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/lit/ - Literature

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20376316 No.20376316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ should read more female authors

>> No.20376320
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/lit/ should read more

>> No.20376322

/lit/ should read

>> No.20376325

>big into philosophy
>almost every female philosopher is a feminist
Nah I'm good

>> No.20376326
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I read Simone Weil, she's very good.

>> No.20376375

Yeah, like Paglia, Vilar and Gertrude Stein

>> No.20376382

Turbocringe pedophile.
Turbocringe for incel losers.
>Gertrude Stein
Turbocringe aesthetics.

God damn.

>> No.20376386


>> No.20376392

Women have nothing worthwhile to say.
I agree with this.

>> No.20376402
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women should write better books
pic related

>> No.20376404

Female authors should write better books

>> No.20376407

Rand isn't a feminist.

>> No.20376411

If women want us to read female writers badly enough, they will offer pussy.
It’s their only bargaining chip.

>> No.20376413

Shame she's an awful author anyway

>> No.20376424

What will get?
Good boy points?
A pat on the head?

>> No.20376436

Read it and find out, it's pretty short

>> No.20376444

I genuinely hate women so much that I think it's risking my health.

God I fucking hate those fucking bitches who ruined my life.

>> No.20376465

No thanks

>> No.20376470
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Nothing wrong with keeping toxic people out of your life.

>> No.20376477

I'm not a capitalist either. so I guess its gonna be more of the same

>> No.20376479

What’s the point?
Don’t call whores whores when they’re being whores because it will give them a sad?

>> No.20376489

>What’s the point
Sub-chad males should kill themselves, unironically.

>> No.20376520

There has to be more to a man’s life than validating women.

>> No.20376566

The first step to fixing your life is to stop thinking in collectives and generalisations. It makes you sound pathetic.

>> No.20376597

Life is pathetic.

>> No.20376607
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>I fucking hate those fucking bitches who ruined my life.
There is just one little bitch who ruined your life, bud.

>> No.20376611
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After all they’ve done for us

>> No.20376613

I'm trying to, any suggestions?

>> No.20376615

agota kristof

>> No.20376637

They should read Dorothy Day to realize why feminism is the handmaiden of capitalism

>> No.20376639

Evelyn Waugh

>> No.20376650

Mildly amusing, I guess.

>> No.20376663
File: 55 KB, 1200x800, EE2517B5-CDD3-4CE7-87B9-3E1D0C5E391E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When have women ever cared about entertaining men?
It’s just a grift for attention and money
And part of the eternal legbeard’s war on things men enjoy.

>> No.20376672

>ruined Star Wars

>> No.20376676
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Women need to write more decent shit. They're so focused on smelling their own farts they don't even try to reach for the stars. They use literature as a weapon to bash men over the head and whine about them. As a result, they mostly write utter shit. Even Virginia Woolf called them out on it in "A room of one's own".

>> No.20376681

Lol no
>normative statement
>truth value
Anon I...

>> No.20376687

lol no

>> No.20376693


Evelyn Waugh is about the only funny female writer there is
Most female writers wouldn’t know funny if it bit ‘em on the cunny.
Evelyn is much better than mildly amusing

>> No.20376697

He is right. Seethe.

>> No.20376708

Is the bell jar any good? I heard good things but I don't think I saw it high on a list on /lit/. Also any classic women authors worth reading aside from George Eliot and Virginia Woolf?

>> No.20376755
File: 51 KB, 1024x461, Weil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/'s a Weil board, OP

>> No.20376756

it`s boring

>> No.20376773

A male reader needs a female writer like a bicycle needs a fish.

>> No.20376803

Reading is my escape from paying attention to women

>> No.20376805


>> No.20376878

Ive been going on dates with a decent amount of "art hoes" the past months and hearing them talk about Sally Roony, Sylvia Plath, etc. is beyond surface level.
They are all so bad at articulating what it is about their fem author that makes them so great.
I can have a full hour discussion about Soseki's Kokoro with a dude who hated the book with him just rambling, raging and coming around, but all these girls just become mute after
>Ugh, that ending with 9/11; I just like had to throw the book across the room. She is sooooo good. yeah...

>> No.20376919
File: 250 KB, 1303x518, Sally-Rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sally Roony

>> No.20376927
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Correct, but only the slutty ones.
Also, if you don't watch Voyage au bout de la nuit you aren't /lit/.

>> No.20376956

>The Bell Jar
Yes, it's very good.
>other good female authors
Octavia Butler has written a few really cool sci-fi novels (Wild Seed, Mind of my mind and Patternmaster), and a few truly shit ones.

Jane Austen was also good. Her subtly ironic style is quite enjoyable, and Woolf herself named her as an exception to the rule, because instead of using literature as a weapon against men and to whine about muh-soggy-knees, she simply tried to tell a good story.

Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" was great. On the surface it's a novel about a tormented romance, but it's so much more than that. It's quite layered (the same cannot be said about her sisters' books).

Apart from these, I've never found a female author worth reading. Contemporary stuff is particularly shit. Women tend to be both incredibly shallow, incredibly self-absorbed, and utterly incapable of understanding universal concepts that don't directly impact them.

>> No.20376975

i just started reading wuthering heights and it's great

>> No.20376983

>that's vapid
>you have to be more than anti-thing
Holy shit call the fire department. What an astounding rejoinder. I'm stealing that. I'm not even an *ist I just hate talking to them.

>> No.20376987

>« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » posting
Nigga shut the fuck up

>> No.20377068

Do these women get naked?

>> No.20377071

>When have women ever cared about entertaining men?
Since forever. How old are you?
>It’s just a grift for attention and money
Attention is for mating purposes. Money is a system to enforce classes that men insist must stay
>And part of the eternal legbeard’s war on things men enjoy.
I thought. “legbeards” are lesbians. Writing for fun and profits aren’t about making you sad.

What a pile of psychosis and ignorance.

>> No.20377084

>anti feminist
I wonder what you are

>> No.20377091

You should kill yourself unironically you faggot