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20374425 No.20374425 [Reply] [Original]

ESL untermensch here.

I wanna write like the most pretentious english homo aristocrat. What should i read? The best examples of peak english prose and poetry please, good sirs! Classics!

>> No.20374446

Henry James. That's it. Dude's a total blowhard.

>> No.20374447


>> No.20374448

Unironically, dude pretty much passes but his face is so annoying to look at.

>> No.20374454
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>american writer
Am i being trolled?

>> No.20374457


>> No.20374463

No. Also he lived much of his life in England and became an British citizen.

>> No.20374470

James, Proust, Baudelaire (Tolstoy wrote an entire manifesto on art because he was so disgusted with Baudelaire's "style over substance" approach to poetry), Shakespeare, Flaubert, etc.

Henry James is pretty much all you need. There's stylistic variation between most of his work so it should keep you preoccupied for a while. The French writers need to be read in the original French. Don't bother reading them in English. But that being said, just read James. He'll take you to where you need to go. Start by imitating his style.

>> No.20374481

Oscar Wilde

>> No.20374485

Ok all of you seduced me about James. May be i will try Nabokov in english, at least he sounds exactly like i want in russian.

>> No.20374496

after James*

But what about poets?

>> No.20374501

What do your read in your english schools? Like super entry level? Except Shakespeare, Dickinson and may be Poe?

>> No.20374986

Samuel Johnson

>> No.20375001

Name? She's hot

>> No.20375019


>> No.20375023

>missed trips, but good b8

>> No.20375051

Lord Byron, Rimbaud

>> No.20375060

Paulo Coelho

>> No.20375064

If you want to write like a pretentious English homo aristocrat you should read Irene Iddesleigh by Amanda McKittrick

>"Irene, if I may use such familiarity, I have summoned you hither, it may be to undergo a stricter examination than your present condition probably permits; but knowing, as you should, my life must be miserable under this growing cloud of unfathomed dislike, I became resolved to end, if within my power, such contentious and unlady-like conduct as that practised by you towards me of late. It is now six months - yea, weary months - since I shielded you from open penury and insult, which were bound to follow you, as well as your much-loved protectors, who sheltered you from the pangs of penniless orphanage; and during these six months, which naturally should have been the pet period of nuptial harmony, it has proved the hideous period of howling dislike!

>"I, as you see, am tinged with slightly snowy tufts, the result of stifled sorrow and care concerning you alone; and on the memorable day of our alliance, as you are well aware, the black and glossy locks of glistening glory crowned my brow. There dwelt then, just six months this day, no trace of sorrow or smothered woe - no variety of colour where it is and shall be so long as I exist - no furrows of grief could then be traced upon my visage. But, alas! now I feel so changed! And why?

>"Because I have dastardly and doggedly been made a tool of treason in the hands of the traitoress and unworthy! I was enticed to believe that an angel was always hovering around my footsteps, when moodily engaged in resolving to acquaint you of my great love, and undying desire to place you upon the highest pinnacle possible of praise and purity within my power to bestow!

>"I was led to believe that your unbounded joy and happiness were never at such a par as when sharing them with me. Was I falsely informed of your ways and worth? Was I duped to ascend the ladder of liberty, the hill of harmony, the tree of triumph, and the rock of regard, and when wildly manifesting my act of ascension, was I to be informed of treading still in the valley of defeat?

>"Am I, who for nearly forty years was idolised by a mother of untainted and great Christian bearing, to be treated now like a slave? Why and for what am I thus dealt with?

>"Am I to foster the opinion that you treat me thus on account of not sharing so fully in your confidence as it may be, another?

>"Or is it, can it be, imaginative that you have reluctantly shared, only shared, with me that which I have bought and paid for fully?

>"Can it be that your attention has ever been, or is still, attracted by another, who, by some artifice or other, had the audacity to steal your desire for me and hide it beneath his pillaged pillow of poverty, there to conceal it until demanded with my ransom?

>> No.20375067

>pretentious english homo aristocrat

>> No.20375077

>I wanna write like the most pretentious english homo aristocrat
ok well to start with, don't write "wanna".
>The best examples of peak english prose and poetry please
"peak" english is not the same as "pretentious" english. however, if you want to write "peak" english, then read authors like g k chesterton, anthony trollope, oscar wilde, e m forster, w somerset maugham and so on. also some english humour, like jerome k jerome or in the more modern era tom sharpe.
fun fact, the house that henry james lived in, lamb house in rye, sussex, was later lived in by e f benson who wrote the mapp and lucia novels. it is now a museum open to the public.
is that a boy? if so i want to put my penis in it

>> No.20375087

it's finnster who is femboy and not trans

>> No.20375134

as long as he wears cute stockings and heels and lets me suck on his cock he can call himself whatever he wants

>> No.20375435

Thomas Browne, Herman Melville, Robert Burton, Thomas Urquhart, Oscar Wilde, Laurence Sterne, John Florio, Charles Lamb, Edward Gibbon, Thomas de Quincey, Algernon Charles Swinburne, Lord Dunsany

>> No.20375701

Shitty french literature

>> No.20375784

>What should i read?

>> No.20375904

Why is he so fucking hot when crossdressing I don't understand it

>> No.20376030

>rye, sussex
isn't that where the thomas paine house is? fucking hell ryelads what's with all these cancerous yankee connections

>> No.20376202

So close. Just a little "1" that should be an "0". Kinda appropriate considering the topic in question.

>> No.20376492

>the most pretentious english homo aristocrat. What should i read?
Frederick Rolfe, aka Baron Corvo

>> No.20376519

read Remains of the Day, the butler consciously mimics the spoken style of the upper classes he serves

>> No.20376824


>> No.20376922

I'm never having a son

>> No.20376947

Evelyn Waugh

>> No.20378093

Oscar Wild.
I have never read such pretentious, catty, superficial, immature dialog. I absolutely hate him. He is everything stereotypical about a gay man of his age.