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20481551 No.20481551 [Reply] [Original]

A poet
A philosoph
A polyglot
A mystic
An astrologist
A wizard
Several human beings inside him
Almost established his own church
Never refuted

>> No.20481585

Hitler with glasses?

>> No.20481646
File: 69 KB, 600x344, estatua_d_sebastiao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost established his own church
What do you mean by this? The Sebastianist cult had been around for centuries, he just fleshed it out a bit more and made it even more beautiful.

>> No.20481661
File: 126 KB, 800x1224, the_collected_poems_of_alberto_caeiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20481695
File: 242 KB, 800x1065, Pessoabaixa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Pessoa, right? I was going to make a thread about him right now but I'll ask here:
>What is the best edition of the Livro do desassossego?
>Where to start with Pessoa? (I prefer to leave the Livro do desassossego for later)

>> No.20481712
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1279, 0b82232-pack-fernando-pessoa-site.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you speak portuguese? If so, you have pretty much everything he ever wrote here, in neatly organized form, here:

If not, I would suggest learning portuguese or going with Richard Zenith's translation of Book of Disquiet. Richard Zenith is his best translator for English, so if you want to also get into his poetry I would go with his translations, but to be honest you shouldn't bother with his poetry unless you can read it in the original.

In any case, for his poetry, start with his homonymous works, which are nice, simple and beautiful, then find out about the heteronyms and choose which of those weirdos most appeals to your sensibilities. If you're undecided, go with Álvaro de Campos.

>> No.20481720

Thanks. I'm a Spaniard learning Portuguese. I'll try to read it in his original language.

>> No.20481733

>I'm a Spaniard learning Portuguese.
Que bueno. Entonces sí, vete directo al original, no tienes excusa. Buenas aprendizajes, hermano.

>> No.20481804

yes it is him
iirc he was about to push documents about creating some shizo chutch at one point

>> No.20481813

Obrigado! Sorry if I don't answer in Portuguese but I just started reading stuff and searching what I don't understand a few days ago (but feel free to answer in Portuguese).
The edition of his works seem so chaotic... the site you linked, multipessoa.net, does actually include all the works or just excerpts? For example, in Obra Pública > Mensagem, it seems to include only the first poem of the book.
Anyway, I found an ebook which seems complete and nicely edited, called Obra Completa. Here's the link in case you want to take a look at it

>> No.20481854

Desculpa, lapso meu, tens razão, o site que te enviei não tem tudo tudo, ESTE é que tem tudo tudo:

O que te enviei é menos caótico e melhor organizado (e gosto muito dos bonecos na página inicial), mas é mais introdutório que qualquer outra coisa. Muito obrigado pelo ebook, nunca tinha encontrado uma colecção assim! Vai-me dar jeito.

De nuevo, te deseo una fructífera aprendizaje del idioma portugués, que te diviertas tanto quanto yo me he divertido aprendiendo el tuyo.

>> No.20481871

Thanks again!