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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 620x349, neapolitan_novels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20476828 No.20476828 [Reply] [Original]

Stop fucking around with the classics and read the best novel published in this century.

>> No.20476834

it's okay. overrated by groupthink wannabe hipster faggots

>> No.20476848

read mostly by obese boomers on the cruiser tours. worthless.

>> No.20476854

>basing your opinions on mainstream behavior
absolutely pathetic

>> No.20476869

I plan to actually, its on my libraries ebook service so I'll give it a chance eventually.

>> No.20476871

I read the first 10 pages. Interesting, but didn't blow my skirt up.

>> No.20476884

No thanks. i am not a fag

>> No.20476898

Well then, get the fuck off /lit/.

>> No.20476971

I liked how everyone wanted to fuck Lenu once she hit puberty and got massive tits. That really put Lila in her place.

>> No.20476982

>best novel published in this century
Still not something noteworthy.

>> No.20476985

Jesus. Imagine actually writing a novel in Anno Domini 2022. Just pissing into the void.

>> No.20476995
File: 24 KB, 305x499, JAHB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already did

>> No.20477028

You can't read a post, how can you read a book?

>> No.20477035


>> No.20477037

Sorry, I only read female authors.

>> No.20477046

hipsters came to these books literally years after they'd already sold millions.
the trash-by-association tactic doesn't work in this case

>> No.20477050

Author got rich, worldwide fame and hundred thousands of readers?

>> No.20477052

Is it worth learning Italian to read these?

>> No.20477053

samefagging this hard.
who hurt you, babe?

>> No.20477059

>Is it worth learning Italian
>to read these

>> No.20477063

>WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHwhy wont anyone read my schlock
>ahhhhhhhhh you must be a samefag

>> No.20477065

It won't help, because you'll also need to learn Neapolitan. Most of the characters speak in Neapolitan throughout the novel and they rarely use Italian because it's seen as a class thing.

>> No.20477066

>hundred thousands of readers
sales are well over 10,000,000

>> No.20477067
File: 130 KB, 540x765, lamicageniale_iceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lenu: reddit
>Lila: 4chan

is there a more obvious example of a difference of opinion between the two websites?

>> No.20477070

naw, it's basically the same comment over & over

>> No.20477082

Yeah to someone who is essentially illiterate

>> No.20477097

there's a level of fluidity in the prose that everyone praises that is carried to other romance languages. not sure other languages give off the same feeling.
the book is in italian, including the dialogue. it's only mentioned in what situations they speak italian or dialect. the tv show is like you say.

>> No.20477101

First book is only rated 3.99 on goodreads, and that site is dominated by women, the subject of the novel

>> No.20477352

>engaging in mainstream behaviour
irredeemably pathetic

>> No.20477430

Women hate women. They want to read about billionaire werewolves.

>> No.20477498

>first book has a bride on the cover

Those books practically smell of vags and bobs. You can pat yourself on the back for reading menstrual shit that almost no one on here would read.

>> No.20477537
File: 47 KB, 300x467, my-brilliant-friend-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pandering to women, they are a huge market. if the cover is so important to you too, look for more sober editions.

>> No.20477598

Look dude, you can't convince people on /lit/ to read contemporary fiction, let alone fiction by women. It's a fool's errand. I've tried and you just end up getting mocked and called a fag. No one will seriously engage with you, even if you were to give a very academic analysis of the book. I know. I've tried. It's not worth it trying to engage seriously on /lit/ with contemporary literature. It's too tempting for the peons to shit on it because there's no Harold Bloom or decades of academia to make them feel safe in reading the book.

>> No.20477602

never heard of that book but you are nonsentient

>> No.20477622

a writer's writer

where does lila go in the end?

>> No.20477653

the best novel that nobody has ever heard of...

nice try

>> No.20477706

I read this novel in a college course on Modernism. You're just an uncultured pleb.

>> No.20477712 [DELETED] 

>female author
Hard pass

>> No.20477756

Nice try, Elena

>> No.20477766

>replying to every criticism
>>no I am not ButthurttTTT!
go back faggot

>> No.20477839

after sending the package, her work was finished. she got fused with the city of Naples and was able to see Tina again.

>> No.20477995

I want to but I can't find it anywhere
I gotta hope to find it a local fair or some shit, like I did with Munro

>> No.20478021
File: 12 KB, 251x398, atd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this century? gotta be this

>> No.20479175

>sales are well over 10,000,000
How much do you think she earned?
A dollar a book?
How can we estimate it?

>> No.20479180

>It won't help, because you'll also need to learn Neapolitan. Most of the characters speak in Neapolitan throughout the novel and they rarely use Italian because it's seen as a class thing.
So they speak the language of ice-cream, so what? BIG DEAL!

>> No.20479236

>Look dude, you can't convince people on /lit/ to read contemporary fiction
You both, recommend me five books.
I might give it a try. Go!

>> No.20479244

it's about that, 5-10%, publishers get the big slice. however when they sell a lot, authors can negotiate, and this was a 4-book release, that was an immediate best seller worldwide.

>> No.20479275

>it's about that, 5-10%, publishers get the big slice.
Man, this is so unfair.
I thought they got much more. It's so hard making these big numbers in this industry.

>> No.20479951

>My Brilliant Friend by Elene Ferrante
>My Struggle by Karl Ove Knausgaard
>In the Distance by Hernan Diaz
>Witz by Joshua Cohen
>Book of Numbers by Joshua Cohen
>Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellmann

>> No.20479992
File: 46 KB, 623x698, 1654119553705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female writer
into the trash it goes

>> No.20480095

I was being poignant on the OP, I mostly read the classics too. But here's the best contemporary fiction I can think of, while avoiding books/authors you see often on /lit/:

Zone, Mathias Enard
Disgrace, JM Coetzee
We Shall Fight the Shadow, Lídia Jorge
The Gardens of Light, Amin Maalouf
The Dream of the Celt, Vargas Llosa

And the OP, of course.

>> No.20480132

nobody cares about literature this century. no reason to read anything other than classics and non-fiction

>> No.20480151

I will now never read your book.

>> No.20480161

Written by a female,think i'll pass

>> No.20481577
File: 435 KB, 1650x2531, Gilead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.20481630

Not even the best Italian novel published this century

>> No.20481643

Is Ferrante better or worse than Rooney? Are they on a similar level?

>> No.20481648

>Most of the characters speak in Neapolitan throughout the novel
Lol absolutely not true. It's in regular italian.

>> No.20481682

Thanks for this post, anon. I read about this book awhile book, meant to write down its name and forgot.

>> No.20481700

Cormac’s got two coming out this fall.
That will satisfy my contemporary lit itch for another 5 to 10 years. Nothing after 1939 after that.

>> No.20481709

>Is Ferrante better or worse than Rooney?
MUCH better.
>Are they on a similar level?
Not even comparable.

>> No.20481774

why would anybody ever want to learn italian?

>> No.20481795

I encourage you to post about it, I don't care for much of contemporary lit myself, but if you can find it in your heart to make posts that are 1) sincere/in good faith and 2) about books and their actual contents in some degree of depth, rather than being an excuse to post the most absolutely mind-numbing political/religious drivel for the 10000th time, or an excuse for surface-level identity signaling to show off one's intellectual dick size, or an excuse to vent personal frustration about mundane things, or just the most surface-level "interpretations" imaginable by ill-read people who are nonetheless unwilling to admit they might have something to learn; if you can do that, you would be doing me a personal favor and raising the quality of the board by a considerable proportion.

>> No.20482468

Way way better, but I don't consider Rooney very good at all

>> No.20482493

Get a load of this fag

>> No.20482498

The Godfather by Mario Puzo