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20430145 No.20430145 [Reply] [Original]

I met her on a sunny afternoon. It was humid outside, hence my most important desire was to quelch my thirst, which I was planning on doing so. The streets were empty – or at least seemed so-. I felt like the only one outside, walking alone, beneath the scorching sun.

After a few minutes- wandering through the maze of the inner-city roads, I finally found my destination. I rang the doorbell, but before she buzzed me in, an old lady opened the door, letting me in. I reached the second floor, filled with adrenaline and teenage angst, I hesitated before her apartment door, but before I mustered the courage to knock on the door, the girl opened it, unveiling her face with its awkward smile. I greeted her, and hesitantly entered the place she was staying. A nice apartment, with closed curtains, brimming with a girly aroma, I would never take out of my mind. My eyes glaze over the girl, barely over eighteen, with an innocent face and a youthful body. She was wearing plain clothes, a black blouse, grey shorts, while her sandals unveiled her perfectly pedicured feet.

She led me to the bedroom. The room was well-kept, with a hand towel folded on a bed’s corner.
“Do you want me to pay you first?” I asked gracelessly.
She nodded affirmatively. I opened my usually empty wallet and gave her a few hundred euros. She placed the money on the bedside table. I looked at her, at for some seconds I found myself pondering how life would have been, if our circumstances were different.

She pointed at the towel and told me whether I would like to take a shower. Her English wasn’t great, but I found it quite charming. My gaze was glued on her hazel eyes, while my heart was losing a bit every time our eyes crossed.

Without responding I took the towel and moved to take a shower. The bathroom was clean, with the washing machine working next to the toilet. While I was showering, getting rid of the summer sweat, I wondered how many men had showered on the same place, mere minutes before the act.

I dried myself slowly, removing the water from my clean shaved chest. I opened the bathroom door, wearing only my underwear and my sneakers. I reached the bedroom, where the girl was waiting for me. She had already removed her blouse, wearing now only her bra and her underpants, and I was standing there silently, just gazing at her young body.
“What’s your name?” I asked, while the blood started flooding at my genitalia.
“Joana” she replied nonchalantly, with her cute accent, while removing her bra.
Joana, my sweet Joana, so many years have passed, but you are still, my sweet Joana.

>> No.20430171

Decent but it feels like you're condescending and judgemental towards sex workers. Incel vibes. Do better.

>> No.20430196

Thanks bro. But i have nothing but respect for sexual workers. Without them i would have still have been virgin, at the end of the story.

>> No.20430197

Go on /trv/ if you want information on prostitute prices. It's good anon keep going at it. Remember to continue reading difficult books and work hard and you'll succeed.

>> No.20430204

Would /trv/ know anything about higher quality escorts? Not super high quality, just GFE. Ideally college girls who really don't need to be hooking but think they're "liberated" because they turn tricks for money to blow on scented candles.

>> No.20430208

>sex workers
Cringe, call them prostitutes. When I think of a "sex worker", I think of some bitch with an OnlyFans who thinks she's offering society a service by showing her ass to losers online for cash, not a young lady tragically exploited to survive under Capitalism.

>> No.20430212

I see, it's a good story with unobtrusive prose, flow and pacing. You've dodged most of the beginner mistakes. Keep working on it.

>> No.20430221

>When I think of a sex worker I think I people who don't have sex for work
I liked it OP :) there's weird grammar in some parts and it kinda feels choppy at the start but you got into a groove by the end.

>> No.20430227

>tragically exploited to survive under Capitalism.
It's funny that this is now a minority opinion of prostitution within Marxist groups. It's Marx's opinion, it's every other Marxist's opinion since the dawn of Marxism, but if you say that prostitution is one of the ultimate evils of capitalism you are a "bigot" now.

It just goes to show that the level of cognitive dissonance people are capable of has no limit. If you claim to be into Marxism and your dad is rich you should kill yourself, you have destroyed it.

>> No.20430230

if you dont mind me asking, where were the grammar mistakes? my native language as you could probably tell isn't english, and i generally write at my mother tongue. Recently, however i started experimenting with english.
Thank you for your kind words by the way

>> No.20430233

>>When I think of a sex worker I think I people who don't have sex for work
Of course I would think that. "Sex Worker" is comically kitsch, thoroughly sanitized of all of its negative implications. The only people who would sincerely use it are the ones who see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.20430262

it has a good vibe to it, can feel the excitement and nerves. you definitely need to do a lot of editing though, just picking out errors and awkward sentences. keep it up

>> No.20430266

/trv/ knows everything. There is a mysticism with sex that can be explored some people believe chaste people smell better then non chaste people.

>> No.20430280

Sure, these caught my eye
>which I was planning on doing so
The so at the end
>I would never take out of my mind
sounds wrong, I'm too lazy to think of how to correct it though sorry , at the very least it should be ..take it out..
>while the blood started flooding at my genitalia.
at should be to

There might be a few more but I'm not an English teacher kek. Keep it up, it was nice to read despite the mistakes

>> No.20430304

>I would never take out of my mind
perhaps:, "which I could hardly take it out of my mind" ?

Thanks for all the corrections. I wish i was a native english speaker. i still have troubles writing literature in english (it doesnt flow like in my native language) and my language is a bit obscure and has no literature market.

>> No.20430328

I am planning on doing a small story on the subject. This is going to be the start of the story. Its about a guy who fell in love with a lady of the night. Unfortunately this has a biographical nature.
The story is a true story...

>> No.20430373

imagine fucking someone out of sheer transaction, the single most unlikely person to ever love you back, then falling in love with her so deeply you wanna write a book about it

congratulations you have become the lord ruler of the domain of pathetic

>> No.20430435

why not?
My favorite novel is Dostoyevsky's Notes from the Underground where something similar occurs. The protagonist tries to change the habits of a hooker.
Probably also biographical from the life of Dostoyevsky.

>> No.20430459

Since your a grown man anon I'll tell you rightly "the most evil earning is the wage of a prostitute." Straight from Gods mouth. Now if you really want this woman you will have to marry her. No dating. Don't lie to yourself and say I need a year to figure out. If you can't marry them on the spot maybe its not a good idea. But thats all religions from judaism, to islam, to Christianity none allow dating.

>> No.20430478

you're not a dostoyevsky character, you're a dude living in 2022 with terminal autism

>> No.20430486

i get it desu

>> No.20430554

How do you find the continuation. Do you think I take it on a correct direction?

I am passing through the mazy streets of the inner-city again, under the shadow of the building of unrequited love. After all those years, I can still remember, I can still hear, I can still picture her lovely face, now all ruins of a forgotten non-existent lust. I walk alone, with only company, my unrelenting thoughts. In every step I take, for every street I cross, despite my yearning for their conclusion, those thoughts couldn’t be erased.

The dry summer air has now been replaced with the freezing breeze of winter, the sky is cloudy, it might snow. Some ladies are gossiping through their neighboring balconies, a man is taking his dog for a walk, some children are running along the streets of this labyrinth, where I am trapped in.
And despite my best efforts, I could almost hear crystal clear, her laughs, her sneezing, her playful voice, I could even see her in front of me, her joyous face, her tender lips, I wish I could kiss her, I wish I could have told her.

It starts to rain, a gentle drizzle, a cat is looking for a shelter, I try to approach her, but she leaves. I take a shortcut, heading to the main square, which is empty. I could take the bus, but alas I decide to walk. Some men are talking inside a small pub, I could see them through the tainted glass. What could they talk about, I wonder?

I passed through the church of Saint John; I instinctively cross myself. I had never given much attention to religion, but still that habit is engraved in me. I feel like I have a giant hole inside my loins, other people fill that gap inside them with religion, or at least with a belief, yet for me this hole only widens, I have the need to have faith, to believe, yet inside I am hollow, like an empty book.

>> No.20431260

>I feel like I have a giant hole inside my loins
end it

>> No.20431280

>you're a dude living in 2022 with terminal autism
I enjoy greentexts because they're written by autists I can relate to. I would love a book like this.

>> No.20431341
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>> No.20431368

>I met her on a sunny afternoon
Stopped reading there.
Excellent bait.