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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2038932 [Reply] [Original]

4 fantasy threads on page one.

Lets get, in your evaluation, the most LITERARY book you've ever read.

Gaddis— The Recognitions

>> No.2038938

Drizzt Do'Urden

>> No.2038942

Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

Say what you will, but you can't deny it is the purest and most well organized modern philosohpy text written. Cohesive and fulfilling. Everything lit should be. :)

>> No.2038946

easy troll

>> No.2038963
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Depending on what your definition of literary is, I'd have to go with The Great Gatsby. It is a book that all authors should strive to match in it's level of literary brilliance.

>> No.2038965

i'd think perhaps your definition of literary is lacking. let me hear it, then.

>> No.2038970
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>trying to start an argument on the internet

>> No.2038971

OP define what you mean by LITERARY.

>> No.2038972
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Is this "Literary" all-caps as vague as "Art?"

How's Rights of Man OP?

>> No.2038983

for me, literary has to do with the presence of craft, complexity, and deliberateness of a piece of work, often aside from its content. this involves literary and poetic devices, breadth of allusion, self-referencial and meta-textual allegory and analogy, deliberate use of diction and syntax.

which is why i'd find something like >>2038972 as not necessarily a good example of literature, but perhaps more as philosophy or rhetoric, yes?

any qualms with my definition?

>> No.2038985

This. Not as good as Fountainhead but Galts speech is one of the all time greatest moments in literary history.

>> No.2038988

why so many rand apologists on tonight? its must be a highschool intellectuals raid

>> No.2038989

I think your deliberate attempt to separate low and high literature is both futile and unnecessary.

>> No.2038997

Okay either put up or grow up; what the Fuck is so high school about Objectivism? Or was it just too hard to understand with a thousand plus pages? You intimidated?

Umm yeah, you intimidated.

>> No.2039000

Ok, well I guess 12th Night is the most literary thing I've read by your definition.

>> No.2038999

though i never said it was necessary, i'm merely interested in what people's impressions of literary merit are. this is not to say that i'd find anything wrong with reading entertainment literature, but rather out of pure curiosity

>> No.2039007

nah man. i read the fountainhead

i read anthem

i read 300 pages of AS and just— i got so sick of her tone

she's just so damn angry

i think a person as stoically self-contained as her one dimensional characters are would probably not be as angry as she is

>> No.2039010

> all time greatest moments in literary history.

really now?

>> No.2039015

Like I suspected you don't know what you're tAlking about. Just leave a let the grown ups speak ok kid? Fuckin off. There's nothing wrong with her tone. Her tone and writing are beautiful. Your tone is likely of the leeches she has every right to be annoyed with. You are the problem, not Ayn.

>> No.2039028
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no see here's the problem: she never even touches the whole idea of why certain persons are somehow arbitrarily endowed with private property and here's why: the great majority of wealth in the world is inherited, rather than earned. She just doesn't even touch that whole idea, not even a little bit.

Don't get me wrong— I like what she has to say about the individual against the collective forces in the world, but what you just told me, if i'm correct is that >Like I suspected you don't know what you're talking about
which is first of all, not grammatically correct and secondly, you don't show me specifically how I don't know what I'm talking about. Having read well over 700 pages of Rand's work, I feel as if i'm fairly well able to speak to the quality and nuance of her writing.

Furthermore, just no.

>> No.2039030

>postan in a troll thread
>implying i'll get responses
Steppenwolf, or the Baghavad Gita.

>> No.2039032

>troll thread
sho is

>> No.2039038

People are born free but the world wants nobody to have anything. The world is a greedy collective leech that wants the hard earned property and rewards of the working man. That what she represents. They raise taxes, and we are just supposed to take it? This is what our kids are taught in school. The whole education system is fucked up because of people like you.

>> No.2039042

So in other words: the world is fucked up because schools teach that some kind of responsibility to society is a good thing.

Fuuuuuuuck youuuuuuu

>> No.2039046

hey listen man. i had a libertarian phase. i just don't think its healthy to teach people that they're born into this world with a right to uproot the land. its just such an ethically indefensible position to say that certain people get to inherit massive amounts of money (which, to be completely honest, is how most rich people become wealthy, rather than through hard work) while others are damned by the social situation they are born into. Read: Africa.

I really understand the angst though. taxes, man. they just want to get your money.

>> No.2039053
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lol you buttholes I just trollin. Fuck Ayn Rand.

>> No.2039055

there's enough people out there serious 'bout that shit.

fuckin knew it. just thought it was late enough that we were getting the australian religio-neo-cons maybe. which happens from time to time

>> No.2039056

The problem with your stance is that you assume that you are in no way indebted to society. Now even if you had some kind of natural right to the property you own (which is bullshit), I am pretty sure you are not 100% independent of society. Do you have a telephone or shop at any store, ever? If the answer to this or any of the other million questions I left out is yes, pay your taxes and stop whining you self-entitled twat.

>> No.2041114

lol saved.

>> No.2042949

I'm gonna say The Name of the Rose By Eco. I did not enjoy it. The story was interesting and there were tons of fascinating references... and tons more references I didn't understand, and craptons of words I had never seen or heard before. Unusual for me. I did enjoy Eco's Foucault's Pendulum a great deal, gripping story, interesting characters, lots of great quotes, still lots of references, but not having 22 words on every page that somehow relate to an obscure part of a church or a church ritual really helped.