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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 107 KB, 400x521, Chloe_Moretz_LOVE_cover_August..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2045526 [Reply] [Original]

You've finally settled down with a nice aryan wife and have a daughter, a beautiful little angel that even looks like you.

you've devoted yourself to her.

But even if you raise her well, in this society she will probably…

>want to dress like a slut by the time she is 9 or earlier and hate you when you don't buy her clothes that all the cool girls wear
>act like a self entitled brat and ignore you while she is texting on her phone that she seems to carry around all fucking day
>go to her first party by 12/13 where she will drink bacardi breezers, and hook up with a black guy, maybe even give a guy a blowjob if she is an early bloomer
>have a facebook/social media profile where she will have fappable pics that basement dwellers will save to their hard drives and will fap to them or even post them on /b/. Facebook is also where she and her friends will talk to guys you don't know and plan to meet up with them at Jamal's party (you won't know about the party though, she will tell you she is "just going out to watch a movie and stay the night at Jade's house") and before she leaves she will kiss you on your balding head with the same lips that will be wrapped around Tyrone's cock later that night. "Bye daddy, I love you"

Even if she does skip the tween rebellion phase, she will definitely be doing this sort of shit in secondry school, there will be a day when the first guy takes her virginity, spoiling her virgin pussy with his seed. She might not go sleeping around, but she will probably still have a boyfriend that will put his cock in her mouth every night while she licks and sucks it till he blows his load in your little princess's gloss rimmed mouth.

the feminists have brainwashed young girls into believing the only way to liberation is to have 12 black dicks inside of her.

Who knows, there might even be some footage of it uploaded to redtube..

>> No.2045530

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.2045529

> would fap again

>> No.2045532

/lit/ - insane conservative culture war fantasies

>> No.2045533

Welcome to today's society! Where big cocks and constantly gaping vaginas rein supreme. Just as we were evolving so quickly, it's all going downhill again. I disagree with your observation of feminists however; their mission is to wipe chivalry off the face of the earth and tall all women into revolting, tattoo, shrapnel-pierced bulldykes. I'm just fortunate my girlfriend is older than me, in being so avoiding their wroth.

>> No.2045538

You'd have better luck on /adv/, /lit/ doesn't generally fall for sensationalism interspaced with blatant race and sex-baiting. We're not retarded.

>inb4 every other poster in this thread proves me wrong

>> No.2045542


>> No.2045547

you won't have much luck with this on /lit/ op most posters here don't live in America

>> No.2045549

Nope 0/9000 would not reply again etc etc.

Boards that you would have better luck on:

>> No.2045550
File: 10 KB, 300x226, mah negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2045558

> a beautiful little angel that even looks like you.

truly horrible

>> No.2045574
File: 14 KB, 348x232, deal_with_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, why don't you fuck off. Who cares what your daughter does? OMG I had a kid and shes going to get older and do things that EVERY OTHER TEENAGER AND ADULT DO.
If you don't like it, moralfag, then don't have kids. In fact, don't. You sound like you'd be a fuckwad of a parent.

>> No.2045575

I'm a senior in high school, and I can that this is pretty much accurate.

For about 1/4 of the girls. And about 1/4 of the guys.

The other 75% of them are just normal teenagers that are trying to survive the hell that is high school.

You know people have been saying this shit about every single up an coming generation for thousands of years, right?

>> No.2045579

why are you responding to this. don't do that. (nice smugdog though)

>> No.2045582


There was a time when men would do something about this.

>> No.2045583


Yeah. Used to be you could smack some sense into the little bitches. But now they'll lock you away for that.

>> No.2045594

death to all /lit/ mods (unironically)

>> No.2045599

>death to all /lit/ mods (unironically)
One day we will have to attach this disclaimer to all of our sentences, shortly before the use of it becomes ironic and the Universe collapses in on itself ironically.

>> No.2045608

It does not matter anyway.
The species is already shit for a ton of other reasons.

>> No.2045612
File: 24 KB, 300x208, david_caruso_sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's pretty ironical.

>> No.2045614

>implying i'm not getting a son
>implying i'm not gonna teach him to be a mastermind