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/lit/ - Literature

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20470233 No.20470233 [Reply] [Original]

/WWOYM/ Guess What Day It Is

Previously >>20465438

>> No.20470253

been up for a long time, cant sleep. things are getting real weird over at my brain's house

>> No.20470255

You die.

>> No.20470271
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"He felt around the invading furnace of her orb/And touched the nucleus of her destiny"

>> No.20470277

>Cosmic horror fecal fetish
We’re doomed.

>> No.20470283

Isolation, stress, and fear. I am stewing in my drunk impotent aimless anger and it feels good. It feels like I've noticed myself drifting away from the shore and decided to paddle alone over the horizon. I feel like a lean dog straining and snapping at a taught chain. I can feel the scowl on my face and distain in my eyes when I look at people and I don't want to project that, but it's taking a constant conscious effort. I am wound up tighter than a ten day clock and I need to relax. I am tense, and vigilant, and alone.

>> No.20470288
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>get recommendations for a "life-changing" book, film, or video game
>consoom it
>fail to see what is so "life-changing" about it
Anyone else? I'm not saying I've never been deeply touched by a piece of media before, but I don't think I've ever consoomed one that completely changes my worldview.

>> No.20470306
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Once a book has been read, it’s up to you and your agency to make the “life changes”. Books are not magic spells

>> No.20470325

I'm typically a by the book sort of guy. I don't drink or smoke. I get good grades, don't care for breaking rules. Pretty religious, thought I was gonna stay a virgin until marriage.

Don't think so anymore. I'm not sure how to place it, it's the summer before my senior year and I realized good people sin. People I looked up to, potheads. A girl I had as the image of intelligence and purity, slept with my best friend.

Like I said, I'm a square. But recently I'd agreed to play beer pong with an acquaintance this weekend, To smoke with a friend and said girl(before I knew they fucked), I even told my GF that I wanted to fuck.

I've realized how much of a stick I've had up my ass, but at the same time I feel like I'm betraying my whole ego. The worst part is I don't really know why, I think it's necessary, it feels right.

But even then, life just lost a sort of firmness. I'm scared. Not of the outward consequences, but of who I risk becoming.

Et Tu Ego. Et Tu.

>> No.20470328

i think your mind has to be in a malleable state for anything to change it. the iron has to be hot for the book to make a difference when it strikes.

>> No.20470333

sounds like you need a vacation from whatever's stressing you out. maybe spend some time with someone you actually like, provided some such person is available to you. also, i've found that when i feel disgusted at others it's usually because i'm ashamed or disgusted with myself. i don't know you so idk, but it's something to consider.

>> No.20470334
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Dale Cooper is my idol and my favorite character in all of fiction. What does this say about me?

>> No.20470340

Let me guess, 21 years old?

>> No.20470342
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I think I'm going to start cultivating a habit for prostitutes.

>> No.20470344 [DELETED] 


>> No.20470345


>> No.20470350

Don’t become depraved. It will kill your soul. And you won’t be able to get back. I haven’t been able to. I wish I was in your shoes again.

>> No.20470351

Yes, prot.

>> No.20470359

Yes, I wouldn't argue against that. I'm fine, it'll dissipate same as any other feeling eventually. Something does seem to be coming to a head soon. Unavoidable consequences that I know will force me to make get out of my head, one way or another.

>> No.20470368

I want to agree. The counterpoint is that I have to live. Who's to say there isn't another you somewhere who took the path of purity, what do they regret?

>> No.20470370


>> No.20470380 [DELETED] 

is there a reason you post a food picture in every wwoym thread? is this one these things that you think is going to increase engagement? i know traffic on /lit/ has been trending down, but i don't think there's any evidence that posting food pics works. food pics on instragram or twitter might get engagement, but i don't think traditional social really applies to 4chan. it just seems so callously commercial it kind of kills the "lol random" feel of 4chan, knowing they've hired social media pros or wannabe pros anyways to try to drive engagement especially with sad tactics like that.

>> No.20470381

My creme brûlée has balkanized!

>> No.20470385

Fuckin square you ain't ever going to really understand shit.

>> No.20470393

Whatever that other me regrets, it can’t be worse than losing your soul. Tread carefully young man.

>> No.20470398

it's been a while, but i think i remember at some point in the phaedo when socrates said that misandry is caused by an initial tendency to trust everyone. when that trust is repeatedly betrayed—since people are usually not perfect—the trusting person steadily becomes bitter and eventually radically unwilling to trust others. it sounds to me like something similar might be going on here; if this is true, you should know that the people you idolized are not such wicked sinners as they might seem to you. it's simply that they aren't perfect either. idolizing people is almost always a recipe for getting burnt by reality.
i think it'd be unwise to transform yourself into someone you don't admire on account of the realization that those people aren't the ideal people they appeared to be. that being said, it's probably not going to kill you to dip your toes into the water a little. just don't go too far or you could easily end up with some pretty big regrets.

>> No.20470401

No-one is ever going to *really* understand anything.

>> No.20470407

meant misanthropy. i'm a bit drunk

>> No.20470412 [DELETED] 

>is there a reason you post a food picture in every wwoym thread?
Huh? Not me fren.

>> No.20470414

Not that anon, but if I had any fucking agency then I wouldn't be looking for books or advice to change my life in the first fucking place.

>> No.20470419
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This ai stuff is gud

>> No.20470426

Thank you. I appreciate the warning, I will tread lightly.

>> No.20470441
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Thinking about all the people I knew when I was growing up, mostly my friends, and how they're all probably doing better now than I am. They were doing better than me back then, too. It's surreal how I was a perpetual loser all my life. Part of it was circumstances out of my control, but part of it were choices I made when I was young.

I wish I could go back with all my memories and avoid every mistake I made but at the same time I don't want to relive any of the trauma I went through as a kid. It still just feels unfair, though, how as a kid your brain isn't developed and you want to do little kid stuff but the choices you make as a kid can still have a massive impact on your life in your later years.

It's also surreal how simple everything is when you're a kid but you don't see it that way. I beat myself up over not making the right choices as a kid but maybe I'm more of a victim to circumstance than I think. Or maybe that's just cope. But I never really had a father figure, my dad would travel a lot and eventually my parents divorced. If I had a present dad maybe I would've faired better as an adolescents. I never had anyone teach me how to talk to women or groom myself or anything like that so I was always a jealous ugly incel since middle school. I taught myself how to groom myself with the internet but I still can't talk to women. Seeing all my crushes get picked up by guys who had parents that taught them hygiene and social skills should've given me a clue, but all it did was make me bitter and hate myself. I never had anyone tell me how important study habits are. My mom would yell at me, ground me, and beat me for not doing well in school but she never gave me a good reason to do good in school other than "it makes her look like a bad parent". In hindsight she certainly was. So I just did the bare minimum to avoid upsetting her. But now that I'm in college I have no work ethic and I'm falling behind and may not be able to pay for classes. Makes me wish that I made good habits and took a bunch of AP classes and got good grades so I could breeze through college. But I never had anyone to tell me I should look that far in the future. I just spent my days hiding in my room playing video games.


>> No.20470443

That's it better than I said. I appreciate the kindness and the advice.

One of my favorite movies has a quote that seems useful here "suck all the marrow out of life, but don't choke on the bone".

I'll use that as my rule, thanks friend.

>> No.20470449

Little horsie. The reigns fell off. You are not tired to that post.

>> No.20470453

good luck

>> No.20470455

Well I gotta work tomorrow but I drank tonight anyway. Tomorrow is gonna suck. I'm gonna be big hangover.

>> No.20470458

I pissed on a fire to put it out. It smelled horrible.

>> No.20470460

Honestly just don't do hard drugs (heroin, meth, coke) and you should be fine. Also don't watch porn if you haven't already. It won't kill you but it will very slowly ruin your life and it's very hard to kick

>> No.20470466

Don't even try to have deep thoughts

>> No.20470467

I am debating whether or not to learn a language. My goal is to write sci-fi short stories in Chinese. But I don't know if it is possible to get skilled enough to write well in Chinese if you aren't a native user.

>> No.20470468

Explain why porn

>> No.20470475
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I had friends who cared about me, or they were at least concerned for me, but I don't think I was ever really fun to hangout with. I think my friends either kept me around because they felt bad for me or they kept me around because they would have no friends if it weren't for me. I was one of the poorer kids at my school, and my friends could probably tell because I could never keep up with the new video games and consoles and I never got my own car. I would often be the last person to get invited to my friends' birthday parties, and I was usually there in place of someone else who couldn't come. I wouldn't get invited over their house to play as much because I lived further away from everyone else in the poor part of town, and even when they did invite me my parents were both at work so I had no way of getting to their house. So I never hung out much with anyone, and that further stunted my social skills.

So this makes me wonder, how much of my situation is my fault? My circumstances isolated me. But as a kid, how much accountability do I have when it comes to keeping myself off the internet and going outside to get social skills and doing my homework and teaching myself how to look good? I certainly have the accountability to make up for that stuff now, and I'm trying, but did I gimp myself as a kid or was it out of my control? Did other kids who were poor and had shitty parents get the memo? It seemed like some of the other poor kids at my school had lots of friends and girlfriends and could look good, but they also failed classes without their parents to properly motivate them. It just enrages and depresses me. There was a possibility to get my shit together as a kid, and I regret not doing that, but at the same time I was a kid. Can you really expect a kid to teach themselves study habits, social skills, hygiene, how to get a job, how to get a girlfriend, and all that even in the age of the internet? Was I supposed to do that? If so, I don't think I'll ever forgive myself. But if my circumstances are what screwed me over, I don't think I'll ever stop cursing the world.

>> No.20470477

Okay, then if you have so much agency and influence: why don't you hire me so I can have money so I can have the agency to control my life? I mean if it's all self-directed and we have our own destiny in our own hands then clearly this is easy for you. So, pay me mister agency! What online job can I do for you. See I'm not tied to the post, so this is going to work jut like you said it will because you're not a liar. Pay me.

>> No.20470489

It warps your expectations for sex, kills your motivation to find a real woman, can lead to erectile disfunction (either because you jerked too hard or because your brain is so fucked up from fetish shit you can't get hard with a normal woman), leads to degenerate fetishes, and is insanely addictive if you live an interest based life as so many of us do nowadays

>> No.20470501

Where the FUCK do i meet women?

>> No.20470513

I'm bout to Bartleby all these niggas.

>> No.20470519


>> No.20470522

Based. I'm too much of a coward to do it.

>> No.20470525


>> No.20470532

Anon you should go read the lyrics

>> No.20470541
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Dog parks

>> No.20470549

I think anon means somewhere to meet single women, not ones in a relationship.

>> No.20470554

Oh, the local middle school then.

>> No.20470565

I hate guessing, just tell me what day it is, thanks.

>> No.20470569

That you have excellent tastes.
Tell me now, what do you think of Dougie.

>> No.20470578

i understand deeply that i want a big titty goth gf

>> No.20470586

Who makes the Nazis?
Balding smug faggots
Intellectual half-wits
All the Os

Who makes the Nazis?
Remember when I used to follow you home from school babe?
Before I got picked up for paedophelia

>> No.20470588
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I asked again it is showed me this

>> No.20470640

This is the end of art as we know it, isn't it

>> No.20470645

but I live in fucking Colorado!

>> No.20470649

Nope, if anything it just means that the mediocre and derivative artists will be forced out of the market. Innovation and Novelty will become a important market differentiator

>> No.20470684
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>> No.20470691

I could never go to the prostitute. Theres something slimy and nasty about the whole experience.

>> No.20470699

Yeah that's why I'm trying to get into a more Parisian headspace. Plus, it's a pretty /lit/ vice.

>> No.20470726

I'm fully prepared to Bartleby them too.

>> No.20470757

if i had a dollar for every bullshit "i'm on my way" i got tonight, i could drink to my hearts content without thinking about withdrawals in the morning

>> No.20470801

Recently I have started to develop an emotional devotion to my country's history (the UK). I suppose this is normal but years of globohomo history 'teaching' originally led me (and most of our generation) to disregard our history and be a citizen of the world.

Reading the history of your people makes you realise just how fucking lucky we are. We truly live on the shoulders of giants and not even as fully fledged people. We are nothing compared to our ancestors, we are like lice or mites. We truly deserve everything we get.

>> No.20470808
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>> No.20470842
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Easily the most based part of The Return.

>> No.20470892

What is Dougie?

>> No.20470908

It's honestly absurd how many people are historically illiterate. Strangely enough a lot of those people obsess over the lore of their favorite franchise but can't be bothered to learn about the history of their own world. It's baffling how politically opinionated they can be when they don't even know the cause and effects of significant events in their own country's history. A nation is something truly sacred, and its upsetting how a nation can get defaced just because of a poor understanding of history.

>> No.20470915

i hated Dougie.
like he was funny for an episode. then two, ok. i thought he would be gone by the third but not, it was Dougie all the fucking time. Dougie drinking coffee, dougie being wacky, Dougie having sex and making funny faces. Dougie robbed me of seeing Dale Cooper and i can't forgive him that.

>> No.20470948

You can meet women almost anywhere, meeting COMPATIBLE women is the trick and varies on what particular kind of weirdo or normie you are.

>> No.20470966
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Incel here. Never understood why "compatibility" is a big deal. Can't you just beat/rape your wife/gf until she acts the way you want?

>> No.20470981

They're not your gf yet are they?
But let me give you an analogy, you're looking for a guy to build the cabinets of your rape dungeon, there's two guys who are polar opposites who are available to do the job.
Carpenter 1 will work within your budget, has expertise of rape dungeons, and is willing to start right away.
Carpenter 2 wants more money but you can probably persuade him, has never built a rape dungeon before, and says that it will be a 6 week wait before he starts.
Which one would you pick? The rational choice would be Carpenter 1. He is more compatible.
But also, if you were such an expert at rape you wouldn't be an incel in the first place you silly goose.

>> No.20470987

I can't find any girl who will consent to me raping her.

>> No.20471006

I'm a worthless human being who has nothing to offer to anyone else and will never have a meaningful relationship with another person.

>> No.20471007
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>> No.20471009

omg same
Except I don't think I'm worthless. Can't bring myself to hate myself when other people have wronged me more than I have.

>> No.20471014

Yea I’m definitely not happy that we didn’t get much cooper, but i understand it’s just a different show for a completely different time.

>> No.20471017

Thank you for saying that. I'll reflect on what you said in regard to how I feel about myself.

>> No.20471029

Live for yourself and your mind.

>> No.20471036


>> No.20471047

What do other people have to offer that you don't?

>> No.20471051
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Anno is a /lit/ pseud... just like me!

>> No.20471059

So relateable!

>> No.20471064

The problem with me is that I am a divided individual— I had a childhood of happiness and comfort, followed by an adolescence ravaged by identity crises, questionable role models, and mental health issues. So now in my adulthood I am that species of asshole that is really nice and friendly when you meet him, as a result of a foundation of having been a well adjusted child, but beneath the surface does not give two shits about you as a result of a philosophy that everyone will leave me and ultimately the only thing I can depend on is myself.

>> No.20471075

Who you like or dislike is the character, not the actor.

>> No.20471083
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----------- Solaria ---------

In good natures

Luck and cunning are one
And while there is no justice in fortune
It's constantly serene, like the sun in ideal dawns,

Placid twilights, the power of fragrant
Fields, ecstasy, the total effect of potent empires.


>> No.20471088

yes season 3 completely filtered me, i hated almost every moment of it.
i just wanted more Twin Peaks, more comfy forest town, weird stuff, bromance, interesting characters, the dinner, maybe a couple of murders, some more weird stuff. but there was none of it. it was completely different and did not feel like Twin Peaks at all. i mean, except some characters with very little screen time, they could have just changed the name and made a weird show and it would have been the same.

>> No.20471098
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everything is gonna be okay

>> No.20471141

I spend a LOT of time on /his/ debating Marxists. I am beginning to feel it's a waste of time. Today I went out of my way to avoid Marxist threads, and read some stuff I've been meaning to read. I studied a subject I actually enjoy rather than reading Mao/Marx/Trotsky/etc. I feel I would be happier if I stopped arguing with Marxists on this site. But then I also feel that if we don't debate and disprove them, their ideology will grow stronger, until enough people buy into it to put all our lives in danger. What is to be done?

>> No.20471168

Unfathomably based. Marvin Minsky did the same thing. In one of his lectures I think he quotes Anis Nin, and then straight away asks his students
>I haven't read anything of hers, is she any good?
That is until you realize it's the same technique of the nerdy sensitive guy in high-school who grew into a disinterested 'sociopathic' guy who all the girls fawn over, masking his sensitivity with a cold rock'n'roll sneer of feigned indifference that makes him irresistible to girls with low self esteem.
>Yeah I made it up, I don't care

>> No.20471335

did you guys get vaccinated?

>> No.20471339

Yes, the recommended three doses as soon as they were available to my age group.

>> No.20471340

which vaccine

>> No.20471343

Firstly, they're irrational, so you can't debate them. Secondly, actually reading that mind poison is what they want to bait you into doing, so they defeated you. Thirdly, only bullets stop Marxism.

>> No.20471345


>> No.20471346

How did you not come to that conclusion after your first debate? It's literally pointless in every case. First principle: only argue with people who have the same basic guiding principle, but who have different views, yet still want to constructively find an answer according to said guiding principle. That way the debate, even if it gets heated, will always be aimed in the direction of mutual self-betterment and discovery of new knowledge, and no one will have a reason to cling to any particular assertion. Any argument that is about that guiding principle, which tends to be the case with Marxism, is an argument not worth getting involved in unless you're happy with mere polemics, because that's what it comes down to in the end. I've never had a worthwhile debate where both sides of the argument didn't agree upon a guiding principle, which is not to say that even these debates always turn out well.

>> No.20471349

Well COVID of course.
I think I happened to have the Moderna one every time.

>> No.20471351

I got the whole cocktail, injected, not ingested.

>> No.20471354

>he can't even remember the experimental serum he took
It's over

>> No.20471355
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Do not give your cat a lemon, man. I saw those videos of people giving their cats lemons, and thought they were pretty adorable and hilarious, but at the time I didn't know those videos were photoshopped to bait people into giving their cats lemons. Anyways I gave my cat a lemon, and you would not believe what happened next. It was wild. It was bonkers. I have no other way to describe it other than it was wild. It was fucking bonkers. Anyways do not give your cat a lemon. That is why.

>> No.20471363

my cat hates anything citrus related especially lemons so I know that it makes no sense to give it to him

>> No.20471364

I'm giving him the lemon.

>> No.20471368
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No! Do not give your cat the lemon! I fucking told you man. I warned you, sire. It would be fucking bonkers. Wild. You will regret it deeply. For the rest of your life. Do not give your cat the lemon! That is why

>> No.20471373

It's over. I didn't listen.

>> No.20471375

>But then I also feel that if we don't debate and disprove them, their ideology will grow stronger, until enough people buy into it to put all our lives in danger.
I used to and probably still unconsciously believe this, but that's just your ego. A messiah complex. You believe that you actually have the agency, be it the persuasive skills or the inscrutable reasoning, to manage to change their mind. Now I'm not saying I have the same capacity as reasoning and persuasion as you, I don't know you and you, but chances are you're much more persuasive than I am. However even the most serpentine smoothtalking silver tongued persuader is still going to be facing an uphill battle against such debates.
There is no amount of skill or agency any one person has to stem this insidious and toxic ideological tide. And while noble it's also foolish to try.
This anon is right, but people being people even if they start with a intent of learning and constructively engaging in debate around some principle can dig their heels in and become recalcitrant and antagonistic. Depending on how things go.

>> No.20471385

>I used to and probably still unconsciously believe this, but that's just your ego. A messiah complex.
Very dumb. Saying people have a messiah complex for trying to help is ridiculous. He even said he's worried about his life. What an idiotic conclusion. Don't do anything to protect yourself and your loved ones, you're not messiah!

>> No.20471390

When you really think about it, excruciation and execution are the only just forms of punishment fit for criminals.

There are some who disagree and think that you should never punish a criminal. That punishment inflicted in cold blood is worse than any crime committed. There may be justice in that but it would destroy society itself as no one would feel safe. What's more, people would eventually decide to take justice into their own hands and we'd return to the days of stoning and burning against people who may as well have offended their sensibilities.

Others say that our criminals should not be tortured but be made to work for the good of society. But such labor is unfair competition to the honest worker. Also, that corrupted workforce would usually need the encouragement of the lash in order to get any work done, and what is that if not torture again?

Others still say that criminals should not be punished but instead confined in prisons where they are treated "humanely" and all their needs are met. But people who live such safe lives usually live long lives. And each life of a criminal is one that drains society's wealth, some part of which comes from the victims. Nordic countries reward murderers with security and longevity.

>> No.20471392

Punishment is and will probably remain an open problem for as long as humanity exists.

>> No.20471393

/lit/ used to be my main board for a long time. Barely here now. This board sucks. It's reaching /mu/ levels of drop off and that's saying something. Inb4
>fuck off fag we don't want you
I know. You guys just want to whine about American politics and pussy. Like, gag me with a spoon.

>> No.20471394

Who are your favorite authors?

>> No.20471395

is it true that self esteem should not depend upon the extent of success or no success in the world?

>> No.20471397

Yes, but that only works if you have faith in a higher being, so you trust they'll judge you right. If you're a materialist, your self esteem is simply tied to how others perceive you.

>> No.20471398

What do you mean by success in the world?

>> No.20471399
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Bad posters come in.
Good posters then stop posting.
Now only bad posts.

>> No.20471400

>Good posters
Don't flatter yourself.

>> No.20471403

unless we realize the virtue of capital punishment by banishing certain social neuroses. That may be asking too much of humanity though.

>> No.20471404

who are your favorite authors?

>> No.20471407

So what if the judgement is wrong?

>> No.20471413

>Saying people have a messiah complex for trying to help is ridiculous
No I think ridiculous is talking to a wall instead of using those resources on something that is helpful
> Don't do anything to protect yourself and your loved ones, you're not messiah!
I don't remember asking for your opinion nor do I think you're qualified to give it. but ...thanks...?

>> No.20471414

money, position, prestige
but i got that from a materialist type

>> No.20471416

Beckett, Borges, pinecone, Melville. For non fiction I'd have to cop out and just say "the presocratics," which is a bit of a shit answer. But I vividly remember getting Kirk & Raven's "The Presocratic Philosophers" as a teen and excitedly flipping through the book. Land on a random page and just be lost in it. Seeing the Greek there too somehow made it feel more like I was "talking" with a contemporary. Only other thing that's come close is the sheer, unrelenting /comfy/ of Descartes.

>> No.20471417

Has nothing to do with messiah complex, you're just confused.

>> No.20471418

Meant for
Replied to the wrong post like an rétàrd.

>> No.20471419

Good riddance!

>> No.20471422
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I write a haiku.
I then post it in this thread.
It is glossed over.

>> No.20471424

>bro i hate /lit/ it's so bad
>btw my favorite authors are all the /lit/ memes!
>damn i wissh we had more pinecone (lol!) threads this board fucking sucks

>> No.20471431

I don't read because reading sucks

>> No.20471450
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>> No.20471455

>/lit/ memes
>some of the most celebrated authors, even from long before this board existed
>implying obscurity = merit
>implying the long gone days of pinocone poasting weren't leagues ahead of GUYZ LETS ARGUE ABT NICK FAGENTES AND PEDERSON :DD
shiggy desu lad

>> No.20471464

In the middle of the night, a fire broke out all around them and had come to take away their precious belongings. They looked on at the burning flesh of their homestead quite comfortably from the neighbors' until the morning came. They experienced nothingness, all around them. Awashed with guilt, they drowned themselves even further in alcohol at the local pub. Drinks are free for the talk of the town, and the foremen join the town priest in a eulogy song. No one remembers the lyrics anymore, and so they all mumble homophones in a slurred debasement of music and language: "Aah heugh wough ugh reeuh. Feh hurugh agh ballet geehr." Those poor, poor souls.

>> No.20471470

investigations can commence into the specific court case if it was proven to be wrong. Judge may have to defend himself or suffer punishment in turn. The error rate is so abysmally low either way.
There's something to be said about the state of modern lawyers in this but I'm not willing to give my thoughts on that
I'll add that one way to prevent murder is to allow public dueling and a return to some honor system. But again, I'm definitely asking too much of humanity

>> No.20471480

I hate how subjective prose is. Makes it hard to get feedback, and even harder to judge it for myself. Even worse, I have a couple of different prose styles and can't remain consistent between them. Poetry may be the most deconstructed literary medium, but at least there is a measure of quality when a poet decides to adhere to some of the now often-ignored rules. My (admittedly humble) aspirations as a writer require me to practice prose, but I have increasingly more respect for poetry. Perhaps I should look into prose poetry.

>> No.20471487

How does punishing the judge help the family who lost their innocent son? Compensation won't bring him back and people will resent the murderous system, not a random judge. But from your dueling suggestion it sounds like you're a child, so you don't know any better.

>> No.20471498

Automated end user. Automated crowds. The key to infinite economic growth?

>> No.20471528

did you get vaccinated?

>> No.20471544

Bots make product, bots consume product? To increase the GDP just copy paste more bots? You may be on to something!

>> No.20471582

First, you are assuming they lost their son(always men...) and that he was not just put to excrutiation. People wont resent the system depending on the culture. Mistakes do happen but in this case they are abysmally low and each mistake can be learned from to prevent another.
in either case, you've done nothing to suggest that punishment should not be pursued at all, or that our current system of rewarding criminals with comfort is any good

>> No.20471587

Also, bold of you to say that I am a child. Were the countless cultures that came before us just entirely composed of children?

>> No.20471667

You're a child because you think like a child.

>> No.20471682

change is alchemical; epiphanies and instant gratification are nonsense, and anyone selling them is a charlatan. genuine changes in your mental state happen subconsciously through a lengthy process of osmosis, and it's not until a rather significant amount of time has passed that you realise how profound an effect something has had on you.

>> No.20471695

i got one but never bothered going back for another
im hikineet and too lazy to walk five minutes to do it, but probably will have to at some point so i can leave this shithole country without quarantining on arrival or whatever

>> No.20471700 [SPOILER] 
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she's gone

>> No.20471726
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she's gone

>> No.20471763

How many pages on average are Kafka's short stories? Is he like Dubliners were it is 10-15 pages a story?

>> No.20471842 [DELETED] 

/mu/ used to be my main board back in the day, but when pitchfork sold to conde nast i think they stopped having people post threads on /mu/, like remember the "it's pitchfork oclock" threads right before new reviews got posted etc? after they sold, those stopped which stopped influencing people's taste for the better. i still maintain that pitchfork sucks, but it's better than the kpop marketing that /mu/ is all about now.

>> No.20471877

they range from less than a page. don't remember to what but anything from that to novella I'm sure. I read a collection from penguin india once and fell completely in love with him. I don't know what translator they used. I gave it away and bought another which I didn't like at all as much translated by W and E Muir.

>> No.20471905

Alright thank you, I'll do some research on the translation

>> No.20472005 [DELETED] 

i wouldn't say i'm a "good" poster, but i do read and have some art and humanities related degrees, but the reason i post way less is because a year or two ago, they started this new moderation style where they just mass ban anyone in a deleted thread. before that i wouldn't even look at the ops, i'd just be scrolling around and see some hot take and just slam the reply button and stream straight from my subconscious directly to 4chan. after the moderation changes, i now have to review the op to make sure it doesn't violate any rules or is off-topic or something, which creates this slight delay in posting. and once this delay in your interaction is introduced, you start to think not only "is this thread going to get nuked" but also "do i really care about this topic?" and "is there anything new to say about this topic?" etc. and then most of the time after a second or two of that, my urge to post subsides. it's actually pretty great because it makes the site way less addictive and i spend a lot less time here, but yeah, if i had been contributing any content of value, i'm certainly doing it a lot less.

>> No.20472011

I cried so hard last night that my head hurts now. I kind of like it. At least it’s not emotional pain. I’m such a tortured wounded butterfly. It’s a wonder some kindred spirited man hasn’t fallen in love with me yet. Doesn’t he know I’m more interesting than “nothing bad has ever happened to her” Rebecca? And I’m pretty so wtf. Tumblr lied to 14 year old me when it made me think people would find my wounds and dysfunctions romantic and here I am years later still internalizing that impression as if it’ll be true

>> No.20472019
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What should I read if I'm a fan of Hegel, Whitehead, and Pynchon? I don't know, I'm going mad.

>> No.20472034

The only book that did this for me was The Brothers Karamazov. Feels like I'll always be chasing that high

>> No.20472047 [DELETED] 

seems like there's so many more posts pretending to lonely women posting saccharine shit. you really think this is going to increase engagement? got me to reply i guess, but now i'm closing the browser.

>> No.20472085
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>> No.20472105

Should people grow out of manga, anime, and video games?

>> No.20472116
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Caturday, of course

>> No.20472117

Are there books who have a potential to induce a bigger change?

>> No.20472129

/lit/ is dying.

>> No.20472164

for a board that's about words and shit, /lit/ is shockingly unoriginal when it comes to posting. most threads about subjects they dislike could just as well be on /pol/ during low-energy hours

>> No.20472178

I'm trying to figure out how far back I need to go before wokeness didn't leak into modern fiction. I read a book published in 2002 that would have current trannies reeling but was totally accurate in describing transsexuals and crossdressing for the late 90s.
I do recall raging against all of this crap and not getting threatened with being canceled in 2007 and 2008 as well.

>> No.20472210

It happened again, I woke up completely blackpilled. How the fuck am I supposed to willingly "contribute to society" when the largest industrial accident in history occurred and not a single fucking person cares.

>> No.20472229

fucking pissed why do I have this stupid cold sore. I have never had a cold sore in my life. how can I get in the mood to fuck my gf brains out when I have this disgusting thing on my lip

>> No.20472233

welcome to club, carrier

>> No.20472287

It's been dying for a while now.

>> No.20472293

we all are

>> No.20472502
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I've realized I have never made anyone's life better. And what's worse, for all my selfishness, I haven't even benefitted myself. So selfish, yet at the same time so pointless.

>> No.20472525

It's cool.

>> No.20472560

Seriously, why a whole month? What have you done to deserve it besides bitch and moan?

>> No.20472569

who are you talking to

>> No.20472607

Just treat it like a carnival, let them have their fun and whatnot.

>> No.20472624

>when the largest industrial accident in history occurred and not a single fucking person cares.
What? Bhopal?

>> No.20472639

You do realize all those have examples of works being intended only for mature audiences? Might as well ask should people grow out of movies and books.

>> No.20472644

He's talking about how no one in /lit/ reads.

>> No.20472646

As you were, I was
As I am, you will be.

>> No.20472716
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Think I'm realizing how boring other people are.

Always zoned out, got lost in my imagination and fantasy whenever I hung out with friends. Think I realize I have nothing in common with any of them. That's not to sound pretentious, they're just dull people and somewhat anti-intellectual. They don't enjoy literature or art in the same way, they waste a lot of time arguing and picking fights with one another.

Sometimes I'm down about it, but what do people truly have to offer? Most of them offer nothing at all. In my opinion, if you're on /lit/, you're probably more interesting than half the population. And I doubt anything is truly wrong with you guys

>> No.20472721

>And I doubt anything is truly wrong with you guys
Don't get ahead of yourself. I am interesting but I'm fucked in the head.

>> No.20472728

Well hey, you have that in common with a lot of great writers and artists

Better than being an automaton normie

>> No.20472735

I concur, camerado.

>> No.20472782

Just bought a book of Irish myth and sagas, as well as Lafcadio's "In Ghostly Japan". They look like they have the seeds of fantastical emanations... I do think both Irish and Japanese myth/monsters could be written about more, as I don't really know enough about them yet (until the books arrive).

>> No.20472821
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My very best friend.

>> No.20472882

cute ginger cat

>> No.20472886

>Can you really expect a kid to teach themselves study habits, social skills, hygiene, how to get a job, how to get a girlfriend, and all that even in the age of the internet? Was I supposed to do that? If so, I don't think I'll ever forgive myself. But if my circumstances are what screwed me over, I don't think I'll ever stop cursing the world.

It's not fair but it's doable. I was in the exact same situation as you except my parents were divorced and I saw my dad a few weeks a year. My mother wasn't at home most of the time and my brothers never interacted with me so I was on my own for everything except food and occasionally clothing for about 13 years starting the divorce of my parents at 9.

I learned how to clean myself due to a traumatism (didn't wipe correctly/didn't like to wipe as a kid, got very painful inflammations and learned I had to take a shower after every toilet session etc). I didn't pay attention to grooming until I saw a kid with a unibrow and saw my mother use tweezers.
For the social skills, I always was some kind of extrovert-introvert mix. I didn't like to meet new people but I could pretend I was fine. I didn't learn from anyone, only by trial and error and observing others. I knew what I didn't want to be and that was enough to sustain basic social interactions. (still awkward in certain moments though)

I didn't have any study habits and didn't know how to study until the 2nd year of my Bachelor in college. I was never helped to do my homeworks and was absent in most of my school years, preferring to play videogames because I couldn't handle the divorce of my parents and my mother didn't care. Still, I just forced myself to do the bare minimum because I was told that everyone has to study to get a better life. Internet and Youtube online classes helped. Didn't know what job I wanted until the very end of my Bachelor year.

Again, same shit for the job. I only learned how to do a proper CV and write letters because I saw other people's CVs on LinkedIn and researched on internet how to write for an internship correctly. It wasn't immediately perfect but after a year or so I could produce very decent applications for internships and jobs. Same shit for interviews, people on forums have the best advices.

For girlfriends, I had an interest in girls since very young and liked to talk to them. Still I had no confidence and was basically an incel at the time so my first girlfriend happened to be the ugliest and definitely one of the craziest girls in middle school. The whole relationship was defining in the way I saw the world and acted in all my others romantic relationships. I did all the mistakes that were possible to do except cheating, saw her do the same and learned.

You are still alive, anon, and you can still learn. You aren't guilty of not knowing and I don't know the whole circumstances of your existence but most of the problems you have can be solved by reading stuff and applying them.

>> No.20472919

None of it is your fault. Not saying that to give you any excuse (by all means keep working on self-improvement), but I mean you shouldn't feel guilty about any of it

You only learn what you were taught and what you grew up around. Most people have their parents teach them and act as a guide. In fact, the behaviorists didn't believe in free will at all. They believed people were the direct product of their environment. Therefore if you raise a kid in an awful disastrous mess then he's obviously going to be farther behind as an adult

Again not trying to say there's no free will either or give you an out. It's just complicated. A lot of your bad habits were taught to you or conditioned into you. Especially if your parents beat you

>> No.20472949
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AbeBooks has the audacity to email me newsletters. My order is over a week late and they still haven't given me any tracking info. Spineless bastards! You cant do this to people. You cant do this....

>> No.20472996

this guy's language is getting increasingly agitated. i'll pray for abebooks the day he finally cracks...

>> No.20473092
File: 26 KB, 480x454, C8_uiq3XgAEsGsB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on in Antarctica?

>> No.20473121
File: 108 KB, 560x420, conspiracy131118_nazis_560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's back!

>> No.20473140

What book(s) are you even trying to get delivered?

>> No.20473156

it'll be funnier if he reveals that when he gets them

>> No.20473172

I really hope the economy calms down...

The big thing is real estate. Somehow prices need to come down. I think we (the government) needs to build tons of residential units, ensure only people who will live in them will buy them, and then rinse and repeat in every city.

I sound like a neoliberal lmao: build more pods!

>> No.20473184

>I sound like a neoliberal
you are

>> No.20473194

>im homeless, but at least im not a neoliberal!

>> No.20473209

I really hope not desu, neoliberals are disgusting. On the other hand whenever I list my opinions people call me liberal.
>Small businesses good
>Unions good
>LGBT good
>feminism good
>private property good
>environmentalism good
I consider myself right-wing because I support the right to private property and religious freedom. I think leftists and liberals oppose those things.

>> No.20473217

Naw. He’s just a reformist liberal.
Seems sensible, but that’s why it’s not going to happen. Land owners want the most bang for their buck/acreage and government is locked solid with the two (one) party system of lackeys, so no such reforms are allowed. Not till the whole thing is dismembered from the bottom up.
I don’t see that happening any time soon

>> No.20473220
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>> No.20473224

Trust towards a person I love has been broken and I am having a difficult time rebuilding it. I felt broken like that many times in the past, but I feel this is the person I want to spend life with, and it feels such a waste that what she did brought us to this situation (no cheating involved)

>> No.20473241


Don't overestimate us

>> No.20473247

>I don’t see that happening any time soon
My fear is that a violent revolution will happen in the next 10 years if something is not done. Considering my boomer landlord parents would be targeted in such an event, I want to avoid it. I've tried to convince them to sell their rentals to avoid being targeted when the Marxists take over, which I think will happen soon.

>> No.20473262

Bros I'm feeling deep and unhappy feelings right now

>> No.20473272

>when the Marxists take over, which I think will happen soon

>> No.20473275

I think I have assburgers

>> No.20473284

bro..there are at most around 100,000 "marxists" in the united states. in the event of real SHTF unrest, the amount that will walk the walk bolshevik-style (seizing property, imposing terror, summary executions) is microscopic. maybe they'll get a couple of tens of thousands of immigrants, crackheads, hobos and general troublemakers to go with them. good luck organizing people who can't even control their bladder. that's it. they have nothing to threaten you with. not the people, not the elites, and they sure as shit don't have the cops or the military. they're not taking over shit. you and your boomer landlord folks can sleep safely knowing that most people will defend their mortgages and credit card debts till the end. "stop consume product" is the biggest no-no of our age

>> No.20473287

The Secret services have tons of info on everyone. The violence in the coming years is going to be either more orchestrated repression like 2020 or more openly fascist. The leftists or the Marxist variety still won’t be allowed ale to get into office.
Owning “private property” like Black Rock, Warren Buffet and others do is the root of the problem. Personal property owners would be left alone. But seriously how much free money do your parents get from rent? Would it be so bad that they unite with the locals to replace that loss of capitalist revenue?

>> No.20473315

>Owning “private property” like Black Rock, Warren Buffet and others do is the root of the problem. Personal property owners would be left alone.
I know Marxists draw a line between personal and private property but like I said, I would like small businesses, mom-and-shop stuff to be a thing. A world with no giant corporations but where one can run a bookstore or 3d printing lab or whatever, that's my ideal. I imagine the government would swoop in and break up anything too big.

>But seriously how much free money do your parents get from rent? Would it be so bad that they unite with the locals to replace that loss of capitalist revenue?
They roughly the same if not a little more from their jobs (software) as they do via rent. I think it's an emotional thing for them. We've lived in every home they own, it's just that they literally can't bring themselves to sell when we've moved, even when it was the economically wise choice. So they rent it out.

>The violence in the coming years is going to be either more orchestrated repression like 2020 or more openly fascist. The leftists or the Marxist variety still won’t be allowed ale to get into office.
Maybe I spend too much time on sites like WSWS or marxists.org. I feel like Marxists are the big threat, and like Mao said, fascists are paper tigers.

>> No.20473317

I was diagnosed not long ago.
Still not sure what to do with this information.
Would have been better to have it like 25 years ago, now I just don't care I guess.

>> No.20473338

kek the marxists are turning into chuds before our very eyes

>> No.20473341

What's with the whole "baby milk formula" situation in the United States that I keep seeing on the news but not reading about? Don't american mothers produce milk by themselves? Aren't they mammals too? Does the Bible says they can't breastfeed for some sexual reason? Why was only a single factory producing all the milk formula if all the babies need it?

>> No.20473355

Well I took on a construction job that I was totally unprepared for. I'm totally fucking it up. Oh well

>> No.20473366

yanqui tits are full of silicone and other artificial substances

>> No.20473373

For me it's novels about Christian knights in power armor slaying demons and necromancers with Berserk-sized swords and .50 cal revolvers in a post-apocalypse America.

>> No.20473383

What book?

>> No.20473397

my diary desu

>> No.20473421

Producing milk doesn't happen every time, sometimes the hormone mechanism fails. Or the mother can't breastfeed cause she is on chemo or similar treatment and all that stuff ends up in milk.
And sometimes babies are allergic to proteins in milk. I was too, mom told me I would break out in rash after every meal, cry like crazy and wasn't gaining much weight. So my parents had to feed me with a special formula a doctor advised.
The problem with the factory reminds me of a documentary I watched some years ago, it was about meat production in USA among other things. Because of monopoly, the entirety of USA ended up covered by only a very small number meat factories, so they have to handle huge batches of meat every day and were in greater risk of contaminated meat reaching many homes.

>> No.20473439

Why can't I get into poetry? It can be beautiful of course but poems never stay with me the way a story or novel does. Am I just stupid?

>> No.20473461

The world would be a better place if people accepted open individualism

>> No.20473477

Sometimes I think the /lgbt/ people and some of the discord trannies are ironically closer to concepts of divine heavenly love then the people who spam le 41% kill yourself stuff. I'm not trying to underestimate the sins associated with that, but many of them crave love and have a greater awareness and desire for concepts like eternal peace and love.. some of them (not the hardcore degens) even purity. It's just misdirected. Do you agree / how does this connect to things you know?

>> No.20473485

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20473500

No not at all. Trannies are totally carnal. Their concept of beauty never transcends the vulgar. To them, everything is bodily. They corrupt and confused, they self mutilate, and degrade their form. A tranny's first and foremost disposition is hate for himself. From self hate, no love is possible

>> No.20473502

My faith does not say "LGBT = sinful", so I don't have the same view of homosexuality as being sinful. It is hard for me to see how someone who cheers on the suicides, oppression, and misery of others is in any way loving towards those people. "41%" posters seem sadistic to me, even though I acknowledge most don't actually want transpeople to kill themselves and are just being offensive.

>> No.20473512

>My faith does not say "LGBT = sinful
Your faith is wrong

>> No.20473515
File: 31 KB, 225x225, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said I can email them again if it still hasn't come in 5 days. Its been 5 days. Maybe this email wont be as polite as the last one...
I've waited patiently. I've done my time.
This isn't right...

>> No.20473520

No, yours

>> No.20473527

>fetishists and perverts
>divine heavenly love

>> No.20473529

man i luh suckin dick

>> No.20473533

>fetishists and perverts
You mean Catholics?

>> No.20473538

Big dicks will be balkanized.

>> No.20473560

No, lgbt.

>> No.20473631

> The Secret services have tons of info on everyone. The violence in the coming years is going to be either more orchestrated repression like 2020 or more openly fascist.
Feds couldn’t stop a literal coup attempt on Jan 6, how on Earth do you people think they are remotely competent

>> No.20473638
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>a literal coup attempt

>> No.20473640

would you rather be rich and very ugly or poor and very attractive?

>> No.20473644

rich and very ugly. I could afford plastic surgery.

>> No.20473652

for the sake of the hypothetical, lets say that isn't possible for some reason. let's also say that if you choose the poor and beautiful option, it isn't possible to become very rich. does your answer change?

>> No.20473658


>> No.20473665

Any good military science fiction that actually has humans as militaristic "empire" faction? Warhammer40k, for all that it is a parody, actually does a decent job representing advantages and disadvantages of a theocratic authoritarian state, I'm curious if there's anything that takes itself more seriously and does it well.

>> No.20473667

poor and very attractive for me. i'm poor anyway and i don't need a lot of money but it's nice to receive female attraction everywhere you go

>> No.20473671
File: 729 KB, 725x1092, 9360D551-3E61-4294-B681-A037900DAFCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could the Christians itt pray that God kills me after my next confession? Thanks bros

>> No.20473672

>poor, attractive and zero personality

>> No.20473676


>> No.20473680


>> No.20473723

Sorry for your loss anon. If you go down this path, there's only regret ahead.

>> No.20473724 [DELETED] 

Castello's cock was snug as a bug in a rug between the chubby vulval folds of the young girl and the crotch of her too-tight knickers beneath. He moaned in irrepressible pleasure as his cock disgorged its essence in spasms of pressure and pleasure that seemed to exceed a minute to exhaust. All the while he had been pressing the demi-sedated child closely against him as he blush and sweated and moaned in his own trance-like ecstacy. After conclusion of his eruption (a white oleaginous explosion barely contained by the child's now thoroughly sodden knickers) he lay there, with his back against the love chair. His face glistened with an aura of salutary sweat, as if himself half drugged, as the rhythm of his breathing registered an almost innocent, child-like satisfaction.

>> No.20473744 [DELETED] 

Castello's cock was snug as a bug in a rug between the chubby vulval folds of the young girl and the crotch of her too-tight knickers beneath. He moaned in irrepressible pleasure as his cock disgorged its essence in spasms of pressure and pleasure that seemed to exceed a minute to exhaust. All the while he had been pressing the demi-sedated child closely against him as he blushed and sweated and moaned in his own trance-like ecstacy. After conclusion of his eruption (a white oleaginous explosion barely contained by the child's now thoroughly sodden knickers) he lay there, with his back against the love chair. His face glistened with an aura of salutary sweat. His eyes both contented and content less, as if he himself (and not the child) were the one half-drugged, just as the the rhythm of his breathing registered an almost innocent, child-like quietude.

>> No.20473768

dont do me like this

>> No.20473779

Now you gotta ride the wave brah, surfs up.

>> No.20473811

well im already the second
its a nice consolation getting hit on at my minimum wage job

>> No.20473815

you wouldn't trade the looks for money?

>> No.20473824

no, it makes me feel very good and i want for little

the only downside is that there was a girl id have liked to marry but i couldnt

>> No.20473828

that's fair

>> No.20473907 [DELETED] 
File: 2.40 MB, 1200x1220, Screenshot_2022-06-03-15-00-11-312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castello's cock was snug as a bug in a rug between the chubby vulval folds of the young girl and the crotch of her too-tight knickers beneath. He moaned in irrepressible pleasure as his cock disgorged its essence in spasms of pressure and pleasure that seemed to exceed a minute to exhaust. All the while he had been pressing the demi-sedated child closely against him as he blushed and sweated and moaned in his own trance-like ecstacy. After conclusion of his eruption (a white oleaginous explosion barely contained by the child's now thoroughly sodden knickers) he lay there, with his back against the love chair. His face glistening with an aura of salutary sweat. His eyes both contented and content less, as if he (and not the child) were the one half-drugged, just as the rhythm of his breathing registered a seemingly blameless, child-like quietude, undermined only by the grotesqueness of the full tableau presented to the surreptitious solitary viewer behind the wall. A viewer who stared with unblinking eye pressed intimately against the peephole; and who had devoured the seen entire, even as her own hand disturbed the feverish and riverine carnality contained within her silken drawers. An eye for an eye, a whole for a hole, in the fullness of time innocence will have its day, but for the moment it is foulness that freely feasts its prey.

>> No.20473921
File: 336 KB, 1200x1312, 1200px-Venus_Flytrap_showing_trigger_hairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castello's cock was snug as a bug in a rug between the chubby vulval folds of the young girl and the crotch of her too-tight knickers beneath. He moaned in irrepressible pleasure as his cock disgorged its essence in spasms of pressure and pleasure that seemed to exceed a minute to exhaust. All the while he had been pressing the demi-sedated child closely against him as he blushed and sweated and moaned in his own trance-like ecstacy. After conclusion of his eruption (a white oleaginous explosion barely contained by the child's now thoroughly sodden knickers) he lay there, with his back against the love chair. His face glistening with an aura of salutary sweat. His eyes both contented and content less, as if he (and not the child) were the one half-drugged, just as the rhythm of his breathing registered a seemingly blameless, child-like quietude, undermined only by the grotesqueness of the full tableau presented to the surreptitious solitary viewer behind the wall. A viewer who stared with unblinking eye pressed intimately against the peephole; and who had devoured the seen entire, even as her own hand disturbed the feverish and riverine carnality contained within her silken drawers. An eye for an eye, a whole for a hole, in the fullness of time innocence will have its day, but for the moment it is foulness that freely feasts upon its prey.

>> No.20473987

Any recommendations for this? I'd love there to be a series based around the Viking invasion of England, but set in a universe where the same events took place but in a world with fantasy elements such as magic and monsters. There are so many great characters from that point in history (Alfred the Great being my favourite) and the two opposing cultures and religions could be represented by two different magic systems. Chuck in some dragons, orcs, maybe some dwarves to replace Scotland and it'd be fucking great.

>> No.20474079

my experience in the gay hookup/cruising scene has made me realize that we're all ultimately just seeking male companionship in the platonic sense
now matter how horny a guy is, what he wants more than anything is to have a beer and watch the game with you

>> No.20474116

Don't ya love her madly?
Wanna be her daddy?
Don't ya love her face?
Don't ya love her as she's walkin' out the door?
Like she did one thousand times before

>> No.20474136

thinking of becoming gay for friends not buttsex

>> No.20474145

The butt sex is just an initiation thing, to break the homosocial ice so to say.

>> No.20474155

alright, slip it in

>> No.20474181
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>> No.20474183

you're being silly but this is actually true

>> No.20474186

You should cultivate a habit for college alt girls instead. Taking them on a date is about the same price, and they'll worship you afterwards.

>> No.20474287
File: 470 KB, 551x550, 1641420244096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get off this website. I'm convinced the feds are monitoring me now. They probably have been monitoring me for a long time now. I need to get my shit together or its only going to get way worse. I have a bunch of files I need to delete. Nothing illegal, just some anime fetish shit, but no one else but me and my fellow 4chan anons should see them. I need to eat more than one meal a day and do some work outs. Anything to make going outside less unbearable. I see figures out the corner of my eye when I'm wondering the house at night. It should scare me, but it doesn't. I have a bunch of delusions I need to break. I know they're delusions, but I still believe in them anyways, it's out of my control. I need to take a shit.

>> No.20474308

Any UK anons interested in a London meetup at some point?

>> No.20474310

to do what?

>> No.20474324

At what point will I admit to myself that I am a tragic character? That the train isn't going to stop? How much more proof do I need? Nobody is even asking for proof because it's written on my face!

>> No.20474340

thinking about HER and wanting to die

>> No.20474359

Hey Anon, will you try something for me? I want to know how it makes you feel. Sit back in your chair, hold your fingers to your throat and close your eyes. Feel your pulse beating in your neck for a minute and tell me what it makes you think about or feel.

>> No.20474389

l feel bored

>> No.20474390

Seeing all the big stuff for the Queen's Jubilee.
Who pays for this?
Only the royal family and their wealth or do the people of UK somehow pay for all that stuff too?

>> No.20474392

I have no clue why the Brits haven't given the monarchs the boot

>> No.20474397

considering how much money the government wastes the monarchy isnt an issue for me

>> No.20474403

have gay sex

>> No.20474411

Makes me feel impatient. There was really no point in doing that.

>> No.20474413

It made me feel nervous. Like I wasnt supposed to be listening. I also have noise canceling headphones on so I could really feel the blood pumping. Unnerving. Gory. I'm going to keep listening.

>> No.20474449

Fresh from my diary. (please excuse the reddit spacing. I'm keeping it in this post to preserve the authenticity of the entry)

Am I naïve ? Or just straight up dumb ?

Why did I agree to go on that date with ***** and sleep with him after he had that sketchy shit going on with that lady ?

Did I think I could just have fun with him and he'd make it easy to leave it at that ?
Did I think that if he didn't make it easy I could easily say and assert what I wanted ?

I was doing SOOO good. A lot of shit was thrown at me all at once, but why did I let it throw me off like this ?
Was it a matter of being kind to myself to slow down and heal or was it a matter of resigning to the darkness and giving up ? I hate how hard life is. Why can't I just have a big fat trust and true love with a richass man and just get high in a cabana all day and do nothing.

>> No.20474460

cor go on then

>> No.20474472

i really would like to punch you in the kidneys for exposing me to this absolute drivel

>> No.20474477

whiny teenage girl trash

>> No.20474483

You got filtered.

>> No.20474496

it ends with him being a whore. not in a good way. that's what it comes down to. he's just a whore, which he had really testified to but even speaking with dignity.. it comes back to that. don't know what to make of that. maybe I should avoid him.

>> No.20474497

dumb slut

>> No.20474503 [DELETED] 

well did u think a guy with standards and ethics was going to hit on someone like you? i mean really.

>> No.20474545

Is he hot and big dicked
What did you see in him that apparently many, many, MANY others saw ?

>> No.20474576

Aim small, miss small.

>> No.20474592

Have you seen their parliament? Taking power from the monarchy and house of lords was a huge mistake

>> No.20474599

Oh you're the Nevada anonette. I'm still open to having a toxic codependent relationship with you.

>> No.20474602

You again
I was hoping you'd make a throwaway platform to iron out connecting with eachother

>> No.20474604

I desperately need a bratty wife/gf

>> No.20474617

my American gf lives in Nevada planning on visiting her in autumn

>> No.20474643

I'm a mistake, I should never have been.

>> No.20474644

I suppose that is the wisdom. You hone in on a detail and you think "this is an outrage! what an evil thing to do!" and you're all busy with how horrible she is and everything and then it spins back to your fault and they're all evil and everything and you miss the entire point:

the point is that the whole fucking affair is an outrage. Looking at details is entirely backwards. it just takes time. all of it is evil. it is evil taken as a whole.

>> No.20474653
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baka desu senpai

>> No.20474662
File: 182 KB, 1023x1280, 339c234cd00c747995bb2116f592b71d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is pride going for you?

>> No.20474677

seeing my gay friend for the first time in years but it's nothing to do with pride

>> No.20474687


Send me a screencap of your (You)s

>> No.20474688
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1617552016319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a blogpost for the blogposting thread
>talk to girl for a month and a half, go on 5 good dates
>goes on vacation for 2 weeks to meet her female friend
>texts to me become incredibly infrequent halfway through
>says she'd love to go out for drinks in the week after she gets back
>comes back, ghosts me for a week
>apologizes, says she's in a bipolar slump and she isn't ready for a relationship
>updates her dating profile, now says she is bisexual
Why would she ghost me for a week and then break things off instead of just doing so right when she got back?
This wouldn't hurt so much if it weren't for getting cheated at the end of my last relationship (4 years), and then having to suspect that she cheated on me too with a woman this time
Fucking hedgehog dilemma bullshit

>> No.20474691

Put a bullet in your brain, cunt

>> No.20474692

A gay bar in texas was just shut down for letting kids into a stripper event

>> No.20474697

bit rude innit

>> No.20474713
File: 51 KB, 695x687, 1600884878802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad is such a depressing and gloomy person. I don't hate him or anything like that but when you are around him for too long it becomes exhausting.

>> No.20474724

I am exactly like him so I just avoid people for as much as possible, but I don't think it's really an uncommon trait for 4chan posters

>> No.20474751

Thats called a viscous cycle anon

>> No.20474845
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>> No.20474848

He meant, send the screencap to him in the email

>> No.20474849

I feel the same way with fascism too though. Marxists will destroy and bankrupt a nation, and fascism will kill and destroy minority groups. I have some minority friends, wouldn't want them to be harmed.

>> No.20474854

I ultimately consider fascists to be paper tigers, that will be easily defeated the moment they get out of line. Biden could end fascism in America tomorrow if he wanted too. Marxists, on the other hand, are a dangerous enemy indeed.

>> No.20474890

The issues are more thorny and complicated than that.
Biden is a neoliberal and that’s one goose step away from fascism. Same with the neocons (Nuland, McCain others supported this Ukraine op just as much)
Nationalism is as much a paper tiger as the woke tards on the synthetic left. Both are confused as to how much they look alike. Same with the statist Marxist-Leninists/Trots etc. “freedom through authoritarianism” is just Obvious Orwellian nuspeak as always.
Mass deprogramming is needed

>> No.20474901

>Biden is a neoliberal and that’s one goose step away from fascism.
Wut? Neolibs love minorities

>> No.20474926

that was pretty autohomoerotic.
i'm horny now.

>> No.20474934

Like Obama? A Reagan level Republican that starts multiple wars, drone bombs civilians, mass deportation, mass incarceration.
Like BLM? They were about getting cops to reform, but have now been infiltrated and bought out.
The US uses its racists to keep a modern Terror game going to obscure the class war. Meantime they simply bring different races and women into the fold. Hillary, Madeleine Albright. The white supremacy is muted, naturally, because there are Jewish nationalists at work here too.
Another name for fascism is corporatism.

>> No.20475012
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Woke up early today. Right as the sun rose. Made me realise just how much time one gets if they get up early.

>> No.20475015

Interesting, noted.

>> No.20475140
File: 148 KB, 720x707, 1653865488708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I forget women's perspective exists

>> No.20475150

It's pathetic how you cowards let theses threads float just under the limit because you wont get any eyes on your posts. Instead we should just kill the damn thread with a burst of death comments around the 300 mark.

>> No.20475157


>> No.20475162

Fake post

>Fool poster posts blowjack
Big surprise.

>> No.20475165


>> No.20475167

Fake post

>> No.20475169

r/antinatalism is destroying itself because they discovered a mod was a misogynist incel

>le go back
fuck off! Its fun to watch.

>> No.20475177 [DELETED] 

yeah i've noticed a lot of fake posts pretending to be women validating sad men, like on /fit/ if some guy posts his moobs or says he's short someone pretend to be a woman will post and say some absurd shit like you deserve love and are a worth person, like give me a break lol. i think it's some kind of deradicalization psyop.

>> No.20475199

on the apple music top 25 songs in nyc playlist it's all the usual mainstream rap and urban latino shit but for some reason kate bush is #9? anyone know why? seems kinda weird

>> No.20475216

what the hell kate bush is in the top 10 of all the american cities except atlanta for some reason

>> No.20475224

her song was in some netflix show

>> No.20475246

how do i dab on intellectuals with my ebin presence. I need to be the smartest person in the room at all time. It's just be like that man.

>> No.20475253

just feign schizophrenia

>> No.20475254

im going to make a new

>> No.20475255

good thing you typed that, i was just about to

>> No.20475260

Stranger Things

>> No.20475271

imagine having the attention span to watch a tv show

>> No.20475278

Am I too late!?


>> No.20475282

not all, son. well done

>> No.20475338

I think your house has mold in it anon

>> No.20475638
File: 125 KB, 959x1200, 61YpwcQaAaL._AC_UL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's here!

>> No.20476321
File: 825 KB, 408x800, spikes spikes spikes spikes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true love with a richass man
It's already not true love then, if you just want his money.
In Russian we have a saying that goes something like "if you want to be the wife of a general, you have to marry a lieutenant"
You picking up what I'm putting down?