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20456886 No.20456886 [Reply] [Original]

Opinion on this book?

>> No.20456913
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Not wrong, there are many parallels between Ford and Musk. I wonder how close he is to naming them.

>> No.20457084

not worth reading.

>> No.20457337


>> No.20457345

Jeremy Greenberg does not like it

>> No.20458843


>> No.20458861

This. Imaginary Jewish hegemony over American institutions is cringe. Why can't people just enjoy Netflix and vote democrat?

>> No.20458872

>oy vey! do not notice things

>> No.20458904

I don't need to read a book to be against international jewry

>> No.20458917

Ford was Jew himself. Industrialist are human scum.

>> No.20458935

I agree. People need to stop rocking the boat. Progress will always have its critics - what's important is that we don't give them a platform to force their ignorance upon us and cause division.

>> No.20459112

He prompted them to name (((themselves))) on twitter and they did

>> No.20459289

It's like every other anti-Semitic derivative of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Lazy ranting about how the Jews control everything. Right wingers aren't very creative.

>> No.20459318 [DELETED] 

Fucking kike

>> No.20459438

it's an irrefutable book about the world's foremost problem.

>> No.20459577

Why can't you braindead retards stay in your containment board

>> No.20459840

>/pol/fags and responding with utter seriousness to obvious bait/satire
name a more iconic duo

>> No.20460106
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How did you manage to take that it wasn't even good bait

>> No.20460271


>> No.20460272

Go back

>> No.20460302

we are never going to leave your boards, not ever, 4chan is an anti semitic website

>> No.20460378

This. I only post more when I see people sperging out over the /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.20460382

he could name them and nothing would change because hes playing their game

>> No.20460390

if you vote youre legitimizing jewish institutions

>> No.20460483

it doesnt even look like it was meant to be bait, these subhumans are just too autistic to help themselves

>> No.20461186

What are you afraid of? Cant we discuss certain books here?

>> No.20461200

>they fall for the bait as they claim he took bait

>> No.20461503


Henry Ford was one of the stupidest great men in the history of the country. I'd honestly be surprised if he ever actually wrote a book of any kind. I don't care whose name's on the cover:


>> No.20461505

I'm not surprised /pol/tards are stupid enough to admire a buffoon like Ford, though. He'd totally be posting there if he were alive today and weren't illiterate.

>> No.20461631

>Hahaha one of the greatest industrialists in human history is such a chud, because he couldn't jsut be a decent human being in the current year. The Ford Assembly Line? Mass produced cars? Hmpf! I am so much better than him.

>> No.20461639

Everybody spergs out about the /pol/ tourist but none ever says a single word about the twitter tourist.
That's just the way it is.

>> No.20462316
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Places become more right-leaning in social values when speech is less moderated. If twitter becomes more open to differing opinions the inevitable outcome is increased traditional views, more european solidarity and the exposure of those who work against their collective goals.

>> No.20462459

yes, but we're just skeptical that Musk would go very far. there's no way he'll allow antisemitism anyway, but he might not even allow baby level shit like saying trans women are men. maybe Trump and other controlled Republicans would be unbanned at best

>> No.20462478

anti-semitism is a cope for living under capitalism. read Marx instead

>> No.20462490

>Is against the Jew.
>Acts like one.

>> No.20463041
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Unlikely. He appears to want encourage or accelerate the conversation society is unwilling to have. That their are demographics on this earth that are not beneficial to include in polite society, that regardless of what is done they will destroy it, out of jealous anger or inability to moderate behavior. The man was raised in South Africa. He experienced the fall of the country, and is now viewing the same thing everywhere in the West. It is difficult for me to think this has not affected his values and thinking.

The natural disaster he keeps speaking of and alluding too is already here and gaining power.

>> No.20463547

outdated boring piffle

>> No.20463757
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It may be our only way out.