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20467380 No.20467380 [Reply] [Original]

I very rarely visit here and some poster was praising it. I bought it completely on a whim, and it was the most profound read of my life.
I ended up giving my family a paperback copy each. With my facial muscles, I reciprocated their joy for receiving the perplexing yet nebulous oddysee, with a smile. “Anon, the blurb makes me wonder if the story will contain any esoteric horror” my three year old niece asked of me. I replied using my mouth “yes.”

Esoteric is a term used to describe something difficult to understand or understood by few. However, Call Of The Crocodile, is neither of these things, I write using my fingers for this post.
Unironically though, I highly respect the author’s take on spirituality. But it was a pseud that wanted to incorporate as many schizo ideas as he could. Any good authors on a DMT worldview?

>> No.20467385

don't care

>> No.20467393

didn't ask

>> No.20467400

>this discord faggot is still shilling

>> No.20467406

>Esoteric is a term used to describe something difficult to understand or understood by few.

No it's not, it means "provokes interest" the same way "erotic" means "provokes desire."

>> No.20467412

Fuck off gardner

>> No.20467420

OP is trolling, but right about the meaning of esoteric you dolt

>> No.20467506

>that file name
It's weird how retards think their shilling and botting works for anything, you stick out like a soar circumscized thumb.

>> No.20467549

Even if I mock it, it’s still shilling? God forbid I want to humour myself, shit talk the book and ask a genuine question. You are not as smart as you think you are

>> No.20467557

>Any good authors on a DMT worldview?
GRS Mead

>> No.20467588

Go back.

>> No.20467805
File: 141 KB, 717x682, 4CB868DC-142A-454B-8524-022644D79E89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call Of The Crocodile is awesome

>> No.20467838

Should I read it?

>> No.20467848

Why hasn't anyone ruined Gardner's life yet? 4chan is known for doing that sort of thing when you mess with 4chan.

>> No.20467856

>Any good authors on a DMT worldview?

Terrence McKenna

>> No.20467941

Yea it’s really good

>> No.20467954

It goes in all fields

>> No.20468026

He’s been doxxed already, he’s just so pathetic it doesn’t even matter. He doesnt care that people here are disgusted by him, so long as enough naive idiots keep falling for the grift

>> No.20468044

As far as I’m aware, Horror’s Call is the only series that utilizes the whole DMT concept for a horror setting. Have you read Ouroboros? I hear people talk about CotC all the time but Ouroboros is the one that focuses on the DMT stuff the most.

>> No.20468060


He'll give up eventually. Gloria Tesch threw in the towel and got a real job, but even if Gardner never does, he'll eventually realize this stupid series is never gonna catch on and spend his time on something more productive, even if said activity consists solely of masturbating.

>> No.20468094

I’ve noticed a lot more Croc threads lately. Is it because of how it went viral? Anyway, Call of the Arcade is better than Call of the Crocodile. I’d recommend that one. But you probably already read it since you read Croc

>> No.20468115

Kinda doubt it only because he’s not averse to the hate as long as it generates any amount of money. It’s like how, when sufficiently called out, the shills switch to acting like they enjoy all the grammatical errors because it’s “like the book version of the room.’ Enough stupidity and you’ve got tenacity.
You’re not ‘going viral’ you’re clearly just trying to force a dispute between reddit and 4chn centering around you. It’s been pathetic to watch, entirely opaque, and we’re all ready for you to go back to discord with all your little retarded sycophants.

>> No.20468165

I’m more surprised Jigoku isn’t more popular. That’s my favorite one imo. I like Pokémon and it was cool to see that it’s a gory and mature version of that.

To answer your question though OP, Gardner really is probably the best option. Since his books are like a combination of Lovecraft and Terrance McKenna.

>> No.20468208

damn I did not know who Gloria Tesch was until you posted this. Honestly gives a lot more insight into Gardner. It’s always so hard to believe he can be this >>20468165 insanely tonedeaf and keep pushing despite being so obviously shit, but I guess this is a whole genre of person and Gardners just the most recent iteration of sad, wannabe loser.

>> No.20468701

Can someone explain what the hell “Call of the Crocodile” is and who the fuck “Gardner” is to someone out of the loop?

>> No.20468720

lurk more

>> No.20468826

The most insane book in existence

>> No.20468912

Call of the Crocodile is by far the best meme book from this place.

>> No.20469117 [DELETED] 

I’ve been wondering if Horror’s Call is a psy-op. There’s just too many odd things about it.

>it’s “from 4chan”
>author no one knows much about other than that he’s a Flat Earther
>the abundance of red pills in the content of the books

The red pills in them are beyond They Live and the Matrix combined. This isn’t just some normal indie book series.

>> No.20469151

How do I find a pdf of it no way am I paying for some meme book

>> No.20469218

OP here. I tried everything and even used quotation searches. It’s literally no where to be found, not even any torrent. I don’t want to suggest you buy it, but you won’t satisfy your curiosity any other way. Some faggot did a reading on YouTube for free

It’s weird. It’s written the EXACT same way I wrote as a teenager. There’s virtually no discussion of its content online, and there’s only 3-4 videos of it on YouTube. What surprises me is the DMT section of the book because that’s been my inherent view on death. I guess someone off on the deep end like the author was never formally educated. It’s funny how he mentions self-cognition in his book, but he doesn’t realise how shit his grammar is and how uncanny & robotic his characters are. There’s no way someone can be that retarded. It’s either the most schizo creepy pasta or it was all part of a plan.

>> No.20469247

Thanks, I'll skip it

>> No.20469282

Its written by a GPT3 AI

>> No.20469306

Yeah it felt to me like the ultimate creepypasta in book form. Even though I kind of suspect it’s a psy-op, it was a wild ride to read and I enjoyed my time with it.

Not possible. There’s a ton of twists and foreshadowing. An A.I. wouldn’t be capable of that.

>> No.20469332

Why not? You said it reads like a dumb teenager wrote it

>> No.20469363

Because it would have to take into account how to properly execute the foreshadowing with the various themes and hints it has which build toward a few twists in it. A.I. is capable of shitting out a semi coherent story but the technology is nowhere near the level of being able to do that.
For example, halfway through Call of the Crocodile it heavily references Dante’s Divine Comedy. It’s foreshadowed in the earlier chapters. Plus the whole big reveal in it is just too complex for an A.I. to do.

>> No.20469391

If you were following along with the posts, you’d know you aren’t replying to OP you gay retard

>> No.20469802

Good point.

>> No.20470634

I read it too. CotC is probably the best book I’ve come across from rec threads

>> No.20470662

Somebody post an excerpt from Crocodile. I don't want to sign up to Amazon to get a sample of it.

>> No.20470708
File: 122 KB, 751x818, 4588ED19-F4EF-4E11-B0C3-D0DC0B5CACBF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have this excerpt from one of gardner’s other books saved but here you go

>> No.20470754
File: 379 KB, 2288x1366, reviews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell Gardner shills so much because there's no written reviews for the 3-5 stars given by (probably) bot accounts; instead, we're left with heaps of these 1 star reviews by people who were duped. Stop falling for memes.

>> No.20471319

This is great

>> No.20472407

"The impossible and turned to possible"
"serial killings became replaced by"

You read something like this and you think the person is unfathomably dumb, but then you remember that probably somewhere between 10% and 20% of the world population is actually even more retarded than Gardner. A sad state of affairs.

>> No.20472741

Unfathomably based

>> No.20472752

retard. never post on this board again

>> No.20473528
File: 15 KB, 240x240, 1597857103459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anny of iu crackpots got the .pdf s`?

>> No.20474160
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 635165465341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if any anons are for some reason interested in wasting their time reading gardener's dogshit, at least don't also waste your money - it's available for free here:

>> No.20475399


>> No.20476319

When will you stop shilling?

>> No.20476408

Who is this guy what he do?

>> No.20476845


>> No.20478397

This was sort of my experience. CotC blew my mind. I thought it was just another “meme book”