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File: 35 KB, 725x498, 165392005866 boy reading .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20474402 No.20474402 [Reply] [Original]

recommend some, please.

Last thread had some great ones:
The Sound of Waves
The Sword in the Stone
Count of Monte Cristo
Treasure Island
White Fang
Call of the Wild
the Fianna [Fenian] Cycle
the Ulster Cycle
Boy Scouts Handbook, 1911 edition

>> No.20474419


>> No.20474421

Boys today are very low attention span. Try a comic book or short stories.

>> No.20474438

Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History

>> No.20474440

D and d

>> No.20474443
File: 31 KB, 316x475, pendragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Pendragon Adventure

>> No.20474452
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>> No.20474471

Killer Angels

>> No.20474484
File: 318 KB, 1280x761, Carol Wainio, Les Cailloux Blancs, 2014, acrylic on canvas, 72 x 120 inches .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boys today are very low attention span. Try a comic book or short stories.
Don't you think kids with low attention spans are that way precisely because they've been alloeed to spend hundreds of hours with instant gratification machines a.k.a. game consoles, phones, computers, etc?

Couldn't you take those things away and give them real books instead, and after refusing to read them at first would eventually start reading and get caught up in the great adventures, etc?

>> No.20474569
File: 83 KB, 781x1200, 612Zf0m9XCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mustn't hide the realities of life from a young man

>> No.20474598
File: 1.85 MB, 2250x3000, Hardy Boys cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are pretty fun and wholseome.
imagine they've be re-written to max wokeness but the vintage ones are still out there

>> No.20474666

The Once and Future King

>> No.20474773

Wasn't in last thread, why specifically the 1991 edition of the BSH?

>> No.20474776
File: 57 KB, 464x467, 17E7A49A-6508-47A5-8C6D-413878770C69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snubs my rec

Toxic nonsense

>> No.20474788

>A boy and his bird....
My Side of The Mountain is a great one.

>> No.20474860
File: 39 KB, 300x482, A6D9BB68-B609-48EE-B404-F70AB6824F2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20474872
File: 72 KB, 351x500, BD3E89C9-FD01-40FF-9AB7-6EE6F150CE4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20474885

Kipling - Just So Stories
Jules Verne. Journey to the Center of the Earth and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Conan Doyle - all the Sherlock Holmes stuff, and Lost World
Haggard. King Solomon's Mines

>> No.20474887

yeah, good stuff
the Three Investigators as well

>> No.20475548

The Noble Quran

>> No.20475603

We’ve enough toilet paper. Thanks.

>> No.20475621

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink anon. You have to fix the culture, it isn't really about attention spans and games/phones but that boys think books are gay.

>> No.20475721

Classical rhetoric for the modern student. Your boys will never struggle with an essay again.

>> No.20475927

This was a fun one.

>> No.20475931

wil turn him gay

>> No.20476010

You could try reading to your son from an early age and maybe when he's old enough to read on his own he'll get the hang of it.

>> No.20476011

reading turns boys into girls

>> No.20476015

Anything Heinlein

>> No.20476017 [DELETED] 

The Stoics

>> No.20476039

lord of the flies

>> No.20476184

the hobbit
lord of the rings
starship troopers
unironically manga like attack on titan or naruto, just make sure they don't go down the edgelord/weeb slippery slope

>> No.20476302

problem of the Puer aeternus
for Man(children)

>> No.20476682

1911, actually
Poster didn't say, but he left us this excerpt:

>A hundred years have passed since then, and the conditions of life which existed west of the Alleghanies are no more. Just as the life of the pioneers was different from that of the knights of the Round Table, and as they each practised chivalry in keeping with their own sur-roundings, so the life of to-day is different from both, but the need of chivalry is very much the same. Might still tries to make right, and while there are now no robber barons or outlaws with swords and spears, their spirit is not unknown in business and commercial life. Vice and dishonesty lift their heads just as strongly to-day as in the past and there is just as much need of respect for women and girls as there ever was. So to-day there is a demand for a modern type of chivalry. It is for this reason that the Boy Scouts of America have come into being; for there is need of service in these days, and that is represented by the good turn done to somebody every day. Doing the good turn daily will help to form the habit of useful service. A boy scout, then, while living in modern times, must consider himself the heir of ancient chivalry and of the pioneers, and he must for this reason give himself to ever renewed efforts to be true to the traditions which have been handed down to him by these great and good leaders of men. The boy-scout movement is a call to American boys to-day to become in spirit members of the order of chivalry, and a challenge to them to make their lives count in the communities in which they live--for clean lives, clean speech, clean sport, clean habits, and clean relationships with others. It is also a challenge for them to stand for the right against the wrong, for truth against falsehood, to help the weak and oppressed, and to love and seek the best things of life.

>> No.20476778


The only recommendation you need. Was this site made by an anon from here?

>> No.20477024

>Was this site made by an anon from here?
Infinite Jest at #4, so I'd say so.

>> No.20477085

Buddy's 11-year-old boy read The Old Man and the Sea during Covid isolation and really liked it.
So, I'd recommend that.

Fuck this current schtick about "having to see yourself in films and books".
This little kid read a book about an old man from another culture, and liked it.

>> No.20477135


Read these and you'll never have to touch a book ever again.

>> No.20477329
File: 244 KB, 1036x1752, 71m0iwznvDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20477811

Diary of a Wimpy Kid series if you want a boy to develop his dark triad traits.

>> No.20477819

>Average item length: 6 hrs
nigger what kind of Harold Bloom tier speed-reading is this?

>> No.20477828

The Prydain Chronicles were a nice introduction into fantasy for me.

>> No.20477837

nigga it doesn't count IJ and GR time to read because not in public domain yet. Which means Ulysses takes 19hrs/3 gives us roughly 6. Trash design by the website creator but eh who cares

>> No.20479208
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>> No.20479286

Greco-Roman, Norse, and Arthurian mythology.
The Bible.