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20480338 No.20480338 [Reply] [Original]

The best book that describes the lifestyle of an aristocrat?

>> No.20480344

I won't tell you, because you posted this picture as bait.
Do better.

>> No.20480369

I hate women

>> No.20480391

f scott fitzgerald

>> No.20480407

Anyone stop to think she might have a bladder full of warm beer and a brown "sausage" full of probiotics on the back end, she's just dying to let out? I'd pay for good fantasy "x-ray" of that.

>> No.20480414

Why not aristocrats?

>> No.20480418

i want to be an aristocrat, i don't want to be a woman

>> No.20480427

I hate you.

>> No.20480428


>> No.20480434

Aristocrats, of course.

>> No.20480437

it's called jealousy fren

>> No.20480440


>> No.20480450

I like how you think. Very aristocratic.

>> No.20480464

No. I know this because I do not want to switch places. The same way I don’t want to switch places with you.

>> No.20480465

stay mad

>> No.20480466

I was gonna give a rec but that's a good point. Fuck OP

>> No.20480656
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-> >>20480369

>> No.20480807

Reading Fitzgerald won't teach you anything. Try Against Nature by Huysmans

>> No.20480954

Chick looks retarded.

>> No.20480982
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, DD6EE570-CAD3-4D01-AA60-B9B88AF3B48F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s just sleepy.

>> No.20480985

>another white girl trying to look Asian
What the hell is going on

>> No.20480994

So anyone want to post some more hot females in somewhat revealing outfits? I‘m tired of pretending that isn’t why I come to this site half of the time.
I know porn exists, but that’s too outright, not wholesome, not involved. When you jack off to a real woman and not a porn actress you can at least pretend you feel something.

>> No.20481015
File: 43 KB, 670x448, AE16038B-AF0C-49EB-AEFE-705E3DC75F60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a Russian girl looking like herself

>> No.20481033

>not wholesome
hookers on a literature board are not wholesome either, these women have clothes on exclusively so they can infest worksafe environment through their simps. do you understand that they are loathsome parasites?

>> No.20481059

Can't wait for ukraine to overthrow Russia and enslave her and her people.

>> No.20481075
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>> No.20481088

do all russians have fetal alcohol syndrome or just most?

>> No.20481113

only thing that comes to mind is Pride and Prejudice

>> No.20481118

>loathsome parasites
You mean the entire middle class?

>> No.20481166

>the lifestyle of an aristocrat
of which century?
vastly different now

>> No.20481173

man hands?

>> No.20481240


>> No.20481257
File: 167 KB, 1134x1417, 2f07bfe99b2c966dbd13aa9ed1e119ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is your cute russian (aka hapa) gf breh.

>> No.20481267

No, coffee is not good for you.

>> No.20481275

Forgive me bros but she's more fuckable here than the other pics ITT. What's wrong with me. I want to her to read me tolstoyevsky while i suckle on her toes.>>20481240

>> No.20481310
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 628136AE-3E86-4FBB-809B-F08CB7B5BE2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makeup is le lie! AROOOOOOOOO

>> No.20481338

Childhood, Boyhood, Youth by Tolstoy
read them as a novel

>> No.20481373

The characters in War and Peace are aristocrats but I think they’re probably a bit idealized. The poems of John Rochester, Earl of Wilmot provide an unvarnished look at extreme aristocratic decadence, he’s also just a good poet. Lord Hervey’s memoirs, the writings of Horace Walpole, and the Earl of Chesterfield’s Letters to his Son, or Saint-Simon’s memoirs in French, all give further insight into the old-regime aristocracy, along with countless other lesser works, biographies, “secret histories”, etc., Samuel Richardson and Henry Fielding in their opposing ways both dealt with the vices and the proper roles of the petty aristocracy, Laclos’ Liaisons is probably a typical aristocratic plot, Defoe’s Roxana touches on a lot of the same issues, and for a slightly earlier time period, part 2 of Quixote is all driven by aristocratic antics, de Sade himself was an aristocrat and could probably be read as critiquing the aristocracy. Obviously there’s lots of tragedies such as Shakespeare’s which also give more idealized versions of the earlier aristocracy, and the characters of Classical epic and tragedy were aristocratic, medieval romances/chansons are fairly exclusively about aristocratic characters, lots of Renaissance poetry was written by or about aristocrats and based on the idea of “courtly love”, and so on.

Before the French Revolution it’s probably harder to find stories that aren’t about aristocrats in some capacity. If you want something more modern though, I’m not sure, maybe Proust has an atmosphere of aristocratic decadence, Baudelaire personally idealized aristocracy though I’m not sure how exactly that relates to his work. I don’t know anything about Evola outside of what I’ve seen on this board but it seems like the concept was a big deal for him as well, maybe stuff by Carlyle would also fall into that niche. Sword of Honor by Evelyn Waugh also has some of that sort of nostalgia but it doesn’t deal directly with aristocracy much, it’s more about condemning the order that replaced it.

>> No.20481390

my diary desu

>> No.20481410

Point Counter Point - Aldous Huxley

>> No.20481714

Reminds me of a Singaporean model I had a threesome with. She gave me oral gonorrhea.

>> No.20481807

Same! I can't wait to [support the next BIG thing the media tells me to support and advocate for]!

>> No.20481827


>> No.20481829

>Can't wait for monkeypox lockdowns either fellow bidenbro. Like a long vacation wowza. Only after ukraine will have genocided russia and raped it's women (it's ok since they're Russian) can the world return to normal.

>> No.20481833

How common is it to get STDs from blowjobs alone? I fail to see how any fluids or whatnot could get into the willy; and failing that, it seems all other STDs transmissible would be of a lighter variety.

>> No.20481853

Weenie, weedy, witchy

>> No.20481863

There are some STIs than can spread from the mouth to genitals. Generally in the HPV family, as HPV tends to infect your skin itself. Don't know about 'oral gonorrhea' however.I think that is not a thing.

>> No.20481924 [DELETED] 

She lined her pantyliner with cocaine to reduce the pain of having been cheated by her friend. She went to class with sunglasses on, a mask, and was even considering an eye patch. Sin turned into a tingle, then a sting, in short order she felt nothing but the dissipation of her blame. There was no longer anyone to name. And as she sat, at the back, on the heel of her unclad foot, she couldn't help think of her dad and her favorite socks which she had bought at the mall when she was only so tall. And she began rock to and fro to the rhythm of his memory and the wetness of her tears soon seeped into her collar, and the tears of her wetness out of her silken underlayment and into the hardness of her bony and denuded foot. She wondered: would it leave a stain--the pain, that if by magic had answered the prayers of rain? This creature of no race and of no place that had cleft its way into the entrance of her embrace through the lips of her desires and the walls of her escape and the flesh of her disgrace?

>> No.20481936

Anton Chekhov for aristocrats in decline

>> No.20481954


She lined her pantyliner with cocaine to reduce the pain of having been cheated by her friend. She went to class with sunglasses on, a mask, and was even considering an eye patch. Sin turned into a tingle, then a sting, in short order she felt nothing but the dissipation of her blame. There was no longer anyone to name. And as she sat, at the back, on the heel of her unclad foot, she couldn't help but think of her departed dad and his favorite socks which she had bought at the mall when she was oh so very very small. And she began rock to and fro to the rhythm of his memory and the wetness of her tears soon seeped into her collar, and the tears of her wetness out of her silken undergarments and into the hurtful hardness of her bony and denuded foot. She wondered: would it leave a stain--the pain, that if by magic had answered the prayers of shame? This creature of no race and of no place that had cleft its way into the warmest part of her embrace: past the lips of her desires and the walls of her escape into the bloodiest thorn of her disgrace.

>> No.20481958

Good shit

>> No.20482154
File: 183 KB, 1492x1138, 20220528_132248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy baphomet day, director chertoff

>> No.20482212

Start with the russkies. Eugene Onegin, Hero of Our Time, War and Peace, Anna Karenina

>> No.20482218


>> No.20482713


>> No.20483263

She's literally made for me (I'm Black).

>> No.20483274

She’s literally made for her rapper boyfriend already.
Also Russian

>> No.20483433

The 120 Days of Sodom, or the School of Libertinage

>> No.20483444

>lifestyle of an aristocrat
>lifestyle of a neet
they are literally the same

>> No.20483460

The Patrick Melrose novels by Edward St. Aubyn.

>> No.20483485

Why does the whole world seem to consider disdain for aristocrats to simply and wholly fuelled by jealousy? Its the only rebuttal ive ever seen levied against it, its a terminating thought, a non-statement, does not have any grounding in reality yet people will shut down anti-aristocrat dialogue with this single statement.

>> No.20483491

based fellow black anon. I think she's made for me, but we can share her I guess.

>> No.20483509

À Rebours

>> No.20483755

The Leopard is the best portrayal of aristocratic life.

>> No.20484086

Wasn't going to post but you posted this picture so thanks.

Check out Proust's In Search of Lost Time and Oblomov

>> No.20484097

That’s a good one. The mini-series wasn’t that bad either.

>> No.20484106

what an ugly weird woman

>> No.20484147

I second the leopard.

>> No.20484170

hammerhead shark lookin ass

>> No.20484261

the aristocats

>> No.20484301

stay jealous

>> No.20484328
File: 308 KB, 1448x954, 1854637254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spring snow/the sea of fertility tritology by Yukio Mishima

>> No.20484370
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>> No.20484426
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I gave myself my own herpes by fiddling with a cold sore then jacking off

>> No.20484475

Him or Nabo

>> No.20484494
File: 17 KB, 270x420, No-Longer-Human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best book that describes the lifestyle of an aristocrat?
unironically pic related

>> No.20484548

My diary

>> No.20484833

Elliot Page is really looking like a man now!

>> No.20486056

De Sade.

>> No.20486752

I'm an arisotocrat, albeit a rather poor and unimportant one and my life is pretty much just like Oblomov with a dash of A Rebours.

>> No.20486898


I once tried to make a fleshlight with some rubber gloves. Used old ones, and had a disconcertingly red cock for a week. Thankfully I'm fine.

>> No.20486931

> describes the lifestyle
Anna Karenina, unironically.

>> No.20488357

you know, even woman hate woman

>> No.20488367


>> No.20488374

Goated king may he rest in peace

>> No.20488387

For a non meme answer: Széchényi pesti tervei(might be only hungarian) or any other book filled with letters written by aristocrats themselves. Contrary tot he popular belief, they were pretty busy with work.
For my personal point of view, I’m from a Hungarian aristocratic family and we pretty much live like everyone else in post commie countries, with the exception that some managed to get some real estate back from the government. But a heavily taxed rotting building is not really useful to own.

>> No.20488426

I'm from a Serbian ex-landowning family and our land was seized by communists and then seized by kosovar albanians, I don't think it's currently in use
my grandfather was raised by a distant stepmother and it fucked him up, so this is my contribution to the thread. stepmothers are in fact as bad as they appear in classical romantic literature

>> No.20488488

Left looks 100x better

>> No.20488508

It’s the same girl

>> No.20488530

I don't think you understood what he was trying to say

>> No.20488558

Heliogabalus or, the Crowned Anarchist

>> No.20488650

Because they wouldn't hate aristocrats if they were one, whereas if they were a woman, they would still hate women.

>> No.20488656

If you're a materialist (almost everyone is these days (thanks a lot Marx you idiot)), it's the only possible reason to hate aristocrats: you're jealous/envious that they have more material wealth than you.

A virtuist from antiquity wouldn't hate "aristocrats" simply for being aristocrats, he'd hate them as individuals for wallowing in vice or something similar.

A spiritualist similarly wouldn't hate on the basis of their class, rather they'd hate them as individuals for sinning or something similar.

When you have a class of people defined solely by material wealth, the only reason to hate those people as a class is because of their distinguishing characteristic. To make judgments based entirely on material wealth makes you a materialist, and you can see how that means you must be jealous/envious.

Unless you can think of another reason to hate someone simply for their material wealth?

>> No.20488904

120 days sodom

>> No.20489033

They really are anon. I can corroborate this.

>> No.20489587

Lord Chesterfield's Letters

>> No.20489775

That russian book where the chick gets hit by a train

>> No.20491102

I don’t think either of you understand what I’m saying.

>> No.20491144

there is absolutely no reason to hate them, you can't say a whole group of successful people is evil and expect it to be a good argument

>> No.20491237

What an idiot you are! Look around you! How can you be so dense!? There’s every reason in the world to hate them. ”Success”? It’s exploitation, you fool. The system they protect rewards only the most ruthless and cold hearted. And that’s why we have ruthless cold hearted idiots ruining the world.
“Why are things bad” is a general lament around here. THEY ARE WHY.

No, it’s false. Being a materialist is a philosophical term, and nothing to do with being materialistic. All the holy shits of the past had divine right to be as materialistic as they wanted, see? Two different usages. Sorry, that’s the way philosophy is.
The usual socialist does NOT want to switch places with those people. So again it’s FALSE. The idiot bootlicker falls back on this weak defense because THEY would love to be king. They would switch places.

Goddamn nulit sucks

>> No.20491329

On this site this is a coinflip between crazy and also trans.
Your post in the other thread passed way better. Anything suggestive with a amateur like aesthetic always raises eye brows here. This is—I wouldn’t get my dick dirty over this, a mistake here could also dirty my soul (pbum) frfr

>> No.20491340

It’s not nulit. We‘re just old. The bar doesn’t change, we did. You scarcely remember your own simplemindedness because there’s barely anything *to* remember.

>> No.20491363

so you are telling me a select group of people rule the world, created a system of indirect control that rewards other evil people, and even then are not needed for anything to work, in fact, things would be better without them?
first question, when did this start?
how have them made this system?
how can they control the world but not be important to making it work?
who would destroy this "people" and "system" without just taking their place?

>> No.20491397

bonus question, what is the point of life? Because the Christians of the past wanted to go to heaven, so a king having more thing didn't matter did it? but when socialist leaders did the same, what reason did they have?

>> No.20491398

It is rather “nulit” to have so many non-thinkers and so many unaware people. Like this guy >>20491363
holy cow, read some history. Damn Prussian schooling