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20479663 No.20479663 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20479686

I know it's probably a stupid question but... is the order of the New Testament's books important? I don't really want to read the gospels 4 times one after another... (I'm reading it in another language so it takes me quite some time to finish each one). Finishing Mark tonight.

>> No.20479697

You can read them "out of order." A lot of people recommend reading Luke and Acts together since they were most likely written by the same author, for example.

>> No.20479700
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I'll repost this once more for visibility and to deter the jannies from deleting our threads unjustly again. They never justified their abuse.

>> No.20479723

Thanks, I'll do that, even if just to add some variety.

>> No.20479880

Matthew > John > Luke > Mark

>> No.20479907

Matthew 5:22
>But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.
What did he mean by this? If I called someone dumb on the internet I may burn in hell?

>> No.20479918


>> No.20479934

How do I start? I really enjoyed going to church when I was younger, I was part of the choir and was deeply involved with the community. Then, I became a teenager and discovered porn and anime and bad readings of Nietzsche and now I just can't manage to have faith in anything anymore. I'd like to be a Christian because I believe I would be happier that way, but no matter how many times I try to read the Bible or commentary or listen to Priests and stuff, I just cannot accept it wholeheartedly.

>> No.20479944
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>> No.20479947

Can you be more specific about your issues with the church?

>> No.20479955

This: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DGTHPDN
It's an obscure revised edition of the Haydock Bible from the end of the 19th century that was loaded with more material than the original.
Alternatively, there's the regular Haydock here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L3XJX15
However, since the regular Haydock is easily available for free online, I'm not sure why you'd pay for this edition unless you really just want good Kindle formatting.

>> No.20479991


From the sounds of it, he doesn't actually have issues with his church - he just got his soul damaged by exposure to the world and getting wrapped up in sin. The fact that he notices this should be a massive hint to him of spiritual realities.

>> No.20480006

Begin a regular practice of prayer at night, and start with the Gospels. It’s simple, but a good foundation to build on top of.

>> No.20480022

> If I called someone dumb on the internet I may burn in hell?
Yes, it’s bad for your soul. That is what Jesus is saying a lot, like when he says that even looking at a woman with lust is committing adultery with her in your heart. Your internal spiritual state is paramount, and the less like Christ you are, the more subhuman you have become. Ultimately even calling another person a retard is an insult to God, because people are created in His image, and the honor given to the image passes to the archetype. This same principle is shown in the parable of the sheep and the goats.

>> No.20480052

please, can anyone recommend me a good catholic study Bible available on kindle store?

>> No.20480071

Answered you here >>20479955

>> No.20480075

thanks anon

>> No.20480154

Would Jesus call someone dumb on the Internet? Food for thought, anon.
That's why I try to treat everyone on the Internet as civilly as possible, even on 4chan. I'll point out if a post is ridiculous, but there's no need to hurl abuse at the poster. Whether or not he "deserves" the insult is irrelevant.

>> No.20480174

> i just cannot reconcile inquisition and crusades in my mind. How is that not evil act...
>Please someone explain this to me...

You could try this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiqkUcWLlC0 [Embed]

Or this book:

The Glory of the Crusades by Steve Weidenkopf
>How can the Crusades be called glorious ? Our modern mindset says they were ugly wars of greed and religious intolerance a big reason why Christians and Muslims today can t coexist peacefully. Historian Steve Weidenkopf challenges this received narrative with The Glory of the Crusades. Drawing on the latest and most authentic medieval scholarship, he presents a compelling case for understanding the Crusades as they were when they happened: armed pilgrimages driven by a holy zeal to recover conquered Christian lands. Without whitewashing their failures and even crimes, he debunks the numerous myths about the Crusades that our secular culture uses as clubs to attack the Church. In place of these myths he offers men and women of faith and valor who pledged their lives for the honor of Christ s holy places. With a storyteller s gift, Weidenkopf relates the Crusades many dramas their heroes and villains, battles and sieges, intrigues and coincidences offering a vivid and engrossing account of events that, though centuries old, have profoundly affected the course of our world to the present day.


>> No.20480179

Based respectful poster.

>> No.20480244
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>there's no need to hurl abuse at the poster
So what you're saying is that in order to follow Christ one must become reddit.

>> No.20480326

Reddit isn’t Christ-like at all.

>> No.20480330

Is it entertaining?

>> No.20480345

>After Ehud had finished presenting the tribute, he ushered out those who had carried it. But upon reaching the idols near Gilgal, he himself turned back and said, “I have a secret message for you, O king.”

>“Silence,” said the king, and all his attendants left him.

>Then Ehud approached him while he was sitting alone in the coolness of his upper room. “I have a word from God for you,” Ehud said, and the king rose from his seat.

>And Ehud reached with his left hand, pulled the sword from his right thigh, and plunged it into Eglon’s belly. Even the handle sank in after the blade, and Eglon’s fat closed in over it, so that Ehud did not withdraw the sword from his belly. And Eglon’s bowels emptied. Then Ehud went out through the porch, closing and locking the doors of the upper room behind him

>> No.20480859

Is the Lexham Septuagint any good?

>> No.20480950
File: 41 KB, 554x438, pepefroggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on BibleProject? I've been watching the videos after each book I finish. But the animations make me wonder if im watching something that could be pozzed by globohomo

>> No.20481262

Your post is ridiculous, brother.

>> No.20481265

I think they just tend toward that artstyle because it's a popular style among educational animations.
Despite being based out of Portland, their theology has appeared sound through the several years I've been watching their videos and listening to their podcasts.

>> No.20481274

Old Testament is a joke and I want everybody here to re-evaluate following Christianity. Not out of some neckbeard elitist position, but because it distracts people from potentially finding the real truth.

>> No.20481982

a bit iffy at theological points. like the 'Jonah is not historical' bit.
but their book overviews are quite decent, and those slips are noticeable.
i quite like their word studies, and those are solid.

>> No.20482038

Does anyone have a serious explanation for why God seemed so ruthless in the old testament? Atheists always use this as some gotcha argument against the Bible. I'm not religious or anything, am just wondering what the arguments could be.

>> No.20482039

Watched the video...
>Formerly X teritory now under Y power, therefore our godgiven right is that X territory!
Literally half the wars in the history start like this.
>In principle it was right
Lmao, if you pigeonhole it like that, they yes
Still nothing about inquisition and siege of breziers

>> No.20482108

God was ruthless because the humanity became violent. In order to make humanity more peaceful, He had to be more severe in punishing them

>> No.20482119

Why wouldn't he make us peaceful by nature in the first place?

>> No.20482121

Jews piss off everyone. Show me one nation on earth that didn't get ruthless with jews.

>> No.20482122

Free will

>> No.20482124


>> No.20482129

Easy, just make a world where where we're free and consequences of our wrongdoings only punish ourselves

>> No.20482133

>our wrongdoings only punish ourselves
That already exists, it's called heaven and hell

>> No.20482134

>God seemed so ruthless in the old testament
There is literally no instance where OT God did not explain what was going to happen if he made a covenant with you and you did not keep your end of it.

>> No.20482185

Ruthless according to who and what morality? What you must realize is that authentic Christianity doesn't adhere to Western 21st century humanism.

>> No.20482201

It's pretty compatible though. Where do you think humanism came from if not from Christian morality?

>> No.20482203

Well okay now that I think about this post a second later it's a bit retarded since ruthless isn't synonymous with evil or bad like Atheists usually describe the way the Christian God acts or acted in the OT. Oh well already posted.

>> No.20482209

Where do you think Nazism came from? Everything in Europe is influenced by Christianity, but that doesn't mean these ideas faithfully adheare to genuine Christian ethics, which is radical and other-wordly.

>> No.20482216

Yeah I get that Christianity has influenced it in some ways but it's still a satanic false teaching and Christianity seems utterly ridiculous if you buy into it. The twist is that Western 21st century humanism is utterly ridiculous itself.

>> No.20482231

I think all European cultures would see that behavior as rather ruthless.

>> No.20482239

What behaviour?

>> No.20482279


Humanism comes from Christian morality as a technicality, since God made man, and there is a natural, created element to the goodness that humans have and should exhibit towards each other. By that line of reasoning, Satanism comes from Christianity also.

Humanism "compatible" in the sense that a part of a car is compatible with the whole car. Alone, it's a worthless fragment - and the values in it only has its rightful place when subservient to God.

>> No.20482295

God is being fair.
He's the judge; He's perfect, and you're put up to that standard. failing leads to Him having to hold you against it.
Jesus Christ is the only one who did uphold that standard (and the only one who can do so perfectly, because He is God).

funnily enough, you could see the opposite in the OT. do you realize how many times the israelites failed God, but He still accepted their repentance?