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20382386 No.20382386 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, is CotC the quintessential novel of the 2020’s?

>> No.20382424
File: 107 KB, 334x771, YOU CAN READ THEM IN ANY ORDER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gardner, you finally overdid it with the relentless fake 5-star reviews...and now begins the backlash, you fucking idiot.

>> No.20382425

Yes, but that's a bad thing.

>> No.20382432

These retards are probably using they’re real names lol

>> No.20382447

Why are you asking a question you know the answer to? Yes.

>> No.20382499

I prefer the movie adaptation

>> No.20382524

Nope, just a grift pulled by some overweight manbaby retard who still lives with his mom and dad.

>> No.20382550


god i would take the nerdrage of 4chan over Reddit any day. they're so smug and self-satisfied in their vigilance. you just know they're patting themselves on the back after leaving each one star review of some insignificant meme writer who doesn't even matter.

>> No.20382565

yeah, that's the sad reality.

>> No.20382622

It’s the best horror novel of the decade. That’s for sure.

>> No.20382745

The only thing it’s good for is separating between sincere posters and unironic paid shills. Anyone with something positive to say can only be shilling.

>> No.20382808
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Finna post Call of the Crocodile threads on /biz/

>> No.20382820

CotC is really the only "so bad it's good" book I've ever read. And it's not even bad the way some middle schooler's fanfiction is bad, it's bad in a way that is utterly engrossing in the originality of its badness.

>> No.20382861

cleanse your soul, Gardner. delete those fake reviews.

>> No.20382866

>aaron arm

>> No.20382889 [DELETED] 

Failed this>>20382622 test; hi Frank!

>> No.20382895

Gardner is like a Karate master he could probably kick your ass

>> No.20382901 [DELETED] 

Failed this>>20382745 test; Hi Frank!
Does your father know where all his money is going?

>> No.20382907 [DELETED] 

ah right, I forgot you are a volunteer taekwondo instructor and call yourself a “teacher”
fuck, you’re like a cartoon character. why don’t you just commit to the Chris Chan lolcow thing? You might actually get famous that way

>> No.20382921

The twist was honestly great. All of the books I’ve read of his build up to weird twists. I think they’re fine for pulp horror which is clearly what they are.

>> No.20382925

>the twist
the classic shill identifier, along with comparing the books to goosebump or (in the alternative, once people actually start to read the book) saying it’s all a joke like the book version of the room
does it feel strange to know that we’re more familiar with your half assed attempts at pretending to be someone else than your actual work? Maybe if you spent time on the work and not on the shilling it would be the other way

>> No.20382940

Bruh. Why goosebumps for adults make you so mad? Is it because you know you could have easily done the exact same thing and become a household name?

>> No.20382953
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Somebody posted this excerpt in /wg/ today and it was so bad that it gave me new insight into how to structure paragraphs

>> No.20382954

You can’t write, you don’t even like to read. You failed film school because you’re a failure, simple as. there is nothing unique or interesting going on in your head, and just because your rich dad buys 4chan ads for you doesn’t change any of that.

>> No.20382969

It’s funny because in the cotc shill threads no one posts the actual text, but in threads where people actually do everyone unanimously agrees it’s trash aahahahaha

>> No.20382978

They’re twist heavy yea. That’s why I like em XD

>> No.20382984

>12 posters, 22 replies

>> No.20382995

Saw Lewis Woolston really venting some hatred for Gardner the other week and I have to agree with the sentiment:
Gardners really fucked up any hope other amateur writers have of seeing any sort of appreciation here, because of his stupid greed everyone is accused of shilling even for just mentioning a book that isn’t normally discussed here. Pretty ugly what one narcissistic faggot can do to a whole community of readers. Fuck you Gardner.

>> No.20383007

I'm not Gardener and am honestly actively averse to all the obvious shilling than wannabes like Card and Waldun did following in his footsteps. It helps that Gardner is so-bad-it's-good whereas all the other /lit/ self-shillers look just plain bad.

>> No.20383026

Call of the Arcade’s twist was baffling. These books really are “The Room” of literature. I unironically love them at this point. The books are dead serious and come to the most bizarre conclusions I could never even guess.

>> No.20383036

No one actually tries to argue that it's not trash. It's objectively trash, just entertaining at the same time. The way Gardner misuses commas is almost its own form of outsider art.

Croc is the only one I've read and I'm almost averse to reading his newer books like Jigoku because people have said he "fixed them" which means they probably just became slightly more polished turds at the expense of losing their distinctive character.

>> No.20383050

So Gardner’s new books are terrible because they DONT have misused commas now?

>> No.20383052

All of these are Frank Gardner.
You’re a repulsive creature Frank, truly.

>> No.20383061

No shit after listening to that interview of his im convinced he’s just a pedophile playing the long game. Apparently he “teaches,” and is clearly dealing with serious psychological delusions and childish obsessions. Exact type of person to molest a bunch of children and get away with it

>> No.20383069

Based Frank living rent free in the minds of /lit/ shizos

>> No.20383073

Based Frank living rent free in mommy and daddy’s mansion*

>> No.20383078

>Gardners really fucked up any hope other amateur writers have of seeing any sort of appreciation here

No there was never any hope I always tell people advertising to kill themselves, etc. and its always been like that for years. Literally every social media platform in existence is designed for that sort of thing.
i told gardner too but at least he became a “4chan guy” and not like a legit eceleb with a youtube revenue stream.

>> No.20383079

He makes poorfags seethe too, even more based than I previously thought

>> No.20383088
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>> No.20383100

Can’t say much but I actually knew Frank growing up and I can say this is absolutely the correct read on him. He was always a creep and spent a lot of time around kids worryingly young. I imagine he shills here to try and attract dumb, shy kids for grooming. Also I hear he’s active on discord, so…

>> No.20383115

Is this for real?

>> No.20383123

Yeah and I bet your dad works at Microsoft

>> No.20383155

>Call of the Groomer

>> No.20383194

There's a peak of "so-bad-it's-good," then a low valley of just bad, then a gradual ascent of being earnestly good. Gardner's prose shedding its retarded mannerisms would be progressing further into the valley of just bad.

>> No.20383205


>> No.20383243


>> No.20383852


>F Gardner interview has thousands of views

Weird to think the biggest writer from 4chan is a flat earther. Actually no.....that’s not weird considering this place.

>> No.20383938

>F Gardner interview has thousands of views
because the redditors wanted to hear what a pathological grifter sounds like

>> No.20383962

More like Call of the Crock-o'-shit.

>> No.20384006

>46 replies, 16 posters
I think this is enough to start just auto reporting any Gardner post or thread as advertising or spamming. I can't figure out IRC to talk to a moderator.

>> No.20384119
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>> No.20384212
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Memes aside i actually enjoyed Call of the Arcade a lot. The guys talking about the twists stuff aren’t kidding. I’ve read a couple of them and this was my favorite of the lot.

>> No.20384267
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>film adaptation can't even get the animal right

>> No.20384289

I've met him a couple times through mutual friends and he's always given me the creeps. No eye contact, mumbles, stares at the floor etc. No idea if he's a pedo or not but he's definitely creepy and it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.20384305

He has a huge cock though.

>> No.20384333

he's just shy.

>> No.20384583
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Fuck off Gardner you utter hack, I own this board now

>> No.20385363


>> No.20385399

See at least the call of the crocodile memes are positive and help this autistic writer feel like he won something. Redditors have such an intense need to tear everything down.

>> No.20385605


>> No.20385622
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: |

>> No.20385684

god shit the fuck up Frank, you do realize how blatant and obvious it is that you’re literally the ONLY ONE doing damage control in your own shill thread, and it looks like now you’ll really have to considering you’re being outed as a fucking pedophile (no surprise there)

>> No.20385984

Call of the Crocodile : the motion picture

>> No.20386275

I’ve never read his books but I listened to the audiobook on YouTube. I don’t think anything about the story was actually all that original. Like a long creepypasta that doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere. It’s funny to hear the errors narrated though.

>> No.20386422

Hey Gardner if you're lurking can you do a novel adaptation of this?

>> No.20386793

Goodreads has finally purged the fake shill accounts Gardner created, dropping the average rating of CotC down to an appropriate 2.72/5.

>> No.20386835

lol the only five star ones left say sneed or some retarded shit
Gardnerfags on suicide watch

>> No.20387459

Gardner, did Goodreads actually communicate with you and warn you not to make any more puppet accounts, or are you able to keep making fake reviews?

>> No.20387982

Listened to it too when I was driving by Chicago. The errors take me out of it so I guess I was able to get invested in the story a few times. The guy needs to read another one because traffic outside that hell hole is horrendous.

>> No.20388084

idk but judging by this interview man is the quintessential 4channer. Dude's literally a chainsmoking flat earther weeb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsLfrpEAfB8

>> No.20388087

Seriously, how much is this man paying for fake ass reviews?
How has it not been caught yet? He has over 1,000 reviews on good reads and hasn’t even sold (not free copies) over 1,000 copies of his book.
Before anyone mentions free downloads can still review, yes they can, but the rate of purchases to reviews is 1 in 50-100, and free downloads is about 1 in 500-1000.

>> No.20388115


>> No.20388332

Holy shit he's actually here

>> No.20388340

You’re just now figuring this out?

>> No.20388505

well, check again. because either Gardner listened and deleted those 1000s of 5-star ratings...
or somehow enough people complained to Goodreads and they flushed all the fakes.
of course he's parked on these threads...so what an absolute maniac waste of time, Gardner. seriously, get your shit together, dude.

>> No.20388519

Even cumulatively among his eleven books, Gardner now has well under a thousand reviews on Goodreads. The legion of shill accounts made by Gardner himself in a sad attempt to signal boost his absolutely awful books have been purged. It's likely his fraud took so much time and effort that he would have been better off working a minimum wage job, but let's not forget that this is F. Gardner, a semi-retarded pedophile, so even holding down a job as a busboy is probably beyond his ability. Gardner, if you're reading this, I sincerely hope you kill yourself. Your brains splattered over a blank page would be a better piece of writing than anything you've published thus far.

>> No.20388536


>> No.20388539

Read the thread, retard.

>> No.20388545

I went to the same school as him and I remember times when he was acting weird with some way younger kids. Doesn't suprise me he's a pedo.

>> No.20388643
File: 24 KB, 452x678, fag gardner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's likely his fraud took so much time and effort that he would have been better off working a minimum wage job

What's really funny is that his Dad has gotten in trouble for petty corruption multiple times. The whole family are slimy grifters

For some back story check this out:

>> No.20388671

Incredibly based

>> No.20388695

Jesus, that article in particular is a brutal takedown. How fucking sad do you have to be to try to get elected with your mommy as a running mate? And even then, you still fail. To top it all off, you publish a picture that screams "don't leave me alone with your kids, your wallet, or any baked goods." It's Ls all the way down.

>> No.20388716


>> No.20389030

How are the the other books?

>> No.20389154

go to bed, Gardner.

>> No.20389162

Arcade is good.

>> No.20390284

>child thinks "in Chicago"
>he's a boy, a kid in Chicago
>sitting Indian style
>his legs were crisscrossed
beginning has
>man I wish I was somewhere cooler
then the end
>man I wished in the cooler world of these cards

>> No.20390291

I haven't been here in three years THREE YEARS
And you mean to TELL me that this guy's book is still being shilled??

>> No.20390310

I enjoyed his books so much, he's an amazing author. Now let me think, I remember reading (and loving) the following (also of his Horror's Call series, going 11 books strong and all near 4-5 star ratings!):
>Hunger of the Kangaroo, https://www.amazon.com/Hunger-Kangaroo-Horrors-Call-Gardner-ebook/dp/B098KN7Q6W/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=f+gardner&qid=1652971001&sr=8-3
>Ouroboros, https://www.amazon.com/Ouroboros-Horrors-Call-F-Gardner-ebook/dp/B09JVCYK5F/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=f+gardner&qid=1652971001&sr=8-4
>Jigoku, https://www.amazon.com/Jigoku-Horrors-Call-F-Gardner-ebook/dp/B098KLWVZ3/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=f+gardner&qid=1652971001&sr=8-5
>Call of the Cherokee, https://www.amazon.com/Call-Cherokee-Horrors-F-Gardner-ebook/dp/B08KHR567X/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=f+gardner&qid=1652971001&sr=8-8
>Call of the Cradle, https://www.amazon.com/Call-Cradle-Horrors-F-Gardner-ebook/dp/B08KQC6H2H/ref=sr_1_13?keywords=f+gardner&qid=1652971001&sr=8-13
>Call of the Arcade, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08KFP46ZM/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i9
>Reptilian Odyssey, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B098KMXD23/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i8
>Limbo's Rainbow, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09K4D3X7J/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i5
>Call of the Crocodile (I know you already mentioned it but I figured I might as well help people who want to buy it), https://www.amazon.com/Call-Crocodile-Horrors-F-Gardner-ebook/dp/B08KFJG9KW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=22C5LQKAJUKXP&keywords=call+of+the+crocodile&qid=1652971279&s=digital-text&sprefix=call+of+the+crocodil%2Cdigital-text%2C156&sr=1-1
>Call of the Kappa, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08KFLTQQD/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i2
and lastly,
>call of F. Gardner, https://www.amazon.com/Call-F-Gardner-Horrors-ebook/dp/B09M8TXHY1/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=f+gardner&qid=1652971001&sr=8-2
You can copy and paste the links to buy them on Amazon :)

If you like the author as much as I do, I suggest checking out his amazon profile for more, https://www.amazon.com/F-Gardner/e/B08KFQR689/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_ebooks_1 , to keep updated on what I write :)

>> No.20390325

4chan rage killed 10 people last week but I guess to each their own

>> No.20390612

Thanks. Gonna check them out.

>> No.20390633

Stop talking to yourself you fucking weirdo

>> No.20390671

CotC is a great horror book despite what anyone else says. It's has the prose of worthless 4chan inspired goosebumps book but the twist, plot and stmosphere make it a worthwile read, specially since it can be read in 2 hours easily.

>> No.20390754

CotC is a fuckin masterpiece.

>> No.20390779

Lol I’ve been watching, you started throwing for reviews at your GR page you slimy rat. You’re a sad fucking joke.

>> No.20390783

throwing more reviews*

>> No.20390790


This poor bastard gave Gardner more than he deserves, an honest and in depth critique. Skip through to see what he says about the “twist”

>> No.20391003

Call of the Arcade is so much better though. I’m not really sure why CotC is the one /lit/ raves about.

>> No.20391024


Gardner sounds like such a cool dude. I can’t wait to see what the man writes next.

>> No.20391027

No need, Goodreads deleted them for him. Down from a 5.0 to a 2.7

>> No.20391032

Gardner basically churns out random books and then buys commercials on 4chan. And then you guys buy his books

>> No.20391050

>as a former /lit/ member that wasn't a part of this particular exercise, i apologize. they're not all bad, some of the discussions on that board were fantastic and a lot of the memes/meta memes were funny, too.
fucking kill yourself

>> No.20391251


F Gardner is a living pulp horror producing machine.

>> No.20391267

No let’s keep the thread going just so anyone Gardner’s tried to grift can see the truth: he’s a hack, a shill, a samefag, possibly a predator, and undeniably a boring and unskilled writer.

>> No.20391268

>living pulp horror producing machine
Wow, you really misspelled the word "retard."

>> No.20391282

F Gardner probably has one of the highest IQ’s on this board. He was the first person to write and market books here.

>> No.20391307

But the books are shit and people don’t buy/like them, Frank. What kind of accomplishment is this? Especially considering your dad pays for all the ads

>> No.20391345

Yes. Because it has the most original twist ever conceived.

>> No.20391399

I think the first Gardner book is the one you'll like the most because he reuses the same plot elements and bad prose in all of them. Out of the ones I've read (CotC, CotA, Reptilian Odissey) I think Croc is the better one, specially because The twist makes you, for like 3 pages, think that Gardner's bad prose, spelling mistakes and creepypasta like story are a masterful setup for the existential horror twist. It saldy isn't because he keeps repeating the same mistakes afterwards. I do still think the atmosphere of Gardner's books is comfy if you were into creepypastas as a child or remember 2000s internet fondly.

>> No.20391403

Are you sure people don't buy them?

>> No.20391658

What do these numbers mean? Is this guy just shilling his own book on here?

>> No.20391689

It means for the 55 posts, there were 21 original IPs posting. Now we stand at 107, with 44 people posting. So yes, the author of this book is incessantly posting about his book pretending to be other people.

>> No.20391700

There's no way it really is him. He can't possibly lack that much self-awareness.

>> No.20391703

I liked the twist too. Gardner keeps doing the whole “meta” thing for the twists. They’re done differently but he seems to really like doing that for whatever reason.

>> No.20391708

yeah and the Japanese bombed Whirl Lager. old news, faggot.

>> No.20391739

Give the posts a read; you’ll notice there are basically two parties, (1) people who are venting frustration or disgust with the shilling, in general agreement and attempting to respond to the second group, and (2) people posting variations of the same blandly positive remarks about “I like the twist!” and other trite shit. Yes, he’s honestly entirely tuned out the entire world and just shills on autopilot now. No awareness whatsoever.

>> No.20391757

Ok that’s it. I’m reading this series and going to talk about them on my YouTube channel. This is a potential goldmine.

>> No.20391761

That’s basically the authors hope: get people talking at any cost and take in what money falls his way.
So do it, I guess, but then the grifter wins.

>> No.20391777

I don’t think he’s a grifter. His books are 99 cents so I doubt he’s even making money. Making videos about these books would benefit me. So I don’t really care if it helps or harms Gardner. Surprised more people haven’t jumped on this. 11 books is a lot of content to work with.

>> No.20391781

I’m gonna try to beat you to it.

>> No.20391789

Sorry sweety but that was actually Twitch and Discord rage. You've just been deboonked.

>> No.20391795

>you’re being outed as a fucking pedophile
no cap?

>> No.20391802

No, he’s a grifter: he only “writes” so that he can have something to sell, and he’s actively trying to manipulate the opinion of him by lying, hence the purged GR reviews. Honestly you not seeing how obvious that is now has me suspecting your him lol, that’s pretty much a textbook grift.
Anyways check that article about his dad being a corrupt politician trying to gift Frank a job. The scamming runs in the family.

>> No.20391808

fr fr ong Franky g was grooming kids on discord yo

>> No.20391811

Post it here when you do.

>> No.20391859

Slander. F Gardner exclusively dates other adult men like the flamboyant homosexual he is.

>> No.20391898
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F Gardner is from Chi-Town?

>> No.20392236


>> No.20392312

More like greatest novel of the decade.

>> No.20392343

Memeing F Gardner to fame is the funniest thing this board has ever accomplished.

>> No.20392774

Lmao i hate river forest cucks so much its unreal.

>> No.20392965

>to fame
pre summer faggotry? kill yourself, retard.

>> No.20393873

Yes. It is the memebook that somehow keeps giving.

>> No.20393996
File: 44 KB, 976x549, _91409212_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Gardner put up with the fact he makes so much fake reviews and jerks himself off about how great his books are in any of these threads. Like we know it's you, you don't even change how to write.

>> No.20394063

It was streamed ok twitch, not 4chin sweaty

>> No.20394231

No, but it is sadly the best novel any /lit/ anon would make.