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20412703 No.20412703 [Reply] [Original]

should the bible be read cover to cover ? is there any value of it to a nonchristian , be it morality , inspiration , entertainment etc. ?
i have decided to conquer the entire tale , so am wondering what /lit/ thinks

>> No.20413032

>is there any value of it to a nonchristian , be it morality , inspiration , entertainment etc. ?

Not if you don't view it in it's proper historical context, and don't read it along with religious works from around the same time and place, such as works from Ugarit, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Persia, etc.

>> No.20413954

No and no.

>> No.20414067

Technically but I did it. Yes.
If you have read the whole Bible I'd be genuinely shocked.

>> No.20414121

on the most atheistic level, it is valuable to read the bible if only because it's the most widely influential book of literature in the history of mankind.
Basically everyone references it,by not reading it you're missing a good part of most books you'll ever read.
Reading it cover to cover may however offer some difficulties if you're not interested in overly abstruse Jewish family trees.
You could focus on reading certain books such as the Psalms, the Ecclesiastes, the song of songs, wisdom of Solomon and such from the old testament and Acts and Letters from the new and read the rest later.Thats perfectly reasonable.

>> No.20414126

stands on its own.

>> No.20414132

>is there any value of it to a nonchristian
its stories and characters are constantly referenced in literature, music and painting. Also it's very entertaining at times.
>should the bible be read cover to cover
Yes. It's easy to skim the conspicuously dull parts like the Tabernacle and the genealogies.

>> No.20414209

Why does Paul make everyone seethe so hard?


>> No.20414251

I was in hospital for schizophrenia for a couple of months. I read the Bible right up to the epistles and then I got out. Some of it I read out loud to ther patients or to staff, and the rest of the time I spent sungazing and tanning my balls.

It was pretty comfy ngl

>> No.20414261

Holy Based. Epic Schizo.

>> No.20414269

Be wary of the homework-brains who forced themselves though to understand allusions. The KJV is beautiful. Take your time and enjoy the language.

>> No.20414287

>should the bible be read cover to cover ? is there any value of it to a nonchristian , be it morality , inspiration , entertainment etc. ?
Yes but you will have to dedicate every second of your life to get it. When you're not reading it you will be watching lectures, commentary, or just thinking about what you learned.

>i have decided to conquer the entire tale
One that grasps quickly forgets quickly, if you breeze through the Bible like it's just another non-fiction book your understanding with be shallow. At a minimum you should read the whole Tanakh 3 times, twice without commentary and once with Rashi's commentary. For the new testament the same thing but pick a good Nazarene commentator.

>> No.20414298

>reading the Bible like a history book and a work of fiction
You will never achieve Ruach HaKodesh. You will never see a verse and be to see the application to your life and today's world. You will nener find prophecies about today hidden in Gematria. You will never achieve inner peace. You will never experience a miracle. You will never know what it feels like to live with emunah and bitachon. You will never see your life and others unfold exactly like described by the Bible writers. In short, you will never be holy, rasha.

>> No.20415264

I did it, but not sure it was worth it honestly. Not because I don't see the value from a literacy or religious perspective. It's simply too much to absorb reading like this. Lately, I've been feeling like focus and deep reading and thinking is much more important. I would have absorbed much more of the message if I had simply read a summary of the entire Bible book by book and I intend to look for one.

>> No.20415275

>Should I read it cover to cover
In my faulty opinion, here’s my recommendation
There’s different values, start in the gospels then go to the epistles. Revelation is for last, but it’s very difficult to read if you choose to.
Then go to genesis, exodus, etc. The law is very tricky and you could dance around it and go to stuff like Isiah, I haven’t read the OT though so this isn’t very good advice coming from me. Just start with the NT. Isaiah is interesting because it talks about Christ going down to hell and curb stomping the devils dominion; great stuff.
I would also recommend you go to an Orthodox Church and learn from the priest and ask him about stuff; the church (which the Bible is used to uphold) is apart of a living experience and you’re not going to understand it without a guide; except by some miracle.
>Is of valuable to a non-Christian
Absolutely, look through the gospels.
100%, you will learn about love. And all about how justice and judgement are used to bring men to repentance, and how repentance is what God sands first and foremost, and how judgement is used to correct men from the path of evil and wicked ways. Another way to phrase it; Repentance brings man to Theosis/Divinization and rebellion brings man to demonization (of course, some greater then others with context of synergy) and judgement is used to turn man away from the demons.
Absolutely, it can be fun to read if that’s your style.
Of course, take some of my stuff with a grain of salt. I could’ve butchered something and don’t want to lead you astray, I’m still learning too

>> No.20415313

Recommend him a commentary too otherwise he will get lost

>> No.20415328

A priest can give phenomenal commentary. My go to is the orthodox study Bible; which IMO is okay. But to be fair, I haven’t used it in a while. But it’s far more insightful then my KJV study Bible

>> No.20415399

>implying I want any of that gay shit

>> No.20415406

>Thou shalt bend over and let Jamal ram you in the arse, and thy wife too
There. I summarized the entire doctrine of cuckianity for your. You’re welcome.

>> No.20416003

Can I be racist and Christian?

>> No.20416011

It doesn't matter if you don't want them, if you don't seek them you will get the curses instead and thus self-destruct

>> No.20416046

Depends what you mean by racist

>> No.20416197
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too based https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnHpMzUS8UI

>> No.20416721

Can someone please explain to me Romans 13?
Is the official Catholic interpretation the one aquintas puts forth?

>> No.20417124

>Any value to a non-Christian?
Sure, morality, social commentary, inspiration and entertainment are all sensible reasons to read the Bible....

....Which begs the question; do you suppose that Christians read it because they enjoy dull, uninspiring, useless schlock?

>> No.20417197
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Retroactively refuted

>> No.20417227

>reading all that garbage instead of seeing the fruits of each tree
The Bible works, it strengthens the people. Their Greek paganism is what they impose and normalize, and has lead to everything I see people complain about (divorce rates, single mothers, degeneracy, etc.)

>> No.20417233

>hellenism is responsible for amerishart culture war issues
your mind on christlarping, enjoy being eternally wrong about everything

>> No.20417236

heh heh assmann

>> No.20417245
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Start with the Assmann, egyptologist Jan Assmann

>> No.20417261

No, but you should be confirmed. I have exactly the same history give or take 1-2 years only and I'm getting confirmed later this year.

>> No.20417292

Christian or not, the old testament is a great tale, yes, you can skip stuff like the specifications of the altars and what not, no one actually enjoys those parts. But then you have an amazing epic of how the jews came to earn the wrath of God, you'll find some great, raw lines in it, such as Genesis "By the sweat of your forehead you'll eat bread until you return to the ground, for from it you were taken and to it you shall return. For dust you are, and to dust you shall return." or Samson's talein judges.

And then there's the new testament, which is a beautiful book full of wisdom as told by Jesus' apostoles.

>> No.20417343

>hellenism is responsible for amerishart culture war issues
yes, the greek pagan culture is the same behind our degenerate one

>> No.20417370
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Attention all fedorafags ITT.

I'm never going to stop worshipping God.

Ugh I know I know! I'm just never going to stop is all.

>> No.20417447

So is this the new bible thread? Grim... And why is it so hard to link the new thread in the old one?

>> No.20417480

Are these wicked Gentiles in the room with you?

>> No.20417492

It's better than having them numbered and filled with a bunch of gay stuff like biblegateway.

>> No.20417741

What happened to Jesus' physical body after He ascended to Heaven?
Does his resurrection being literal and physical mean that the Son has taken on flesh for eternity, or that He awaits the Second Coming in a physical location in the universe?

>> No.20417786
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First for the King James Bible
Everything else is fake and gay

>> No.20417798

I’ve read it all, it’s pure garbage, the only book that isn’t a absolute fail is Ecclesiastes and it seems many scholars believe the end of that has been retconned to fit in
Very little of value in it if you aren’t jewish or larp as one

>> No.20417832
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Not at all desu. In fact I'd say there's never a better time to be Christian especially in the immoral world we find ourselves in today. Who gives a shit about the fedoras ITT. I can guarantee you that anyone who comes into a religious thread to "troll" and "own" theists (omggggg epic owning! I'm owning these theists they're pissed I'm gonna screenshot my 4chan posting11!!!!!). I guarantee that they are 100% miserable losers irl due to their separation from God.

As for another subject. Does anyone feel much more closeness to God while drunk or on drugs? I wish it wasn't so and I am working towards sobriety eventually but there is nothing quite like communicating with God after a 6 pack and 1 gram joint. I know I would feel this way sober if I cleaned up but it is a work in progress.

I am curious to dabble in psychedelics again as well now that I consider myself to be Christian. 5 grams of mushrooms made me reject atheism and return to Christ. It was truly an incredibly spiritual experience. However it was a secular experience for me and I have not done psychedelics since that was 3 years ago. But it made me realize there is more to life and this universe than we will possibly ever know.

>> No.20417860

I'm looking for a work that discusses the relationship between God and time, especially re: the Creation, free will, and change. Does anyone have a good recommendation or set of verses to read closely regarding this?

>> No.20417903

no one is going back to a degenerate jewish religion guy
It’s dead in the west

>> No.20417936

I wanted to read the Bible, but apparently it’s 1200 pages long, so having a physical copy of it would be impossible for me atm. in the meantime I did download a Bible app

>> No.20417937

It should never be read at all

>> No.20417942

>tfw realised that the reason my church is dead is because it had a first-in-continent tier level of kiddy fiddling
>all the people who attacked the victims and blamed them for bringing the church into disrepute by speaking out have left
Not even Papist, though their local kiddly fiddlers were even worse.

>> No.20417955

tell me how you feel after reading chapters of jewish geneology, bizarre desert dress and dietary rules, and foreskin mutilations

>> No.20417984
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>Remember the story of Veronica wiping Jesus' face from the Stations of the Cross
>Realize I don't remember it from any of the Gospels, go through all of them and check
>Think maybe she's mentioned in Eusebius or the other Fathers or something, look it up
>There is no reference to her whatsoever until the middle-ages
>The Catholic Encyclopedia entry on her is even worded in a way that casts doubt on the authenticity of her existence
This would be fine with me if she was just a pious devotion and not an actual saint the RCC and EOC put their reputations behind in saying existed through her canonization. It's one thing for extraneous details like the specific number of the Magi or something, but something else to present this apparent legend as an objective part of the story through her canonization. Is there something to this I'm not getting?

Evangelicals/Reformedcucks telling me to just disregard all tradition need not engage.

>> No.20418018
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>I guarantee that they are 100% miserable losers irl due to their separation from God.
>Does anyone feel much more closeness to God while drunk or on drugs?
Call me a fedora all you like for not worshiping your volcano but at least I'm not a miserable, projecting drug addict

>> No.20418032

>Jewish geneology
>bizarre desert dress and dietary rules
what? I’m only on Genesis, having finished “The Man and Woman Sin” and having stopped at the beginning of “Cain and Abel”.
>foreskin mutilation
I’m against it

>> No.20418054

>I haven't read the OT
>Start with the NT
If you don't know the OT, you don't know the value of the OT. If you don't know its value, how can you recommend that it be skipped on first reading?

In the Beginning, Elohim created the Heaven and the Earth. If you haven't seen this happen, why should you care about the Son?

>> No.20418135

>it's this made up bullshit that bothers me
>not the made up bullshit about Mary not having other children after Jesus and then ascending into heaven like Jesus and then showing up in jedi ghost form every now and then to tell us to pray to her 10 times for every 1 time praying to the Father

>> No.20418180

>Mary not having other children after Jesus
>this bullshit again
Jesus literally says anyone who follows him is his brother, and the word used to describe "brothers" in Greek is used elsewhere in the NT by Paul to describe over 500 followers Jesus appeared to. Does your narrow definition of the word logically mean you think Mary had five hundred kids?

>> No.20418217

There is no proof to the contrary either.

>> No.20418224

Yes, that was the obvious context of who was outside wanting to see Jesus rather than actual siblings, even though they could have said "disciples" or "followers" or something instead of his mother and siblings. Not to mention using the word for "cousins". Enjoy simping for Satanic Babylonians.

>> No.20418282

>even though they could have said "disciples" or "followers" or something instead
Then why didn't Paul do that to describe the several-hundred?

>> No.20418283
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>f you murder a person, expect to be murdered in return
>your murderer has killed a person (You), expect them to be murdered as a result
am I getting this right? is this an infinite murder loop? is gathering all murderers in once place and having them all kill each other, or having someone murder-suicide, a loophole?

>> No.20418306


Yes, it's an infinite murder loop. That infinite murder loop is only stopped once Christ is murdered - since by his murder, the economy of salvation is acheived, human nature is redeemed, and the sin of murder can be fully repented of and forgiven, and the infinite loop can be escaped.

>> No.20418328

Entirely differing context and relational circumstances. Not to mention Jesus outright responding with "but who are my siblings? Those who are here surrounding me to listen and follow, more than those of my blood" (essentially).

>> No.20418341

That's a cope to get out of following the Temple-based parent religion. Sacrifice God to Himself to both uphold and void the old covenant.

>> No.20418407

>Does anyone feel much more closeness to God while drunk or on drugs? I wish it wasn't so and I am working towards sobriety eventually but there is nothing quite like communicating with God after a 6 pack and 1 gram joint. I know I would feel this way sober if I cleaned up but it is a work in progress.
These are feelings of euphoria which amplify ones senses, I can’t say I blame you. There’s nothing like worshipping while you feel good. But; God has called us to be sober minded at all times. If you are sober minded I can’t imagine having a beer prior to prayer is bad (but I could be wrong, please consult a priest). I’m imaginung you’re using marijuana as a mood enhancer, if you are high it would be a sin from my understand (again; consult a priest).

I would recommend you recite the prayer “Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!” 100 times in the morning, and at night. Pace it to 1 prayer every 7.5 seconds. This is paced at every 15 seconds, put it at 2x and you get 7.5. Use this as a crutch to get to speed if need be (or take as long as you want, again it’s just my recommendation) and do so in a dark room free from light and noise. Focus on the prayer, and after much drive and patience you will find you will have a level of ecstasy when praying.
As for the other point, I would recommend you get an icon of Jesus (a few more if you do desire) and burn frankenscents for about 5 minutes to elevate yourself to the state of mind for prayer.
>I found Christ on shrooms
Thank God, he comes and meets us in all places; this is cause for rejoicing. I’m glad you made it anon :D please check out the Orthodox Church, I think you’ll like it senpai desu. Just make sure to call the priest ahead of time so you can make sure the service is in English

>> No.20418418

Because it's the typical reaction enticed by chads

>> No.20418438

Also, this ecstasy I had was only once, good times though

>> No.20418585

So you admit that
>there are multiple contextual meanings to ἀδελφοῖς outside of just blanket biological "brother"
>Jesus says that his brothers are not, or at the very least not NECESSARILY blood relatives like his mother
Explicitly trying to pin down blood relatives based on the questions asked by the onlookers in Matthew 13:55 is also already a moot point, because those same onlookers call Jesus Joseph's (presumably biological) son, when Joseph is not actually so. Even if you interpret those asking the questions as referring to biological siblings, the people asking are already shown to be misled anyway.

>> No.20418597

Paul is one of the trifecta of great figures that non-Christians love to say "corrupted" Christianity, along with Constantine and Augustine.

>> No.20418638

The fact he was considered Joseph's son is clearly indicative that Joseph was not an elderly man who married a young maiden out of kindness.To any onlookers everything appeared to be a perfectly normal family. The towns people had no idea of the Holy Spirit conception of Jesus.

>> No.20418644

I'm not religious but I've been reading way, waaaay too much eastern philosophy and religious texts, particularly in the tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. Will I gain something from reading the Bible? Does it stand up well to the dharmic religions' texts?

>> No.20418658

That's just your dopamine and serotonin levels spiking from the juice. Then the alcohol increases the effect of GABA making you lose your inhibitions. Also causes you to slur and have poor coordination

That's why Jesus called the wine his blood. He knew everyone would get hopped up on that shit. Therefore might as well call the bread his flesh too

>> No.20418679

If you're interested in the text on a literary/"spiritual" level but hesitant to dive in headfirst I would recommend the rather unorthodox starting point of the Book of Isaiah. It is very allusive and prophetic tin a way that might interest you while also being referenced multiple times by Jesus in the Gospels. It isn't a part of the Bible that gets recommended as a starting point very often, but if you're coming from Eastern writings it will be the best example of Biblical writing style as well as being very directly influential on the accounts of Jesus.

If you want more after Isaiah read the four Gospels. The Gospels will feel deceptively simple on your first read-through, but the more Church Fathers you read after on them the more profound they will become in an almost hermetic fashion.

>> No.20418698

>To any onlookers everything appeared to be a perfectly normal family. The towns people had no idea of the Holy Spirit conception of Jesus.
Which is why it isn't trustworthy to interpret their mention of ἀδελφοῖς as being proof of Jesus having biological brothers, in addition to the fact that ἀδελφοῖς doesn't mean just biological brothers, in addition to the multiple usages of the term such as how Paul uses it.

>> No.20418736

The clearly intended meaning is far more trustworthy than a bunch of stretches, squints, and twists to support an expanded universe fan fiction by gnostic cultists. Paul also referred to James specifically as the brother of the Lord.

>> No.20418790

Also because he was in a nondual state of consciousness. Everything that arose for him arose within him , as far as he could tell. Since there was no duality between his self-sense and the manifest world, he could rightly call the bread "my body". It's not all ulterior motives, anon :)

>> No.20418893

Lastly you also need to know that one of the surviving fragments of Papias debunks with the blood brothers theory, and he was literally discussing and learning from the Apostles themselves.
>Mary the wife of Cleophas or Alphaeus, who was the mother of James the bishop and apostle, and of Simon and Thaddeus, and of one Joseph

Yes it's really tempting to look at the base "BROTHERS" translation and assume that denying it is some kind of cope asspull, but there's enough evidence and circumstantial inference to where it's really hard to buy into despite looking deceptively plain.

>> No.20419053

Which Bible passage would you turn into a short 15-minute film?

>> No.20419098

His conviction. He would have made himself the greatest enemy of everyone. That's why God chose him.

>> No.20419112

If I had an unlimited budget, the first part of Genesis or the first part of John or the part of Revelation beginning with "I am the Alpha and the Omega". Or maybe the vision of Ezekiel.

If I had to make do with regular actors and stuff, then I'd make a series of clips from Moses' interactions with YHWH including the burning bush and the meetings in the tent, the pillar of fire and the Ten Commandments. Painting Moses as a sort of hypergenius mystic that has difficulty communicating the wishes of Higher Intelligence to mere mortals in his charge.

Those are the only parts of the Bible I really find that interesting. I would find it difficult to cast an actor to depict the Christ. I wouldn't be comfortable with anything less than an enlightened being, but I don't know if I could get any to actually audition. Again, with an unlimited budget maybe you could get some sort of CGI super-Christ. Deus Ex Machina, you know.

The visions of Daniel are super lame compared to the stuff I mentioned above but I would find it funny to have them depicted cartoon-style.
I'd watch the Book of John: the Anime

>> No.20419148

>medieval manuscript with Papias written in the margin

>> No.20419244

>tfw want badly to be orthodox but not Greek or Serbian

>> No.20419315

Is there an Antiochian parish on your area?

>> No.20419320

Timothy Ware is one of the biggest speakers in the Orthodox world and he is an Englishman and was an Anglican priest in his home country. It just sounds like you’re maybe making excuses. Anyone can be Orthodox.
Though I would recommend Catholicism more and finding a cope for the papacy, that’s what I did.

>> No.20419393

>calling your own religion a cope
You're not serious.

>> No.20419395

The nearest one is about 2 hours away. What are they?

I'm not willing to change my culture and language, nor do I think Christ ever wished for such a thing to be a requirement.

>> No.20419459

Antiochian Orthodox are usually Arab Christians, but abroad they can be less ethnically-minded than the Greeks or Russians. YMMV but my local parish was extremely welcoming of outsiders who weren't from a culturally Orthodox ethnic group.

>> No.20419464

>Greek and Serbian
It might be worth going to the Serbian church. What’s wrong with the Greeks and Serbs in the area?

>> No.20419471

Different Anon, but Antioch was the big convert church back in the day and ROCOR (Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia) is becoming the new one

>> No.20419472

I love Paul so much it hurts

>> No.20419482

I'm white.

Ah I see. They seem to be growing here but not anywhere near enough to me to be relevant. Like I said, only Greeks and Serbs here, and mostly the Greeks. Guess I'll stay Anglican for a while longer.

>> No.20419496

>They seem to be growing here but not anywhere near enough to me to be relevant. Like I said, only Greeks and Serbs here, and mostly the Greeks. Guess I'll stay Anglican for a while longer.

But Anon; why would you stay Anglican longer?

>> No.20419578

I’m not saying Catholicism is a cope, clearly, just some aspects I struggled with when converting like the papacy, I had to find my reasons to just accept it.
I don’t think it’s all that big of a deal anymore, many Catholics in history don’t pay that much attention to the pope I’ve found, so now I do the same

>> No.20419630

You won't get the Bible until you have read it 101 times, you need to toil in Torah to inherit it. The Torah isn't like any other non fiction book you can breeze through and understand everything. In fact, you could spend your whole life studying it and still not know 1% of what's in there.

For example, I really doubt you caught this in your speedreading

>Very little of value in it if you aren’t jewish or larp as one
If you enjoy being miserable and have self destructive tendencies, and likes to live like an animal or lower, I guess?

>> No.20419654

>no one is going back to
You have no choice, either you will be wicked or you will be righteous, there is no in between in the times of the messiah

>a degenerate jewish religion guy
I don't know any such religion, that's more the pagan alley. So far homosexuality and trannyism have been normalized, next will be incest, pedophilia, all the things the "holy" romans and greeks adored, and so did the egyptians.

>It’s dead in the west
Leviticus 26 and other places describe in detail what will happen to the people that don't follow the Law. Still, it's irrelevant whether society and your group of friends follows the Torah or not, if everyone jumped from a bridge, would you?


>> No.20419670

Just find yourself a decent latin mass parish

>> No.20419672

>Will I gain something from reading the Bible
No. You need to toil in it and apply it to your life.
Then you can maybe reach the level of resurrecting people like the great sages before us.

>> No.20419683

>implying you've resurrected anyone

>> No.20419692

Let me get this straight, christbros.
The whole point of the creation is for us to be tested whether we want to spend eternity with God, and go to heaven if so.
And yet this creation is made in such a way that:
1) a significant part of us by will of no fault of their own end up in hell (or limbus), as stillborn
2) those baptized but who die before their age of reason will end up in heaven, through no merit of their own
This defeats the purpose, if the premise is true there should not be a SINGLE soul in either of those two groups. I haven't seen any wise theologians tackle this disqualifying flaw, unless they say to shut up because God knows better.
There are also those who live vile lives that will but who would repent had they heard the Gospel in their lives. But I should be charitable and go with your narration that they are given a fair opportunity to get saved regardless.

>> No.20419705

>should the bible be read cover to cover ?
Yes. Read the King James Version, unless you happen to know Greek & Hebrew, which you don't.

>is there any value of it to a nonchristian , be it morality , inspiration , entertainment etc. ?
Yes. All serious Western literature for the past two thousand years was written in its shadow. You can't understand anything unless you know it.

>i have decided to conquer the entire tale , so am wondering what /lit/ thinks
You're making an incorrect assumption here.

>> No.20419716

I strongly believe that when Jesus talked about false teachers he didn’t mean Catholic/Orthodox/Protestants/Reformed, he meant exactly the types such as televangelists, those “priests” that claim they can perform miracles and cure people. They are some of the most corrupt people on the planet I feel

>> No.20419785

It's legit if Jesus shows up to everyone and gives them a chance while they're in the womb, at a level they can understand with their undifferentiated state of consciousness.

Like in Tibetan Buddhism where you get visitations when you're in the bardo state and you just gotta navigate right to get enlightened

>> No.20419888

I never did, what's your point? The inner peace that comes with bitachon and emunah alone made Torah worth it for me

>> No.20419902

>The whole point of the creation is for us to be tested whether we want to spend eternity with God, and go to heaven if so.
Wrong, the point of creation is as a test of obedience to see if we deserve Heaven

>a significant part of us by will of no fault of their own end up in hell (or limbus), as stillborn
Christian theology is retarded, reincarnation exists. The baby thing happens for a couple of reasons

>> No.20419929

What you should want to be is Christian, which isn't a fashion accessory.

>> No.20419994
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literally everyone with a passing interest in literature or history should read the bible, irrespective of their personal feelings on christianity. it's simply the most important and influential book ever written, so much great literature can't be fully appreciated without some familiarity with it. being a believer or not really doesn't matter because its cultural relevance has permeated far, far beyond the intended readings of it as the literal word of god or whatever
of course you shouldn't read it like a normal book since it's more like a collection of ancient tales that have been told and retold over and over and mangled together in various ways to promote an ideology. historical context is absolutely needed, though how deep you go in on the context is totally up to you and how interested you are in it

>> No.20419998
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I'm kind of interested in Catholicism but the belief that you have to die in a "state of grace" or you go to hell really turns me off. Do Catholics really believe that if you masturbate and die before confessing it to a priest you go to hell?

>> No.20420055

You should be interested in becoming Christian instead. Pray only to God. Follow Him, become part of His Body, and you will be a priest. There is no legitimate institutional office of mediating priesthood after Christ. The Catholics and "Orthodox™" are Satanic Babylonian counterfeits. Mary had other children after Jesus. Read the Holy Bible directly over and over and see these things for yourself.

>> No.20420100

I would say the majority of Catholics don’t believe this, but you’re bound to find some that do.
Truth is, we cannot say for sure who is going to Heaven/Hell. We cannot see a person’s soul, that can only be left to God to decide who goes where (we can pray for people’s soul to go to Heaven though)
I would say it’s good policy to not sin and pray to God directly as well as confession. It certainly couldn’t hurt

>> No.20420169

1) why? i reckon those would be saved.
2)>through no merit of their own
do you really think any of us are getting in out of merit?
how does that disprove God's plan? you can even be happy those people were saved.

>those who live vile lives without the Gospel
Luke 12:48
all will be judged based on what they had.
Romans 2:15
we call that law morality. that vile man probably felt regret or something of the sort over seeing suffering, and his conscience weighed against him.
i found a nice little answer while searching for the verse, do give it a look: https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/how-is-the-law-written-on-every-heart

>> No.20420182

If I respond will you genuinely consider Christianity? I don’t say this to be mean, but I have stuff to do. It can wait of course if you genuinely would consider converting if you liked the answer, but if it’s going to be idle talk I’d prefer to just not respond

>> No.20420190

Hebrews 9:27
2 Samuel 12:12
there is no reincarnation.

>> No.20420222

>Die in a state of Grace
>Go to hell if you masterbated without getting to confession
This doesn’t sound like Christ, being casted into Sheol (I believe it is, I could be wrong so plz give me a break) over an issue of lust completely ignores his mercy. There are requirements like getting baptized (and even then, some people can get a pass more or less depend on their circumstance. God is merciful and people need to keep this in mind when they get concerned about this stuff).
I’m not saying Catholics believe this (I’m not Catholic, so I don’t know) but I’d encourage you to check o it an Orthodox Church and if you desire, weigh it against Catholicism

Again, I could’ve completely butchered this so keep this in mind. Don’t believe what I say without verification

>> No.20420231
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Yeah I don't think I will be joining the catholic church on 2nd thought. I like the idea of it being a denomination with a ton of history etc. But there's just too much weirdness about it that leaves a bad feeling in my gut.

Shit like pic related. Why would you build an auditorium that obviously looks like the pope is speaking from the mouth of the serpent. There's no way that happened on accident. Just one example among many bad things you hear about the catholic church and its corruption.

I really hate the idea that you should confess sins to a priest instead of bringing them directly to God as well.

And also the whole celibacy thing with the priests is really weird as well. Like I get the concept of it that priests are supposed to be spiritual athletes who have ascended beyond the desires of flesh, but ultimately they are still man. And man is incapable of being perfect and without sin as the Bible tells us. I think that celibacy is what leads a lot of them to the sexual perversions and kid touching you hear about. I would not want a celibate pastor. I think it's good for a pastor to have a wife and have a family that can serve as an example for what fulfillment looks like with a Godly family.

Celibacy just leads to weirdness. Don't like it.

>> No.20420232

I don’t think he’s interested in Christianity senpai desu, though I could be wrong
>verification not required

>> No.20420262

>I really hate the idea that you should confess sins to a priest instead of bringing them directly to God as well.
If I gave you verses to support confession to Christ though a priest is biblical, would you accept it? I’m not disputing confession to Christ is biblical, but confession is also biblical and I’d happily go through it.
>Priest enforced celibacy
Wasn’t a thing until post great schism, my priest has a billion children and his wife is an extremely kind woman.
What if you had everything you asked for, but the priest wasn’t forced to be celibate and there wasn’t a pope? But confession is a thing, but it’s treated as a form of therapy for healing from sin

>> No.20420295

Christ is the Logos. You can't have more "history" than having been before the foundation of the world. Being in His Body is as rich in history as it is possible to get. The things of God are not of this world. The "aesthetic" lures of the Catholic and "Orthodox™ "Church™" is not the proper voice to be following. Read the Sermon on the Mount to get a good idea of where your heart should be heading. It's not about "based" costumes, beards, architectures, etc. Their institution was hijacked by Satanic Babylonians by the 4th century.

>> No.20420298

If the priest weren't celibate I would be less weirded out. I wouldn't want to send kids to a church function though with a bunch of "celibate" men.

>> No.20420307

Who is Jesus Christ?
What denomination are you?
Name me one person in history who agreed with you
>Inb4 Paul, Peter, John
Then the gates of Hades prevailed. Find me one person who I wouldn’t dispute agrees with you

>> No.20420322

Try orthodoxy. The priests are married. We have apostolic succession, extremely long historical records, some of traditions go back to temple worship, lots of different ways to pray that've been worked on for thousands of years now, and the liturgy (ceremonial worship) is absolutely beautiful. And you can see the Holy Spirit working in this place both in person and historically

>> No.20420329

Jesus agrees with that anon because Jesus was all about subverting the hypocritical religious orthodoxy of His time. What, you don't expect God to be ludicrous and out of this world? Give me a break! God is radical, God is wild, God is beyond your expectations. God created Jesus, schizos, dolphins, the duck-billed platypus, the forests, the volcanoes, the black holes and the letters you are reading right now. God is within and beyond everything. The Word whereby this was all made was made flesh in Jesus the Christ, and he's here to blow your funking mind. Get with the program.

>> No.20420331

Douay-Rheims or Didache?

>> No.20420364

It doesn't matter what (You) would dispute, you have little to no idea of the actual subject matter because you are caught in a trap of worldly sight. You have little to no direct personal mystical experience to build your understanding on and only see things in terms of the tangible, and mental constructs.

Pray only to God, as Jesus instructed. Call no religious leader by the title of "Father".

>> No.20420379

God lives through us all. He is masturbating to anime characters as thousands of people as you read these words. Also:
•conceiving children
•writing books
•helping old ladies cross the street
•acting as priest and congregation in tens or hundreds of thousands of church services worldwide
•living and loving as every atheist, Danish, Buddhist, Jain, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Baha'i and, yes, Jew in the world
•pervading the existence of every singe sentient being and insentient object in the entire universe or multiverse, including a host of paranormal beings, good, evil, neutral, transcendent and otherwise
God is totally beyond the comprehension of your fucking pastor, and you are an absolute fool if you take any dogma or dharma as absolute truth unless YOU have verified it with your OWN experience.

>> No.20420408

>No mystical experience
Quiet the opposite, and I have witnesses who can confirm my statements.
>John 1
>Matthew 2:2
>John 20:28
Anyway; my point remains valid.
Who believed what you believed? I’m giving you an easier argument by not letting you reference scripture; as you have the whole platform and I don’t actually get to dispute what you state when you do this. If you dispute I’m making yours easier; please tell me why the gates of hades prevailed against Christ

>> No.20420440

The gates of Hades cannot prevail against His invisible, mystical Body, each member directly connected with Him and each other through the powers of faith and the LORD God Almighty.

>> No.20420443

I agree, Allah ackbar

>> No.20420448

Nothing prevails against I AM.

>> No.20420484

Paul was a literal one-of-a-kind genius chosen by Jesus Christ Himself. It’s all envy against him

>> No.20420519

Honestly really depends on who you ask and this is the disturbing thing about most religion. I grew up Roman Catholic and I attended a Roman Catholic school with Bible studies and everything and I still couldn't tell you what Catholics actually believe in outside of the surface level. The average Catholic is simply a normal person you bump into that really doesn't take their religion super seriously. Going to church is going to a place to listen to long Bible passages you can barely follow not being explained to you at all, some singing, and a lot of up and down to pray and sit and stand. I have known some Catholics that take their religion more seriously, but none of them ever talked about it. They were simply quiet men and women I looked up to that taught by living well.

>> No.20420588

he studied under Gamaliel and was likely going to be the next chief of the Sanhedrin, just for an idea of how well-versed in Scripture he was. (and that studentship is in the records!)

>> No.20420599

it's a bit of the same issue as rabbinic judaism, if i am to draw that parallel. the church has given itself the right to interpret Scripture as they see fit, and take that as proper; it opens the way for abuse.
i don't know why the usual Bible studies are so shallow aswell.

>> No.20420604

and adding onto that parallel, the idea of a tradition passed on orally or somesuch, through which someone's words are given the weight of Scripture.

>> No.20420613

If you're fine with getting leprosy.

>> No.20420623
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Anon, a frog turned me to the path of orthodoxy

>> No.20420648

>Going to church is going to a place to listen to long Bible passages you can barely follow not being explained to you at all, some singing, and a lot of up and down to pray and sit and stand
So the experience is universal

>> No.20420652

This is the case in Judaism too, if you violate Shabbat for one minute and die, it doesn't matter what you did the last 80 years. That's how it is, never trust yourself

>> No.20420655

I had the same issue when I was an evangelical, but it was just sitting and zoning out for an hour. Honestly I’ve never had this issue with the Orthodox Church, that plus a set service every time makes it easy to follow since you can sing/chant with it

>> No.20420665

Define ‘racism’ — I am ‘racist’ by modern standards. I believe that human beings for long periods of time lived in different environments and conditions and that this has led to genetic variation, and thus we see many groups of humans with different skin colors, hair textures, builds, average intelligence, temperaments, etc. This is probably very racist according to modern anthropology. But I also believe they are all humans and are descended from Adam and Eve and that macroevolution is fake & gay. Whether ‘racism’ is Christian or not depends on how you are treating other groups, I think. If you are ranting that blacks (or any other group) are subhumans and treating then like garbage, then that isn’t Christian.

>> No.20420667

I couldn't care less about Paul's letters that contradict Judaism

>> No.20420678

Paul merely expounded Scripture.
and the second verse is in the OT.

>> No.20420690

Literal paganism

>> No.20420703

>1) why? i reckon those would be saved.
This is what the Catholich Church teaches, and they seem to know their stuff
>do you really think any of us are getting in out of merit?
Good point, but it's still unfair that some souls go directly to heaven and other limbus, and other need to pass a sort of test and not give in to worldly temptations
I would, I've been seriously considering Christianity for almost 2 years now and keep finding obstacles

>> No.20420714

Christimas and easter are literal paganism

>> No.20420722

>implying we celebrate those

>> No.20420725

what are our thoughts on mega churches?

>> No.20420728

>Pascha and Christ Mass are paganism
Jews are dumb

>> No.20420736

Children don’t get damned, and you don’t need to be baptized to be saved per se. The thief on the cross was saved and there’s no reason to believe he was baptized.

t. Orthodox

>> No.20420759

>easter = pesach
Where are the chocolate rabbit eggs in Israel's tradition?

>> No.20420769


>> No.20420776

This your brain on Talmudism

>> No.20420782

Well, yeah, you can, just don't pretend it has anything to do with eating a lamb

>> No.20420787

So you concede that eating chocolate has nothing to do with paganism, thanks for the concession. And what you refer to isn’t the Pascha of Christians, but a mere shadow of the real thing.

>> No.20420791

>eternal covenant forever, for all your generations
>just a shadow bro

>> No.20420794


>> No.20420952

>I was bored to sleep hearing teachings about God and congregational singing praising hymns to Him and Him alone
>but I love all of this aesthetic repetition with cool costumes and ear tickling sounds of chants to humans
>praying to Mary to save us is kino

>> No.20421108

How do pantheists address the problem of evil? If God is an extended substance and infinite, he's also us and the evil things we do

>> No.20421116

Augustine is great so far. A bunch of autistic tangents that make you feel like you know the guy. I can kinda understand the Constantine thing though.
Yeah you should read it. Every European author going forward is going to be affected by the Bible both in explicit and implicit ways. It would be like reading Aristotle without reading the Iliad first. You'll mostly get what he's saying but you are going to miss a lot of the cultural norms and context that inform his opinions.

>> No.20421203

What do Christians think of the inherent jewishness of the bible?
I mean, the entire old testament is about the personal god of a tribe that virtually none of you belong to. And it's explicit about its racialism, that Jews are the chosen people.

When Jesus comes, he also spends virtually all his time preaching to Jews and trying to convince them that he is not starting any new religion but rather fulfilling specific Jewish prophecies. Spreading the religion to gentiles seems to have been the priority of specific apostles rather than Jesus himself.

All seems like a rather unlikely religion for Gentiles to attach themselves to.

>> No.20421241

The biggest mercy if Christianity was real with all its rules would be to erase Christianity so everyone can be forgiven anyway. There's a reason it's called a mind virus and it has to do with how it judges you for your own self-awareness involving the religion, trying to put you into a threatened position if you ever so outpace it, at least in what was grasped during the sand-eating era

>> No.20421274

one of those prophecies is that the Messiah will show God to all people.
God chose the jews to have them be an example. they failed, so Christ did it.
this is very badly explained, but you get it.
it's not particular, it's just that God chose them specifically to work on so that others may follow, which only happened when Christ truly showed perfection.

>> No.20421296

>God chose the jews to have them be an example. they failed, so Christ did it.
No, this is never implied in the OT. Jewish supremacy is, it is even in the NT until Paul came up with new Proselytizing technique for his dying cult in a hallucination or lie.

>> No.20421350

>some nonsense you made up
yeah, sure.
it doesn't show how they fail over and over, and has literally 15 prophets that God sent to warn them of it and get them to repent.

>> No.20421374

All the times someone is sent to the Jews it's telling them "you're not being religious enough" to pressure the people into even more obedience while their ruling class fucked around more. The religious doctrine fundamentally changed with Christianity and further with Paul

>> No.20421381

Lots of larpers in this thread, but that's to be expected.

>> No.20421386
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>should the bible be read cover to cover ?
Yes. But I'd reccommend for your first read do the New Testament first, then the Old. And reading Nehemiah 9, Acts 7, and Hebrews 11 first would be good because they give a good overview of the Old Testament.
Also use the King James Version

>> No.20421391

It’s the anon who asked if you genuinely wanted a response >>20420182
. Are I’ll post a lot of speculation and I could he wrong, please go speak to an orthodox priest to clarify these statements and make sure I’m correct. Call ahead to make sure you go to a service done in English.
>The whole point of the creation is for us to be tested whether we want to spend eternity with God, and go to heaven if so
Creation was a gift to humanity, the earth and the animals where created for us to rule over with God. Man was created to rule with God, but because of transgessions of God’s commandments he was allowed to return to the dust
>Humans will end up in hell because they’re still born
That’s a Catholic thing, a stillborn child has no reason to be in hell as Christ conquered the grave. There’s a minority opinion iirc in orthodoxy that might believe they’re in a good side of Sheol, but I doubt as Christ conquered the grave and these individuals hadn’t committed any sin. Given Sheol wouldn’t serve a purpose for them, I doubt babies would ever be there. Keep this in mind, Jesus is a God of mercy and his judgement is used to bring men to repentance.
>Those baptized before the age of reason will die will end up in heaven; through no merit of their own
That’s really the case of what happens to everyone; as salvation is an act of mercy, for Christ descended into the grave to free man from death and turn this into an Avenue for life. If you want an interesting talk about this, there’s an apocryphal text known as “the gospel of Nicodemis” which talks about this extensively.
>Those who live vile lives but would repent had they heard the gospel
I would point you to Romans 2 (I believe starting at verse 15) where the concept of righteous “pagans” are discussed. Keep this in mind, the judgement is filled with mercy and forgiveness, a man who lives a vile life can still be saved and they can have faith in Jesus Christ without fully realizing it. An example of pagans worshipping Jesus Christ is seen in Acts with the unknown God (Use KJV or NKJV). If a vile man where to be cast into Sheol/Hades (not the lake of fire), he will have time that is spent away from God. We are then promised to be resurrected, and Christ promises to save those who turn to him. These 2 judgements plus time in Sheol leave a lot of room for asking for forgiveness of sins. What we see time and time again (see story of Jonah) is that God’s anger is quenched by repentance, hence why God said he would destroy their city; then sheathed his sword so to speak when they repented. One can potentially be saved on the day of judgement, given he is resurrected

>> No.20421392

>No, this is never implied in the OT. Jewish supremacy is
You're literally retarded anon. And God had Jonah preach to the Assyrians (non-jews), and Rehab wasn't Jewish either

>> No.20421396

Who is Jesus?
What denomination are you?
Find me one person who agreed with you in church history.
>Inb4 Peter, Paul, John
I dispute this. Christ said the gates of hades shall not prevail, establish apostolic succession

>> No.20421397

>Also use the King James Version
>no maccabees
>no ben sirach
why would anyone use that? protestants behave like greeks very much because they removed the book on the greeks

>> No.20421409

Jeremiah clearly demonstrates your covenant was not eternal.
In the OT, we see Moses marry an Ethiopian woman, and non-Israelite people such as Ruth becoming Israelites. “Don’t get involved with pagans” =/= 19th century biological racism and anti-miscegenation laws. If you read the Bible you will see many of the prophets saying that a day will come when all of the nations will come to worship the God of Israel together with the Israelites, especially when the Messiah came. Jesus was the Messiah, and as expected the Gentiles came to worship Yahweh

>> No.20421421

>And God had Jonah preach to the Assyrians
It's called trying to climb up in status by appealing to the biggest guy around.

>> No.20421423

Are you talking to yourself?

>> No.20421439

Different anon but there’s also the parable of the vineyard, which blatantly describes God will run the Jews out and get rid of their monopoly

>> No.20421455

>if I walked off of a cliff without ever having been made aware of the consequences then nothing bad would happen

>> No.20421466

Peter, John, Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke, James, whomever wrote Hebrews, Jude, Jesus, His Father.

>> No.20421479

>>no maccabees
>>no ben sirach
And that's a good thing

>> No.20421490
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>stablish apostolic succession
Then why do you deny what the apostles taught?

>> No.20421525

Imagine a company that saves people who walk off cliffs but only if they don't know because falling off a cliff has religious significance

>> No.20421711

This text after epistles is in one of my KJVs
I have another but this text isn't in it.
Is it in other translations too? Why would it be excluded/included

>> No.20421719
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Man I'm a tard. Here's a pic of what I'm talking about

>> No.20421750

In the Old Testament Hosea literally refers to the nation itself as a whore, and the "Whore of Babylon" is meant to be less externalized warnings of specific denominations and more just the general corruption on the Christian faithful.

>> No.20421768

You go to purgatory to cleanse sins and it's impossible to say what God's judgment will be from our limited human understanding. You technically can repent of even mortal sins without seeing a confession, and also fapping can be considered an addiction that will lessen your culpability of it in theory despite it being considered a "grave" matter. Those points shouldn't be thought of as "loopholes" though; I think legalism on specific sins and shit is missing the point of a lot of it as long as you're trying your best and doing the best practices.

>> No.20421992

There's no Latin mass nearby either.

>> No.20422059

Good, it would be absolutely retarded to attend services in a language you cannot understand unless the Holy Spirit causes everyone to understand all tongues per Acts. This is only one of the many, many reasons that you are fortunate to not have "Latin Mass" near (You).

>> No.20422123

How do I get into biblical textual criticism? I have a NOAB, are the books in the "translations of ancient texts" section from it a good start?

>> No.20422135

not watching a race mixer pastor

>> No.20422151

been reading the bible chronologically 5 books at a time.
on II Kings now. and I can say boy a lot of this history gets boring and repetitive

pick random chapter out of Judges and one out of Kings and I might not be able to tell the difference

>> No.20422164

You should just have told him to not read the Nevi'im and the Pentateuch outside Genesis and Exodus

>> No.20422184

This OP. That's why Europeans embraced Christianity and died for it on thousands of occasions.

>> No.20422201

moses race-mixed

>> No.20422289

Did you think your post was so clever that you needed to revisit it a day later only to see you got no replies?

Cringe and a godless loser. Wew

>> No.20422322

Ethnically mixed

>> No.20422329

Nope, was just mocking what seems to be a LARPagan

>> No.20422332

No the bible is pretty clear about it. He married and sex'd an Ethiopian woman.

>> No.20422398
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That’s why those who say that the Bible is somehow overwhelmingly pro-Jewish make me laugh. Most of the Old Testament is God bringing punishment and wrath upon Israel for failing to follow God at all. First they disobeyed God and whored after Baal and Molech and their idols, and finally, when the Word of God Himself became incarnate and walked among Israel, they nailed Him to a cross and mocked Him. They became hard of heart and were kicked from the vineyard

>> No.20422412

White Ethiopians exist and existed

>> No.20422422
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I'm currently in Judges. Working on reading the whole Bible front to back so about 1/4th the way through. I can kind of see where things are going. I'm guessing Jesus was the ultimate turning point for the jews. As God forgave them many times so far. They keep reverting to satanic shit. So yeah it seems maybe in the days of Egypt God had chosen Israel as his people, but after the death of Christ any jew who rejects Christ is not longer in God's grace. Makes sense why the modern day jews are so satanic

(Pic related) it's kind of mind blowing that God warned against those who worship baal/moloch and they are still the ones doing great evil unto this day ~3000 years later

>> No.20422426
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Cope. People had no problem for centuries thinking she was black. Miriam got leprosy because she was of your ilk

>> No.20422457

Judges is only the tip of the iceberg, you’ll enjoy the rest of the history of the Israelites. It really kicks into high-gear when they demand that God give them a king, and God gives them a king, and has His prophet tell them exactly what will happen (excessive taxation, oppression, etc), and sure enough, full-blown idolatry and the massacre of God’s prophets begins before long after a brief period of prosperity (good times create weak men?). Eventually it gets so bad that God tells Elijah that only 7,000 men in all of Israel have not bowed to Baal. And still God didn’t completely wipe them out. He told them directly that His name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of their deeds—and how true this remains today. The same deeds of the ancient Israel are followed by the Jews today, who instead of worshiping openly Baal, follow Satanic ideologies like transhumanism (look into Yuval Harari). Even the religious Jews have degenerated into paganism, believing in reincarnation and double standards of morality.

>> No.20422492

Because Paul was a cunt

>> No.20422511

Why did God choose me to be the most based and everyone else to be faggots in comparison?

>> No.20422744

>want to learn more about Christianity
>so many versions of the bible to choose from
which one do I choose bros?

>> No.20422753


>> No.20422758

KJV if you want hard english, ESV if you want easy English.

>> No.20422759

lol good one

>> No.20422770
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Don't forget the jewish seethe:

>> No.20422776

He just means somebody who says "nigger". I'm pretty sure Jesus never specifically said we can't say nigger but it's for interpretation.

>> No.20422789

>Jewish supremacy
lmao you were slaves to niggers for nearly half a millennia and spent the rest of the narrative fighting from a position of weakness

>> No.20422802
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So this is the reason that jews promote racemixing. It's in their blood.

>> No.20422809

why are the old testament prophets so fucking based?

>> No.20422849

No healthy man can resist the allure of african kweens. You know it's true deep down.

>> No.20422965

some fucker in another thread said that if i read the bible and trust in god, i can live my own adventure. how does this work? i tried reading the bible but nothing like that clicked

>> No.20423328

Why do you need someone else to tell you that you can live your own adventure? Make reading the Bible and trusting in God part of that adventure and you will have all that richer a life, but this whole what-you-are-and-are-not-allowed-to-do-or-else-you-go-to-le-hell is a shell game and a meme

>> No.20423440
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>should the bible be read cover to cover ?

>is there any value of it to a nonchristian
Yes, but none of the things that you mention.

Reading the Bible is worth it because very few believers actually do it... and because the Bible is FULL of absolutely crazy shit. Even the gospels are cuckoo for Coco Puffs.

With a minimal time investment, you can become aware of all of that crap... and point it out to ignorant believers whenever the need may arise.

As for morality? Dude... even looking at Jesus alone... no. Absolutely not. Jesus has a *reputation* for being a "great moral teacher"... but when you *actually* read his teachings, you'll be shocked by just how weird/irrelevant most of them are.

For instance, most Christians get triggered when you quote the following passage: "Whoever comes to me and does not hate mother and father, wife and children, brothers and sisters -- and yes even their own life -- cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:26)


>> No.20425181

I’m gonna bump this since good convos happened
Glory to Christ our God and our hope, glory to thee

>> No.20425193
File: 42 KB, 554x438, pepefroggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholics... what is their problem? I was listening to a podcast about the origins of the KJV last night. At one point the Catholic church was book burning any translated Bibles they found. If you were caught attempting to translate the Bible from Latin you would be burned alive. Not only would you be burned alive, but you would be tortured to confess to whoever else you let read the Bible and they would be burned alive as well. And if you had a family and an English Bible was found in your home, you and your entire family would be burned alive and the church would just steal your property.

All so they could control the biblical narrative and did not want the common folk to be able to read the Bible for themselves.

What the fug. Sounds like satan to me

>> No.20425200

>Catholic "Church™"

>> No.20425300
File: 1.56 MB, 1200x630, FC18F62D-DC03-47F8-85B7-0E5D113B75E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really great translation, and the ideal middle ground between KJV and ESV
I use the middle one for reading at home and the smaller for reading on commutes/at work.

>> No.20425331

Is the Didache Bible the best one to get for somebody interested in Catholicism?

>> No.20425371

Where did you hear this from?
Them burning translations of the Bible outside of the approved Catholic version is reasonable; as the great level of plurality around the Protestant revolution opened the gate to straight up change the scripture (see NIV and NRSV). People use their doctrine to translate, which destroys the original meaning. A key example of this would be the difference between overseer and bishop when referenced in Acts, the correct doctrinal translation is bishop; as the word “overseer” allows for merely oversight
Another example would be in NRSV which makes Genesis 1 sound as though God created order from Chaos, not that he called things into being from nothingness
We also have (for example) “Hail, full of Grace”; which is the more accurate translation. But some translate it as “greetings, highly favored one”. Both are “accurate” in the sense that words have multiple meanings and the KJV uses one of the multiple meanings, but it’s sadly expresses a variation from Catholicism and the more faithful translation. And sadly these improper translations lead to heresy
>T. Not Catholic but at times highly sympathetic
We can recognize that the Catholic Church did bad stuff and it didn’t delegitimize them, church hierarchy has historically made their mistakes and this stuff does occasionally happen. People forget Judas himself was a disciple

>> No.20425410

Do they make them with high quality leather and no bumper stickers all over them?

>> No.20425464

>the Protestant revolution opened the gate to straight up change the scripture (see NIV and NRSV). People use their doctrine to translate, which destroys the original meaning
What a joke. "Saint" Jerome did exactly this in the Latin Vulgate. Witness Genesis 3:15.
>And sadly these improper translations lead to heresy
Yes, "Saint" Jerome's version of Gen 3:15 was even directly cited to support the Papal declaration of dogma of Mary ascending into heaven like Jesus in 1950 (there have been 2 "infallible" papal declarations, and both are Mary fan fictions being made dogma).
>interested in Catholicism
Don't fall for Satan's subtle lies. Pray only to God.

>> No.20425495

They’re made from a good leather I would say, but for the price you pay the quality is excellent in the outer construction and also page quality and text size/formatting.
Ive had Cambridge Bibles, they’re not near that kind of premium quality, but Ignatius Press are one of the best publishers for keeping affordability and quality in mind.

>> No.20425519

I think the Didache Bible is great purely because it’s so useful as a Catechism link, but I would recommend the Ignatius Press New Testament Study Bible (as well as watching Scott Hahn videos in general, he’s a fantastic apologist) because the notes in The NTSB and explanations of passages, I feel, has the new enquirer of the Catholic faith in mind without dumbing anything down.

>> No.20425522

>What a joke. "Saint" Jerome did exactly this in the Latin Vulgate. Witness Genesis 3:15.
>Mary ascended into Heaven
Have you ever asked why they believe Mary was assumed into heaven? Have you checked into the early archive and the church fathers to see why the Catholics say this?

>> No.20425585

Read it. And yes, obviously I look into everything before I start blasting it as bullshit, and I advise everyone else to do the same for themselves. Enjoy simping for Satanic Babylonian Collyridian pagans..

>> No.20425649

They’re grifts for morons

>> No.20425709

It looks like bonded pig testicle leather.

>> No.20425808
File: 2.42 MB, 4032x3024, 20220524_123959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the thomas nelson premiere collection. Giant print thinline KJV in goatskin

>> No.20425865

who created hell anyway?

>> No.20425920

Then post your proof. Not to be disrespectful; but the spirit of the Antichrist runs abound. Please post your proof of Jerome internationally mistranslating things

>> No.20425942

thoughts on ecumenism? personally I'm against it and here's why.
what was the point of all of this? namely two thousand years of caring for purity of the faith. so much blood poured in its defense. and someone decided that, for example, protestant sects are an equal partner for conversation and the Holy Spirit can act in them. right now I may as well join another faith, as long as it is christian. and make it be the least demanding one, no transsubstantiation, no works, etc. then there's letting into the church various pentecostals so they profess their wrong teachings. some people need more self-reflection. and then there's the mass, who thought it's a good idea to "renew" it in protestant spirit?

>> No.20425956

why are there so few biblical kinds? With 1/3rd the world being Christian you would think that Christian media would be more mainstream

>> No.20425965

kinos* not kinds

>> No.20425969
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You go
Isaiah 53

In that order.

>> No.20425973

I think there's a difference between interdenominational dialogue and saying that every denomination is as valid as the rest. Some schisms could be mended in time, given enough of the former, but the latter makes denominational differences meaningless.

>> No.20425981

Ecumenism helps create peace for believers, so they are not persecuted, and then gives ground for all of them to eventually convert to Catholicism

>> No.20425997

Ecumenism is a heresy. If one does not worship the Trinitarian God of the Bible, they are not worshiping God. He who denies the Son denies the Father, and the only way to the Father is through the Son—“What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement can exist between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God.” Muslims especially like to promote ecumenism and pretend that the demon and his antichrist Muhammad have anything to do with Christians

>> No.20426000

Francis said proselytism is a threat agains ecumenism. Besides, we never needed this novelty until 60 years ago, it was even borderline condemned.

>> No.20426023

Ecumenism refers to intra-christian, inter-denominational cooperation and unity. Anything with muslims would be inter-religious dialogue, which isn't a bad thing, by the way. A cordial relationship is fertile ground for conversion.

>> No.20426028

Inter-religious dialogue and cooperation is non-Christian and non-Biblical

>> No.20426050

You should try stopping to consider that most countries didn't have modern liberal socio-civil political structures either before regurgitating monotonous conservatard talking points like a mouth breathing moron.

>> No.20426106

There is one faith handed down by the apostles, not many “equally valid” traditions that have no historical background and contradict teachings of scriptures. Evangelical Christianity and Baptists are 2 examples of Christianity that reject early church teaching, specifically on the Eucharist. We are United in the sense that we all have faith in Jesus Christ; but they do not accept the entirety of his divine revelation. We can’t have unity with those who do not have the faith of the apostles, either you’re in or you’re out.
The Holy Spirit is everywhere present and fills all things, but the Holy Spirit is given as a gift in the laying on of hands (with some exemptions in Acts, perhaps it has occurred elsewhere. I don’t know. But they haven’t been baptized or receiving the laying on of hands, or received Christ in the sacrament of communion)

>> No.20426116

Some have been baptized, but they don’t preach baptism and they refrain from allowing children to be baptized
>Verification not required

>> No.20426144
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you make sure a church isn't pro fag, pro israel, or pro abortion before joining?

>> No.20426149

You have been provided with everything needed to research it if you legitimately value truth over your Satanic Babylonian cult.

>> No.20426157

If it wasn't for inter-religious dialogue,you wouldn't be Christian today. No on in Europe would.

>> No.20426210

hardly anyone is christian nowadays

>> No.20426224

>There are people ITT that get Bibles printed in China
Do better, lads.

>> No.20426257

just make sure it's not a prot church

>> No.20426435

Agreed. I know that Church Bible Publishers and the Berean Study Bible are printed in the USA. I still have a first run of the ESV Study Bible that was printed in the USA, but they moved it to China not long after. Thomas Nelson and Zondervan are owned by HarperCollins, all under NewsCorp. They make "bible" widgets. I do not know the details of any others, other than supposedly high end boutique Schuylers are partly done somewhere in the 3rd world.

>> No.20426472

Ask the pastor; some individuals are bad and be prepared to have one or 2 normies who don’t agree with the pastor. There’s huge religious plurality within Protestantism
Catholicism and Orthodoxy are universally anti homosexuality, with some support for Israel (generally the orthodox are still not happy about what they did, I can’t speak for the Catholics. I’ve only met one individual who was okay with israel, and that’s my father. And he’s a baseline conservative, but his opinions aren’t representative. You anti Israel Christians are generally orthodox to my understanding. But it’s not because of antisemitism). Catholics and orthodox are universally anti abortion.
Go to an Orthodox Church frenpai, they’re the most over the top about everything you listed from my understanding. But again, Catholics are great about it to. But the Orthodox Church is the church built by the apostles. I will happily talk if you have questions. Ignore prot memes and ask a priest if you have questions, or consult a priest with the prot memes and ask him why they believe what they believe. Really just ask questions and don’t listen to internet Protestants, and just the internet in general unless it’s an actual religious figure

>> No.20426503

Imagine claiming to be the standard of doctrinal orthodoxy while praying to Mary to save you and proclaiming her your refuge.

>> No.20426630

Im convinced that, combined, your ‘holier than thou’ attitude and constant posting on here in every Bible thread I check up on posting the exact same weak argument against Catholics/Orthodox is enough for me to surmise that you’re not a serious Christian, do not pray at all, let alone ‘only to God’ as you say, and just like slinging mud. Check your pride, because if you did you wouldn’t post the things you do.

>> No.20426638
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why are so many Christians pro israel anyways? The Bible is a giant warning against jewish corruption and how they fell out of God's grace

>> No.20426641

Because they're told to like Israel. Very few voters think for themselves.

>> No.20426795

You won't be a good one. We're all the blood of christ.

>> No.20426844

Zionist subversion and dispensationalism

>> No.20426846

You are mistaken by a very large margin. I am not acting out of "pride", I am acting in the interests of those who get lured into the Satanic Babylonian cults due to the memers that joined them as fashion and political accessories due to "based" "aesthetics" and utterly retarded grasps of actual doctrine and history. If some impressionable inquirer values truth to enough of a degree they can take what I provide and learn for themselves. Having enough knowledge of Scripture should do the trick. God might sentence Jimmy Aiken and Jay Dyer to 69 each other for eternity for simping for Satanic Babylonian pagans.

>> No.20426881

christkeks will never belong; never be loved. stick to school shootings

>> No.20426908

Imagine wanting to belong here in Babylon.

>> No.20426933

>thread is in the main page

>> No.20426940

oh sorry, didn't mean to quote

>> No.20426955

>there's a "main page"
Use the catalog.

>> No.20426960

i mean the 4chan main page where you open boards

>> No.20426962

Why isn't catalog the main page anyway? Who uses 4chan without using the catalog?

>> No.20426973
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mfw there's a bunch of atheist losers and troons coming into the thread to seethe every day now that bible general is the most active general on /lit/.

Posts like that are actually projection. It's how they feel about themselves when they are reminded of their godless and indecent lifestyle whenever they see the thread pop up in the catalog

very sad and many such cases

>> No.20426978

Oh, neat then. I very rarely ever see that page at all.
Agreed, I don't even understand why the other view even exists at all.

>> No.20426994
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read this from cover to cover, 600 pages in arabic but in english it is 254 pages inshaAllah

>> No.20427004
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ok muhammad

>> No.20427111

read it

who dresses like Jesus and Mary and says "Peace be upon you" like them other than the followers of the Prophet Muhammad(May Allah grant him peace and blessings)

>> No.20427115

>very sad and many such cases
Back2pol larper

>> No.20427244
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 7B13CD3C-1FD8-4E25-AB63-7CCABE7DF042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denies the Trinity
>denies the crucifixion
>denies the resurrection
>claims Jesus was just some dude
>has no prophecies confirming it in previous Scripture
>preached by a literal pedo
>revealed by an angel of light (demon)
Yup, I’m thinking it’s Satanic.

>> No.20427374

Do not forget to read Maccabees, it is essential to understand today's world hence why it was removed

>> No.20427447

they wouldn't remove if it that was the case

>> No.20427460


It's right in front of you :)

>> No.20427471


For those interested in understanding!

>> No.20427480


This reciter better in my opinion

>> No.20427492

>some fucker in another thread said that if i read the bible and trust in god, i can live my own adventure.
That was probably me. Not just read the Bible, specifically the Torah (5 books of moses).

You aren't supposed to learn it just like a song, you need to delve into it, commit to memory, to your heart, see how every verse can be applied to your life and to the world (it's ok if you can't see connections at first, the effort is what matters). You also need self-sacrifice to inherit the Torah, meaning every second you must be studying it and applying it to reach greater heights.

To show HaShem you trust Him you will have to obey him, and the level of help you will get will be proportional to your trusting, hear stories of high level trust so you can see what I mean (bitachon):

You will live an adventure in the sense that you won't have the same worries and doubts other people have that tend to make them buy prescriptions and therapists. Though of course you could do anything if it doesn't violate the Torah and be 100% supported by HaShem, but at that level you don't have desire for wordly pleasures anymore.

>how does this work?
Start slowly, don't try to be Moses or Joseph overnight. Begin with seriously guarding your eyes as without that you won't remember the Torah and your thinking will be clouded.

Read the weekly parashat 3 times, twice just the parashat (portion) and once with Rashi's commentary, that will work your character traits (this is called improving your middot, it is essential you perfect all your character traits to achieve things like Ruach HaKodesh and prophecy)

This week we are at Parashat Bechukotai, the Last one of Leviticus

You can find a list of all them here. Personally I like to print (save to pdf) the page with headers and transfer it to my e-reader

>i tried reading the bible but nothing like that clicked
Torah is hard work initiate. It clicked for me when I compared what my life was becoming to what other people's lives are, I asserted what my rabbi said was indeed true and now I have to study double the amount I did before since people are constantly asking me for chidush even though I'm no rabbi. Parents having issues with children listening to them is a common issue I hear.

>> No.20427511

don't forger to read the rest of it and the conclusion of all the prophecy, namely the NT.

>> No.20427517

some proper Christian thought instead of whatever the poster is saying would also be nice.

>> No.20427528

Today's society has a greek culture, Maccabees is about the greeks

will save in my Islam folder

>> No.20427540

I heard interesting information from the Quran about the nephilim, but it's unlikely I will convert to Islam since Judaism gets you to heaven in all major religions anyway

>> No.20427548

>The translation by Talal Itani does not confirm to the standards of translations, he has committed serious errors in the translation going against the Islamic creed (aqeedah).
>For example is the translation of ayah 125 of Surah Baqarah, he has translated a part of it as “Use the shrine of Abraham as a place of prayer,” but making any shrine as a place of worship is strictly prohibited. In fact building shrines itself is not established in Islam.

I guess it's better to stick to the original language

>> No.20427557

>who dresses like Jesus and Mary and says "Peace be upon you" like them
Jews, that's what Shalom means

>> No.20427577

I did, bitch

>> No.20427587

Are the terms ‘Eastern Catholic’ and ‘Byzantine Catholic’ interchangeable? And if so what books are there to introduce me to Eastern/Byzantine Catholicism

>> No.20427597

Read it anyways :) Quran.com

>> No.20427604

You're right, it's just the easiest translation for the goyi- uninitiated

You can always use Quran.com but since it is /lit/ I posted a pdf

May Allah guide you and rectify your affairs. And if you are muslim, May Allah grant you Jannatul Firdaus ameen

>> No.20427614

That's like saying you need 7 cm of crayon taped to the end of a ruler in order to measure a foot of something.

>> No.20427631

I'm christian but I read the qur'an while fasting with my friends last ramadan but I didn't go any further than that in studying it. do you have any important secondary literature to recommend

>> No.20427652


God warns Jews and Christians

Suratul Maidah Chapter of the Table Spread

>> No.20427656
File: 2.03 MB, 3024x4032, bd6467df792c5c3b3906b1b3748c105d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I skip history and prophets?

>> No.20427663

i didn't post this, read the NT at your own risk

something that I heard that helps with Torah study is eating only pure foods

>> No.20427668

What is your goal reading the Bible? Literary purposes? There's some beautiful verses in the prophets

>> No.20427673
File: 36 KB, 432x432, IMG_20220420_142226_741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people do this to their Bible? Just use an external notebook and reading guide

>> No.20427682
File: 667 KB, 2053x1290, bhnjkl;';lknb b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of the most popular supplementary books is Riyad as-Saliheen which is a hadith compilation that is useful and inspiring of the common man. It means Gardens of the Pious and takes hadiths from the most reliable of places. Hadiths means narrations of the Prophet (saw) or his companions.


>> No.20427694

Anyone here read the Book of Mormon?
What did you think?

>> No.20427701

Learning about Christ

>> No.20427702

https://quran.com/19 Try the Chapter of Mary if you haven't

Other important parts are



There are more but this is what comes to mind.

May Allah guide you, ameen.

>> No.20427714

thanks anon

>> No.20427717

Someone make a non-believers literary bible guide.

>> No.20427732
File: 296 KB, 893x1360, 81+dnkRvy0L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already exists and it's very good

>> No.20427783
File: 181 KB, 277x335, 456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not available as epub on libgen

>> No.20427792

Love Frye so much, if /lit/ discovered Frye and caused a Fryenaissance I would be so happy

In the end he was basically a mystic who thought Joachim of Fiore was onto something

>> No.20427832

> Judaism gets you to heaven in all major religions anyway

>> No.20427886

>Learning about Christ
The historical Jesus or the religion Jesus?

>> No.20427894

I’ve heard a lot of it has to do with the Schofield study Bible and (as per usual) out of context biblical references to support heresy

>> No.20427897

I'm glad I was gifted this book

I see the The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha being recommended a lot

>> No.20427909

It does according to the Catholics and Muslims

>> No.20427912

>why are so many Christians pro israel anyways
They don't know about its history

For eschatological reasons too

>> No.20427969

Bad argument, a father punishes his mishaving children. In fact every parent is advised, if not ordered, to do so, in the Tanakh
>Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.

>> No.20427991

Antichrist religion

>> No.20428018

protestants live like pagan greeks while pretending a vacuous religiosity and destitute rituals make them righteous or their particular sect the correct religion

there are exceptions. i respect hebrew israelites and similar groups because, although they're christians, they try to do something with the old testament that isn't just treating it as a historical academically flawed but nevertheless "inspired" book to justify why it (the OT) doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.20428039

It's worth reading to compare, it's your intellectual journey so don't be afraid to read for yourself.


>> No.20428048

This is true, manchildren are a civilizational burden, and the Tawrat (Torah), Injeel (Gospel), and Quran are civilization builders

>> No.20428051

<3 May Allah guide you and rectify your affairs. Ameen.

>> No.20428086

That applies to most "Christians". I married into "Orthodox™" from Greece on one side and Catholic on the other and have seen more than my first hand share of it all. I also know that every food and clothing bank, battered women's and homeless shelter within at least a 100 mile radius is ran by Protestants.

>> No.20428157

read both. the prophets are full of prophecy, extremely important (and a great read) and the history is a great read aswell. both are extremely interesting, if that's what you're wondering.
>learning about Christ
there's prophecy of Him in the prophets
He's the 'suffering servant' that Isaiah talks about, for one.
Isaiah 53 is so clear they removed it from their reading in rabbinic judaism, just to give you an idea.
read the NT yet? i reckon it's quite easier to see those prophecies when you already know their conclusion (which is Jesus Christ)

as for the other reply, don't fall for the "historical Jesus" thing. they're just trying to cast doubt into Jesus Christ really being the Son of God and Messiah.

>> No.20428159

>every food and clothing bank, battered women's and homeless shelter within at least a 100 mile radius is ran by Protestants
Satanists also do philanthropy, that doesn't make you righteous according to the Bible, it just means you're following one of the many laws, which is good, but not enough

>> No.20428163

> I also know that every food and clothing bank, battered women's and homeless shelter within at least a 100 mile radius is ran by Protestants.
Protestants are almost surely the dominant group wherever you live, and Orthodox are probably so tiny in number that you can’t see what they do unless you go look for it. Orthodox do help the poor. I know it firsthand and have done stuff myself as part of parish outreach. But Orthodox are like 0.1% of the population in America

>> No.20428168

>Isaiah 53 is so clear they removed it from their reading in rabbinic judaism, just to give you an idea.
they just ask you to also read Isaiah 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

>> No.20428169

Post proof your wife is from orthodox background w/time stamp

>> No.20428172

He’s already been caught lying about the Orthodox liturgical calendar, stop responding to that goober

>> No.20428199

Like I have some sort of "proof" to just post. Believe it or not, makes no difference to me, I'm just telling you how it is. Talk about living like Greek pagans. The only time Christianity even plays a part of their lives is at weddings and funerals, and then they just think of it as general Greek culture.

>> No.20428201

Don’t enter into him with dialogue anon; I don’t think he’s particularly concerned about it. Only stuff like
Who is Jesus Christ?
What denomination are you?
Find me a single individual who I wouldn’t dispute agreed with you.
No Paul, Luke, John, etc. as we won’t agree they said this
Literally don’t get into dialogues with him. Keep this in mind; the Orthodox Church does run different charities, it just so happens we live in a Prot country and he’s probably in a mainly prot area. I could complain about evangelicals lacking any charity work in Vatican City, but that’s meaningless as no one there is Protestant except tourists

>> No.20428206

I’m doing it because I don’t want the anon to fall for any bait; I can see through it senpai desu

>> No.20428210

>Orthodox Christians begin and end the liturgical year with celebrations dedicated to the Virgin Mary, whom we venerate as the Theotokos or “bearer of God.”

>> No.20428218


>> No.20428234

Quran.com/19 Chapter of Mary, have a read!

>> No.20428242

The Holy Bible tells me everything I need to know.

>> No.20428243

Correct, read the quran.com

No more saints, Pray only to Allah!

May Allah swt guide you to read the Quran ameen.

>> No.20428246

Just read! What do you have to be afraid of?



>> No.20428268

>What do you have to be afraid of?
Wasting time on fan fiction inspired by demons whispering into the ear of a retarded pedophile warlord.

>> No.20428292

It's 98 verses

I don't understand why Greeks can't handle it


>> No.20428299

Not reading a single word. Maybe you should make your own quran threads

>> No.20428309

>>20428299 Surah Maryam 19:10-37

10. He said, “My Lord, give me a sign.” He said, “Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three nights straight.”

11. And he came out to his people, from the sanctuary, and signaled to them to praise morning and evening.

12. “O John, hold on to the Scripture firmly,” and We gave him wisdom in his youth.

13. And tenderness from Us, and innocence. He was devout.

14. And kind to his parents; and he was not a disobedient tyrant.

15. And peace be upon him the day he was born, and the day he dies, and the Day he is raised alive.

16. And mention in the Scripture Mary, when she withdrew from her people to an eastern location.

17. She screened herself away from them, and We sent to her Our spirit, and He appeared to her as an immaculate human.

18. She said, “I take refuge from you in the Most Merciful, should you be righteous.”

19. He said, “I am only the messenger of your Lord, to give you the gift of a pure son.”

20. She said, “How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, and I was never unchaste?”

21. He said, “Thus said your Lord, `It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign for humanity, and a mercy from Us. It is a matter already decided.'“

22. So she carried him, and secluded herself with him in a remote place.

23. The labor-pains came upon her, by the trunk of a palm-tree. She said, “I wish I had died before this, and been completely forgotten.”

24. Whereupon he called her from beneath her: “Do not worry; your Lord has placed a stream beneath you.

25. And shake the trunk of the palm-tree towards you, and it will drop ripe dates by you.”

26. “So eat, and drink, and be consoled. And if you see any human, say, ‘I have vowed a fast to the Most Gracious, so I will not speak to any human today.'“

27. Then she came to her people, carrying him. They said, “O Mary, you have done something terrible.

28. O sister of Aaron, your father was not an evil man, and your mother was not a whore.”

29. So she pointed to him. They said, “How can we speak to an infant in the crib?”

30. He said, “I am the servant of God. He has given me the Scripture, and made me a prophet.

31. And has made me blessed wherever I may be; and has enjoined on me prayer and charity, so long as I live.

32. And kind to my mother, and He did not make me a disobedient rebel.

33. So Peace is upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the Day I get resurrected alive.”

34. That is Jesus son of Mary—the Word of truth about which they doubt.

35. It is not for God to have a child—glory be to Him. To have anything done, He says to it, “Be,” and it becomes.

36. “God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path.”

37. But the various factions differed among themselves. So woe to those who disbelieve from the scene of a tremendous Day.

>> No.20428328

>all of this bullshit
May the LORD God Almighty have mercy on you for being retarded and fooled by Satan.

>> No.20428337

>should the bible be read cover to cover ?
I personally think it's better to read the Synoptic Gospels first because they're more entertaining. Nothing like reading about Jesus stumping the Pharisees and avoiding their literal Jewish tricks.

The stuff in Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers is really boring (I haven't finished Numbers yet).

John, Acts, and the Epistles are OK but really different. The Epistle to the Romans is probably the best of them, but I stopped at Galatians.

> is there any value of it to a nonchristian , be it morality , inspiration , entertainment etc. ?
yes, if you study the humanities, then you're going to have to read it eventually.

>> No.20428338

As I said. Didn't read a single word

>> No.20428343

12. God received a pledge from the Children of Israel, and We raised among them twelve chiefs. God said, “I am with you; if you perform the prayer, and pay the alms, and believe in My messengers and support them, and lend God a loan of righteousness; I will remit your sins, and admit you into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. But whoever among you disbelieves afterwards has strayed from the right way.”

13. Because of their breaking their pledge, We cursed them, and made their hearts hard. They twist the words out of their context, and they disregarded some of what they were reminded of. You will always witness deceit from them, except for a few of them. But pardon them, and overlook. God loves the doers of good.

14. And from those who say, “We are Christians,” We received their pledge, but they neglected some of what they were reminded of. So We provoked enmity and hatred among them until the Day of Resurrection; God will then inform them of what they used to craft.

15. O People of the Book! Our Messenger has come to you, clarifying for you much of what you kept hidden of the Book, and overlooking much. A light from God has come to you, and a clear Book.

16. God guides with it whoever follows His approval to the ways of peace, and He brings them out of darkness into light, by His permission, and He guides them in a straight path.

17. They disbelieve those who say, “God is the Christ, the son of Mary.” Say, “Who can prevent God, if He willed, from annihilating the Christ son of Mary, and his mother, and everyone on earth?” To God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and what is between them. He creates whatever He wills, and God has power over everything.

18. The Jews and the Christians say, “We are the children of God, and His beloved.” Say, “Why then does He punish you for your sins?” In fact, you are humans from among those He created. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. To God belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and what lies between them, and to Him is the return.

19. O People of the Book! Our Messenger has come to you, making things clear to you—after a cessation of messengers—so that you cannot say, “No preacher has come to us, and no warner.” In fact, a preacher has come to you, and a warner; and God is Capable of everything.

>> No.20428378


>> No.20428427

Same chapter (Chapter 5, the Table Spread Surah Al-Maidah)
71. They assumed there would be no punishment, so they turned blind and deaf. Then God redeemed them, but then again many of them turned blind and deaf. But God is Seeing of what they do.

72. They disbelieve those who say, “God is the Messiah the son of Mary.” But the Messiah himself said, “O Children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord. Whoever associates others with God, God has forbidden him Paradise, and his dwelling is the Fire. The wrongdoers have no saviors.”

73. They disbelieve those who say, “God is the third of three.” But there is no deity except the One God. If they do not refrain from what they say, a painful torment will befall those among them who disbelieve.

74. Will they not repent to God and ask His forgiveness? God is Forgiving and Merciful.

75. The Messiah son of Mary was only a messenger, before whom other Messengers had passed away, and his mother was a woman of truth. They both used to eat food. Note how We make clear the revelations to them; then note how deluded they are.

76. Say, “Do you worship, besides God, what has no power to harm or benefit you?” But God: He is the Hearer, the Knower.

77. Say, “O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion beyond the truth; and do not follow the opinions of people who went astray before, and misled many, and themselves strayed off the balanced way.”

>> No.20428528

Imagine being this much of a meme bot

>> No.20428634


>> No.20428778

Become Muslim Quran.com

>> No.20428989

Another example of a human being who hasn't had an original thought in their life.
Sad! Many such cases.

>> No.20429041

Just read it lol

It's easier than you think :) Bismillah

>> No.20429503

Nothing wrong with the Holy Qu'ran but pushing it like a drug is crazy