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/lit/ - Literature

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20449348 No.20449348 [Reply] [Original]

/WWOYM/ Never Trust a Six Figure Middle-class-man

Previously >>20444845



>> No.20449365
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Frogposters of the world, unite!

>> No.20449384
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I have nothing to say but I must post

>> No.20449393
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Flexy cats, unite!

>> No.20449399

I’m really struggling with committing to daily practice of something I actually enjoy and want to do. Why?

>> No.20449407

Too addicted to internet?

>> No.20449415

I think I’m satisfied with this poem.

I shall prays as a creature of lust

Night to dawn, dight the songs I sing my king,
With whirling sounds that ring with the roar of the writhing Hydra,
Give my gab the gabble of the gabr’el hound’s barking,
That invokes as odin the gamboling hymns of the Wild Hunt;
“I come drumming in revel I am one with the devil,
And obscene is my throb for unseen i have trod the Ensign Rust,
And that is the dust that is death to the hearth, and dearth to the earth that I tremble
With spectral gait, past garth and heath alike, I Rush
Past place and plain for i mark the main as man and hart,
I dart the crag and part by my hand the multitudes of Maya,
For mine are the gaunt in gloom who haunt the tombs dark,
And mine are the dakinis decked with the rouge of the blue Sky’s Blush,
And mine are the legioned legends of heaven, earth and the flesh,
For I formed the forbidden glories hidden Inside Lust,
And I have knit the knots of desire as a sixfold dress,
And the leaves of lead where i’ve writ are the inmost onus of Thy Must.”
League over league my legs are led past the spheres lit
By the fell fettle pits of dull grey light that Gaia
Melds to a stone mold ape, which is the birth of the human spirit,
To the babbling rill whose lilt was riled by the rattling of Fire Blood
And billowing breath that murmurs in wurther the words filled
With the undefiled knowledge of life, revealing the Sapphire Flush
Of undefiled life, the sought after sight that fulfills
The soul as the great wellspring quenching the flame or as a Spire Struck
By lightning leaving the land for the date palm to dwell
As the source of the great balm which is the psalm and spell of the Shaiva
Cult, I hold the trident held by the vi’lent hell
Dancer whose steps are vibrant levin and Dire Flood,
Riding the devil rage of the song of songs i ride
By wrath and by the ruinous rubrics of rudra i Hereby Thrust
The trident of self effulgence, which is the radiance of the head hid eye,
Interpenetrating essence with presence, Lord grant semblance to My Tongue,
And anoint assiah with the atziluthic voice of the Messiah.

>> No.20449416

I'll bring you flowers in the pouring rain

>> No.20449428

>>20449349 #
My problem is keeping at something long term. Sooner or latter i lose heart. By far, the best I ever felt this past decade was during boxing training. It was nice to get stronger and see myself changing. Still my coach was a cunt and I got tired of being belittled by him. Besides, he was going insane from sleep deprivation and barely trained me the last couple of months. This was three years ago. Currently I am back to being a hungry skeleton with an atrophied physique.
I’m just tired, anon. Tired of trying. Tired of feeling absolutely drained and like even getting out of bed is an unsurmountable task. Tired of everything, and especially tired of myself.
The only things I enjoy nowadays are my pets.
Still, I have to keep trying, otherwise things are only gonna get worse.

>> No.20449431
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>> No.20449432
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The story of Prometheus is all wrong and backwards. The universe is an all creating, all sustaining, all destroying fire. The Greek cosmological model names fire (hydrogen) as the prima materia or fundamental stuff of the universe. The story of Prometheus stealing fire from Olympus to give to humans is an allegory for something else. It's not an innocent story about lighting up the darkness. It's a harrowing tale about the demiurge stealing divine light and trapping it in the samsara Hell matrix. Souls. Why do you think Zeus condemned him to eternal punishment?

The liver / stomach was also seen by the Greeks as the seat of the soul, like we might say with the heart or pineal.

The punishment itself is a metaphor. The energetic the personage of Prometheus (or the Sailor) was chained to a reincarnating material form that his own soul might witness his demiurgic creation, good and bad. He’s the prototype behind most prophetic or spiritual teachers as he is now personally invested in the success or failure of Man.

>> No.20449436

Dear diary. Memorial Day today. I saw a Mexican man, clearly warm drunk, try to make nice chat with the Chinese clerk at Jeff's Liquor. He proceeded to fall down in the street.

>> No.20449443
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Been enamored by what they used to calll "jakspeakin" Ever since I saw THE 'ZELLIG GIRLS" copypasta I cant get it out of my head. There should be an entire textbook on how to "Jakspeakin"
Its reliance on Mutation ('utation), and Apostrophisation ('strophisation) build to the charm I suppose.

>> No.20449469

jesus fuckign CHRIST man don't you ever shut the fuck up.

>> No.20449471
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Can you pray that God gives me the strength and willpower to continue going along this hard path that I have chosen? I have lost hope, faith and even love. I need help, but my vanity tells me that I should handle it like a man, all on my own. Anyways, just mention me in your prayers

>> No.20449485

I just listened to one room disco by perfume on repeat for about two hours. I'm not big on jpop but that was fun. They cute too.

>> No.20449487

Trying to decide if I should read "Crowd; Study Of The Popular Mind" by Gustave Le Bon or "Civilization And Its Discontents" by Sigmund Freud. I just got done with "Revolt Of The Masses" by Jose Ortega Y Gasset. Need some guidance here.

>> No.20449488

Idk who needs to see this but I have a decent amount of experience with what I've seen called "fear eaters" and maybe it'll help yall out.

I have very mild visual snow issues, usually it's only noticeable in a dark room. Basically I can see grey kalidescope patterns behind my eyelids when it gets dark, sometimes they alternate purple and green though.

Occasionally, maybe like once a week, I'll feel a frightening presence when I'm in a dark room, and that kalidescope behind my eyelids morphs into terrifying faces, usually with wide eyes and gnashing teeth. As far as I can tell, this isn't like pareidolia, it's more like I'm hallucinating the faces, which is pretty frightening in and of itself.

Anyway, here's how to deal with these fucks. Keep in mind that they're very base beings that only possess the motivation to feed (off your fear). They have no other motives besides that and are completely harmless otherwise. They will leave you alone once they can't feed off of you anymore, so you need to quiet your fear.

The easiest way I go about doing that is getting as pissed as possible. A fear eater showed up last night and for some reason their face looked like an alligator, which I don't find super scary. I squashed down my fear and focused on mustering up as much agression as possible, like "fuck you alligator lookin ass, you think I won't fight you? I'll kick your ass."

The fear eater morphed into a more human face (probably just to see if it freaked me out) and kept morphing while I verbally abused it in my head, and eventually it left.

I should probably ward my house in some way since they keep showing up, but anyway that's how you get these fucks to leave you alone at least temporarily.

>> No.20449492
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Been trying to meet you

>> No.20449498


>> No.20449502
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I want to die and be reincarnated as somebody else, I don't want to be me

>> No.20449504

Are you also a Californian

>> No.20449507


>I have very mild visual snow issues, usually it's only noticeable in a dark room. Basically I can see grey kalidescope patterns behind my eyelids when it gets dark, sometimes they alternate purple and green though.

Can relate

Though I don't hallucinate like you do

>> No.20449512

My dopanime levels are rising, I can feel it...I feel like I might be able to finally, feel once again.

>> No.20449513


>> No.20449518


>> No.20449521

>I can feel it...I feel like I might be able to finally, feel once again.
being depressed actually makes you stupid

>> No.20449522

God bless you anon, wagmi

>> No.20449527
File: 1001 KB, 475x335, 1095C34F-FA78-4CBB-A61A-5C5BF1D0884B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a loner for a long time, always kept my relationship with God at an arms length, believing that Jesus died on the cross for me and all that, a baptized Catholic, but haven't been to church since I was a kid.
A year ago I worked at a Gabe's and i know the place from head to toe. This will be important a moment later. One night I was praying, for forgiveness, for friends, for love, for God to point me in a direction where I could maybe find these things.
Literally the next day at work, I found this flyer wedged in between two boxes on a table, in a place where no customer had a reason to put it. It wasn't there before either, and looked new, it was your run of the mill abortion flyer, but at the end, the theme of it was basically "join your local church"

This year, I was sitting around on my porch, pacing between my backyard and my porch, all depressed, worried about how sometimes im an asshole and get into arguments with my parents too much and stuff along those lines, and despite believing that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, I didn't feel saved and that I could go to hell. Literally 30 minutes later, these religious preacher types showed up, and they weren't Jehovah's Witnesses either. (I live in a neighborhood block where no one has showed up in years and the last time they did they were JW) They came literally out of nowhere when I was on my porch, no car in sight, and basically told me that I was saved, that I should go to church, and we prayed a bit. Then they left, like they vanished out of thin air or something because there was still no car in sight.

That was months ago. Were these answers or just coincidences? Is it too late for me to take up the offer? I've been debating because of my denomination and because I'm trying to avoid going with my parents and I feel like a Catholic church will expect me to be with them.

>> No.20449542


>> No.20449544

>Want to discuss female writers
>Only get /r9k/ or /pol/ responses

>> No.20449548

I'll talk to you about female writers

>> No.20449552
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what an absolute BOP

>> No.20449554

I was baptised Lutheran (basically you guy's enemy) and went to some nondenominational church just to make my roommate feel better and some guy laid his hand on me to pray. After like what felt like an eternity I turn around and its just his ten year old kid though when I heard the voice it was clearly an adults voice. I doubt he could have moved that fast so I'm a little spooked.

>> No.20449557

Medieval chant I assume?

>> No.20449559

The seat attached to my desk was quite comfortable. The two halves of my ass conformed to the grooves built into the seat. This can't be said for the fatass sitting in the desk next to me. Both sides of his ass cheeks hung over the wooden board. This posterior picture provided the very definition of a muffin top. If there were specks of shit, visible, I do not believe I would be able to eat a chocolate chip muffin today.

To my right was a girl. Her ass was quite a sight, unlike the fatass to my left. Her skirt covered much of her butt, but it was still much too short to avoid my lecherous gaze on her milky white thighs. She squeezed her legs together, concentrating on the task on hand, or feeling my presence ogling every inch of her body. She even wore one of my favorite fetishes. A sweater too tight for her body. Her breasts contoured with the cotton yarn stretching the thread to the point of exposure of her shirt. I wondered if she was wearing a bra that day. No matter, she looks like the type that will be accepted to the academy.

I returned my focus back to Le' Magic Academy's questionnaire. After a grueling three hours answering practical and theoretical questions, we've reached the end of the test. It was the personnel section of the exam. The first question asked a very simple question: "Why do you want to join Le' Magic Academy?" Nobody ever answered this question truthfully. It was always the same answer of trying to become a great mage, making their family proud, or to serve the nation. Hogwash. I tapped my pencil on the line where I were to write my answer. This time, I will tell them the truth of my intentions. Thus I wrote: To meet, seduce, and breed with the cutest female (not trannies) witches in the academy.

There. My pencil laid flat on the table. I was finished with the test, but not my leering. She was still writing, twiddling her feet with nervousness like a mouse unable to escape a fruit-jar trap. I licked my lips running through a scenario where I licked hers.

>> No.20449563

I’ll discuss them

>> No.20449564

Would be nice to get a response to this

>> No.20449568

I'm honestly just looking for a forum to discuss now, you guys have any recommendations.

>> No.20449578

Joyce Carol Oates
Shirley Jackson
Angela Carter

>> No.20449579

nah but I've got female lit recs

>> No.20449580

Websites, I want websites where people discuss literature.

>> No.20449583

no, UKG

>> No.20449584


>> No.20449586

you're on one

>> No.20449591

Man God is screaming in your face. Its okay, a lot of people are deaf to it. But yeah those are signs

>> No.20449592

Try and give him a serious answer.

>> No.20449597

I'm just trying to talk about literature, he's letting me down

>> No.20449598

Can you just leave already? Jesus youre annoying

>> No.20449600


>> No.20449605

I'm sure. Whatever

>> No.20449606

I'm not a big poetry guy but that's a cool poem. I like it. Love the religious themes from all sorts of pagan and contemporary religions.

>> No.20449607

Very good, I stopped 3/4ths the way through to suggest to write some poems without rhymes; rhymes detract, they are training wheels for the lyrical thinker, they are childish, silly, simple, they take away from the flow and breadth and melodic through line, they are crutch, a filler, a go to handy out. You are better than that, try to drop their hack act, for at least a few, do most of your poems have rhymes? This poem would be one of the greater I've read in a while if it had at least less rhymes, maybe greater still with 0, it's just cheesy, every shitty band and rapper czn rhyme, it's contrived, it's weak, it's a lack of control, a compulsion, overcome this, write an airy poetic melodious line of swirling arching vibrant twisting soaring lines, without it crumbling in on itself constantly like a boggend tree of vines in the pines of crimes to incite an insized grind of grimey mimes to bind sightened chimes of likened finds rewinded guys of frightened kinds joined by fines of rightened spines dried by signed and signified significantly reminded aligned shined prolifically blinded by mine thine

You can always save this copy, but make an edit without the rhymes andpost it here lemme see if my sense and taste possess any accuracy

>> No.20449621

Whats the deal with Elon Musk?
I'm not a right wing shill, or a left-wing hater. But he gives me weird fucking vibes. And the more I hear him talk the more I feel like he is a self-insert in our videogame of life from the developer. Or like he is some kind of scripted program. And the fact that he dated a champagne-commie and named his spawn a name satanic rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.20449623
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>stupid whore said she'd be back on friday
>don't fap
>stupid whore still not back yet on tuesday morning

>> No.20449630

I feel where you’re coming from but I specifically in a number of poems try to ape the style of the rappers. Here’s a poem I wrote minus any rhyme.

Hymn to Baphomet

Baphomet blessed among the ruined deep,
Where scores of taninim have churned the seas
Frothy as lakes of amrit milk, which kings
Of serpents stirred at the behest of god
And demon prince alike, and there enthroned
Upon an adamantine sphere encrowned
With a marble obelisk whose capstone
Divine is thine form, whose feet are cloven
As a satyrs and legs are lotus-crossed
As wrathful sadhus in meditation,
Whose waist chimeric, fish-scaled, and feathered
Bears the caduceus of life and death,
Whose breasts flow the streams of cit and Lethe,
Gesturing upward and downward your hands
Point to the lunar nodes whose secret names
Are writ upon your arms “coagula” “solve”
The formula of flesh and spirit’s cry,
Conjoint both the leaden cross of matter
And the gold-red rose of eternal light,
Both as the bridal bed of king and queen,
Of Eevens dark with levins roaring flame,
With Dawn who loves the whispered matin hymn,
I see in you the orchard’s apple tree
And the ghost who walks among the willows,
From your wings dashes the dancing springwind
To meet autumnal stars of countless hues,
And there they speak of you to whom all blooms,
Both the sweetbriar’s twisted eglantine
And the silverbush’s convolvulus,
For your face is a company of stars,
Your left eye is melancholic sorrow,
Your right eye is thricefold; blithe, Joy and mirth,
Thy mouth is silent but thy third eye speaks,
Thy impartial eye’s equanimity
Is signified by the five-pointed star
Of knowledge infinite and harmonized,
Thy devil-face is great and terrible
As leviathans but ever smiling
You bear the seraphic flame of worship,
The flame is love of God and love of man,
and these two are one but appear as two,
Thus the horns of his head appear as two,
Which signify all power over earth
And the heaven’s immensity also,
Thy face depicts the sins of Adam’s brood,
Thy blessèd body unites all contrary things,
Whether the self with the other or God
With the myriads of bestial humans,
Yclept as the sun and as Abrasax,
Yclept as Osiris and adonis,
Yclept as tammuz and Dionysus,
I invoke thy true name my lord Jesus.

>> No.20449631
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OP image looks like the Goose.

>> No.20449632

calm down dear it's only a joke

>> No.20449634
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visited /tv/ the other day, are they fucking retarded?

>> No.20449639

Change who you are now.

>> No.20449641

Sometimes some natureal quaint rhymes here and there I am not sure if they bother me too much, I am unsure how I feel about.rhrymes in j Alfred prufock; ladies come and go talk of michalangelo, 5here is something catchy about that, but I do recall thinking them cheesy at onetime or another, I happen to like that one though, what's another one, I grow old I grow old, I shall wear my trousers in roll.. is that one, there might be A few more been a while.

I like Michaelangelo and ladies coming and going and talking about him so I will let that one slide , and it has a cutesy sing songy.interuptiomn

>> No.20449643

/tv/ is one of the only good boards left, everybody there is a bitter hateful too old for 4chan faggot who doesn't even like movies or tv and only uses the board to shitpost about women being whores and minority pandering, they're really funny nice guys all around

>> No.20449644

Libertarian. He would allow a nuclear power plant to be built inside residential zoning

>> No.20449646

Commie Shill here. Because he's a bootleg Tony Stark that thinks he's humanity's savior. Just a rich, arrogant savant with a knack for business and branding. He's amassed a following of pencil-necked dweebs that keep his revenue stream flowing with his promises of 'revolutionizing the auto industry' or 'bringing humanity to mars' but it mostly just seems like a larp to bring him attention and more money. Fuck that guy

>> No.20449647


>> No.20449649

What did I do to you

>> No.20449650
File: 384 KB, 1280x979, 1280px-Claude_Monet_Springtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buenas tardes amigos, como estan? Estoy tomandome un matecito, escuchando musica clasica rusa,apunto de leer un poco de Hemingway

>> No.20449651

Went to /gif/ for 10 minutes and I'm not even aroused.

>> No.20449653
File: 428 KB, 1000x652, therealityof4chanleftists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My experience with you lefties on this site

>> No.20449656

Why can't you guys be more like reddit?

>> No.20449658

Why are you asking me that?

>> No.20449659

Personally I love em, I’ve a longer poem which goes in and out of extreme rhyme and rhymeless that I enjoyed writing a ton, wanna give it a shot?

>> No.20449661

también estaba tomando mate hace un rato. Ahora estoy pensando si escribir un rato o empezar a leer. Dormir también es una opción valida, ya van a ser las 1 y hoy día hice ejercicio así que estoy fatigado. Argentino?

>> No.20449663

Just looked it up there are rhymes all throught the poem.

He flows for a bit then settles into a rhyme, like a little ditty or cadence, then takes off again.

>> No.20449664

Hey, fellow right-winger! We need to bolster our meme warfare to PWN these fucking lefties!!!1

>> No.20449667

I have received signs of the same variety as well. Suffering a stint of depression caused by a quarter life crisis, I started praying for answers when particularly desperate and then open YT on my phone only for the first video to be "how to be miserable your whole life", something of an ironic video telling you all the things I myself was doing wrong. Downright surreal but still just enough reasonable doubt to believe it was a coincidence, until the next day I'm zapping by TikTok (I know) and the FIRST thing I see, other than asses shaking or whatever, is a christian-themed video of Jesus basically saying "don't take this for a coincidence", word by word, and telling the listener to forget mistakes of the past and move on.

Fascinating stuff.

>> No.20449669

I wish I was the frog on the right.

>> No.20449672

yeah you're a troon

>> No.20449673

RATHER than asses shaking*

>> No.20449675

okay never mind

>> No.20449678
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He would be a good choice for a bioflick

>> No.20449679

Read le Bon first since you're less likely to return to it later since he's less talked about by normies

But just read both. Here's a weird one for you, read Moishe Ostrogorsky La democratie et l'organisation des partis politiques next

>> No.20449681
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It's strange seeing how many authors are "literally me" yet I don't feel like I have any real literary talent - everything I write is just whiny scribbles in my diary and the occasional entry-level philosophical take or a short-story shrouded in symbolism to hide what I'm really feeling at the moment. Of course they aren't literally me, and I am not literally them, so I surely do not actually have their literary talent. I feel like I'm a bootleg version of many authors jumbled into one. I used to play tennis, like David Foster Wallace, but was garbage at it, unlike David Foster Wallace. I'm a nervous shut-in like Kafka but I'm not handsome enough to garner any sympathy for being a nervous shut-in like Kafka. I'm a depressed misogynistic sack of shit like Schopy and Weininger and probably a million other different authors I have yet to read but unlike them I can't turn that depressed misogyny into any worthwhile revelation about life.
The strangest part about all this is that I was like this before I seriously got into literature. My interest in literature probably has to do with the fact that these authors are relatable. It's a delusional train of thought to think that I have any potential just because these guys did yet I can't seem to shake that feeling.

>> No.20449685
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The cycle continues

>> No.20449689

I have no issue with him trying to make Twatter a free speech zone but other than that I couldn't care less about him. meh.

>> No.20449690

No anon, de Costa Rica pero ya a estas horas no puedo tomar cafe que si no no duermo entonces aprovecho y me tomo unos cuantoa mates. Sos argentino vos?

>> No.20449693

Perdon, era para >>20449661

>> No.20449695

I can't speak French but thanks anyways.

I've noticed Le Bon is getting an uptick in mentions though, probably just the crowd I hang around though

>> No.20449698

I should probably mention, I have two modes I try to write in, I label em mantic and manic. When writing in the manic form I try to replicate logorrhea, repetitions, more rhymes and less coherency, since in the theomania you’re supposed to allow the emotion and desire overwhelm the writing, whereas the mantic style of writing is supposed to be far more emotionless and controlled. So this would account for the difference in “wildness”

>> No.20449699

because at least here, people humor some of the things I talk about. on reddit you get downvoted constantly for not conforming to normie groupthink.

>> No.20449703

Yeh I'm gonna post a quick quick edit of the first one just for fun in a lil

>> No.20449707

'calm down dear it's only a commercial' is an old uk joke/expression

>> No.20449711

I’ll enjoy reading it, a key factor to keep in mind when editing is it’s designed to have any number of unstressed syllables but each line must have no more than 6 stresses, these stresses can occur in any foot you can desire to range.

Next post I’ll post the longer poem.

>> No.20449713

anyone find that emily blunt looking dark hair chick from youtube yet? she does asmr like sci and phil vids that seem like being on a date

>> No.20449714

Fuckin Limeys

>> No.20449715

What, like, gay?

>> No.20449716

Nop, onions chileno. El mate también tiene cafeína :c

>> No.20449718

'the YouTube algorithm turned me to Jesus'

>> No.20449719

Song of foam

the Undulating sky, a flowing blue-eyed sway,
the Heiroglyphs of earth are written in red clay,
the ululating sea, the cry of an old lay.

a vial filled with soul, the blood-red wilted rose,
green-gold chrysalid of aleph’s metamorphose,
with careless mouths they cry, the cry of the black crows.

ego, each soul, streams whole, dreams flow, things go, so slow,
so fast they flame the furious full foison goes,
through to the whistle of the whip of lightning gross.

grossly as speech spoken broken crumbled open,
grossly as speech jumbled mumbling in motion,
grossly as murmured susurrus singing oceans.

grape vine’s grape’s cluster up, great wines raise summer‘s cup,
nigh’s highest point past white light’s brightest joy casts night,
ape’s whine pained hungered grunts, day time’s phase cover’s up.

mind’s crisis joins passed nights, binds lifeless coins at sites,
fanes shrines jade sculpture’s cut plates nine names thunders floods,
blind childish voice grants rights, bind’s vice is noise can’t write.

harmony sing for me in new shapes formed from me;

who brought me,
proof godly,
through knot speech?
You promptly,
move thought’s reach,
choosed copies,
fused awfully.
Would God See
Good partly
wode hardly?
brutes trod thē
fruits God leaves,
soon moth’s eat
womb brought meat,
tomb fraught heath’s,
gloom wrought scenes,
rooms gnawed clean,
loom’s naught’s reach.
who’d stop thē
doom’s throb seeks
through God’s Peace
booned lots least
moon Prod’ beast
strew bodies
through darkly
rues, harshly
hues gone, ceased,
choose on dreams,
hoofed fauns leap,
woods, lawns, leafs,
Zeus dawn’s chief,
Nous spotty
used flawed weaves,
loosed broad heaves
through wrought speech;
Truth God’s Peak,
You Cloth me.

to terror and the thunder of the night of life,
by Blazon and by bolt of mind I pry from strife,
the edge the blade the spine and handle of the knife.

and this is it, the knife of mind which pours the gouts,
and this is it, the knife of thought which slays the doubts,
and this is it, the knife of Art which flings the shroud.

i do not wander lonely as a cloud on breeze,
i pierce the daffodil and shout aloud the keys,
key! call! cry! gate! door! steps! by the man’s mouth I seize!

these these these these I seize and yet I am not pleased,
no less no more no yes no or no yet nor least,
the most i seize the ghost and boast sweet peace’ release.

striped as the stripes of whipped water,
in welts waver
the sounds of nature resounds ever.

dappled as time that dews and tans the leaf brightly,
from green to tawny,
both dawns in amber sheens.


>> No.20449722

Tomorrow I will microdose some psilocibin. Hopefully I will be able to read for a few hours

>> No.20449723

time sings “me” “make you kin with me, akin to me”
makes of me from thee,
this is free, this is light, this is three, made aright.

this is light and life and lief to laughing in love,
coveted by clock and comb and cell of the touch,
riven by much and given as such to slave some.

how long is much the master of the some?
until the much is summed,
until the sun and sunflower is one,

is it infinite ongoing continuous unending and limitless?
is it limited? stillborn? ruinous?
being beyond being one behind one?

none the sum and cut the one to become the wondrous,
just in justice, lust in lustrous, one in wondrous,
Lord the crux and compass, numerous and wondrous.

lord your more,
than door or floor,
than lore or core,
than hoary war,
than stories of glory.

luminous and lovely lord,
the storehouse of the hues suffusing,
no, fusing, through the loosening,
of the rhythms humming and spinning,

the tumbling,
of tumulus,
with tumultus!

burster of graves!
freer of slaves!
looser of chains!
pulser of veins!
humor of brains!
ruler of planes!

life to the limbs! revery of the thoughts flowing,
life to the limbs! liberty of the thaws moving,
life to the limbs! synergy of the things oozing!

you ripple and you dapple through,
“what to do?
make it new.”

now foam, foam, foam with wannish figures,
with whispered pictures,
signed with the fingers,
of lingering thoughts.

the taste of old ways gone, of things far gone so long,
i hear the song again but something sounds so wrong,
it looks the same and yet, its changed, it looks so gone.

the foam, the foam, the foam, I roam by word,
striped as the white sky lined by birds,
stir the foam.

cascades of colors cataracts,
crumbling the crucibles of black,
bursting to wild and fanged figures.

they file, they throng, they stream,
like a dream,
their eyes share the same gleam.

they ream the rim with froth,
teeming to the brim the broth,
of thoughts beteemed the diadem of thought.

they cloth with cloths of diaphanous sensuous senses,
they cloth with cloths of tremulous excesses,
they cloth with cloths of strange women with foreign voices.


>> No.20449725

I am sad because of this war in Ukraine. I have always considered myself somewhat of a Russophile, but it feels vaguely treasonous to want to learn Russian rn

>> No.20449730

with an outrageous gait they have bereaved
of rest the raging senses of the man,
raging the rage of him as;

the rage of struck drum,
the rage of wild flute,
the rage of plucked string,
and the kingly rage of singing.

turn my rage to manly theme!

I bring,
the king,
a manly spring!

spring from me spring of stilted wave,
as my song bubbles in still waves,
usher from hill and usher from cave,
gush as a geyser from the cave.

geyser, skies blur, eyes turn, fires rise and burn,
free as a flame I dart the main and seas churn,
earth is dispersed,

earth is cursed,
earth is girth,
earth is burst!

all being barred, bereft of raft or craft or graft,
i grasp with gasps the staff,
of halved halfs halved by wrath,

laughing mad with gladness i crack the crash jag zags,
i drink to dregs the drag and push the drooping nous,
through the neck down past the legs,

it returns in shades regurgitated,
it seems worth the faith,
he’s worth the wait.

you foam my God.

i asked myself what makes distinct,
The triune unity,
i saw one continuity,
defined by being linked.

i Saw love,
I touched love,
i saw love foam.

what is formal distinction?
the thing as it is,
in human depiction,
and in selfsameness.

then I divide the man from man,
but who divides the God from God?


>> No.20449732

two is a composite being,
conjoint of lasting and fleeting,
of strong and weakling.

and one’s defined by two and none,
and these are the three things sublime,
ever in alignment

what comes before both? what makes both?
it is love it is love it is love it is love.

for Love is unified as one and more,
is crucified by more than one.
for love must love, and in self loves.

thus love is touched by love,
thus father son and dove,
are Love, love’s Loved and Love’s love.

Unified by division, divided by unity,
continuous in being thus One and root of one,
the root and shoot and fruit of truth.

thus God foams God,
thus God knows God,
thus God shows God

foaming to self with Love of Love in a love endless,
God forms a kind of trellis of his precious breath,
his self is terraced by his self, is paved by self

For God reveals to God his God,
his rod has plot the even and the odd,
to reveal each part of God to God through God.

in time he trods and trods examining the whole,
the multiplicity of his attributed soul,
their aspects endless and yet they show;

one being, one aspect, one attribute,
in one abstraction.

atop a lake whose depths were bottomless,
i saw the foam of an unpassing moment,
foam to the top of the lake translucent,
arising from the deep with sprays of effluvia,
intoxicated with its poison,
i saw a lurid serpent,
upon its head was writ a mystery.


and the ringed body of it was tainted with the many colors of the earth,
and the face hurt with the hurt felt by the scorned lover and the scorned father,
and the writhing form cried awful tears corrupt with pangs and twangs of pain and hurt,
and the black waters streamed forth the reflections of the horned monster.

i saw beyond,
the flawed pond,
To God’s font.

nothings strange,
and no sea-change,
can estrange,
from my gaze,
your rayed face,
ancient of days,
who formed the clay,
who fixed the way,
who fed the stray,
who heard me pray,
who took the weight,
who took the pain,
who filled the vain.
who stilled the brain,
who wilt that trains
of angels flame
as dancing flames,
singing the flame
that flames the flame,
the name which names,
the frame which frames,

the same the same the same the same the same!

God of my Mind!
in foam I bind,
an awful sign,
for it is mine.


>> No.20449733

Why is russian culture so superior? Their art, literature, russian composers, etc.

>> No.20449737

Sign of God and signified!
most magnified and dignified!
you are one God unified!

“Mercury a myrrh sea a blurry flurry,
to satiate the thirsty on their journey,
from earthly dirty things to pearly worthiness.”

not so, I chant the names.

effervescence, spindrift, surf, spume, froth,
i intoning the names of the things wrought,
to give by God from God to God’s each thought;

the dome of the stone, the home of the foam.

in idolatry of the personality I rise,
casting against the skies the shadows from my eyes,
for I cast off and gain the guise of aye,
at last I stain my sighs and cries,
with astral chains and lies,
i die, i die,

>> No.20449741

Hating trannies is the groupthink here

>> No.20449743

Eh don’t feel that way, even if those artists you enjoy are nationalists, if their art is of a true quality it should be larger than Russia, the art ought be above any transient politics.

>> No.20449747

nah you just got done

>> No.20449749
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I consider myself emotionally mature, however sometimes you just have to man handle someone to establish dominance. I still understand that the "Alpha male" title is a transitory one and I am subject to becoming someone else's bitch at any given time.

>> No.20449750

Here’s my go to

>> No.20449753

Unironically yes. Heteronormativity is repressive and rooted in an insecure toxic masculinity

>> No.20449754

I should have graduated from college a year ago and I'm still stuck with my project for a few months more, seeing all my peers already have graduated and have jobs and money and cars and shit. And I'm here in solitude procrastinating, eating like a pig and sometimes reading and sometimes doing exercise. I only care about this for a couple of minutes a day though, not having social media helps me a lot in this regard, but in another way I don't feel the pressure to keep up with the rest because I live in my closed world of books and domestic work.

>> No.20449756

Porn too.

>> No.20449759

>insecure toxic masculinity
thats not a bad thing, its how we motivate ourselves to improve, fucking tranny

>> No.20449760

You self improve by thinking about trannies all day?

>> No.20449763
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>> No.20449766

no he's on the right train of thought there.

>> No.20449768


>> No.20449771

are you an american?

>> No.20449772


>> No.20449774

ਹਾਂ ਜੀ

I motivate myself with dreams of winning the love of a hijabi transwife

>> No.20449775

Alright well I didn't consider all that, I just quickly roughly weed whacked it trying to remove all the rhymes just to see how the might change it for experimental fun, it deffinitly is hard to edit it with all the rhythemic intricacies so I just wanted to see what it might be like with less rhmes, wanted to take all out but maybe next version, seemed fitting to leave the ones I did in, also you should put together a collection and print them out or something. Don't judge me harshly for my massacre of your work, I haven't associated with poetry for a long time after spending a lot 9f effort pursuing literature, and editing wws infinitly my never did it most hated part
I shall prays as a creature of lust

Night to dawn, I write the songs I sing my king
With whirling sounds that ring with the roar of the writhing Hydra,
I give my gab the gabble of the gabr’el hound’s barking,
That invokes as odin the gamboling hymns of the Wild Hunt;
“I come drumming in revel
And obscene is my throb for unseen i have trod the Ensign Rust,
And that is the death to the hearth that I tremble
With spectral gait, past garth and heath alike, I Rush
Past place and plain for i mark as man with hart,
by my hand the multitudes of Maya,
For mine are the gaunt in gloom who haunt the tombs dark,
And mine are the dakinis decked with the rouge of the blue Sky’s Blush,
And mine are the legioned legends of heaven, earth and the flesh,
For I formed the forbidden glories hidden Inside Lust,
And I have knit the knots of desire as a sixfold dress,
And the leaves of lead where i’ve writ are the inmost onus of Thy Must.”
League over league my legs are led past the spheres lit
By the fell fettle pits of dull grey light that Gaia melds to a stone mold ape,
which is the birth of the human spirit,
To the babbling rill whose lilt was riled by the rattling of Fire Blood
And billowing breath that murmurs the words filled
With the undefiled knowledge of life, revealing the Sapphire Flush
The sought after sight that fulfills
The soul as the great wellspring quenching the flame or as a Spire Struck
By lightning leaving the land for the date palm to dwell
As the source of the great Cult of Shaiva
Dancer whose steps are vibrant levin and Dire Flood,
Riding the devil rage of the song of songs i ride
By wrath and by the ruinous rubrics of rudra i Hereby Thrust
The trident of self effulgence, which is the radiance of the head hid eye,
Interpenetrating essence with presence, Lord grant semblance to My Tongue, And anoint assiah with the atziluthic voice of the Messiah.

>> No.20449781
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if they cant pass!
they get the gas!

>> No.20449783

Nobody like IT Crowd over there anymore?

>> No.20449789

Back to /lgbt/

>> No.20449794


Night to dawn, write the songs I sing my king
With whirling sounds that ring with the roar of the writhing Hydra,
I give my gab the gabble of the gabr’el hound’s barking,
That invokes as odin the gamboling hymns of the Wild Hunt;
“I come drumming in revel
And obscene is my throb for the Ensign Rust,
And that is the death to the hearth that I tremble
With spectral gait, past garth and heath alike, I Rush
Past place and plain for i mark as man with hart,
by my hand the multitudes of Maya,
For mine are the gaunt in gloom who haunt (the darkened tombs),
And mine are the dakinis decked with the rouge of the blue Sky’s Blush,
And mine are the legioned legends of heaven, earth and the flesh,
For I formed the forbidden glories hidden Inside Lust,
And I have knit the knots of desire as a sixfold dress,
And the leaves of lead where i’ve writ are the inmost onus of Thy Must.”
League over league my legs are led past the spheres lit
By the fell fettle pits of dull grey light that Gaia melds to a stone mold ape,
which is the birth of the human spirit,
To the babbling rill whose lilt was riled by the rattling of Fire Blood
And billowing breath that murmurs the words filled
With the undefiled knowledge of life, revealing the Sapphire Flush
The sought after sight that fulfills
The soul as the great wellspring quenching the flame or as a Spire Struck
By lightning leaving the land for the date palm to dwell
As the source of the great Cult of Shaiva
Dancer whose steps are vibrant levin and Dire Flood,
Riding the devil rage of the song of songs i ride
By wrath and by the ruinous rubrics of rudra i Hereby Thrust
The trident of self effulgence, which is the radiance of the head hid eye,
Interpenetrating essence with presence, Lord grant semblance to My Tongue, And anoint assiah with the atziluthic voice of the Messiah.

>> No.20449796

Toxic masculinity doesn't exist. its just regular masculinity. Toxic femininity though, is totally real

>> No.20449798

that was a funny ep though

>> No.20449799

Okay now its my turn. Bend over.

>> No.20449800

Thanks a ton! And I appreciate the collection comment, but truth is I write so often and constantly study so I constantly look back at my old poems as not good enough, not having enough theory behind em. Only times I’ve put out to paper were when a fellow more or less forced my hand to help his project, otherwise I wouldn’t do so on my lonesome.

But really thank you for the effort! I’m actually surprised/happy that so many of my rhymes stayed in, hopefully I can continue to fine tune the skill. Anon if you have any work I’ll gladly read it over, critique it or even edit any similar length Poems you have in a similar style.

>> No.20449802

>For mine are the gaunt in gloom who haunt (the darkened tombs),
You had it right i think, who haunt tombs darkened
I'll read your other poems tommorow gotta pass out

>> No.20449804

mate your banter game is fucking atrocious

>> No.20449809

It's not a rejection of Russian nationalism (like Chekov or Gogol have anything to do with Russian nationalism anyway). More of a fear of people being upset with me for learning/writing/reading Russian, if that makes sense. I'm probably just paranoid.

>> No.20449813

Unironically, I think its safe to assume that there are a few transexuals ITT right now.

>> No.20449814

Poor coping skills.

*plays five hour montage of toxic masculinity*

>> No.20449821

The second version I posted with putting your original line back in about darkened tombs
Is my favorite version I think, it flows and goes up and up maintaining the tension, harmony and flow rhythem , melody, it does not so die down in rhyme, it is very good.

I don't have poems now but I'll see you around, I'll read your other poems tommorow, and yeah, maybe if you take a lot of rhymes out you will be struck with the thought they are more than good enough to publish, just kidding but seriously, make some diy chapbook zine collection, super rare limited edition, gotta stop somewhere, you are a true poet, be confident and proud, rhyme less imo,

>> No.20449832

America is such a dystopian shithole. Its impressive that a country that managed to produce such intellectual achievements became a third world degenerate shithole so fast.

>> No.20449841

Maybe without the rhymes it does seem a bit more feminine, your original ihas a bit of dark and brooding, angry, energy, powerful firey energy, and the rhymes kept that pace and temp and punching, without them it's more light, airey and floaty, alas.

It stil is powerful and grand imagery, crushy and pokey, crispy, ancient, timeless, temple cult rites, incantation,

>> No.20449842
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Their brains have rotted from television and porn

>> No.20449849

They spark something in you

If you cultivate this, you might find out you have more in common with them than you thought

>> No.20449852

> your original ihas a bit of dark and brooding, angry, energy, powerful firey energy, and the rhymes kept that pace and temp and punching

Exactly! This is a big reason why I’ve tried to absorb the technique of rap, they have a whole theory of treating stressed syllables and rhyme akin to drum and drum beat patterns, so in the more wild poems it makes sense to use their form, whereas in those poems needing control and quiet, more slowness, that kind of rhyming would be distracting. Once you really get to studying the intricacies of rhyme it’s really fascinating.

>> No.20449861

Robert it goes down!!!!

>> No.20449883

I'm becoming more and more convinced that my situation is hopeless, but I'm also aware of the fact that merely believing its hopeless actually makes it more hopeless, and the awareness of that makes it more hopeless still. I hate my brain, I hate these feedback loops. I hate this meta-awareness of the flaws of my cognition that I can't figure out how to do anything about

>> No.20449891

Hungry Howie's, Domino's, and Little Caesar's pizza chains were all started in my home state, Michigan.

Michigan supplies all of the eggs to McDonald's restaurants east of the Mississippi, and many on the west side.

Michigan is also the top producer of tart cherries and a top 3 apple producer.

So why do I feel so empty inside?

>> No.20449896

I feel like adderall is actually making me less productive. why am I so lazy? why can't I just do what i need to do?

>> No.20449899

>elon musk

>> No.20449901
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At least you don't live in Ohio like I do.

>> No.20449902

Does anyone here take lion's mane?

>> No.20449905

"Cope" isn't a real thing

>> No.20449906

Mulder why are we here?

>> No.20449908

You're talking about the fungus right? I always wanted to try it

>> No.20449911

Also cute girls.

>> No.20449919

When used in a proper context it is, yes.

>> No.20449922

yes it helps my shitty memory/brain and with sleep

>> No.20449923


>> No.20449929

porn and cute girls is not the same at all

>> No.20449942
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I like to visit Ohio when I want to get pulled-over.

>> No.20449947

I'm aware our cops are assholes

>> No.20449951

No, our cops are assholes.
Your cops are artists. The renaissance masters of assholeness.

You're no Florida, though.

>> No.20449954
File: 33 KB, 594x319, E12F3E45-7AAD-4EC3-9BBE-1C9375C45AC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hook me up!

>> No.20449956

No its literally not, since everything can be reduced to cope, what's the purpose of.living then? People must transcend cope, because its the little things.

>> No.20449962

Well then, thanks I guess?

>> No.20449965

>in NYC subway
I dunno why Blacks have such a hatred for Asians all of a sudden, but it seems wise to travel in groups and avoid certain areas if you are Asian.

>> No.20449978

Meek, meager, at least the stereotype.
Makes for a soft target. Blacks tend not to fuck with anyone that can put up a fight.

>> No.20449987

Unfortunately seems to be a stereotype thing. The last thing America needs rn is more ethnic tensions.

>> No.20449992

You/that anon cannot *cope* with the fact of toxic masculinity. He’s wrong about it. There’s regular masculinity that’s fine, but certain categories are in fact toxic. In that context it is clear

>> No.20449997

So women can't be blamed for anything, huh? Pretty convenient excuse. For you. This so called "toxic masculinity" created civilization, dumb cunt.

>> No.20450002

At least I'm neither so I can just pop some corn and watch the fireworks.

Black-Asian Bowl, get hyped!

>> No.20450005

I just don't know anymore guys,

>> No.20450008

Its no wonder wiggerdom is a huge phenomenon. Would be nice if rap music was banned so this kind of behavior wouldn't propagate itself

>> No.20450009
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>> No.20450010

I know 90% of posts in these threads are just people talking about being depressed but wow I'm fucking anxious and lonely

>> No.20450014

/tv/ is arguably the funniest board but don't even bother going on there if you want to actually see people talk about film and television

>> No.20450017

Whats goin on, anon?

>> No.20450018

What's on my mind is I'm sitting writing, and my roommates, all women, all came home at 11 pm to do a shit ton of molly and play loud music when they all know I work in the morning, my gf goes out and does it for the first time and keeps coming in, I told her I'm not taking care of her if she does another line and what does she do she goes out and does some more. I'm fine with partying, but fuck every single night is a drug bonanza. I'm sick of these women with no hobbies but drugs. It's turning my gf away from her hobbies to just party too.

>> No.20450021

From what I've seen they mostly talk about tropes

>> No.20450025

Put her in a cage

>> No.20450034

I'm sick of her shit I thought she was too smart for this but she caves to peer pressure

>> No.20450039

Point to where I even mentioned toxic femininity. OH YOU CAN’T. Never mind. Discussion over

Against History, Against Leviathan. pg

>> No.20450040
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A toast, to /lit/ and /wwoym/!

>> No.20450108

I only eat raw bread (white).

>> No.20450112

For me, its rye bread.

>> No.20450115

thats like at least 99% of women in my experience. women are great at intuition but shit at introspection

>> No.20450119

Perlman was a goober and a jew. nice try.

>> No.20450126

The sun burns my eyes. The heat burns my skin. My cheeks are shame-reddened. What a sad, anxious creature.
Tell my what to do, you did. Not to follow, I did. Now care. With all your force and might, with smiles and standing and being you, be moved. But you will not. Because my representation of you in my mind is just an ideal of an adorable guy. You go home and wank off to stepsisters.
But the sun-! I will continue to love it yet cower. I will cry and despise myself and all around, yet know the beauty is here. In the filthy streets, the brushed hair, the starvation delusions, the strong, the bright, in your smile as well.

>> No.20450155 [DELETED] 

here's some /lit/ for you from that board

>> No.20450178

What about hash browns?

>> No.20450182

Hash browns are delicious, but we were specifically talking about bread.

>> No.20450186

"Heidegger believes humans have a distinctive relationship to language, one not reducible to communication, and his goal is to think the nature of this unique relationship. Language, according Heidegger, brings beings out into the open; it “shows” beings."

>> No.20450187

>OH YOU CAN’T. Never mind. Discussion over
Hello tourist.

>> No.20450189

I have recently became obsessed with the Grenville orogeny.

>> No.20450198

What about breakfast burritos?

>> No.20450206

I just had a full and complete bowel movement. Time to fill that sucker up again. Time to stuff it like a Christmas stocking. I'm gonna fucking EAT shit. I'm gonna stuff my bowels to the brim, just so I can shit them out again. It gets me hard just thinking of my elastic little shitpipes inside me filling up with creamy, mealy SHIT and backing up at the puckerhole until it comes time to open the floodgates and part the brown seas and let that sucker come spilling out with pockets of gas trapped inside the loose stool and little bits of mucus that I can find on my toilet paper. I fucking love to shit, bros. I fucking LIVE to shit. I am a shit-producing machine and my output is enormous. The only thing that can stop me is death itself.

>> No.20450211
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Current thoughts:
>Having finished reading Cicero's Topica, will I gain anything reading Aristotle's Topics?
>So much of advice generally boils down to the unhelpful "you have to figure it out for yourself", which is tantamount to saying "you're fucked now and forever! But I don't want to give you bad news because I'm a pussy" because if you've tried to figure it out and haven't fixed the underlying problem yet, you need further guidance. The thing is, in the absence of supervision or guidance what fucking options do you have?
>I really should check my emails and schedule that appointment
>I should really text that 20 year old babe even though there's no future there
>I wonder if there's a way of taking all my notes and essays on rhetoric, manipulation, persuasion, price setting, advertising and marketing and putting it into one useful manual? And furthermore actually using the contents to advance (okay, okay okay, "rebuild from scratch") my career
>there has to be a way of getting better at observing "opportunities". If you're a rock-climber or a skateboarder then the way you perceive the affordances of an environment will be changed, you'll start seeing all sorts of 'opportunities' for certain actions or chains of actions. Similarly, arbitrage is all about witnessing non-physical opportunities, especially price discrepancies for materially identical goods. Is 'opportunity spotting' then domain specific and relies on specialist knowledge to recognize particular varieties of opportunities (i.e. good surfaces to grind) or does the semi-universalist nature of human perception means that these skills with some tweaking can become interoperable and transferable across many domains?

>> No.20450236

my groins have been analyzed

>> No.20450248

whats the status?

>> No.20450250

this means fuck all to someone who is deaf/mute

>> No.20450253

Not sure, I haven't received the report from the male nurse from today's penis inspection day at school.

>> No.20450254

Sign language doesn't exist?

>> No.20450257

Can a scripted language show a real person?

>> No.20450278

the deaf and/or mute are not real people anyway

>> No.20450282

It upsets me a little that we don't know what consciousness actually is yet.

>> No.20450294

Yes and no. Scripted computer languages facilitate communication, email, etc. In that sense yes. Otherwise, no more than any other algorithm.

>> No.20450295


>> No.20450296

It has to do with free will. It's either the proof of determinism or its very opposite.

>> No.20450299

You’ll feel at home at reddit

>> No.20450301
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I want to take a couple of grams of mushrooms or lsd but I'm scared of going insane

>> No.20450309
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If it happens it happens

>> No.20450310

You got triggered

>> No.20450312

And, for the sake of that pit of snakes,
for whom did you allay your shyness,
and spend all your mercy,
and madness, and grace,
in a day, beneath the bending cypress?

>> No.20450348

it don't go down!!!

>> No.20450362

A good poem!

>> No.20450364

this post is on my mind

>> No.20450372


>> No.20450375

Thanks but the only /vg/ thread I visit is /dfg/.

>> No.20450410

I read this prompt from a leftist university today

>Begin with a paragraph describing a topic you are knowledgable or passionate about. You might think about hobbies, music, areas of study, sports, tv shows. Essentially, anything you would get excited to write a paragraph about and explain in your own words. No need to overthink it.
>Next, talk about this knowledge or skill in terms of cultural capital. Is it cultural capital? Have you ever formed a friendship with someone, or even just liked them more, after learning you and the other person shared this similar interest?
>One basic idea of cultural capital is that the same knowledge that is helpful in one social context may not be in another (eg. Knowing the Northwestern fight song is probably useful if you are a student at Northwestern and go to sporting events, but otherwise not so much.) Can you imagine a social situation where the specific topic you are knowledgeable about would be particularly useful? Can you imagine a social situation where the topic would be particularly not useful, or even socially harmful (i.e. people might judge you having that specific taste or interest?) Please explain.

The fact they think even of hobbies as capital shows how mentally deranged they are by their obsession of materialism. Whether it's Marx, Foucault, Butler, Paglia, or whoever else, there is always the same running trend: obsession with the material world.

>> No.20450451

Actually you got it twisted around and inverted. They're talking about "cultural capital" precisely because they don't want to apply a strictly or preponderantly materialist Marxian analysis. Otherwise that's exactly what they would be asking you to do: think in terms of what capitalist forces run the university and the state. Of course it's possible you haven't got anything inverted, and you're just a reactionary plant pushing the Woke-are-Marxists meme upon the credulous and the brainwashed. Basically a little mini-Ted Cruz.

>> No.20450503

You're so narrow minded you think cultural capital is not materialist when its whole purpose is materialist. You will never grow up

>> No.20450512

Nah, it's this: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/exiting-vampire-castle/

>> No.20450513

Almost every topic I could think of I could think of was too obscure to ever be useful or ever come up in conversation.
What were they getting at? Trying to remind me of how much nonsense I've filled my mind with?

>> No.20450516

Plus j'essaie de comprendre et plus je me noie dans les méandres d'un souvenir disparu.

>> No.20450522

Let's see... wiki tells me the term was coined by a French leftist (thanks again Frog bros) called Bourdieu who was >in practice both influenced by and sympathetic to the Marxist identification of economic command as a principal component of power and agency within capitalist society".
"Nuh-uh, he's a freakin' Prager U chud deadass keeping da workers from finding out about porkie y'all lmao"
Fuck you.

>> No.20450523

tell us how it goes anon

>> No.20450526
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Bet they would call you a redditor for mentioning tropes too

>> No.20450533

Yeah, so basically Foucault was rejecting Marxism and much more interested and excited by the possibilities of "left" neoliberalism.


>> No.20450537

Why are you sharing this?

>> No.20450540

They mean you should have more useful hobbies that can help you climb the social ladder.

>> No.20450550

kek. It's not bad advice though. Wish I had a interest which I shared with a group of people through which I got first offers for jobs or could coordinate investment into businesses

>> No.20450603

I’m miserable. I have no future. I ruin every opportunity I encounter. I’m anxious of everything. But the clock still ticks no matter what

>> No.20450612
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>> No.20450618

Well that's my impression. Overall its pretty boring over there

>> No.20450622

Materialism is demiurge worship. Stop taking Marx literally

Fuck Mark Fisher

>> No.20450625

How do I know you're real?

>> No.20450645

I’ve gone through my phones data but 4chan is so barebones I can shitpost while being throttled to mere kbs.

>> No.20450778

You don't.
And that's a good thing.

>> No.20450799

>there are actually talented writers and poets here
>Im not one of them

>> No.20450801

I guess. are you seriously implying some underlying abhorrence here?

>> No.20450802

I am both and also all of them.

>> No.20450814

seems like the Vampire's Castle is the inversion of the right's boogeyman in the Cathedral. mere mimickry on their part, the left can only imitate, not create.

>> No.20450831

>favorite book
>favorite musician

How come these type of threads are getting deleted now?

>> No.20450844

Switched back from alcohol to cannabis. I write nothing on alcohol; I write garbage on cannabis. I’m never going to be functional.

>> No.20450984

What’s a sport someone could start as an adult and get reasonably good at?

I regret playing football (American) growing up because there’s no way to continue it as an adult.

>> No.20451014


>> No.20451019

I dunno uh, Curling?

>> No.20451039

I want to kill my aunt

>> No.20451055

I don't think that guys like Evola really knew just how doomed we are. There's no leeway at all.

>> No.20451069

Why? Just out of morbid curiosity

>> No.20451070

Tried it. Didn’t like it.


>> No.20451076

Guys like Evola? I’m pretty sure Spengler alluded to total global apocalypse and Evola stopped just short of that.

>> No.20451158

have you really rejected society if you never had capacity to integrate into it in the first place?

>> No.20451188

u retarded or sumthin?

>> No.20451286
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Good point

>> No.20451342

You're right. I've just witnessed horrors beyond my imagining is all. No amount of reading will prepare you for that.

>> No.20451348

Many people slip through the cracks, anon. We live in a society.

>> No.20451375
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>isolated for a few years
>forgot how to talk to people
>conversations always surface level
>notice people are disinterested in talking to me

>> No.20451379
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I'm so pathetic at times that I get things done and succeed at stuff I maybe shouldn't.
It's odd, I have a large ego but on a not so infrequent basis I get to eat shit so hard that people cut me a break. I think it has taken a toll on my ego now. Maybe I say that because something like that happened recently. Maybe I'll be back to my old self soon.

>> No.20451404

They are hit and miss

>> No.20451482
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AbeBooks supplier replied to my email. Said everything is alright on their end.
It was supposed to come last Friday. Everything is not alright.

>> No.20451497
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the time for polite negotiation is over

>> No.20451539
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im just so tired...

>> No.20451564
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>"Heaven knows, it's got to be this time"

>> No.20451570

try amphetamines

>> No.20451661


>> No.20451695

looking for recs on horror sci/fantasy
in fantasy realms I'm not looking into anything specific, but I've got my eyes on god's demon and between two fires
for scifi i was looking into something like event horizon, do you guys know anything like that? I've already read blindsight and echopraxia last week

>> No.20451718

Do you have any activity you’re passionate about?

>> No.20451720

I've realized that being tolerated as part of a bigger group is the closest I've ever been to people outside of family. And that's probably kind of fucked up.

>> No.20451736

hah, virgin

>> No.20451739

big discs will rule the world

>> No.20451746

balkanized brains will rule the world

>> No.20452081

yeah jerking off

>> No.20452150

Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury

>> No.20452165

Your gf is already lost

>> No.20452258

I accidentally called my grandmother "mommy".

>> No.20452276

Not good. Sounds like you're both looking for different things

>> No.20452315
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I just don't like anything.

>> No.20452441

Your gf is not yours, it's just your turn. You can't tell her no. You have no control. You're a cuck.
Your woman must be an extension of you, fully under your rule like a daughter. You have failed.

>> No.20452483

To me this is just defeatism. I think domestic violence is awesome and should be used quite a bit. I mean after all, they always come crawling back

Also I realize I don't think I've ever met an anon from Ohio, maybe like one time but that's it

>> No.20452486

football (non-american)

>> No.20452489

I dunno how about sport fucking?

>> No.20452490

I was going to make a post complaining about shit, but you know what? Shit's going pretty well. I've been at a good steady level of happiness and contentment for a while, my stressers are only stressing me out when someone mentions them instead of them being on my mind 24/7. I've been active enough, I'm not eating too bad, I'm getting sun. I need to read and write more, but with technology being so easy to use that'll always be a problem for me. But you know what? It'll get better. I'll set an hour aside everyday where I just read. Life's pretty good, guys.

>> No.20452504

are you... lame?

>> No.20452507

I mean beating her into submission would be effective but in the Cuck Country it will only benefit her. He'll go to jail, she'll go on the news.
So yeah, defeatism...

>> No.20452510

you love to see it

>> No.20452535

based jannies

>> No.20452542

big titty goth gfs will rule the world

>> No.20452547

dont tell anyone but ive never had sex

>> No.20452551

Don't worry, we can tell

>> No.20452555

Beat up the cops too. And bend them over too. Assert your dominance

>> No.20452557

The government has a monopoly on violence, anon

>> No.20452559

anons never had sex. pass it on.

>> No.20452582

>289 posts
>69 posters
alright everyone claim your posts

>> No.20452599

im gonna tell you're mom tonite when i put my peepee inside her (sex) she'll be so ashamed lol

>> No.20452608

I personally posted 213 times, don't know about the other ones.

>> No.20452611

dude, i said don't tell anyone!

>> No.20452617

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20452618

The local del taco is offering 21 dollars an hour for a basic wagie position. Does this mean the economy is about to collapse

>> No.20452639

Ok milton

>> No.20452653

my balls can be brainerized if you know what im saying

>> No.20452662

Where? Don't have to get specific.

>> No.20452675


>> No.20452677

8 years later and I'm still getting the same "[Name] is now playing Garry's Mod" Steam notifications. Have these people never gotten bored of gaming? Where are they at in their lives? I wonder if they are still the same people.

>> No.20452693

All my friends play videogames after uni/work. They have normal lives with friends and girlfriends and wholesome families

>> No.20452711

Yeah it’s a different world, gaming is seen as a normal male activity as much as sports really. a decent number of the 40 year olds do it, a lot of the 30s and everyone of the 20s. Anime is also common for basically every teenager now.

>> No.20452712

When will this dreary life end? When does life become one worth living?

>> No.20452713

we don't want the hard sell, garry

>> No.20452736

>everyone of the 20s. Anime is also common for basically every teenager now.
where do you lot get this? bloody hell

>> No.20452755 [DELETED] 

Energy is not a substance, energy is a relationship of potential motion between objects. But as objects are mode of matter, which is made of energy, which is a relationship between objects, we are stuck in a strange loop: the universe is a set of relationships between relationships between relationships. "Betweeness" comprises the actual universe, not particles.
This means that your personal relationships such as between other people, and between yourself and the universe are as ontologically as real as matter. This is big news.

>> No.20452757

Talking to my nephews and nieces who all watch anime, seeing them talk to their friends who all watch anime, knowing a large amount of people through friends and family of varying ages and seeing how they’re almost all gamers of varying degree. and since these are absolute normies and I am talking very large numbers I’ve seen it occurring in, I feel pretty confident in saying it’s the norm. You also have stuff like genshin impact topping charts on the App Store, you have memes all around the normie zones of Instagram which will back and forth reference ghetto black culture as well as anime.

Like, it’s relatively normal now.

>> No.20452766
File: 105 KB, 664x664, selfstrangeloop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Energy is not a substance, energy is a relationship of potential motion between objects. But as objects are made of matter, which is made of energy, which is a relationship between objects, we are stuck in a strange loop: the universe is a set of relationships between relationships between relationships. "Betweeness" comprises the actual universe, not particles.
This means that your personal relationships such as between other people, and between yourself and the universe are as ontologically real as matter. This is big news.

>> No.20452770

soon this thread will be over

>> No.20452801

You just know some idiot is just waiting for it to hit bump limit so he can make another one
probably has an image set aside for it as well.

>> No.20452805

we were so close to the eternal neetdom and completely flipping the gender dynamics, living at home and being a comfy stay at home dad forcing the women to work and make our money but you rightwing retards

>> No.20452809

No one is stopping you from being a stay at home dad, chud

>> No.20452834

Los Angeles area

>> No.20452846


>> No.20452864

NEW >>20452861

>> No.20453107

thought i was on /x/ for a second lol

>> No.20453340

your massive (?) family don't sound like normal people mate