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[ERROR] No.2030000 [Reply] [Original]

Obligatory A Song of Ice and Fire thread.

Am I the only one who thinks that Jon is Rhaegar and Lyanna's child, while Tyrion is the child of Aerys and Tywins wife (forgot her name), as all of them ( and Daenerys) would be the three heads of the dragon.

>> No.2030008

Everybody knows that Jon is Rhaegar's son. But what's this about Tyrion being a Targaryen? I've never heard that theory before.

>> No.2030011
File: 77 KB, 976x622, Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waitian for DHL-an
Prices on amazon are so cheap-an
Got free shipping but didn't shop for 25£-an
I hope they show up tomorrow-an

>> No.2030021

I'm have a box set of the first for but I am only about halfway through Game of Thrones.

>> No.2030023

>i'm have
damn it

>> No.2030037

I think Jaime and Cersei MAY be Targs, with the incest between them being a massive clue towards their heritage.

>> No.2030080

I think it was mentioned in the last book that Aerys joked about banging Tywin's wife.

>> No.2030764

In a Dance with Dragons, Barristan mentions that Aerys "took liberties with the bedding", and it would explain Tywins constant disdain for Tyrion.

>> No.2030770

They seem pretty Lannister to me.

>> No.2030776


What book and page did it mention their eye colour? The Incest might be a massive clue and Tyrion will probably be revealed to be Tywin's only child which is the other reason he hates.

>> No.2030783

The Targs have silvery-white hair and purple eyes, whereas the Lannisters have blonde hair and green eyes.Jaime and Cersei are probably not the only incestuous people in Westeros.
But there are also Jon Arryn's last words:"The Seed is Strong" to consider.

>> No.2030786

Cersei and Jaime are not Aerys' children, they were born 4 years after Tywin and Joanna's wedding night.
Tyrion is not Aerys' son, as Aerys did not leave Kings Landing for several years before Tyrion was born, and only left Red Keep for the Harrenhal tourney. Tywin would have never let his wife be raped or raise bastards that were not his own in any case.
They are Tywin's children, deal with it.

>> No.2030793

Am I the only one who thinks that...
Starts talking about the biggest fan theory of the book.

>> No.2030829


The one even GRRM has basically admitted is correct.

>> No.2031323

bumping the obligatory dance with dragons thread

i just finished last night

holy sheeeet

>> No.2031346
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>just starting A Feast For Crows
>want to talk about the series with all my friends
>they're either two books behind or a book ahead

>> No.2031377

The bigger question is this... who here thinks that Jon dead? I'm fairly certain he isn't, because if he doesn't specifically say so, it usually means the person is alive.

>> No.2032445

I am certain he isn't dead, because of the prologue, which explains what happens to a warg after death, and because of Red Priests ability to resurrect people

Am I the only one who thinks Cold Hands might be Benjen Stark?

>> No.2032451

Because of the Targs screwed up genes, I don't think it's to much of a stretch that Aerys could be the father of a dwarf, after all, Maelys Blackfyre had 2 fucking heads

>> No.2032921


I've pretty much been certain of this since the first time Coldhands appeared. Benjen wouldn't be mentioned repeatedly in every book for no reason. It's probably the most common and popular theory in the series, even more so than Jon's parentage.

>> No.2032948

So I've read Gays in Thongs, and ordered a clash of kings but now I'm hearing the series is becoming sellout shit. Do I continue or is this just typical 4chan hating everything because it became popular hype?

>> No.2032974


Sell out? Typical 4chan hatin'

Dance with Dragons is frustrating, long time readers have been waiting years for it and it doesnt give much in terms of closure - though of course there are two books still to come.

>> No.2032981

>though of course there are two books still to come.

The impossible dream of a fantasy series with an ending.

>> No.2032989

Am I the only one who thinks Jon Snow is Azor Ahai reborn?

>> No.2032994
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yes you are. how did you ever come to that stunning conclusion?

>> No.2033010

The 4th book is terrible by all opinions. The third is the best. I do not know aboutthe 5th.

>> No.2033031


The Winds of Winter may redeem the series, but you WILL rage at the end of ADWD. Basically Book 4 + 5 are one huge setup for the events in the next book, which it may or may not deliver. Also

> implying there will be a next book

>> No.2033042
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Aww shit! This thread is still here, they arrived today, after classes I've read 57 pages of A game of thrones
I like this ned guy.
>Gays in Thongs

I snicker'd

>> No.2033057 [DELETED] 

lol the whole family stark gets raped in the ass, GRRM is following the maximum troll route and kills interesting/good characters while keeping annoying, useless, ugly and crippled characters alive|/spoiler] or reviving them like Catelyn God I hate that bitch

>> No.2033059

lol the whole family stark gets raped in the ass, GRRM is following the maximum troll route and kills interesting/good characters while keeping assholes and useless, ugly and crippled characters alive or reviving them like Catelyn God I hate that bitch.

>> No.2033089 [DELETED] 

Next post to come out of your fingers best be telling me tyrion has been up to some interesting shit since the first book, nigger

>> No.2033330

...define interesting. the second half of the book he has an interesting relationship with a new character that i really liked.

>> No.2033426

GRRM reputation for killing off characters just confuses me. He killed off one POV character in the first book, of six, and you guys praddle about how anything might happen next. GRRM has made it pretty clear that he'll abuse plot shields as readily as Robert Jordan

>> No.2033432


They're autistic, so it still rattles them.

>> No.2033468


To each his own I guess.

>> No.2033486

Him, Davos and Daenerys all fulfill the prophecy

>> No.2033488

ADWD is great, but just a setup for the next book. Too bad Martin will die before that happens.

>> No.2033499


I think Jon is Azhor Azzai and Bran is his enemy or at least his avatar.

>> No.2033504

yeah of a big mac attack

>> No.2033506

Seems to me that it fits Daenerys the most.
How does it fit Jon?

>> No.2033538


It's just 4chan being analpained because they hate everything. The series is really good.

>> No.2033678

High tier:
Tyrion, Davos, Samwell, Victarion, Griff, Theon, Eddard, Daenerys (GoT)

Mid tier:
Jamie, Bran, Jon, Asha, Aeron, Arianne, Barristan, Arya

Low tier:
Cersei, Areo, Quentyn, Melisandre, Catelyn, Daenerys (every other book aside from GoT), Sansa, Brienne

>> No.2033696

The Children of the Forest don't seem friendly towards the Wights, thus I assume they will not be friendly towards the White Walkers, that being said I believe that Bran will become an Old God and pull some Aries Final Fantasy VII post death dues ex.

I really hope this Azhor Azzai turns out to be a red herring, ASOIAF tells us constantly never to put that much trust in prophecies.

Also while to me it's pretty obvious that the Seven do not exist, I believe that The Old Gods and R'hllor are not real gods as well, just fancy magic, we now know that The Old Gods are in fact the Children of the Forest who pretty much play the role of Gaia, and we have seen no evidence that R'hllor actually exists apart from the fact that Red Priests are fire mages.

The only god that there is evidence that he exists is the Drowned God, from Patchface who was lost at sea and drowned, but turned up several weeks later resurrected, spouting shit constantly like "I have seen the mermen and the great feasting halls under the sea, I have I have ho ho ho!", while most Drowned are revived by CPR, it seems to me that Patchface was actually resurrected by the Drowned God himself.

>> No.2033767

The reason A Feast for Crows is so bad is because it moves pretty much no story forward and most of the PoV's go nowhere and are completely useless, I would recommend just reading a summary of the book, because it is so fucking boring.

ADWD atleast moves the story forward in many ways and we learn alot about some of the mysteries, like the Children of the Forest, you can really tell that ADWD an AFFC were supposed to be the same book, but I wish they cut some of the useless chapters out of AFFC and just made it like some huge 3000 page book, that we GRRM could have atleast started work on The Winds of Winter.

>> No.2033778
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>> No.2033802

INB4 /ck/ lemoncakes grease dripping from over 9000 courses.

And /lc/ rhymes with freak

>> No.2033814

But /a/ hates Naruto.

>> No.2033822

>house /lit/
>"what the fuck am I reading?"

>> No.2033828

ADWD had plenty of redundancy too. I bet they both could be cut down quite a bit and combined into less than 2000 pages. Pacing issues would have certainly been avoided.

>> No.2033839

Fun fact: If there is an Azor Ahai, it's the Hound.


>> No.2033842

Am I the only one who thinks Aegon is the mummer's dragon?

>> No.2033843

It's the Mountain you homo.

>> No.2033844

Poor thing, do you even have cognition enough to breath on your own?

>> No.2033848

Not as ironic. The Mountain wouldn't be wielding a sword that he was afraid of.

>> No.2034476

There is a fuck load of evidence for Rhllor, he revives Beric Dondarrion several times, as well as Lady Catelyn, and many of the events seen in the fires (Moqorro seeing the storm) as well as Victarions arm

>> No.2034478

Definitely, but whether this means he's fake or just Varys (who was once a mummer)

>> No.2034481

I really enjoyed Aryas chapters in AFFC, and i found the Iron Isles segments to be enjoyable

>> No.2034482

Yes, but it's believed that AA will be of Jaeherys II descent

>> No.2034486

Jon, Dany, Victarion, and Aegon are the Azor Ahai candidates, with Jon being the favorite.

>> No.2034520

I hated how much Dany's personality changed in the last book and pretty much ever since she stopped moving. She used to be my favorite but now I can't stand her.

And Jon at the end too. His reaction to that letter was really out of touch with everything he'd done before.

>> No.2034539
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>Mid tier:
>Low tier:

>> No.2034544


All of Arya's chapters are very good, including the ones where she's just leveling up. Some of her chapters are absolutely stunning (Clash).

I would read ASOIAF just for her. But then we have Tyrion, Jaime, Sansa and the occasional godtier pov like Theon to boot. Face it, the only reason why people dislike AFFC and DWD is because they've been spoiled.

>> No.2034546


I just think of that letter as the final straw that made him break his vow.

>> No.2034570


He tried to leave once before. Well he did actually leave, but was brought back by his friends. He made a vow to Jeor Mormont who subsequently died. His uncle Benjen is presumed dead. His father died. Now he's leading Night's Watch in a difficult time, being inexperienced and too young for the job. Not to mention he didn't want the job in the first place.

He has to make controversial decisions and bend the rules for Stannis. Lannisters already consider him in cohorts with Stannis and plot against him.

I've constantly had the feeling that Jon was more attached to the men of Night's Watch more than Night's Watch as an organization or idea. It might very well be that he's simply had had enough. He breaks down and his enemies seize the opportunity.

I just can't figure out why people consider him a Gary Stu character when his decisions invariably are controversial and it's not clear whether they've been for the better or worse. Maybe he even stays dead. I just have a feeling that his body might be burned. Gurm has been force feeding Jon = AA to readers too much for it not to be a red herring.

In fact, his death would be very good in terms of pages of book spent on his pov and clearing out the complexity. I believe it would be beneficial for the plot development and pacing of WOW.

>> No.2035021

>only reason why people dislike AFFC and DWD is because they've been spoiled.


Jon's chapters wouldn't be too bad if they weren't all the same, Tryion does nothing but mope around. Dany is just plain rage inducing. Quenton is completely and utterly pointless. All the Greyjoy chapters pre-kingsmoot could be cut without loss. And Brienne is a goddamn shaggy dog story.

>> No.2035055

dany went full retarded in the last book.

>> No.2035101

/adv/ - Though all men do despise us

>> No.2035118

>Jon is Rhaegar and Lyanna's child

Wait, what?

I'm dense, can someone assplain it to me?

I thought old matey fell in love with some slag I don't even care enough to remember, some noble woman or something, then she killed herself because he was leaving her or something.

>> No.2035133
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>> No.2035146

I was so happy when they hanged her, why did she survive? WHY?

>> No.2035160


i'll glady take brienne if this means also podric is alive !

>> No.2035161


Wasn't Tyrion the last to be born?
The "bedding" occured during the wedding feast did it not?

>> No.2035164 [DELETED] 

>Reading G R.R Martin's Paedophilia: A Series of Short Storys Depicting My Fantasies and Lusts for Sex with Thirteen Year Old Girls
I seriously hope you guys do this.
>finished gays in thongs, moving onto rash of kids

>> No.2035169


I found Victarion to be boring actually if it weren't for the things that happened around him.

Quentyn was just pure sheer boredom of a chapter. Like a filler.

Daenarys was annoying and making stupid decisions left and right.
I will eat this grape for I am the blood of the dragon
I will sit on this chair for I am the blood of the dragon
I will take a bath for I am the blood of the dragon
I am the blood of the dragon for I am the blood of the dragon for I am the blood of the dragon for I am the blood of the dragonfor I am the blood of the dragonfor I am the blood of the dragonfor I am the blood of the dragonfor I am the blood of the dragonfor I am the blood of the dragonfor I am the blood of the dragonfor I am the blood of the dragon

>> No.2035178

Dany spends the rest of the book gushing over some sellsword and then complaining how she is married to some old dandy. Then rides a dragon. Also she keeps saying I am the blood of the dragon. Also can't make decisions for shit.

Quentyn's story just leads to him releasing the dragons and then dying. We could have just needed 1 chapter for that.

Barristan takes over when Dany goes AWOL with the dragon and pretty much bitches how everything is different from westeros. Deal with it bitch.

Snow lets in some of the wildlings to help defend the wall and borrows money from the iron banks to get food for everyone at the wall while being as hospitable to Stannis-stick-up-his-ass. Wants to fuck some willing warrior princess but too beta to do it. Also keeps saying You know Nothing Jon Snow basically second guessing every thing he does

Stannis is a cunt but at least he marches on Bolton.

Bolton spends the book torturing Theon. Pretty much it.Goes to winterfell to marry fake arya and orders greyjoy to tongue fuck her.

Tyrion does some shit to escape whatever, winds up in chains as a clown. Rides a pig or a dog or something. Joins sellswords.

Aegon arrives in westeros. Griff tries to rally forces for him. Conquer shit and such.

Arya is playing Schizo multiple personality assassin. Still hasn't killed anyone.

Cersei parades naked in King's landing and gets humiliated while shit is thrown at her.

Gregor is back as new kings guard as silent warrior I have an oat have to keep mouth shut and face hiddent.

Jaime negotiates surrender of the one of the river lords loyal to the starks and gets lost somwhere while heading to kings landing or whatever castle/fortress

Manderly is still loyal to starks and wants to kill bolton and freys

>> No.2035188

pretty much nailed

>> No.2036176

Just finished the book. 959 page prologue for the next book, but I still enjoyed it.

>Still hasn't killed anyone.

She killed that insurance salesman.

>> No.2036282

You think Tyrion being the third dragon is more likely than, say, Aegon?

>> No.2036292
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>100+ posts about stupid speculative garbage over the storyline and not a single one on the quality of the writing

GRRM threads as per usual

>> No.2036408

Am I the only one who thinks that Jon Cottington had homolust for Rhaegar?

>> No.2036413

ya think? Dude spits rainbows when he talks about Rhaegar, and he probably has mild homolust for Aegon as well.

>> No.2036415

Why do you hate GRRM's series ASOIAF so much?

>> No.2036417


Forever best trip

>> No.2036423


why are you feeding the troll?

>> No.2036429

feeding a troll is getting angry and butthurt, raging and calling them TROLL TROLL TROLL 0/10 U NOT GETTING NO REACTION OUTTA ME HERP DERP.

I am merely treating his post legitimately and with curiosity.

>> No.2036456


>I am merely treating his post legitimately and with curiosity.
> treating his post legitimately

/lit/iots like yourself are why he exists here

>> No.2036483


>> No.2036513
File: 21 KB, 468x359, sarkozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be honest, I didn't find these books very good. He just seems to be trying to hard to make the next "timeless classic" as Tolkien did with LOTR, and to be honest he seems so lost within his labyrinth of paper-wasting rambling (particularly in these last two books) that even he can't seem to answer the very same dilemmas that he himself poses, as we find ourselves discussing in this thread (that, or he thinks the dubious genetic/bloodlines of his characters will be enough to keep us hanging for a couple more books, if he lives that long). I don't know about /lit/, but i'll take my quality over quantity any day and spend a warm summer's day entering a world of engaging fantasy that captures both child and adult alike, in reading The Hobbit once more in anticipation for the movie.

>> No.2036521
File: 13 KB, 438x499, You Don't Even Deserve a Literate Response.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you sage a post that you WANT people to read?
Also, speculation's all good. Ever been to /co/? It's a heap good better than the snobby shit posts you tripfags put out.
TL;DR = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0

>> No.2036873

How does my consideration of his opinion ruin this place. It seems like this place would be better with some calm, civil debate rather than name calling or the shoutings of TROLL like its some air raid warning and we must all duck under our beds.

>> No.2036921

Wait. What does sage mean?

>> No.2036926

it's a spice

look it up

>> No.2036931

Look, I've been on 4chan for 4 year now, can someone just TELL me what sage means already?

>> No.2036963


It expresses displeasure towards the thread.

Other than that it does absolutely nothing.

>> No.2036998


Word entered to the email field of a *chan (iichan, 4chan, 2chan, etc) message board so that the post is not bumped. It is Japanese for 'to lower.' It is the opposite of 'age' (ah-gay), which means to raise.

>> No.2037160

What is this about there being two parts of A Storm of Swords? I have it in one volume...Why did they split it into two?

>> No.2037162

never read the series but i see a thread about it every time i come to /lit/. what am i missing out on?

>> No.2037164


Well its sometimes a habit of the publisher. When books get translated into other languages (for example into German) it takes a while to finish the compelete translation.
So they split the book in half, translate the first half and publish it, then translate the second part and publish that as an extra novel. Thats one of the reasons, I have eight books of ASoIaF in my book shelf. Fucking greedy publishers...

Before you ask, I got into this series years ago, when I didn't read stuff in English.

>> No.2037185


They also split Storm of Swords into two for the UK paperback release for probable money-grubbing reasons.

>> No.2037231

You have to remember that different languages have different length words and the ASOIF books are very close to the limit of what you can publish in a single book to begin with.

>> No.2037234


Hm in German both books together have roughly 1400 pages. How much do they have in America and what is the limit?

>> No.2037248

the previous shitstorm you caused with that picture should be enough don't you think
but i guess some idiots will still fall for it
>implying you seriosly think so

>> No.2037256

God tier:
Arya, Tormund

High tier:
Asha, Daenarys, Mance, Tyrion

Boring tier:
Davos, Selmy, Bran, Ygritte, Melisandre, Stannis, Cersei, Reek, Quentyn, Brienne and everyone else mostly

>> No.2037288

Am I the only one who likes Brienne? I relate to her as I am also socially awkward, mannish and likely ugly.

I think Jon Snow is a boring character, but I figured his popularity is because basement dwellers relate to him because he is neglected/passed over by family and friends. Also because of his adherence to the rules.

>> No.2037294


Haven't read ADWD yet, so beware!

Hm I think Jon Snow is kinda cool. But I gotta admit that he is probably one of the characters that is pretty cliché. He has a pretty damn hard time, a lot of shit happens to him, but he kinda pulls through it all and grows with it, becomes more recognized by everyone.
Nontheless I still like reading about him though.

Also am I the only one who really likes Jamie? Best I saw was someone rating him middle tier. I really enjoyed his character and personally would rate him god-tier (at least in the later novels). I also think that he will play an important part in the next books and to the overall story. I remember one character saying to him after he got his golden hand something like "Well maybe one day you will be called goldhand instead of king slayer".
And I kinda could imagine Jamie dying some heroic death in the final battle. And after that will be called goldhand. Sounds pretty cliché I know, but I kinda hope that he is important.

>> No.2037340


I don't like characters because I can relate to them. I like them because of their attitude, and a character I like is one I would want to be, rather than one that I already am.

Therefore, I find Brienne and Jon very boring because of their "issues". On the other hand, I really love the wildlings and Arya, because of their awesome attitudes.

>> No.2037377
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Someone said the Red God most likely doesn't excist and his priests are just using lame cantrips. Then explain to me when Melisandre gives birth to a fire/shadow baby. Also, the shadow that killed Renly. Those are some powers.

Someone said Jaime is going to King's landing. Wrong, Brienne is leading him to Catelyn, which is bad.

Jaime got 1 chapter. He is my favorite character so I was kinda pissed.

I thought the books was really good but the story progressed very slowly. I wonder if he'll manage to end the series with only 2 books left. I'm guessing he'll need at least 3 or 4 books for that. Just speculation.

>> No.2037383

They're using real magic. That doesn't mean they're necessarily right about everything.

>> No.2037433

How did Gregor survive the poison? Was it much exaggerated, as in fake screams?

>> No.2037439


He didn't survive.

>> No.2037557


Who, then, is Cersei's silent protector?

>> No.2037575
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gregor's reanimated corpse

>> No.2037587


I think the word Brienne shouted at Crows is more than likely "Kingslayer". She's probably agreed to make a deal with Cat to lead Jaime Lannister to her.

>> No.2038325


I know that this is pretty damn sure, but do you guys really think that there will be a 'zombie Gregor'?
I am kinda am hoping that he is more like a raving beast, that lost most of his mind to the poisen, but is still 'technically' alive. Kinda like Drogo, only that Gregor can still fight and use his instincts, but other than that is just an empty shell.
Somehow this would be more interesting than some kind of Dr. Quiburns Monster...

>> No.2038467

They sent a giant's head to the Martells
"Silent Robert" never talks and always has his helmet on at all times.

I am of the opinion that unGregor is no longer troubled by the intense migrants that apparently fueled his constant rage

>> No.2038471

Well, they sent his head to Dorne, so zombie Gregor seems like the best theory

>> No.2038475

If Jon is/becomes Azor Azhai, I don't think he'll just be some resurrected Christ figure.

I want his mind to get fucked up and corrupted as it turns out that R'hollor-magic isn't just some good counterpart to the Others.

I think (or hope) that he'll become some Lord of Light counterpart to the Other-worshipping Night's King. Some people have said there are parralels between Melisandre and the Night's Queen (check the westeros.org forums) and the Night's King was the last Lord Commander that we know of that engaged in hostile action against the Seven Kingdoms like how Jon tried to at the end

>> No.2038479

Red Priests have definitely done magic but there's also instances of cantrips. When Melisandre threw leeches into a fire saying it will cause the death of the three remaining 'false kings' she was essentially creating a parlor trick which interestingly used the actual magic of her visions as a basis

>> No.2038481

ADWD PoV Rankings

Top Tier
-Theon Greyjoy
-Victarion Greyjoy
-Barry Stan Selmy
-Davos Seaworth
-Bran Stark
-Jon Connington

Shit Tier
-Tyrion Lannister
-Daenerys Targaryen

Okay Tier
-Everyone Else

>> No.2038483

Theon's chapters were God Tier for me. One of my favorite POV plot lines in all of the books which is funny considering his Clash of Kings chapters were boring as fuck.

Arya was also pretty damn good. I loved the moment when she told the 'Kindly Man' that she knew he was the one hitting her and he just got flabbergasted and refused to say how she knew because he ran out of questions. He was probably setting her up for some 'No matter how much you train there are still some disabilities you can't overcome' lesson or something and just got the wind knocked out of him

>> No.2038488

So am I the only one who wants to see Stannis the Mannis actually wind up on the Iron Throne?

>> No.2038494


Was it ever proven that it was his head they send to the Martells?

>> No.2038518

It's possible and Doran and Sand Snakes consider it but conclude it's probably Gregor (though they also don't know about Robert Strong)

Bran had a vision way back in AGOT about a headless giant and I think that's unGregor/Robert Strong but you can't be certain about prophecies until they've already come to past.

Something interesting I read on the westeros.org forums is that Mirri Maaz Dur said she learned her blood magic from Archmaester Marwyn (the only Maester with a Valyrian steel link which signifies mastery of magic) during his travels and Qyburn has mentioned that he knew him as well..

>> No.2038529

Am I the only one who thinks Jaqen is actually Syrio?

>> No.2038537

Think what Dorne would do if they discovered that they'd been cheated, and the Sand Snakes seem to believe that there is no way to cure the Red Vipers poison

>> No.2038552

The Sand Snakes might do something, but Doran would do nothing like he always does.

>> No.2038566

Doran does nothing?

Last I checked he's been scheming like a motherfucker. He's gonna rock Kings Landing.

>> No.2038577

His schemes are garb though.

>> No.2038581

Doran is the Michael Corleone of Westeros. Look at what happened to Sonny.

>> No.2038586

Am I the only one that thinks Littlefinger is still in love with Catelyn?

>> No.2038587


Cause now he's lusting over Sansa.

>> No.2038600

totally agree with you, bro. i really hope things work out for him (and jeyne).

>> No.2038605

Am I the only one who thinks that Jon will warg out into one of Dany's dragons, becoming her companion in his undeath?

>> No.2038611

i actually really like stannis. emotionless boss, he was fuckin the red witch also so +1 stannis

>> No.2038680

I think Melisandre will just Thoros him back

>> No.2039819
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>> No.2039982

Am I the only one who thinks Hodor is Azor Ahai reborn?

>> No.2040133
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>> No.2040139

I think your mom is Azor Ahai reborn.

>> No.2040145
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>> No.2040152

How did Lyanna die?

>> No.2040158

Why is a peanut wearing a suit?

>> No.2040161

childbirth, i assume
ned remembers her on a "bed of blood," iirc.

>> No.2040176

So Theon is Azor Ahai reborn?

>> No.2040184

Does anyone have any old books, mostly science fiction and fantasy? I need some more good reads. Thanks.

>> No.2040197


Stephen R. Donaldson, Chronicles of the Unbeliever

>> No.2040209

read Dune

>> No.2041040

Guys, guys, I'm pretty sure that Jorah Mormont is Azor Azhai reborn...

>> No.2041045



>> No.2041428


It's a common belief, but makes no sense. How would Ser Meryn be alive if Syrio lived?

>> No.2041446

Read quite a bit last night now up to the 400 page mark.

So, what's this boards opinions on this Bennero chap?

>> No.2041864

He was defending himself with a broken piece of wood, it may be reasonable that Meryn was able to incapacitate him

>> No.2042992


>> No.2043048

Gregor´s rage was caused by migrants? Interestung idea, I always thought it was his migraines

>> No.2043062

It was them fucking Mexicans all along

>> No.2044788

Not gonna die lol

>> No.2044872
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Bumping with GoT

>> No.2044873
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>> No.2044876
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>> No.2044941

Read a little more than I already am(up to the Reek chapter past Mel's and the one before the last Bran chapter).

SOOOOOOO, anyone else think fire magic or whatever Mellisandre is stronger in certain parts of Westeros? And anyone else think it was Benerro who visited Daenery's and told her about the prophecies when she was bathing?

>> No.2044952

It could be because Jon is Azor Ahai, or because of the Wall

>> No.2044953


I do believe he is Azzhor Azhai reborn, just that Mellisandre is too proud to admit she was at fault for hyping up Stannis. If Bran isn't the great Other's avatar then it will more than likely be Daenery's if it turns out Mellisandre and Bennero are two sides of the same coin.

>> No.2044981

In her chapters she still seems to believe Azor Ahai is Stannis

>> No.2044988

I'm so glad I heard about this series before all the hype ^___^ makes me feel awesome when people love what I've mentioned to them , on a more serious note, Shae, never in my life have I wanted to slap a bitch, I'd make an exception for her though.

>> No.2045036


Why do you keep spelling it like that after the correct spelling has been posted multiple times?

>> No.2045112 [DELETED] 

>mfw I want Theon to do well now after I hated what he did before

GRRM knocked it out of the park with him, imo

>> No.2045128 [DELETED] 
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YFW you realize you can only love Theon because every character he betrayed is dead or out of the Stark lands, and because you never think about what his invasion meant for the small folk.

>> No.2045148


i've always liked Theon, he's the reason Clash is my favourite in the series and the Greyjoys are my favourite house. Gotta love the Viking mentality.

>> No.2045738

Are you me?
Lies, Theon has always been a god tier character and much better than any Stark. Theon also desperately tried to help the smallfolk, it isn't his fault they were a bunch of hicks who couldn't lay fucking low and obey him while he tried to protect them from the rapists and murderers in his party.

>> No.2045812
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Almost done with the last Bran chapter, argh curse you Martin leaving us on his story like that. He BETTER be in Winds(yes, I mad). So, Bran is more than likely one day going to turn into pic related?



>> No.2045815


Theon is tied with Littlefinger as my favourite character.

That's only because I love the semi-sociopathic chess playing masterminds archtypes.

>> No.2045925

I used to love LF (nowhere near as much as Theon) but I get a little tired of his apparent invincibility. He's still probably in my top five, but he just isn't as compelling as he was on my first read.

>> No.2046017

Theon lovers, I see. Motherfucker was the only guy who had the worst choice to make in the series. The one choice that would have fucked him either way. Everyone else could have sacrificed their honor, their noble intentions, their desire to fuck their sister or their need for vengeance. Theon had to choose whether to fight his family or fight his friends.

>> No.2046094


My face when Sansa undoes all his years of carefull planning. Unless Sansa doesn't somehow become awesome in the next then that will be Martin massively trolling us.

>> No.2047055

Martells> Everything else

>> No.2047167

You should take a shower you smell like a hipster

>> No.2047616


Quentyn's chapters have been nothing but bore, and I didn't like them either in Crows.