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/lit/ - Literature

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20457767 No.20457767 [Reply] [Original]

Were you ever made fun of as a kid for reading?

>> No.20457771

No, since much like /lit/, I didn't read.

>> No.20457782

I didn't grab a book until I was 19

>> No.20457788

Yeah. Mildly.
Thanks for the reminder… I was attracted to her till she did that.

>> No.20457792

No, but I was made fun of in the first grade for having a relationship with some fifth grade girl.

>> No.20457848

i was made fun of in a year 7 english lesson for saying my favourite writer was sports columnist henry winter

>> No.20457860


>> No.20457884

Hey, aren't you the tranny that was going to school Sowell in a debate? What happened to that?

>> No.20457898

You believe it?

>> No.20458048

No, I’m that woman that already did.

>> No.20458058

Tranny nigger kill yourself

>> No.20458150

Where's the footage, bro? Did you guys hook up on stream?

>> No.20458154

More for knowing how to read in the first place

>> No.20458156

I've been made fun of on building sites in the break room by retarded sun newspaper readers

>> No.20458190

I've made fun of betafags that sucked teacher's ass in class, and some of them used to read, so I attacked there.
But never did for the simple act of reading.

>> No.20458203

Can’t find the clip. He was on some British show for Tories. There was some old lady defending the opposing view.
For the record, I don’t delve into the man’s writing, and we may agree on a few points, but this particular point he was being dishonest. That’s all I can recall about it.

>> No.20458225

Tranny nigger kill yourself

>> No.20458804


>> No.20458859
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>be me, 13y/o
>sitting outside school waiting for ride home
>reading catcher in the rye a friend lent me

>> No.20458914

No. I honestly realize in hindsight that I should have used my interest in reading to score pussy in high school instead of playing it down

>> No.20458988

Dont say that. It's not nice.

>> No.20458989

Are girls even attracted to guys because they read? I mean its endearing but it wouldn't get them wet...

>> No.20459002

In high school something shallow like that would work. I remember a girl flirting with me in 10th grade because she saw me reading lolita

>> No.20459651
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>your words

>> No.20459656

i was made fun of for being an annoying faggot, nothing to do with books.

>> No.20459664

I wasn't made fun of because it was a post columbine world and not realizing it I was giving off a strong school shooter impression

>> No.20459683


>> No.20459723

Fucking based.

>> No.20460138
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> He was on some British show for Tories. There was some old lady defending the opposing view.
Are you talking about his appearance on William F. Buckley Jr.'s Firing Line? You can't be serious. How is that even a schooling if you can't remember his point? No way you're buttertard, even she wasn't this retarded.

>> No.20460301

Yes. We had a neighbor who everyone called "Malhado" (or "Fit") in our language. He was deeply involved with crime but since he was our neighbor, we talked to him a lot about a lot of things. I was 12 or so at the time. One day me and my friend, who was slightly older, asked Malhado what he did while he was shitting in the bathroom. Malhado said "just shit". My friend then said, "Anon reads while shitting."
They both made fun of me for some months after this. Malhado said that reading, no matter where, was a gay thing to do.
One day Malhado was murdered in front of a trash bin in a parking lot. Some years later my friend became a teenage father.
Now Malhado is dead, and my friend is a wagecuck. As for me, I still read while I shit.

>> No.20460307

I'd say that reading gives you an advantage. Not because girls get wet over it but because your "verbal intelligence," as it were, increases a lot and you're probably going to be more charismatic (and consequently, more attractive) because of it.

>> No.20460310

brazilians are backwards people, who knew!

>> No.20460352
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Do you also read while in the shower?

>> No.20460353

I sense this gives you a lot of self-satisfaction.

I read in the tub, how would you read in the shower without getting your book wet?

>> No.20460376

Not Firing Line. That may have been the woman though. Maybe it would be easier to find by looking through Vaush videos, but fuck him.

>> No.20460716

No but kids from where I'm from get made fun of for doing anything worthwhile.

>> No.20460733

No, when you're a kid everyone reads. Then I stopped and didn't properly start again until my mid 20's

>> No.20460738

Well, yes, because, you see...
I killed Malhado and impregnated my friend's girlfriend.

>> No.20460754

not really. I was a geek already and hung around theatre kids, but those kids ended up becoming radlibs later in life and stabbed me in the back when my reactionary sensibilities I'd been hiding for many years came to the fore after I graduated high school. but no, not really.

>> No.20461306

Are gyppos still illiterate these days?

>> No.20461364

no. i don't live in an anti-intellectual shithole.

>> No.20461478

By vast majority yes, including in major cities of developed countries.

>> No.20461483

No, I was made fun of for a lot of different reasons, but never reading. One time at the beginning of school, some classmates ran in and said, "HA! We made a bet that you'd already be here, reading!" That's the closest it ever got.

>> No.20461499

No. I went to a private school where reading was the norm. We even read manga

>> No.20461504

It depends. At (private) high school a lot of kids would spend lunch in the library reading. Reading during morning homeroom etc.
Then I went to a public school and my friends made fun of me for reading work on the whiteboard 'too fast'. Students would flat out refuse to read books for class assignments.

>> No.20461507

>how would you read in the shower without getting your book wet?
Put it in a ziplock bag.

>> No.20461508

Only when I attended Miller Grove.

>> No.20461514

kek based

>> No.20461665

Once in middle school we were playing a game in class called 'honey I love you'. The premise was to sit in a circle with one person in the middle, and the middle person would attempt to get someone to smile, through embarrassment, by saying the phrase and some other lines, and the recipient would have to say a certain phrase back without smiling, else they'd swap into the middle.

Anyway, I was entirely disengaged from this idiocy and just reading a book while it went on, saying my lines when I had to without smiling and then returning to the book. Eventually the hot popular girl comes up to me, I don't smile, go back to reading. She then grabs my book and flings it across the room, sits in my lap with arms around me, and repeats the game. I still didn't smile, bc I was pissed about the probable book damage.

When her antics failed to get a reaction, she and many others made fun of me

>> No.20461666


>> No.20461683
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Not a Mike Lupica enjoyer.

>> No.20463074


>> No.20463081

I didn’t have anyone to sit with at lunch, so I would read in the library instead.
And uh, yeah, people did not take kindly to that.

>> No.20463152


Maybe one or two light jabs here and there in grammar school, but never any roasting. I grew up in a nice white community.

>> No.20463305

Nothing too serious. Some snarky remarks. I beat up a few bullies as a kid and nobody bugged me about anything after that.

>> No.20463312
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Oh, you think reading is your ally? But you merely adopted illiteracy; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't learn the alphabet until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but confusing!

>> No.20463369

No there were no minorities in my school until 5th grade. Some jigaboo got caught w a knife at school in NC so he got sent to live w white grandma in the sticks for a year and we had to deal w him.
So no, everyone read.

>> No.20463418

God, this post hurts to read.

>> No.20463535

No but I brought a book I was really into to school one day and one guy I was sorta friends with who sat next to me said incredulously "you can read?!" I thought was dumb as bricks but I guess he thought the same of me. Ironically he was a fan of the same book series (the Drizzt fantasy books).

>> No.20463548

It hurt to type, too. Don't worry, I grew up to be Chad and have had sex with entirely too many women, to the point of degeneracy