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20401961 No.20401961 [Reply] [Original]

Good Vs Evil Edition

Previous Thread:>>20394128

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20401982 [DELETED] 

Any good fantasy books with lolis or zombies? OR both?

>> No.20401999

What are the best books with bug killing and or space pirates?

>> No.20402027

What are some books about a badass monk who manipulates and uses people?

>> No.20402065
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>> No.20402162

Have you read "The Monk"? I will warn you that not everyone can appreciate this book.

>> No.20402167

>"Part of the attraction is, I think, due to the glimpses of a large history in the background: an attraction like that of viewing far off an unvisited island, or seeing the towers of a distant city gleaming in a sunlit mist. To go there is to destroy the magic, unless new unattainable vistas are again revealed."
Do you agree?

>> No.20402200

I don't even know what it's saying.

>> No.20402211

Some one needs to make a Space Opera chart

>> No.20402215
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>> No.20402254

I’m angry that the only Foundation porn on AO3 is for the TV series.

>> No.20402256
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>> No.20402266 [DELETED] 
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Foundation is so problematic

>> No.20402278
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ofc its a male only story.
its a scifi series, not a cookbook.

>> No.20402291
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>Everyone - literally everyone, smokes cigars
the future sounds based

>> No.20402293 [DELETED] 

Enjoy your ban you cis scum

>> No.20402323

It's honestly kind of weird when Elder Empire just turns into a Cradle crossover. I get that it was 5 years between books 2 and 3 and he'd already had incredible success with Cradle by the time he finished Elder Empire, but do you think it was what Will Wight intended when he started the series?

>> No.20402327 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20402328

How to Serve Man, by Hari Seldon.

>> No.20402329

Do you think that was post or pre-Cradle Ozriel? It was always going to be a multiverse.

>> No.20402331

They're broadly correct
Even in this here thread people who'd actually read it used to tell you that Foundation is a dated awkward read.

The gender stuff's obviously what you singled out this review to moan about and it suggests that you haven't even read the series you're suddenly acting all defensive about.

>> No.20402337

It's talking about mystery. I.e. how someone can like a book because of things that AREN'T explain in detail or visited and actually revealing it in the story will diminish the appeal.

The best argument against elaborate magic systems, explaining everything to the reader makes it uninteresting.
Of course just like stage magic, I think the goal of magic systems is to "reveal" the mechanism and then present a seemingly "impossible" event with the mystery now being how it was accomplished instead of what was accomplished.

In other words, if hard magic is the crime scene and evidence, soft magic is the motivation and relationships of the characters. It's required that the former be entirely explained and never deviated from, but also that the latter shouldn't be lest you reduce the characters involved into unfeeling automatons following a script.

Thus there is actually hard and soft mystery, which focuses either on the mechanism and proof of a crime, or on the motivations and characters of the suspects.

I think this shows that hard magic fantasy and hard scifi would make interesting vehicles for classic murder mysteries with more interesting and varied settings.
I've read the Asimov robot detective stories and recommend them, does anyone know of anything similar, perhaps with a fantasy setting?

>> No.20402353

>I've read the Asimov robot detective stories and recommend them
read foundation too, its linked :)

>does anyone know of anything similar, perhaps with a fantasy setting?
can't say that i do.
but i'd also like an answer to that

>> No.20402359

It's pre. Presumably, at least. This is clearly Ozriel when he's still working for them and hasn't gone into his... However long self-exile.

>> No.20402366

If only they all vaped instead ... glorious future.

>> No.20402368

timey wimey :DDDDDD
if all the series are supposed to take place around the same time, it really does beg the question of how long

>> No.20402376

Can I get a qtd on Ozriel in Elder Empire? I've only ever read Cradle this crossover shit is news to me.

>> No.20402379

They aren't supposed to take place around the same time. That's the simple answer. It doesn't really matter when they take place either, because Cradle is the only one that really involves the multiversal stuff. Elder Empire begins and ends with the Elders themselves on that front, and Traveler's Gate only really has the notion that Valin and some other characters might've traveled off-world, but it's not really relevant to the story of it. Cradle's story so far doesn't really involve anything from the other two series, either.

>> No.20402381

>I've read the Asimov robot detective stories and recommend them, does anyone know of anything similar, perhaps with a fantasy setting?
I haven't read the Robot series yet, but Glen Cook's Garrett series are detective noir set in a fantasy world.

>> No.20402389

He is sitting effectively in orbit of the planet and provides exposition to Calder, along with fighting off the Fiend who tries to escape.

>> No.20402390

All of Will Wight's books take place in a multiverse. Broadly speaking they're loosely connected, and Cradle has the strongest ties to it. The world Amalgam that's mentioned in Reaper at one point is the Traveler's Gate world, and the prison world that's mentioned is Elder Empire's world. In the third Calder book of Elder Empire, Calder briefly meets Ozriel when the seal around the world starts to weaken, and Ozriel, who's effectively playing watchman for all the fiends tied up in that world, tells Calder "Look I can't do anything until they break out and at that point it's too late, so I'm gonna give you some advice and you do your best to see it through". One fiend DOES escape and Ozriel kills it eventually, but the rest are all successfully resealed via protagonist plot stuff.

>> No.20402391

i agree, i think the veil of mystery is vital

>> No.20402397

>prison world that's mentioned is Elder Empire's world
Amalgam, Asylum, and Cradle are all in the same Iteration too.
HMMMM funny how that one worked out.

>> No.20402402

They... Aren't. Every Iteration only really has one inhabited world, that's just how it works. Cradle is its own, Asylum is another, Amalgam is another. They're in the same sector, but each is a different Iteration. They're separate. Nothing in any series has affected anything else outside of the Abidan existing.

>> No.20402407

Oh shit you're right.

>> No.20402410

I don't think elaborate magic systems are at odds with mysticism.

>> No.20402416

Well, it's implied Valin (and maybe that red guy who had barely any impact but probably was important) from Traveler's Gate had been to Asylum at one point, though how is anybody's guess. That's the closest to a crossover point outside of the Abidan themselves, who we only know through Ozriel and vague knowledge within Elder Empire, not at all in Traveler's Gate, and only at the top level with Cradle.

>> No.20402421

I understood none of that. I swear Cradle would be more enjoyable without the Abidan and iteration shit. It just makes Cradles world feel so inconsequential.

>> No.20402423

Didn't get a response in the last thread so re-posting this question that is still bugging me:
Why havent the skin-spies/Consult pieced together the connection between Kellhus and Anasûrimbor Celmomas II? I'm aware that the Mandate are the only faction that still acknowledges him via their Celmomian Prophecy, but given that the Consult fought him during the First Apocalypse, why does it take them months to connect the two figures?

>> No.20402429

Well, I think the point of it is we know what the pinnacle is early on. It puts into perspective how petty the Monarchs are to bicker over Cradle when there's so much out there that they're just refusing. Most of the multiverse stuff is only really explained as you need to know it, and unless Wight makes a series properly around the Abidan and all (which he might) we'll probably only ever get those glimpses.

>> No.20402431

Why doesn't Malazan have good fan art

>> No.20402440

I know. I read Calder's books. Valin + friends went through some random territory to get to Asylum but I don't remember the specifics. The territories themselves are broken-off, abandoned/lost Iterations, iirc.

>> No.20402447

Something like that, yes. Amalgam is a sort of weird experimental world that attracts lost fragments, I think as a sort of failsafe for too many fragments going about that they don't have anything to do with. How Valin got to another Iteration entirely is another matter but the man probably just built a spaceship out of Valinhall or something.

>> No.20402452

this is just off the top of my head, but didn't they think he was an imposter and the Anasûrimbor dynasty was long gone? maybe that's my own internal justification and the book doesn't address it, i don't remember

>> No.20402454

I don’t know, anon. Why do cradlefags have the same repeated 20 to 50 post discussion in every thread? No one knows and no one will ever know.

>> No.20402459
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Wight isn't consistent with this. Iterations are described as both single worlds and entire universes of galaxies

>> No.20402461

>The best argument against elaborate magic systems, explaining everything to the reader makes it uninteresting
The argument is that magic in the story must have a working, sort of logical system to follow that even if not clearly explained, the magic should be based on it and it should be gradually explained or at very least make sense at the end of the story. For example If random spells are just asspulled in fantasy story whenever a character needs then that is retarded. It is like in a non scifi, non fantasy story about war a solder randomly produces a any type of gun without any considerstion to what he can carry, what is available etc, we need an rpg, a machine gun and sniper rifle, weapon specialist private A suddenly pulls those out from his backpack ..that is impossible and makes no sense, its the same with spells and miracles, they cannot just be asspulled..

>> No.20402469

I assumed it was because the idea that this guy has been hanging out in the middle of their territory surrounded on all sides by millions upon millions of Sranc for A THOUSAND YEARS and they've heard absolutely nothing despite spending the entire time carefully searching for him is a little unlikely. Like imagine if someone told you your childhood bully from 20 years ago that you thought moved away has actually been living inside your walls with his entire family the whole time and you've never noticed.

>> No.20402478

That's just basic storytelling anon, and stuff like that does actually happen all the time, Star Trek is 90% completely made up on the spot bullshit!

>> No.20402549

Because by the time anyone finishes reading Malazan, they’re nothing but an empty sack of flesh, devoid of all life and joy from the slog of the series, and so can’t muster the will to draw a velociraptor or evil Kaminoan

>> No.20402622

were k'ell hunters born with sword arms or were the fitted after they were grown if they were chosen?

>> No.20402637

I got halfway through this but then realized its exactly the same as The Wyvern but in a different setting.

Actually I stopped reading when it got to the sexy cat people.

>> No.20402675

Asimov is the most overrated sci fi author ever. His prose is boring, his characters are flat, and his ideas are dumb.

>> No.20402684

I've only read Caves of Steel but it was fine

>> No.20402686

I just finished the bloodsworn books
Pretty good desu, a change from others I have been reading lately where the journey from x to y takes a considerable amount of book time, the bloodsworn books seem to go from action to action with much less downtime

His other books, are they good?

>> No.20402728

Both these make sense to me. I don't think it's explicitly addressed in the book - would've been nice as it just seemed odd that an organisation as insidious and with powerful spies that can basically infiltrate any group hadn't worked it sooner. Thanks for the responses, lads.

>> No.20402852 [DELETED] 
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Requesting good loli stories. Lude is welcome but not necessary. Ideally containing loli POV.

>> No.20402888
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>Reposted from /trash/

WoF Newfag again. Finished the first book today.
Started Lost Heir, too. But I'm going to leave that off for another post, I think. Lot of stuff to write about that.

In this, I believe last was left off, they were leaving the Skywings behind, and venturing into Mudwing territory.
Find out Glory can be used as a massive camo tarp, apparently. Pretty clever honestly. Didn't expect that.
Mudwings seem pretty decent folk. 'Least near as I can tell, with the limited adults to compare to. Even Clay's thot of a mother was civil, compared to most dragons met prior.
Said meeting was a real tragedy. Felt bad for my brown womanizer. Glad he met some siblings who do still care for him.
Lads seemed nice to boot. Though all young dragons so far have been.

Learning about Mudwing culture was actually pretty cool. They're a little more complex than I expected. So far, one of the most interesting ones, for sure. Not a favorite, but one I enjoy hearing about.
The hatching groups, and the 'big wing', was all especially unique. Loved the detail. Even if it seemed a slight bit of a cheap way to say "Clay totally didn't ever have a killer's instinct", cheapening his and Peril's relationship.

Morrowseer's a fucking cunt. Kestrel was a dick, but she didn't deserve to go that way. Getting merced in a total ambush just did not suit her. Dunno what I hoped for, per say, but I was sad to see her unceremoniously dumped off the edge, quite literally, at the end of the book.
Guess I'm mostly sad she and Peril never really had closure.

End section explaining each dragon race was excellent. I am genuinely irritated that wasn't at the start, considering how insanely useful it was for understanding the various details of given draconic types.
Ultra handy for actually keeping track of shit. Fortunately I had you people to explain half the various details, as well as pictures to go with it.

All in all; Solid 7/10 for me. Would recommend to scalies, probably nobody else, but I'm keeping with it.

>> No.20402903

Kys pedo

>> No.20403036


>> No.20403070 [DELETED] 
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Requesting good loli stories. Lude is welcome but not necessary. Ideally containing loli POV.

>> No.20403114
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I read it, wasn't that great and I don't recall any good loli scenes.

>> No.20403116

You are problematic.

You should try reading Douglas Phillip's books.

>> No.20403141 [DELETED] 

My diary desu

>> No.20403169

I can't remember the name of this sci fi story, /sffg/
Basically it's a rather simple small group of humans rise up against this oppressive alien civilization, but then the twist is that humanity is actually a galactic-level empire and these aliens are just trying to stave off genocide

>> No.20403244

>The humans within the Tal-Eladar didn’t live luxuriant lives, but they were better off compared to most people since the integration. They had a roof over their heads, they were fed, and the Tal-Eladar kept any beasts at bay. They weren’t even stopped from cultivating, though they were expected to provide a certain work-quota every day first.
Damn I guess slavery isn't that bad after all.

>> No.20403259 [DELETED] 

Fang Yuan is nice to two lolis in Reverend Insanity. There's a third loli but he burns her alive.

>> No.20403268 [DELETED] 

>Requesting good loli stories. Lude is welcome but not necessary. Ideally containing loli POV.
Dune in the later books has a 10~ so boy who's actually an adult man, he even has sex with a mystical women. That's pretty Loli, right?

>> No.20403301

im not a weeb, but vin is like 16 right and a midget

>> No.20403434

I’m gonna read Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe for inspiration. Are there any other island novels, pirate novels, or just sea fantasy novels you can recommend or know about?

>> No.20403716
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>> No.20403729

I'm looking for an immersive and interesting 40k novel to get into the universe

>> No.20403756
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>> No.20403784

The Codex of any faction is way more canon and interesting than black library.

>> No.20403787
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Who read and enjoyed the king killer chronicles?

>> No.20403791

idk how the man plans to fit everything he needs to fit in for his third book, desu the first and second books really should have been the first book

>> No.20403795

There's a reason it hasn't come out yet. He wrote himself into a corner and his publishers are pissed. The second book was so bad I swore I'd never touch the third anyway.

>> No.20403806

I bought it last week but have yet to started? Has it got a high filter rate?

>> No.20403813 [DELETED] 

Kvothe is a cuck

>> No.20403817

>bought it
Stopped reading there.

>> No.20403835

Stopped reading there.

>> No.20403840

I liked the mistborn trilogy and I enjoyed Sanderson's writing. What next?

>> No.20403846 [DELETED] 

>I enjoyed Sanderson's writing. What next?

>> No.20403853 [DELETED] 

Eating glue and autistic tantrums.

>> No.20403856

What's wrong with his writing?

>> No.20403863

Well, it's pretty ye olde and is speaking to a very different civilization. If you can make it through that or if you've read other old gothics and didn't get filtered it's good.

>> No.20403866

More Mistborn

>> No.20403868 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20403869

He wrote another trilogy that's the same thing with capes. Not quite as good as Mistborn. Also Warbreaker. I hated the Mistborn reboot, but some other guy on here loves it so who knows.

>> No.20403908

The Castle of Endless Woe is a short story through the POV of a loli stuck at a spooky scary castle.

>> No.20403938

any good space operas with minimal romance or lesbian romance?
i enjoyed the polity series, vorkosigan saga and gaunt's ghosts a lot so im looking for something similar, ive tried googling and stuff but i get filtered by het romance pretty easily now

>> No.20403942
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Finished the first book and already 1/4 the way through the second. The best fantasy I've read in a long time.

>> No.20403968

xeelee sequence main character is the author's self-insert autistic magickal engineer man and the one relationship he finds himself in seems to have zero affection lol

>> No.20403975

Read The Way of Kings and then Warbreaker, if you liked them both then there's 2 more books in the same series, with 2 more upcoming, although the series kinda peaks with Warbreaker

>> No.20404003
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>white people and the japanese bad
>mao zedong was just misunderstood guys
>look up the author
>25yo asian-american libtard female who wants more "diversity" in fantasy
it's also a total slog once she gets to the academy and there isn't a single likeable character. Why is this garbage even popular?

>> No.20404004

Because it's champagne socialist nonsense for wealthy American libtards.

>> No.20404006

I feel sorry for you autists who have been completely brainwashed by 4chan shitposting and memes.

>> No.20404008

Fuck bros, feels bad thinking about the death of rhaegar’s children :(

>> No.20404009 [DELETED] 

>oy vey goyim stop noticing patterns
fuck off

>> No.20404012

Is there anything more boring and soulless than an academic/school setting in fiction?

>> No.20404058

>fucked a hotwife on friday
>had a bi mfm yesterday
posting about botns today

>> No.20404061
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Man I love Asimov

>> No.20404107

They are universes, but focused around single inhabited worlds. I think it's mentioned they MIGHT have other inhabited planets in them, but none of them are deliberately made that way.

>> No.20404108

>I feel sorry for you autists who have been completely brainwashed by 4chan shitposting and memes.
I'm more or less a 'libtard' and hated the series as well. The first book I stomached, even though the war crimes were so dumb and stupid I just found them hilarious at some point, the ending was somewhat dissapointing. But the second book was straighy up boring so I dropped it half-way through. I guess people who are very sensitivie to 'war crimes' and 'the bad of humanity' or other pretentious stuff like that will consider these books to be bold and daring, but to me they were just extremely cringe.

>> No.20404150
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based golan trevize saving the day by whoring himself out to roasties
multiple times.

>> No.20404267
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>tfw you will never have a bro like adolin

>> No.20404277

I'm fairly sure Sanderson was surprised at how popular Adolin is but his entire appeal is that he's like the one guy who's got his mental health in order so it's nice to see him just be... Together.

>> No.20404295

Which is kinda strange considering he snapped and murdered Sadeas in cold blood in the first book.

>> No.20404301

>Foundation and Empire
>woman introduces herself with her age, height, and weight
>her father-in-law goes “No lol you’re ten pounds heavier than that, I can tell by your arms”

Fucking brutal.

>> No.20404302

He didn't really snap. It almost seemed like a purely rational decision in how he thought about it. And besides, having your mental health together doesn't mean you won't do something rash.

>> No.20404308

Give up, anon. The next two books are even worse.

>> No.20404310
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based asimov

>> No.20404342

Do you know what Vonnegut said when Asimov died? He went to the American Humanist Association and said, “He’s looking down at us from heaven now.” And everyone lost their shit because they were amazing atheists. True story. Pretty funny since Vonnegut was only an agnostic and did it to rile them up.

>> No.20404429

Based Kurt. So it goes.

>> No.20404455

anyone know where I can find a torrent for The Great Ordeal by Bakker?

>> No.20404477

>say aaaaaah so the airplane can land!

>> No.20404483
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ok bros so after I finish reading this non-fiction book I'm on I'm going to swing back to sci-fi. What do I read? choices include

House of Suns - Reynolds
Seveneves - Stephenson
The Diamond Age - Stephenson
Embassytown - Mieville
Neuropath - Bakker
Three Body Problem - Cixin

>> No.20404498

>Seveneves - Stephenson
read it, its amazing
>The Diamond Age - Stephenson
also pretty good, not quite as good as seveneves

if you haven't already, read snow crash, cryptonomicon, the baroque cycle

>> No.20404517

Because people like to listen to sermons telling them things they already believe. And because they seem to think that consuming the right types of media is the same as real activism to improve the world, which is why people bitch nonstop about Marvel movies as if they were ending slavery or something.

>> No.20404537

thanks Stephensonbro.. I have only read Snow Crash and Anathem by him. Anathem was something special for me as I studied phil in college. one of the comfiest reads ever.

>> No.20404545

uhhhh. How do I use this? I can't generate a magnet link with this.

>> No.20404556

>House of Suns - Reynolds
Read this a month back, really good book.
I tried reading the three body problem but the translation feels off to me like watching a dubbed movie where things don't line up. Haven't read the other books.

>> No.20404570

base64 decode

>> No.20404580

Multiple universes may as well simply be multiple galaxies with how they're normally utilized and presented in the genre.

>> No.20404581

Thank you sir.

>> No.20404596

Just use zlibrary

>> No.20404853
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thanks. House of Suns is standalone right? I read Revelation Space years ago.. hardly remember the plot..but I remember I did enjoy it. anyway.. just got back from the store with Seveneves..have a good Sunday /sffg/

>> No.20404874

>House of Suns is standalone right?

>> No.20404969
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Has anyone read this? Same author as Jackal of Nar

>> No.20405006

I could hardly get through the first half of Dark Forest, it all felt so awkward, the pacing, dialogue and whatnot

>> No.20405028

Sorry anon I know it's cringe, but with the job I have I'm always at sea. So I have a Kindle I can sync to my phones 4G and that's pretty much the only way I can get new books. When I'm at home it's different

>> No.20405033
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>but with the job I have I'm always at sea

based and Dramamine-pilled

>> No.20405046
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>blocks your path

>> No.20405050

Is Dune on audiobook any good?

>> No.20405105

there is nothing more based than dunking on fedora-tippers

>> No.20405170
File: 390 KB, 1080x1440, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth reading the ASOIAF books or will the inevitable frustration that they'll never be finished outweigh any enjoyment that I'll get?

>> No.20405178

It's mediocre fantasy that got astroturfed to high heaven and put on a pedestal by retard normies
just read Sword of Truth or something

>> No.20405180

people who voluntarily read GRRM deserve all the disappointment they get

>> No.20405186

Why? I've only ever heard good things

>> No.20405187

>Sword of Truth
You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.20405189

Winds of Winter is coming out in less than 2 years, just wait until it’s released then read the entire series

>> No.20405195

...that's the joke. GoT is on par with SoT in how mature the writing is, but SoT is at least entertaining at points. The two also acronymize similarly. At least Goodkind actually finishes his work.

>> No.20405197
File: 85 KB, 728x392, 764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Winds of Winter is coming out in less than 2 years

>> No.20405201

Admittedly, as cringe as Yet-Another-Fantasy-Author-Named-Terry's objectivist utopian screed is, it has vastly more thought put into it than Martin's magnum doofus does. A Song of Ice and Fire is nothing more than Harry Potter for losers who act like they're above reading Harry Potter.

>> No.20405213

Yeah. Too bad all these sub-18 GoT fans are here, huh?

>> No.20405215

lmafo is this your first day on the internet

>> No.20405217

>Terry Goodkind dies after successfully completing his 20 million novel long fantasy epic
>GRRM is still stuck on like book fucking three after 30 years

>> No.20405220

There are literal whos on the internet who have written fantasy epics that surpass Gurm's life's work in volume and quality both

>> No.20405231

ah yes, like the 140-million-word-long epic Mario crossover fanfiction on Ao3

>> No.20405233
File: 8 KB, 225x225, mfpepa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished a dense, long dark book. looking for something airy/fantastic with an ethereal quality to it, and somewhat short to boot, any recs?

>> No.20405234

I misread that as literal whores, and now I want a hooker who writes better than GRRM

>> No.20405235

Yet nobody cares about them because they’re irrelevant

>> No.20405236

library at mount char

>> No.20405245

Winds isn't the final book in the series and George definitely won't have it finished in 2 years time. He wrote a blog post saying he made 0 progress on it in 2021

>> No.20405247
File: 63 KB, 1642x182, tolkien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see a hooker writing better shit than Gurm lmao

And so is Gurm
The only reasons anyone gives half a fuck about him anymore are:
1) Le funny "finish the book fatman" meme
2) Le ebin elben ring meme
3) How much of a shitshow the GoT tv series ending was
4) subhumans that named their kids Khaleesi

>> No.20405260

Jerichobros.. we.. won?

>> No.20405262

Oh I almost forgot
5) Him ripping off every "Gritty Fantasy" book ever by doing a token, yet suspiciously protracted diarrhea sequence

>> No.20405267
File: 264 KB, 1200x1529, 65BC0D09-8577-4399-9341-E94B09FF3B25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears my superiority has once again led to some controversy

>> No.20405269

>a token, yet suspiciously protracted diarrhea sequence

>> No.20405274

stfu george u fat fuck

>> No.20405277
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, 1547513629133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> neighbors were typical GoT fans, shows only never the books "don't have time for it lol!"
>named their eldest daughter Daenerys
>see them altogether a few weeks after the finale aired
>insisted that the daughter's name is Daniella

>> No.20405281
File: 598 KB, 1500x1954, PoE_Shaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing Path fo Exile a lot recently and now I am in the mood for stories with the theme of "world wandering", where the story travels through several different worlds completely alien or separate from another. I am looking for "cosmological" stories, so to say
I know of the MTG setting but dont know anything of any stories. I also know of the planescape setting. They both intruige me as far as cosmology goes.
Any recommendations or pointers?

>> No.20405297

I've read my share of "gritty" fantasy over the years, and there's a near universal pattern of scenes that authors of this subgenre seem to include solely to justify their book being labeled with the trendy subgenre tag.

Dysentery or another disgusting yet relatable to 1st-worlders affliction, rape, (insert warcrime scene here), castration, etc.

>> No.20405299

finish the books you fat fuck

>> No.20405300

Tolkien is objectively overrated and retards only like him because he did it first

>> No.20405307

nobody cares

>> No.20405308
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so brain dead he just proves the point by repeating brain rot meme faggotry

>> No.20405311

Vance's They Dying Earth

>> No.20405313
File: 813 KB, 500x281, jorge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eleven fucking years

He doesn't care, he has no excuse for not writting at least one chapter a month.

Eleven fucking years

>> No.20405314

Yes. Even in an unfinished state ASOIAF stands head and shoulders above your average fantasy in terms of quality. Just goes to show how fucking low the bar is, but you take what you can get.

>> No.20405318

Infinite Realm's... infinite realm is infinite and features a locale of different environments although the main characters don't exactly constantly wander, or rather that isn't the main point of the series.
Play a better ARPG, with a better setting and deeper lore like Grim Dawn. :)

>> No.20405319


>> No.20405322

>They Dying Earth
Is this the blackploitation version?

>> No.20405324
File: 419 KB, 1307x1600, American-writer-George-RR-Martin-2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you'll still pay top dollar and lap it up when I finally shit it out, won't you little boy?

>> No.20405326
File: 59 KB, 255x102, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how I treat writing
It's the one thing I'm good at, what's the fucking point of me if I don't do that thing

>> No.20405332
File: 361 KB, 1132x1182, Screenshot_20220522-191737_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys George

CAPTCHA unironically G0TWX

>> No.20405343

You already saw how the story ends in the HBO show, why are you so mad about it?

>> No.20405344

>thread is slower than molasses
>bring up GRRM
>20 posts in 5 minutes
Gurmchads, I kneel

>> No.20405358

imo yes.
the fact that its not finished and looks like it won't be is legitimately *the only* argument i can muster against the series.

>> No.20405359


There is no excuse for not finishing a book in 11 years. Even if he just wrote 2 chapters a year he could of finished long before now. He has written hardly anything for TWoW, but he has written several other books in the last 3 years or so.

Fuck him, there are two books after TWoW. Do you think we will ever see them? He is 73, he is slowly becoming a cabadge and could potentially die any year now.

>> No.20405360

Apart from the fact the books are dogshit

>> No.20405366

>There is no excuse for not finishing a book in 11 years.
How many books have you wrote , dickhead?

>> No.20405367

The show isn't the books and things are completely different in the books

>> No.20405369

Gonna cry?

>> No.20405382

>"Yes you may get to fuck her, but I get to hold her hand while you fuck her; my light shining in her"

>> No.20405387

Are you being paid to do this? There is no excuse for not complaining a book in 11 years, not one single excuse.

>> No.20405389

Sounds awful.

>> No.20405391
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>> No.20405398

Tell me how many books youve written in the last 11 years right now , you stinky piece of shit

>> No.20405422
File: 3.19 MB, 498x280, dr-evil-how-about-no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non because I'm not an author. Fat fuck is and a well established one who has proven he is more than able to write books.

He has no excuse.

>> No.20405434

nothing gets a thread going like shitting on a hack

three just in the last three years lmao, totaling over 700k words
it's really not hard

>> No.20405442 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20405444

Name your books then LARPer

>> No.20405448
File: 712 KB, 781x1178, 1623677092892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Sabriel/The Old Kingdom are the Garth Nix works that usually get brought up but what do you guys think of Keys to the Kingdom as far as YA stuff goes? I absolutely adored this series as a kid and have been thinking of giving it a reread.

>> No.20405457

I read them as they came out but I lost interest and stopped following around Friday and never actually completed it.

>> No.20405464

I'm too paranoid to expose myself like that, but for proof of my claims' plausibility just go browse RR's top rated for a bit

>> No.20405470
File: 396 KB, 220x220, dancing-cat-swag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have written more words in these few post than fatty has written for The Winds of Never Ever this year.

>> No.20405474

Yes goymin, the book will be finished soon™.

In the mean time you can read fire and blood

>> No.20405485

So you’re LARPing just like I expected

>> No.20405494

Seriously - what is stopping him finishing his books? Laziness, writers' block?

>> No.20405505

he's fat, gay, and evil desu

>> No.20405518
File: 787 KB, 918x614, TsunamiGN_TLH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm definitely enjoying Heir so far.
Characters are somewhat different from the first book, I'm noticing, though. Glory especially is just a raving bitch this time around, for some odd reason.
Before she was just sarcastic. Now she's giving Kestrel a run for her money.
On the other hand, when Tsunami meets Shark, she proves she's not a Seawing at all, given she spits enough fire to make Peril look like an ice-pack.

I'll wait on giving a more full breakdown 'til I'm a little further in.
I will say, I'm loving her naivety. Also liking how Clay's become the peacemaker of sorts, alongside Sunny.

>each of the Dragonets of Destiny get their own book to be the POV of

Funnily enough, there was a big author section at the end of the audiobook I listened to, with her saying exactly that.
Makes for an interesting run of things. I am curious to see just how each goes. Bit nervous for Sunny's, but then everyone says she gets a 'good' end, so who knows.

>To quote myself from the last response, "Oh, you have no idea". And now you've met Blister, too.

To be fair, I could tell. But she's only getting worse.
Would bet good money she ends up being the BBEG behind everything, come the end.

>Too bad that Mudwings (and eventually Clay) aren't spoken about for the rest of the series.

Well, fuck.
They're honestly one of the most culturally distinctive groups I've seen in media, generally.
The idea of a sort of collected hatching 'unit' is a good one. No family ties from father or mother, but extremely strong ties between those of the same birth cluster is a cool feature.

Also, Clay's actually genuinely a swell dude.
I maintain he's shit for a POV character, but he seems a solid rock , shockingly mindful, and his mixture of loyalty and sincerity is damn refreshing, considering the nature of these stories.
I'm loving him so far in Lost Heir. Even if he's a mite more food-obsessed.

>Peril is a woobie

The fuck's a woobie

>> No.20405555 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 324x640, shill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no good or evil in the story, just people thinking about themselves

>> No.20405578

fuck off tranny

>> No.20405602

A little of both, but his main problem is he introduced way to many characters and storylines in the past 2 books, it's going to be very hard for him to wrap all of that up with just 2 more books to go, I think he has no idea how to do it

>> No.20405666
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 6be81f6da70134f2d4c9c4ded8b39d2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin '10 pages long battle description' vs the chad 'bilbo got knocked in the head and slept through the whole battle of the five armies'

>> No.20405673

if this book really gets released on the 26th, we're going to read it:
> From the master of the space opera, Alastair Reynolds, comes a dark, mind-bending SF adventure spread across time and space, Doctor Silas Coade has been tasked with keeping his crew safe as they adventure across the galaxy in search of a mysterious artifact, but as things keep going wrong, Silas soon realizes that something more sinister is at work, and this may not even be the first time it's happened.

> In the 1800s, a sailing ship crashes off the coast of Norway. In the 1900s, a Zepellin explores an icy canyon in Antarctica. In the far future, a spaceship sets out for an alien artifact. Each excursion goes horribly wrong. And on every journey, Dr. Silas Coade is the physician, but only Silas seems to realize that these events keep repeating themselves. And it's up to him to figure out why and how. And how to stop it all from happening again.

>> No.20405683

I don’t remember the ending, so it was probably neither great nor awful.

>> No.20405691

Sounds neat but I wish he'd finish the Prefect trilogy already, fucking fag. Or write more interesting RS stuff and not like Inhibitor Space.

>> No.20405702

nobody cares

>> No.20405722

Reynolds is the king of /sffg/

>> No.20405739

inhibitor phase seemed pretty standard for RS, i rated it 5 stars. what were your complaints?


has bakkerposting died?

>> No.20405781 [DELETED] 

So now we have confirmation that the resident janny is the one spamming the discord links

>> No.20405797

I see someone really liked Xenosaga.

>> No.20405805

Think I'll read this next, can't be arsed reading all of revelation space but I like his standalone books like house of Sun's.

>> No.20405819 [DELETED] 

>poster count didn’t go up
why do you feel the need to obsessively samefag?

>> No.20405837

What is the best sword and sorcery besides Conan?

>> No.20405840

Not that anon
Praise be to Xenosaga, but much more to Xenogears.

>> No.20405843 [DELETED] 

>you can only post once per thread

>> No.20405847 [DELETED] 

Cope harder spammer

>> No.20405854 [DELETED] 


By the way you just made two post, meaning the ip count didn't go up. You are obviously a spamer.

>> No.20405858 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 853x1024, 1652901572882m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are your lives fulfilling, gents?

>> No.20405932

>I'm looking for an immersive and interesting 40k novel to get into the universe
Inquisitor is the only good 40k text that plays it straight
Space marines are boring imo and the really good Cain books are comedies

>> No.20405937

Nooo why is the book clearly based on the rape of nanjing saying the based japanese who make all my animes are bad

>> No.20406000

Solomon Kane

>> No.20406023

what are some of the most liberal/progressive, identity politic ridden SFF books out there? nothing self-published, bonus points for excerpts

>> No.20406035

I could never imagine being this clearly upset over a book not getting written. No possible way you're over the age of 16.

>> No.20406050

>I don't wanna read, but I need ammo
>do my work for me and find works I can make fun of and pretend like I read it, all while posting the excerpts you gave me as proof

>> No.20406073

back to redit pls

>> No.20406093

I saw one where it was about a group of heroes running a country after fighting the evil wivard and half the blurb was saying how gay they were

>> No.20406110

>he found me out
>better tell him back to rebbit

>> No.20406129

why would i want to read liberal trash when I can just make fun of it

>> No.20406161


>> No.20406333
File: 430 KB, 819x1250, hbg-title-9780575089914-614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started Mistborn and it's hooked me incredibly easily with it's opening chapters.

>> No.20406346

Started reading the Age of Madness trilogy by Joe Abercrombie.
It's such a break from his previous novels, it's like he wrote all of it when he was horny, or is trying to pander to the YA crowd. I don't think a single character got introduced without immediately thinking about sex, being in the middle of having sex, or about to have sex with the next character that gets introduced.
And then after a factory city revolts and chaos reigns, there's a woman calling herself judge and holding mock trials for the burgeoisie which I swear is just taken straight from Scarecrow's shit in whatever Batman movie it was.

>> No.20406363

Yeah I'll give Sanderson this, he has pretty great openings. They're very same-y if you read a lot of his books (they're almost always "some major character showing off the magic system in some sort of setting introductory sequence that may or may not be an action scene") but they all do their jobs well, even if a lot of the time they don't feel super relevant to the rest of the plot. Mistborn's actually does feel relevant, it's a quick glimpse into the sort of person Kelsier is and shows the general living conditions of the ska.

>> No.20406376
File: 40 KB, 800x450, 165942324565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single one of my male friends reads books.

>> No.20406385

At least they don't post frogs, probably. Also look on the bright side, normalfags will think you're smart for reading books, even if it's schlock

>> No.20406389
File: 603 KB, 1653x2541, shogun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Shogun by Clavell still holding up nowadays?

It's been sitting on my to-read list for so long. Quite a commitment too.

>> No.20406403
File: 19 KB, 735x313, 73ff48997df57fdf400b299c3a7b73de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my first book by him. I bounced off Wheel of Time long before I got to his entries.

It's a combination of wanting to know more about the world (the places, how the metal magic works, what's the deal with the institutions in it etc.), wanting to know more about who these intriguing characters are, and wanting to know where the plot is going as apparently we're jumping straight into tearing down the evil empire from the word go.

Also it does a good job of making everyone memorable. It's introduced a lot of characters already and they're all actually sticking in my head. Helps not having any apostrophe names, or worse, multiple names for the same character.

>> No.20406416

I personally found a lot of the crew a little samey (Dockson and Ham I mix up a lot), but Mistborn was at least pretty solid at making its most important characters (Vin and Kelsier mostly) feel distinct. I have my issues with Era 1 Mistborn because of the latter two books but I have very few issues with the first one beyond a general few overall issues with the pacing, but that's an omnipresent issue with Sanderson.

>> No.20406453

>Winds isn't the final book in the serie
yes it is

>> No.20406460

NK Jemisin is the high priestess of identity politic SFF right now. In order of the importance of identity politics in each series, her bibliography is probably something like: Great Cities (“fuck whitey, cops, and Staten Island”) > Inheritance (“fuck fantasy whitey, fantasy colonialism, and organized fantasy religion”) >>> Broken Earth (“fuck ambiguous fantasy racial hierarchies”) >>>>>>> Dreamblood.

Dreamblood is the odd one out, the first book is probably a rewritten Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan fanfic and the second book is a weird incest rape fantasy.

>> No.20406461

No, it's bad. Maybe it's because I've actually studied Japanese history but to me it's a joke to take people like Tokugawa and change their names to Togukawa so you don't have to worry about historical accuracy. He should've just made it a fantasy book set in notJapan, then at least it would've been more authentic.

>> No.20406464

I'm in book 5. This got really dumb. The author, who had been good about avoiding the super retconny asspulls up until now, had a big battle where the MC, who had been keeping his plans secret from his allies before, suddenly reveals he was hiding them and pulled them out to help him, and then all of his revival attempts most of the last arc revolved around get tossed aside for a new power up. I had no idea why people slagged it so much until I reached the ending.

>> No.20406480

>send Alea to fight
>Alea jobs and is injured
I see DotF keeps up the cultivation tradition of terrible, terrible romantic writing.

>> No.20406513

If it makes you feel any better, the author continues to not actually have anything ever happen between Zac and Alea. Alea's entire character begins and ends with "is into Zac" and then she doesn't really exist outside of that.

>> No.20406520

Nobody cares about your AI written chinkshit litrpgs, fuck off losers

>> No.20406531

DotF is written by an English-speaking guy. That doesn't make it good, but it's at least 'better' than some of the xianxia shit you see.

>> No.20406581

Her not existing is the best thing I can hope for and hopefully it happens soon because seeing the author simp this hard for the actual worst character in the entire book (and that's saying something when the spoiled little girls exist) is just agonizing.

>> No.20406633

I'm almost positive the author doesn't like Alea but doesn't want to just kill her off so he keeps pushing her out of the story. Notice how she's never part of any outing that Zac goes on.

>> No.20406768

Which power are you talking about? Which chapter are you currently reading?

>> No.20406802
File: 1.44 MB, 2048x1971, alex jones dark souls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear /sffg/, i need you to recommend me some exciting, well-written (both from a plotting and writing POV) fantasy, e.g. something like ASOiAF (inb4 the more she drank, yeah, yeah) or Abercrombie's First Law. i've also read Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy, which was juvenile garbage for the most part, written in inappropriately modern English, and Bakker's first trilogy (i.e. Prince of Nothing), which was solid, but i can't say i did love (from a worldbuilding POV it's very convoluted and very little is actually told)
it's been like half a year since i've read anything besides professional literature and i'm desperate for something that'll excite me and hold my attention

>> No.20406811

I read it last year and it was kino. The longest book I read but it flew by. Lots of fun.

>> No.20406815
File: 47 KB, 341x500, bushido online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Series so far ranks a solid 5/10. MC is an MMA champ, crippled in the octagon and can only really live virtually. He must learn to bleh bleh actually just to live on in this new game, the purpose of which is to enable whites to larp as Japanese. Which is kind of fun...everybody larps as a medieval European in normal fantasy. Anyway, the setting is okay with Shogun in place of the king, warring nobles, samurai, ninja assassins, kitsune grils, bandits and the like.

It's a litrpg. Not stat-heavy, but rpg story heavy (help the young couple, put the soul to rest, etc). I've kept listening through my 12-hour shift today, sometimes tuning out, sometimes tuning in. I never once wanted to rage quit, and the good parts make me wish more of it were good parts.

The author can never quite pinpoint where the stakes are. It's punch depends on buying in to the in-game story, but there's never any shortage of characters saying it's just a game bro. I see that he loves this npc, but I don't see why I'm supposed to love this npc. So I'm supposed to care, or not. I don't know. But I've sort-of enjoyed many generic European fantasies and so I can sort-of enjoy the same thing only Japanese.

On goodreads, I might bump v1 to 3/5 for novelty. V2 might be an honest 3/5 for more of the same and an extended intrepid hero passage.

>> No.20406818

i liked book 1 for the most part, because i really fucking dig naming as a magic system, but book 2 was a fucking mess
>ninja mommy sex
>ethereal elvish princess sex
>hot busty tavern wench sex

>> No.20406832

Read the aspect emperor series you bitch. You already read the primer.

>> No.20406840

I honestly have a hard time buying into any VRMMO story because they so often rely on "protagonist does thing literally nobody else did just by blind luck or some shit" when, like... I know MMO players, they will scour every last corner of a game within the first week, nothing will be sacred. Unorthodox builds and shit won't really remain unorthodox. It depends on the nature of the VRMMO, admittedly, sometimes they can be so absurdly broad as to effectively just be a second world with no real fixed amount of 'things' to be, but sometimes they're just normal MMOs in scope.

>> No.20406845

it's gotten so bad, that i re-read the Percy Jackson books in two days last week. i'm happy to report they've aged surprisingly well, i laughed a lot
i kind of don't want to, because i read PON couple of years back and i've forgotten most of the finer details and i feel like in order to read TAP i need to re-read PON first, which i don't feel like doing it

>> No.20406848

also, since we're on the subject, can anyone explain to me wtf a philosophical zombie is and what the point of the No-God is? that was one of the things i never got while i was reading PON

>> No.20406853

>anyone explain to me wtf a philosophical zombie is and what the point of the No-God is? that was one of the things i never got while i was reading PON
Just ramblings of a failed modern philosopher turned children fiction writer. Just forget about it.

>> No.20406857

A philosophical zombie is the idea that you can't really prove other people genuinely think. A philsophical zombie is a person who doesn't really have internal thought processes, they simply react to external stimuli at an extremely baseline level and there's no way to really prove otherwise.

>> No.20406861

A philosophical zombie is a hypothetical entity or human that appears to be sentient, but isn't. The No-God is one, as well as the Sranc. Not sure what you mean by the point if the No-God.

>> No.20406871

There's a brief recap of all the important plot points from the previous books before each book in the Aspect emperor series. It also takes place 20 years later, so the minor details don't even matter. PoN was mostly establishing the world.

>> No.20406875

No, p-zombies aren't about thought, what you are describing could easily be sentient in spite of not thinking, like animals, which are likely not p-zombies.

>> No.20406877

alright, thanks
>Not sure what you mean by the point if the No-God.
seeing as the term p-zombie was bandied around a lot in relation to the No-God, it felt to me as if Bakker was trying to illustrate something with that character (or creature, w/e), but all i got out of the book was it's a big evil tornado that asks people

>> No.20406883

The entire publishing industry is geared towards women.

>> No.20406884


>> No.20406889

Ah, my mistake. I've only seen some rudimentary descriptions of the concept.

>> No.20406900

I've seen you make this comment twice and neither story you commented on relied on this. And even in other stories where it is, somebody tried it first. Why can't we be reading their story?

In Life Reset, MC gets to play as a goblin because he fits the plans of an insurrectionist AI. In this book (not as good) the MC distinguishes himself when his real-world fighting skills and discipline carry over into the realistic new environment. But in a deeper sense you're right. If you're going to fixate on verisimilitude then clearly this is not the subgenre for you. It just doesn't even try to pass on that axis.

>> No.20406915

Fair enough. I'm sure it's mostly just a minor hangup keeping me from trying to read them. I also just don't know any that sound like they'd be good enough to give a read. Most seem really schlocky and not even in a good way. I'm not against LitRPG in general, but to me a VRMMO thing would either have to have a really compelling MMO world, or make the out-of-MMO stuff important and relevant too.

>> No.20406947

Book 5, so around chapter 1005? It's when he first gets his sovereign immortal body. It feels like the whole hullabaloo about finding out different means to revive his body were filler and he got this new one dropped into his lap.

>> No.20406971

You probably should stay away then. They are schlocky. I think the "progression" element helps a lot of mediocre authors tell better stories by insisting they move forward rather than wallow in volumes of backstory. It may be a crutch, but hey, bro has a direction.

I don't care at all about gamer real, so hero finds a new game exploit works just as well for me as in real fantasy realm hero cuts the gordian knot does. If you've avoided the genre for this reason, I suggest you carefully choose three series to try out and give yourself permission to hit the eject button early.

>> No.20406979
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Dragons are cool.

>> No.20406985

It's not that I dislike the progression stuff. I've enjoyed some LitRPG stories. Any suggestions to try out, though? I considering picking up... I think it was Whispering Crystals or something, but I just have trouble reading present tense stories.

>> No.20407020

There is still several good parts ahead, but I found from battle on Yi Tian mountain to around chapter 1280 it will be somewhat of a drag.

>> No.20407026
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Requesting good loli stories. Lude is welcome but not necessary. Ideally containing loli POV.

Thanks senpai I'll check it out.

I'm waiting for the audio version

Not really my thing, but also I've already read it. Thanks anyhow.

>> No.20407027

How so?

>> No.20407056

Kys pedo

>> No.20407089

Stop asking, fuckhead.

>> No.20407104

I'm hesitant to recommend anything because I like things you don't. I fell for the Russians early on. Goblin herbalist and way of the shaman are just the things you despise - little known class turns out to be exploitable. But in that they have a modern Russian trope of little fish learns to swim with the bigs, so they're fun (unless you just can't stand that stuff).

Atamanov's Reality Benders almost codifies this, where Earth players all must follow the proven path to success to justify the resources they consume to play The Game That Bends Reality but MC goes his own way and with a lot of luck launches himself to real power.

Luck is real in Russian litrpg. In "Champion is Playing" a guy makes consistently dumb build decisions which are subsequently validated by dumb luck, causing his more skillful colleagues to think he's a secret genius. In the sequels he repeats this in different game genres which might be fun if you've played them. I haven't. In Atamanov's Respawn series, "Cheater" is compensated for his dumb, desperate, game breaking play early on with a goose to the luck stat that separates him and makes him valuable, if can only match his level of trust. In Dan Sugralinov's Level Up series, MC is gifted with an RPG interface to real life, letting him switch gears in the normie world.

And that's just the Russians, and not all of them. It's a playful genre, and mainline fantasy hasn't been since GURM died, or maybe somewhat later. I don't want to tell you what you should like. I have all kinds of forgiveness beams dialed in on the things I read and I won't fight anyone who says they're trash. But often enough there's something on offer if you give it a little line.

>> No.20407122

Why should I not be permitted to ask?

>> No.20407132
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/m/ here, so I think this might be the thread to ask? What books act like giant robot or kaiju stories? I'm thinking of writing ideas for kindle and I've seen tons of mecha anime and tokusatsu, but not sure how they would work in book form.

>> No.20407173

The whole piloted robot thing was literally directly inspired by Heinlein's Starship Troopers as stated by the creators of the original giant robot manga and anime.

>> No.20407175

You probably know it bu Starship Troopers is the OG mobila sooto story. Worth reading in any case.

>> No.20407195

I remember reading this in middle school and aside from an instructor named Zim I barely remembered anything about it even back then.

>> No.20407245

That's entirely wrong though, since the first Japanese piloted robots preceded that book by a number of years.

>> No.20407269

They were great but I felt it peaked at Thursday, I only remember a handful of scenes from the last few books.

>> No.20407270

Best fantasy series i've ever read besides Thomas Covenant.
This is literally untrue. Retard.
haven't read these but the Seventh Tower series was worth a readthrough if you can find them
The Culture Iain Banks

>> No.20407278

Broken Earth had an MMF threesome between the main character, a twinky gay man and a bisexual pirate. Also one of the characters is a tranny. And there are zero white people.

>> No.20407317


>> No.20407320

Damn, I had heard this part was bad, but I didn't believe it until I experienced it.

>> No.20407323

Based Thomas Covenant enjoyer. I love how that series is 50% ass-sucking trope-lord and 50% you will never imagine anything so titanic and so grand.

>> No.20407331

I think book three is about how oppressing mutants caused the apocalypse, but book two and three were shit and blurred together so I could be wrong. I only remember rock vore and The Briar Patch.

Iron Widow is an unapologetic Franxx ripoff, but in addition to being shit generally the kaiju fights were nothing special.

>> No.20407345

Have you read Dragons Heart series by K Klevanski. Once again the first few books were good but the later books turned into shit.

>> No.20407428
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I come to you with another fun shitty gook webnovel
>remorseless villain playing hero for fun
>laments that gamers like himself are unfairly maligned by society
>fighting against the World Government and their plan for The Great Reset (literally what it's called in the novel)
>gives a bunch of guns to children and takes them zombie hunting
>love interest (lovestruck sycophant) is a yandere, elven, hikikkomori, NEET witch
>after saving hong kong from a dragon, he's presented with the medal of honor by Jackie Chan
I laughed a lot while catching up to this, really feels like someone from here could have written it

>> No.20407445

reading that greentext makes it sound exactly like every other gook webnovel ever written

>> No.20407460

I've read an unhealthy number of them, and this is first time I've read one that so perfectly captured the gangweed aesthetic. It's so fucking dumb, it's really incredible, it successfully blasts past the boring kind of cringe by just constantly doubling down. Highly recommend

>> No.20407482

any good dark fantasy/scifi about living in a lawless world? preferably with a theme of "humans without morality are depraved" as opposed to "humans without morality just do what they need in order to survive but are still naturally good"

>> No.20407524
File: 30 KB, 279x445, 51u1Ir15dIL._SX342_SY445_QL70_ML2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read the Gods are Bastards Webnovel? I have a friend who swears it's on of the best webnovels out there, but I was barely able to get through the first few chapters.

>> No.20407534

Why are you asking if other people have read it if you’ve already formed your own opinion?

>> No.20407540

why is it that in any modern setting, whether fantasy or not, only the gooks will not only write in modern conspiracies like the Rothchilds, but also specifically make it so that said lineage actually has powerful ancient martial arts of magic?

also, there’s a korean webnovel where the main character, upon being transmigrated into a medieval fantasy world, immediately begins to build his way up to the modern banking system, fiat currency included. his name’s even Rockefeller Rothmedici for god’s sake.

it’s always the gooks who do it, not the chinks, nor the japs, but the gooks. i want to understand why.

>> No.20407543

There's a pipeline for talented writers to go from web to published in the East. In America it just means you're shit

>> No.20407554
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>Rockefeller Rothmedici

>> No.20407564

Because they know more than stupid western gaijin

>> No.20407584


>> No.20407587

There are certain cultural creative differences. Chinks only write xanxia/wuxia because anything outside of it is not really allowed. Japs are obsessed about isekai/neet/harem/vn video game adventures with no actual plot or story, gooks are somewhat in between, they aren't liberal like japanese but not as conservative and restricted like chinese, they like drama and their novels are not so much about serious power fantasy and action but more about characters and interactions, but they are often dark and dystopian but still not very liberal or progressive

>> No.20407608
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Firstly I'm not absolutely saying your wrong, but I don't believe you. Starship troopers was 1959. There was exactly one known case of an internally piloted robot mech in Japanese literature predating that and it was an octopus tank not really a humanoid robot suit. There were other giant robots but nothing internally piloted.

Secondly the creators of early mecha have stated in interviews that they were inspired by the suits in starship troopers. I think we can accept the assertions of the authors as valid.

>> No.20407609

Look up all the off the wall conspiracy bullshit from gookland about the Daughters of Megalia and President Park. Completely loony conspiracy theory bullshit that all turned out to be actually true, and the country was being run by a secret lesbian sex cult.

>> No.20407616

That was such a fun happening, ridiculous how little coverage it got in the news

>> No.20407645 [DELETED] 
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It's not news unless (((we))) say it's news.

>> No.20407672

It was translated into Japanese by Tetsu Yano in 1967. Mazinger Z in 1972 was the first true Mecha anime. Gundam started in 1979. So, yes, starting in the 1970s that was the influence, but prior to that, not really. It's certainly what popularized which is often more important than being first.

>> No.20407708
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Women buy books.

>> No.20407711

Stopped reading there.

Stopped reading there.

>> No.20407724

Try Worth the Candle. It's fairly distinct.

>> No.20407728

>Stopped reading there.
That's why the market is geared towards them.

>> No.20407776
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UUUUUUUUGH. It's such a slooooooog.

I'm 77% into Rhythm of War now. And nothing is happening! Sanderson has reverted back to his old ways. He's laboriously explaining every small plot point. But the plot isn't really going anywhere.The conflict that he set up in the first few chapters, are still being hashed out after so many chapters later. With no real end in site.

To put this in audiobook terms: I've already listened to 44 hours. And there's still 13 left! NOTHING IS HAPPENING, AND THERE'S STILL 13 HOURS LEFT. WHAT COULD HE POSSIBLY FILL ALL THE TIME WITH?!

Venli's plot is not interesting. It's mainly just a retelling of events we already know about, except from a different perspective. Venli herself is not a fun or interesting character. So the only ounce of entertainment we get from her chapter comes from the slow drip of lore that Sanderson feeds us. Like ringing out a damp rag.

All the other characters have a single linear plot, that is very slowly playing out, step by step. There are no real surprises. No suspense. No stakes. This is a man showing you the notebooks of ideas he has for a book. This is by far worse than the slowest part of Wheel of Time.

>> No.20407800

>That's why the market is geared towards them.
That is not why. Men used to read as much as women (if not more). But the traditional publishers decided to gradually adopt a policy of FUCK THEM MENS solely for political reasons.

>> No.20407806

>/sffg/'s faces when romance yearly profits vs sff profits

>> No.20407816
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>Romance? What's that? They make books about kissin and stuff? Sounds weird.

>> No.20407824
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His whole thing is writing Xbox Heug books. Didn't you expect filler when you signed up?

>> No.20407843

No... This is not filler. This isn't like the previous 3 books in the series. This a complete void of content. He wrote like 5 plotlines that any other writer could have resolved in a fraction of the time. This whole book can be condensed into say 12-15 hours. And giving Sanderson's typical blathering, you could afford him 5 more hours. A 20 hour book to resolve these plots is more than fair. But it's a 57 hour book. FIFTY SEVEN HOURS.

>> No.20407849

There is clearly (no pun intended) enough light to see without headlights on, and the head driver is not the only one without them in the image.

>> No.20407879


>> No.20407886
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Thanks for the update, I'm glad I dropped it before I got 1/5th of my way in. These books NEED harsh cuts to make readable but the authors get too big of heads and don't have good enough editors to force them to make the necessary alterations.

>> No.20407898
File: 458 KB, 2560x1600, Darth_Bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay anons, so I finished reading the Darth Bane trilogy last night. I have mixed feelings. I feel like the third book was the strongest. I like how it pulled characters I thought were insignificant back into the story. I probably would have loved this trilogy in my teens. As an adult, the characters fall flat. I have a hard time believing their motivations. I mean, I get Set Harth. It's Darth Zannah and Bane that are ridiculous. Bane has a Tywin Lannister-like plan to eventually destroy the Jedi. Sith are like his family. If by "family" we mean only adopting one daughter and training her to murder you. Zannah just wants to make evil dad proud I guess? The books weren't quite as good as I was hoping with all the praise. They were good enough. 10/10 for teenage me. 7/10 for adult me. I am hoping that somebody here will tell me that there are way better Star Wars books. Please recommend them if they exist.

>> No.20407903

Galaxy of fear

>> No.20407906

Not him but this was probably the closest any boo series or individual book has come to spooking me. I read most of them when I was 14 probably.

>> No.20407920

>This is by far worse than the slowest part of Wheel of Time.
Oh man. Thanks for the warning. I read the first three, but the third book really dragged for me. I can deal with a slog. I'm a Wheel of Time veteran. But man, the payoff has to be there.

>> No.20407938

Men haven't had the disposable income women have had for decades. It's not so much:
>FUCK THEM MENS solely for political reasons.
The men are already fucked. They wouldn't be virtue signalling their hatred of all things male if men were the ones tossing money at their business. It's simply the perfect storm right now of men being fucked every which way.

>> No.20407970

The Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series by Fritz Leiber. Though my fave sword and sorcery character is from Malazan. Karsa Orlong is a combination of the Incredible Hulk and Conan. The problem is you have to read Malazan.

>> No.20407991

How many people actually read it? That's probably your answer. The first book is a massive filter. I'm on the Bonehunters right now. Love it, but I doubt the series is popular among the casual reading crowd.

>> No.20407993

Since you've read the first three books, you know that Kaladin is struggling to say the words of the 4th ideal. Well, his entire plot in Rhythm of War(so far), has been his inability to cope with loses. It's hinted at that the 4th ideal is somehow connected to coping with loss. His mental health degrades greatly after months of warring against the Fused, and so Dalinar commands him to retire from the front lines, at least until he's deemed fit to return. Having been taken out of the fight, Kaladin searches for what to do with his life, and eventually becomes a surgeon again, working under his father like the old days.

The Tower is attacked and taken over by the fused. The Fused turned the tower's own defenses against the radiants. Every radiant in the tower collapses. Kaladin manages to stay conscious, but is abilities are severely diminished. He can't even lash. It's HEAVILY hinted at, that if Kaladin says the words of the 4th ideal, he'll get his armor, and becoming immune to the tower's defense mechanism. The fact that he's even still awake while everyone is unconscious, is testament to the fact that he's near the 4th ideal already, as one of the characters explain. But then it's never talked about as an option. Never considered. It's been chapters and chapters, and Kaladin isn't thinking about the 4th ideal at all. But I know that Sanderson is going to break it out in the last part of the book, because he's set the stage for it. We just have to wait and wait and wait AND WAIT, until finally Sanderson decides to progress Kaladin's story.

Hell, even if Kaladin doesn't say the words, Just acknowledging that he definitely won't say them will be character development. Then we can move on. Enough of this will he/won't he crap.

>> No.20408023

Thank you for the recommendation. I can't wait to read a few of these.

>> No.20408026

I agree that publishers are jews who fucked men readers but saying men havent had disposable income is just wrong. I know some real poor men who smoke a pack a day (or one in two days) in current year, if they can afford cigarettes and alcohol they can afford to buy a cheap paperback once in a while.

>> No.20408042
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WoF newfag again; Nearly finished with Lost Heir.
Got a bit overly interested, it seems, and basically barreled through it. Irritably without as diligent notetaking, due to busier work.

Glory's a raging bitch in this one.
Last thread, someone had suggested it was because the writer didn't have a set character yet, but in the last book, I'd say she was the 2nd strongest in terms of definition besides Clay.
Witty, but stoic. In this one she's just plain catty and bitter.
Very disappointing. And it's catapulted her to my single least favorite character, at least as of this lot.

Feel like Webs' escape was a bit too convenient. Crocodile's sudden change in attitude to rescue him was a bit odd. But, he shows up later, without trouble, so who knows.
Might just be sloppy writing, not bothering to describe how one dragon suddenly and sharply knocked out two, to save someone we see no direct connection to. But, hey, if not, she's the first truly 'nice' adult we meet.
Cool name. Hope she pops up again, if she is a 'good guy'.

Tsunami fucks the shit out of a Skywing. Was pretty rad. My man Clay doing good by resuscitating said Skywing. Definitely glad to see he's still true to character.
The drama between the party over this, however, I could've done without. Glory, especially, is a raging bitch about it for no apparent reason.
Tsunami may well've saved their lives, and rather than even entertain the idea, Glory and Starflight shit on her. Sunny, too, but that's to be expected, bloodless little snowball she is.
Only Clay seems remotely reasonable about it.

The meeting with Tsunami and Riptide was pretty cute. Especially his description of what she "actually" said.
Do kind of see why some folk found it 'questionable', though. Dude is pretty clearly written as quite a bit older than her, and the romance implications are pretty heafty.

They're dragons, so I'm not going to judge too fiercely. The back-and-forth was good, as was the chemistry, aside from that.

>> No.20408049

I've always said it's like he doesn't even have an editor. Or his editors are scared to put their foot down. Funny though, after reading your reply I'm tempted to read the book now. I keep crossing my fingers hoping book five will blow us all away and make the low points of the books worth it all.

>> No.20408061

The powerups are meaningless, it's all about the character drama and setting details. Means not ends. The main function of the SIB is just so he can show off lots of new paths and go places he couldn't before.

>> No.20408071

Moving along; Tsunami's spitting fire, when dealing with Shark.
10/10, grand interaction cementing her as queen of snark, get fucked Glory.
Definitely my favorite moment thus far in the books. Maybe possibly 2nd to the prison singing on the Skywing spires, but I'm a sucker for such emotional heartstrings.

On the subject; Meeting her mom. Coral seems alright, honestly. I don't hate her. She's stupid, yes, but pretty nice albeit with some dragonish fury here and there. Especially when it comes to punishment for those who failed her. Yikes.
Her back-and-forth with Tsunami isn't great, but it isn't bad either. She's pretty terrible it seems at listening. At least, where convenient for the story.
I dig the writer aspect. Seems a lovely feature,to explain exactly where these fictions came from, how they're made, how they're dispersed. Bit sad it seems most, if not all fiction we know of comes from her, though.
Still, I'm filled with sorrow we never see her and Starflight chat. Or at least, yet.

Tsunami's interaction at the feast was pretty forced-feeling.
Guess she's a little gutsy and gung-ho, so maybe I'll give it a bit of a pass. But it seems rather obvious to wait a moment and see what everyone else does.
Then again, she's got odd ideas of what it means to be a princess. So who can truly say.
I will say at the very least, her outbursts were thoroughly unreasonable. Well, save for the "hey, those guys're bleeding to death on your floor" part.

Speaking of death; The revelation of Gill was a tragedy. Someone warned me ahead of time, but it was still quite the sharp piece.
Father to Tsunami, mother to a queen. You'd think the Skywings'd take better care of their captives, if they're that important. Arena be damned.
Scarlet was a psychotic bitch, to be fair.

Still; Tsunami's beating herself up for it felt a tad forced. She acts as though it were mindless or pleasurable. Neither of which were the case, at least as I recall. But guilt does things to memory.

>> No.20408082

Dude, stop reposting this.

>> No.20408083

It was mostly a joke as it is the only star wars books I have read. I liked them but I was about 9 years old.

>> No.20408084

the second part of the book is basically a setup for the 5th book; there are few things that happen at the end that will explain partly some setup that you are reading right now

>> No.20408085

I doubt the 5th book will be any better. Sanderson pulled the same shit that Robert Jordan pulled with Wheel of time. Where he realized that he had a hit franchise on his hands, and so restructured the story in such a way that the main cast will have defeat all the bosses before having a shot at the final boss. The same way Wheel of Time pulled the "sike! this isn't the real dark one! It's just one of 10 Forsaken pretending to be the dark one. Haha! Had you fooled. Now let's go defeat them 1 by 1 so we can milk this series for everything it's worth."

I be every book from here on will cover only 1 boss. And the series won't end until book 12.

>> No.20408091

SA is 10 books, not 12. Although with all the filler short stories, it may as well be.

>> No.20408103

oh ok, so then a couple of the books will kill off more than 1 boss. That's still way too much. He doesn't have enough content to justify that many books. Hell, with the length that he rights, his 1 books is worth 2 books. You could think of it as the length of a 20 book series. Merely bound into 10 volumes.

>> No.20408105

I agree. Although he markets his SA books are 3in1, not 2in1.

>> No.20408110

books 6-10 will have an entirely different cast of characters than those in 1-5, it is also when his cosmere stuff starts coming together with overlaps with other works such as mistborn

>> No.20408116

>books 6-10 will have an entirely different cast of characters than those in 1-5
No? You don't even know who the 6-10 protags are, do you?

>> No.20408128

i think lift and renarin are definite, it takes place ~20 years from the end of book 5

>> No.20408134

Lift, Renarin, Talenel, Jasnah, and Shalash. The gap is 5-10 years.

>> No.20408142

Learning this is extinguishing what embers of interest I still had for this series.

>> No.20408175

Which Brandon Sanderson book should I get to learn to write filler? Never read one.

>> No.20408177

Any SA book. Mistborn 2 and parts of 3, Era 1.

>> No.20408213

The Darth Plagueis novel is good.

>> No.20408254

The only novel that made it from legends. It helps that it’s written by James Luceno.

>> No.20408290

Have you read Le Guin?

>> No.20408294

>James Luceno.
His Star Wars: Tarkin is also great, don't know about Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, but I assume its also great.

>> No.20408297

Have you read Le Guin?

>> No.20408330

Not him, but what does she have to do with anything?

>> No.20408362
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After reading five Elder Empire books I don't feel like reading the sixth. It annoys me that Calder ended up being a supporting character in his own story.

>> No.20408367
File: 59 KB, 437x675, 9780316187244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this, and I can't help but wonder, is there any hope for Abercrombie at this point? The guy has some decent ideas and ain't afraid to talk about some complex themes like revolution, but can't write a decent book to save his life. Every character is a variation of the very same archetype, a bad guy who wanted to be a good guy but had to become a bad guy because there was no other way and it serves for the great goal of the other bad guy who wanted to be a good guy but something something.

>> No.20408396

I don't have any recs for you, but I admire your tenacity and encourage you to continue searching

>> No.20408423
File: 1.67 MB, 1989x1134, Yedan_Derryg_by_Daniel_Knoblich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tear up when I think of this part

>> No.20408440

>Every character is a variation of the very same archetype, a bad guy who wanted to be a good guy but had to become a bad guy because there was no other way
sounds Kino.

>> No.20408447

What are some authors who are the type to want to flesh out there setting as much as they can and who are happy to answer completely trivial questions about aspects of their setting?

>> No.20408449

The Bot is back.

>> No.20408469

Bros why don't you think kaladin will be a main character anymore.....
You don't think he'd die do you? After all he's been through? He's only a few years older than renarin

>> No.20408502

from his secret work, the sunlit man, due to be released next year it can be inferred that kal has moved onto other things

>He saw a light to his left. Further along the rim of the city. Drawn to it, like he was a weary traveler and it a welcome cookfire, he started walking. That…was a figure, wasn’t it. Holding something that glowed in his fingers, a sphere. Wearing a uniform, facing away from Nomad, standing and looking out through the darkness.

Storms. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t.

Ignoring Auxiliary’s second prompting for an explanation, he walked further. Haunted by what he might find. Worried that he was going mad. Yet desperate to know. Could it…

“Kal?” he asked into the storm.

>> No.20408547

Where's this from?

>> No.20408554

the sunlit man, brandon wrote 3 cosmere books during the lockdown which he will release next year at an interval of 3 months. The sunlit man follows the story of a former bridge 4 member


>> No.20408561

Would be funny watching this series crash and burn.

>> No.20408592

>the sunlit man, brandon wrote 3 cosmere books during the lockdown which he will release next year at an interval of 3 months.
Christ, I have to give him respect for that.

>> No.20408614

What are the other two books?

>> No.20408631

the first 6 chapters for all the books are available on his site.
The first, tress of the emerald seas, is related to aethers which he says will become more relevant during the latter half of the cosmere; also if you have done so already, do read his ather of the night, around warbreaker quality, it is an unpublished cosmere work and the first book is sort of related to it.

The second, the nightmare painter, is on a new world.

>> No.20408632

I chalk it up to a moral lapse.

>> No.20408670


>> No.20408674

Reading and enjoying the Kingkiller Chronicles.

>> No.20408706

New thread

>> No.20408712

Traitor is the best SW book, but requires reading half of NJO to understand and all of Young Jedi Knights for the full mindbreak experience.

The OG Thrawn Trilogy (Heir to the Empire, etc.), Shatterpoint, the RotS novelization, and I Jedi are top-tier as well. I have a soft spot for Shadows of Mindor because it’s deliberately pulpy.

>> No.20408906
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Niche post, cheers anon made me laugh