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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 359 KB, 716x873, 1639819826448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20422658 No.20422658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'll start
>The anon who posts his boomercore shelf every few months asking for recommendations
>The suprisingly erudite frogposter
>The /mu/tant still asking if rap is literature

>> No.20422663


>> No.20422665

Butterfly :D

>> No.20422686

>Butterfly's husband
>Frater Anselm when he isn't using a trip, since he's the only person on this board that actually reads
>That retarded 19 year old faggot always asking embarrassingly sophomoric questions about Books he hasnt read so he can use them in conversation with his equally as phony friends.

Oh wait thats everyone here. Fuck you faggots im a real person youre all CIA operates here to fuck with me.

>> No.20422697

>gaslighting me
>using otherwise explicit namefags as examples
>you‘re not real
That’s just what a glowie would say you fucking mole rat scum glowie-dick sucking bastard

>> No.20422726

AI word salad poster
The Finnish poster who can't picture things in his head

>> No.20422736

That one anon that only shitposts jokes other people have made.
(it's me. I'm the anon)

>> No.20422745

That one cunt who shitposts memes on here like this is some sort of reddit funny haha shit, fuck you, you know who all of you are

>> No.20422749

Kinda wish Jason Bryan was still hanging around

>> No.20422752

you know that there's only like 20 total people on /lit/ and that we all just have DID, right?

I wish all of you the best, take your anti-psychotics and read Nietzsche <3

>> No.20422810

i'm not gonna stop

>> No.20422813
File: 102 KB, 1024x702, 1653280344359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The suprisingly erudite frogposter
Could you be more specific? That might be ME youre talking about...

>> No.20422842

Jokes on you I don't have friends

>> No.20422844

>the multiple anons who tell you how CotC has a great twist, is good for pulp horror, is goosebumps for adults, is basically like Stephen King and is essentially a really great creepypasta all without increasing the thread poster count

>> No.20422871

That one poster who always posts about Nietzsche hopeing to have a chat about his philosophy, only for everyone to call Nietzsche a Fascist this and that incel

>> No.20422924
File: 557 KB, 590x400, 13CCBDF7-A673-43A5-9332-2F556A3D9F2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love those threads. CotC is so based!

>> No.20422933

Guenonfag is very noticeable

>> No.20422971

people reposting my posts

>> No.20423013

Hey! That's me!

>> No.20423018
File: 530 KB, 1659x2560, 91Mnaha0wYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the faggot marxist who would shill Capitalist Realism periodically, then resolved to shill mark fisher with more indirect threads, and then gave up all together. good riddance.

>> No.20423022
File: 120 KB, 898x555, retroactive_refutation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The anon that constantly posts Rene Guenon and says "x philosopher was retroactively refuted by Rene Guenon (pbuh)"

>> No.20423027


>> No.20423042

That one anon who keeps it real and telling newfags that /lit/ doesn't read and that they should go somewhere else if they want to discuss books.

>> No.20423066

Am I crazy, or does whats circled fail to actually explain what it seeks to explain. You can't just use the term you're trying to explain in your explanation to explain it. Holy shit isn't there a word for this, when you know more about something than a given "authority," and suddenly realize that all the others things you take on faith from that authority are probably totally bullshit too.

God is Real, isnt he.

>> No.20423085

Call of the Crocodile posters
Waldun posters
The Greeks posters

>> No.20423097

Pretty sure that the circled area is just vandalism from a /lit/ shitposter. This shithole is the only place where I ever see someone use retroactive refutation (mostly it's just Guenonfag).
Can anyone who can read French confirm that the idea of retroactive refutation is in the source?

>> No.20423106

Murray Gell-Mann effect.

>> No.20423124

I have high school French and my university has that book in the stacks - the stacks are closed currently. Can check tomorow.

>> No.20423137

that dude that says that cervante "messes with the time" in don quixote which makes it the most bestest book ever.

>> No.20423140
File: 180 KB, 1596x541, rene guenon&#039;s secret technique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I remember back then when the article containing metaphysical terms Guenon uses used to have a section about retroactive refutation.

>> No.20423169

Not him, but he's pretty much right (at least when it comes to novels), although that's only one of the many reasons.

>> No.20423258

i once saw someone reposting a meme that I made once and it made me feel so proud

>> No.20423264

Supreme Bakkerspammer

>> No.20423286

Fuck off Gardner

>> No.20423330 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, EYvOPKtWsAYi2Vg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons shadow posts are pretty ok...

>> No.20423349
File: 41 KB, 399x400, 1648830569568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's me. I'm the european frogposter

>> No.20423628

Incel antinatalism spammer

>> No.20423728

Cool frog pic, which scene/show is it parodying?

>> No.20423743
File: 310 KB, 512x512, Relaxed-Better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that relief when you're not a recognizable poster, and your powerlevel will remain hidden forever

>> No.20423770

>That one anon that keeps spamming "The Manipulated Man"
>Hated Peter Hitchens poster
>That one anon that posts that extract on feaces from the "Denial of Death. [I think his barely veiled spiked heels fetish was more hilarious]
>That anon who gets thread ideas from /r9k/

>> No.20423905

HBO's Chernobyl

>> No.20423935

This Frater dick riding has to stop

>> No.20423945

Rap is poetry and therefore also literature.

>> No.20423961

>The /fitzen/ who read Jack Donovan once and now believes that having gay sex actually means you're straight. Also he stopped posting because he was killed by the cartels.

>> No.20423963

those posters that always get really upset and defensive when you call the greeks faggot pedos

>> No.20424506

none worth mentioning.

>> No.20424522
File: 807 KB, 720x790, 98FA7CF1-0FEC-4A4E-BE38-1DE552149805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is someone keeping an archive of all of londonfrog’s posts? I would pay for a hard copy.

>> No.20424537
File: 284 KB, 500x775, The Last Binge Ever Volume 1 Alt cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While note physical, and not a complete collection, there are 3 volumes of Londonfrog's posts compiled as ebooks (2 come both as pdfs and epubs, the third one is only a pdf)

The Last Binge Ever Volume 1:
(Epub available on smashwords)

Volume 2:
(Epub available on smashwords)

Volume 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cDyQ4AGISzKJsymNjDndc54KBxMlxbO9/view
(PDF only)

>> No.20424807

The laruelle schizo and the sljoterdjik poster. Quality beyond measure.

>> No.20424828

you hate him because you ain't him

>> No.20424942


>> No.20424961


What happened to her?

>> No.20424971

>That nuEllul poster
Sorry bro but I hate your posts. I helped popularize Ellul here and your one sentence shilling is not helping.

>> No.20424977

That one guy who writes effortposts about the history and philosophy of fascism and links countercurrents.

>> No.20424982
File: 57 KB, 800x624, A_master_is_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20424984

Stop spamming that seething propagandized machine

>> No.20424996

Facestanding poster.

>> No.20425009
File: 69 KB, 464x360, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one retard who always says stupid shit and is always wrong. You know who you are.

>> No.20425010

You mean accfag.

>> No.20425028

>tfw multiple recognisable posters and my power level is forever beyond measure

>> No.20425075

that anon whose fingers are too fat, so he always posts with typos

>> No.20425092

Never recovered from
>What's updyke?

>> No.20425102

The guy who randomly picks books from the /lit top 100 and posts low effort bait threads saying those books are actually bad and NOT good. Also sweaty hands DFW fans occasionally pops up and that always makes me smile.

>> No.20425116

lmao during 2016 i actually got trannyfly to change his trip by posting some doctored screenshots loz he got owned

>> No.20425117

>sweaty hands
then there's rubberglove hands, nailpolish hands, and extreme nailbaiter hands

>> No.20425119
File: 36 KB, 798x644, 1653008271834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a childish find-and-replace ripoff of the Gospel of John
Do Guenonfags really?

>> No.20425135

That anon who farms (you)s by claiming to prefer modern poetry. I mean, he's right, but I think he's a shitposter

>> No.20425150

The guy who went around spamming the Magic book with Hitlers annotations everywhere. Did he get banned already?

>> No.20425165

Wagnerfag/Ossianfag (same person).

>> No.20425169 [DELETED] 

the guys who didn't go to college and try to cope by reading dostoyevsky or some antique catholic bullshit, maybe it's just one guy, either way, lame.

>> No.20425179 [DELETED] 

that anime posting guy that's like 30 and lives with his mom, dropped of college, and has never had a job. he hates on self-help books, shits on people who have careers they enjoy, etc. and then later you'll catch him in the wwoym whining about how is life has passed him by and he just can't figure out what happened. it's like, get rid of the cartoons and the marxism for a start? total loser.

>> No.20425185

That Nietzsche hater that makes threads calling Nietzsche a seething incel and gets about 200 replies with 20 posters

>> No.20425195

The bakkerfaggot spammer
That weird catalan guy who recommends obscure catalan literature in every rec thread
Waldun when he makes threads about himself

>> No.20425204 [DELETED] 

guys i kinda like or at least don't bother me are:

the dude who gives a pbuh to every great author or intellectual muslim or not

the lonely jamaican guy

that psychiatrist who is probably either the start state rolodex guy or that freddie deboers guy from substuck, either way pro bloggers looking for ideas, not mad, go for it

the guy who starts thread with "say something nice about him"

>> No.20425205 [DELETED] 

guys i kinda like or at least don't bother me are:

the dude who gives a pbuh to every great author or intellectual muslim or not
the lonely jamaican guy
that psychiatrist who is probably either the start state rolodex guy or that freddie deboers guy from substuck, either way pro bloggers looking for ideas, not mad, go for it
the guy who starts thread with "say something nice about him"

>> No.20425223

Killing nazis in the Donbass

>> No.20425254


>> No.20425335

Butterfly's secret past of simping for a tranny tripfag (Feminister) was revealed

>> No.20425663


>> No.20425763

that hipster Melville anon who goes out of his way to recommend his obscure poetry over Moby Dick

>> No.20425804

(but actually gay and cringe tho)

>> No.20425807

He’s a cool dude, we’ve actually spoke a ton.

>> No.20425809

>(but actually gay and cringe tho)
Just like that fucking tripfag lmao

>> No.20425822

When's the next Poz Button coming out gotdang

>> No.20425855

I am the poster. The!

>> No.20425877

Why haven't you started with them yet

>> No.20426037

This. Helps to only come here like once a month or two.

>> No.20426043

>The anon that replies to every Bible question by telling you to read the Torah.

>> No.20426170
File: 166 KB, 1883x706, cumtown_blogposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the anon who listens to cumtown and keeps making blogposts.

>> No.20426991

This one is my least favourite. Actually single-handedly responsible for making Scottish literature impossible to talk about on /lit/ through his schizophrenia.

>> No.20427090

>Butterfly's husband
The :3 guy?

>> No.20427099

>cervante "messes with the time" in don quixote which makes it the most bestest book ever.
Explain this to me.

>> No.20427109

What about the Finnish guy who pops up anytime Tolkien is being discussed so he can shill the Kalevala?

>> No.20427133

I honestly think the /mu/tant is several dozen different people.

>> No.20427142

>Frater Anselm
>since he's the only person on this board that actually reads
Put your trip on, fag

>> No.20427182

Sounds annoying. I don’t frequent Tolkien threads though since I find his writing boring and his fans insufferable.

>> No.20427286
File: 121 KB, 828x314, B48708BA-CD9A-4FEB-8B70-B0E27472B3E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn’t me, homie.

>> No.20427290

That anime effortposter

>> No.20427332

This is at least five people

>> No.20427351

The fucking retards who memed F Gardner to celebrity status.

>> No.20427359

This has been surreal. Even Redditfags know about Gardner now.

>> No.20427366

>im the most epic forced meme in /lit/ history
I told you a year ago, there have been many like you before and nobody remembers them now (I don't even remember them while trying to remember some to use as examples)

Stop throwing good money after bad, your dumb schtick never caught on and you never tricked anyone into joining in

>> No.20427372


>> No.20427376

The one who makes quizzes? That's my favorite anon.

>> No.20427412

Ya. They're pretty cool. One day I hope to be that cool.

>> No.20427428

But that was based.

>> No.20427433

Did you even read my post? Not once did I suggest I like Faggot Gardner and his shitty crocodile “book.”

>> No.20427443


Sir, F Gardner has 11 books.

>> No.20427530
File: 207 KB, 700x933, 1649739625213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever this guy is.

>> No.20427551

My God :)

>> No.20428263

This desu, x-fags that squat autistically on one author kill all discussion of them

>> No.20428300

I’m the Nietzsche fan who argues about Nietzsche’s criticism of Christianity with Christians who have never read Nietzsche or the Bible.

>> No.20428364

Newfag who shills angelicism01, I have all of you hipster NY fags under my radar, your mysticism is actually somewhat amusing, carry on

>> No.20428700

Really? Butters is Ukrainian?

>> No.20428730

She’s a single woman. Doesn’t like the three face guy
If she’s killing nazis in Donbass, she Donetsk or Luhansk, not Ukrainian.

>> No.20429173

the tradcath larpers

>> No.20429187

It's like calling Stephen Hawking a pedo

>> No.20429232
File: 40 KB, 333x500, theSuperiorMagicBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this one?

>> No.20429440
File: 2.94 MB, 1000x562, 1604176445157.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boobies OwO poster

>> No.20429678
File: 48 KB, 424x386, 1653106370073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sempai noticed me!

>> No.20429685
File: 594 KB, 872x1642, 1648729644703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's because they weren't gay you dumbass picrel

>> No.20429706

this is one of the funniest images I've ever seen on this site

>> No.20430144

Sex gifs

>> No.20430155

Shut up butters, if you want to be invisible without your trip stop posting about yourself

>> No.20430158

The guy who knows everything about Schopenhauer and always bestposts in Schopenhauer threads

>> No.20430673

Hi three face

>> No.20431572

He never posted here.

>> No.20431593

the schizo jew who freaks out whenever someone calls an author jewish

>> No.20431685

Wasn’t me
Breezing through from my phone atm

We’re all just sick of your pet peeve wikiboy

>> No.20432238
File: 148 KB, 1300x955, peter-sloterdijk-GDWJDH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty anon, I only try to interest people in good books and interesting ideas.

>> No.20432262

if your person is recognizable and not schizo sporadic then you are doing it wrong.
Bodhidharma, Hegel and Popper threads created at the same time

>> No.20432608

"Freeze" english usage enforcer

>> No.20432629

thats actually pretty funny

>> No.20432634

that guy who always says certain poets are never read "seriously" anymore, and accuses you of never taking an english class. Something about that guy is so funny to me. He reminds me of a frequent poster on RYM as well.

>> No.20432658

do you mean the nazi tranny spammer? he has been awol lately, he used to spam /tv/ and /pol/ at least once every few days and then branched out to /lit/

he also sometimes posts very seriously about how antisemitism is bad but when people won't stop being antisemitic he flips his lid

>> No.20432949

Father Anselm is based af

>> No.20432975

Kek, I'm unironically a cumtown listener as well. I haven't seen this guy post here, but I'm positive I've seen him post in /biz/, specifically at the end of this last summer.

>> No.20433021
File: 115 KB, 1024x900, 1653582811190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20433295

That fucking thread, lol.

>> No.20433366

He joined a telegram i was in briefly, and the dude knows his shit. By that shit I mean esoteric varieties of mysticism, so who really gives a shit, but still impressive as it is. Smart dude, clearly, should've become a professor as a middling college. I hope.he is doing well.

>> No.20433770

the master is out

>> No.20433903

I find it presumptuous and disrespectful to trip as a literary figure. Might as well call yourself Aristotle

>> No.20433946

>Might as well call yourself Aristotle

>> No.20433993

the vaporwave editing however doesn't meld with the primary intent at all