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20475955 No.20475955 [Reply] [Original]

Hard Mode: No 48 Laws of Power, How to Make friends and influence people, or Machiavelli. What are the hidden gems?
And also you must give a summary of what the book is about and why it's useful, at least pretend you read for once.

>> No.20475963

The holy bible
Infinite jest
Anything by Nietzsche

>> No.20475967
File: 35 KB, 294x400, EDDE19E2-58E7-4D3C-8C62-2185312EA535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride the Tiger

>> No.20475975

Just don't be autistic

>> No.20475980

You didn't give summaries or explain why they could be useful. Why should I read them?

>> No.20475983

I'm afraid can't find that book on Amazon, what's it about aside from the obvious?
>did you see what I did there!?

>> No.20476001

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall Rosenberg. It's supposed to empower victims by a process of 'creating empathy in conversation' and avoiding expression of judgement and generalizations or inferring motivation of the other party. So a phrase like "I'm angry because you always be little me" becomes "when you say that my accomplishments are 'pretty standard' I get angry because I need some acknowledgement" - a fact, a feeling, and a 'need' are expressed.
However according to this blog it has "very little regard for consent" because a "abusive partner’s honest expression of his feelings is actually part of how he is abusing his partner. NVC has no way of recognizing the ways in which expression of genuinely felt emotions can be abusive" which is an interesting catch 22

>> No.20476004


>> No.20476009

Could you elaborate why what's relevant or significant to the thread about the fact that he's Jewish?

>> No.20476012
File: 563 KB, 876x847, Biden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Female manipulator
>American Psycho
>Jane Eyre

>> No.20476067

I'm afraid I'm just as lucid as sleepy joe on this one: are you implying that there is nothing 'female manipulator' about those books?

>> No.20476077

Jews are excellent manipulators so listening to Jewish voices (and liking it) is probably recommended.

>> No.20476082

Dolores was literally the gold-standard of female manipulators

>> No.20476088

In that light it's interesting then that the book professes to empower victims yet this perpetual victim blogger is saying that it can be a tool of manipulation. I can't tell who is manipulating who here!

>> No.20476091


>> No.20476146

OP here, what do we think of the following books, useful or not and why?
>Sophistical Refutations, Aristotle
>Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work , Hare
>Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, Lifton
>Steve Jobs, Issacson

>> No.20476166

Call of the Crocodile by F Gardner

>> No.20476169


>> No.20476192
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>> No.20476204

Hanns Heinz Ewers

>> No.20476274

>And also you must give a summary of what the book is about and why it's useful, at least pretend you read for once.

>> No.20476287

Bel Ami

>> No.20476299

Before you ask, the book is about an attractive man who uses his looks and charms to manipulate his way to the top of the Parisian social ladder. It won't help you (sorry anon) but it is very entertaining and an interesting contrast to all the books about beautiful female manipulators published at the time.

>> No.20476327
File: 188 KB, 590x469, 1619124661578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you "read the memo". Good post.

>> No.20476340

>Spoonfeed me.
Why don't you do your own research into these recommendations and stop being a dumb zoomer, anon? A rundown on any single one of these books is a google search away. Maybe if you want to figure out if a book is worth reading you should read it and form your own opinion.

>> No.20476357
File: 138 KB, 314x314, Lipcurl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I didn't realize that my judgement is always infallible and that Google searches always present unbiased and totally objective marketing materials about books and as such a seeking a second opinion or different perspective is always a fucking waste of time. Now I see that I'm always right about everything and that I don't need to listen to anyone ever... including you... wait a minute!?

>> No.20476398

I think you know, search your feelings.

>> No.20476433
File: 440 KB, 237x157, StarLolz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh joo know it

>> No.20476471

that blogpost was rather interesting, thanks anon

>> No.20476976

I'm pleasantly surprised to read that's the case

>> No.20476997

This image is just a woman trying incredibly hard to (1) be like their red scare grifters and (2) outwardly appear as being well read

>> No.20477483

is that incompatible with being a manipulator?

>> No.20477629

Who considers these to be books which mark their reader well read? might as well read Harry Potter.

>> No.20477635

It’s a fucking woman posting the meme, you retard, what did you expect?