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20411762 No.20411762 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that deal with "lookism"? Ie the massive amounts of social advantage/privilege attractive individuals enjoy over less attractive ones? Seems like a grossly overlooked topic for some reason.

>> No.20411775
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Evolutionary biology, pretty much anything regarding evolution I guess

>> No.20411776

There is no privilege. You have no idea how disgusting it feels to walk down the street knowing every man would kill to drink your piss. Men are disgusting.

>> No.20411821

sounds like late stage communism to me
honestly all the poors and uglies and darkies and whoever else feels oppressed should get the rope too
day of the rope when?
sick and tired of dealing with all these communisms, economic communism, race communism, sexual communism, looks based communism... all these inferior oppressed retards are oppressing my internet

>> No.20411833

I’m good looking in a pretty boy way. I feel like a lot of guys size me up or check me out on the down low. I’ve had a couple awkward encounters and now I don’t want guy friends

>> No.20411836

You could just dress more conservatively.

>> No.20411844

You sound like you’ll be or have been pressured into a homosexual encounter in which you were the sub. Theoretically if a taller stronger man pushed you against a wall would you get erect?

>> No.20411877

No. I’ve just had guys make awkward advances or put their hand on my knee. I tell them I’m straight and they nervously laugh and say they’re joking. A bunch of girls have a crush on me and sometimes guys, that I don’t even know, like they’re boyfriends, are dicks to me for no reason. I’ve lost a lot of respect for men

>> No.20411885

i've had gays hit on me but never females. i consider myself ugly, what does this mean? do they think i'm an easy fuck? kek

>> No.20411886

I'm going to abort your fetus during the fifth trimester and there's nothing you can do about it short of moving to afghanistan. How does that make you feel

>> No.20411914

Idk. I don’t understand gay men. They seem to be very promiscuous with low standards. Maybe you give off gay vibes

>> No.20411922

it's too blackpilled for most people and now associated with incel ideology

>> No.20411939

Well that's not OUR fault, just try being less attractive maybe? Cut your tits off, gain 300 lbs of weight, tan excessively. You can do it. Meanwhile an average man can't make make himself taller. Keep that in mind.

>> No.20411944

I want Incel philosophy and sociology to be mainstream in one hundred years. Screenshot this.

>> No.20411948

What should be said ?
Everything is already in studies.
Good looking ppl get the best jobs, the best partners, are happier etc.
There is no downside to be better looking, so it feels boring to talk about it.

>> No.20411980

Don't dress like a hoe.

>> No.20411984

I could just honor kill you and go on the run. They'll never find me in South America.

>> No.20411988
File: 82 KB, 265x376, Lookism_Volume_1_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this. It's literally called Lookism. I've trashed my fair share of weebshit but this was suprisingly decent

>> No.20412081

>it's actually gookshit

>> No.20412101


There was a YA book written in '05 about exactly this:


Don't know if there could ever be a good adaptation of this, given that almost every actor and actress is stupidly hot, and the few that aren't are comically hideous.

>> No.20412107


All men are promiscuous with low standards.

>> No.20412118

I have pretty high standards. If I was alone with a mediocre girl and she was throwing herself at me, sure.

>> No.20412293

Holluebeq’s works touches on lookism or is at least tangentially related to it. There was some Egyptian author who’s name I don’t remember but there was a quote from him that really stuck with me: “If there’s one thing you should do in life, it’s to not be born ugly”. I’ve never read his stuff because I couldn’t remember his name but I know a lot of it is about lookism. Maybe another anon knows who he is. Frankenstein is also a really excellent tale about a man scorned for his looks.

I find it insane how some people fanatically deny lookism. It’s usually never attractive people who deny it as well. I guess it’s their way of coping - if they believe that looks don’t matter then they can live their lives in a comforting delusion.

>> No.20412919

I've gone on dates with women who took me back to their place, lead me to their room, and heavily hinted they wanted to sleep with me. I politely left soon after without even making out with them because it had become clear to me that I had no interest in pursing anything further with them.
I'm also a virgin.
Volcel gang rise up.

>> No.20412923

its real but the ultimate thing is poor female mate selection. its probably why the global IQ is dropping. also "cope" isn't real.

>> No.20412976

I think part of the problem with "lookism" is that society for most of history was pretty brutal, the roles allotted and available to people were pretty overdetermined by circumstance even at higher social levels, and people were more "conservative" and much more realistic as a result.

The practical effect of all this was that being beautiful, as a man or a woman, was an asset, but one that people noticed and remarked on, so there was a kind of natural equilibrium to it. A beautiful girl from a poor family would be conspicuous to her family and to all onlookers as an asset, i.e., she and everybody else would instinctively know that her natural "gifts" were also going to be leveraged and exploited, so they came with responsibilities and downsides. The same goes for being "the smart one" in the family, or the one with some special skill that can be leveraged. If you are really good at something, there is an automatic, grimly realistic expectation that you are going to grind your ass off to make use of it and provide for your family. Everything individual about you is "reintegrated" into what really matters, which is your extended family.

The same would be true at higher levels. Just look at Catherine the Great's memoirs about how shit her life was, running around trying to find anyone who would marry her. More regimented life with duty, responsibility, meaning. Beauty was an asset but just one asset.

In either case if you were born handsome it was just another part of your individuality and particularity, against a larger backdrop of context provided by your family, your class, your religion etc. Being bizarrely handsome wasn't some game-changer, it was just a nice thing the ladies at church would remark on, like "Did you hear Erzabet married Handsome Pete? Their children will be so beautiful!"

Nowadays there is no context to life except the individual's "gifts" (genetic+wealth+status lottery) and all individuals are expected to spend their lives exchanging their gifts on meaningless pleasure- and comfort-seeking. It's built into everyone's mind unconsciously that, short of having natural gifts (being born rich or beautiful or both), the game of life is rigged against the small player, like a casino. Ordinary people without gifts are "faceless," contextless, individuals without anything to trade for a comfortable individualist lifestyle. A few drones will ascend by luck, but everyone knows by instinct that the system is stacked against the drones. Most will have to live as bottom feeders.

In a world where nothing matters other than wealth and hedonism, and the standard "good life" is a kind of prolonged and stereotyped adolescence, beautiful people are intuitively the only ones who "matter." It's like a prison where some prisoners get luxury apartment cells while most get shitty dirty cells. After a few generations nobody even remembers being a real human anymore, the only frame of reference anyone has is "why can't I have a luxury cell."

>> No.20412991

Confidence and personality trump looks everyday. Looks are a bonus

>> No.20413003

Liking What You See: A Documentary is a brilliant short story on the subject by the best living SF author, Ted Chang. (Guy who wrote the story that the movie Arrival is based on, if you've ever seen that.) Highly recommend.

>> No.20413012

*Ted Chiang

>> No.20413018

*Ching Chong

>> No.20413083

Plenty of books discuss the disarming quality beautiful people have over mere mortals. Lolita, Anna Karenina, that deformed chick in Infinite Jest whose name I forget that even Orin was intimidated by her. Houllebecq's entire output.

>> No.20413090

Post face and I'll try to tell why they would be attracted to you.
t. fag

Fucking this. I live in a smaller country so average-looking people have a chance to become actors too, but when there was a few Russian plays having guest performances in my city, I was baffled. All of their female actors are the same sort of pretty - very long, usually blond hair, always the same stature - thin, elegant, etc. This rigid selection process is their acting schools literally makes certain characters impossible to portray, there's no ordinary working woman there. (There were just two exceptions in the four plays that I've seen - one old "babushka" type, and a fat and short actress whose role was some sort of a wild boar, grunting and squealing and walking on all fours all the time.)

I don't think Frankenstein monster's ugliness is the central issue. Rather it is the anti-natural origin of the creature, and the ugliness is only an external reflection of that.

>> No.20413092

That's an interesting take. Have you read any books that have led you to these ideas?

>> No.20413093

You were just scared about the power dynamic and fled toward what was familiar versus being potentially found out as inexperienced and inadequate. I was like that too and turned down opportunity before realizing it wasn't healthy in the long run. Go get laid.

>> No.20413102
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>a fat and short actress whose role was some sort of a wild boar, grunting and squealing and walking on all fours all the time
Really need to uhhh visit your country

>> No.20413147

Huh? I was talking about guest performances from Russian theaters.

>> No.20413541
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>I don’t understand gay men

they are not complicated. some of them want to put their dick up your arsehole

conversely, some of them want u to put your dick up in their arsehole

in the american aesthetic, this is considered brave and beautiful

not much more to it than that, really

>> No.20413554

you sound like a fucking faggot, get over it.

>> No.20413560


>> No.20413562

>A bunch of girls have a crush on me and sometimes guys, that I don’t even know, like they’re boyfriends, are dicks to me for no reason.
Post picture, Alcibiades.

>> No.20413566

people like to look at pretty things because we were born with instincts that tell us that aesthetically pleasing things are good for us. I have an attractive friend and dear god it's demoralizing seeing him get a number from a girl everytime we hangout, it's like something out of a terrible porno, He's a good lad though and it would suck to have a world of ugliness, look at Americans if you want to make sure of that.

>> No.20413577

>They'll never find me in South America.
Said Joseph Mengele.

>> No.20413582
File: 204 KB, 612x470, trd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a book, only this one tweet.

>> No.20413586

>I don't have a book, only this one tweet.
So, hit the gym?

>> No.20413587

There's probably some about how only whites are considered classically beautiful and minorities are taught to hate their ethnic traits

>> No.20413593

Michael WellBack of course

>> No.20413597

I have a male friend who not only regularly gets numbers randomly given to him but had women he barely met offer to pay his travel, college tuition, and an expensive instrument. Female simps might be even worse than male simps.

>> No.20413606

Yes, and another simple advice is: don't tryhard when around women; if you are in doubt, use the Brad Pitt rule (just google it), and last but not least:

"When you can look a gorgeous woman straight in the eye and see just a person, you will be freed from the fear of women." This helps a lot, it doesn't have to be exactly about fear, but for example, putting women on pedestal etc.

>> No.20413625

I already do these two things. The only realization that comes with age is that women aren't some complex puzzle to solve nor that you need to learn some complex mating dance that will "impress" her, the reality is if you aren't getting any, it just probably means you're not very good looking. The advice you get on women is always dancing around this issue (well, just be more confident, well, dress better, well, go to gym) because nobody wants to admit that women, like men, select mostly on the basis of looks.

>> No.20413633

>the reality is if you aren't getting any, it just probably means you're not very good looking.
Or you don't have money/fame and a working social circle.

>> No.20413647

Yeah extreme amounts of money/fame can change that but not anything less. I earn double the average salary here and have a job where im pretty well known in certain circles. I live in a smaller city and i'll have people saying hi to me that know me everytime i go out for a walk. That doesn't mean anything when the guy next to you is a greek god.

>> No.20413656
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all men are promiscuous

Bahahaha they wish. Most men dont get any.

>men have low standards.

For sex, yea. Men are eevolutionarily inclined to spread their seed where as women are inclined to select which seed is the best.

>> No.20413663

>He's a good lad though and it would suck to have a world of ugliness, look at Americans if you want to make sure of that.

>> No.20413675

can someone explain why the reddit wojak gets posted so often? I never see how it is relevant

>> No.20413762

no such thing, Marxist
and if such thing, based anyway

>> No.20413767

yup 100%

>> No.20413771

we will drag your slut ass to Afghanistan and make your utherus into a baby factory and there's nothing you can do about that.
Weak, pathetic, ribtard. Born to serve.

>> No.20413772

Read Hogg by Samuel Delaney to understand the gay community

>> No.20413775

Rent free
Maybe just maybe only men should get to decide what's consenting and what's not, we had ten thousand years of the reverse of that, maybe its time to try something new
Lookism has fuckall to do with Marxism

>> No.20413778

>Lookism has fuckall to do with Marxism
wrong, it's the same mindset

>> No.20413780

Ultimately who cares because this is beyond politics

>> No.20413782

send feet pics

>> No.20413809

Gross I'm a fucking dude. Are you a faggot or something?

>> No.20413862

For sure they are, I do think they are rarer than male simps just because men have a harder time attracting a partner, but women essentially have very little dignity and honor to throw away, they will quite literally say or do anything and not feel ashamed about it

>> No.20413863

I thought you were the slut from before and wanted to gross you out
sorry fren

>> No.20413908

You post like an AI trying to understand common sense, and basically, thats why we're fucked.

>> No.20413913

I've had gay old men hit on me and offer me 'pocket money'.
Does that mean I'm pretty?

>> No.20413924

None of what you said is true, but it sounds nice because people on this board/site just love to bitch about how rigged the game is, how things aren't like they used to be, etc. Just grow a spine. Everyone out there, good looking or otherwise, is struggling with life.

>> No.20413953

I think the point is given the amount of attention every sort of discrimination gets, why is the biggest discrimination flat out ignored? Everyone today is hyperaware of every form of discrimination except this one which is swept under the rug.

>> No.20413961

No one will admit it because it's not completely true. No woman out there will go "ew, short surgeon" or "ew, bald lawyer." We see hot women hooking up with older or relatively unattractive men all the time.

>> No.20413991

Settling down yeah. Did you see those marriages? Dead bedrooms. Let me know when she sees a balding manlet surgeon on a night out and thinks "gee, he is kind of hot".

>> No.20414720

that doesn't contradict what the post says, did you read it

>> No.20415465

Nah, it's because she started telling me about her son by another man who was with a relative at the time and who she gave birth to as a teenager.
Didn't want to get involved with that and didn't want to just use her either.
>Go get laid
Saving that for marriage, homie. Trying out the dating scene was a real eye opener and now my stance is that the sexual revolution has destroyed healthy relations between men and women.
Why does every woman I know have a story about how a previous guy "abused" and "raped" them? Why is almost every woman I know on SSRIs? Why have they all gotten abortions? Why are guys such degenerate coomers? Why does dating suck so much? The sexual marketplace, non-committal relationships, and a contraceptive culture that has divorced sex from the natural consequences and purpose for which it evolved.

>> No.20415483

>all these inferior oppressed retards are oppressing my internet
woah sweetie must be tough

>> No.20415487

>money won't make you happy
Ok bud.

>> No.20415557

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld.

>> No.20415605

beauty = fitness
people evolved to judge others based on appearance. because in practice, your life depends on being able to tell within a few seconds whether or not you can trust someone.
this is probably one of the unconscious reasons for men to distrust women who use makeup.
people who are perceived as attractive do enjoy massive privilege. but what exactly do you want to do about it? artificially create "corrective discrimination"? the problem with making complaints like these is that they will always inevitably degenerate into victimhood ideology.

attractiveness shares some uncanny similarities with IQ, in the sense that they don't actually measure anything other than themselves, and yet somehow still seem to correlate with almost everything.

>> No.20415620

I'm good looking but also a manlet (5'10 ft/177cm) with a receding hairline. I guess you can't have everything, at least the hairline is fixable with hair transplant.

>> No.20415632

This guy knows his shit.

>> No.20415635

That's one of the main reasons its time to just leave what's consenting and what's not to the man. Women are kids with tits, mentally.

>> No.20415640

You’ve spent too much time on the internet

>> No.20415642

It will be, but a deradicalised version. Incels will replace non-trans/trans allied feminists as a new oppressed group and they’ll be given sexdolls or something.

>> No.20415649

>It will be, but a deradicalised version. Incels will replace non-trans/trans allied feminists as a new oppressed group and they’ll be given sexdolls or something.
>Implying we won't wage war to get rid of them.

>> No.20415676

Treat ugly people better in a sociopathic way, since then they’ll be your dependents, your vassals. Other non-ugly people.

>> No.20415683

5’10 isn’t a manlet, it’s the average male height in the US. Stop spending so much time here.

>> No.20415828

Leftwing turds lurk.

>> No.20415846

>this is probably one of the unconscious reasons for men to distrust women who use makeup.

>> No.20415860

>men regularly getting given numbers from women
Didn't even know this was a thing tbqh.

>> No.20415894

Btw I would like to add: this is incredibly gay and I want no part in it.

>> No.20415912

Befriend a Chad. Everytime I go out to a bar with my Chad friend he gets 1-3 numbers and thats with him trying to avoid all women. He has even had a chick randomly walk up to our table and ask him whether he wants to go to the bathroom. Literally if you want to see how desperately thirsty women are just hang out with a Chad. Main difference is men are kind of thirsty for every woman there, while women are brutally selective and have an active dislike/ignore mode for all non-Chads but are also willing to degrade themselves for Chad cock. It's actually peculiar to what lengths they will go shamelessly.

>> No.20415951

I've been friends with Chads and never seen this. That's sad if you're telling the truth. I don't think you are though.

>> No.20415958

You haven't been friends with a Chad.

>> No.20415963

Not if I can help it, in fact I think we should phase out women entirely

>> No.20416392

You people are such defeatist cucks. You just love to bitch and wallow in your misery. There always has to be something in the way, something that has mercilessly and arbitrarily stacked the cards against you. A rope is the only thing your ilk should aspire to.

>> No.20416403
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>> No.20416417

Is it short enough?

>> No.20416583

No there is literally nothing in the way except not being attractive lmao. Even if you get a girl because she thinks you're "cool" but doesn't find you sexually attractive, you'll notice it in bed. Sex when a girl finds tou physically attractive is different to sex when she feels like she wants to be with you because of personality or some other factor. Im just an average guy so I know this since I had sex with both types. A balding manlet surgeon will never have a woman truly enjoy sex with him on a fundamental level, even if he could theoretically have sex with tons of women (mostly ranging from young sugar babies/gold-diggers to women looking for a golden parachute to equally ugly professionals who feel like they should like him but ultimately don't despite being ugly themselves). There is nothing defeatist in this, I accept this openly, meanwhile you cannot face the truth so you make up some feel-good story.

>> No.20416757

too many reddit refugees went to /pol/ after their subreddits were closed down, like r/thedonald

>> No.20416798

Just because you don't know how to leverage people wanting to please you doesn't mean that privilege isn't there.

The privilege is that you don't have to work for people going along with what you're saying.

Try being ugly and have people come along with an idea or a proposal you have. You'll either have to have an ironclad way of convincing them, or they'll treat you like dirt, or slightly better, ignore you.

The privilege is that you get taken serious just for being pretty.

>> No.20417498

The only one getting the rope is you

>> No.20417693

This is why men shouldn't have to care what women think.

>> No.20418591

That's the thing that makes me sad though, just going out on the street and just seeing how everyone is fucking ugly. I wish beauty was attainable. It's so rare I see anyone on the street who looks good

>> No.20418716

Beautiful text.

>> No.20418882

it is attainable in a lot more ways than you think, not everyone can be chad thundercock but there are things you can change to appear attractive. It is a lot more work than those that are just born attractive but you can get there, let me list a few.
1. Mewing, look it up, basically just make sure you're not mouth breathing and you tongue is on the roof of your mouth, if not this will impact the way you face grows and can lead to weak jaw/chin, I've been mewing and the differences are subtle but they are noticeable, also it's worth taking visiting an orthodontist, misaligned teeth and over/underbites and fuck up your face and it is fixable, with braces/invasalign.
2. This is by far the most foolproof but getting /fit/, everyone has different goals but if you want your face to look good you should aim for low bodyfat, even if you think you aren't fat yoiiu'll be fucking shocked how a face of a skinny fat vs a shredded six pack dudes looks, it sharpens your jawline/chin and hollows your cheeks, I was low bf% but I had to lower it even more to see face results but they are definitely there.
3. Fashion, a well-fitting shirt can change your life baby, take care of your skin and get a solid haircut, I'm keeping this vague since everyone looks good in different things, but keep experimenting and wear what you like.
You won't be chad, however, if everyone in society collectively followed this advice, we would all be about 50% more attractive at the very least.

>> No.20418897

Spoken like a sentimental defeatist cuck. As long as you get your dick wet, you shouldn't give a fuck what women think.

>> No.20419021


You also have no idea what is like to be called gifted, to be on the edge of expectation since childhood.

To know and feel all your gifts boiling inside of you, and fighting every single day to achieve what is something beyond your control.

After you mature as a handsome man, you become lonelier because most guys will not hang out around you because they're usually scared, especially if they have a gf.

It's a rigged game for both, no average person could deal with the stress that you put in yourself everyday to make and achieve something great.

I am learning to surrender all to God.

>> No.20419125

I mewed my whole teenage years and im still ugly, though I do have a well formed jawline.

Yes obviously being fit is much better. fashion goes for so much

Really all that matters is the face

>> No.20419149

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.20419282

Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters

>> No.20419308

Best post in thread

>> No.20419312

It doesn't, though. It does make you comfortable.

>> No.20419325

If you post pic I'll confirm

>> No.20419352

>Not bitching and whining about modern women while simultaneously being a degenerate coomer
>shifting the blame to the real cause of fucked up men and women which is modern society and the sexual revolution.
>waiting till marriage

Based. All the best anon, hope you find the one

>> No.20419673

Gays have sex with anything and everything, it's in the genes as promiscuity. Look into mostly any fetish and it's mostly gay men.

>> No.20419676

Only gay men to be precise.

>> No.20419685

>There is no downside to be better looking
It's a major risk factor for the kind of pride that destroys a soul.

>> No.20419690

Women want things the other women want.

>> No.20419725
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>poor female mate selection

>> No.20419772

Just shave your head and find a woman who thinks bald men are sexy.

>> No.20419781
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The better you look, the more you see

pic is what you're looking for

>> No.20419786

I don't mind bald men. Could be some electra complex bullshit since my dad has been bald since I can remember.

>> No.20420034

Do girls really just hand out numbers to attractive guys without any effort on the guy’s part? Please tell me this isn’t true :(

>> No.20420274
File: 51 KB, 720x865, al9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Survival of the prettiest by nancy etcoff and current perspectives on sexual selection published by springer

>> No.20420312

the jews in holy wood have created the trope of the hot girl playing the uggo. Liek ugly betty

>> No.20420319

>they will quite literally say or do anything and not feel ashamed about it
And they dont need to since they know that no matter how they behave, a herd of men will still be desperate to compete for vagines

>> No.20420326
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Even the jews at OKcupid said women favor looks

>> No.20420330

>Do girls really just hand out numbers to attractive guys without any effort on the guy’s part? Please tell me this isn’t true :(
I've seen it before. Just a few months ago, when we were waiting in a queue.

>> No.20420333
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personality is a meme, looks matter more. you cant be saved by a personality, but you can be saved by looks, that what the red points outside the cloud means.

>> No.20420338
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here is the full study

>> No.20420342

>Even the jews at OKcupid said women favor looks
Do you know how women behave in front of basketball-americans?

>> No.20420355

1 Around a hot tall guy, you get to wear heels with reckless abandon without worrying that you will tower over him!

2 They are born knowing how to pick you up and throw you on a bed :p

3 When you are near a hot tall guy, you feel safe, like nothing can happening to you because other people are intimidated by tall people.

4 You feel safe when they hug you, and your height matches theirs in such a way that your ear hits their heart and you can hear it beat.

5 When they hug you from behind they can rest their chin on your head and grab you, causing you to melt a little bit inside.

6 You can turn their sweaters and shirts into dresses. Just throw on some pumps and hit the club, gurl!

7 Hot guys who are tall and big can reach stuff off the top shelf for you, and when they do you can stare at them and watch as their muscles flex.

8 All tall hot guys are sexy when sitting down because they are so tall that they have to slouch, meaning their legs are spread open kind of and just yessss.

9 Tall guys look great in clothes because clothes are made with tall people in mind. Plus it's really cute when they roll their pants up to show some of their socks, a look that only tall people can pull off effectively!

10 They have healthy genes.

11 You will never have to wear kitten heels/ be conscious about your shoe choice/worry about looking taller than your man.

12 People who love tall guys know that the act of looking at a tall dude is an act of seduction because you have to look up at him and just omg.

14 Sometimes a hot guy is so tall that holding his hand is awkward so you hold his bicep instead, which is just as good!

15 Because when your hot tall man friend takes you to concerts, he can see everything but will use his domineering height to comb through the crowd to make sure you get to see, too.

20 When you share a bed with a hot tall guy at night it's easier to get into his little nook.

>> No.20420470
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A few inches of bone.

>> No.20420489

People who play rigged games are suckers. Don't confuse your innate desire for pussy with an innate need to participate in broken social structures that offer you a few crumbs of pussy for a lifetime of slavery.

Getting blackpilled about "dating culture" and how hard it is to live the degenerate sex-centric perpetual twentysomething lifestyle pounded into your brain by pop music is like living in North Korea and using the North Korean intranet to talk about how hard it is to thrive in North Korea. No shit, it's North Korea. Stop tacitly accepting the role you are being forced to play and then merely whining about how terrible and internally contradictory the role is. Take a step back so you can see the whole stage and the whole theater this degenerate play is being carried out in, and then reject it.

>> No.20420640

In his essay “Of Physiognomy,” from 1588, Michel de Montaigne writes that nature often does an injustice to noble people by clothing them in ugliness; nevertheless, he says, a beautiful soul is usually visible if one looks closely and steadily enough. To the beautiful falls the right of command, he observes, quoting Aristotle, although he adds that this situation is not always just. He then goes on to say that there is an art to distinguishing faces, the kindly ones from the simple ones, the severe from the rough.

--The Art of Subtext (essay called Loss of Face) - Charles Baxter

>> No.20420702

No, I've acquired women before. So this is a non-sequitur

>> No.20420708

Women are a hive mind with an out group bias which makes them a liability to the general population

>> No.20420753
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You get my upvote, anon.

>> No.20422403

looks pleases the hedonists, this is why women prefer looks over anything else

>> No.20422441

>drink your piss
ewww wtf

>> No.20422564

The Halo Effect exists but it is a good thing. Your outer appearance is a reflection of your soul.

>> No.20422568

Just world fallacy cope

>> No.20422576

Seething uggo.

>> No.20423522

Explain Ted Bundy

>> No.20423530

It happened to me once. I ended up ghosting her.

>> No.20423544

Just noticed this post

Its a good refutation of JBW theory

>> No.20423587

>though I do have a well-formed jawline
what's holding you back, brother? that is one of harder things to change, and don't give me the lookism "hunter eyes" stuff, the blackpill is kind of right in a lot of ways but it's worth trying anyways.

>> No.20423617

The real blackpill is going outside and seeing short average looking guys everywhere laughing with their cute gfs and realising you've been psyopped all along. The real blackpill is that the blackpill is complete bullshit and you wasted your youth stressing about lookism when all you needed to do all along was smile more and not be such a morose autist around women.

>> No.20423667

>go outside!!!
This argument doesn't really work anymore, virtual dating is getting more and more popular, also I do have a pretty healthy social life, and I'm an ok looking dude, I'm not expecting any puss but it's pretty clear that things are changing for the worse, I only knew one short dude with a gf and he got cucked. Like I said, it's worth trying anyways, I'm not a defeatist but a lot of the things are pretty correct. I will be fair, a friends, friend I know is a pretty short dude but he has almost gigachad level facial features and he gets plenty puss because he's confident, it's not like these things are wrong, it's just that they are beginning to matter less and less in the modern world with how fucked up things are.

>> No.20423673

Nogs tend to have confidence, they also try to hit on every woman they see and wind up getting results because of that, thing is they can't hold anything down in the long-term and you should literally never try to imitate them in any manner regarding that

>> No.20423680

thats one of the reasons I think the concept of "consent" should be (but not in the WEF Schwabian sense, but rather just in terms of sexual relations) criticized.

makes sense why up until recently nerd culture was predominately white. to me nerd was the etymological designation that existed before "incel" and still carries a bit of a sting like it did back then.

>> No.20423712
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yeah, incel as a term has been fucking weaponized to the point where it is a far cry from just 'involuntary incel" not really how it is used anymore, the incel wiki (I know, I know) had a pretty good excerpt on the word "creep" and this it sort of applies to this as well

>> No.20423721
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Holy shit you're me

>> No.20423729

criticizing consent is such a hard to tackle goal, it's hard to not look like fucked up. At the same time most women have exteremely non-consensual fantasies about what they want in bed and just men in general.
I'm beginning to think that women are always in a constant state of foreplay, they actively try to tear down everything about what makes a man great and attractive to them in an extremely passionate lust-filled hope that from it, an even stronger man rises from their attempts and fucks their brains out.

>> No.20423750

Women's desire is equally disgusting and disruptive to my life.

Or wait, desire is just human.

Disgust is an emotion that reveals more about you than it does the object of your disgust.


>> No.20423759

this is pretty fun to do. Been invited in multiple times, they want something, but they don't want to be the one to initiate it. I just look at the home and leave. Not many have the guts say that they want sex, but one actually did

Dont have sex outside of marrige anon. stay strong, it is not worth it anyway.
t. 30 year old who could have been wizard, but got tricked by a harlot

>> No.20423763

nowadays "incel" used in casual "normie" conversation just means "white guy who has problematic views"

its definitely something that the aspiring "incel" philsophers and epistemologists could tackle, including myself, since feminist philosophers won't touch it with a ten foot pole.

>> No.20423768

>it had become clear to me that I had no interest in pursing anything further with them

Bullshit. At that point, in her bedroom, it's not your brain at work, it is your dick. I seriously doubt you could just tell your cock "nah mate let's not have some fun, just think about the consequences!"

Either you're lying or I'm just too much of a horny motherfucker who wouldn't turn down pussy

>> No.20423777

not him but while I haven't gotten directly in the bedroom, once I step away and think about her in my own time I can have a clear head, it's not easy though.

>> No.20423781

the women that "criticize" ARE the feminist philosophers aren't they?

>> No.20423807

it's important to acknowledge hard truths like "lookism", but to find a way to not feel bitter because of it. falling into bitterness is the most destructive aspect of all this, i think

>> No.20423819

Not necessarily. In fact I think they would like even more barriers between men and women

>> No.20424198

Oh sweety, the men of the west are barely invested into society anymore. You will have a heck of a time when we find our slumbering taste for violence again. It will be magnificient.

>> No.20424267

you are a virgin.

>> No.20424282
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If looks are so important then how come there are still so many ugly people?
How did all the ugly genes get passed on if ugly people can't breed?

>> No.20424289

this is 7/10 territory, or pretty boy territory
really good looking or masculine men terrify women, you'll actually get approached less, and many times women would have their wall up in interactions. Men hate you or worship you like a god

>> No.20424296

hard to answer, honestly. probably because ugly have no choice but to settle for other ugly, creating a gulf between really attractive people and the downright rotten.

>> No.20424311

Absolute bullshit
I was good friends with a literal male model and this rarely if ever happened
he was successful with most women but he had to actually approach and make a move
I also knew a ton of "chad" like guys, same kind of thing
Dumb incel fantasies

>> No.20424322

The rewards that being attractive gives you are all superficial. The right person will love you no matter what you look like. Only the wrong people treat you differently based on your physical appearance.

T. Handsome guy

>> No.20424335

Because low-confidence men will settle for unattractive women, and women often don't really care about facial attractiveness in favour of things such as personality, status and build.

>> No.20424347

that's not what incels actually think. you got hoodwinked.

>> No.20424361

>that's not what incels actually think
You're retarded. "CHAD WALKS IN ALL FEMALE GRAB HIS DICK" is basic ass incel shit that has been peddled endlessly for the last 8 years

>> No.20424379

not the same person. and yeah, it's a dumb incel fantasy that "women" are like that (specially in those words), but it does kinda happen w/ some guys (being very often approached by women)

also friends w/ literal male model, never saw that happening w/ him
but also friends w/ another chad that (although for me is less good looking than the male model) would have that kind of thing happening to him virtually every week (including girls stopping me out of nowhere to be like "hey, is your friend single?" or wanting me to give him their number lmao)

you probably can picture a kind of girl who is very good looking but in a homely/non steriotypical way, that gets approached a lot by all kinds of guys because everybody sort of think they have a chance with her. my theory is just that the guy above is the male equivalent of that, it's not just about being handsome.

>> No.20424667

...which makes you happier

>> No.20424714


Bundy had a psychopathic neanderthal reptile physiognomy. He didn't look trustworthy at all