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20422440 No.20422440 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind

prev: >>20418117

>> No.20422446

leave my board, newfag

>> No.20422449


>> No.20422452

so sick of getting banned everywhere. zoomer jannies are cancerous

>> No.20422455

behave, cunt

>> No.20422463

I am 40 years old almost and you're not my parent, kiddo. now go wash your penis and clean your room.

>> No.20422467

yes you

>> No.20422470


>> No.20422471

yeah there's a new janny who is erratically banning you for a joke about X, then leaving an non joking off topic shit thread about X stay up for days

it's always like this, why can none of the people who apply for this well compensated position get it through their heads that consistent but mild moderation is better than than arbitrary moderation that's way too intense for a day and then absentee the other 6 days of the week

>> No.20422475

oh no this was on discord and then fb banned me for saying "people who create AI should be killed"

>> No.20422476

these threads suck now

>> No.20422485

Kids asleep. Wife has the 2019 Flu. I have 5 free hours of writing, if I can keep from falling asleep. Mmmmm feels good.

>> No.20422490
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I'm going to post the n-word. Right here, in this very thread.

>> No.20422491

what, you don't like great replacement theory and gun control debate?

>> No.20422494

I would probably have kids now if I didn't attract whores.

>> No.20422497

I'll beat you to it since I'm not scared of saying nigger like you are.

>> No.20422498
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We got mentioned on Tucker tonight, and he said we shouldn't be censored

Keep up the good work lads

Especially you!

>> No.20422499
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you're all niggers, that's what's on my mind

>> No.20422502

That chick in the OP looks like Kim Deal

>> No.20422505

Pussy's on my mind ah ah ah

>> No.20422508

>Summer of Hate
The description on Amazon makes this sound like Twitter Liberals: The Novel.

>> No.20422514

>Donald Trump stole my Summer, my Halloween, my ability to enjoy life itself for four years and people who would later help him steal the presidency in the first place ruined my professional life and put me in a debt hole I'm still only barely "back" from for years.

>> No.20422516
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This general is stupid and Chris Kraus is a disgusting coombrained jewess.

>> No.20422519

go back

>> No.20422528

It’s a fucking wild ride. I definitely married out of my league. Way out. But I was in shape at the time and a charmer. You can find yours too. Or maybe you have a kid out there and don’t know it.

>> No.20422534

Go back where? I've no home, anon.

>> No.20422535

oooo im sorry

>> No.20422537 [DELETED] 
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is that the chick from dum dum girls? i was thinking the same thing if that's who u mean, no wait that chick's name is kristin gundred. i guess it's just how indie chicks look, a lot of chicks like that in the college town i grew up in. it's the eyebrows, the hair, the jaw line, kind of chick you'd hang out with all summer, make out with a couple times, but never fuck.

>> No.20422542


I am delighted to hear that Trump's presidency put that wretch that far out of joint, and for so long.

>> No.20422548


>> No.20422555

she cute

>> No.20422558


Because she's unironically a terrible person. I have some familiarity with her work.

>> No.20422562

>Because she's unironically a terrible person.

>> No.20422574

>simping intensifies

>> No.20422578

op's pic is making me want to text a chick to do sth this weekend but maybe it's just i didn't fap for four days

>> No.20422582

do it mang

>> No.20422590
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That quote is from MovieBlob, a popular (to hate) YouTube movie reviewer who left some village out there without an idiot.

>> No.20422601

I have autism, I can only attract "certain" women. I have trouble not being brutally honest with people.

>> No.20422616

>Nominalism also led to the false theory of evolution. In the nominalist view, a biological species is not a real category, but only an arbitrary label of many individual organisms, and we can follow this false logic to the incorrect conclusion of the transmutation of species, which means these types of organisms change into other types, seeing as how species are not real distinctions but only made up names. The Christian philosopher Maximus the Confessor, who lived over a thousand years before Darwin, already showed that it is impossible for a species to change into a different species (he used the term "species" in a more broad sense which would include biological species but was not limited to that) because species are quite literal, real, and distinct categories in the metaphysical structure of the world created by God. If a species could change into a different species, that would mean it was according to the nature of that species from its origin to change, and if that is the case, then it could never stop changing because that is according to its own nature and it cannot become of a nature that does not change. Something that has a nature of not changing could not come from an origin of a changing nature, nor could it become a species with a nature of changing because that would violate its own nature. It also is impossible for a species to change and never stop changing because what has an origin must also have a telos. A created species cannot move in a direction infinitely because that would require a property of what is uncreated.
what does this mean?

>> No.20422620

Good thing brutality isn’t necessary to have a relationship.

>> No.20422627


If the quote is not an autobiographical line of Kraus', then I am disappointed.

>> No.20422628

Jannies can't ban you. All they can do is delete posts and give you a short cooldown. Jannies submit requests to moderators to ban. Note that none of 4chan's moderators actually browse /lit/. So they basically just accept the Jannies ban request without any question.

>> No.20422631

My bones are bound to the Earth. Should I not return them?

>> No.20422633
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mess with bob you get the mob

>> No.20422648
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>> No.20422649

You’ve got no choice mate.

>> No.20422659

if you shoot animals you're a hunter but if you shoot another person you're a murderer. if you shoot a murderer you're a hero

>> No.20422669


>> No.20422677

I shot the whore that murdered by unborn baby and now I'm on the run from cops and liberals.

>> No.20422678

live from wednesday night, it's /wwoym/!

>> No.20422683

I desire sex

>> No.20422688

On a lesser note I remember when Razorfist blocked me for trying to explain third position economics to him. I don't mind him but he's a tad sensitive.

>> No.20422689

You can always arrange some wacky shit like going out into space and drifting forever into intergalactic space.

>> No.20422690

>2019 Flu
You mean the not covid

>> No.20422692

my life has been purposeless for the last months, just drifting forward with no reason or goal, no idea of what the future holds
I don't know what i'm doing anymore

>> No.20422695
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Bustin' makes me feel good.
I am a slave to my carnal desires.

>> No.20422703

Thats entirely my fault, unironically

>> No.20422704
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It would be nice if I could have a live debate about antinatilism or pro-mortalism in some public venue, but I dunno where, if the other debater asks why I haven't killed myself yet I'd pull out a gun and shoot myself. Otherwise I'd be down for making my death funny in some way, but whenever I ask you people for ideas you unfunny faggots never have anything good.

>> No.20422706

I hate masturbating and derive no satisfaction from it, but if I don't do it I feel pent up and lousy. I hate women but if I don't fuck them my body tells me I want to, and even though I know it's lying I still believe it until I fuck one. Then I lay next to her thinking about how much time I wasted getting to that point.

>> No.20422708

True. I think I read somewhere you can shoot some of your ashes into space. So I would choose to be compressed to a diamond then shoot that into space. But if we want to get technical. Your bones would eventually crash into something And since everything came from nothing all the atoms in the universe are connected in some cosmic level. So it would still return to them. Which in s weird way is apart of earth.

>> No.20422709
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This is what's on my mind.

>> No.20422718

One day all of this mass negativity, fear, and resentment will dissipate like a passing storm, and what will be revealed will be wonder.

>> No.20422722

But you said return to the Earth, not the universe.
You can send your atoms away from Earth, but yes, it will always end up as one with the universe itself eventually, at least until it is completely empty of mass and energy.

>> No.20422724

Can you explain third positionist economics to me? Every /pol/ infograph just throws around words like "international banking" and "private property" and "socialism" but I have no fucking clue what the actual policies are. Is it like state capitalism? I understand autarky is one of the main goals of third positionist economics but I don't see how that challenges the left-right dichotomy.

I guess I used to be an ardent national socialist at some point but "left the movement" for lack of a better term in part because no one seemed to have any actual policies to enact once they got into power other than kill niggers and I guess Hitler wanted to give everyone a free car.

>> No.20422728 [DELETED] 

I wash my clothes
Then dry them
Still the bedbugs
Are not gotten out of my clothes
Running out of laundry money

>> No.20422734

I wasn’t the Earth OP person. But yea you’re right it isn’t Earth as we know it.

>> No.20422738

Man JID is fantastic

“ I done did wrong, someone send me up vertically
Horizontally, read me a passage from Deuteronomy
Anything you can do to conquer the demon inside of me
Any meaning the truth and the Father, the spirit guided me
I can bleed in the booth and leave a tooth as a souvenir
For who was here, and if you hearing it
You know the spirit is imperative, imperative, imperial
Black man pyramid, the peer of men, jackman with the gat
Scratching off the serial, sack man, get the pack
Money in the envelope,”

>> No.20422743

refute evolution

>> No.20422757
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There is only one timeless truth: change is the nature of all things.

>> No.20422764

God is fully logical and rational, nature was created but formulated in accordance to rational principles, just as Adam was created as an adult, likewise so was the entirety of the universe created aged and adult, just as Adam had all the marks of age an adult had so also does this world and the various stars. In likewise fashion god being fully logical, god left his imprint and logical structure on all creatures, thus the process of evolution exists and the various apes benefit from it, even as within temporal time they did not actually occur, occurring only as a logical result of creating nature as an adult, likewise the beasts having rational relation to man and deriving all from a singular cell is a logical reflection of nature deriving from the one being of God, thus the imprint and logical structure of it occurs in nature, thus nature is old, the imprint of evolution exists in all things, but the actual age of reality is precisely what the Bible says. You may disagree but if you ask me, this is ultimately a faith question and I side with the Bible and the commentaries and various occult lit which says nature was born adult.

Thus I have absolutely no problem whatsoever believing evolution can occur and also no problem whatsoever believing the most fundamentalist views of the age of earth and the creation of animals and man from clay, for God desires absolute causality and rational causal force. Fossil records likewise would not matter because that is again, just the rational causal aspect of god placing the inferior for the superior along with creating various future resources which we now and in the future shall consume.

I understand if you do not agree with my opinion, but this is my belief.

>> No.20422782

There is no such thing as change.

>> No.20422785

Based and Heraclitus pilled
Based and Parmenides pilled

Now fuse them and go with Plato.

>> No.20422788

you didn't say anything logical but wrote logical a lot

>> No.20422800

Because there's nothing to argue about. Either pull the trigger or fuck off

>> No.20422807

all things proceed from one substance, and gets divided into even numbers of ordered things that are direct oppositional substances, each with a consciousness of its own (plants, animals, humans) all things except rocks and dirt. the consciousness of these things can exist post-mortem and affect the consciousness of other beings anno domini, such as drive something to violence, mass death or other emotional affectations. see how a dead person can move people to sadness, anger, or regret, or how crows circle a dead person or animal, or how trees grow in places where one has fallen, etc etc.

, if evolutionary theory is true, wouldn't you think that, to use an example, ducks, bears, dolphins would have evolved at the same rate humans did from "apes" as you say to become as rational, thinking creatures who, in time, would develop their own technology and governmental systems and codes of ethics, natural science, and defense systems that would be able to rival our own in terms of abstraction and might, so in turn would have their own nations (not mere habitats mind you) that could defend themselves against the predations of other creatures (including our own) to ward off invasive populations (again, like our own) on a global scale?

>> No.20422821

Of course there's shit to argue about, even now there's a thread on it

>> No.20422822
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Firstly, it contradicts Genesis, which is a true account of literal real historical events. It also has allegorical meaning, but this does not by any means contradict the literal historicity. Do not be fooled by liberal humanist academics who treat it as ONLY allegorical!
Secondly, Maximus the Confessor, who lived over a thousand years before Charles Darwin, already proved that evolution is metaphysically impossible. A species with its own nature cannot change from its origin into a different species. If it could, then it could never stop changing according to its nature because a species with a nature of not changing cannot come from a nature of changing, nor could it become a species with a nature of changing, as either of these would violate its nature. It also is not the case that a species could from its origin change and never stop changing because what has an origin must have a telos. A created object cannot move in a direction infinitely.
Thirdly, evolution presupposes a nominalist paradigm, which is false. Universal categories are real and distinct.
Fourthly, evolution is Masonic propaganda.

>> No.20422825
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Wrong. If that were the case, then the truth of that proposition would change.

>> No.20422831

Yeah but why would people give it the time of day in the first place?

>> No.20422847

>A species with its own nature cannot change from its origin into a different species. If it could, then it could never stop changing according to its nature because a species with a nature of not changing cannot come from a nature of changing,
animals of same species dwelling in different geographical and terrain conditions have different characteristics brought about by those circumstances so how can a monkey or a chimp not evolve into a human
>presupposes a nominalist paradigm
how? a cup can always be molded into something else

>> No.20422850
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Jordan Peterson is just watered down Carl Jung for normies.
Carl Jung is just watered down Origen for normies.
Origen is just watered down Plotinus for normies.
Plotinus is just watered down Plato for normies.

>> No.20422855

are you asking me why people hold debates? why did peterson debate benatar? I dunno. Maybe it's you who should fuck off

>> No.20422873
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>> No.20422885

sitting in my chair drinking herb water
writing some and listening some
idk what is going on I hope to be consumed in to the whirlwind and come out anw the other side above the clouds
i want to hydrate eating clouds

>> No.20422887
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Not him but the simplest possible description I could think of that applies to most of third position economics is that it assumes that economic life is downstream of other forms of life, cultural or national or whatever you want to call it, and that to elevate any kind of economic abstraction to an autonomous status (that is, to hypostatize it as an entity as opposed to just an abstraction) is putting the cart before the horse. Everything emanates from human beings, organised into communities, which are in turn structured around values and belief systems that (at least in a healthy state) address the health and needs of the community, not of free-floating economic abstractions.

This is very similar to Marxist critique, which is why third positionists often gladly incorporate much of Marx's thought, or even all of it. Werner Sombart was a Marxist, a so-called Kathedersozialist, and Engels wrote to him that he was the only member of the German establishment to actually understand Marx. He later became a national socialist and a proponent of "German socialism," broadly the belief that the innate ethno-cultural characteristics of the German people contained an innate form of socialism or communitarianism, into which the confused and contradictory energies of the social movement and its anti-bourgeois and anti-capitalist critiques could be sublated without needing to destroy the existing German nation or throw the world into total chaos for some Trotskian utopian "permanent revolution" that never happened.

Third positionists often agree with most or all of the leftist critique of capitalism and stagnant bourgeois civilization, massified liberal democracy as a front for finance, etc. Where they differ is in critiquing the leftist position's latent bourgeois premises, which manifest as utopianism, which manifests as terror. The French Revolution unleashed all the natural energy of the French people, the famous elan vital that enabled them to fight off all of Europe with conscripts and create the new Roman legions from nothing, changing the shape of warfare forever. But the Jacobins' harebrained schemes to destroy Frenchness and worship deistic-atheistic "Reason" (symbolized by a dressing a whore as the goddess Reason, and enthroning her in Notre Dame) were empty abstractions.

>> No.20422892
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Likewise there is a lot of value Marx's critiques and all the critical tools he created to show how bourgeois false consciousness reifies itself, his negation of bourgeois civilization to speak in Hegelian terms, but his ultimate goal of a spontaneously internationalist global revolution in which the primary form of human identity becomes "worker" and national, cultural, and ethnic specificities wither away, was obviously utopian. So utopian that it was immediately abandoned by all leading Marxists, from Luxemburg to Lenin and Lukacs and Gramsci, all of whom had to emphasize the vanguardist/blanquist elements in Marxism. Which is a polite way of saying: Marx said that the revolution was so "rational" that it would just happen spontaneously (the workers THEMSELVES will realize and assert their identity as workers); this never actually happens, so it's necessary to lead them by force, even it means dragging them kicking and screaming with Bolshevik terror. Anarchists are equally utopian and in effect have assumptions identical to Marx's: if you just knock over the decrepit bourgeoisie, the downtrodden (or proletariat) will naturally and spontaneously manifest a peaceful communitarian society. That is why early anarchists found it perfectly acceptable to destabilize and wage terror campaigns against bourgeois institutions.

The third positionist just says that all of these positions are successors of the Jacobins' simpleminded Enlightenment cult of reason, which is ironically the same cult that underlies the bourgeois goal of a "globalist" society where peace is outlawed because everybody has a custom dildo and there's cheap ethnic food on every block.

The third positionist simply replies that there is no abstract "humanity" that will live in spontaneous harmony if you just terrorize people properly with enough Jacobinism or Stalinism. We should accept the testimony given by every human society that tried to rebel against capitalism: people naturally want to live in their own ethnic, cultural, and national communities. Furthermore, such communities are a source of strength, as pride in them and the shared means of communication they provide makes them powerful allies in the fight against the deracinated rationalism of capital and of the technocratic bourgeois class that wants to reduce all human beings to identical "happy" drones. It's not an accident that leftism and liberal democracy promote the same universalist, utopian nonsense, or rather that liberal democracy has killed leftism, stuffed it, and used it as a puppet to prevent any real rebellion against capital.

>> No.20422895

So third positionism is sort of like natural law doctrine (or essentialism) + socialism + anticapitalism. In practice, most socialists have been third positionists all along, because most socialist movements have been de facto or even de iure nationalistic, not internationalist. If they were internationalist it was in the sense of international solidarity. The French socialist movement never, ever fully integrated either Marxism, or internationalism in the radical sense it is used by rich university-attending leftists today. The French left was always effectively nationalist, and after selectively assimilating Marx it produced national syndicalism under Sorel, who then cooperated briefly with the Cercle Proudhon and Maurras. The German left, the left on which all subsequent labor history has conceived itself, was always borderline petite bourgeoisie - German workers were highly skilled and highly self-conscious, way more than in other nations. With WW1 they had a choice whether to choose the ideal Marxist internationalist revolution, with the general strike, or to choose the German people. Despite being the model labor movement, they chose the nation, and Luxemburg couldn't accept this and tried to force a vanguardist revolution instead (again typically leftist - when the proletariat doesn't agree with your "so rational everyone will spontaneously agree!" philosophy, just force them to with violence and terror).

Today Latin American leftists may give a nod to international solidarity but they are effectively agrarianist national socialists, totally flying in the face of the "rational" industry-worshipping and anti-nationalist tendencies of classical Marxism.

Of course, Mussolini was one of the most talented Marxists of his day and he successfully turned the Italian social movement into a national syndicalist movement which he called Fascism. Tons of high profile Italian leftists, Marxists, anarchists, left-liberals, and avant garde intellectuals supported Fascism. It's also worth noting that Fascism and National Socialism were the only states that actually succeeded in implementing socialist economies - that is the real reason the Anglo-American finance bloc (and its French vassal state) allied with the Bolsheviks to crush them. The Bolsheviks just wanted to expand their empire, but the Anglo-American bloc vastly preferred a weak and barbarous Bolshevism (which was easier to isolate and kill by a thousand cuts) to a vigorous, anti-Anglo, continental socialist bloc, creating a new economic space in which predatory Anglo finance techniques would be impossible, and thus the global Anglo "soft empire" would die.

>> No.20422902

After WW2, aside from implementing the aforementioned tactic of isolating and destroying the USSR slowly (and killing those who dissented against this and were sympathetic to the Germans, like Patton), this is exactly how the Anglo-American bloc has continued to operate. Destroy or destabilize a country, then move in and force it to accept foreign capital and a central bank. The German-Italian axis, for all its imperfections, was basically trying to create an anti-usury nexus in Europe that was strong enough to hold back the nihilistic Bolshevik terror state and that could also tell the financiers in London and New York to fuck themselves. Nobody has been able to do this since, and if they have tried, like Gaddafi, they were soon gone.

Evola saw this potential in the fascist countries and tried to raise consciousness of their potential and their responsibility. So did Ezra Pound. Evola wanted to turn the SS into a trans-national fraternal organization, a new aristocracy for Europe under the aegis of basic fascist core values, which it was already becoming on its own.

So the third position has many levels, all related. At its most basic level it is the assertion of socialism within a national or ethnic framework, anti-capitalism (but not anti-enterprise or anti-productivity), and anti-bourgeois, bourgeois meant in the sense of nihilistic "Manchester liberalism" and hedonistic individualism that makes countries weak to colonization and vassalization by international finance.

At its highest level it is the sense that the spontaneous emergence of national socialism everywhere in Europe as the "answer" to the rise of the social movement in the 19th century is not accidental, but is a natural and autochthonously European response to the "counter-principle" of capitalism, or what Pound called "usura." For believers in this level, just as the natural tendency of individuals is to form collectives with shared values and resist capitalism, it is the natural tendency of the fascist or national socialist countries to unite around the shared values of anti-capitalism, anti-usura, anti-Anglo-Bolshevism, etc., to create a space within which the greater European value structure (neither nihilistically communitarian nor nihilistically individualistic, but the dialectical synthesis of both tendencies in organicism or integralism) can manifest. This will almost necessarily involve, and did historically involve, telling the Anglo-American financial bloc to go fuck itself and to respect its sovereignty.

Higher levels of "noticing" are also manifestations of this higher level of potential for an international fascism, which Evola saw. Jews are not singularly the "problem," they are manifestations of the usura-bloc, which Marx also saw and understood. Secular financier Jews and multicultural, globalist, degeneracy-pushing Jews are useful idiots of a machine that consumed them a long time ago.

>> No.20422914
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There are two primordial views of change: instantaneous change in the present moment, and cumulative change through time. These correspond to the calculus operations of differentiation and integration respectively. Our perception of the world is bifurcated into these two views: in one mode the omnipresent experiential moment is the fixed point of reference, and change is "perpetual perishing" in this moment. In the mode of integration past, present, and future are equally real- this is the mode of narrative and language. What is permanent in this mode is objectively functioning, past fact; whatever happens continues to influence the unfolding of the rest of the universe, however minutely.

These two modes have an evolutionary purpose: our experience is continually mutated with exposure to novel sense-data in the present moment, while the integrative mode is selective, choosing items of experience for emphasis according to a goal. When one is "trapped in their own thoughts" the selective mode of integration is favored at the expense of mutation, and the result is stagnation. This is why mindfulness practice can help to alleviate depression and anxiety: it allows loops of pathological cognition to break up by exposure to the present moment. The opposite error of favoring the present moment at the expense of the selective mode of integration results in dissipation. Only when the two modes are balanced and in harmony with each other can truly self-transformative change take place.

>> No.20422922

Missed this. Its essentially trade unionism + state intervention + tariffs. However to respond to the other anon, I wouldn't quite call myself a fan of natural law, I'm more of a legal positivist.

>> No.20422948
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I highly recommend reading these four articles to get a better sense of the whole:

Gottfried Feder is good too:

Remember, you don't have to be doctrinaire or simplistic to be a third positionist. One of its key doctrines is that each nation manifests its own natural forms of both identity and solidarity. Identity within difference, difference within identity, the harmony of unity and multiplicity, the concept of organism rather than "linear" mechanical structure, is the European way.

Trade unionism is too vague to fully encompass all third way movements. There are many kinds of syndicalism, trade unionism, corporatism. The social credit man who is nostalgic about medieval guild corporatism can differ widely from the Strasserist or "beefsteak Nazi" (red on the inside, brown on the outside) who wants a true National Bolshevism.

>> No.20422953
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>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and the example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in increasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area. "In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.20422955

Thank you for the explanation. Real interesting, I always knew that Mussolini was a socialist but always thought he dropped the Marxist stuff after he invented fascism.
That makes sense with what fascism was trying to achieve.

I'm not a national socialist myself anymore after a revelation that I wouldn't fit in well in any society that is non-individualistic but I do still feel sympathetic towards third positionist ideologies and believe that they are unfairly demonized, maybe a bit of rebranding can help their image, but I think autarky and protectionist economics are too controversial among the masses in the current world. Maybe people would be okay with free trade and within their blocs that are economically independent on their own but economically dependent between the members.

>> No.20422956

I don't understand anything that you say or post

>> No.20422960

well I think its mostly a cultural/social difference. Social credit types are usually center-left socially whereas as most fascism is beyond authoritarian right on the social spectrum despite the existence of futurism

>> No.20422968

I'm sorry, I just find people making strawmen out out of me responding to the "reason people don't debate antinatalism" to be dishonest. there's probably a good reason for that and I don't think its anything less than a waste of time to debate whether life is worth living or not.

>> No.20422969

You can still be a moderate liberal individualist within a national socialist framework. Just remember, the only reason the "face" of fascism is the war-time states of the 1930s and 1940s is because war with Anglo-American finance was, and still is, inevitable.

Mussolini was one of the best Marxists in Italy. Just like Sombart, he sublated his Marxism in his fascism. I believe Gramsci called himself a Mussolinien at some point.

>> No.20422986

individualism is played out honestly, which is why I favor legal positivism, if moral laws would kick out people who act in their own self-interest against the interests of others, don't you think that a sovereign government should stomp that behavior out in the open? its pretty ironic I type this as I'm listening to GBH, which is a punk band, which is a genre built on being a disobedient asshat but I digress, I don't think punk music is necessarily something that should be gotten rid of, since there's a difference between shit like vandalism (which is free speech, and I support that) and something that involves killing children (abortion, which has fuck all to do with punk rock unless you're a disgusting riot grrl piece of fuckstain)

>> No.20422991

You were never a national socialist nor were you ever part of a movement

>> No.20422997

calm down retard, you don't have to engage with stuff you don't personally like

>> No.20423000

meant to say "necessarily NOT" just noticed.

duly noted.

>> No.20423017

Women smoking cigarettes and bright red lipstick is so sexy

>> No.20423049
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I suppose you're not wrong about that - I didn't leave national socialism, rather I realized that I was just not a national socialist.

Individualism doesn't necessarily mean self-serving. Rather it just means one is self-reliant and doesn't follow societal structures for the basis of their beliefs. Individualism is often associated with degeneracy in the eyes of many traditionalists and third-positionists, but the two have no correlation. People are degenerate nowadays because society itself is degenerate. A true individualist would not be degenerate due to any conformity or rebellion against society, rather they realize themselves as a degenerate. Likewise an individualist can be a morally upstanding person in a decaying society as they chose to live morally on their own volition.

>> No.20423063

I was more or less referring to legal theory, not perspectives

>> No.20423101
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>legal theory, not perspectives
As if there is a difference

>> No.20423120

gonna get a direct hit from anasty storm with extremely active lightning tonight, first of the season

>> No.20423122

The magnum caliber discography. The thread strung between the greatest works of art.
The processing of information at every point and each step along the way. A gradual unfolding and mixture of many juxtapositions.

The hero triumphs or is slain. He triumphs through rebirth or perseverance. He is slain through his own devices or is betrayed by fortune.
Realizing the impossible or beating the odds. There is fate ubiquitous. Sometimes Destiny or Serendipity, while sometimes not.
There is Cosmic Karma, or its absence which leads to the taking of Justice into our own hands. The decision between Revenge or Mercy.
Love in all guises, or just Solitude. Passion where there is chemistry or it never reaches fruition.

Connection to others/self/God. Interdependence between phenomena, their complex intricacies. Development of courses of events.
Creativity. Life. Sentience. Dissolution. Transience. Cosmic Oneness.
All Idealic Beauty is merely Exemplified Truth.

>> No.20423126

Pretty good!

>> No.20423130

They’re supposed to draw away the shitposting from the rest of the board

>> No.20423138

Nice figure really. Don’t like too much more though.
Watch your mouth tho

>> No.20423141

get out of here.

>> No.20423154
File: 127 KB, 971x1200, BEB98EF5-6D94-44A2-820C-B131272398D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss those. Good luck anon.

Unrelated stuff

>> No.20423160

"As i walk from the place to my inevitable end i watch my senses warp and become something else. sliding past me now as if im a mote of light travelling and all else is behind be as i glide through non moving time into another location. I feel the source of my senses trying to keep up with me but failing, now sight is sliding behind me, nothing more to see, now touch, nothing more to feel, now hearing, nothing more to hear, now eating, nothing more to taste. It all seems so irrelevant to my own Self but somehow i know i would not be this non sensing ephemeral i am without my biological torture chamber. i am the jester of death, the joker of annihilation. You shall feel my wounds and claim them as your own, you shall feel my sorrow and feel it within your own heart. I shall ruin your lives as you mistake my self for yours. Within everything is a source. My biological self persists through time and space, bringing Hell and anguish, as it should. Without senses i am God."

>> No.20423173

God what a sexy voice. I hope her body is as hot as that thing.

>> No.20423206
File: 423 KB, 1000x1000, takagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how needlessly humiliating and harmful is it to tell a friend about my inner turmoil, my fears and what has been driving me towards despair for the past few years? i mean it sincerely, does it do any good to ''open up'' and touch on these things or is it just another temporary patch on a hemorrhage?
i try my best to never let any of the deepest things that haunt my mind through whenever i talk to someone i know, usually just sticking to jokes and lending an ear instead of going on about myself or my thoughts. i just see myself as so profoundly silly and unworthy of wasting people's time and energy with what usually turns out to be pointless worrying and whatnot, but i'll be damned if these last few months i wasn't getting an intense urge to scream it out, as ridiculously adolescent as it might sound. journaling has not been sufficient.
many of the people in my entourage do encourage me to speak up and ''let it out'', but giving up to that impulse seems to be a bit misguided and almost child-like in the negative sense of the expression. what do you anons think of ''opening up''? sorry for the blogpost.

>> No.20423229

nobody cares about your or my neuroses

>> No.20423230
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we could be heroes....

>> No.20423252

that was a nice read. are there any great, comprehensive, and well-researched books which expand on these ideas that you would recommend in particular? something with an equally grounded edge as these posts.

>> No.20423271

at a certain point I went from spending every moment being happy to spending every moment analyzing myself to check if I'm happy, which I'm not

I don't know how go back. I would kill if I thought it would work

>> No.20423308

Parmenides and all his Eleatic pals were right about everything. Plato is full of shit, post-socratic philosophy sucks.

>> No.20423315

whats the point of reading all the philosophy if you can't even pull yourself out of unhappiness

>> No.20423325

how do would be monks realize that they're ready for monkhood? do they check the list of oaths and weather they can perfectly carry them out or not? or is it just some alienation with world or some intuitive connection with higher truths?
>inb4: some nonanswer like a little of everything

>> No.20423336 [DELETED] 

So I spent 10 years learning various new things only to realize I should've stuck with what I was already learning 10 years ago.

>> No.20423341

then philosophy isn't for you and you should leave it people who know better

>> No.20423389

whats the point of learning how to cook if you can't even pull yourself out of unhappiness.

>> No.20423446

I hate neopagans so fvcking mvch bros. Their “religions” (they’re all atheists anyway) aren’t even living traditions and they also remove the whole ancestor worship aspect of paganism and just try to make their brand of paganism gay and universalist. Like, not only is their religion fake, they don’t even have any reason to believe it past liking mythology. At least some African pagan is part of an actual living tradition so has a reason to follow it even if it’s fake.

>> No.20423451

I have a few friends that are pagan and while this is true for the majority of them, there ARE exceptions

>> No.20423455

I openly hate Democritus. With a burning passion. The seeds of postmodern liberalism were planted with him.

>> No.20423458

you shouldn't look at philosophy as a crutch to help you out of unhappiness. there are probably other things in life you need to address

>> No.20423459

like you? lol

>> No.20423471

I find it funny how right wing pagans hate Christianity for being too pacifist and (racially) tolerant while leftie pagans think the exact opposite - pagan societies were all racially diverse tree hugging hippies until evil Christians came and took over.

>> No.20423489

Flawed question. Obviously if anything, not just philosophy but vices, or learning to play the violin or dancing don't pull you out of your happiness then you shouldn't do them for that sake. However is it that philosophy isn't providing you the tools to rescue you from your happiness or are you not using the tool properly?

>> No.20423491

I can see that, although I suspect your hatred has more to do with the way people portray him. He is definitely a rank materialist and that leads to all sorts of terrible shit, but at the same time he has wild descriptions of the gods, ideas, how atoms are shaped and interact, etc. His world is creative and bizarre, if ultimately reductionist and lacking.

>> No.20423499
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>> No.20423501

Well first of all I don't believe atoms are the most fundamental piece of the universe

>> No.20423503

>I know you are but what am I?

>> No.20423509

I've only encountered rightie pagans for the most part. almost exclusively.

>> No.20423518

I'm in agreement with you, I don't follow leucippos/democritus, and I don't agree with their general model of reality and how things are all pieced together. I just have to admit it's wild how the atoms are like velcro and shoot beams at each other, and gods are like massive velcro balls or giant clouds of beamed ideas or whatever. Haven't looked at my copy of his fragments and the related essays in a few years, but it's hilarious and fascinating stuff.

>> No.20423519

There are tons of leftoid pagans they just don’t come on here but rather Reddit, Tiktok, etc.

>> No.20423521

how does a person protect themselves from shamans and shit putting a hex on you? are these things bigger than intellect?

>> No.20423525

even IRL, most ones I meet are mjolnir wearing Nietzsche fans

I see the universe as reduceable past atoms

I had some gay Wiccan kid try and put a hex on me after he tried to cockblock me from dating a girl. one of the many reasons I'm not fond of queers in the slightest.

>> No.20423529

>I see the universe as reduceable past atoms

I don't know what that involves, but here is what I believe:


>> No.20423535

Oh you're a Monist, I'm a Dualist except for the primary cause. In any case, I reduce it to energy

>> No.20423540
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For starters, don't believe in this. Magic is just psychology and power of suggestion.
But if you feel there might be something in it after all, you can always wear a talisman and put your faith in it. Pic related is one of the most popular ones, cross can work too. Or you can look through various pendants and see which resonates the most with you.

>> No.20423549

If everything is unified as a complete whole, I don't know if I'd call you a dualist. Or at least it would be a type of dualism I might accept. I could be convinced that there's mind and matter, or whatever other practical model gets drawn up and argued well, as long as it complies with, and is wholly subsumed by, some inescapable & omnipresent ontological principle.

>> No.20423555

>just psychology
but psychology isn't just psychology isn't that the idea

>> No.20423569

Oh magic is definitely real. Why do you think this board (and /his/ by extension) has at least one imma kms/antinatalism/general depression thread at least once a day? The answer is simple, it attracts what it propagates. If people just livened up, with a few individuals at a time, it would eventually bring the mood of this place up after awhile.

That's not what I meant lemme copypasted

"all things proceed from one substance, and gets divided into even numbers of ordered things that are direct oppositional substances, each with a consciousness of its own (plants, animals, humans) all things except rocks and dirt. the consciousness of these things can exist post-mortem and affect the consciousness of other beings anno domini, such as drive something to violence, mass death or other emotional affectations. see how a dead person can move people to sadness, anger, or regret, or how crows circle a dead person or animal, or how trees grow in places where one has fallen, etc etc."

>> No.20423572

I don't know what you are getting at, I just wanted to say it's all manipulation of people's perception (a string of unfortunate events could be a curse or it could be just a coincidence, because sometimes random things happen not so random), they can't really do anything if one refuses to believe.

>> No.20423579

>That's not what I meant lemme copypasted

Oh, it sounds like it's probably a presentist model, so we would definitely be in disagreement.

>> No.20423590
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Why do none of the 'sales' or 'persuasion' books actually work in real life? Is it because they are only applicable in environments where you don't have to generate leads or source new customers. Are they all bullshit? Or do you need to be a psychopath to actually find the utility in them?

>> No.20423600

I looked up the definition of that word and I don't think it has anything to do with any historical

>> No.20423604

Its probably something to do with your methodology

>> No.20423608

How did you come to that conclusion? And by contrast, what would be a successful methodology?

>> No.20423614

isn't that a materialistic take

>> No.20423623

your personality causes your interactions with people to be ill-adapted to convincing people of your intentions..just a wild guess.

>> No.20423625

materialists are shit at explaining things that exist in non-physical manifestations

>> No.20423629

What word? Presentism?

I am using it to identify accounts of motion/change that involve metaphysical creation. That issue is core to Eleatic metaphysics.

>> No.20423635

Okay... and what should I do about it? Can you be more specific, less guessy?

>> No.20423644

I call it non-paranoid take. The power always lies in belief. If you don't believe in a god, that god can't reach you, if you don't believe in a curse, the curse can't reach you. The opposite works just as well.

>> No.20423651

so you're saying that Dualism is relatively recent? I would counter that its very important to the East.

I don't think there is much you can do about it unless you're underage, which at that point your personality is still developing. however, its not impossible for the personality to change, but usually its not something people do by their own volition, but rather through experience with other people

>> No.20423656

I got banned for 3 days for calling an Evolafag a faggot, which is explainable in only one of two ways.
1) The Evolafag reported my post to the janny like a faggy little snitch, thus proving me right in my assessment that he was a faggot, literally proving my point.
2) The Evolafag is actually the janny, and bans people who banter with him, thus proving me right in my assessment that he was a faggot, literally proving my point.

At any rate, three days away from this place has once again shown me, as it has countless times before, that it is a complete timesink and waste of time - no offense to the guys in the wwoym thread, these are usually fine. I read 150 pages of Heidegger and 200 pages of Proust in those three days. Fucking mind-numbing how much time I waste here.

I'll be going now. I know, you never really leave - I'll try my best to keep away for at least a few months. Have a good one until then anons.

>> No.20423664

I would argue to the contrary that self-fufilling prophecies are real

this is something I figured out awhile back:

"People that don't pick a path to stick with will have their paths picked out for them"

>> No.20423666

>I don't think there is much you can do about it unless you're underage, which at that point your personality is still developing
Please answer all these questions as unambiguously as you can:
What personality do suspect I have (and how can you infer that form so few posts?) and what about that (or any personality) is ill-suited to convincing people? What are the specific mechanics? What personalities are - again, what methodology would be successful? Why?
And how did you reach that conclusion? In your experience what are the most noticeable and specific things that people who are good at convincing people do that those who are unconvincing aren't? Is it a matter of language, gesture, use of analogy? What specific things have you noticed and what connection does the specifics you've identified have to personality?

>> No.20423683

>so you're saying that Dualism is relatively recent?

No, I'm not saying that at all, I'm not even trying to make a comment on Dualism vs Monism. I'm talking about change.

When you said that all things proceed from one thing, and so on, it sounded like a chronology. If so, I'm pretty sure you're not positing a strict eternalist model, hence I said we'd be in disagreement.

Even if you aren't talking about change, but rather some theory of grounding or hierarchy, we're still going to be in some disagreement. Because existentially speaking, I don't believe there's an alternative to existence so I don't think we can say that one thing is grounded in, or somehow ontologically reliant on, another thing. The fact that a thing "is" is inviolate; really this line of thinking has to be restricted to drawing necessary inferences (if this, then also that), because the name of the game is affirmation (even negation is to be defined as an affirmation - "is not" must be rendered "is other than" on pain of incoherence.

>> No.20423690

Pretty sure non-believing is also a path. Everything is a path. In fact, with so many religions and personalities there are numerous paths, and no idea which is the right one or if there even is such thing as the right path. Maybe they are all right?

>> No.20423716

I'm sorry but I'd have to know you better and this is an anonymous forum and its hard to get a picture of your character
I see what you mean but that doesn't mean that creation is ex nihilo, either. there IS a source but its not necessarily in the past or present or future, but rather continuous that exists outside of its own creation.

thats the issue I have with atheism. I don't see why anyone should consider them a protected class since their "belief" is a negation of "belief" and not "belief" itself, if you catch my drift. moral rules and laws should only apply to "freedom to" not "freedom from"

>> No.20423725
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What did you look up?

>> No.20423730

>I see what you mean but that doesn't mean that creation is ex nihilo, either. there IS a source but its not necessarily in the past or present or future, but rather continuous that exists outside of its own creation.

I believe it is ex nihilo, it just requires a slightly longer discussion to reveal that detail. My position is that any account of change, other than a relative one in a strict eternalist model, involves some degree of creatio ex nihilo and therefore devolves into incoherent gibberish.

>> No.20423737

>I'm sorry but I'd have to know you better and this is an anonymous forum and its hard to get a picture of your character
Don't blue balls me like this, you can easily answer the questions about what you inferred and suspect about my personality from these few posts, and also your own reflections on what personalities (in general) are good at convincing people and why that is.

>> No.20423797
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she looks like Maura_Tierney

>> No.20423806

>>>Nominalism also led to the false theory of evolution. In the nominalist view, a biological species is not a real category, but only an arbitrary label of many individual organisms, and we can follow this false logic to the incorrect conclusion of the transmutation of species, which means these types of organisms change into other types, seeing as how species are not real distinctions but only made up names
you do know that this a fact right? cladistics is a retarded atheist invention

>> No.20423811

Well we're not in agreement here obviously, I tend to believe ex nihilo leads to atheism and materialism unfortunately.
You seem very curious and naive and young is what I'm reading out of your posts. You can't be older than 30 and likely are atheist/agnostic

>> No.20423817

I guess Nominalism is bad for most things but is probably applicable in linguistics

>> No.20423842

Candy said she wants me with her down in Candyland

>> No.20423845

who is this woman

>> No.20423849


>> No.20423851

it's a man baby

>> No.20423858

no need to raise your voice at me. you have to probably have a safe demeanor and good at rhetoric. next time lower your voice. don't act like a nog.

>> No.20423874


>> No.20423886
File: 412 KB, 912x750, PB-medieval-Christmas-card-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an artfag who draws a lot of coomer smut. Most often the only things that make me pick up my pencil are my ideas of cute or sexy girls. I wish I could channel this drive into something else; if only I was as motivated to draw my non-coomer ideas. It there a way to reprogram your mind to do that?

>> No.20423930

Not even close to a relevant answer to a question I asked three times and doesn't reference the secret word because you don't read posts in full. I would be fully justified hurling more abuse at you but it's not worth my time and you clearly lack the capacity for self-reflection for it to do you any good.
Stop posting.

>> No.20423982

Many people would rather die than think in fact many people do – Bertrand Russell. I don’t like moralisers because I don’t think all humans have an identical moral system so this text doesn’t have the intention to moralise you. Despite that our lives are made up of circumstances, good or bad and these contribute to our identity or being. In certain cases these circumstances are inevitable. For example one does not choose his country of birth or his own face. One can then ask himself if we are not barely the result of some initially chosen conditions. Some of us would recoil at that idea, after all everyone believes he has control over his actions his conscience justifying their choice. However this would be done by forgoing the amount of events that are simply beyond our control, it’s important to at least recognize this bias. Continuing on this line of thought one will quickly arrive at the conclusion that our lives are probably already written and we barely ride the waves of causality. It could be true, in fact many people think so without realizing it. In Christianity for example the chosen ones’ names are written in the book of life. This assumes that whatever the “doomed” did during their life they couldn’t escape their fate because it was already written before their lives even started. Consider this thought experiment, if someone is asked to relieve his past but without the memories he accumulated after that how will he act ? If this person just merely redoes what he did before he would have no freewill because his being is purely reactionary to the events happening to him. On the other hand if the person acts differently then can we say that in the two cases it is the same person acting? In both cases this leads to a paradox (One can argue that the paradox comes from the very fact that one goes in the past but this kind of experiment can be simplified in various ways although the memory-forgetting part may be difficult to replicate. The influence of memories on our being is something to be explored later). This paradox is however artificial because destiny, will and causality are two parts of the same coin. Two fundamental pieces that constitute a discrete world. A world of will and representation.

>> No.20423997

I’m sad because my friend broke up with his gf. They had been dating for about seven years. From time to time I looked up her twitter profile because I found her interesting and hot and while seeing it a couple of minutes ago I realized there wasn’t a single mention of him on recent tweets. A quick search confirmed the break up.
I feel terrible. The guy is one of the people I like the most and I know how much the relationship meant to him. Hell, he even talked about getting married at some point.
Maybe I’m just exaggerating, maybe he has already gotten over it and is seeing someone else. It just feels like absolutely everything is hopelessly going to shit, to the point even my friends relationship isn’t spared.

>> No.20424009

Ok well me posting or not is not your choice and you asked for an answer and then get angry with me when I give you one. Get aids, faggot

>> No.20424046

Why did they break up?

>> No.20424049


>> No.20424057

My professor suggested that I enter some writing contests for my short stories but there’s basically zero in my state. I guess no one really cares about literature much

>> No.20424062
File: 21 KB, 593x517, PEPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My entire personality is based on a villain from a 1949 film.

>> No.20424079
File: 421 KB, 1200x1789, 1200px-White_Heat_(1949_poster).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A psychopathic criminal with a mother complex makes a daring break from prison and leads his old gang in a chemical plant payroll heist.
This one?

>> No.20424081

at least you're in Uni. I have historically been too broke to afford college.

>> No.20424105

No idea. Seems abrupt as fuck. A couple of days before the post mentioning the break up things were normal between them. So either one of them made some kind of huge mistake or they got into a really bad fight.

>> No.20424135

What movie

>> No.20424154
File: 153 KB, 2050x1274, PRINCE-OF-FOXES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20424166

Every time I feel unsurmountable despair about life I open up this site. Not because I expecte it to help in any way, but because I have no other way to cope besides venting on here about it. I also pray after my mind quiets a bit.
I’m tired /lit/. I’ve been tired for a decade, and things have only gotten worse.

>> No.20424197

What happened?

>> No.20424234

I felt sad and lost and made plans and tried to keep my mind into a better tomorrow. I kept going at it no matter what kind of shit happened or how discouraged I got from time to time.
But nothing has ever changed. I’m still sad and lost, the only difference is that now these feelings are accompanied by always increasing dread, despair and tiredness.
Tbh, I think this will be my entire life. A pointless cycle of trying to improve things, failing and trying again.

>> No.20424240
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Life in a local tribe -> Locality is what neo cults will be aiming for: Less isolation, less commodification, less laws, more fluidity, group loyality, less digital entertainment, nature, less genetic variance, more love, more sport, stable identity -> Better mental health -> Better quality of life -> More natural way of living / we are more designed for a life like that.
Problem: Too trusting of gut feelings, being one with human intuition -> Less differentiated analysis of excentric individuals -> Sometimes carry revolutionary / innovative potential -> exclusion, harassment, death.
Also: Local life could be interpreted as being better at mainting a mere illusion -> Illness / accidents redpilling the individual of the pillars contributing to his past stability -> Globalized world merely accelerates these inequalities and thus decreases quality of life -> 5'2 indonesian male living in the Netherlands -> Unfair while life always was unfair to a certain degree -> What's right now? Communism / marxism as a narrowing of inequality in a world of eternal inequality ? -> Where is the line, where do we begin -> Antinatalism as the final answer?

>> No.20424359

I was supposed to start a job today at 6am that I didn’t really want. I tried to send them an email last night, but it got blocked. I was too embarrassed to call myself, so I asked my mother to call for me and leave a message because she was the connection I got the job through. I was just woken up by an unknown caller, and when I answered it, it was the manager. I panicked and hung up on him. I feel so bad because he was such a nice guy.

>> No.20424370

terrible dialectics

this is why this site is a magnet for pessmism, "you are the company you keep" et al....

>> No.20424396

Just read an article about how Western countries no longer believe that people are rational agents, and that what we really need is to be governed harder. In other words, it's basically game over; we have entered a circular logic trap, where the reason nothing works is because management isn't central enough, because it would work if it were.

>> No.20424412

elites have no actual connection to average citizens and its a laugh riot knowing how delusional they are

>> No.20424422
File: 56 KB, 445x434, 0D29C091-010D-4552-8D9F-22F8C5E90414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a God-awful small affair
To the girl with the mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling, "No"
And her daddy has told her to go

But her friend is nowhere to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view
And she's hooked to the silver screen

But the film is a saddening bore
For she's lived it ten times or more
She could spit in the eyes of fools
As they ask her to focus on

Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man, look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?

>> No.20424434
File: 43 KB, 300x297, file_757030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrible dialectics
Teach me your ways, Senpai

>> No.20424484

Eventual you'll realize how much of a burden you are on your parents and you'll finally start working out of shame. The reckoning will eventually come, after your pathetic behavior finally causes some irreparable damage, or there is simply no other option anymore.

>> No.20424519

I already have another job lined up, which is why I didn’t really want the other one. I’m not a NEET.

>> No.20424543


>> No.20424602

everything proceeds from a central consciousness, and divided into an inummerable set of pairs. you only attract what you give out and doing so muddies the universe and destroys objective morality.

>> No.20424629

>elites have no actual connection to average citizens
did they ever?

>> No.20424639

why don’t y’all incels just fuck fatties?

>> No.20424642
File: 10 KB, 199x178, 1651659664903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i formally request chubby girls to message me. thank you

>> No.20424688

I just dont find them attractive.

>> No.20424693

love goofy medieval art so much bros.

>> No.20424700

Because a fat woman can just lose weight and work on herself (Peterson's advice is better suited for women) and there's no gym for your height. Its pretty simple

>> No.20424717

Not an incel but I don't think this is good advice in the post Dr. Oz "healthy at any size" era. Exclude rich girls form the equation for a moment, fatties get fat because they are confident in themselves and feel no need to change, they are arrogant. Even though guys have to use the talcum powder trick to find their pussy these women still think they are 'hawt stuff' that deserve to be treated like a kween.
Skinny girls, and I mean actively trying to be skinny, on the other hand have low self esteem, they feel like they have nothing of value except for their looks.
Obviously this doesn't mean "just fuck hot girls bro, it's so easy" there's so many other confounding factors. But I'm pretty sure fat women in 2022 are overentitled.

>> No.20424726

women are almost never critiqued for their behavior unless its in sordid male spaces, which get no respect from academia. its high time for that to change.

>> No.20424729

an incentivize fatness? No no no no no. This is how you get market inflation!
Incels and in fact all men in general should go on a sex strike specifically against fatties until they shed the weight.
Fat women will never feel the need to drop the pounds if there's incels and drunk guys still desperate enough to plow them

>> No.20424730


>> No.20424734

Im rather glad that I dont own a gun. I really feel this urge to blow my brains out right now.

>> No.20424740
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I don't want to be seen in public with one. I do lust badly after young and shapely chubby bitches, but I'm not proud of it. It's also expected of you to hang out with them for some time before and after you fuck, which is not at all pleasant if all you're after is pure carnal pleasure

>> No.20424751

unrelated, but I just remember I made a video essay on how uncanny valley pervades itself in why trannies just don't quite "right"

>> No.20424752

My inability to interact with people has very little to do with the looks of the other person.

>> No.20424756


>> No.20424766

Nine Inch Nails is the greatest band of all time

>> No.20424770

NIN is 50% Foetus 50% Skinny Puppy. Decent enough but slightly overrated. And I live near where Trent was born

>> No.20424781

Damn if someone who lives near where Trent Reznor was born says it then it must be true.

>> No.20424836


>> No.20424893

nah this an anonymous place, just tell me whats going on. I am curious to know.

>> No.20425128

I ended my friendship with a few people who I've been friends with for 2 years. Why if you want to know, then because they all stopped caring for me eventually. Started friendships with new people. Sure we still talked time to time, but that same friendship, that same bond wasn't there. It increasingly became more of a chore than actual friendship on anyone's part. And when I came to know that few of them made a group excluding me. Well that just made me extremely sad. The entire friendship started having a negative impact on me than a positive one.
So I ended that relationship with all of them. It's been a while. I dont care for any of them now, except for one person. That person was one of the few people who I felt I had a real connection and bonding with. But of course I think that was one sided. I still miss that person from time to time and think about the good times we shared. Sad, but such is life.

>> No.20425213

I’ve reconciled my being a weeb and I’m comfortable with it but it’s still a bit of a curse. I don’t really know why I like so much Japanese media. I just do. There’s something about it I don’t find in other media, so I’m not going to stop liking it. But at the same time, this is a product of a culture which I will never fit into and the more I indulge in it, the more of a weirdo I am to my own culture. I have coworkers that know I like Japanese media and they just give a little smirk and laugh when it comes up. I’m sure they think I’m into ecchi anime and hentai and think I’m weird for that, and it’s not like I can talk to them about the things I’m watching and playing and what I like. I’m also not so much of a weeb that I can click with people who go to cons and actually are the obnoxious sort of weebs. It’s pretty much just the Japanese language learning community I find I click with and well, I haven’t met many of those people…

>> No.20425356

Fat women are sexually neuter. It's as sexy as a 90 year old woman. Just nothing there.

>> No.20425387
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Right, who asked? Shut up and keep it to yourself

>> No.20425393

I made a mistake.

>> No.20425397

>7 years and not yet engaged

>> No.20425406 [DELETED] 

it's weird this annoying lady from work just keeps texting me even tho she should realize by now i never initiate texts with her anymore after the went insane over covid, but this other girl i do like never texts me anymore and i still text her sometimes and she does eventually reply out of politeness i suppose but it's clear she hopes i will fuck off. it's weird cuz i'm like omg won't this wine aunt fuck off i haven't texted u first since like 2019, meanwhile i still text this other chick. wtf.

>> No.20425424

I would never continue talking to a woman who didn't have an interest in me unless I had some concrete game plan for fucking her. Unless it's true platonic friendship which is totally fine. But if you are barking up her tree because you kinda sorta want to bang the girl, and she's anything other than receptive, you should never think about her again.

To a woman, a man trying to talk to her and clearly interested in her when she's already decided that he's not good enough for her is like a fat old homeless woman prolonging street conversation with you and kissing your ass about how handsome you are. It's not even on your radar that you would ever fuck this dirty homeless bag, the ONLY feeling you have toward her is why won't she go away already.

>> No.20425428

Foetus is good (with exception of some shit albums), Skinny Puppy is a piece of shit band tho (with exception of 2-3 tracks). also they're not similar to NIN at all

>> No.20425437

real incel hours

>> No.20425441 [DELETED] 

well she's a muslim chick so it's not about fucking but i knew her for like 5+ years and we even talked about marriage together, then i finally got a full time job, and i said it won't be enough to support a family yet and she went cold, like damn, how do u know i won't get a promotion or something? i actually did get a raise already but i didn't tell her that, don't catch the vapors later when i get more money coming in, and yet i still text her, fml.

>> No.20425480

What about what I said was incel?

>> No.20425510


>> No.20425529

Well if you don't want to discuss it like an adult, I must regretfully give you a "hope she sees this," implying you are a simp.

>> No.20425542
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You should have made a clear declaration with one of them that you are now best friends.

>> No.20425568

A lot of regret. Nothing special.

>> No.20425594

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20425610
File: 29 KB, 528x288, jIrfpy3yRjn5ue14H4OM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pushing at the boundaries of your understanding and experience - the will to discover- is the ultimate life-affirming action. For every ounce of despair you feel at the present condition of the world, push a pound harder against the tyranny of your expectations! Praise the everlasting question mark, the infinite unknown that keeps us always in motion, forever becoming and never complete!


They sang the song that elevated humanity. Hundreds of thousands of inspired voices emerged from the global crisis and spoke powerful testimony about the value of life and the wonder of the universe. Their communications would touch the souls of billions and inspire incredible personal and social transformations. They would give birth to a generation of creatives that would outshine even them.

It most definitely was not called "normal," but the opposite: a strangification of experience; a socially infectious enchantment with life and all of existence. It was a psycho-social singularity, a singularity of human relationships including the transpersonal. What led it is the call of wonder, what drove it was the desire of curiosity at its greatest heights of aspiration.

Have you ever had a teacher who truly loved and lived to teach? Who had an overwhelming passion for teaching that made them an outstanding instructor? The kind of teacher who successfully infects students with the desire to learn and explore?

I have! I know they exist! I know how they have touched me! I have felt the same spark of inspiration in so many including writers, philosophers, artists, scientists, and their greatest passions speak of this blissful love of learning. If such passions could touch the hearts of the masses, it would be the single most transformative event in human history.

This is my greatest dream, and one day it will become a reality.

>> No.20425618

nah I'd rather not. man whats with today, /his/ is full of ESL and muslim shitheads and /lit/ is just full of whiny bitches. Must be a full moon or something

alright, was just curious. carry on.

>> No.20425624 [DELETED] 

this shit sucks stop posting it

>> No.20425676


>> No.20425690
File: 500 KB, 658x484, 117f2c1bbc959aa40c2a6d577422aff8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiny bitch. Shut the fuck up

>> No.20425712

Lit is filling up with trash. I want my slow board back.

>> No.20425739

too much religious noise, even worse than the philosophy assholes

>> No.20425774
File: 512 KB, 1447x2650, 1641903594257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing to contribute to this board and thus will promptly stop posting on it until I have something worth posting.

>> No.20425776

ok that's it.

>> No.20425816

It's not the religious stuff im noticing. Thats pretty normal for lit. It's the noticeable increase in twitter trash. Where did these people come from?
Just a couple weeks ago lit was normal.

>> No.20425829
File: 88 KB, 1128x348, Screenshot 2022-05-26 at 18.30.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of our age is defined by delusion. People sunk so deeply into delusion they entirely refuse to accept reality.

>> No.20425830

You should just post whatever stupid bullshit comes into your head. That's what I do.

>> No.20425835

Imagine being proud of being a cripple lol

Next will be retard pride week

>> No.20425842

why are you like this

>> No.20425845
File: 125 KB, 733x464, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurr i retarded me proud be retard hurr me special hurr

>> No.20425850

happy 4 u anon

>> No.20425851 [DELETED] 

oh ya i did see some of that, but i think it got zapped. it was from that lame little network (probably run by one or two people) of twitter accounts with anime avatars and stupid names like "marxist/guenonist transhuman catcore" or some nonsense. i would def leave /lit/ with no stickiness if that shit became standard fare. the super lame youtube spam is already pushing it. no one ever posts youtube videos of literature classes from universities, just homemade channels of some rando's shitty opinions.

>> No.20425871
File: 199 KB, 929x1300, 1644828832938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do that but then quickly realized I was in part responsible for the rapidly declining quality of the board.

>> No.20425874

Anon thinks that disabled and retarded people should hate who they are, because he hates himself and thinks others should as well.

>> No.20425902

Do you think having a disability is something to be proud of? Who would trade a healthy mind and body for having a disability because it's such a good thing to have?

>> No.20425904

I'm like what? Being proud of a defect is deluded. Why are you deluding yourself that it's not so? Do you want to break your leg so you can be proud of it? Do you want to have autism? Surely it's something to be proud of, so why not?

>> No.20425917

You will never have healthy relationships with other people until you realize that there's something fundamentally very wrong with how you relate to other people.
TL;DR you're an asshole. Realizing this is the first step to changing it.

>> No.20425922

i'd rather the cripples be "proud" about their disabilities than ashamed. this isn't difficult

>> No.20425923
File: 157 KB, 498x364, zoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bruh you're just an asshole fr fr like just don't be a dick okay and be proud to be retarded like me

>> No.20425925

>no argument just aimless projection
Did you forget your meds?

>> No.20425928

depends. ask yourself why sodomites are praised but people with autism (including myself) are just repeatedly called the "R" word.

>> No.20425932

>if you're not ashamed of something you must be proud of it
Are you also proud of your low IQ?

>> No.20425938

>t. retard cripple

>> No.20425939

so would you prefer that other groups are dragged down as well, or would you work towards similar levels of tolerance and acceptance for your own?

>> No.20425945

I have been posting the same post saying that free will and causality/determinism are the same thing because what we will becomes a representation and that representation in turn makes us because a will can only exist in a representation or in a certain reality. Not one answer. This place is filled with brainlets.

>> No.20425946

I don't see the relevance. No one wants to have a disability. Pretending it's something to be proud of is deluded. The fact that people find this controversial show how deep you've sunk into delusion you hate anyone telling you the truth.

>> No.20425955

whatever man shits boring who cares

>> No.20425957

I don't think homosexuality is anything to be proud, to the contrary, look at GRIDS, people are quick to blame Reagan (I have other reasons to not like him) but white liberals whine and cry about it being the government's duty to solve something THEY THEMSELVES created.

if you say so

>> No.20425958

The debate over free will and determinism doesn't matter. If determinism is true what are you going to do differently? Nothing because you don't have any control over it to begin with.

>> No.20425961

Smoking instantly lowers a woman's attractiveness by a good five points.

>> No.20425966

thats because determinism is a dead end ideology. might as well off yourself then.

>> No.20425967

i'm sure they care a lot

>> No.20425980

>thats because determinism is a dead end ideology.
Point being you have to behave as if free will exists even if it doesn't. If you get convinced by determinist arguments that you're acting like you have free will. If determinism is true then whether you think it's true or not is not up to you, it's determined.
>might as well off yourself then.
Which again is also determined and you can't control it.

>> No.20425982

I always feel better whenever it starts to get dark, it seems that my mind is relaxing and no longer racing or as anxious as it is during the day time.

>> No.20425991

no its not you moron. if that was true everyone would have killed themselves by now

>> No.20426007

Imagine you could live in one world. One in which everyone has no ailments. V.s one in which everyone is disabled. Which do you choose?
Weird to take pride in an ailment. There's nothing wrong with being a retard but it's nothing to be proud of either. Typically I'm proud of something I have accomplished.

>> No.20426008

It's not up to them whether they kill themselves, it's determined. You're still acting like free will is true. Which you have to do. It's unavoidable. That's why the debate doesn't matter.

>> No.20426033

>I'm proud of being short, bald and having a small dick

>> No.20426044

Why would someone be proud of that? You're the ones proud of things that are wrong with you.

>> No.20426046

>constipation pride week! It's time constipateds to reclaim their internalized oppression. There's nothing wrong with not passing stool. We need to create a more inclusive and accommodating world out there for all the constipateds. We need mandated paid public leave for restroom breaks now!

>> No.20426049

>wrong with you
see, there it is

>> No.20426056

I appreciate what others do for me, but I just don't like my birthday. I don't want gifts, not even money, or to go out and celebrate. I just want to do what I do every other day.

>> No.20426064

Yeah those are physical flaws. Are you going to cry about it?

>> No.20426066

I don't think anybody is, it's just a hyperbole of the disability pride post. People shouldn't be "proud" of things that are wrong with them, just accept that they were born with some drawbacks and try to focus on the things and areas they can be good at.

>> No.20426067

I guess you all got it figured out nimrod. never rope me into one of your debates again. you are clearly a lost cause.

big dicks tend to be a bigger (notice the similie) indicator of homosexuality on average. not only is there studies about this, but afaik, even IRL having a small one as a queer is the exception not the rule. not even being gay myself here. I only like women. but its difficult to talk about because people will suspect you're some closet case.

>> No.20426069

I regret that I quit my job

>> No.20426075

my birthday, speaking of which, is in gay month and one day before that dreaded nog holiday. just fuck my shit man. geminis have it hard.

>> No.20426080

now you can write your perfect novel

>> No.20426083

Also I listed those three examples because they're some of the only socially acceptable forms of shaming/prejudice today

>> No.20426088

>I guess you all got it figured out nimrod. never rope me into one of your debates again. you are clearly a lost cause.
What is even your argument? I can't tell that you've made one.

>> No.20426092

because you got it figured it out man! you do you! you go girl! get some dick!

>> No.20426093

Yeah that's a bad thing. We need to go back to shaming other things as well.

>> No.20426097

What job was it?

>> No.20426112

Did you somehow misread what I said to think I'm a determinist? That seems to be what you're whining about.

>> No.20426120

My point is, you should either be allowed to make fun of everything or nothing at all. Being a manlet isn't as bad as being in a wheelchair obviously, but both are things one is given in life randomly and not as a choice

>> No.20426137


>> No.20426142

>boo hoo i can't reach the cookie jar
>i'm as oppressed as the negro and as disabled as the cripple!
>in fact i have it even WORSE!

>> No.20426167
File: 123 KB, 187x533, Tommy_Vercetti_from_GTA_Vice_City.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20426174

>I took the monkmaxxing meme seriously
130 lbs to 90 in a few months.
Can’t talk.
It’s over.

>> No.20426178

My parents bought me a new iPhone, and I had to tell them to return it because that's way to expensive for something I don't need.

>> No.20426183

they were hoping u'd finally have sex if they got you a less nerdy phone

>> No.20426196

I do have an Android with a custom ROM....

>> No.20426214

"custom rom" is "zero pussy" in albanian

>> No.20426220


>> No.20426223


>> No.20426236

No because you wanted a debate and then assumed the "both sides are the same thing, just different" fallacy

>> No.20426250

This but unironically

>> No.20426251

I was responding to the anon who wanted a debate, I am not him. Also I don't think they are the same, but that the debate has no practical value.

>> No.20426253
File: 3.80 MB, 1750x2190, 1624336075381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we are what we eat, and I'm a human being, does that mean...?

>> No.20426278


>> No.20426984

They started dating pretty young. Knowing them, they were probably waiting to finish their studies and save some money for a house before marrying.

>> No.20427816

That's because:
>what we will becomes a representation and that representation in turn makes us
Makes no fucking sense. Express yourself better.