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/lit/ - Literature

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20460866 No.20460866 [Reply] [Original]

WWOYM is not a meme thread for random or r9k posting. There are boards for that already. This is not your blog or a chat room. There are sites for that. Rule 1 of WWOYM. Don’t invite your friends to WWOYM.

Previous thread >>/lit/thread/S20459381#p20459381

>> No.20460870

The clock is set for nine but you know you're gonna make it eight

>> No.20460880

Phonology is the most important of all science.

>> No.20460885
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Some people find pic related funny, I just feel the need to reenact Munch's The Scream.

>> No.20460896

College humor

>> No.20460902

"In 1902, Charles Sanders Peirce wrote: "Give science only a hundred more centuries of increase in geometrical progression, and she may be expected to find that the sound waves of Aristotle's voice have somehow recorded themselves."[

>> No.20460904

Are you trying to scare away the eager janny who got rid of the last one with all that text?

>> No.20460913
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>> No.20460919

Excellent, I literally don't have any friends.

>> No.20460926

>Should I read Aristotle's Topics having just finished reading Cicero's Topica? What can I realistically hope to glean?
>What other works of rhetoric should I read, I think I've read them all. Except De Oratore. Unlike Quintillian or Aristotle or Rhetorica ad Herennium it seems very sparse on practical stuff
>Can you 'hack' the Sapir-Whorf effect to change your behaviors, I'm not talking about using euphemisms to change attitudes towards things, but more through changing the expression in language of certain ideas or relationships can you fundamentally change your own world view if you do it persistently enough? What is the relationship between narrative and stream-of-consciousness? Are we forever doomed to propagate the same patterns of thought we always have or can we through strategic manipulation of how we express ourselves in the written and spoken word seek to shift the patterns themselves?

>> No.20460951

Good to know, tranny

>> No.20460976 [DELETED] 

even boulders turn into samd

>> No.20460985

Remember to grease your elbows

>> No.20460991

Yes through conscious intent and discipline for long enough otherwise you will fall into your existing patterns

>> No.20460996

I watched Encanto yesterday with my daughters.
It was literally One Hundred Years of Solitude.
I guess everybody knows that but I had not read anything at all about that movie before watching it.

>> No.20461000

Any good books on this? I'm a beginner with phonetics and all that. Hopefully I'll be able to write better with it

>> No.20461015

that's because it is funny

>> No.20461019


>> No.20461051

reddit post

>> No.20461053

har har

>> No.20461056


>> No.20461060

I'm ditching an appointment for the 3rd week in a row because I don't want to leave my house.

>> No.20461119

I have never once saw the appeal of sports growing up, sure I tangibly enjoy NASCAR, WWE, European football, F1, and skateboarding/snowboarding/skiing but conventional sports like American football, baseball, hockey, basketball, etc have never really clicked with me and I feel like I was just lying to myself feigning enjoyment for it just to have friends in the early oughts.

>> No.20461123

yeah, it's def a case of "am i the retard or is everyone else a retard"

>> No.20461124
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I don't enjoy anything.

>> No.20461148

not only that but a quick way to get to me to shut up in high school was to start talking about field goals and quarterbacks. I was way too conservative for the nerdy theatre crowd (though I was on the fringes of them and the punk kids) but not conventional enough for the regular joes. I liked (and still do) bands like Morbid Angel, Obituary, Circle Jerks, Cryptic Slaughter, DRI, Husker Du, Discharge but most popular kids liked cringy nu metal and told me my music wasn't "music". most of the punk kids the most hardcore they got was maybe a tangible love of Black Flag or The Descendents but things like crossover and d-beat were verboten to them (I had not yet got into grindcore at that time) most of the theatre crowd liked indie rock or ska and that besides a little of the former I really wasn't into at the time. I wasn't smart enough to play D&D or Magic The Gathering but not normie enough to talk about something (showing my age here) Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson.

>> No.20461179

How much you need to write until whatever you write is public ready? If I loved writing as kid/teen but then I haven't write for many years and I return to writing as 27 year old, do i still have talent and intuition to write good prose from a get go?

>> No.20461193

>This is not your blog or a chat room.
Heh, never have I read something so false since reading the Bible.

>> No.20461194

But is that specifically related to language and the Spir-Whorf hypothesis?

>> No.20461205

Well, yes, because if you could consciously change your lexical to influence it in a desired direction then it would have a consequence in the direction of which you outline. Much the same as learning any skill, it requires conscious enactment and discipline for a long enough time period to result in fundamental changes. I am not talking from any specific paradigm here, but for example from a scientific perspective, this would result in 'neuronal changes' and new 'synapse connections' that would cause 'structural brain changes' that then influence the way the you think.

I have not read the literature around the concept you've highlighted but I imagine it would reflect something along those lines from briefly looking at its description.

>> No.20461208

Basically I believe your interpretation and suggestions to be correct

>> No.20461291

I've got aids, BEASTMAN aids!


>> No.20461299

>hack Sapir-Whorf
What do metaphors do?
>relationship between narrative and stream-of-consciousness
Narrative self and experiential self
>Are we forever doomed to propagate the same patterns of thought

>> No.20461399

Should I read Spinoza next or Rosseau?

>> No.20461543
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I can honestly say reading philosophy has fucked me up. I’ve literally gone insane from it and have anxiety daily now. Thanks greeks.

>> No.20461548
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I should just start recording the videos and preparing things already.
This goddamned thing is never gonna work out, so what is the point in still trying?

>> No.20461551

I think I may actually hate trannies more than niggers at this point.

>> No.20461557

What's the free book website called?

>> No.20461562

I can fix that: We exist, and we're going to die, and everything is going to be fine. Everything else is only secondary.

>> No.20461572
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>> No.20461574

>We exist,

>> No.20461575


>> No.20461577

Depends on your stance on 'man in nature'

>> No.20461578

it feels like we do, so any hypotheticals arguing about it are irrelevant

>> No.20461595

odds on a christcuck hiding behind this post?

>> No.20461602


>> No.20461609

Zero since I'm not one.

>> No.20461615

I would tell him to "take your meds, schizo" but alas he's dead already.

>> No.20461618


>> No.20461619

just a regular old faggot then. gotcha

>> No.20461630

I've started to dislike them as well. I think everyone should be able to live how they like (within reason) but this whole "I'M TRANS" phenomenon seems completely disingenuous. Trans people don't want to be trans. They don't want people to know that they're trans. Transsexuals want to be the opposite gender. That's the whole point.
Trannies are something else. They're performative.

>> No.20461634

>I think everyone should be able to live how they like
Trannies have convinced me this idea is wrong. Some ways of life are evil and harmful to everyone around you, and should be suppressed.

>> No.20461642

Trans people and trannies are not the same, is my point. Trans people are fine. Trannies are not.

>> No.20461643
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simply epic

>> No.20461644

Tell me more so that I can know what to be thinking about when Texas bans public crossdressing

>> No.20461647

No they aren't. None of it is fine. There are no "trans people," there are men and women (biologically) who are suffering from some kind of mental illness. That does not give them a different "gender" because there is no such thing. They are what they were born as, immutably.

>> No.20461656

Well, that's just a shit opinion. It's boring, too. Trans people have always existed, and most everyone wants to be something other than what they were born as. It doesn't just apply to a physical body.

>> No.20461661

Explain societies with third genders and pre-colonization trans people

>> No.20461664

>Some ways of life are evil and harmful to everyone around you, and should be suppressed.
Well then, there are way worse things than being trans. Like watching Fox News or thinking Sargon of Akkad isn't a drooling retard, for example.

>> No.20461667

>Well, that's just a shit opinion. It's boring, too.
I'm sorry you're retarded.
>Trans people have always existed,
No they haven't and they don't exist now. People do not have a "gender" as a facet of their identity that is separate from their sex. It does not exist. You are not "valid".
>and most everyone wants to be something other than what they were born as.
Yes and if it's something that you cannot be, you need to accept it and move on.
>It doesn't just apply to a physical body.
Changing your physical body does not help you. Cutting your dick off and having the wound reconstructed into a fake vagina just makes you a mutilated man. It does not make you a woman.
Our society has it too. It doesn't exist for us and it doesn't exist for them. A man cannot be anything other than a man and a woman cannot be anything other than a woman.

>> No.20461668

What a dull fucking life you must live.

>> No.20461673

I accept your concession of defeat.

>> No.20461680

Nice try, but you're just being tedious. I have no interest in reading the same black-white opinion a dozen times.

>> No.20461681

How have you proven that gender identity doesn't exist?

>> No.20461682

For the past few years, I’ve been seriously thinking about what I could worth my life that would feel somehow meaningful and I’ve just come up with nothing. As I round out my 20s and look at my 30s on the horizon, I’ve more or less lost all hope and I don’t think I’ll be around much longer.

>> No.20461689

Then fuck off.
Prove that it exists. The most you can point to is performative social roleplaying, which is not what "gender" is, as the ideology understands it to be an integral facet of human identity. The terminology was made-up as well, a few decades ago. The term gender properly refers to grammatical categories.

>> No.20461694

explain witchcraft you mouth breathing monkey

>> No.20461700
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There are even witches today!

>> No.20461701

Prove that your emotions are real
Prove that you're not a philosophical zombie
Prove that everyone with depression isn't just faking it
Do you realize what you're asking of us?
To be frank with you, I wish that the words woman and man weren't used to denote gender identity because its obvious that conservatives won't let words have multiple definitions, an exceedingly common quality among words

>> No.20461705

>The most you can point to is performative social roleplaying, which is not what "gender" is, as the ideology understands it to be an integral facet of human identity.
Oh, so you are retarded.

>> No.20461706

nobody gives a fuck about your gender
It's why the cheating bastard tranny man Liar Thomas is such a problem. SPORTS ARE SEPERATED BY SEX NOT GENDER
What we need is a third space / category for trans in sports and public space like gyms and bathrooms
so sick of this dangeorus fad

>> No.20461708

My chromosomes are real, bro.
I agree gender doesn't matter. Nobody can tell me what gender I am. But sex is immutable.

>> No.20461712

>Prove that your emotions are real
They are real in the sense that they are subjective experiences in your brain. They are not categories of my identity. You may have this concept in your brain that you are a woman, but that does not make you one. It is a delusional though.
>Prove that you're not a philosophical zombie
>Prove that everyone with depression isn't just faking it
>Do you realize what you're asking of us?
Grasping at straws now aren't we? If this is all the evidence you can muster for your ideology you might as well give it up since it's based on fucking nothing.
>To be frank with you
To be frank with you, you support an evil, destructive cult and need to reclaim your relationship with reality.

see >>20461673

>Nobody can tell me what gender I am.
I can tell you, because you don't have one.

>> No.20461715

>It is a delusional though.

>> No.20461716

>I can tell you, because you don't have one.
Correct, but I do have sex. And as we all know sex is immutable. So yeah, if gender does or doesn't exist it doesn't really matter. We still know what sex everyone is. Lol.

>> No.20461720

I don't think this approach addresses the problem. You're really just ceding the point to trannies but making it look like you aren't.

>> No.20461721

I don't even think I'm a woman, I'm a feminine male
At best I could be considered artificially intersex due to multiple secondary sexual characteristics which are typical of females that I have acquired due to HRT
I don't see how this presents an issue to you

>> No.20461722

Which philosophy reliably and relevantly extends to our animal ancestors? Unless you believe in some divine MCU intervention in human evolution to give us intellect (and when would that happen exactly? which kid and why? evolution is slow af, we have the convenience presently of summarizing history in swaths).

>> No.20461727

Well there you have it, folks.
>Chemically mutilating my body makes my authentic self!

>> No.20461733

>I just feel the need to reenact Munch's The Scream.
Just say it makes you want to scream you fucking pseud

>> No.20461737

>artificially intersex

>> No.20461739
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>I don't even think I'm a woman, I'm a feminine male
>At best I could be considered artificially intersex due to multiple secondary sexual characteristics which are typical of females that I have acquired due to HRT

>> No.20461743

>I don't see how this presents an issue to you
You need to stay out of
>Women's spaces, including gyms, changing rooms, sports, any medical services, spas, bathrooms, etc.
>Straight people's spaces
>Gay spaces
>Lesbian spaces

>> No.20461744
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>> No.20461746

>I'm a feminine male
Dude, post your face. Please. It's really funny.

>> No.20461749
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>> No.20461752

You're conflating the self with the physical state of the body, which is an objectively insane take. What is the fundamental difference between dressing as the opposite sex and dying your hair? Between a sex-change and getting a tattoo?

>> No.20461755

>intersex has nothing to do with transgender
What gender identity do you think intersex people have
Please order me around more, I love it more than you can fathom
Oh to never make a choice, to never be independent, to always follow the every whim of my overlords

>> No.20461759

>You're conflating the self with the physical state of the body, which is an objectively insane take.
Hmm? No I am not. Whatever he does to his body he is exactly what he was born as, a man. It is immutable.
>What is the fundamental difference between dressing as the opposite sex and dying your hair? Between a sex-change and getting a tattoo?
Only non-trannies can figure this out, so I will let you puzzle over it rather than giving you the answer.

>> No.20461761

>Only non-trannies can figure this out, so I will let you puzzle over it rather than giving you the answer.
no, no. I want you to answer this question.

>> No.20461762

>gender identity
Literally doesn't matter because it has no defintion.
Again it's sex not gender.

>> No.20461767

>What gender identity do you think intersex people have
They don't have one. They'll perform as a man or a woman, but they are an exception and not actually either. By the way, exceptions do not negate the norm, they prove the existence of the norm.

>> No.20461768

Post your hair helmet.
This dude's hair is a omegalul.
Maybe change your trip for each board.

>> No.20461771

Tell me the difference between a tranny removing his penis and a mentally ill man who thinks he shouldn't have arms getting his arms amputated.

>> No.20461776

The Holy Grail for trannnies.
How can you be intersex if your'e "transgender", lol, two different things bro
Why not call intersex "transgender" and call "transgender "intersex"?

>> No.20461777

You're dodging the question. I want you to answer. What is the fundamental difference between dressing as the opposite sex and dying your hair? Between a sex-change and getting a tattoo?

>> No.20461778

Do it for me please I am overencumbered with the immense weight of knowledge being placed upon my puny estrogenized mutilated muscles and bones

>> No.20461781
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Missing part 3

>> No.20461782

Every organism is living faith in the potential of its own success. Life is a wager cast into the future. Go outside and observe how confident living organisms are in their striving. They don't care that 99.9% of species go extinct. Hopelessness is the most unnatural of things. The most natural thing is to grasp beyond the immediacy of one's conditions of experience and knowledge: to learn. This is to say that learning is truly a matter of life or death, not some luxury or secondary thing.

>> No.20461785

misnomer you don't akshully change sex
you just get some cosmetic surgery making non functional tentacles or crust holes

>> No.20461789

So you're admitting there isn't a difference.

>> No.20461797

No difference between human sexes? WTF? There's none!?!?!?!?!
OMG how do we make babies!?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.20461803

I assume you actually do know that these are not the same thing and are merely being disingenuous with me because you think can score points that way. Otherwise you are retarded, so let's hope it's the former.
>What is the fundamental difference between dressing as the opposite sex and dying your hair?
Your sex is an immutable aspect of your being and cannot be changed. The color of your hair is not immutable and can be changed via dye.
>Between a sex-change and getting a tattoo?
Both are self-mutilations, though of different degrees. The fundamental difference would be that a sex-change attempts to deceive yourself and others into thinking that you are something that you are not and can never be. A tattoo is merely cosmetic.

Now answer my question about amputation.

>> No.20461804

I accept your concession of defeat.

>> No.20461806

lol ok maybe i lost the plot
are you pro-groomer or anti-groomer?

>> No.20461807


The fucking title of your stupid general invites anyone to post whatever inane thought pops into their head. If you want people to write erudite thoughts then maybe try titling the thing "write erudite thoughts".

>> No.20461808

He's telling you that you cannot change your sex, not that there is no difference. A man who has his penis cut off and the wound reconstructed into a fake vagina is just a man who had his penis cut off. He's not any closer to being a woman than he was when he had a penis, because he can never become a woman no matter what he does.

>> No.20461812

Do you think that sex will always be immutable?
To answer your amputation question, I think SRS is at least an attempt to create a meaningful organ to have sex with where as there's no functional reason to amputate the arm of someone who wants it amputated
>but it's not a real vagina and they won't be real women with their neovagina

>> No.20461813
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also i was trying to find a pic of that ridiculous triptranny because his hair is a literal meme

>> No.20461814

Writers write. They write all the time. It’s what they do. Some write daily. Some write weekly. Some write on the weekends. Others write only when inspired.
Whatever the reason, they write.
I’m no different.
I write.

>> No.20461816

Ok then what's the endgame? What are we all "striving for"? Survival and reproduction for what? From plants, ants to us. It seems like an arbitrary equation set to run its course.

>> No.20461817

Welcome to literature lmao

>> No.20461819 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20461823

>Do you think that sex will always be immutable?
Yes. If I'm wrong I hope I do not live to experience that dystopia.
>To answer your amputation question, I think SRS is at least an attempt to create a meaningful organ to have sex with
They already have a functional organ to have sex with so your reason is fallacious.

>> No.20461825


>> No.20461832

>Was it something I said?
My mind is wondering if my posts were what finally set that janitor off and pruned the last thread.
What's off limits? Should I keep my (You)'s to myself to lower the risk of this one getting pruned? Is there a better board for this thread? Surely not.

>> No.20461834

>tfw the worst thing someone can say about your head is that your hair is funny
Feels good, feels comforting and such

>> No.20461843

lol, if you're so proud and self confident maybe post a pic of it? lol idk

>> No.20461848

This is the best board for this thread and it should be considered a general thread
The future is coming for you specifically, old man
Gene editing and biotechnology industries are some of the fastest growing on Earth and humanity at large is swiftly approaching the point where we can shape the vessels that are our bodies as we see fit to satisfy our psyches
You can always quit now if you want :3c

>> No.20461855

Transexuals rely on big pharma for everything, their hormones, the surgeries, the medicines that they need for their rest of their lives. Completely natural and organic.

>> No.20461858

>Gene editing and biotechnology industries are some of the fastest growing on Earth
Both of which have nothing to do with "transgender" which is a mental health issue, nay, I would call it a crisis.

>> No.20461859

This thread is already disrupted enough and I'd prefer for the conversation to stay focused on these larger topics at hand rather than
>should we kill the tranny, rape the tranny, rape and then kill the tranny or kill and then rape the tranny

>> No.20461861

Wrong. Both are forms of self-expression, and neither are contingent on what a body "actually is". If a woman dyes her hair red, it doesn't matter what color her hair way before that. If a transsexual has an op, it doesn't matter that they were "born a man"- transitioning is a form of self-expression. It's simply changing the body.

The difference between transsexuals and a guy who wants to amputate his arms is that maybe there isn't one. Body dysmorphia is a complex issue, but it doesn't devalue either the experiences of trans people, or change the fundamentals of self-expression. Also, you can't agree that transsexualism is a mental illness, and at the same time invalidate transsexuals. Either it is, and their experiences are real- Or it isn't.

>> No.20461864

You are retarded

>> No.20461867

Iagree with all of that but we need to keep people safe from this form of mental illness that is still not being studied enough. Trans people specifcally born male ones, need to stay out of Women's spaces. We also need to safeguard children from dangerous surgeries and puberty blockers.

>> No.20461871

Hence my statement earlier that certain modes of living are evil and need to be suppressed. This is where absolute freedom gets you.

>> No.20461875

Honestly, if anyone saw you going into a women's bathroom or changing room, they'd call security. We don't hate trannies, but you need to respect Women's spaces.

>> No.20461886

Its almost as if I either use closed off single-stall restrooms or the men's restrooms, I'd rather not be hate-crimed

>> No.20461896

He said "you can quit now if you want" and smiled with a misinformed grin, partially due to a mediocre lip fat injection.
But it's too late now for anyone to quit, gene-editing they called it, had already produced the world's first pandemic and there would be no investigation which found the culprit, the bio-medical industry, responsible.
The future is trans everyone said.

>> No.20461905
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There is no "endgame," to desire such is to desire become petrified: a statue, or fossil. This can be difficult to apprehend due to the deep bias towards permanence at the expense of change in our philosophies and language. Start and end with change, and you shall become organic, and dance with the universe.

What is permanent are the dead ashes of the past. You have objective immortality in how your influences on the world continue to move after your death. Future-directed intention is one pole of value: the other is the moment enjoyed for itself, in itself. Both these poles of value are for the purpose of the other: the moment perishes and becomes a datum for future experiences, the purpose of future-directed intention is to apprehend novel heights of attainment. There is no end to levels of attainment: our potential is infinite.

>> No.20461965

>I’ve literally gone insane from it and have anxiety daily now
Which philosopher told you to stop taking your meds?

>> No.20461974

But that would imply just making sound, I was thinking both the sound and the face in anguish as if melting.

>> No.20461995

well actually, most conditions are states of mind. the more something is summoned the greater it will appear, and in greater quantities too

>> No.20461997

A book is the digested and decomposed nutrients of the imagination - shit. To be a reader is to be a corporophile, to wrap one's lips around the butthole of the author, and suck.
I remember my grandfather, sitting on his porch, caressing his shitpost. "Anon," he said, "A shitpost is like a beautiful woman. The more you caress it, the more beautiful it becomes. It speaks to you."

>> No.20462004

historical fiction, such societies never existed and are constructions of other historians to paint a picture of a noble savage, whose virtue exceeds the first world in terms of "checking all the right boxes" this was a recent invention that has gotten out of hand.

>> No.20462007

it seems you're quite familiar with the flavor of shit and its many varieties, soft, hard, big, small, crunchy, liquid.

>> No.20462021

Would a quadriplegic believe the same? What about someone in chronic pain with no functioning or sensitive genitals? When we think and espouse all-encompassing philosophies we should think not only of our animal ancestors, and current animals, but also fellow humans in dire and horrific states. No amount of cute poetry and symmetry of thought can deny the suffering.

(Not shouting at you btw, just barfing my thoughts into the universe, cheers.)

>> No.20462023

A cope beyond measure
Deuteronomy explicitly argues against gender nonconformity in response to the presence of the cult of Ishtar and her descendants because too many people from the levant saw the inherent beauty of the Gala and could not resist their temptations
We are as old as written history and almost assuredly older than that

>> No.20462079

I do find myself enjoying these threads but there is a noticeable deminishment when anon (You)'s a trippfag and it turns into situation similar to eating at a large table with many people and one corner begins an argument that conquors the entire table. Or when two people "break out their guitars" at a party and they force everyone attending to hear their music or to talk loudly over it.

>> No.20462105
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Why the FUCK did the janny delete the ast one

>> No.20462116

Reasonable concern
Certain topics are bound to dominate conversation because they're more culturally relevant than others, and for this case in particular, it's particularly sullied because many people here, for some reason or another, don't approach the subject in good faith and as such do not draw nuanced conclusions from the arguments of those they are ideologically opposed to

>> No.20462117

thats fine because "cope" as a concept is fiction itself

anyways, to get offtopic here I want start a thread on words/phrases you dislike and then have other people tell you what it says about you but I'm afraid the jannies will take it down.

>> No.20462120

I'm also sure that reading Deuteronomy that way is a good way to get sent to hell

>> No.20462124

I wish I could be a teenager again

>> No.20462126
File: 46 KB, 609x616, 76A743A9-D4E7-409E-B6CB-6B0305D25CF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I notice just who’s having a conversation! EEEW
Cultists. Stfu

>> No.20462129

I'm already en route
Please expound on coping as a fictional concept, this intrigues me
Also, that thread sounds neat and I think its perfectly valid linguistic discourse and there isn't a /ling/ board so it probably belongs here

>> No.20462131

I expounded it in an essay I wrote, though I think I've linked enough here

>> No.20462137

I'm not an incel, I'd even say I'm fairly successful with women without ever having to lower my standards, but I simply see women as someone hostile who's judging even the most minor of my flaws. I can't trust them nor can I be truly intimate unless I'm drunk or very rough with them, I'm uncomfortable being around them shirtless and sexually I'm always afraid that I'm underperforming no matter how much reassurance I'm given.

This leads to loathing and emotional and occasionally physical abuse. But in all honesty I don't even feel guilty about it even though I acknowledge it's morally wrong. If anything, I enjoy it. Every time I cheat I feel like I'm getting back at some perceived enemy. And I do cheat, I'm pretty sure I've cheated on every girl I've been with for significant enough periods of time. One time I dated three girls at the same time, without any of them knowing I'm cheating, and without any real attachment to any of them, and I was quite proud of myself at the time. Anyways, right now I probably sound like a 13 year old wannabe sociopath, and at various points of my life I wanted to be one, but the truth is that I do desire love and I'm in fact very romantic and emotionally dependent and (as much as I hate to admit this) vulnerable. Every rejection feels like a world shattering experience to an extent that can make me feel physically sick. Every criticism from my love interests makes me feel like I'm worthless in their eyes. This makes me present myself in a very dishonest way so that they think I'm the perfect man for them, and I adopt a different personality for each woman I date. I don't think I've ever been fully honest with anyone. I calculate everything I say, but in the long run I just want someone I could be myself with.

Outwardly I'm very confident and I do consider myself better looking and more intelligent than the overwhelming majority of people, but without external positive affirmation I spiral into depression and my life feels empty and meaningless. In general all the positive emotions I feel are shallow and fleeting and I'm constantly chasing an emotional high that always turns out to be a disappointment. This leads to hostility that can be triggered by something as minor as my girl accidentally touching parts of my body that I don't like having touched or wearing clothes I don't like.

Anyways, currently I've got no job, I'm broke, not very fit and my drinking problem has gotten a bit out of hand, and it's practically impossible for me to pursue a relationship knowing that every woman will judge me harshly for this because they're materialistic and can't really empathize with a man when it comes to his (in)ability to provide for them and buy them fancy stuff. Honestly I haven't felt this depressed since my early teens and I feel like I don't have much to live for right now.

>> No.20462146

Well bros I accepted a job that I am ill prepared for. Dont really know what to do now.

>> No.20462148

Have you posted that link in threads currently archived? If so, point me in that direction please
Tell us your goals, even the most lofty and absurd

>> No.20462162

Just try to do your best, pretty much everyone is ill prepared for the job they are just about to start, until they get into the routine.

>> No.20462163


>> No.20462165

I was an ugly kid but now I'm pretty and I crave attention for my looks

>> No.20462169
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At what point in history did Christians start worshiping Mary as a divine pillar of Christianity? Why do people pray to Mary sometimes even before praying and asking to Jesus directly? It just seems to me that catholics are solely focused on worshiping the human material side, just look at how many saints they have.

>> No.20462177

Finger slipped?

>> No.20462182

Let me rephrase. I am ill prepared for a project I accepted. It's some finish carpentry that I'm pretty sure I cannot do

>> No.20462184

The most attractive woman at the table was seated diagonally to his right and her friend was directly in front of him. The menus weren't even passed around yet and the three of them each took glances at eachother waiting for someone to start the introduction.
It was a big group that night, too big if you are looking to eat within the next hour. A dozen people simply can't show up to a establishment these days and expect prompt service.
Luckily the three of them were surrounded by nine other people who did fill the table conversation, allowing the three of them to focus on ordering and to use any extra concentration on how to initiate a good conversation with the new people closest to them.
The prettiest woman at the table decided on her meal then cleared her throught slightly and took her right hand off the menu lying on the table.
Before she could speak a hysterical laugh washed over the table, her hand moved towards a water glass that had just been placed by the waiter.
"You can't just say that man!" The kind of this one whispers in public, but here it was shouted in a showy yet deflective manner. An indication that this person at the other end of the table needed to grab as much human attention as possible in order to demonstrate a deep moral concern.
The prettiest woman at the table took a gulp of cold water.

>> No.20462204 [DELETED] 

Still no tracking info from AbeBooks. This is no way to treat a customer.

>> No.20462216
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Still no tracking info from AbeBooks. This is no way to treat a customer.

>> No.20462228

So get examples how it should be done and start practicing.

>> No.20462229

Financial success and recognition (respectable and well-paid leadership position job), a girl who unconditionally loves and adores me and good mental health.

>> No.20462235

how can i invade peoples dreams like spongebob does in that one episode?

>> No.20462238
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I see him rarely being discussed here. What's the general consensus?

>> No.20462244

In family dynamics, father is the emotionally distant figure that brings in money and gives out punishment, whereas mother is love, nurture and can plead with father to soften his attitude. Christians don't pray to Mary because she is a woman, they pray to her because she is Mother that they know Father will listen to.

>> No.20462250

Telling the truth seems like quite a taboo in this day and age, a blasphemy towards the pillars of lies that held up the skeletal remains of our civilization and the puppeteers of the false idols that kept the masses happy. They hear only what they want to hear, cheering on to our descend into tyranny and playing pretend that they are a part of the power structure, hoping that silencing the dissenters would bring peace to their minds at last. None the less these people are plagued by the fragments truth that pierced through these shallow illusions. They’ve became rash, ignorant, and either out of crab mentality or general stupidity, they will try to drag us down with them before their downfall.

>> No.20462256

Are you honest with other people?

>> No.20462263
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had to buy something today and i couldnt make a choice between two versions of the same item.
After a few hours in the shop i picked one but feel, bad about it.
Why cant i decide something with confidence

>> No.20462264

Pretty honest, I speak of my opinions and point out the facts without any sugar coating and lost a plenty of friends because of it.

>> No.20462269

What did you say to the last friend?

>> No.20462274

Some humans have a predisposition to deferring to the opinions of others
Simple as

>> No.20462282

I didn’t take the jab and never will

>> No.20462289

It hurts to read about the life I never experienced. Even in classic lit I can't escape it.

>> No.20462292

There is a difference between being honest and open and being an asshole. Sounds like you are the latter

>> No.20462299
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>> No.20462300

am i really about to drop over ~120$ on a velour tracksuit. i just turned 23, is this really what my quarter life crisis is

>> No.20462304

If it makes you feel better, I will never purchase from them on account of your posts

>> No.20462308

I’m pretty respectful most of the time, it’s more about the subjects I talked about not matching their wold view than my attitude.

>> No.20462319

I can feel it! The depression goes away as mania sets in. Finally, some months of progress and feeling that I’m alive again.

>> No.20462330

>I didn’t take the jab and never will
Gud opening line writing prompt, thanks a'non.

"I didn't take the jab and I never will. That's why I'm here."
"Okay fine" the girl responded. The lock slid and she opened the door, revealing the backroom of the tavern. A small staff of tavern workers attended to their tasks, and the stranger was led into the freezer which had a false wall, beyond that another door leading to the catacombs. "Talk to Dee and remember to keep your hands out front, and you're okay with the blood test?"
"Yeah, I told you I've got nothing to hide."

>> No.20462331
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by the time the book gets to me i wont even want to read it anymore.. why would they conduct business like this, how come they still cant provide me with tracking info even after i asked for an update.. this isnt right.. this isnt human. you cant treat paying customers like this

>> No.20462333

Big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20462338
File: 116 KB, 950x713, 165410057949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I hate what Amazon represents but goddam its so convenient to buy from them and cheapest book prices, you can buy any book you want, used, new, hardcover, multiple editions, etc, etc..
Anon, why didnt you just buy the books from amazon?

>> No.20462341

Some great advice is never talk politics or taboo subjects

>> No.20462353

I'm from kazakhstan and it takes around a month and a week to get a book delivered from the US or UK

>> No.20462355

i didnt want to spend much and i wanted the cool version of the book cover. i now realize i made a mistake.

>> No.20462372

And was that version not available on amazon? Thats probably the thing I like the most about buying books over there, that I can choose the edition and buy it used from third party sellers

>> No.20462388
File: 94 KB, 860x684, 107-1078086_tee-dead-pepe-png-dead-pepe-pepe-coffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a quagmire with which I am currently grappling: is the path forward in a fully liberalized society to be illiberal or embrace liberalism?

If your prerogative is illberalism, you will have to expect friction, disappointment, and poverty. Your small town (consider it a microcosm) is ravaged by drugs and deracinated by globalization. Your friends have all left for less "suffocating" environments. The only good money to be made is exploitative of the same people you wish to take care of. It's a retirement and funeral home in one. A bedside caregiver reading the last rites. Not even George Bailey would stay if his town looked like this. Yet there is true commitment to your beliefs. An authentic living.

Take liberalism now. You don't agree with the degeneration of values, but you have accepted this new age. Your friends and family are digitally in reach, at least fulfilling a tertiary need. There is no church or community groups to be tied to. Even if you own property, it is temporary, valuating, and a potential rental opportunity (at the detriment of society, but you no longer care for this.) Your company oppresses you with office hours so you find a new master. You can travel everywhere, even to illiberal societies. You may use even liberalism to escape it and use liberalism to crash it. Live loose, build wealth, and buy time until the next age.

I come to feel that these tiger-souled men, if they can survive, will truly inherit the world.

>> No.20462423

I think that we need to transcend liberalism. Does that make sense?

Basically, I believe the old theories of politics like conservatism, neoliberalism, Marxism, and the like are not applicable to the modern world. Attempts to apply them don’t work. What does? To be honest I think applying a coherent ideology to problems in the world does not work as of right now. Instead we should focus on issues and actions not ideologies. People have called me a liberal, a Marxist, a fascist, a conservative. I don’t care about that. I have positions on issues, and no coherent ideology. I think that’s the way forward.

>> No.20462434
File: 125 KB, 1000x434, tf2 classes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what tf2 class did you play

>> No.20462517
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>be ta for accounting class
>some freshman gril is bogged af

>> No.20462534

I recently had an extremely erotic experience. I went to the dentist and two women cleaned my teeth. That may not sound very erotic and to be honest for a normal person it wouldn’t be. But I was turned on by the feeling of their fingers in my mouth, having to keep my mouth wide open for them to work, etc. I had a boner by the end of it.

>> No.20462539
File: 73 KB, 500x559, 9ixldnIMx9LGomN2DI29wMemnFU30RYWdGJfd9Sccz0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading a lot of 40k lore. I'll never buy the figurines but the universe is so appealing to me. Reading about it. Violence, violence, violence. Superhumans fighting demons fighting aliens in hell. Hyper-masculine and grim. Endless war and everybody is doomed.

>> No.20462543

Here is an excerpt from "Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India" (1563) by Garcia de Orta that talks about bhang (ancient form of edible cannabis)
>"The profit from its use is for the man to be beside himself, and to be raised above all cares and anxieties, and it makes some break into a foolish laugh. I hear that many women take it when they want to dally and flirt with men. It is also said, but it may not be true, that the great captains, in ancient times, used to drink it with wine or with opium, that they might rest from their work, be without care, and be able to sleep ; for the long vigils of such became a torment to them. The great Sultan Bahadur said to Martin Affonso de Souza, to whom he wished every good thing and to whom he told his secrets, that when, at night, he wanted to go to Portugal, Brazil, Turkey, Arabia, or Persia, he only had to take a little bhang."

Humans have been consuming weed since before recorded history. So why aren't you?

>> No.20462559

You guys could should read about civic humanism and classical republicanism. Livy's Discourses on Livy and Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws both talk about this issue directly and try to figure the relationship between republican "virtue" (virtu/vertu) and modern liberty. Especially in Montesquieu's time, this was while the predominant conception of political life was an arithmetical balancing of private and petty self-interest. The Founding Fathers read both of them obsessively.

Highly recommend reading Christopher Lasch's The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy, and Pocock's The Machiavellian Moment. I think the answer is in a return to Machiavellian virtue, and classical republicanism, instead of embracing either a totalitarian moral regime or a radical individualism, which is ochlocratic-oligarchic and not democratic, as Schmitt noted.

Today's liberalism isn't real liberalism, real liberalism was optimistic, it believed that "liberalization" and atomization would naturally only go so far, so there was no harm in letting it run its course. Its classic thinkers are now used as propaganda sockpuppets by today's oligarchs and their useful idiots, they are not classically liberal, they are oligarchs who see that liberalism has terminated in oligarchy and want to maintain the status quo.

Fascism could overthrow them, but it's possible that classical republicanism would do the job without risking becoming a totalitarian apparatchik regime (which just recapitulates the oligarchy issue, see Djilas' "The New Class").

>> No.20462565

40k and /tg/ saved me from a seriously bad part of my life and a crisis of nihilism

>> No.20462569

why would someone choose to spend their time learning a language rather than mathematics?

>> No.20462581

Mathematics is a language.

>> No.20462589
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Animes average target audience is more intelligent and more provincial than that of average western popculture, but usually lacks cultural quality, sophistication and moral values. It exists detached from reality, in the narrow minded blue pilled worldview the collectivistic japanese people have. If the west won't provide contemporary alternatives to that, we will see a shift towards broadly east asian media that will never teach cultural and aesthetic sense to above average midwits.

>> No.20462613
File: 765 KB, 1080x1728, 20220602_130537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It calms me to read about. I genuinely hate cape-shit and superheros yet this universe is different enough that it really does it for me. The lack of emotional drama and straightforward "might makes right" is a relief in a media world of slave morality where vulnerability and weakness are prized.
Just look at this overview of the setting. Raging against the dying of light is so much more relatable to life's struggles than saving the day.

>> No.20462632

Autists without culture are the ultimate midwits and the ultimate slaves. All autism guarantees you is a 120-140 IQ so you can be really good at putting together server computers or staying late debugging the code of people who wrote the bad code in the first place because they don't care and got to go home early and live their lives. Autists are one of the biggest dangers to the human race at this point because they are like blank cyborgs if left to their own devices, they can be programmed with any repetitive task and spend the rest of their lives doing it, and they have the imprinting ability of ducklings, so they'll imprint on whatever entity owns them, and even on the four familiar walls of their shitty slave cube apartment.

Whoever taps the rising autist tide most efficiently will control the next ten centuries of human evolution. Currently they are being harnessed most effectively by governments and corporations due to the sheer inertia of needing jobs so they can keep their shitty slave cubes. But some better autist still residually manifest in online communities, like guys who hack and figure shit out just for fun, or 4chan, where everyone is competing to be the biggest ironic retard but it's funny and creative, and generates culture rhizomatically.

If the Internet ever gets shut down or controlled so thoroughly that it is effectively shut down, the autist subrace will be bug-broken from isolation and will accept anything it can get to soothe the pain. That's when the entire western population of men raised by single mothers who got pregnant at 34 will convert into honorary Chinamen overnight. The transformation will be shockingly quick. That guy who used to be a funny 4chan man in his 20s, who admired Terry Davis and had vague dreams of making a better version of Dwarf Fortress in his free time, will be leashed to an office terminal where he debugs the code that scans your face for negative emotions when you enter Walmart, and he'll be happy and just want to get away from you when you say "bro what about Dwarf Fortress? what about Terry?"

China is a crystal ball showing us the future two or three decades out, what happens when humans completely deliquesce into unformed, uncultivated drives and desires, with a TI-89 for a brain and a B+ average in debugging Rajesh's code or maintaining the nanny state's enforcement technologies.

>> No.20462641

That makes me wonder whenever a genius is a creative person with autistic traits?

>> No.20462645

Do you guys sort the catalog by bump order or replky count? /lit/ is the only board I sort by bump order.

>> No.20462647
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Numerous studies have shown that we think differently - and almost always better - when we’re moving.
There's nothing more /lit/ than going on long walks and simply observing the world around you.

>> No.20462658

The problem is that the institutions, whether the CCP in China or government and corporations here, are overwhelming powerful. How the hell do you even create spaces that can coexist with them, much less challenge them?

>> No.20462664
File: 14 KB, 200x205, Feels_good_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking knew it! I love taking a nice long walk as much as I like sleeping for 8 hours, drinking coffee, taking a big shit, and getting my dick sucked. I've always known that the simple act of walking a few miles a day will have a compounding affect on the quality of my life as I age. Mostly though, it just feels good man.

>> No.20462685

I'm seriously contemplating reading a shit book for a second time because it inspired me to write my own book and I'm procrastinating when it comes down to making my cover because it's going to be a diorama of the opening scene in my book.

I've started a Genestealer Cultist gang for Necromunda and I'm trying to find the motivation to finish off my kitbashed shotgunner.

>> No.20462692

I wish people from flyover states would mark their posts, life is too short to read something written by a flyover

>> No.20462733
File: 438 KB, 2048x1642, B6B8613B-6147-452E-B01B-71976D41A1B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the “economy” not just a giant Ponzi scheme? In a Ponzi scheme, the fraudster pays the earlier investor ‘returns’ from newer investors. By investing in the stock market, you are hoping that more people buy into it in the future so that you can sell and get a return on your investment, or ultimately that the economy continues to perpetually grow. Also, any good non mainstream books on how the economy works? Are we fucked going forward from here?

>> No.20462735

My sense of conscience has been replaced by state surveillance and I wonder if this is true for others or if I'm just paranoid. "Gee, the feds wouldn't like me googling this subject" instead of "what would Jesus do?"

>> No.20462739

Having lived on both coasts and mostly associated with college townies from unfathomably rich backgrounds who chew overpriced food with their mouths open for a living, I hate coastals roughly 3 or 400 times as much as Hitler hated Jews

>> No.20462780

i love flyover states

>> No.20462783

I balance it out.
>hmm I want to read some read some text that is considered conservative, like the Bible or Quran or Rothbard
>open up marxists.org and scroll through some random pages so the feds don’t think I’m a conservative threat

Sometimes it is a bit annoying though. Then again maybe I’m just paranoid. You have people who unironically think the Feds are anti-communist but they openly post about how good Marxism is. Or those people in America who support China, North Korea, Afghanistan, Islamism, Russia, etc. You’d think they would be apprehended by the Feds if the Feds actually cared.

>> No.20462789

anyone knows what that grinning guy with huge eyes making 2 fists is called? Theres this chart of it as a lot of philosophers.

>> No.20462804

speedrunners will be the janissaries of our age

>> No.20462857

I get sleepy after just reading 1 or 2 chapters these days.
Working in a trade just leaves you very tired when you get home. I've been reading less the past 2 years, very sad. Can't wait to quit (in about 2 months)

>> No.20462877


Thanks for the reply. I read Why Liberalism Failed and it's quite dense as most philosophy is. Hoping this is a more granular analysis. Does The Machiavellian Moment discuss the return to classical republicanism?

>> No.20462894


I used to read the wiki to fall asleep kek. you see the new game coming out?

>> No.20462915

One of my pipe dreams, something I know will never happen, is to own a VW beetle, and drive out into the middle of the Mojave desert. Someplace extremely secluded, where it is burning hot. Then I’d pull over, and walk out a ways from the road. I’d bring a lawn chair, a parasol, a few glass bottles, and a Luger. I’d sit the bottles up on a rock and just shoot them into bits. Then I’d fire the last few rounds into the empty desert. I’d watch the sunset before getting back into my car and leaving.

>> No.20462992
File: 91 KB, 589x768, e585f9b7dc7093b8e88a4fbbe84743ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me, man. I'd fall asleep with 15 tabs open. One article would lead to five others. And I saw that, looks cool. I'd like more short films like Astartes

>> No.20463039

>we will see a shift towards broadly east asian media that will never teach cultural and aesthetic sense to above average midwits.
Agreed. I strongly resent the "influence" and appeal anime is having over creatives and young people in general. Plus, a lot of their most successful media is pulled from the greatest of western media too, and without any sense of why other than "it was cool," so it's only a matter of time before the east runs out of shit to steal if they haven't already.

>> No.20463062

I am at the dispensary buying a quarter of Banana Kush after realizing I was missing the second component of my usual hippy speedball combo. The girl behind the counter pops open the plastic bottle and tells me how much she loves the smell. She looked up at me with clear steady eyes and asked what I had been up today, so far. I say I have been reading, which perks her attention and she asks me what. I thought about saying poetry, and bringing up Whitman and Dickinson, who I am reading, but this morning I was reading Hunter S. Thompsons Hell's Angels, and said as much. She tells me she has been reading Murakami. We are separated by a sheet of plexiglass that extends for the length of the counter and above my head. A cheap remnant of pandemic that still separates us. The physical barrier can't stop my fantasizes, but they wont be able to breach the other walls, and will pile up with the rest of the dead.

>> No.20463082

Absolutely love the arrangement of these syllables.

Dead in the middle of Little Italy
Little did we know that we riddled some middlemen who didn't do diddly,

It doesn’t look so impressive at first glance but when you actually hear it, it’s just so enjoyable.


>> No.20463091

Yeah I could feel it when I read the words. Pretty silky flow.

>> No.20463175

bump, answer me

>> No.20463187

I wonder if my family forgives me for what I am?

>> No.20463202


now that is rap

>> No.20463237

You literally spend a couple of hours, hundreds of minutes, in a shop, staring at two items?

>> No.20463247

What are you?

>> No.20463254

Are you asking for a specific amount of text you need to write? Because that's something that is different for everyone. You should share your writings with people who can critique it and once they say your works are good then you should try to get them published. Alternatively, you could just try to publish anyways and not care for quality.

>> No.20463257

I can't fathom what you like in negro music.

>> No.20463258

He is a monstrous vermin. He just woke up one day and he was like that.

>> No.20463260

Reclusive and selfsufficient.

>> No.20463279
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>> No.20463282

What ever happened to that anon who wanted to re-found a new St. John's and keep the spirit alive

>> No.20463297

i thought they were all fun except the soldier.
tf2 is still up? how are they even making money off of it?

>> No.20463299

I have a crush on my coworker but she thinks I'm a disgusting creep.
Perhaps a poem would mend our ties
My friends and strangers tell me the probability is 0
But the matters of the heart cannot be simple mathematics
Surly if I reach out she'll reciprocate
Going through life I may never know
Maybe I shouldn't try

>> No.20463310

>All autism guarantees you is a 120-140 IQ
That's not true, autism doesn't imply anything about intelligence at all. People with ASD are all over the IQ curve.

>> No.20463313

Answer moiiiiii

>> No.20463318

Call me crazy but I do feel like I shouldn’t need to constantly be hyper-aware of what I’m eating and how much and be active all day everyday to simply not continue to get fat. Somehow this feels like it’s requiring a lot more than it’s supposed to.

>> No.20463321

if you strip all metaphysical considerations, then the purpose of life is to COOM. Anything else is cope. COOMING is the only material thing that comes close to a transcendental religious experience. If you are a materialist you should dedicate your life to COOMING. It doesn't matter how you do it: escorts, sticking logs of wood inside your ass, going to the gym to maximize aesthetic, using more and more brutal and illegal porn, cuckoldry; everything is on the table. Even periods of asceticism are recommended, so that your coomshot has the best quality possible. If you are in business/STEM, you should make as much money as possible to then invest in COOMING. If you are an artsfag, you should just pseudmaxx to acquire as much pussy/ass /dick as possible. Happy coomings!

>> No.20463325

theres actually been a revival of the game in the last few years, i dont play anymore but its pretty cool to see

>> No.20463328

This girl at work just keep smiling at me and giving me glances and I keep thinking about her now even know she doesn't interest me at all. I am somehow bewitched.

>> No.20463330

It seems like Orthodoxy is actually starting to grow a bit here in the US. I guess those /pol/ christcuck le trad orthodox guys weren't larpers. I'm still not gonna believe in God though lmao. I also don't understand the hate for Protestantism as a whole these guys seem to have. Sure, many Protestant denominations are washed-out but the core idea that spurred Protestantism was the idea that only faith and repentance can save you. For a lot of these wanna-be Christian spiritual gurus that would make more sense as a belief rather than a heavily-organized institutional denomination like Orthodox or Catholicism. I can understand the appeal of the denominations from a traditionalist ideology standpoint though. Religious institutions like that make it easier to enforce whatever moralist beliefs they have. I'm pretty sure these guys care more about their ideology and surface-level interpretation of religion than an actual spiritual relationship with Godjesus.

>> No.20463362
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>recommendation threads
it should be a bannable offense to make threads like this. /lit/ would be ten times better if both of these were prunned.
just imagine - actual discussion about books rather than one starting with a shitpost.
frogposting is bannable on /int/ and recommendation threads are bannable on /a/. why cant it be here too?

>> No.20463371
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>> No.20463396

these people are not humble

>> No.20463397

Honestly, there comes a point by a certain age where you realize all these changes you want for yourself, just aren’t going to happen. By the time you’re 30, you can make one major change, maybe two but no more. It really sucks because with coronavirus and some other things, I really do feel like I was robbed of like half of my twenties.

I really hope I’m wrong about that, but that’s what’s on my mind at the moment.

t. 29 y.o.

>> No.20463400

Let's say I was porn addicted NEET for 10 years and wrote nothing in that time. Then I get suddenly inspired and wrote a novel. How many rewrites I will need until novel will be good and ready to publish? Is it possible to get it good first time, without any rewrites?

>> No.20463412

Maybe it's just me but it's only awareness and obsessing until I learned what my new 4-5 lean/clean staple foods were that I could eat all the time without really tiring.

>> No.20463503

I feel sad about being a woman

>> No.20463512

If you really want to write something, just go ahead, but I would honestly save your favorite idea for later until you get a bit of experience, otherwise you will look back on it and see how you could've made it better. If you have any other novel ideas write those first.

>How many rewrites I will need until novel will be good and ready to publish?
Depends. Keep in mind that publishers are looking for marketability, not quality, however. You may write something good but if it's not trendy they may hold off on publishing it.
>Is it possible to get it good first time, without any rewrites?
Every written work has to go through some revising and editing

>> No.20463546
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Why? Women smell nice and their hair is really cute.

>> No.20463553
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got the first paycheck from my new job yesterday. crazy. im still amazed ive been blessed with such an opportunity. im very grateful. thank you everyone and everything.

>> No.20463558


>> No.20463562

That’s more a benefit to other people than for me
I wish

>> No.20463565

Why do people keep throwing the word autism like they know what it means? Only 17% of people have special needs and a low percent of them are actually autistic. You fucks are just antisocial rejects that never learned proper manners. That's all.

>> No.20463575

being a man is harder
I mean I wouldn't trade but you got easy mode

>> No.20463582

Honestly desu I don’t care, if they are anti-communist they are good enough for me. We will need all the help we can get to fight the communists.

>> No.20463590

You're anonymous, stop teasing and tell us what's wrong.
You're still in your prime until like 35, it's just advertisement and society telling you otherwise.

>> No.20463611
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>You're anonymous, stop teasing and tell us what's wrong.

>> No.20463680

Yeah, you’re right. I have never really believed that age mattered so much for anything. I am just down lately.

>> No.20463705

Purely the virtuosity of it in terms of how they manipulate syllables, the best of them control every letter and phoneme to extremely perfectly levels, the actual music of it is often subpar unless they’re drawing heavily from older forms of soul, r&b and so forth as is the case in progressive hip-hop, at which case they’ll just fuse the methods in all manner of different music including rock into it. And as always their content is usually pretty abysmal, but between the abysmal content of contemporary poetry and its depression and over-obsession with confession, I’ll gladly take rap’s crime and aggression focused contents over it.

If contemporary poetry was still doing radical experiments with sound and maintained beauty or even had an actual height of mind, I would have almost no reason to go to rap, but as it stands this isn’t the case.

And I’m going to repeat this hot take, even someone like Auden if we compare them to the nigger music that has more thought into it, such as DMX’s hell is hot album or various work by the roots, not only is it comparable in meaning, I am willing to say they have points of both exceeding the musicality and meaningful/height of mind while also having a bigger contrast of horrible and beautiful aspects of life.

Example with DMX’s album it’ll take you from his most disgusting drugged out tendencies, raping 15 year olds and robbing strangers, to whole narratives of deals with the devil, to a gradual genuinely very emotional prayer that ends with a dialogue with god that’s actually very beautifully executed.

>> No.20463714

>raping 15 year olds and robbing strangers
based hebechad

>> No.20463733
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ironically i think the peak of this tripcode was the rock bottom period

>> No.20463756

Greetings all! Do you guys have any book recommendation with a protagonist that goes and tries to live in a city that is unknown to him. Preferably ones with themes of alienation and loneliness, something like Norwegian Wood or Walser's Berlin Stories. Thanks lads

>> No.20463766

Nostalgia can be so pathetic.

>> No.20463886
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I often wonder at the laziness and sadness of humankind and realize it is due to their ungratefulness to their Lord Allah most High. If only people were more grateful, would the world be at more peace.

>> No.20463954
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they're onto me

>> No.20463998
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>it's another "/pol/tard tries to claim that 4chan was always against lolis despite /l/ being a board at one point" episode

>> No.20464020

I miss sitting next to her. just knowing that she's there.

>> No.20464036
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I recently stumbled upon this paragraph inside a TOS for a writing program I use. I think I have found the way towards gaining back total digital privacy while using "apps".
pic Is related.

>> No.20464160

didn't mean to (you) the first time but got me thinking about
nostalgia is only pathetic when people actually have better lives in the present.

>> No.20464334
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>Good morning,

>We have reviewed your current grades and determined that you did not meet the grade point requirement for renewal of your [redacted] Scholarships and grants. All recipients of these financial aide services must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average for renewal.

>For the 2022-23 academic year, your scholarship will be cancelled.


>> No.20464347 [DELETED] 


>> No.20464362

l never feel true happiness or satisfaction, only stress and momentary relief if l escape whatever is stressing me

>> No.20464462
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I truly hope you go through that somehow, anon.
I got a pseudoscholarship but thanks to two faggot teachers with suicide-inducing low pass rates I was forced to study another year and pay some of my degree.

>> No.20464470


>> No.20464480

hate them

>> No.20464498
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>> No.20464713

How did they kill the crab?
Like he just stopped walking and died.
Are they venomous?

>> No.20464763

The ants were snipping bits off the crab's eyes and joints, and I think it probably went unconscious from shock before dying.

>> No.20464783

It looks like they got into his joints after it stopped moving though.

>> No.20464795
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It's pride month and everyone in this thread is a huge homosexual. Happy pride month "ladies".

>> No.20464822

So you're saying it's going to become another form of slavery/serfdom?
Been there done that we'll get through it somehow. As long as the system is keeping people in a lifestyle that is antithetical to their fulfillment humans will keep killing themselves and/or working to tear it down

>> No.20464839

The white pill is that human history isn't a linear line of "progression" like westerners think it is, but cyclical revolving wheel like in eastern belief systems. The black pill is that it takes many many many centuries to go between the cycles, so within one single lifetime it's easy to mistake it for "progress" or "regress" being made.

>> No.20464847

There’s a reason you wouldn’t trade

>> No.20464859
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The naive optimism my friends around me had for technology, believing it would "fix everything" was almost endearing in it's simplistic view of things.
I agree. It's sad to think that the cyclical nature of the world means that periods of artistic flourishing are fleeting, hopefully I will live long enough to see when things turn around and another sonic adventure 2 is made

>> No.20464991

Is Beyond Good and Evil worth reading as a philosophylet? I found it at the thrift store for a couple dollars so I grabbed it, but I've never read any philosophy.

>> No.20465010

It's not too long and you'll understand like 20% of it, but the parts you will get are fun and you can still brag about it as a pseud to your normie friends
speaking as a pseud that barely understood it myself

>> No.20465081
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crazy how slow these threads move when I'm not here to make half the posts in them

>> No.20465115

Yes, it's worth it. Read the first part, Prejudices of Philosophers, and if right away that doesn't give you the great feeling that you'll be revisiting those thoughts for the rest of your life then I don't know what to tell you.

The problem with philosophy is, like most cerebral endeavors, its most outspoken brothers are not brothers at all, but pedantic nerds. It's like getting into bicycling as an outsider and hearing apparently nothing but bickering over what kind of disc brakes are "superior". It's retarded and autistic, and should bear nothing on your enjoyment.

Beware pedantic nerds who turn everything into schoolyard bullying.

>> No.20465130
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I'm an artist who has gotten past the initial years of creative explosion, and who now only occasionally notices I've painted something I'm fond of. The act is not as invigorating anymore, and is now more studious.

To alleviate this, I will now commence drinking a pot of coffee, listen to jazz fusion, and attack a giant canvas like a child drawing on a wall while talking to his imaginary friend.

>> No.20465136

Based. Shake up those routines, homie.

>> No.20465141

Good luck, it’d be cool to see some pieces, even if they’re ones you’re not proud of.

>> No.20465143

What you describe is the result of a culture that views an intellectual argument as a competitive war, instead of a collaborative dance.

>> No.20465144

Here's a girl trying to sound like a dude

>> No.20465149

What does “ta” and “bogged” mean? Is it like “stuck in the bog”? IE the loo.

>> No.20465155

You could say the serious thinkers are too busy thinking to care about bragging about it

>> No.20465157
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ta is "teachers assistant" I presume.
"bogged" likely refers to getting a lot of plastic surgery which makes you look like one of the Bogdanoff twins (pic rel).

>> No.20465172

Remember: Not enough practice leads to confusion

Too much practice leads to Jazz Fusion

>> No.20465184

this is good bumper sticker material anon
10 billion points

>> No.20465203
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I had a 9 year "friendship" with some narcissistic closeted faggot that would micromanage me, ask me where I was and where I was going all the time, would always want to do the opposite of what I was doing... The whole nine yards. The problem is that I had no idea what a proper friendship looked like and now I'm scared of making new friends and I've developed these weird behavioral problems such as constantly justifying anything I'm about to do TO MYSELF. Also the rage I feel after wasting all that time is consuming and I'm having a hard time managing it. Are there any good books about spotting narcissists and how to deal with them? From actual medical literature to popular psychology.

>> No.20465253

discuss about trans issues/philosophy always reveals how philosophically inept this board is. political stance aside, there’s clear lack of critical thinking and argumentative skill here

>> No.20465268


>> No.20465271

Just a had a good and full social day today. I really enjoyed it. I wish I started socializing years ago

>> No.20465274


Is the translation important? I have the B&N edition translated by Helen Zimmern.

>> No.20465275

Tranny derangement syndrome in full effect. They simply turn their brains off. Kinda sad.

>> No.20465279

only an autistic person could make this post

>> No.20465283


>> No.20465285

>barely two years
>half your twenties

>> No.20465289

>tfw no low self esteem gf

>> No.20465296

Yes, and? This isn't a profound insight. Pension funds, registered investment accounts are the individual and collective participation in this. Hence the obsession with GDP and growth. Stock must go up.

>> No.20465319

Evolution is a Ponzi scheme. the propagation of genes by constantly producing more off-spring who will devour other organisms (which also propagate their own genes) for sustenance so that they can reproduce more off-spring... life itself is a Ponzi scheme. The birds, the trees, the grass we touch, they are all victims of the same Ponzi scheme.
If anything the economy is less of a Ponzi scheme because since the Industrial Revolution there is a general assumption that there will always be an increase in productivity, in other words that the amount of return on capital will always increase as better efficiencies and technologies are progressively discovered and implemented (which means that less energy or time is expended to get the same outcome or result). Moore's Law is an example of this in action: you had a very steady and predictable increase in computing power meaning that the amount of calculations and computing that could be done in the same period of time constantly increased which meant more economic output for the same investment.
This doesn't happen in a Ponzi scheme where there is no intention on being 'productive' let alone creating efficincies so that later entrants into the scheme might not have to make the same capital outlays as previous entrants to get the same returns - a Ponzi scheme only functions if there is the same amount of expenditure
So there, are you happy now!? life itself is a Ponzi scheme and the economy is less of a Ponzi scheme than life itself.

>> No.20465369
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What's with everyone reactions about companies recalling their work-from-home privileges? Is it really happening all over? It's happening in some capacity at my job, and I know one person is quitting (in fact because his commute is too great and he never signed on to work on-site full time), but I don't know what the management's justification is either. That coworker of mine is understandably quitting. He also shares a crowded office with four other people, and granted, 90% of his daily work is actually on-site necessary, which can very reasonably be allocated to his on-site days at the end of the week. I don't get why they made him come back to work.

I've heard a few people around the office say it's basically a con by manager's to hide the fact that they don't do anything but manage their employees, and work-from-home in effect actually proves that most managers are redundant. There's truth to this, but is that all there is to it?

I'm also skeptical because many of my coworkers get all their opinions from Reddit.

I have two friends that work/have worked from home, and one of them became so unproductive that he was forced to go back to work, and the other became a high-functioning alcoholic.

>> No.20465370

Get one

>> No.20465411

Where do I find one?

>> No.20465439

im going to make a new

>> No.20465440
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New thread

>> No.20465448

The place I'm working in currently has an employee's place of work written in the contract, most of the contracts were signed before remote work was a thing, and in order to work remotely you'd have to formally work it out with HR.

This year there was a couple of hires with remote work clearly stated in their contract, and nobody forces those employees to show up in office. So I believe, it's also a legal matter, not just an attempt from managers to keep their job.

>> No.20465452
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… I’m sorry.

>> No.20465792

Opalescent swirling patterns blot the evening sky with a rainbow miasma that occludes the constellations. A red door the size of a child's coffin, stark and unexpected, stands in the center of the salt flats. The rain was here not too long ago, and the white plains have become a mirror for the heavens. That day could not have been any greater. She said to me the other day: "You don't make me happy anymore." It's what she always wanted. Not the restaurant on the other side of town, the teddy bear at the amusement park, the sentimentality of the swans at the pond, nor the kisses, the hugs, the "I'll never get tired of you" sweet and rare sooth sayings of an elaborate tragedy, nor the contralto rumbling of the luxury sportscar, nor the vacations to rustic parts of Italy nor the thousands of fucks given or the simple affection and acts of kindness here nor there. No, none of those things, but the sheer and utter disappointment with the immutable aspects of my very being. Beauty fades, the money comes and goes; I could change my attitude, my sense of style, my wardrobe, my interests, the way I talk, the way I style my hair, my outlook on life, and a myriad other things. It was never about any of those things. It was about my true self, assigned from birth without my say in any of this. My very being had been rejected. A lesser creature might've been swayed by a kind hand and a good meal, the mightiest of all the celestial entities been swayed by good deeds or a heartfelt cry for salvation or redemption, but not her. She was after my soul, and it was not to her satisfaction. There was nothing to call into question. I felt the outer layers of my being peeling away in an excruciating fit of mania. First the posturings and the affectations, then the memories went, then the years of aging, then the intellect. Step after step, I made my way through the red door. I didn't think about what would happen next. I didn't care.