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20393177 No.20393177 [Reply] [Original]

Was Jesus actually Michael the Archangel all along?

>> No.20393198

No. He wasn't the Angel Moroni either.

>> No.20393247

No almost the opposite
The Angel of the Lord from the OT was Christ

>> No.20393260

So Jesus was an angel, just not Michael?

>> No.20393274

Yeah, there's a ton of evidence for Jesus appearing throughout the OT as His pre-incarnate form of an angel

>> No.20393281

What kind of angel? Was he eternally existing from the beginning?

>> No.20393301


"Angel" in Greek means "messenger". It's used in different senses to mean either the race of created spirits that we call Angels, and in the case of the pre-incarnate Christ, it means he is the messenger of the Father. Yes, he was eternally existing from the beginning.

One of the many reasons we know "The Angel of the Lord" is the pre-incarnate Jesus, is that "The Angel of the Lord" is worshipped. You can't worship the created spirits, since that would be idolatry - you can only worship God.

>> No.20393382

Hebrew Interlinear

Says angel of the Lord is called "Wonderful" or "is wonderful /secret / beyond understanding".

Says the son will be called multiple different names, Prince of Peace, Everlasting-Father, Might God, Counselor, Wonderful.

Says they saw Elohim, not necessarily YHWH God. I think Elohim can also refer to angels and judges.

I don't know, seems like a stretch.

>> No.20393385

the authors of the OT books didn't even know who Jesus was

>> No.20393388

He doesn't actually appear in the ot, what is this blasphemous heretic shit. He is only talked about as the true messiah by prophets such as Isaiah

>> No.20393503
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schizochrisfagism is cringe

>> No.20393578

The author of the OT is God, anon, who assuredly knew who Jesus was

>> No.20393644


C'mon. Do a little more homework. At least look at Genesis 16:13


Where the Angel of the Lord comes to speak to Hagar, and Hagar herself identifies the Angel of the Lord as God.

>> No.20393715

I think its pretty kikey you think Jesus isnt all over the OT

>> No.20393720

John 1:18 KJV — No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

Basic NT scriptures also prove the idea of the Angel of the Lord being the one and only Son of God

>> No.20393771

>John 1:18

No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

>Alexandrian Manuscripts
No one has seen God at any time; God the only Son, who is in the arms of the Father, He has explained Him.

No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

>No one has seen God.
>KJV manuscripts make no mention of Son being God.
>Angel of the Lord couldn't have been God, because she saw it.

>> No.20394540

No, read the bible.

>> No.20395822


>> No.20395872

I did, all these verses that call Jesus God seem to be manuscript textual variants corrupted by scribes.

>> No.20396360

John 1:1 is the same in every manuscript.

>> No.20396524

There is no basis for a messiah being an eschatological redeemer found in the OT.

>> No.20396544


>> No.20396549

...no there aren't.
Jesus is the Logos, not an angel.

>> No.20396554

no they don't.

>> No.20396618

Can't he be both the logos and an angel?

>> No.20397061

How does that make any sense? The Bible clearly states that Jesus is Lord. Where does Michael come into all this?

>> No.20397070

The prophecy of Isaiah talks about a messiah, and it was the basis for the various messianic cults rebelling against the Romans in Judea, including the one of Jesus

>> No.20397071

angels are created

>> No.20397395

>Was Jesus actually Michael the Archangel all along?
No. He is God in the flesh

>> No.20397430

God interacts with humans through Jesus. It is Jesus that is our link with God, so it makes theological sense that all Old Testament appearances of God were Jesus before he became human
When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are thrown into the furnace and the King looks inside, he sees a forth person who he describes as being “like the son of the gods”, which is a pretty direct reference.

>> No.20397487

The stories of the Old Testament are all pointing forward to the Messiah, revealing his divine purpose as a saviour of sins. That’s why God was not pleased with Cains bloodless sacrifice of vegetables - it had to be a spotless lamb to symbolise Jesus dying sinless. Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness for the people to look at and be healed mirrors Jesus being raised on the cross to save us if we look to him for salvation. Noah and his family are saved by taking refuge in the ark, the only means of saving themselves just as Jesus is the only way to be saved from punishment for sins. Isaiah prophesied that the messiah would be called wonderful, Councellor MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER, prince of peace. Pointing directly to his divine nature. King David was told the Messiah would set up an eternal kingdom, Isaiah 65 prophesied that the Kingdom would be part of a whole new heaven and earth, where people would not grow old, would have completely new lives, animals would be tame etc.

>> No.20397509

1 Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

>Jesus has the voice of an archangel
>Michael is an archangel

>> No.20397625
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Jesus is the Logos, Lucifer, the Serpent in the Garden of Eden

>> No.20397726
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>> No.20397747

Praise the Lord, Amen!

>> No.20397910
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So according to the Trinity, at the end of Revelation, Jesus as God is up in heaven sitting at the right hand of God the Father. And the Father is his God, but Jesus is not the Father's God. But they're both God? 2 versions of God sitting on the throne? Why isn't the Holy Spirit sitting on the throne with them?

>> No.20397914

>Holy Spirit
because the Ruh al-Qudus is Azazel

>> No.20397931

Did the Jews become free those rebellions? Who's to say Bar Kohba wasn't the messiah Isaiah was anticipating?dy