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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 71 KB, 900x564, the-wild-hunt-of-odin-norse-mythology-peter-nicolai-arbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20472230 No.20472230 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for books on European folklore that analyze things like pic related in terms of religious and psychological significance. Know of any, bros?

>> No.20472262

Are you looking for an analysis of a specific theme that appears in many myths and folk tales, a particular story, or of a book that proposes a broad theory by which myths can be explained?

>> No.20472295
File: 75 KB, 353x528, phantom-armies-of-the-night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might have useful footnotes and references to major treatments and loci classici

>> No.20473152


>> No.20473232


>> No.20473267

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.20473356


>> No.20473426
File: 416 KB, 1369x1897, Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are parasites.

I would recommend some classical music too, Wagner in particular. His most famous work is based on a 13th Century work called The Song of the Nibelungs, or Nibelungenlied.

>> No.20474313

Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for!

Take your meds trannies.

>> No.20474382

Wagner's music is overrated. You like the Germanic aesthetics associated with Wagner, that's probably all.

>> No.20474414
File: 14 KB, 400x245, vanguard-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagnar's music is unparalleled in complexity, range, emotion and depth. You are fully aware of this. You hate him because he was a powerful antisemite and a proud German nationalist.

>> No.20474427

>You hate him because he was a powerful antisemite and a proud German nationalist.
I don't mind that. You just proved my point though. Wagner's music is mid. Cope and seethe, fatherless dog.

>> No.20474442
File: 68 KB, 516x636, pol-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every. Single. Time.

>> No.20474453

Your wignat aesthetics suck. You are an ugly person drawn to ugly things. Get better soon or you will never amount to anything meaningful.

>> No.20474461

>replying to b8
no wonder the white race is dying

>> No.20474757

Ellis Davidson's gods and myths of northern Europe was pretty useful. Some of the takes are a bit dated or incorrect

>> No.20474761

Also as you can see literature is dominated by effeminate Catholics like this anon. So the study of European religions, inherently masculine and native to the soul, terrify them. Wouldn't be surprised if you get banned for being off topic op

>> No.20474897

Grimm's Deutsche Mythologie.

>Wagner's music is overrated.
>Wagner's music is mid.
Any professor of music will tell you that Wagner is one of the most influential and inventive composers to ever live, and any of the major artists of the late 19th/early 20th century would attest to his greatness as a consummate artist in drama, poetry, music or even in philosophy. In Search of Lost Time and Ulysses quite simply wouldn't exist without his influence.

You underrate him because you associate him with 'le Nazi aesthetics' and have no further knowledge of him.

>> No.20476201


>> No.20476669

I rate him the way I do because I've actually listened to his music.

>> No.20476802

The poems of Ossian in various collections from Ireland and Scotland

>> No.20477229

There's no reason to fear something that, despite it's inherent nature and masculinity, not only has failed but is consistently failing for whatever reason- lack of virtue, lack of organization, lack of wit, too little, too late. There's no reason to fear a "white male" uprising, only "lone nut" incidents and Charlottesvilles, which are mostly just leveraged for fear porn, not actually momentous in themselves

>> No.20478725

bump for more book recommendations

>> No.20478860

>Wagnar's music is
lame kitsch. Star Wars music.

>> No.20478869

Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with a Thousand Faces"

>> No.20478932

cope and seethe