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20468225 No.20468225 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that this is the future of literature :3

>> No.20468238

Why do people make click bait threads on 4chan? Do you get paid per shitpost or something?

>> No.20468242

This is good, if people start doing this then it makes it easier for normal people to avoid shitty writers. It's as effective as colorful skin on poisonous frogs.

>> No.20468248
File: 1.07 MB, 320x240, 1619995629036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the future of literature at all. There is enough good stuff in the past. If they want more they will make it, if not fuck em.

>> No.20468260 [DELETED] 

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams void found voidself transformed in void's bed into a gigantic insect.

>> No.20468263

what the fuck are neopronouns

>> No.20468269

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams xe found xerself transformed in xer bed into a gigantic insect.

>> No.20468271

zip zappty doo

>> No.20468275

Imagine having to read a whole fucking book of this nonsense. I do not envy the publicists of the future.

>> No.20468284

your mother

>> No.20468286

>tfw only text I read which used hermself also referenced gassing Jews and killing Serbs
I don't know if these people want to read that

>> No.20468289

Nig, nog, spic, spoc

>> No.20468322

>some retard with two likes
we lost xzisters

>> No.20468340

literature will be more interactive.
people reading on their kindles will be able to assign gender and pronouns with a simple replace target string with function.

>> No.20468341

>a tweet with 2 likes
why care?

>> No.20468353

> Zip-a-dee-doo-dah
> zip-a-dee-ay

>> No.20468393

If you don't know, don't bother to find out. It'll just make the world slightly more irritating for you.

>> No.20468738

I don't know, but I found out LGBT people call nieces or nephews who are trannies "niblings" to be "gender neutral".

>> No.20468747

I don't mind they/them, but shit like xir just repulses me despite my best efforts, even though I've only read it as applied to aliens, where it makes sense. I've even tried using them when plotting alien species and stuff myself, but it's just weird...

>> No.20468807

It’s already passé

>> No.20468862

what I never can understand about trannies and the genderqueer people, is that why don’t they have some kind of internal idea as to how masculine or feminine they are, then attach themselves to the right pronoun? like if a genderqueer dyke bitch is 70% masculine and 30% feminine, why can’t she just refer to herself as a he?

>> No.20468932

My question is why they post it as a screencap. It's a tweet, you could literally just copy the text and then put an actually interesting picture in the op

>> No.20469103

kek, couldn't think of a more degrading sounding term if I tried

>> No.20469107

What if they're 50/50, or their feelings of gender identity are fluid over time?

>> No.20469110
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>> No.20469127

Then they should kill themselves. Actually, they would do that regardless.

>> No.20469158

Well that's not very nice

>> No.20469170

then they got brainwashed too hard in school and need some kind of counter mental conditioning

>> No.20469175

literal who twitter retard kys

>> No.20469180

>random faggot on twitter
>abhorrent opinion about inane garbage

>> No.20469234

I actually don't think it has anything to do with trannies. I think it existed before all this shit and was co-opted by trannies. It's just the equivalent of sibling, which is gender neutral, for niece and nephew. Of course you have cousin, but that only applies if they are the children of your aunt and uncle. So nibling is the only word I know for the other direction, unless someone can unearth a synonym which is also non-gender specific.