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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2045058 [Reply] [Original]

Weirdest boner moments in literature. Spoiler where necessary.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
You know the bit. Where Lisbeth is raped and everything beyond that, including her taking control. I knew I enjoyed sub/dom stuff, but not as much as that.

>> No.2045075
File: 92 KB, 425x432, watson crossed his legs uncomfortably.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any time Watson says "ejaculation" (he says it alot)

>The ejaculation had been drawn from my companion by the fact that our door had been suddenly dashed open, and that a huge man had framed himself in the aperture.

>In the dim light of the lamp I saw him sitting there, an old briar pipe between his lips, his eyes fixed vacantly upon the corner of the ceiling, the blue smoke curling up from him, silent, motionless, with the light shining upon his strong-set aquiline features. So he sat as I dropped off to sleep, and so he sat when a sudden ejaculation caused me to wake up, and I found the summer sun shining into the apartment.

>‘My dear Holmes!’ I ejaculated.

etc. etc.

never mind that I've got these all typed up and on the ready

>> No.2045741

This thread has potential.
>About twelve
>Reading Beyond the Deepwoods
>Protagonist gets caught by some girl who locks him in a cave and puts a collar around his neck
>She brushes his hair and puts beads in them and shit
>Book is illustrated
>Hot redhead girl

>> No.2045747

>Terry Pratchett

I want to be inside you, Ludmilla...

>> No.2045764

I was reading some random science fiction book, and OUT OF NOWHERE there's this scene where the female lead busts into the male lead's hotel room, ties him up with her underwear, fucks him with the stiletto bit of her high heeled shoe, and jerks him off. Suddenly harder than a fucking diamond.

>> No.2045770

>Needful Things
>Middle aged moms obsessed with Elvis, purchase Elvis shit at store
>Touching them makes you feel like you're being fucked by Elvis
>Both women become bloated, ugly bitches obsessed with their Elvis
>One of them develops acne, is a fucking mess
>Dat scene where she masturbates with the the picture

Holy shit

>> No.2045786

>Kafka on the shore
>Truck driver fucks a prostitute while she quotes Hegel

>> No.2045817

I fucking loved that book. I'm pretty sure I had a massive crush on every single main character in the series when I was younger.

>> No.2046589

> Be 9 or something
> Read "Cujo" by Stephen King
> Brief description of the female character giving a blowjob
> Not aware of what a fellatio is






>> No.2046596
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Gravity's Rainbow
The part where Pirate gets the letter that he has to ejaculate on to read

>> No.2046611
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I remember that part, but the part I fapped to was at the end when Gaunt tells the bitch to get down on her knees and suck him off, and she's going to, but then he's disgusted with her and tells her to gtfo or some shit.

>> No.2046635

>Was 17
>Orgy with all the kids
>I felt so ashamed with myself

>> No.2046641

you're a pedophile

>> No.2046647

I would call you a pedophile, but technically you need to be 16 or older to be one.

>> No.2046651

i'm 16 but i'm not a pedophile since i don't like young people i like girls my age

>> No.2046670


... and whats wrong about being a pedophile?

>> No.2046672


mmm thats good can of worms

>> No.2046679

Actually, I was just reading and in the DSM-V (the authority on mental disorders) they are planning to combine pedophilia (prepubescent children) with Hebephilia (pubescent children) and call it pedohebephilic disorder.

>> No.2046685

Shut up and stop rationalizing. You're a pedophile and there's nothing you can do about that, it's just your natural way. Don't be in denial about it--that's how you end up doing something you'll regret. Just be aware of your thoughts and your body, and plan your actions and situations carefully.

As all modern psychologists know, sexuality is both dynamic and continuous. "Pedophile" is a part of your sexuality right now, but in the future, it might not be. You never know. Since you're currently 16, I'd advise having any and all underage sex you can now, because you can get away with it! That's one thing I regret, not getting that out of the way when I was still a minor. I mean, you can have sex with a 13 year old girl, and it wouldn't even be life-breakingly creepy.

Just be wise, my son, live your life hurting yourself and others as little as possible.

>> No.2046689

>DSM-V (the authority on mental disorders) they are planning to combine pedophilia (prepubescent children) with Hebephilia (pubescent children) and call it pedohebephilic disorder.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. Any clinical psychologist who supports this deserves to be stripped of his credentials. If they did that, they'll be regretting it in a few years just as much as they now regret, say, listing homosexuality as a disorder.

>> No.2046694

Oh, you don't seem to be aware that the DSM is based on the medical model and is published by the American Psychiatric Association as opposed to the American Psychological Association.

>> No.2046698

They're also strongly considering adding introversion to their list of disorders. Again.

>> No.2046700

>In 2002, amidst increasing concern to differentiate themselves from clinical psychologists, the APA assembly membership voted against a proposed name change to the American Psychiatric Medical Association

They aren't clinical psychologists, but your point stands.

>> No.2046701


Pedophilia should be removed from the DSM-V first and foremost.

>> No.2046714

Everything should be removed from the wacky psycho mumbojumbo. Except like retardation or some shit

>> No.2046716

I like how the DSM includes incest as a subcategory of pedophilia. Incest = pedophilia.
You know you like what incest stuff? Because you are a pedophile in denial.

>> No.2046718

You know so I can get away with doing stupid shit

>> No.2046724

It doesn't let you get away with "stupid shit".
I have no idea what you are thinking.

>> No.2046730

>mfw when suddenly millions are diagnosed with the upcoming caffeine dependence / abuse as a substance disorder.

>> No.2046735

>0 matches
Come on guys, you're slipping.

On a personal note, I find myself getting erections at entirely unwarranted moments in reading. Completely non-sexual scenes in books. It's not as if I've got a perma-boner while reading, but I get unwarranted erections much more frequently with a book in front of me.

>> No.2046740

Forgive me, since I'm not a medical doctor or biologist, I've never studied the human mind except from the perspective of Psychology. It didn't even occur to me that the P in APA might stand for Psychiatric at the time, although I'm obviously aware of the fact that psychiatry exists as a distinct field of medicine.