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File: 436 KB, 1548x1468, B6D951A0-3040-4606-BAED-626EF51AD6CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20408855 No.20408855 [Reply] [Original]

Which philosopher requires the most knowledge and/or intelligence to read? on the opposite side of the spectrum, who requires the minimum (which any common pleb could read and easily understand)?

>> No.20408896

have u dudes ever actually read that chapter in alice in wonderland? the movies butcher it and lose the nuance. underrated book.

>> No.20408897


>> No.20408899 [DELETED] 

Maximum: Wilfrid Sellars, Quine, or Hegel to an extent

Minimum: probably something similar to Camus

>> No.20408914

I love this meme

>> No.20408930

Hegel is a meme

>> No.20408936

Wilfrid Sellars, Robert Brandom
some random pop philosopher

>> No.20408975 [DELETED] 

>Kant, Descartes, Heidegger, Plato, Nietzsche, Hegel

>Descartes, Plato, Nietzsche, Hegel

>> No.20409030

It's indisputably Leibniz, at least if you go deeper into his writings than the normal surface level stuff like Monadology.

>> No.20409042
File: 2.73 MB, 4752x3313, Very-Hungry-Caterpillar-Book-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you trying to type 'Carlyle' or did you mean pic related?

>> No.20409049

He was said to have the highest iq out of all philosophers, though iq is mostly irrelevant

>> No.20409061

Nobody decided that from literally all philosophers.

>> No.20409088

Why is the entire analytic tradition being ignored? Quine and Whitehead (although he was semi-analytical) easily surpass Leibniz in inaccessibility.

>> No.20409165

>pic related?

>> No.20409172

I only know the Monadology, The Metaphysics and The Theodicy

>> No.20409194


Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ.

>> No.20409204

Thanks for posting this, I'd been looking for it for a while. B.E. yourself indeed!

>> No.20409483

This and only this, He is the only truth and wisdom this world has and will ever know

>> No.20409517

>I obviously don’t know philosophers and philosophy, but believe I am super smart or want to impress people

>> No.20409642

The hardest one is Plato and they get progressively easier from there

>> No.20409653

You don't need to read any philosophers if you're knowledgeable and intelligent.

>> No.20409988

>you don't need to buy shoes if you have feet

>> No.20410100

>foot analogy

>> No.20410275

But this does work.
I showed a girl ive been fucking forest anon, Q videos, talk to her about my private philosophy even if she doesnt understand anything, explain to her the most recent book I am reading as if I am just talking to myself, play whatever ringe music I am into and she just lies with me and has genuine interest in seeing what stuff I am gonna pull out this time.