was taking 300g a day. All in all I think it was like 14 months before I quit.

>> No.20497062
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>> No.20497092

booze yummy and make bad thoughts go away

>> No.20497690

The Learned Disguise

>> No.20498274

fair enough bros, hope you’re doing better now. but I’m still not quitting my small daily habit

>> No.20498308

they actually sell san pedro at lowes lul

>> No.20498529

> didn't mention that it was addictive.
wtf? I see this right after reading a different thread with people complaining they never heard their anti-depressants cause withdrawal. If a drug makes you feel good its addictive and causes withdrawal. There is absolutely no excuse for taking kratom and not immediately knowing how addictive it can be. Even fucking coffee causes withdrawal symptoms.

You deserve what you got dumbass. Next you'll try to claim you had no idea casinos are addicting before going a dozen times in a month.

>> No.20498572

>damn, who knew this thing that feels identical to a weak opiate causes withdrawals

the people who paint kratom as evil certainly don't make it easy for themselves

>> No.20498581

This board has become reddit. You can't even troll here anymore. Contarianism isn't a thing these days. You used to be able to post and shit post back and forth and there was real bantz.

>> No.20498588

you mean a board full of drug addicts spouting "nigger" and "tranny" every other post isn't fun anymore?

>> No.20498915

I know I'm late but I'll second Alcoholics Anonymous. Not every story will resonate with every alcoholic, but at least one will and probably several.

Imagine living life in the slow kids class, with IQs in the range of 70-85 except for your own. That's how high IQ people feel all the time.

>> No.20499807

1-5g is considered low and 6-10g is considered high. I think that the max dosage recommended is 20g