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20407653 No.20407653 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.20407685
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A 71 year old White woman was praising the work of an 80 year old peer and referred to him as "Colored" instead of "Black".

>> No.20407715
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Apparently her husband was also banned from the conference...

>> No.20407812

Excuse me, don't you mean Capital-B Black? If someone reads your message aloud, they must know that you capitalized the B. Also, never capitalize the W in white again.

>> No.20407835

If that's what it was, then yeah, that's just ridiculous, especially given what their fucking organization NAACP stands for.

>> No.20407875

>that flag
kek they love eating themselves. signal harder next time faggot

>> No.20407890

blacks have contributed fuck all to civilization and this is coming from someone who regularly interacts with them on a daily basis

>> No.20407915

Delaney wasn’t even the one who got ‘offended’, in fact nobody else present seemed to give a fuck either. It was one person on the panel who ran to cry about it on twitter after the thing was over.

>> No.20407926
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‘out of body experience’ lmao

>> No.20407959

I wish this wasn't the world we live in.

>> No.20407976

getting this upset over someone saying nigger will they ban lord of the flies or huckleberry fin?

>> No.20408009

What was the slur? "White boy"? "Karen"? "Redneck"?

>> No.20408011

lol, try "colored"

>> No.20408020

>do colored people really?

>> No.20408040

that's even more pathetic anyone serious should remove all funding

>> No.20408063

she should have called him a pedophile

>> No.20408194

I fucking hate my generation. Most of us shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>> No.20408226

This is the fucking world you created by thinking /pol/ was wrong. I hope each and every one of you suffers in your life from this shit, you above it all fence-sitting cowards.
Let all your children erode liberal democracy away, bit by bit in front of your own eyes, until you are put in a care home for calling a MAP a pedo.

>> No.20408228

Liberal democracy was a mistake, it deserves all the niggers.

>> No.20408269

if she was praising the guy, it obviously wasn't used in ill intent. all they needed to do was let her know that word is considered a slur these days, which she obviously wasn't aware of

>> No.20408281

>that word is considered a slur these days

>> No.20408286

apparently, it was at least by them. but all they needed to do was tell her and i'm sure she'd have apologised, there's no indication that she was asked to stop and got belligerent about it

>> No.20408292

It's person of color you fucking nazi incel.

>> No.20408419

it's the whites' burden to know what is defined by blacks as offensive or not. and it can change on a daily basis.

>> No.20408542

>of color
I sleep

>> No.20408567
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>"colored person" is a slur that can get you banned from an event for even accidentally uttering
>but "person of color" is now the preferred term that is used by official academia
It's all so fucking tiresome. When will people have enough and just stop caring about this perpetual linguistic masochism?

>> No.20408752

>*honk honk*

>> No.20408763

This is weaponization of white languages against white people. These people hate you and want you to go extinct, so it will continue as long as they can force it to.

>> No.20408773

>Person of Colour
Thought crime. Deplatformed. Family cancelled.

>> No.20408814

I love how she's talking about 'power dynamics'. I think we can see who has power and who doesn't here lol

>> No.20408903

As a matter of fact, every person has colors?
I myself am pale copper, i get a deeper tone of copper if i tan, am i supposed to be ashamed of that?

Why are black people so *ashamed* of their own color, why is refering to a black person by their color such forbidden, horrendous act?
Are they ashamed of their color, to the point simply pointing out they got at color at all is enough to cause a ruckus?

White people are pinkish, yellow people are yellowish, red people are a dark mix between rouge and brown, everyone has a color, those who have no color, we might as well call "the translucid people"

I see racism here, i see it very well. It does not come from the mouth of a white person calling a black "colored" it comes from the black causing a ruckus, feeling ashamed for being of color, as if being black was an insult so profane suggesting it is enough to offend.

>> No.20408926

the flag says they both deserve it

>> No.20408957

you reap what you sow lmao

>> No.20408996


>> No.20409439

Wait I thought they were people of COLOR now?

>> No.20409593

It amazes that people who want their language policed like this regularly call others bootlickers. Is it just projection?

>> No.20410289

Women. Every single time.

>> No.20410535

meanwhile the "offended" person, samuel r delany, is a pedo that openly advocates for nambla and legal sex with children lmao

>> No.20410559

>...of Color
*standing ovation*
*awarded NAACP Image award*
>checks fine-print
>The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

>> No.20410591


Live by the [progressive] sword, die by the [progressive] sword.

>> No.20410603

Who /negro fatigue/ here

>> No.20410615

Reported for racism. I'm literally shaking.

>> No.20410628

What are your thoughts on the biology assignment that used a picture of Obama to make the point that humans are primates? I've noticed the articles around this issue are conveniently skewing it so it seems like the assignment was saying Obama is a monkey, not to mention they're neglecting that this assignment was taken from Duke University's Department of Biology.

>> No.20410660

>What are your thoughts on the biology assignment that used a picture of Obama to make the point that humans are primates?
Bad assignment - Barack Obama is a reptoid. Read David Icke.

>> No.20410672

I bet you also believe the planet Saturn shoots energy rays at Earth to cause an evil influence or some bullshit.

>> No.20410676

>I bet you also believe the planet Saturn shoots energy rays at Earth to cause an evil influence or some bullshit.
It does - that evil influence manifests itself in the popular cryptocurrency called Chainlink.

>> No.20410697

Sometimes I wonder if some whitoids act like this on purpose just to flex on us or if they're really just THIS innocent and THIS oblivious to the world around them. It's hard to tell.

>> No.20410719

orwell told us that we will live in gulag nightmare world where freedom is slavery, war is peace, colored is people of color, etc

>russia bad because tv said so
>americans killed millions more civilians in iraq, libya, yugoslavia, nicaragua, panama, vietnam, afghanistan, 1/4 of the planet? no sanctions lmao heh kek top lol

>china bad because tv said so, they put people in prison and shit
>america and 'the free world' has more prisoners? despite having less population? home of the free my dude

>russia bad because tv said so, they poisoned a journalist or idk
>assange? snowden? heh i never heard of guantanamo my dude, all i know is my government would never kidnap random people

>diversity is our strength, the tv said so
>i havent noticed any systemic rampaging jihadis raping and beheading, the party didnt mention it, you are not allowed to notice these bi-annual isolated incidents

>burn-loot-murder (blm) protests are mostly peaceful, the cnn said so!
>this one doesnt even require a second sentence to point out hypocrisy, just putting this in to fit the format

>best korea, iran, random boogeyman #123123 is bad because the tv said so!
>please ignore rogue nuclear state of israel, violating more un peace council treaties daily than any rogue state

>we live in a society (tm) where we are all hyper rich and have freedoms and speech and shit
>please ignore you can get cancelled and gulaged for 15 year old joke on the internet and that you can only buy consoomer trash made in china and processed diabetes, and that feudal peasants paid less taxes while owning more property than you

remember kids, russia bad, jews are your best friend, and you stole your satellite internet connection from the tribal cannibals of congo and you will be shot if you dont feel bad about stealing all these nuclear submarines and satellites from a random congo shaman

>> No.20410725

liberal democracy caused this

>> No.20410737

It's hilarious how some factions of wignats will sometimes pretend to care about non-whites when it suits them. You really like being perceived as le cool evil jocks don't you?

>> No.20410756
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Building your world view through resentment and subversion isn't going to get you closer to the truth. If all you have is a black mirror of an illusion you're still getting an inaccurate view of the world.

>> No.20410787

Who the fuck would want to attend a pozzed conference like this anyway

>> No.20410793

i honestly dont know anything about factions and what wignats even are, i got my racism from listening to dr pierce on the radio in the 90s and early 2000s, i dont even know any modern racism websites/communities/whatever, the modern unfree algorithm infested internet would probably auto delete all of those in the first 0.2 nanoseconds of them going online

im not a hypocrite, i am merely pointing out the hypocrisy, i moved into a 99.9% white neighborhood a while ago and practically solved racism for myself, i dont suffer from that shit anymore

are you saying i cant build a worldview because im pointing out contradictions in 'the tv said so!' all popular narrative of today? i already have a worldview and my worldview has infinitely higher predictive power than all the 'tv said so!' narratives, it even helped me maintain a successful business and a healthy lifestyle

>> No.20410837

>the modern unfree algorithm infested internet would probably auto delete all of those in the first 0.2 nanoseconds of them going online

>> No.20410849

>Mercedes Lackey
To be replaced by B. M. W. Schill.

>> No.20410953

its true tho
tattoo a swastika and you get the whole 'omg how could you, dont you know about 666 quadrillion jews they gassed daily' scripted responses, 'swastika bad because people died!!!'
now tattoo hammer and sickle which killed orders of magnitude more people, but there are no scripted responses, there are no tv narratives about it, the 'rule' that "x bad because people died" suddenly doesnt matter, as if someone used a magic spell, magic spell called hypocrisy

>> No.20410962

liberalism is schizophrenia

>> No.20410964
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here's my question; do you seek the truth by experience? what experiences differentiate you from your neighbors, from us?

>> No.20410973

that fat bitch is not even worthy of being called a nigger

>> No.20411092

i believe (among other things) that race is empirical. I believe it to be an important, experience based, empirical, scientific concept you can test and measure and use to great benefit
and i also believe that the powers that be, the people and institutions in charge know it too but they are not honest about it, and that they are also not honest about why they are in politics, and that they do not serve the public as they claim but serve themselves at the cost of the public
now i personally dont care so much for the public, i just dont want to keep paying this cost personally, much like these 'public servants' dont suffer this public cost they impose, but i also dont want to pretend i dont see the truth like they do

>> No.20411114

you only told me what you believe in, not what shaped your mind to make those conclusions

>> No.20411120

LMAO tried so hard and still got shafted by her own.

>> No.20411154
File: 99 KB, 600x468, 1644147739204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NAACP is leading the fight|. Ensure that Black lives are a priority in all spaces. From police brutality to COVID-19 to voter suppression, Black communities are under attack. We work to disrupt inequality, dismantle racism, and accelerate change in key areas including criminal justice, health care, education, climate, and the economy
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

>> No.20411230

do you want my personal daily experiences of interacting with these various categories of undesirables? i could write character limit posts about it, i just think these anecdotes are insignificant when they correlate so strongly with much more universal, significant and historical accounts
world history is full of examples, hell my opinions were majority popular opinions for 20 out of 21 centuries of recorded history

just like berlin wall fell over night and half of the planet stopped pretending life is awesome under communism overnight, these government agencies who censor the internet and pretend they are private like google and twitter and etc etc too will fall overnight like the berlin wall, and people will once more be free to say what they really think about races

>> No.20411280

it would be funny if the furore leads to scrutiny of Sleazy Sam's more outre works & opinions

>> No.20411286

You really are annoying. Niggers would unironically keep better company than you.

>> No.20411361

Shut up tranny he's right

>> No.20411402

Ok who crossposted this without giving OP credits? >>>/pol/379115688

>> No.20411516

Better question: why are you browsing /pol/?

>> No.20411534

Because it's fun unlike this depressing place

>> No.20411561

in your dreams lmao.
Stop being so pedophobic, you bigot.

>> No.20411597

No, he doesn't.

>> No.20411638
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>why are you browsing /pol/?

>> No.20411644

>we've disabled access to the panel
Two slurs don't make a right

>> No.20411703
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Its over Chip, everyone knows you're the Sci-fi Savile

>> No.20411717

/pol/ is a depressing cesspool full of hateful zoomers and MAGAtard boomers

>> No.20411754

>t. seething non-white

>> No.20411789

I'm but /pol/ is still a cesspool full of goofy people and it's not even funny like your family's whatsapp group or something, it's just sad and depressing

>> No.20411826
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Hello my fellow ESL reddit bro, upvoted, shared, liked, and subscribed

>> No.20411845
File: 89 KB, 850x400, quote-i-read-the-nambla-bulletin-fairly-regularly-and-i-think-it-is-one-of-the-most-intelligent-samuel-r-delany-65-51-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad someone has the bravery to defend this paragon of virtue

>> No.20411873

Did he just imply he wanted to get buttfucked by older men since his childhood and early teens or am I just reading too much into it

>> No.20411899

I'm happy the feminsits are finally getting their just desserts. This is just like when Margaret Atwood, who swears she's all for trans rights, got half cancelled for tweeting an article written by a terf about people using trans inclusive words instead of saying "women"

>> No.20411906

A nothingburger then.

>> No.20411911

Kangz be astral projecting and shieet

>> No.20411915

Yeah if you're a seething non-white lol

>> No.20411923

you realise anon probably just copy pasted that right?

>> No.20411931

Vomit inducing.

>> No.20411938

he looks like a coloured person

>> No.20411940

>/pol/ is not a shithole full of dumb people
Sorry Mr. Master Race if you say so I guess I'll have to agree

>> No.20411961


black fragility in action

>> No.20412010

>still seething

>> No.20412062

>gay nigger
>possibly from outerspace

>> No.20412098

capitalism in decline senpai

>> No.20412108

>buzzword buzzword buzzword
you'll never be loved

>> No.20412111

what does any white anon have to do on pol? pol is a subhuman cesspool where most posters are nonwhite, and they discuss the most subhuman degenerate nonwhite topics imaginable such as:
trannies, eceleb gossip, coomer bait, low effort pure retard tier conspiracies, race mixing porn, trump worshippers even after trump failed to kick all the mexicans and jews out who went from wanting to build a wall to being just another garden variety of jew worshippers

why the fuck would you go on pol after the ron paul phase where people hated communism or even after the stormfront phase where people were fine even with living in communist gulags as long as there was no shitskins present
nupol is the biggest garbage on the internet if you want either free market or ethnostate for whites

>> No.20412135

Here, I'll validate your worldview: You're a nigger

>> No.20412137

>protecting on top of seething
Non whites are funny creatures

>> No.20412143

You really thought I was going to read your schizo delirium?

>> No.20412144

>Midwits dont believe in magic or blood sacrifices
>the elites take it dead seriously
Hmm, really makes you think

>> No.20412145 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20412158
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either way you should join the 28% already piggie

>> No.20412167

How is that wignat. Anyone with a brain that has to live around the scum hates niggers and jews. Catcpha wsgoy they laugh at you while you simp for them. They don't even try to hide it anymore. If the protocols were published today the Jewish author would proudly claim it.

>> No.20412168


>> No.20412176

I have a swastika on my back and I rarely wear shirts in public. My girlfriend has a swastika on her forehead. My best friend has obvious ss runes on his neck. No one has ever said shit. The worst thing that's ever happened was an old kike boomer staring being passive agressive to my girlfriend.

>> No.20412184

pics or gtfo

>> No.20412196

>Pls dox urself
Step your game up Schlomo

>> No.20412207

why the hell are you shoehorning jews into this you dumbfuck
I don't give a crap about jews you schizophrenic wignat

>> No.20412219

Because niggers and jews go hand in hand in America. The only reason you coons got emancipation and civil rights was thanks to your jewish handlers. The greatest nigger achievement 'I have a Dream' was written by a jew.

>> No.20412223

take your meds

>> No.20412227

Jews carried western civilization after the romans became bumfuckers, Christianity was their attempt to tard wrangle europe.

>> No.20412237

Stop smoking crack and dirt weed you bitch ass nigger lover.

>> No.20412240
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>> No.20412281

I love jews. Is that the right term?

>> No.20412283

>my gf has a swastika tattooed on her forehead
>she goes out in public like this
>if I post a pic of her tattoo she could get in trouble!
Nice LARP dweeb.

>> No.20412295
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>leftshits cancelling leftshits

>> No.20412304

Doesn't happen, because the moment you do a racism you're automatically a rightoid chud.

>> No.20412320

post a pic of your mom fag

>> No.20412383

>I can't crop a picture

>> No.20412573

this is a fucking stupid argument
like, unbelievably stupid to the point of self-parody

the core tenets of what the swastika stands for is to commit mass genocide

core tenets of hammer and sickle are to empower people. doesnt matter that it was adopted in a way that resulted in mass murder/death...thats not what the symbol represents. and the symbol and what it stands for can stand apart from how it was implemented

fucking retard

>> No.20412584

>science fiction and fantasy
You have your answer

>> No.20412600

No one with an iq over 100 has ever gotten a tattoo. Fact.

>> No.20412690

>explicitly call for the murder of an entire category of people
>hmm very terrible, this is the most terrible thing

>explicitly call for an even bigger category of people to be murdered
>oh no, how awful, how could have this happened, who could have predicted this, o well time to try it again

>> No.20413330

black twitter panelist is obviously in the wrong. “As-A” (TM) a native anon, they’re supposed to call me a BIPOC now, which sounds like a bad rap name, like a friend of Tupac. if someone called me a BIPOC in a panel I’d unironically tell him it sounds like a rapper name and probably make a joke about it instead of bitching on twitter later

>> No.20413700

Worth mentioning here that SFWA gave some fat retard over $100k to sue internet trolls last year and got nothing out of it.

>> No.20413732
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KEK these people deserve everything that happens to them and much worse. They literally created this.

>> No.20413765
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>they’re supposed to call me a BIPOC now, which sounds like a bad rap name, like a friend of Tupac

>> No.20414229

Good riddance.

>> No.20414705

Get fucked, faggot.

>> No.20414737
File: 366 KB, 450x375, Samuel-Delaney2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It continues to boggle the mind how there is no established middle ground between being an African-American who has assimilated into "White" culture and being one who has chosen to mire himself in the cavalcade of depressive and unambitious goals attributed to the classical Negro. I know not this Delany, but I can tell based on his physiognomy alone that in addition to being a prime target for rapid progressive ideology he would fit right in with a bunch of Southern hick fantasy writers.

My local paper occasionally has authors like this man, i.e. blacks who write stories for whites but somehow still think the black experience matters more. It's very confusing, like a flock of seagulls staring at a lone goose shitting and flapping their wings in elation. The irony is that I can guarantee Delany has his own prejudices and if anyone had bothered to read his work (or God forbid, the work he was inspired by) then this event would have never happened in the first place.

>> No.20414739

/pol/ is 90% bots lol

>> No.20414754

Smoking that Mercedes Lackey pack

>> No.20414786

it’s because the word placement is supposed to give “agency” to the subject. Not even kidding lol, “colored” in front apparently denotes that said color is the “defining character” of the person, rather than “personhood” being the defining character. So phrases like person of color, person who is black, etc. are supposed to show that we’re talking about a person first.

>> No.20415291

who decides these things? honestly. “As-A” (TM) brown anon, literally not a single person ever has asked ME what to call me. it’s always some nebulous tribunal and twitter council that decides my fate, my currently appropriate name. every ten years or so, there’s a new name, and all the whities get uppity. I feel bad for the good people who are also white and just want to treat people with basic respect, which means to them, using some new token buzzword that’s the currently established correct term. must be agonizing, like walking on egg shells

>> No.20416358

The internet is 90% bots.

>> No.20416401
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Leftists are fundamentally unhappy and unwilling to confront themselves as the cause of their own unhappiness, which makes them bitter, cruel, sadistic people as they inevitably lash out. Their movements also attract innate psychopaths, sadists, and other freaks who like to hurt and dominate others, and want a convenient pretext and safety in numbers. Leftist groups inevitably promote rapists, pedophiles, and abusers to positions of power and enable them for years.

Anyone who associates with leftists and isn't either a sadistic or psychopathic freak to begin with, is either a weakling who is being abused by them, or a go-along johnny who is enabling them by reciprocally using their movement as a fashion statement, or a completely broken individual who would hang out with whatever grungy "punk" group gave them access to adulterated drugs, and shitty smoke-filled basement parties full of losers who don't shower, and wear the same stinky leather jacket every day in summer.

>> No.20416419

It's the unadultered truth but they'll hate you for reminding them about their misery

>> No.20416430

The most bizarre thing about young leftists is how much they hate older leftists. For better or worse young conservatives typically respect older conservatives like Ronald Reagan and Thomas Sowell, while young leftists despise their predecessors and want to destroy them, seemingly out of a desire to show how much better they are in comparison. It reminds me of Darkness at Noon, by Arthur Koestler. Does it never occur to these young leftists that the next generation will hate them just as much?

>> No.20416452

Young conservatives hate neocons and zionist boomers lol

>> No.20416468

>Does it never occur to these young leftists that the next generation will hate them just as much?
It has already happened, millennial "hip" leftists are now being eaten alive by zoomer leftists for not sucking enough tranny cocks

>> No.20416479

>source: I made it up

>> No.20416502

It's amazing how you so confidently speak about things you know absolutely nothing about
You must have a vague notion at least that major historical events have thousands of nuances to them that are worth studying, but you'll say something so sweepingly ignorant about the fall of Soviet Communism with your chest out anyway and justify it to yourself with some idea that the history books are compromised, or something.
Jesus. You're worse than a sheep. You're a moron.

>> No.20416577

No that's actually true. Look up an archive of his interview with Will Shetterly. I can't post the link because 4chan thinks it is spam.

>> No.20416618

Are you just going to ignore how all of this applies to the right 100000x more?
Don't get me wrong I don't give a crap about your football rivalry but this is just awkward

>> No.20416630

>Are you just going to ignore how all of this applies to the right 100000x more?
I think he's right. Conservatives seem happy some of the time, but I have never seen a happy liberal because they believe in a utopia that can never be achieved.

>> No.20416633

i despise /pol/tards but this is a clear false flag

>> No.20416650

>"Ummm really sweetie? Like yikes much?" cadence

>> No.20416668

Tranny lefty so embarrassed xe won't even admit to being a lefty anymore lmao

>> No.20416672

music? or you know, literature

>> No.20416681

No, because it doesn't. Leftists ascribe to the spiritually-developed persona, which is infinitely unsatisfied. Its mantra is "progress" and "change." It's never content.

Don't be yikes.

>> No.20416682

He's exaggerating and is being hypocritical. At worst leftists are sexual predators, hypocrites, narcissists and depressed degenerates, but leftists don't celebrate everytime there's a racially motivated mass shooting and you can actually see clear traces of sociopathy and narcissism even among the most normie conservatards. Hell most cases of child abuse cases happen in typically right-leaning spaces and many relevant right-wing figures have been charged with accusations of pedophilia over the last years. You can't just fucking say that Brittany the fat leftist bitch with blue hair from my cooking classes is more psychopathic than James Mason, Richard Spencer or Mike Ma. You'll be just doing propaganda for free.

>> No.20416688

Not to mention that right-wingers clearly have lower IQs>

>> No.20416695

so you are comparing leftists in general to /pol/ posters being as edgy as possible for the meme + james mason the terrorist promoting fed + richard 'leader of the alt right' spencer

what twitter hole did you crawl out of

>> No.20416701
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>leftists don't celebrate everytime there's a racially motivated mass shooting
Cope disgusting tranny

>> No.20416709

Also, to adress the first part of your post
>Leftists are fundamentally unhappy and unwilling to confront themselves as the cause of their own unhappiness
this is literally everyone on /pol/ and if I had to think of some proeminent historic figure like this goebbels would be the first to come to my mind

>> No.20416719

All right-wingers in the anglosphere are /pol/ posters bitch

>> No.20416741

/pol/ is only angry some of the time. Twitter is angry all of the time.

>> No.20416745
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>> No.20416746

What do you mean by right wingers ? *Populist* right wingers who never read one single book in their whole lives.

Hell, make fucking Socrates a right winger, a very special one.

Truth is, if you TOUCH literature, GOOD literature, you will unavoidably tends toward some form of conservatism.

We all know how the world is desecrated.
Degenerate socialists, communists, schizophrenic "right-wingers", anarchists, etc... drink from all kinds of empty ideologies.

Do you seriously need to read all of Marx's works to understand historical materialism ? Or just pick 50 pages of Proudhon's works and, boom, you understand everything. They're all insane.

How many people in our generation do you think actually read Locke, Hobbes ?
*and tried to make some sense out of it

What do we have to read of modern writers ? Fucking Jordan Peterson ? Zizek ? Dugin ?

We live in a time that the next Plato, the next Hegel will NEVER be found.

>> No.20416756

>What do we have to read of modern writers?
Chomsky and Ernest Cline.

>> No.20416759

>no bro /pol/ isn't a representative of the right wing in general even though 11 fucking million people browse it monthly and it quite literally elected trump and hijacked Qanon

>> No.20416764

The tranny brain everyone

>> No.20416765

>quite literally elected trump

>> No.20416781

>minorities aren’t even decent enough to off themselves when reach the bottom

Suicide requires a certain level of conscientiousness that black people and the other undesirable races just aren’t capable of. This statistic is not at all surprising

>> No.20416783

Yeah despair requires interiority

>> No.20416788

Cope. Everyone recognizes 4chan was crucial for Trump's victory. No amount of empty mockery will change that.

>> No.20416797
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>Everyone recognizes 4chan was crucial for Trump's victory.

>> No.20416812

More like aren't as prone to mental disorders and don't own as many guns as pigskins. Also didn't enlist to the Glorious U.S Army to bomb Iraqi children as much as rednecks and other such cumskin pawns did.

>> No.20417638
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lmao, even

>> No.20418073
File: 499 KB, 1711x836, left mentally ill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sig/ always hits bump limit
>fatties relentlessly mocked
>constant encouragement to stop watching tv and movies and playing video games
>marrying and raising a family are considered the highest goals of life
>self-reliance is held as the most important character trait
/pol/ blames jews and nogs for a lot of the problems of society but also expects individuals to do what they can to mitigate said problems and actively encourages them to take steps towards improving their lives.
What does the left do again? Rant and whine and 'protest'? Signal on twitter? What advice does the left have to offer those who are unhappy, go to therapy and get on a cocktail of prescription pills? They actively discourage exercise and fitness.

>> No.20418108

That is what that implies, yes.

>> No.20418114

>What does the left do again?
take more power away from you while you discuss your latest homoerotic fantasies with your buddies on /pol/

>> No.20418903

Yeah, to an extent it hits both sides. I don't think leftists were bitter and cruel 100 years ago when they wanted to stop child labour, I do think that the shift toward a kind of petty cruelty is the traveling partner of an overall shift away from material concerns like health and safety toward symbolic issues of recognition and representation. As concerns become increasingly abstract highly emotional and inflammatory rhetoric is required to lend issues the same sense of gravity that was, for the most part, intrinsic to more grounded, material, and immediate issues.
For most sane people there is a difference between kids dying in factories, and feeling like not enough people who look like you are in tv shows. Yet in modern discourse the latter is not only presented as though it was as horrifying as the former, you also get leaps and jumps of logic that kid will die if the diversity ratio of the latest fantasy streaming show is incorrect.
A lot of people just find this exhausting and eventually disengage, but you do get people who live in a perpetual state of low-grade, simmering, terror, and for them witch hunts and public humiliation rituals are both the source and catharsis for that terror.

I think the right also suffers from the descent into symbolic gesture over material ends, but perhaps in a slightly different manner than the left. Its harder to quantify as a monoculture, not to erase the diversity of opinion and factionalism within the left, its more that the right seems to struggle at presenting a united front the way the left does. Everybody has had some form of experience with this broad cultural phenomenon that is "the left" in the last decade and a half, but with the right its more about who, when, where.

>> No.20418912

>I don't think leftists were bitter and cruel 100 years ago when they wanted to stop child labour

Comparing leftists (or conservatives) from 150 years ago to modern ones doesn't make much sense. It's like comparing Russians from 1850 to Russians from 2022.

>> No.20418930

>You can't just fucking say that Brittany the fat leftist bitch with blue hair from my cooking classes is more psychopathic
Most leftists aren't imbued with the type of consciousness that would allow them to be psychopathic in any meaningful sense. Most of the can't really think of anything being valuable beyond bodily comfort, and anything they claim to other than it is really just an extension of it.

>> No.20418931


>> No.20418940

/lit/ is weird. Got banned for asking about books because it's offtopic(?!)
But this thread and others are still up

>> No.20418983

Yeah, I've received three-day bans for posts far more on-topic than this.

>> No.20418985

Post the bans so we see what they were for

>> No.20418996

Leftists from 100 years ago were literally bolsheviks and mass murdering terrorist communists lmao

>> No.20418999

Who really cares about Russia, this thread is about leftism in the west, not what arbitrary flag barbarians wave while killing each other.

>> No.20419003

Yeah, but that's far more respectable than being a corporate busybody trying to exert yourself through decentralized economic pressure.

>> No.20419010

>he thinks communism was restricted to russia and not a europe-wide phenomenon
Oh no anon, you're retarded

>> No.20419011

>Comparing leftists (or conservatives) from 150 years ago to modern ones doesn't make much sense.

It does when you follow it with a paragraph about how there is shift in character from past to present and hypothesizing about the mechanics of that shift. I think it is worth getting into the nuts and bolts of how things come to be, otherwise you are still participating in the weightless symbolic gesturing I was talking about, cause if you don't actually start to think about how things come to be then what are you really doing? Its just more in-group, out-group signalling that achieves nothing.

>> No.20419018

Skimmed through this faggot thread and smiled because I don't know or care who these faggots are or what their faggot problems are.

>> No.20419448

How? It's not like I have screenshots saved.

>> No.20419767

You should save them to call out the jannies

>> No.20419896

>11 million
Where do you people get these bullshit statistics? It clearly says on the homepage there's only 229,997 active users online on the entirety of 4chan. I've never seen more than 500,000 active users online at any time.

>> No.20419954


>> No.20419958

Mostly bots

>> No.20420048

Again, 4chan as a whole can barely crack 500,000 active users on a good day. Where did you get this information that 11 million unique individuals browse /pol/ alone?

>> No.20420073

Leftoid propaganda bots are comprising far more of the internet than you think. During the ban wave of them recently on twitter, faggots lost a MAJORITY of followers including the ones with millions like americas latest government pigwhore president.

>> No.20420111

poltard containment thread

>> No.20420192

Throwing a fit over colored but demanding everyone say “of color” is a perfect example of the stupidity of progressive subjective morality

>> No.20420318

From 4chan itself. I don't know about daily users but the official statistic is 22 million monthly users. Would it be an exaggeration to say that at least half of these people browse /pol/? No, it wouldn't.

>> No.20420343

jesus fucking christ theres a tip button on twitter now