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20435340 No.20435340 [Reply] [Original]

I have way too many books and it's becoming impractical to haul them all around. What's the best e-reader bros? I use pdfs from libgen and mainly read non-fiction, so it needs to be easy to write notes on as well as comfy for the eyes.

>> No.20435350

check out the kobo elipsa
my deep guide on youtube has reviewed it
and check out koreader, an alternative reader you can install, better for pdfs

>> No.20435408
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I honestly got sick and tired of carrying an e-reader AND my phone everywhere I went, as well as having people ask me "oh is that an ipad, or what? What is it? What's that? Is it touch screen? That's a weird tablet!" And it might have to do with the fact that I work with a lot of old people, so this may just be me, but I've noticed that ever since I got a folio case for my iphone 13 and the kindle app, I'm a lot happier.

First off, just the folio case alone is awesome. My screen is super protected and I don't have to worry about screen scratches or the glass protector cracking if I sit on it (I got the otterbox case which has a pretty solid construction) and I don't have to worry about accidentally answering a call or clearing an alert. It's just nice. But in terms of reading on my phone it's really quite the game changer. If I'm reading on it without the cover folded all the way back then it actually looks like a pocket sized book that I'm reading, and people leave me alone as if I was reading an actual book. I always have the option to fold the cover all the way back too, so then it functions like a regular phone cover, and there's magnets that hold it in place so it's not flapping everywhere.

I bought one for my dad and a coworker and they love it. I honestly don't see a reason for having an e-reader at this point.

>> No.20435422
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any Kobo. i myself have the Libra H2O
>pocket integration
>good buttons
>takes ANY fileformat, unlike kindle
>Overdrive support if you have an account from your library

>> No.20435439

A phone is not an ereader, so you typed all this shit in the wrong thread. Also, being so much invested in the opinions of others, you sacrificed your eyes for faggy folio case for your faggot phone from a company that has a pro green public image while using slave labor and actively fighting against right to repair. You need to kys asap you retarded nigger.

>> No.20435442
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Does anyone have the nook glowlight 4? How does it compare to the nook glowlight 1?

>> No.20435464

retard. never post again.

>> No.20435517

>ou sacrificed your eyes for faggy folio case for your faggot phone from a company that has a pro green public image while using slave labor and actively fighting against right to repair. You need to kys asap you retarded nigger.

What the hell are you rambling about? Oh and reading small text isn't actually bad for your eyes....and even if it was, you can always make the text bigger. What the hell is your problem?

>A phone is not an ereader

It absolutely is once you start using an ereader app, just like it becomes a console as soon as you start a gaming app, and a music player once you launch a music playing app.

>> No.20435537
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ereaders are fucking stupid. There was a time when they were a cool concept, but now with phones and their long battery lives it really just makes them (ereaders) one more thing to have to carry around.

Even the companies that make them are starting to move away from them.


>> No.20435563

A man shouldn't have more books than he can read

>> No.20435572

This is hard to believe anon, but some of us aren't carrying phones around in our pockets because we value what little is left of our rights and freedoms. On a personal level, I will never be a trained monkey like you dancing around and singing the praises of my dog-clicker brainwashing device. It's like a slave being proud of the pretty chains around their ankles.

>> No.20435580

Reading on a phone for a prolonged length of time is shit

>> No.20435590
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What IN THE FUCK are you talking about? Do you fucking read what you write before you submit it? Are you mentally ill? What the FUCK are you talking about dude? You don't have a cell phone? Are you the last motherfucking person on earth that doesn't have a cell phone? Is that what you're saying?

>we value what little is left of our rights and freedoms.

Nobody is monitoring what you're reading or talking about on your phone, dumbass. Even if they were I can assure you that you aren't reading, writing, or saying anything that matters to ANYONE. Take your medication every once in a while.

My goodness you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.20435606

If you adjust the font size it's literally the same exact thing as reading a softcover book that fits in your pocket. I've literally measured it, and the whole consensus that reading small print is bad for your eyes is a literal myth. People have good eyes or bad eyes, and while yes, eye strain is a real thing, it's not going to cause you to go blind anymore than it would by reading this text right now.

>> No.20435659

You are so naive it would be cute if it wasn't sad. Yes, to answer your question. I do not have a cell phone. Nor will I ever. They are terrible e-readers and rot your brain faster than huffing paint. You probably don't even remember how sharp you were before you started using yours. Maybe you were raised with one in your hand. I doubt you're old enough to remember what the world was like before the zombie apocalypse.

>> No.20435748

>I do not have a cell phone
>They are terrible e-readers and rot your brain faster than huffing paint.

So you're posting on this forum using smoke signals I take it? Oh, no you're using a computer perhaps? Right, with a screen powered by electricity. Would it be outlandish to claim that a computer is a type of cell phone; a communication device? How is this medium less harmful than a cell phone?

Seriously, you call me naive for representing virtually the exact same type of technology that you yourself are using, right now. Please explain.

>> No.20435756

>They are terrible e-readers and rot your brain faster than huffing paint.

Oh and if you could clarify or go into more detail on behalf of this claim, that would be awesome. I love it when lunatics like you try to rationalize their crazy ramblings.

>> No.20435795
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I have a feeling I'm not going to be getting a response to any of these, so I'll close out by simply stating that a phone is not only a competent e-reader, but in fact a superior one. Modern cell phones are essentially the Swiss Army Knives of electronic media devices, hell they even have built in flashlights. I do understand that being a contrarian makes one feel "special," and that yes cell phones do come with their downsides, but the same could be said about literally any other modern invention. To argue that smart phones are absolutely "bad" is an idiotic generalization.

>> No.20435800

You are the retard here, mate.

>> No.20435813

cell phones and monitors are inferior to e-ink
they are emissive panels

e-ink is not. e-ink looks almost identical to a printed book
its much more comfortable to read on, especially for long sessions.
plus good e-readers have hardware buttons, allowing to to read and turn pages single handed.

if you are a serious reader who spends several hours a week reading,
investing in a good e-reader is very wise
otherwise just read shit on your pc or phone
oled phones in particular are fairly serviceable, in dark mode.
not as good as an e-reader, but they can do the job.

>> No.20435818
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So i have an old reader that has started getting temperamental, it works fine but it's 9 years old and it's beginning to show.
Now i thought alright, fine, i know what i want. Just the same device but with note taking, a backlight and PDFs, easy! I look around and the fucking things start at 300$ Even a normal reader is 150, and thats with half the features and no PDF . Like i get it, it's for reading i dont need to be a smartphone or whatever .
I was so disappointed with the options i decided to wait and go a used one of these for 260$
It's no substitute, but but for casual reading around town it will do. I still have my old reader anyway

>> No.20435827
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God damn I hate tablet apologists so much it is unreal.
No your screen will never be as good as a eink screen.
You know it, I know it, you are trying to convince yourself you made a good decision when you know it is suboptimal.

>> No.20435874

>emissive panels
Yeah and so what? Are you posting in here on a non-emissive panel? How many hours have you spent looking at a computer screen vs an e-reader, and if you say e-reader we both know you're lying.

Whether one is better or worse is a moot point because neither damages or protects your eyes more or less than they other. Computer screens don't damage your eyes, and if you don't believe me, consult any ophthalmologist and they'll say the same. It's simply a myth.

Walking around outside without sunglasses on is more damaging to your eyes than an emissive monitor display, so should we never go outside during the day? UV light is safer than computer monitors then?

Just admit that you're wrong.

>> No.20435883

you are retarded
i never said emissive panels damage your eyes
i said e-ink is more comfortable to read on
and it is.

kys, retard.

>> No.20435905

What specifically is so retarded about what I wrote? Was it my aghast at someone not having a cell phone in 2022, or was it the statement I made about the government not spying on you? I don't know what country you might live in, but in mine we can read whatever we want with absolute impunity. The First Amendment protects speech and thus the consumption of said speech, in any form.

You could literally walk around handing out copies of The Turner Diaries to school children and no one could touch you for it. So, what is it that you're so afraid of?

>> No.20435916

>i said e-ink is more comfortable to read on
>and it is.

"....researchers concluded that there was no difference between reading an an E Ink versus and LCD screen in terms of fatigue and visual strain."

Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22762257/

You're living a lie.

>> No.20435941
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Sorry, I'm just going to go with my own experience on the matter.
I don't care what the suits say. They can't even tell me if eggs are good for you or not.

>> No.20435966


you're a retard, and you should kys.

>> No.20435989
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>Sorry, I'm just going to go with my own experience on the matter.

And that's fine dude. You LOVE e-ink, and I can respect that. I myself have a kindle (like the actual device not just the app on my phone) and I love it! The battery lasts forever and I'm not distracted my text messages or other alerts I get on my phone, and it allows me to conserve my phone's battery life while I read. I use it all the time, but with that said, I also find my phone to be a suitable e-reader should I choose to use it in that form. I've read entire books on my phone; I've read entire books on my e-reader; I've read entire books on actual paper pages.

I was simply pointing out in my original post that reading on my phone using a folio case is quite comfortable and that I find it acceptable, but suddenly I'm being told to kill myself as a result of saying so, and then the only defenses you or you(s) come up with is either government surveillance being an issue or some other implication that I'm sacrificing my rights and freedoms by using a damned cell phone, and when that didn't work we started debating eye health and its effects due to different displays; now we're settling on preference of said displays.

You wanted to have an argument. Just admit that and we can move on.

>> No.20436007

You're assuming there is only one other person here.
It is easy to pick you out because you talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded.

>> No.20436012
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Yeah, but ereader is cheaper than a cellphone, by night is uncomfortable because the lightscreen is on your face and you can't sleep well. You can not have a concentration hour because the jumping notification.
I think e-reader is a good investment

>> No.20436026
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Dude......I don't know why, but you are really getting under my skin. THAT fucking link you provided only states that: E-ink is indeed very similar to the paper.

Yeah no shit, and kitty litter is indeed very similar to sand as opposed to dirt, but a cat will shit in both. The differenced are negligible.

Hey I've got an idea, why don't you start reading on stone tablets instead. I hear those are like really really good on your eyes, and best of all the government can't see what your reading......oh wait, unless your outside under one of those google earth satellites. Yeah, better stick to e-ink.

Wow, I have literally never wanted to kick someone's ass so hard on this website. I'm leaving this thread and hiding it after this post so feel free to respond to yourself.

>> No.20436038

I know I'm only talking to you or your fucking doppelganger long-lost gay lover. Maybe you two (or three or four!) should meet up and form some kind of schizo club.

>> No.20436045

>night is uncomfortable because the lightscreen is on your face and you can't sleep well
>You can not have a concentration hour because the jumping notification

Lower brightness to the same level as a reading light would be and turn off notifications. OK that's it, I'm out.

>> No.20436302
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So what about graphic artists that spend upwards of 16+ hours on graphic tablets? Shouldn't they all be blind by now? I dated a girl that worked at a courthouse and whose job solely consisted of inputting various forms of data into a computer from paper documents. What about her? She didn't even wear glasses. She did mention that her eyes were really irritated after work, but then again my dad who was a truck driver would say the same after driving for 11 hours straight. I paint as a hobby and after about 5-6 hours of staring at a canvas my eyes hurt as well. I've spent years on THIS website shitposting left and right and I've got 20/20 vision. How is that even possible?

Why don't you do us all a favor and just state which tech company is paying you, and how much they're paying you to shill for their products? Maybe then we could arrange for some sort of affiliate agreement and you wouldn't have to work so hard straining your eyes on here and we could all make a little side money. Just a thought.

>> No.20436907

>staring at a lightbulb for hours is the same as looking at a printed page reflecting light
This is the level of retardation you are on. E-ink =/= regular LCD

>> No.20437122

Do you really not realize that the sole purpose of an ereader is the e-ink screen? Tablets existed for years before ereaders came out. A phone is not e-ink.

>> No.20437710
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I use kobo clara hd. It's nice and a good size to fit in my pocket/carry around, (its about twice as wide as my phone). Just go for anything thats e-ink.It's well worth the investment, My eyes cant tell the difference between the e ink and the paper. Being able to read any book that grabs my interest instantly is pretty handy as well.

>> No.20438643

>So what about graphic artists that spend upwards of 16+ hours on graphic tablets?
They get eye strain. Been there. Done that.
>Shouldn't they all be blind by now?
Why? Do people normally go blind from eye strain?
>I dated a girl that worked at a courthouse and whose job solely consisted of inputting various forms of data into a computer from paper documents. What about her?
Only going off what you told me anon, but she did mention that her eyes were really irritated after work.
>I paint as a hobby and after about 5-6 hours of staring at a canvas my eyes hurt as well.
That's really weird anon. I used to paint as a hobby too. I did all kind of miniatures and normal paintings too. Never once did I feel like it gave me eye pain. No matter how many hours I painted. It might be your lighting.
>I've spent years on THIS website shitposting left and right and I've got 20/20 vision. How is that even possible?
Same. Only my left eye isn't quite as good as it used to be. Turns out people are different.
>Why don't you do us all a favor and just state which tech company is paying you...
Yes, everybody that disagrees with you is all working for big ink.

>> No.20438673

They also can't tell you if eggs are real. You know some of them think they were smart saying 911 was a inside job, but I say really you fools? You actually believe New York even exist? Now look back into your pocket trancer or phone as you call it and believe in a moon landing, I have some e-reader to get back to

>> No.20438687
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I have a Kobo Libra H20, and I use MoonReader Pro app on my phone.

>> No.20438722

People who like shit just because it's drawn anime-like are the biggest faggots in the history of the world. On the same level of furries, the other group that likes "thing + furfaggotry" while not caring whether the two go together or what the connection is.

>> No.20438814
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I agree, most anime is predictable, basic and cringe. I just like the animation because it looked cool/cute.

>> No.20438872

Same for any fashion, style, or art then by that reasoning. Any time period or thing ever. You know what? How dare anything exist for that matter. Reality is gay. Existence is so lame. So kys

>> No.20439393

ereaders suck for pdfs of textbooks and such. They are great when reading fiction but anything technical I read on a Fire HD 10" tablet

>> No.20439515

You clearly never worked with the larger, more capable models.

>> No.20439819
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i fucking hate anime/manga, never watch/read it, i just like the memes

>> No.20439922

>What is blue light?

>> No.20439946

Why on earth would you haul all your books around with you...
just take the one you're currently reading like a normal person

>> No.20439970

>Was it my aghast at someone not having a cell phone in 2022
Yeah that was pretty retarded and also made you sound like an s-bean boy. Calm down (it's a day later now so I hope you're in a better mood, but it sounds like you have some emotional issues).

>> No.20439983

Deep state shill

>> No.20440076
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>The First Amendment protects speech and thus the consumption of said speech, in any form.