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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2038197 [Reply] [Original]

I can only write (decently) when I'm high. Otherwise I get intense writer's block and can't come up with anything even worth reading. Does anyone else have (or had) this problem, and if so how do you get past it?

>> No.2038207

Basically I can't write unless I use some sort of narcotic to loosen my mind.

>> No.2038205

smoke weed erry day

>> No.2038215


>> No.2038216

I think you think of the same things while sober, but you probably think they are shitty ideas until you get high and suddenly realize your ideas aren't any more shitty than the next idea.

>> No.2038224

you don't write anything worth reading when you're high
stop deluding yourself

>> No.2038226

>get high
>read sober work
>oh god this is awful

Later, I'll write something and think it's good even when I'm not intoxicated. I don't know, maybe it's just easier for my mind to focus that way.

>> No.2038227

No one has ever written anything worth reading, stop deluding yourself.

>> No.2038230
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No need to project your broken dreams on me, friend.

>> No.2038234

try reading good books.
you will almost certainly find one theme, idea or setting that appeals to you somewhere

>> No.2038236
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>I can only write decently when high
No, you just think you do. Like I use to think being drunk helped me write better. 4 years later I have a crippling alcohol problem and no published novel.

>> No.2038243 [DELETED] 
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that would be because your own creative capacity is so underdeveloped that you have to rely on direct chemical outside interference to even get you to write at all

The effective solution would simply be to write without drugs and get over the learning curve the hard way, you atrophied schmuck

>every potsmoker from here to hell thinks he's a "writer"

>> No.2038245

Could you recommend a few? All I've been reading lately is romantic literature and Pablo Neruda.

>> No.2038250
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I never called myself a writer, but thanks for the advice. Dick.

>> No.2038255

well, just going from some classics i thought had interesting themes:
*thomas pynchon - mason & dixon, against the day
*james joyce - everything
*gabriel garcia marquez - 100 years of solitude
*cormac mccarthy - blood meridian, the road
*albert camus - the stranger/outsider
*dante - divine comedy
*vonnegut - cat's cradle
*wilde - portrait of dorian gray.

i have shit taste i know.

>> No.2038264

>shit taste

I've heard great things about all of those books. Thanks man.

>> No.2038268

They are great books, but he's trying to get self validation from people assuring him his entry level tastes aren't shit.

>> No.2038279

Oh, I see.

>> No.2038281

caught me red-handed

>> No.2038290

Put pen to paper. Or anything to make yourself doodle, produce verbiage, put anything down even if it seems like nonsense. Try writing the sort of stuff you think a crazy person would write. (There's plenty of examples out there: google Francis Dec.) Do any kind of exercise-du-style, like Proust or Queneau might: force yourself to write a paragraph in the style of Stephenie Meyer, or Sir Thomas Browne, or Dan Brown, or Rita Mae Brown. Take a paragraph of a book and paraphrase it in whatever style it's not written in: take a page from The Sun Also Rises and tell it in the style of The Wings of the Dove, or vice versa.

There are plenty of ways to gain mastery of a style, or to experiment with your own abilities of writing, that use no other high except what you get from literature.

>> No.2038293

Wow, first real piece of advice in this thread, thanks. I'm going to save this.

>> No.2038303
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>ignoring the overwhelming number of responses telling you to write while sober

>> No.2038306

people tell you the plain truth but no they must just be jealous of your amazing talent or must be frustrated from their own lack of talent

here use another nonsensical method of writing
copy stephenie meyer or better yet just mash random keys on your keyboard

>> No.2038311
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Someone did not read the entire post.

>There are plenty of ways to gain mastery of a style, or to experiment with your own abilities of writing, that use no other high except what you get from literature

>> No.2038313
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But then he wouldn't be able to use the excuse "pot helps me write" when all his friends are like "dude, you're not 15 anymore, why are you still smoking pot".

>> No.2038317

Oh, /lit/. You make me laugh.

Never change, ya'll.

>> No.2038327

What OP wrote:
>I can only write (decently) when I'm high. Otherwise I get intense writer's block and can't come up with anything even worth reading. Does anyone else have (or had) this problem, and if so how do you get past it?
What OP meant:
Hey guys, I'm using not doing anything as an excuse to get high and not do anything.

You must be a terrible writer if your high work is better than your sober work.

>> No.2039549

Writing is a process inherently centric around heavy self-criticism, eviscerating a work again and again to try and achieve perfection and only ever achieving a close approximation.

Being drunk/high helps silence your critical impulses- the same reason nearly everything is funny is the reason nearly every paragraph is great. If you like the style you write in while intoxicated, don't rely on the substance to produce it, train yourself to write that way when you're sober. That way you can actually apply it to some more worthwhile pieces instead of the brain-diarrhea a drugged out person writes, however nice the writing itself may be.