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20401429 No.20401429 [Reply] [Original]

What book should I start Evola with?
I am thinking about Ride the Tiger or Revolot Againts the Modern World

>> No.20401484

Arte astratta

>> No.20401491
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Skip Evola altogether. Schertel has overpassed him.

>> No.20401492

metaphysics of war

>> No.20401560

Thanks I might check him out

>> No.20401622

When the student is ready the teacher will appear

>> No.20401652

Revolt is probably best intro, but if you have a solid background in philosophy Ride the Tiger might be good too.

No need. That book is garbage not even worth reading for the novelty. This faggot is posting this book in every single Evola thread all day every day, posting threads about it every day, with no ability to engage in discussion with any authenticity. What does this tell you? That he's either mentally ill or a troll.

>When the student is ready the teacher will appear
Wrong. I can post a direct quote from one of the most accomplished esotericists alive saying that this quote is complete idiocy.

>> No.20401664

>I can post a direct quote from one of the most accomplished esotericists alive saying that this quote is complete idiocy.
Post it

>> No.20401702
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Paracelsus agrees too.

>> No.20401713

Je ne se pa parlez francaise

>> No.20401744

Not Ride the Tiger unless you're very familiar with Nietzsche, existentialism and general 20th century philosophy.
Revolt is not an easy read either but if you take the time it can be a good starting point. But with this >>20401492 you can't go wrong.

>> No.20401761

Evolafags trembling at the thought of the age of Evola and Guenon being surpassed by the age of Schertel. Kek.

>> No.20401777
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>oy vey stop reading and practicing spiritual wisdom passed down from ancient times that will make you immortal
you're a kike and that book is garbage

>> No.20401784

>passed down from ancient times
Holy kek the delusion of tradfags

>> No.20401793

Where do you think Guenon got his knowledge? What was in his personal library?

Checked and based

>> No.20401817

Leave lit and come back when you've learned french

>> No.20401820

>wants to study esotericism
>can't read french or google translate
no wonder your book rec is such a turd lmao
>da master wil com when da student is redy
are you black? you fucking stupid retard

>> No.20402445

Read Guenon first dummy

>> No.20402837

>are you black?
Nein. Ich bin Aryan. Hast du ein Problem? Bist du ein Retard?

>> No.20402838

nice larp, Ahmed

>> No.20402863
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I have never read a single one of his books. Yet.
Here is, however, an infographic I have saved.

>> No.20402884

The preface or introduction to Introduction to Magic vol. II
In it, Evola succinctly introduces his worldview and metaphysics. That is to say that everything he has written is based on real attainable and verifiable states of being.
I would generally recommended the Introduction to Magic series to understand that first, otherwise if you just jump into something like Revolt then you will think he just made up some fantasy worldbuilding larp bullshit and you will be completely lost. He is an author of esotericism.
Don't waste your time on that fucking garbage. Counter-Initiation.

>> No.20402889

>never read a single one of his book
As it should be. Now read Schertel, the superior occultist in the tradition of classical German philosophy.

>> No.20402898

In other words, pulling the fake news card. Nice try tradfags. But the age of Schertel is here. Read Schertel op. Decide for yourself.

>> No.20402907

Ok this is actually funny

>> No.20403078

Agreed. Metaphysics of War is pretty succinct if I remember correctly and it serves as a great intro to Evolas big ideas

>> No.20403082

>big ideas
Hitherto I did not know I could laugh so hard.

>> No.20403106

Stop you fucking shill, there are like 12 people on this board, we got it you like the book

>> No.20403146

The age of Schertel is now here. Tradfags may seethe and cope but millions now on this site have taken Schertelpill. Not only is this book liked by millions, it is delivering where Guenon and Evola could not- in real, practical results.

>> No.20403163

Imagine wasting your time making autistic shitposts which noone thinks are funny

>> No.20403170


>> No.20403176

I am a true believer. Not an autistic shitposter but an authentic shillposter. I am not trying to be funny. No I am serious about evangelizing Schertelian Werke.

>> No.20403179

Your magic isn't helping you become more humorous

>> No.20403185

>I am not trying to be funny. No I am serious about evangelizing the Schertelian Werke.
The tide is turning tradfags

>> No.20403188

You're still not funny, faggot

>> No.20403201

Cope and seethe homosexual

>> No.20403241

You're still not funny, faggot.
Can't you magic me away or something with your excellent occult powers?

>> No.20403246

Be careful anon.

>> No.20403256

I'm still here, and you're still not funny.

>> No.20403762

I started with A Handbook for Right Wing Youth. Seemed like a good entry point and it was only short. Haven't gone on to read much after that but I reckon I will one day soon fate permitting. An excerpt:
>Our true fatherland must be recognised in the idea. What counts is not coming from the same land or speaking the same language, but sharing the same idea.

>> No.20403764
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Evola is a pain in the ass to read no matter which book you start from. I personally read "Revolt Against the Modern World" first, and whilst it was definitely a difficult read, it was also incredibly rewarding. Just me aware that when you read Evola you actually have to really study the text in order to understand what he means; Re-reading chapters one or several times will prove to be demanded of you.

>> No.20403786

>Our true fatherland must be recognised in the idea. What counts is not coming from the same land or speaking the same language, but sharing the same idea.
Civic nationalism lol

>> No.20403811

Obviously not.

>> No.20404071

I went through an Evola phase as a teenager and read most of his works and to while his breadth is high there isn't that much depth to him. He did get me interested in Tantra, Mahayana, and Western Occultism though.
Not really. Evola is pretty straightforward. No idea why people say this. Guenon or really pretty much any other philosopher is more difficult to tackle than Evola.
Not a bad path. But honestly the best way, just pick up The Path of Cinnabar where he discusses each book/period of his life and read each one in order of writing along with the commentary he gives in Cinnabar.

>> No.20404086
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Sacred digits checked

>> No.20404169

You should start with killing yourself worthless nigger faggot
Evola was and always be for nigger larpers

>> No.20404174

>just pick up The Path of Cinnabar
I saved it for last because of that chart and my reaction upon reading it was
>”why the hell didn’t I read this first??”

>> No.20404179

Chart needs an update tho
It’s gotta be like 5 or 6 years old by now and there have been some new book releases

Metaphysics of Power is very good and not listed

>> No.20404198
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>> No.20404642

start with Crisis of the modern world then the Shahada

>> No.20405900
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>> No.20407168
