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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 415 KB, 570x564, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20387701 No.20387701[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Given how Netflix is denying an adaptation to this for /co/ and /tv/, I think we should have a little storytime.
Don't worry, it uses simple words and is mostly pictures, so I'm certain even (You) can follow along.
So join me in discovering how to become a progressive individual!

As per the cover, this was written by Ibram X. Kendi and illustrated by Ashley Lukashevsky.
It is currently rated 4.5/5 on Amazon and was numbah 1 in a New York Times best seller list (though I couldn't find that list).

>> No.20387705

What's it about?

>> No.20387710
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We can all agree breeding is important, right?

>> No.20387716
File: 624 KB, 1134x564, 4-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean isn't it obvious? If you're not for something, you're against it.
We're finding out together!

>> No.20387719
File: 856 KB, 1134x564, 6-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, someone's sticking it to those people who view everyone as grey blobs. Don't you know we're all different?

>> No.20387730
File: 556 KB, 1134x564, 8-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I saved these as jpgs.
And I swear the sentence on this page makes sense in some form of English.
Remember a broken ladder is violence!

>> No.20387738

It’s pretty insane people act like this is for babies, as if an infant can understand what it means to act color blind or can discern the difference between being born or bred
The eagerness of the propagandists to sound erudite and superior has ruined any possibility it might actually be effective.

>> No.20387744
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Ignore that it previously said equity twice.

>> No.20387764
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But father, who treats the people differently? Other people?
I'm honestly clueless. Even children's books right now are all about dealing with anxiety and politics.

>> No.20387789
File: 733 KB, 1134x564, 14-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China baby reminding us the CCP aren't as hard on culture as they used to be.

>> No.20387804
File: 626 KB, 1134x564, 16-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but feel I'm being told how to act but to not accept being told how to act. And that there's really big feet on that baby.

>> No.20387811
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Guilt makes you repent, so feel guilty when you do wrong!

>> No.20387816
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Am I racist if I hate popular hairstyles?

>> No.20387822
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Does BLM have a manifesto book? I assume that's what they're telling me to go read.

>> No.20387838

What a load of horseshit. Progressives don't welcome all groups.

You can't be against slavery and approve of Mauritanian chattel slavery that's still happening today.

>> No.20387842
File: 196 KB, 570x564, 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's all he wrote.

So what did we learn, /lit/?
I think I learned that we need equity and equality at the same time. That there's no such thing as a bad person, only bad government. And we can all live together even with our differences.
Dunno what a racist is though but I sure am anti-racist now.

>> No.20387849

Anon please respect others' cultures. This book said nothing about opposing slavery, provided it's equal and we let the slaves tell us how they're feeling.

>> No.20387865

>So what did we learn, /lit/?
That the modern left runs on cognitive dissonance and that even their propaganda is ugly, just look at this and then at antiracist baby https://youtu.be/r5nAb89ozNU

>> No.20387870

I bet white baby would really celebrate chink baby making a kebab out of his cat.

>> No.20387876


>> No.20387887

There is unironically nothing wrong with eating cats. It's just meat.

>> No.20387902

>"Defend the sacred"
>Ok, will do! *bans abortion*
>"Wait, not like that!"

>> No.20387907

Don't worry, he's going to choke on that popcorn instead because all their parents are stupid.

>> No.20387926
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Ok Chang.

>> No.20387941
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This is kind of clever but it can't make up for his other strips.

>> No.20387969

Post the afterword, you coward.

>> No.20387971

who is this made for?

>> No.20387977

When I was around 16, my mom told me I should seek an Asian wife because "they are pretty and are dedicated to their husbands." Its pretty much the same thing.
Also, when I moved to a hasidic quarter of the city she straight up forbid me from dating a jewess. Not that she needed, by God are they the most sickly things ever.

>> No.20387989

>Even children's books right now are all about dealing with anxiety and politics.
I honestly doubt these books are fkr kids at all, but for manchildren that want to get good boy points by taking snapshots of it on Twitter/Tumblr/whatever. It's the only real niche I can think of in an already crowded book space.

>> No.20388008

The online copy I was looking at had none.
You might be referring to one of the author's other books.

>> No.20388027


>> No.20388044

It was posted in the thread you linked on /co/. Turns out it was akchually the authors notes, but yeah it could be another propaganda piece.
I'm just linking the post because I refuse to dirty my harddisk with that kind of retarded drivel.

>> No.20388052

Upper class white moms

>> No.20388057

Oh no here we go

>> No.20388074

>Konnichiwa dude!

>> No.20388076

>It’s pretty insane people act like this is for babies,
no one said this

>> No.20388080
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>but yeah it could be another propaganda piece.
The author would never dare write something political, never.
I wish. Sadly they dodge the question and presumably leave it up to parents to ask google what it means.

>> No.20388193


wtf why is this dad so hot. rule 34?

>> No.20388224

people say this guy wrote a paper in college that white people are aliens
anyone know what paper it is?

>> No.20388265

Antiracist baby observes the ways 'how groups speak dance and create as they choose' will lead to variable outcomes and then take efforts to see that groups suffocate or get a crutch accordingly.

>> No.20388267

I keep reading this as “antichrist baby” and not “antiracist baby”.

>> No.20388283

Antiracist baby sees white nationalism as a valid expression of cultural identity!

>> No.20388292

A slav illustrated this? I thought they were supposed to be "redpilled" people

>> No.20388299
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>> No.20388306
File: 442 KB, 2048x1536, 1619122116605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antiracist baby can go fuck itself, I'm a racist baby and I'm raising my baby to be extremely racist.

>> No.20388308

Honestly probably.
Looking into the author's stuff he hates race mixing with a passion and only puts a lid on it to avoid criticism. Though he likes to pretend to be east African.