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20460992 No.20460992 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ has helped me realize that Christianity is true because the only alternatives to it are superstitious bug people fatalism, esoteric LARPing, and fedorafag sophistry. Were it not for the poor example set by you retards, I would never have found the truth.

>> No.20461006
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You are welcome

>> No.20461050

Well, what if I'm wrong, I mean — anybody could be wrong. We could all be wrong about the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the pink unicorn and the flying teapot. You happen to have been brought up, I would presume, in a Christian faith. You know what it's like to not believe in a particular faith because you're not a Muslim. You're not a Hindu. Why aren't you a Hindu? Because you happen to have been brought up in America, not in India. If you had been brought up in India, you'd be a Hindu. If you had been brought up in Denmark in the time of the Vikings, you'd be believing in Wotan and Thor. If you were brought up in classical Greece, you'd be believing in Zeus. If you were brought up in central Africa, you'd be believing in the great Juju up the mountain. There's no particular reason to pick on the Judeo-Christian god, in which by the sheerest accident you happen to have been brought up and ask me the question, "What if I'm wrong?"

>> No.20461057
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>/lit/ helped me realize Christianity is true
I think you misunderstood the books you read

>> No.20461061

Why do you refuse to grasp that which rests on your palm?

>> No.20461154

>the only alternatives to it are superstitious bug people fatalism, esoteric LARPing, and fedorafag sophistry.
Or, you know, any of the other religions that are better.

>> No.20461160

See OP, you just needed to have one thought. Why did this anon manage to do it and you can't?

>> No.20461563

Can I ask a weird question - are you Jewish?

>> No.20461570

Implication without argument
Same as above
Faux-cringe deepness which is the same as above

It's so weird. All of you imply that you have the truth without being able to articulate it. I wonder why that is....

>> No.20461628

Enough esoteric larping going on in christianity as well

>> No.20461640
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You should believe in the supernatural if you genuinely think it's real.

Accept the talking snake and talking bushes and dispense with any pretensions of intellectualism.

>> No.20461645

>Faux-cringe deepness
You reject sincerity just as you reject your humanity. Things could be different

>> No.20461657
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Absolutely and brutally filtered

>> No.20461658

What would that argument be called? Argument from least bad/everything else being retarded?

>> No.20461659

>I don't like le bug people fatalism
>I don't like le esoteric LARPing
>I don't like le fedorafag sophistry
>... therefore...
>Christianity is TRUE!
Nice logic, retard.

>> No.20461662

It's a form of Pascal's Wager, pilpuling the god you are supposed to have a contract with in extremely bad faith, and assuming he won't make good on his claims to omniscience and know you were dishonest in your volcano worship

>> No.20461663

You will never be allowed into heaven with that kind of thinking.

>> No.20461670

The truth is right in front of you. There is no need to articulate anything more

>> No.20461675

>god is real because otherwise le reddit!

>> No.20462049

Dumbass cringe pseud.

>> No.20462247

Go find a Roman cop to crucify you, christer

>> No.20462360

Imagine how butthurt you'd be if you had turned the other cheek... You're living a lie, cuck.

>> No.20462362

>Pascal's Wager
Why is it what always when I read “Pascal's Wager” I mentally hear it — specifically the word wager — in a British accent? Wayjah.

>> No.20462381

Pipul poster lmao
What's right in front of you mean? Just whatever your misled soul believes?

>> No.20462385

You're not insulting Christians but yourself.
Go find a nice slice of pizza to derive meaning from.

>> No.20462394
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>Go find a nice slice of pizza to derive meaning from
The pizza box. You ordered it. We delivered.

>> No.20462422
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Make sure to read Ellul.

>> No.20462628

I was raised Anglican, and you can go kill yourself.

>> No.20462636
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>The truth is what appeals to me

>> No.20462646

I never liked you either, OP

>> No.20462671

Huh. Be impressed by better passages.

>> No.20462675
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The beauty of the truth is that it's true no matter what you believe

>> No.20462676

>I never liked
Oh look the measure of all things!!! It's anon's likes and dislikes

>> No.20462689


>> No.20462722

only if this book were available on pdf

>> No.20462724

It’s true. I remember at some point realizing just how incredible the Christian faith was.

>> No.20462750

Well obviously Christianity isn't entirely true. If you had actually been paying attention, you would have understood that the moment you encountered Parmenides.

Christianity just needs to be moderated slightly. They think too highly of their god and attribute too much to him. The truth is that metaphysics > theology.

>> No.20462950

>superstitious bug people fatalism, esoteric LARPing, and fedorafag sophistry

The christian larping on /lit/ is just as bad, if not worse, than those things.

It's larping and shitposting all the way down. Always has been.

>> No.20464153
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Do u evn facebook