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/lit/ - Literature

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20391964 No.20391964 [Reply] [Original]

Speak your mind.

>> No.20391967
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Literally me

>> No.20391969

Disgusting amount of simping in previous thread. No w*man posting ITT, please.

>> No.20391971
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Figuratively me

>> No.20391976

Fuck with these retarded Twitter memes, christlarper.

>> No.20391977

no incel posting either and we're good

>> No.20391979
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Metaphorically me

>> No.20391980
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I don't know how I haven't killed myself yet. I'm surprised that I'm still alive. It just feels wrong that I haven't killed myself, like I'm living on borrowed time or I'm procrastinating and my life is only going to get worse because of it.

>> No.20391982

Christlarpers ruined /lit/

>> No.20391985

I feel bad for all those little niggas. They obviously never had a strong male role model in their lives.

>> No.20391994

riveting post

>> No.20392010

A culture that simultaneously creates mental illness, but shames people for trying to solve it in a non-medicated way.

>> No.20392015

who's shaming you for trying to get that dick wet, son? point them out to me

>> No.20392018

You ask me where my job aspirations went, I ask you where my virgin wife is.

>> No.20392020

This whole country is fucked. A whole generation of dudes scared of pussy and women scared of dick. What the fuck.

>> No.20392023

Grim Batol

>> No.20392040
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Why did literature get so soulles after the 90s? Is it because of PC?

>> No.20392048
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I enjoy and appreciate females.

>> No.20392052

I think it has something to do with the effects of mass industrialization and then of course the World War. It's a shame the 1890s came and went so quickly

>> No.20392054
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Would you rather date a girl with your ideal tits but a flat ass, or your ideal ass but mediocre tits?

>> No.20392058
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I just reviewed all of Arithmetic and some Algebra just to get a more comfortable foundation. I know some Calculus I (derivatives, some integration) already but I feel like a fucking brainlet for not knowing much linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra (Galois Theory, etc.), Number Theory, Higher Calculus (Multivariate, Calculus of Variations), or Topology. How do you even get to that level? I just want a comprehensive introduction to math that explains things using language (not with pictures and symbols but with concepts) and then introduces symbols and techniques and stuff. I feel like I'm best with getting the concepts of mathematics and I would really like more of that. Please recommend books like this. I'm 19 and I'm not a tranny btw if that helps.

>> No.20392065
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>women scared of dick

>> No.20392067

Is butterfly still around?

>> No.20392074

Ass all day everyday. I eat my GFS butt like groceries.

>> No.20392075

I had a naked woman in my bed last night but I did not fuck her

>> No.20392078

There is no one comprehensive overview, what you need to do is get the best textbook you can on each topic with good problem sets and do every single problem until you absorb that topic at a level deeper than any conscious thought.

If you're 19 and already decent at calculus, if you commit to this now from where you already are, you will be a mathematical savant by 25. No matter what you do don't stop doing math this way (unless you hate it and want to quit completely, just don't be lazy for fuck's sake). You have all the time in the world and the natural aptitude. This shit will open doors.

>> No.20392081

I like flat tits

>> No.20392083


>> No.20392086 [DELETED] 

dude that's wicked gay ngl but i can't talk cuz today as chick was talking about how she'd kick her husband out for the night so we can hang out and smoke hookah and she gave me her number but obviously nothing is going to happen because autism

>> No.20392090

Bro why?
Just because they're scared of it doesn't mean they don't take it.

>> No.20392092

Flat asses are significantly less attractive than flat chests.

>> No.20392093

just do a fucking math degree if ur serious but ur not serious so watch some youtube about it and then play a video game

>> No.20392095

You need to be over 18 to post here

>> No.20392102

That's true, books definitely went downhill when people started to mass-produce them and started writing for profit rather than out of passion.

>> No.20392105
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You eat the booty like groceries, anon?

>> No.20392107

Anon. Women worship dicks. They spend thousands of dollars on dicks. They carry dicks around in their purses, keep at least two in each bedroom, and talk about dicks the way we talk about books.
Men on the other hand... I've found a whole subgroup buying lifelike replicas of women to have access to pussy and they've all ended up in weird lovey-dovey relationships with their synthetics thanks to pair bonding through sex. Unironically happy relationships with inert objects. I wish everyone was scared because I'd be able to work with that. This? There's no lever to pull. I can't flip dominos for contented men.

>> No.20392116


>> No.20392121

I need to stop falling in love with cartoon women

>> No.20392123

These threads are horrendous.

>> No.20392143

that's the dad the internet needs

>> No.20392156

Femanon you need a fucking boyfriend.

>> No.20392160
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>There is no one comprehensive overview
Of course...wishful thinking...
>what you need to do is get the best textbook you can on each topic with good problem sets and do every single problem until you absorb that topic at a level deeper than any conscious thought.
Are there any books which take a "linguistic" approach though? I want books which explain math through really good language, almost like philosophy. I can't help it but I'm really autistic about this stuff so if they don't do it I'll spend a lot of time trying to think about how best to explain these concepts in my mind. I'd like to avoid that as much as possible so that I can just get to the symbolic manipulation stuff and mathematical techniques and problem solving (the real meat and potatoes basically). What are the best books like this for each subject?
I am already doing math as an undergrad but I'm at a mediocre school and I would like to learn more math at a faster pace than what they're teaching me. Not only that, I want to understand everything intuitively and at a deep level.

>> No.20392174
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>> No.20392177

What do you mean?
> Captcha: DSPDJ

>> No.20392183

i was just shitting on youtube, but have u checked if that threebrownoneblue or whatever channel has any videos on what you want to learn? they had some great videos on deep learning and neural that totally demystify it, if they can do that for stochastic gradient descent and multilayer perceptrons they can probs do it for whatever shit ur into too

>> No.20392190
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I want to experience Ruach HaKodesh, and thus become a real life "Force user"

I already have a master jedi who can teach me the ways so I got that covered

The prerequisites for Ruach HaKodesh are much harder than you would imagine.

These are the rough prerequs I got so far (there's more than this, but my master's lectures are hours long, will post them later here if thread is still up)
>be "glued" to HaShem
>having perfected yourself (no bad character traits, having sanctified yourself)
>not be a materialist
>be a student of Torah (talmid)

>> No.20392214
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Pic related but with ass residue.

>> No.20392310

This is a good song. Makes me think of Velvet Underground


>> No.20392313

she appeared a few threads ago after months (?) of disappearing.

>> No.20392326

It's a man.

>> No.20392330

3B1B is an excellent channel and they're definitely the sort of thing I like when it comes to math explanation videos, but I find that I learn math best from books for whatever reason and I'd like to have multiple sources to draw from.

>> No.20392344

>linguistic approach
Do you mean explained conceptually? Check out Serge Lange's books, or anything that proceeds by meticulous proof, if you want to get really autistic. I don't think this is what you mean, but Kline's Mathematics: A Cultural Approach is pretty fun too (and his History of Mathematics, there's some overlap).

Don't go at the pace you're being taught, if you can go faster then just go. Go to MIT's OCW math course page and take a bunch of other classes virtually.

>> No.20392354

its actually someone posing as the original female behind the trip. the real butterfly has not been seen in years

>> No.20392365

Someone i know is trying to recruit me into a pyramid scheme

>> No.20392371

the vocals kind of remind me of jennifer herrema from black bananas, but i think that part was sung by miles kane


>> No.20392377
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>> No.20392380 [DELETED] 

the reason i say do a degree is because to really learn math u have to solve problems to really internalize it. it would be like trying to learn to program from reading books but never writing any code, you might feel like u get it and learned, but as soon as u have to sit down and write some code, it will be obvious you're way behind.

>> No.20392436


Why did anyone believe champillion of Thomas young when it comes to interpreting heiroglyphic writing?

>> No.20392442

horny dick make man do bad thing

>> No.20392449 [DELETED] 

that's why nofap is wack

>> No.20392469
File: 396 KB, 1512x1512, 31010578936_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude speaking of egypt, can any of u esoteric mfs hook me up with a copy of "fellahin of upper egypt" by winifred blackman? pretty sure it's old enough to be out of copyright but i can't find a scan of that shit anywhere.

>> No.20392487

I have been recalled to life against my wishes

>> No.20392515


>> No.20392547

>Do you mean explained conceptually?
Yeah, sort of like how philosophers like Aristotle explain concepts--through clear, if long-winded, nuanced language.
> Check out Serge Lange's books
Will do.
> or anything that proceeds by meticulous proof
Yeah, that's the sort of stuff that I like.
> Kline's Mathematics: A Cultural Approach is pretty fun too (and his History of Mathematics, there's some overlap).
Yeah, I like history of math but that's not what I meant. Might still check it out though, it sounds interesting. I'm really enjoying "Mathematics from the Birth of Number" by Jan Gullberg so it might be interesting.

>> No.20392555

If it helps, I wish I could go back to those days.
>Never know what you have untill it's gone.

>> No.20392556

thanks bro

>> No.20392579

dude wtf was goin on in helsinki

>> No.20392598

there's never been an intellectual foundation for human right nor has any important thinker ever considered them seriously

>> No.20392621

Who do you consider important thinkers? Lots of the people I consider important talked about God given rights to rule, to live, etc., negative and positive rights, etc. even if lots of thinkers I consider important never took these concepts seriously.

>> No.20392633

Podría quemar mi casa esta noche.
Si mis temores ardieran con ella,
podría por fin mirar las estrellas,
limpia mi alma de angor y reproche.

Podría quemar mis ropas, mi coche,
servir a mis ojos tabla tan bella,
brindar al viento por la vida aquella
de deseo de muerte y de vil derroche.

Mas sé que mis miedos persistirán,
volverán, como asesino a su escena,
y en las noches en mi oído vivirán,

pues nada hay más tenaz que la pena,
que hostiga con sus sueños de alquitrán
aunque pasen cien años de condena.

>> No.20392635
File: 103 KB, 800x982, Jean-François_Champollion,_by_Léon_Cogniet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably explained their methods and people said "Yeah that makes sense" because the methods were rational and the output was readable and because nobody else knew any way which was better. That's how science works. Reading Wikipedia though, it looks like there was some friction.
> During [Champollion's] life as well as long after his death, intense discussions over the merits of his decipherment were carried out among Egyptologists. Some faulted him for not having given sufficient credit to the early discoveries of Young, accusing him of plagiarism, and others long disputed the accuracy of his decipherments. But subsequent findings and confirmations of his readings by scholars building on his results gradually led to the general acceptance of his work. Although some still argue that he should have acknowledged the contributions of Young, his decipherment is now universally accepted and has been the basis for all further developments in the field. Consequently, he is regarded as the "Founder and Father of Egyptology".[1]
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Fran%C3%A7ois_Champollion
It's actually really interesting. I would definitely read a book about this.

>> No.20392644

Everyone is bland now.

>> No.20392645

natural rights are different than human rights which are a humanistic concept

>> No.20392656
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Some of the friction appears to have been political/nationalistic in nature as well, à la the Newton vs. Leibniz controversy.

> There was considerable rivalry between Young and Jean-François Champollion while both were working on hieroglyphic decipherment. At first they briefly cooperated in their work, but later, from around 1815, a chill arose between them. For many years they kept details of their work away from each other.

> When Champollion finally published a translation of the hieroglyphs and the key to the grammatical system in 1822, Young (and many others) praised his work. Nevertheless, a year later Young published an Account of the Recent Discoveries in Hieroglyphic Literature and Egyptian Antiquities,[3] with the aim of having his own work recognised as the basis for Champollion's system.

> Young had correctly found the sound value of six hieroglyphic signs, but had not deduced the grammar of the language. Young himself acknowledged that he was somewhat at a disadvantage because Champollion's knowledge of the relevant languages, such as Coptic, was much greater.[47]

> Several scholars have suggested that Young's true contribution to Egyptology was his decipherment of the demotic script. He made the first major advances in this area; he also correctly identified demotic as being composed by both ideographic and phonetic signs.[48]

> Subsequently, Young felt that Champollion was unwilling to share the credit for the decipherment. In the ensuing controversy, strongly motivated by the political tensions of that time, the British tended to champion Young, while the French mostly championed Champollion. Champollion did acknowledge some of Young's contribution, but rather sparingly. However, after 1826, when Champollion was a curator in the Louvre, he did offer Young access to demotic manuscripts.[49]

> In England, while Sir George Lewis still doubted Champollion's achievement as late as 1862, others were more accepting. For example, Reginald Poole, and Sir Peter Le Page Renouf both defended Champollion.[50]


>> No.20392678
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>> No.20392683

Is this really as good as it gets

>> No.20392690

~ People are strange / When you're a stranger / Faces look ugly / When you're alone / Women seem wicked / When you're unwanted ~

>> No.20392743

i-is that a big titty goth girl?
do you have her ICQ number i will ask her to marry me

>> No.20392751

was it a woman (male) or a woman (female)?

>> No.20392764

It was for me.

>> No.20392778


>> No.20392782

your best love or your only love

>> No.20392785

sorry i have a bf x

>> No.20392786
File: 1.49 MB, 1080x1090, brazilgoths (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro I already married all of them

>> No.20392801

the bass, the rock, the mic, the treble

>> No.20392806

Femanon I know you're lurking.

>> No.20392879
File: 1.03 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best love. I'm a sailor anon. I've traveled the world. I've had more women than most men, more experiences than most living beings. I would give up every moment of adventure to regain that connection.

>> No.20392895

jesus didn't suffer half as much as ive suffered

>> No.20392902

funny if true

>> No.20392910

Merchant Marine? What did you think when you saw the Asian ship slaves?

>> No.20392917


I don't understand this sentence.

>> No.20392922

That's not allowed.

>> No.20392927

>pyramid scheme
These can last a long time. The trick is to build pyramids into pyramids.

>> No.20392937

>people said "Yeah that makes sense" because the methods were rational and the output was readable and because nobody else knew any way which was better.

I've done plenty of reading. His entire theory is based on the rosetta stone saying the same thing in heiro and Greek, when there is zero evidence that it is the case.

>> No.20392945

>Young's true contribution to Egyptology was his decipherment of the demotic script. He made the first major advances in this area; he also correctly identified demotic as being composed by both ideographic and phonetic signs.[48]

Young was poisoned by the French attempt to match demotic with heiro.

Youngs first hypothesis was correct. The heiroglyphs have zero phonetic component.

>> No.20392946

I wanna breed your daughter

>> No.20392952

>Young had correctly found the sound value of six hieroglyphic signs, but had not deduced the grammar of the language.

There is no Grammer. It's pure syntax.

>> No.20392954 [DELETED] 

there is evidence because they could tell from the greek and greek loan words in demotic that it was the same and then coptic liturgy still uses ancient egyptian pronunciation so they could check the native words against that, it really doesn't sound like u did much reading about it at all lol

>> No.20392961

aw shoot.
could i borrow the second one from the left as a pseudo platonic goth gf sometimes? she doesn't even have big titty.

>> No.20392962

Had an interview today for a kitchen job at a hotel .. I don't think I can take much more of this. I need to keep saving money but the idea of spending my entire summer with this fat old fuck trapped in a tiny kitchen. I need to get out of food service. I cant take this much longer. It's pure pain.
I have no plans for my life, nothing to look forward to and no friends. I dont even know anymore

>> No.20392968

But she's not even old enough to breed. Can you at least wait until puberty?

>> No.20392969

im not happy unless im drunk

>> No.20392970

>in demotic that it was the same and then coptic liturgy still uses ancient egyptian pronunciation so they could check the native words against tha

Demotic is not cursive heiro, that's heiratic. Demotic was a foolish attempt by egyptian scribes to "write section sounds down" when the greeks ordered them to; that's where abjads come from; since inventing an alphabet (a greek word) from scratch is very difficult.

There is zero evidence the heiro scribes wrote the same thing as the greek.

>> No.20392976

Small titty gf is my preference desu

>> No.20392978

>ancient egyptian pronunciation
"Moses" "Sinai" and "Pharoah" are some of the only ancient egyptian pronounced words we still know.

>> No.20392980

so you think they wrote the same thing in the top two scripts and then just wrote something total different on the bottom?

>> No.20392992


No, I believe they wrote "why we were conqoured by Alexander the Great and have to name our library after him [alexandria]" in heiro, and scribbled nonsense in demotic; then the greeks wrote down what a great guy Alexander the Great was in Greek.

Read the greek portion.

"Here's what a great guy Alexander is, while he slaughters Egyptians."

>> No.20393002

so you think alexander couldn't get a guy who reads egyptian to double check it? idk why ur coming up with these fanciful copes dude. are u one of those esoteric wackos that wants to believe in ancient secrets or something

>> No.20393017

>alexander couldn't get a guy who reads egyptian

You had to be raised up to read heiro. Teaching a greek to read it would take 40 years.

Moses could barely read half of it.

>> No.20393025

ok definitely a wacko, god why do i waste time with idiots

>> No.20393040
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Okay believe the French guy that made shit up for tourist money.

Believe him.

>> No.20393042

Damn bro. Get the fuck out quick. Last time I worked in a kitchen I was the dish bitch and hated every fucking second I worked there. Even fucking waitresses wasn't enough to quell the suicidal thoughts.

>> No.20393049

it never ends (repeat in head 1000000x)

>> No.20393078

fascists are a genuinly insufferable bunch. not becuase am leftist, but because their whole politics rests on terrorism and violence. Their existence is an existence of total war against anyone who disagrees with them. Joe Biden, and Donald Trump are just two examples. Fascists simply do not deserve free speech because the concept of free speech is intrinsically designed to preserve the freedom of speech for those who dissent from the kind of politics fascists wish to impose. there is fundamentally no possible world in which fascism is an acceptable ideology. it should be stomped out in every nook and cranny with no remorse. It is a threat to all of human decency, in the name of human decency. it claims virtue while being fundamental unvirtuous and irredeemable. If you unironically believe in fascism, you're opinion loses all value. good bye and have a nice day.

>> No.20393126

What exactly is ennui?

>> No.20393140

I should probably, but I don't know what else to do with myself over the summer.
It's 18$/hr so not terrible, but.... idk I'm afraid I can't find anything better.

>> No.20393158

Homie...18 is barely above minimum wage. You could get a security or janny job that pays better and you rarely have to interact with anyone.

>> No.20393199

dude, the minimum wage is still like $7.50 in republican states lmao

>> No.20393211

At least in my state minimum is still 7.25$.
My last job was $10/hr + tips so 18 doesn't look too bad.
Maybe you're right though. Security would be nice. I would love a job where I could be alone with my thoughts, and I am pretty tired of food service.

>> No.20393264

Do you live in nebraska or something

>> No.20393278

Officially the min is 7.25. But most places I've worked at over the past 3-4 years have been anywhere from $13-18

>> No.20393323

Honestly. I'm surprised to see it. I always thought it would communists or something.

>> No.20393339

Boredom and hopelessness so profound it causes you to slowly wither away.

>> No.20393355

> finally figure out what I want to do
> too old to do it to the fullest

>> No.20393424

Oh yeah thats what I have

>> No.20393445
File: 82 KB, 728x971, 23EE9855-8A09-4827-AB13-4D6CFE2BCAE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is a big adventure:)

>> No.20393515
File: 172 KB, 1242x1414, 0edb207546cfbba31e1ba3c6a0f51a3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Aiko was born in Los Angeles. Her family lived in South Los Angeles, but their home burned down when she was seven so they moved near Slauson Avenue around View Park–Windsor Hills, Baldwin Hills, and Ladera Heights where she was homeschooled until high school. She calls her home neighborhood "Slauson Hills".[13][14][15] Aiko is the daughter of Christina Yamamoto and Karamo Chilombo, a pediatrician. Her parents are divorced.[16] Her sister is R&B singer Mila J.[17][18] Her mother is of Spanish, Dominican, and Japanese descent, and her father is of Native American, African-American, and German-Jewish descent.[19] Her maternal grandfather is Japanese and maternal grandmother is Creole Dominican with Spanish ancestry.[20][21]

>> No.20393519

I want to randomly join support groups and date mentally ill women. Should I bite the bullet and do it?

>> No.20393521

LMAO. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.20393524

>be me
>want qt anonette gf
>every anonette on /lit/ is a man hating schizo
What the fuck lads.

>> No.20393532

i'd be careful with that, you think you'll have the upperhand, but my sister gets her bf from those because the dudes are all kinda losery and she can dominate them, although she tells herself she's saving them

>> No.20393537


>> No.20393543

eh, i'd probably be her type then

>> No.20393548

Simps should be exiled to hell

>> No.20393553

Wtf where is my mommy dom. Im a loser

>> No.20393556

ur prob ugly, neither of her last two bfs were tall but one had a chin that would put kevin spacey to shame and the other had hair like craig federighi, but u see the shortness plays into her plan...

>> No.20393564

If I'm not supposed to racemix, then why are brown girls so cute?

>> No.20393566

Rip big Steeler.

>> No.20393567


>> No.20393568

HAHAHA look at this clown and laugh. HAHAHAHA!! So do you just really hate French people or are you just that much of a schizo? I'm going to guess probably both. You have no idea what you're talking about btw but don't let that stop you :)

>> No.20393569

There's something on the floor.

>> No.20393571

They usually aren't cute in reality, take off the makeup and instagram filter bullshit and their brazilian ass implants and they look like the bitches who work at Target

Latinas are 95% makeup, 5% rice

>> No.20393579

Do you want to date crazy women that will try to put charges on you after you try to break up with them? Be my guest hombre but don't cry about it when it blows up in your face.
t. fucked every attractive woman I could when I had mandated AA and NA sessions.

>> No.20393586

I'm not ugly tho

>> No.20393590
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>> No.20393591

your lack of female companionship suggests otherwise

>> No.20393614

Sometimes I think about attacking certain particularly corrupt institutions in my country. It would be the greatest impact I can have to make the world a better place. Shouldn't the wicked be punished? Shouldn't corruption be stamped out? Why are we so afraid of death? Living in hell is far worse.

>> No.20393615

I dunno man, I just wanna marry a cute, Christian black or brown chick.

>> No.20393620

You'll only make shit worse because they'll use you as an excuse to crack down on others and make it even more difficult to imagine a life other than this. You should take the long difficult road of building yourself into the kind of person who will be ready to actually save his country when the time comes. That might mean building a family and building networks of people who can resist the corruption and nonsense of your country.

Most of the great revolutions have come from weathering an initial shock and chaos of the system falling apart on its own, and still being standing afterwards. Rarely do the people storming Versailles do anything directly.

>> No.20393621
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>> No.20393624

Okay but only if you're nonwhite or mixed because then it doesn't matter. If you're white, consider ensuring there are a few more white people left in the world in 50 years. We're not doing so well.

>> No.20393629

I detest religious zealots.

>> No.20393631
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>> No.20393632

It's not actually possible to deeply and meaningfully contribute to philosophy without sacrificing everything is it? Almost every philosopher was unmarried, and every good philosopher was unmarried and by all modern standards a loser. I'm at the point in my life and education where the mist around the mountain has cleared, and while it is a majestic sight, I also see that reaching the top is an all-encompassing endeavor, one which I may not even be capable of

>> No.20393641

Where do you want to be anon? Truly? Among the masses or on the mount.

>> No.20393650

Truly, I don't know. I am praying that God guide me onto the path that he has laid for me. There is nothing that intoxicates or makes me feel like the sudden realizations I have when reading and thinking about philosophy. I also am scared to give up the possibility of a happy, quiet, content life with a wife and family.

>> No.20393651

how do i make money lol

>> No.20393653

>literally no fun allowed: the religion
sign me up

>> No.20393655

The gender neutralization of French/Spanish/German kill my desire to learn these languages. What's the point of learning a language when they are rewriting the grammar? I just wait for the new grammar to come. But they are so slow. Just do it already so I can learn what will be expected.

>> No.20393658
File: 404 KB, 814x771, BIBCIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah bro, that's you. This >>20393615 anon is BASED AF.

>> No.20393662

I have no personal drive or ambition. I'm about to exit the military, which I joined purely for free college and bennies, and I have no clue what to do next and no real desire to do anything. I've got a halfhearted list of programs I'd like to do (meteorology, geology, oceanology, with the goal of working for NOAA/NSF/METOC) but that's it - I haven't applied to any schools, called anyone, nothing. I have no energy to do anything other than my braindead duties in uniform, go to the gym, and watch anime in my room. What I need is to stop being so indecisive and go pick something to do already, but I'm always just going to push it off til tomorrow until pushing it off isn't possible anymore.

>> No.20393672

And you're a gigantic homosexual

>> No.20393677

>by all modern standards a loser
Being a failure and an incel doesn't make you cool anon. Stop thinking you're le misunderstood intellectual.

>> No.20393682
File: 123 KB, 639x607, a0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I purposefully still use Fräulein or Mademoiselle in casual conversation when I'm speaking or writing in those languages 'cause I really don't care for their modern conventions based on leftist subversion of culture; and I haven't been """corrected""" so far either so it's whatever as well.

>> No.20393686

I'm a stunted person. I can never be normal.

>> No.20393696

Damn it I'm not supposed to be one you autists. I wasn't born this way. I didn't choose this. It's not fair

>> No.20393698

nah man, never said those modern standards are wrong and while I'm autistic I'm not so autistic that I haven't had any romantic experience
my dilemma is between being a loser incel who maybe manages to put out something of philosophical worth or going the normalfag route and having a family

>> No.20393701


>> No.20393705
File: 76 KB, 720x1280, 1650054883316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If wanting to nut in dark chicks makes me gay then I must be the biggest faggot in town.

>> No.20393709

Yes, it does make you gay, because most black girls look like trannies.

>> No.20393711

Who are some writers who write extremely long paragraphs (>1 page long)? Similar to Proust, Sebald and Thomas Mann.

>> No.20393721

>So do you just really hate French people or are you just that much of a schizo? I'm going to guess probably both. You have no idea what you're talking about btw but don't let that stop you :)

Thomas Young was right. Champillion was wrong. Can you stomach that

>> No.20393728

Fortunately, I only like the ones who don't look like trannies :)

>> No.20393747

damn anon ur so based and redpilled

>> No.20393772

I smoked weed with a fellow weed smoker that I hadn't smoked weed with in 2 years. weed weed weed weed weed weed weed

>> No.20393798

Why were there no English troubadours? Even Germany had their Minnesänger.

>> No.20393810

For me, the ranking of women from hottest to least hot, on average per race, is

Sub-Saharan African = Indian (I am a Indian guy) > Hispanic > MENA > White >>> Asian

>> No.20393813
File: 2.13 MB, 576x1024, gothbrazil.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do brazilian goths fit into that

>> No.20393814

Thoughts, to be sure, can be pre-verbal. Cats have thoughts, not just instinct, for example. Pre-verbal thoughts are most perceivable when reflective or constitutive of a high emotional charge. Telepathy communicates both emotion and concrete information, but the underlying force behind most modern instances of the phenomenon is an uncontainable surfeit of emotional charge. Animals, for example, dogs, have acquired through a process of domesticated evolution the ability to detect emotional states in both humans and other animals by telepathic means. The mental processes of all manner of animals, theoretically even arachnids, are at times receivable by other disparate organisms, because ultimately the underlying cognitive architecture operates on the same principles. Most normal human language is an engram or recording of emotional states, which can be preserved through translation if fidelity is maintained to the granular particularities of the stylistics of the original. A brilliant Mozartian emotional symphony can be encoded in any line of natural text, assuming the line is sufficiently well organized, especially on phonic grounds, whereby the semantic sense is ancillary (which is not the same as a mere placeholder or pretext). This latter aspect is key, because the origins of human spoken language lie in pre-verbal, emotionally charged song, itself a reification and externalization of telepathic inspiration.

>> No.20393851

fuck shit up and start a riot

>> No.20393860

Get bailed out by rich dad and take HRT

>> No.20393862

I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.

>> No.20393869

I have conflicting thoughts about being a wizard. On one hand, I've managed to somehow live all these years without love and intimacy but the on the other one, I feel an immense sadness when I see young couples and ask myself why didnt circumstances align into perfect situation? Maybe it wasnt meant to happen in the first place and my self-questioning is pointless.

>> No.20393874

I see young couples and feel very slightly put off by the ripeness and impurity of it, it's like seeing an overripe banana which is pungent with fermentation. Apart from that though I simply don't feel anything. I'm 27 so I'm approaching the cusp of wizardhood.

>> No.20393884

Glad I didn’t miss out on teenage romance and fucking desu. It’s hard to imagine falling in love now that I’m older and understand how stupid women are, but for a horny naive kid back then the girl felt better than heroin.

>> No.20393905
File: 57 KB, 174x139, 1469129719862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ mods are the most inconsistent retards on any 4chan board. It's literally impossible to know what you can and can not post.
>muh read the rules

>> No.20393910

i got banned for asking why tomboys are cute but mtf trannies are gross

>> No.20393913


>> No.20393915


>> No.20393916

>Let's think of hell with our typical hollywood paganistic mindset.

>> No.20393917

Penis is on your mind?

>> No.20393921

The greatest thing a human can do.

>> No.20393923

A kiss?

>> No.20393926

I just want to be wanted and hugged bros...

>> No.20393929

I can offer a hug.

>> No.20393930

getting a job is always a good start

>> No.20393936

>I am a Indian guy
sir your opinion is of no value sir

>> No.20393937

The other day I got a warning and thread removed discussing Edgar Allan Poe because apparently you're not allowed to say anything bad or critical about Edgar Allan Poe.
Meanwhile, well, look at this fucking thread which is blatantly not about literature yet it is continuously permitted. As well as zillion others blatantly not about literature. What the fuck is wrong with the jerkoff moderation on this board? On every other board I browse I can at least form a general idea as to what will fly and not fly.

>> No.20393943

I just want to be cuddled, caressed, and comforted bros...

>> No.20393945

Nothing isreal

>> No.20393963

I just want to be loved bros

>> No.20393966

i hate coyotees so much

>> No.20393972

you lads need to do a hug threesome

>> No.20393980
File: 510 KB, 1014x819, bf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only me, it's only me...

I can't hug myself

>> No.20393982

I once made a thread about Bartleby, and mods deleted for being "off-topic"

>> No.20393985

Well you can physically hug yourself but it probably won't give you any emotional relief.

>> No.20393991
File: 2.35 MB, 2591x3173, Edvard_Munch_-_The_Kiss_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20393997

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20394001

I want to punch in the throat everybody that says Asperger/autism and ADHD are "superpowers".

>> No.20394005 [DELETED] 

then kill all niggers

>> No.20394007

Who does this? I think it is just a very specific crowd of coping parents/severely sheltered autists. Autism is a curse from hell.

>> No.20394009

If you're cute I'll cuddle you :)

>> No.20394015

You can see a lot of videos and articles every year during autism pride month or whatever it is called, and just generally on the internet, usually in more "mainstream" medias. Some people just refuse to accept that autism and ADHD are fucking curses and try to be disgustingly positive about it, citing stupid shit like hyperfocus and "creativity".

>> No.20394024

You haven't truly solved captcha if you use the slider button.

>> No.20394033

Only crackheads can do that.

>> No.20394046

The image says the opposite brainlet

>> No.20394052

I miss the late 90s/early 2000s. Although I was a kid back then, and I have good and bad memories, I remember how much better Canadian society was overall. People were not constantly glued to a smartphone, the political polarization was nowhere near what it is today, and it was just such a great time to be alive. I don't think things will ever be that good again.

>> No.20394064


>> No.20394069

It's crazy how much money women like this make https://twitter.com/Hail2Queen
They don't even get naked lol

>> No.20394110

We need to turn all men into homosexuals so that this indignity finally can end.

>> No.20394118

If American non-white got rid of whites they would be enslaved by jews the very next day.

>> No.20394134

>People were not constantly glued to a smartphone, the political polarization was nowhere near what it is today, and it was just such a great time to be alive.
Yeah there's a price to pay for all that crap. While you were not doing shit and thinking the end of history happened with liberalism and muh democracy, neurotic jews were scheming against your country, the chinese were breaking their backs for their country, and people were slowly filling people's heads with a new religion. You reap what you sow. You sowed laziness, indifference, and godlessness, you get today's world. Imagine thinking good things come without a price.

>> No.20394166

>Imagine thinking good things come without a price.
I never said that. Regardless, death to America. None of this would have happened if it were not for that cesspool of filth.

>> No.20394266
File: 39 KB, 540x297, 94937762(66249790)_Winter Reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine grinding your ass meat and grilling them into burgers then serving it up to people and saying "eat my ass" lmao

>> No.20394308
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Love technology, science, literature, philosophy, poetry, women, and Christ. Simple as.

>> No.20394312

You don’t have much experience with women, do you?

>> No.20394327

Women as in women studies?

>> No.20394332

The longer i waste away the more i come to prefer the dream to wakefulness. If not for blessed sleep, i'd have long forgotten that sensation of chillike wonder and awe which is only afforded to me in the depths of slumber. I'm trapped in a cage of diseased, rotting routine and decadence and i lack the strength to break out. I resist the urges for a day, only to give in the next. No progress, no change. Only a fetid pool of stagnant filth. My future glares at me from the corners of my vision and it resembles nothing but an unclean parasite on all that is good in the world. A shit-covered, squirming troglodyte suckling on the lifeblood of civilisation like an overgrown tick. All that stops me from ending it all is the misguided suffering my death would inflict on my loved ones and the pathetic, animal urge to persist even as a monster.
Every day, i idly tend the thought of a freak accident. Of a car swirving off the road and crushing my form. Of a gas explosion vaporising my flesh and freeing the insides from the hellish structure that binds it. Something unavoidable to end it all which i could not have forseen. A guiltfree escape.
Reality hurts. I sink deeper and deeper into the books and the games just so that i don't have to remember all those wasted years. All the musts that grind like rust on my brain. I don't want to think about them, and yet i crave the result. I think i'd be happier as someone else. Someone strong enough to face the pain without looking away. All i do is run and run and even that wish is me running. I am a hypocrite and i am a self absorbed narcissist obsessed with pitying myself. Yet even awereness of my own nature does nothing to spurr change. I sit down in front of the computer again to forget and avoid, repeating the cycle that brought me this low to begin with. Eyes and ears flooded with meaningless noise. Head full of thoughts as meandering and without end as my pointless existence.

>> No.20394347

I feel the need to waste money on dumb shit so I don't feel like I'm working all the time for no reason

>> No.20394365

I laugh at myself in the mirror sometimes. At the shapeliness of my form, only marred by the neglect i've wrought it. It's wasted on the malformed mind inside, like those defects accompanied by handlers i sometimes spot on rare ventures into town. OCD, they call the rituals i use to stay mentally clean of their filth, and they're right of course. I don't think it's the fear of becoming like them that drives those painful mental contorsions, though. It's the fear that i am already like them, and that i seem as grotesque from the perspective of others as they do to me. I stay far away from their sort, both in body and in thought.
I often find myself looking down on the average, working man. I think them beneath me, those people with their shallow conversations and mundane interests, who work middling jobs and die never having stood out from the crowd. Innumerable little plastic toy soldiers cast from a single mold.
But that's conceit talking. The pride of someone desperate to feel adequate despite having achieved nothing in their life. I am better that some but it is certainly not these people. They are the fertile ground upon which everything stands, noble in their humble mundanity. And i am a weed leeching their excess to fuel my twisted growth, only taking from those more deserving.
I think i should read Metamorphosis again. When i first did, all those years ago in middle school, i lacked the context needed to truly grasp the emotions that fueled Kafka. I think i do now. I know what it's like to be a monster in human skin. Something so revolting that it could only be loved by those fooled by its disguise.
There are two paths ahead of me, and i am afraid i will lack the strength to travel either. Even death seems preferable to drowning in the white noise, persisting but not living until the day my flesh fails and i fade into the gloom, having done nothing in my miserable life.

>> No.20394377

Everything you said equally applies to leftism.

>> No.20394386

^^^extremely smart guy alert^^^

>> No.20394387

A rare few do benefit from both aberrations. I have a friend who's currently on his way to a doctorate in quantum field physics at CERN. He's got more diagnoses than i have, including ADHD and aspergers, and will regularly spend 18 hours/day absorbing information like a sponge.
For most of us it's merely a curse, of course. The rare few that won the genetic lottery don't invalidate the rule that mental abnormalities are rare for a reason. They might provide some niche benefits, but only at the price of immensely handicapping the sufferer

>> No.20394395

>If I make le snarky reddit post it means you're wrong

>> No.20394404

^^^extremely butthurt guy alert^^^

>> No.20394410

Do you think I'm incorrect or is there some other reason you are upset?

>> No.20394415

For a proclaimed non leftist you certainly like using fascist as a catch-all term.
Like the other guy said, communists and other extremist groups all share a very common view of democracy as valuable only to the extent they can use it to further their ideology. I also find the notion of some kind of objectively disringuished category of "forbidden ideas" to be moronic. In the first place, your framework of what is right and wrong is entirely based on the propaganda fed to you by your surroundings throughout your life. To think that this will somehow stay constant over time is naive. What is acceptable as an idea has and will continue to change along the culture, until the notion of democracy is so changed that you wouldn't recognise it.

>> No.20394429

^^^extremely boring guys alert^^^

>> No.20394432

Why are leftist like this? Is it because they know their ideas are wrong and evil but they suppress it?

>> No.20394436

Ah sorry didn't realise it was bait. My bad

>> No.20394438

^^^extremely esl guy alert^^^
^^^extremely not butthurt guy alert^^^

>> No.20394449

holy projection

>> No.20394474

If you date a girl older than 20 it’s almost certain she had Chad(s) coom all over her face, anal very likely, maybe gave rimjobs too. She won’t do any of that with you tho. You’ll get standard vanilla service and then watch 3 episodes of latest Netflix trash with her.

>> No.20394506

See >>20394449

>> No.20394525

I did eject a few facials across the political spectrum (from socialist weedslut to tradcath churchslut) but never fucked any assholes. I know for a fact they do it nonetheless.

>> No.20394526

just invest it all dude, especially in stuff that pays monthly dividends like reits, then take the money from that and reinvest it.

>> No.20394543

I have ADHD (inattentive), Asperger and "high IQ". I'm a fucking mess, mid-thirties with an engineering degree but currently just doing some shitty almost minimum wage job on the night shift. I feel like most of that high IQ I apparently have is being used to counteract the other shits and leave me barely functioning.

>> No.20394554

Wanting to have anal sex with a woman is gay. Anal sex is the way that you have sex with a man, so if you want to fuck a woman in the ass, it means you want to use her like you would fuck a man. In other words you are using her as a replacement for a man since you are gay.

>> No.20394558

>homobrain at work

>> No.20394567
File: 688 KB, 735x497, johnny-depp-willy-wonka-amber-heard-the-chocolate-factory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically I just discovered James Joyce was an incorrigible scatophile!

"My sweet naughty girl

>>I got your hot letter tonight and have been trying to picture you frigging your cunt in the closet. How do you do it? Do you stand against the wall with your hand tickling up under your clothes or do you squat down on the hole with your skirts up and your hand hard at work in through the slit of your drawers? Does it give you the horn now to shit? I wonder how you can do it. Do you come in the act of shitting or do you frig yourself off first and then shit? It must be a fearfully lecherous thing to see a girl with her clothes up frigging furiously at her cunt, to see her pretty white drawers pulled open behind and her bum sticking out and a fat brown thing stuck half-way out of her hole. You say you will shit your drawers, dear, and let me fuck you then. I would like to hear you shit them, dear, first and then fuck you. Some night when we are somewhere in the dark and talking dirty and you feel your shite ready to fall put your arms around my neck in shame and shit it down softly. The sound will madden me and when I pull up your dress."

>> No.20394570

Anal sex is gross, anon. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.20394574

Girls don't poop.

>> No.20394584

why supposedly intelligent people are being based his own identity by a bunch of scientists technocrats who treat the human mind with a machinistiv view. i dont see the point.

>> No.20394632

You are over diagnosed. You feel something is wrong with you and keep seeking diagnoses that makes sense to you.
You are fine, it's part of the human experience to feel out of place.
It's only a problem when you go towards being in the group of borderline personality disorder.
That being said
I wish I could tell people like you to fuck off without breaking ethical standards.
Also, no I won't be refilling your tranquilizing and stimulant medications.

Unless they are clonodine.

How much do you drink a week?


>> No.20394654

I'm a tourist but is it true that there is this reoccurring theme through the centuries of a person living in social isolation to attain some kind of enlightenment?

>> No.20394664

Not really, most great revelations are made while living within the society that they live in. Not many examples of hermits out there.

>> No.20394691

Everyone needs something to identify with, even it's a number

>> No.20394693

Everyone is a faggot but me

>> No.20394709
File: 237 KB, 797x708, 1610033942466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftybros what the heck do we do? The RW chuds keep growing in number it's f*cking scary. Then you have christcucks who ALSO are growing and what I hate the most is that they're fucking happier than us. I get it, they delude themselves, but when is our turn to be happy bros? I'm tired and there's no end in sight.

>> No.20394722

being miserable is instant karma for being a communist

>> No.20394727

>being miserable is instant karma for wanting to end injustice and oppression

>> No.20394739

Leftists do neither of those things.

>> No.20394742

Communism tries to put an end to the state and the inequality and oppression it creates.

>> No.20394744

Yet the state is the only thing capable of rectifying natural inequality.

>> No.20394746

Every single thing that you advocate for is evil so it's no surprise you cannot find peace from it.

>> No.20394775

>Communism tries to put an end to the state and the inequality and oppression it creates.
>it does that by concentrating as much power as possible to the communist party in order to eliminate all threats to itself

>> No.20394813

Inequality has only been increasing, and the state will always promote inequallity.
>good is evil
That's just the intermediate step.

>> No.20394948

>That's just the intermediate step.
That's not the the intermediate step, it is the entire goal of communism. Until everyone is chipped to be controlled, until all culture disappears, until no one even thinks about going against what the communists say.

And then, communists will realize, again, that Mises was right, and communism is impossible because without private property there aren't markets, and without markets economic planning is impossible

>> No.20394951

Balkan memes are the last gasps of dying cultures.

>> No.20394952

>Inequality has only been increasing
Is equality in poverty preferable to inequality as in middle class and rich?

>> No.20394956

Take the Hazpill, leftcuck. Real communists hate leftists.

>> No.20394963

>That's just the intermediate step.
This is your brain on communism.

>> No.20394970

Short. Original. Intriguing.
10/10, nice thought.

>> No.20395000

How are balkans dying any more than the West?

>> No.20395002

>fascism is capitalism in decay

>> No.20395245

True. Liberal capitalism in decay

>> No.20395269

Stop being a tankie. The fashies are starting to see they’re Biden bros. I wouldn’t call that happy. They’re going even more insane.

That’s not communism. That’s Leninism. Read News from Nowhere by William Morris. That’s the goal, idealistic as it is. Uncle Ted would probably approve of it

>> No.20395375

>The fashies are starting to see they’re Biden bros.

>> No.20395393
File: 175 KB, 1140x655, 7202B893-68C4-4D71-8B37-BDAC5948A080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream last night where I was in a car with Neil Degrasse Tyson and we had a great discussion about the foutain pen hobby. He told me about his collection of astronomical themed pens and how they related to different concepts as well as developments in history. WHile I told him about my interest in math and philosophy and the intesection between his topic of astrophysics and my topic about math and logic. He would bring up newton, and I would bring up some of newtons more esoteric points as well as liebnitz and how calculous came to be. He brought up copernicus, and I brought up Kant and his idea of “copernican revolutions” in logic and reason.

It was really pleasent. I havent dreamed in a while. I think I was thinking about this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_RIhl_UFSQ
and how I would have been such a better conversation with the guy then the absolute wet noodle of an interviewer here. Neil seems like really good company, bringing up interesting stuff, and the interveiwer just wasted it! Literally, the most interesting thing the interveiwer said was his old home town had streets named after constilations. While neil was just entertaining throughout the whole thing.

>> No.20395402

I really don't know how to go around on my next pregnancy story. I just finished a story about an elf getting pregnant by an orc, but now I want something different. Alien pregnancy is always a classic, I suppose.

>> No.20395437

Today I'll either fix it or I'll give it up completely.
There is no inbetween

>> No.20395462

I like the idea of superfetation. a girl cn get pregnant while shes still pregnant so she never has to be not pregnant ever again. Like maybe she is fertile every trimester. so she will at least have 2nd trimester belly if kept up (at 9 month mark for batch 1 she will have another batch at the 6 month mark, and another at the 3 month mark, and will be ready for another impregnation.)

>> No.20395479

That's just an aspect of the story. I'd need an interesting set up for that to be relevant.

Superfetation is usually used in preg fetish stories just as another excuse to keep the character constantly pregnant and still make sense within a story, but if there's no interesting plot related hook, it will just be like every single other preg story with permanent pregnancy and such.

But it could work. Make a thriller about a potential heir situation, the super fetation putting in context the claim of the first born to get the throne if the baby conceived later were to be born earlier due to the fathers being of different races. Maybe a love triangle where the mother doesn't want one of the fathers to know she was with the other father.

Superfetation isn't my favourite preg trope, but it could work. I'll put in my list of WIP stories.

>> No.20395485

bruh you can’t even spell

>> No.20395488

So it was a tranny who shat on my chest?

>> No.20395506

That is a beautiful dream and I can especially appreciate it as I have many of the same interests, even including fountain pens (I'm mainly obsessed with vintage Parker 51s)

I can feel some of the original thickness of the dream based on your description, I know how those dreams are, it's like everything has more meaning and is saturated with more reality. I also kind of like NDT and think he gets a bad rap because he's a convenient representative of aggressive scientism, but really Lawrence Krauss is a much better representative of that (have you ever read Horgan's takedown of Krauss?) and NDT just seems like a guy whose main interests happen to be scientism-adjacent, which is fine.

I'm more excited for the James Webb telescope than I have been for anything else in ten years.

You should take this dream as a sign of something. I think our souls are all capable of moments of hypersaturated meaning like this, something like what Maslow called the "peak experience" or Csikszentmihalyi calls "flow" where everything seems more "lit up" and meaningful. Colin Wilson talks about it a lot, basically the idea that the dream state is a taste of the real essence of thought, something we are unlocking:

>> No.20395564

I want to drop a turd in woman’s gaping vaghole

>> No.20395569
File: 799 KB, 2018x1512, AEEED4F6-BB36-449C-8997-3CFF87894DE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause I just woke up and posted so I wouldn’t forget it.

Thanks for the response. Yah, the concept of flow is really interesting, ive really been trying to harness it and I think the fountain pen hobby has in part helped me (among other things of course). Trying to write really deliberately with special attention to form, not thinking about anything else but your execution, helps you get into a zen state. Away from the muddle of a thousand different thoughts, but instead focusing on one or two simple ones and doing it well. And at the end, you have something you can sit back and be proud of. even just visually. Think it really helps with focus.

Also, I never really went out of my way to look at public figures or have a social media of any sort, but the impression of NDT I got from the interview at least was really someone dedicated to his craft and empericism more then anything else. Not an ideologue. Kinda speaking to your adjacent point. Like, he doesnt go staight out against the church in the video, but criticizes and complements it in reference to his craft (he looks sideline at it for just now writing an apology to copernicus, but also legit fully appreciates the massive contribution of the Gregorian calender). He seems very comfortable and honest about his MO. I have a sense its a different one then mine, but I can still respect it., and would be someone I could have a conversation with. But again, thats just a reading from the conversation.

Im pretty new to fountain pens, I have just been enjoying my cosmopolitan.

>> No.20395578

AH. You could do villianess pregnancy. A lot of preg is about innocents being impregnated by some other. But another one, is a malificient type getting pregged by some night or whatever and becoming more wholesome through the process. tsundere becoming vulnerable and eventually happy and good and all.

>> No.20395584

also, pretty bad spelling here, classic their there stuff. I think I was focusing to much on form again.

>> No.20395609

You are subhuman.

>> No.20395642


>> No.20395663

Are you girl? Lets meet up.

>> No.20395666

I'm super ambitious, like want to surpass Napoleon, (doesn't translate into real action or anything, I'm depressed) and I'm trying to remember what "regular" people's general mentality is, can any one of you who aren't extremely ambitious maybe explain to me?

>> No.20395802
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>> No.20395814 [DELETED] 


this was the jam 11 years ago, back when there were still cool blogs and shit

>> No.20395815

I blocked every time wasting website and social media app including /lit/


>> No.20395825

i'm with u brah lets goooo

>> No.20395845

why do I feel so jealous when my sister fawns over some pretty boy on tik tok?

Is it that I can't get over the fact that she has sexual desires or is it something less sinister like I'm sad about her leaving the family one day?

This is all very retarded tbqh I wanna know if its normal to have these feelings

>> No.20395856

No, it's not normal at all

>> No.20395863

Just tipped her $50

>> No.20395866

Read The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.20395877

Evenin', niggas. Wag1?

>> No.20395884

0 vag

>> No.20395891

I have been meaning to read it for a while. Is it that relevant though?

>> No.20395919

It’s probably urges of incest.
Stop thinking about her sex life/potential sex life. Concern yourself with your own. (And don’t develop a crap fetish either)

>> No.20395930


>> No.20395937

This wasn’t an actual wwoym thread, you know.

>> No.20395938

I think so. The protagonist is a teenager traumatized by the death of his younger brother and struggles with the loss of innocence that occurs with growing older. He also has a little sister.

>> No.20395941

NEW THREAD >>20391964

>> No.20395965

Good job

>> No.20395971

There. It’s done.

>> No.20395975

Stop spamming to get to 310 faggots

>> No.20395978

Okay. Promise.

>> No.20395980


>> No.20395986

lying cat!

>> No.20395997


>> No.20396000


>> No.20396002

New thr

>> No.20396017

25 seconds later than the other anon

>> No.20396048
File: 49 KB, 640x1136, C9F458A6-95C7-401A-B690-16C391E449B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s properly working. Unlike even this one. Just try to find the link to the previous thread here.
He forgot.

>> No.20396720

I wish I knew what to say to be of any help. I once felt like this and occasionally still do, but I keep trying. Maybe change some of what you're doing. I started cycling, tried expensive chocolate, sat in a great lecture of practical philosophy as a guest student and stopped consuming Hollywood shit for good cinema, did stuff that actually made me feel sensual pleasure again, however small. I also decided to be more outgoing and thus came to shared this with a girl I met that my gut was warning me about, but who took huge interest in me, experiencing that also helped, but it was a mistake clinging to the one person interested in you (later I finally noticed that she only seemed to surround herself like people that were weak or miserable), I should have stayed outgoing and met new people, which I did once she was no longer in my life. It's still hard to actually connect with anyone, there still isn't anyone I could really call a friend, but it used to be much worse. I made it out of years that I felt worst, I hope so can you.

>> No.20396932

Chick in the middle could make any face she wanted and it would make me fall in love with her.

>> No.20397189

Ideal ass, all the way. Little tits are fun anyway.